藤本 成明Nariaki Fujimoto
Last Updated :2025/02/04
- 所属・職名
- 原爆放射線医科学研究所 准教授
- メールアドレス
- nfjm
- 自己紹介
- 性ステロイドホルモンや甲状腺ホルモンの働く仕組みが面白いと思って研究を始めて幾年月。それに絡む環境化学物質の影響、放射線の影響と研究が広がりました(ぼやけたというべきか)。現在、カザフスタンの大学との共同研究で、放射性の微粒子が与える影響について研究を進めています。そこに性ホルモンや甲状腺への影響を絡めてしまうところが性分でしょうか。国際共同研究を通じてカザフの学生の教育に国際貢献できるのは素直にうれしく思います。
- 環境学 / 環境解析学 / 放射線・化学物質影響科学
- 医歯薬学 / 外科系臨床医学 / 泌尿器科学
- 生物学 / 生物科学 / 機能生物化学
- 放射性微粒子による被曝影響;低線量被曝影響
- 甲状腺腫瘍 若年期放射線被曝影響
- 甲状腺ホルモン;下垂体甲状腺系
- アンドロゲン;前立腺機能;前立腺癌
- エストロゲン
- 下垂体
- 内分泌攪乱物質
- 日本内分泌学会
- ヨーロッパ内分泌学会
- 日本ステロイドホルモン学会
- 日本毒性病理学会
- 環境ホルモン学会
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, セメスター(前期), 疾患モデル解析学特別演習
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, セメスター(後期), 疾患モデル解析学特別演習
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, セメスター(前期), 疾患モデル解析学特別研究
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, セメスター(後期), 疾患モデル解析学特別研究
- Comparison of external dose estimates using different retrospective dosimetry methods in the settlements located near Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site, Republic of Kazakhstan, JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH, 65巻, 1号, pp. 36-46, 20240119
- ★, Effects of radioactive 56MnO2 particle inhalation on mouse lungs: A comparison between C57BL and BALB/c, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 24巻, 24号, 202312
- Effects of internal exposure of radioactive 56MnO2 particles on the lung in C57BL mice., Curr Issues Mol Biol, 45巻, pp. 3208-3218, 20230406
- The need for measures to prevent radiation exposure in Ukraine, taking both internal and external exposure into account., J Environ Radioact, 107238巻, pp. 266-267, 20230704
- Estimation of 'dose-depth' profile in the surface layers of a quartz-containing tile from the former Hiroshima University building indicates the possible presence of beta-irradiation from residual radioactivity after A-bombing, J Radiat Res, 63巻, Supplement_1号, pp. i54-i60, 20220813
- Effects of internal exposure to neutron-activated 56MnO2 powder on locomotor activity in rats, J Radiat Res, Supplement_1巻, pp. i38-i44, 20220813
- Microdistribution of internal radiation dose in biological tissues exposed to 56Mn dioxide microparticles, J Radiat Res, 63巻, Supplement_1号, pp. i21-i25, 20220813
- External dose estimates of laboratory rats and mice during exposure to dispersed neutron-activated 56Mn powder, J Radiat Res, 63巻, Supplement_1号, pp. i16-i20, 20220813
- ★, Single neonatal irradiation induces long-term gene expression changes in the thyroid gland, which may be involved in the tumorigenesis, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11巻, 1号, 20211208
- Age-dependent effects on radiation-induced carcinogenesis in the rat thyroid, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11巻, 1号, 20210927
- Hepatic gene expression changes in rats internally exposed to radioactive 56MnO2 particles at low doses, Current Issues in Molecular Biology, 43巻, pp. 758-766, 202107
- ★, Biological impacts on the lungs in rats internally exposed to radioactive 56MnO2 particle, Sci Rep, 11巻, 1号, pp. 11055, 202105
- ESR tooth enamel doses of rats and mice exposed to radioactive 56MnO2 dust, Adv ESR Appli, 37巻, pp. 13-18, 202103
- Internal doses in experimental mice and rats following exposure to neutron-activated 56MnO2 powder: results of an international, multicenter study, Radiat Environ Biophys, 59巻, 4号, pp. 683-692., 202011
- Quantitative Analysis of Effects of a Single 60Co Gamma Ray Point Exposure on Time-Dependent Change in Locomotor Activity in Rats, Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17巻, 16号, pp. 5638, 202008
- Low-Dose Radiation Exposure with(56)MnO(2)Powder Changes Gene Expressions in the Testes and the Prostate in Rats, Int J Mol Sci, 21巻, 14号, 202007
- ★, Morphological and functional changes in neonatally X-irradiated thyroid gland in rats, ENDOCRINE JOURNAL, 67巻, 2号, pp. 231-240, 202002
- Effects of Internal Exposure to 56MnO2 Powder on Blood Parameters in Rats, Eur J Med, 52巻, 1号, pp. 52-56, 202002
- Preliminary assessment of dose distribution on the spatial micro level for internal exposure of alveolar epithelium of rats by Mn-56, BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KARAGANDA-PHYSICS, 3巻, 95号, pp. 59-63, 2019
- Study of metablic activation of the UV-filter octyl methoxycinnamate for endocrine-disrupting activity, Fundamental Toxicological Sciences, 5巻, 6号, pp. 185-193, 20181218
- Identification of hepatic thyroid hormone-responsive genes in neonatal rats: Potential targets for thyroid hormone-disrupting chemicals, TOXICOLOGY LETTERS, 286巻, pp. 48-53, 201804
- 56MnO2粉塵暴露によるラットの活動量への影響, 広島医学, 71巻, 4号, pp. 373-376, 201804
- Altered expression of the Olr59, Ethe1, and Slc10a2 genes in the liver of F344 rats by neonatal thyroid hormone disruption, JOURNAL OF APPLIED TOXICOLOGY, 37巻, 9号, pp. 1030-1035, 201709
- Internal exposure to neutron-activated Mn-56 dioxide powder in Wistar rats: part 1: dosimetry, RADIATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL BIOPHYSICS, 56巻, 1号, pp. 47-54, 201703
- Internal exposure to neutron-activated Mn-56 dioxide powder in Wistar rats-Part 2: pathological effects, RADIATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL BIOPHYSICS, 56巻, 1号, pp. 55-61, 201703
- Increase in prostate stem cell antigen expression in prostatic hyperplasia induced by testosterone and 17 beta-estradiol in C57BL mice, JOURNAL OF STEROID BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 158巻, pp. 56-62, 201604
- In vitro metabolism of methiocarb and carbaryl in rats, and its effect on their estrogenic and antiandrogenic activities, ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY, 41巻, pp. 289-297, 201601
- Irradiation of laboratory animals by neutron activated dust: development and application of the method - first results of international multicenter study, Radiation and Risk, 25巻, 4号, pp. 111-125, 2016
- Changes in plasma triiodothyronine, thyroxine, and thyroid-stimulating hormone after 131I irradiation of newborn rats fed with iodine deficient diet, Science and Health, 2016-3巻, pp. 26-33, 2016
- In vitro metabolism of cis- and trans-permethrin by rat liver microsomes, and its effect on estrogenic and anti-androgenic activities, ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY, 37巻, 3号, pp. 996-1005, 201405
- ★, Cell type-dependent agonist/antagonist activities of polybrominated diphenyl ethers, TOXICOLOGY LETTERS, 223巻, 2号, pp. 192-197, 20131125
- Neonatal exposure to 2,337,8-tetrachlorodibenze-p-dioxin increases the mRNA expression of prostatic proteins in C57BL mice, JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 38巻, 2号, pp. 279-283, 201304
- Estrogen and androgen receptor status in hepatocellular hypertrophy induced by phenobarbital, clofibrate, and piperonyl butoxide in F344 rats, JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 37巻, 2号, pp. 281-286, 201204
- ★, An improved thyroid hormone reporter assay to determine the thyroid hormone-like activity of amiodarone, bithionol, closantel and rafoxanide, TOXICOLOGY LETTERS, 208巻, 1号, pp. 30-35, 20120105
- ★, Androgen dependent transcription of a mouse prostatic protein gene, PSP94: involvement of estrogen receptors, The Journal of Steroid Bio-chemistry and Molecular Biology, 127巻, pp. 301-306, 20111101
- ★, Identification of rat prostatic secreted proteins using mass spectrometric analysis and androgen-dependent mRNA expression, Journal of Andrology, 30巻, pp. 669, 20091101
- Affinity for Thyroid Hormone and Estrogen Receptors of Hydroxylated Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers, Journal of Health Science, 54巻, pp. 607, 20081001
- Metabolic activation of proestrogens in the environment by cytochrome P450 system., J. Health Sci., 54巻, 5号, pp. 343-355, 20080501
- Effects of environmental antiandrogenic chemicals on expression of androgen-responsive genes in rat prostate lobes., J. Health Sci., 53巻, pp. 401-405, 20070625
- ★, In vivo function of the 5’ flanking region of mouse estrogen receptor beta gene., J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol., 105巻, 1-5号, pp. 57-62, 20070601
- Quantative determination of lobe specificity of mRNA expression of androgen-dependent genes in the rat prostate gland., Endcrinol. J., 54巻, 1号, pp. 123-132, 20070405
- PSPC1, NONO, and SFPQ are expressed in mouse Sertoli cells and may function as coregulators of androgen receptor-mediated transcription., Biol Reprod, 75巻, 3号, pp. 352-359, 20060901
- Identification of prostatic-secreted proteins in mice by mass spectrometric analysis and evaluation of lobe-specific and androgen-dependent mRNA expression, JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY, 190巻, 3号, pp. 793-803, 200609
- Metabolism of the alpha,beta-unsaturated ketones, chalcone and trans-4-phenyl-3-buten-2-one, by rat liver microsomes and estrogenic activity of the metabolites, DRUG METABOLISM AND DISPOSITION, 33巻, 8号, pp. 1115-1123, 200508
- Comparative study of the endocrine-disrupting activity of bisphenol A and 19 related compounds, TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 84巻, 2号, pp. 249-259, 200504
- Thyroid hormone-like and estrogenic activity of hydroxylated PCBs in cell culture, TOXICOLOGY, 208巻, 3号, pp. 377-387, 20050330
- Anti-thyroid hormonal activity of tetrabromobisphenol A, a flame retardant, and related compounds: Affinity to the mammalian thyroid hormone receptor, and effect on tadpole metamorphosis, LIFE SCIENCES, 76巻, 14号, pp. 1589-1601, 20050218
- Estrogenic and antiandrogenic activities of 17 benzophenone derivatives used as UV stabilizers and sunscreens, TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY, 203巻, 1号, pp. 9-17, 20050215
- ★, Cloning and characterization of the 5 '-flanking region of the rat estrogen receptor beta gene, JOURNAL OF STEROID BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 94巻, 1-3号, pp. 15-21, 200502
- Estrogen enhancement of androgen-responsive gene expression in hormone-induced hyperplasia in the ventral prostate of F344 rats, CANCER SCIENCE, 95巻, 9号, pp. 711-715, 200409
- Identification of estrogen-responsive genes in the GH3 cell line by cDNA microarray analysis, JOURNAL OF STEROID BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 91巻, 3号, pp. 121-129, 200407
- Activation of estrogen response element dependent transcription by thyroid hormone with increase in estrogen receptor levels in a rat pituitary cell line, GH3, JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY, 181巻, 1号, pp. 77-83, 200404
- Potent estrogenic metabolites of bisphenol A and bisphenol B formed by rat liver S9 fraction: Their structures and estrogenic potency, TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 78巻, 1号, pp. 50-59, 200403
- Estrogenic activity of an antioxidant, nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), LIFE SCIENCES, 74巻, 11号, pp. 1417-1425, 20040130
- Effects of environmental estrogenic chemicals on AP1 mediated transcription with estrogen receptors alpha and beta, JOURNAL OF STEROID BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 88巻, 1号, pp. 53-59, 200401
- Effects of environmental estrogenic compounds on growth of a transplanted estrogen responsive pituitary tumor cell line in rats, Food Chem. Toxicol. , 41巻, 12号, pp. 1711-1717, 200312
- Estrogenic activity of stilbene derivatives, J. Health Sci., 49巻, 5号, pp. 359-367, 200310
- Metabolic activation of proestrogenic diphenyl and related compounds by rat liver microsomes, J. Health Sci., 49巻, 4号, pp. 298-310, 200308
- Estrogenic activity of an environmental pollutant, 2-nitrofluorene, after metabolic activation by rat liver microsomes, BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 303巻, 2号, pp. 419-426, 20030404
- ★, Estrogenic Activity of Styrene Oligomers after Metabolic Activation by Rat Liver Microsomes, Env. Health Persp, 111巻, 3号, pp. 329-334, 20030401
- Regulation of Estrogen Receptor αand βExpression by Testosterone in the Rat Prostate Gland, Endocrine Journal, 50巻, 3号, pp. 281-287, 20030401
- Antiandrogenic activity and metabolism of the organophosphorus pesticide fenthion and related compounds, Env. Health Persp, 111巻, 4号, pp. 503-508, 200304
- Tumorigenesis in infant C3H/HeN mice exposed to tritiated water (HTO), J. Radiation Res., 43巻, 4号, pp. 345-351, 200212
- Iron lactate induction of pancreatic and endometrial proliferative lesions and a lack of increased tumors in a 104-week carcinogenicity study in F344 rats, Food Chem. Toxicol. , 40巻, 10号, pp. 1441-1448, 200210
- Thyroid hormonal activity of the flame retardants tetrabromobisphenol A and tetrachlorobisphenol, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 239巻, pp. 554-559, 20020401
- 放射線の内分泌影響, 放射線生物研究, 37巻, pp. 243-250, 20020401
- Age-dependent exposure to radioactive iodine (I-131) in the thyroid and total body of newborn, pubertal and adult Fischer 344 rats, J. Radiation Res., 42巻, 2号, pp. 143-155, 200106
- Strain Difference in Regulation of Pituitary Tumor Transforming Gene (PTTG) in Estrogen Induced Pituitary Tumorigenesis in Rats, Jpn.J.Cancer Res., 92巻, 10号, pp. 1034-1040, 20010401
- Supression by estrogen receptor β of AP-1 mediated transactivation through estrogen receptor α., J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol., 78巻, 7-8号, pp. 177-184, 20010401
- Dose-threshold for thyroid tumor-promoting effects of orally administered kojic acid in rats after initiation with N-bis(2-hydroxypropyl) nitrosamine., J Toxicol Sci., 26巻, 2号, pp. 85-94, 20010401
- Effects of endocrine disruptors on the pituitary gland., J. Toxicol. Pathol., 14巻, pp. 65-69, 20010401
- Sex hormone dependency of diethylnitrosamine-induced liver tumors in mice and chemoprevention by leuprorelin, Jpn.J.Cancer Res., 92巻, 3号, pp. 249-256, 200103
- Metabolic activation of the proestrogens trans-stilbene and trans-stilbene oxide by rat liver microsomes, TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY, 167巻, 1号, pp. 46-54, 20000815
- Metabolic activation of the proestrogens trans-stilbene and trans-stilbene oxide by rat liver microsomes, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 167巻, 1号, pp. 46-54, 200008
- 内分泌撹乱物によるAP-1を介するエストロゲン応答性転写活性化, ホルモンと臨床, 48巻, 増刊号号, pp. 96-101, 20000401
- ラットの下垂体のエストロゲン受容体調節における2種のプロモータの関与について., ホルモンと臨床, 48巻, 増刊号号, pp. 102-105, 20000401
- 252CfおよびDEN誘発マウス肝腫瘍における抗アンドロゲン療法の検討, 広島医学, 53巻, 3号, pp. 175-177, 20000401
- Expression of estrogen receptor α and βmRNAs in prostate cancers treated with leuprorelin acetate, Euro.Urol., 38巻, pp. 635-639, 20000401
- Changes in thyroid function during development of thyroid hyperplasia induced by kojic acid in F344 rats, Carcinogenesis, 20巻, 8号, pp. 1567-1571, 199908
- Effects of azoxymethane on X-ray induced intestinal metaplasia in Donryu rats., Oncol. Rep., 5巻, pp. 837-840, 1998
- Gastric tumor induction by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine in Wistar rats with intestinal metaplasia caused by X-irradiation., Jpn.J.Cancer Res., 90巻, pp. 1207-1211, 19990401
- Growth stimulation of a rat pituitary cell line MtT/E-2 by environmental estrogens in vitro and in vivo, Endocrine J., 46巻, pp. 531-538, 19990401
- Establishment of an estrogen responsive rat pituitary cell sub-line MtT/E-2, Endocrine J., 46巻, pp. 389-396, 19990401
- Inhibition of thyroid iodine uptake and organification in rats treated with kojic acid., Toxicol. Sci., 47巻, pp. 170-175, 19990401
- 131I内部被ばくによる甲状腺発がんモデルの開発, 放射線科学, 42巻, 6号, pp. 141-144, 19990401
- Influence of concomitant miso or NaCl treatment on induction of gastric tumors by N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine in rats., Oncol.Rep., 6巻, 5号, pp. 989-993, 19990401
- The early phase of colon tumorigenesis induced by dimethylhydrazine in ICR mice, Oncol Rep, 5巻, 3号, pp. 621-624, 199806
- Induction of thyroid tumours in(C57BL/6NxC3H/N)F1 mice by oral administration of kojicacid, Food Chem. Toxicol. , 36巻, pp. 697-703, 19980401
- 低ヨード食投与ラットでの^131^I投与後の血中T3、TSHの変化-加齢による差異の検討-, 広島医学, 51巻, pp. 376-379, 19980401
- 放射線による甲状腺癌誘発機構の解析.I131を内部照射したラット甲状腺および全身の吸収線量推計とその年齢依存性, 広島医学, 51巻, pp. 379-384, 19980401
- Induction of ovarian tumors by heavy ion irradiation in B6C3F1 mice., Oncol.Rep., 5巻, pp. 1377-1380, 19980401
- Oral administration of tritiated water (HTO) in mouse. III: Low dose-rate irradiation and threshold dose-rate for radiation risk., Int J Radiat Biol, 73巻, pp. 535-541, 19980401
- No susceptibility of colon tissue implanted into the glandular stomach of rats to N-nitroso-N-methylurea carcinogenesis., Oncol.Rep., 5巻, 6号, pp. 1373-1376, 19980401
- Strain differences in the induction of intestinal metaplasia by X-irradiation in rats
J Gastroenterol, J Gastroenterol, 32巻, 3号, pp. 295-299, 199706
- Up-regulation on the estrogen receptor by triiodothyronine in rat pituitary cell lines, J. Steroid Biochem. Molec. Biol., 61巻, pp. 79-85, 19970401
- Invasions of stomach tumors in hypocatalasemic mice (C3H/C/Gen) treated with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea but not N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine., J. Toxic. Pathol., 9巻, pp. 223-228, 1996
- ラットに N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) 投与中に与えた味噌餌の胃腫瘍抑制効果。, 味噌の科学と技術, 45巻, pp. 107-115, 19970401
- Gastric tumorigenicity of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine on the background of gastric intestinal metaplasia induced by X-irradiation in CD(SD) rats., Jpn.J.Cancer Res., 87巻, pp. 433-436, 19960401
- Influence of paternal 252-Cf neutron exposure on abnormal sperms, embryonal lethality, and liver tumorigenesis in the F1 offsprings of mice., Jpn.J.Cancer Res., 87巻, pp. 51-57, 19960401
- Enhancing effects of immunization with rectal extract on rectal carcinogenesis by local X-irradiation caused in male A/HeJ mice., Onco. Rep., 3巻, pp. 707-712, 19960401
- Promotion of thyroid tumors in F344 male rats given a low iodine diet after treatment with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea in their drinking water., J. Toxico. Pathol., 9巻, pp. 191-197, 19960401
- Blockade of the estrogen induced increase in progesterone receptor caused by propylthiouracil, an anti-thyroid drug, in a transplantable pituitary tumor in rats., Endocrine J., 43巻, pp. 329-334, 19960401
- Influence of paternal Cf-252 neutron exposure on abnormal sperm, embryonal lethality, and liver tumorigenesis in the F-1 offspring of mice, Jpn J Cancer Res, 87巻, 1号, pp. 51-57, 199601
- Effect of retinoic acid (RA) in MNU-induced rat mammary tumors, Ann N Y Acad Sci, 768巻, pp. 223-226, 199509
- Progesterone enhancement of stomach tumor development in CD rats treated with N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine., Jpn.J.Cancer Res., 86巻, pp. 924-928, 19950401
- Elevated serum growth hormone accelerates gastric tumorigenesis in F344 rats after treatment with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea in their drinking water., Jpn.J.Cancer Res., 86巻, pp. 631-637, 19950401
- Estrogen and carcinogenesis, J. Toxic. Path., 8巻, pp. 285-289, 19950401
- Antiestrogens: Mechanisms and actions in target cells., J. Steroid Biochem. Molec. Biol., 53巻, pp. 387-393, 19950401
- Alteration in the agonist/antagonist balance of antiestrogens by activation of protein kinase A signaling pathways in breast cancer cells : Antiestrogen selectivity and promoter dependence, Molecular Endocrinology, 8巻, pp. 296-304, 19940401
- Chronic toxicity study of Gardenia yellow color in C57BL mice., J. Toxic. Path., 7巻, pp. 455-460, 19940401
- Inhibition of mammary tumors by pretreatment with 17beta-estradiol in F344 rats induced with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea., Jpn.J.Cancer Res., 84巻, pp. 279-283, 19940401
- Tumorigenicity study of phloxine (FR 104) in B63F1 mice., Fd Chem. Toxic., 32巻, pp. 517-520, 19930401
- Increase in estrogen receptor levels in MNV-induced thyroid tumors in LE rats, Carcinogenesis, 13巻, 8号, pp. 1315-1318, 19920401
- 胃癌誘発に及ぼすプロラクチンの影響, 広島医学, 5巻, pp. 93-97, 19920401
- Direct up-regulation of estrogen receptor by triiodothyronine in rat pituitary tumor M+T/F84,, Endocrinologica Japonica, 38巻, 4号, pp. 405-412, 19910401
- Estrogen receptor levels and tumor growth in a series of pituitary clonal cell lines in rats., Jpn.J.Cancer Res., 82巻, pp. 1436-1441, 19910401
- Estrogen dependent growth of a rat pituitary tumor (MtT/F84), Chem. Carcinogenesis, 2巻, pp. 264-270, 19910401
- Stimulatory effects of retinoic acid on tumor growth and serum insulin-like growth factor-1 in rats bearing estrogen responsive pituitary tumor MtT/Se., Jpn.J.Cancer Res., 82巻, pp. 815-819, 19910401
- Photodynamic therapy for rat pituitary tumor in vitro and in vivo using pheophorbide-a and white light, Lasers Surg., 11巻, pp. 174-182, 19910401
- Growth promoting effect of retinoic acid in transplantable pituitary tumor of rat., Jpn.J.Cancer Res., 81巻, pp. 878-883, 19900401
- Promoting action of prolactin released from a grafted transplantable pituitary tumor (MtT/F84) on rat prostate carcinogenesis., Cancer Letters, 53巻, pp. 151-157, 19900401
- Establishment of a series of pituitary clonal cell lines differing in morphology, hormone secretion, and response to estrogen., Endocrinology, 126巻, pp. 2313-2320, 19900401
- Effects of sex difference, gonadectomy and estradiol on N-ethyl-N- nitrosourea-induced trigeminal nerve tumors in rats, Carcinogenesis, 10巻, pp. 1505-1509, 19890401
- Increase of estrogen receptor level by thyroxin in estrogen dependent pituitary tumor (MtT/F84) in rats., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 152巻, pp. 44-48, 19880401
- Inhibition by 2-bromo-alpha-ergocriptine on the proliferation of an mono-dispersed MtT/F84 cells inoculated in 17beta-estradiol treated rats., Proc. Hiroshima Univ. RINMB ll : l52-l65= l970., 28巻, pp. 211-217, 19870401
- 放射線誘発乳腺腫瘍のestrogen(E2)、系統差にによる修飾について, 広島医学, 39巻, pp. 425-427, 19860401
- X線照射により生じた動脈炎, 広島医学, 39巻, pp. 428-430, 19860401
- Induction of thyroid tumors in (C57BL/6NxC3H/N)F1 mice by oral administration of 9-3’, 4’, 5’, 6’-tetrachloro-o-carboxy phenyl-6-hydroxy-2,4,5,7-tetraiodo-3-isoxanthone sodium (food red 105, Rose Bengal B), JNCI, 77巻, pp. 277-281, 19860401
- Inhibition by 2-bromo-alpha-ergocriptine and tamoxifen of the growth of an estrogen-dependent transplantable pituitary tumor(MtT/F84) in F344 rats., Cancer Res., 45巻, pp. 6436-6441, 19850401
- Amino acid sequence of a ferredoxin from thermoacidophilic archaebacteria, Thermoplasma acidophulum., FEBS Letters, 162巻, pp. 21-24, 19830401
- Gene expression changes in the spleen, the lung, and the liver of rats exposed to 31SiO2 particles, Fujimoto, N., The 25th Hiroshima International Symposium "Research on radiation and its effects in Kazakhstan and other countries", 2024年02月09日, 招待, 英語, Hoshi M and Otaki M, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan
- The pulmonary and hepatic gene expression changes in mice exposed to radioactive particles of 56MnO2,, Fujimoto N, Chaizhunussova C, Hoshi M:, The 8th International Conference on Advances in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2023年12月09日, 通常, 英語, Engineering Information Institute, Sanya, China
- Radiation health effects of radioactive particles produced by atomic bombing – Studies in laboratory rats and mice at SMU, Fujimoto N, Chaizhunussova C, XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference , 2023年08月29日, 招待, 英語, Semey Medical University, Semey, Kazakhstan
- Single neonatal irradiation induces long-term morphological and gene expression changes in the thyroid of rats - a possible mechanism of thyroid carcinogenesis by childhood radiation, Fujimoto-N, Modern Perspectives for Biomedical Sciences, 2022年10月21日, 招待, 英語, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan
- ラット新生仔期被曝による甲状腺腫瘍化に関与する遺伝子発現変化II –低ヨード腫瘍化モデルの解析, 藤本成明, 松山睦美, 中島正洋, 第95回日本内分泌学会学術総会, 2022年06月03日, 通常, 日本語, 別府
- Our animal experiments of 56MnO2 in 2018 and 2019, Fujimoto N, The 24th Hiroshima International Symposium "Research on radiation and its effects in Kazakhstan and other countries", 2021年03月18日, 招待, 英語, Web, Hiroshima
- Biological effects of internal exposure to radioactive particles of 56MnO2 in rats, Fujimoto N, Chaizhunussova N, Shabdarbayeva D, Gnyrya V, Azhimkhanov A, Kolbayenkov A, Zhumadilov K, Stepanenko V, Hoshi M, IX International Conference - Semipalatinsk Test Site: Legacy and Prospects for Scientific-Technical Potential Development, 2021年09月07日, 通常, 英語, Web, Kurchatov, Kazakhstan
- Biological effects of radioactive particles produced by atomic bombing - Animal studies, Fujimoto N, XV International scientific-practical conference , 2021年08月28日, 招待, 英語, Web, Semey, Kazakhstan
- ラット新生仔期被曝による甲状腺腫瘍化に関与する遺伝子発現変, 藤本成明, 松山睦美, 中島正洋, 第94回日本内分泌学会学術総会, 2021年04月22日, 通常, 日本語, Web
- Changes in morphology and gene expressions of neonatally X-irradiated thyroid gland in rats, Fujimoto, Nariaki, Matsuu-Matsuyama, M, Nakashima, M, 22nd European Congress of Endocrinology, 2020年09月05日, 通常, 英語, European Society of Endocrinology, online, Prague, Czech Republic
- Changes in gene expression in the lung and the testis of rats exposed to 56MnO2 particles, Fujimoto, N., The 23rd Hiroshima International Symposium - International Research Meeting for Studies of Biological Effects of Radioactive Dust in Kazakh, Russia & Japan, 2020年01月28日, 招待, 英語, Hiroshima
- Pathology and gene expression changes in the lung of rats exposed to 56MnO2 powders, Fujimoto,N, The 22nd Hiroshima International Symposium
International Research Meeting for Studies of Biological Effects of Radioactive Microparticles in Kazakh, Russia & Japan, 2019年02月28日, 招待, 英語, Hiroshima
- ラット新生仔期甲状腺への放射線被曝で誘発される甲状腺機能不全, 藤本成明、松山睦美、中島正洋, 第92回日本内分泌学会学術総会, 2019年05月10日, 通常, 日本語, 仙台
- 新生仔期での甲状腺被曝で特異的に誘発される甲状腺病変, 藤本成明、松山睦美、中島正洋, 第35回日本毒性病理学会総会学術集会, 2019年01月31日, 通常, 日本語
- 新生仔ラット甲状腺の電離放射線への感受性, 藤本成明、松山睦美、中島正洋, 第59回原子爆弾後障害研究会, 2018年06月03日, 通常, 日本語, 長崎原子爆弾後障害研究会, 長崎
- Effects of exposure to radioactive 56MnO2 powder on the gene expression of liver in rats, Nariaki Fujmoto, Ynkar Kairkhanova, Aisulu Saimova, Darkhan
Uzbekov, Nailya Chaizhunusova, Kazuko Shichijo, Masahiro Nakashima,
Tolebay Rakhypbekov, Masaharu Hoshi, The 5th Shimane Semey International Symposium, 2018年01月25日, 招待, 英語, Shiname University, Izumo, Shimane
- Effects of exposure to radioactive 56MnO2 powder on the gene expression in the lung and the liver of rats, Fujimoto N, Kairkhanova Y, Saimova A, Uzbekov D, Chaizhunusova N, Shichijo K, Nakashima M, Rakhypbekov T, Hoshi M, The 21st Hiroshima International Symposium, 2018年01月28日, 招待, 英語, HISOC, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima
- Internal exposure to radioactive 56Mn dioxide powder in rats - Effects on gene expressions, Nariaki Fujimoto, Ynkar Kairkhanova, Aisulu Saimova, Darkhan Uzbekov, Nailya Chaizhunusova, Kazuko Shichijo, Masahiro Nakashima, Tolebay Rakhypbekov, Valeriy Stepanenko, Masaharu Hoshi, The XIII International Research and Practical conference "Ecology. Health. Radiation", 2017年08月29日, 招待, 英語, Semey State Medical University, Kazakhstan, Semey State Medical University, Kazakhstan
- Changes in radiation injury related mRNA expression in the lung of rats
exposed to radioactive 56MnO2 powder, Nariaki FUJIMOTO, Ynkar Kairkhanova, Aisulu Saimova, Darkhan Uzbekov, Nailya Chaizhunusova, Kazuko Shichijo, Masahiro Nakashima, Tolebay Rakhypbekov, Masaharu Hoshi, The 4th Shimane-Semey International Symposium, 2017年01月26日, 招待, 英語, Shimane University, Izumo, Shimane
- Changes in lung injury related mRNA expression in rats exposed to neutron-activated 56Mn powder, 藤本成明, Ynkar Kairkhanova, Aisulu Saimova, Darkhan Uzbekov, Nailya Chaizhunusova, Masahiro Nakashima, Tolebay Rakhypbekov, Masaharu Hoshi, ワークショップ 56Mnの内部被ばく実験とその結果 -微粒子効果の可能性について-, 2016年12月09日, 招待, 日本語, 広島大学・平和研究センター, 広島
- Mn-56内部被爆ラットにおける肺の放射線障害と関連遺伝子発現への影響, 藤本 成明,, Kairkhanova Ynkar, Saimova Aisulu, Uzbekov Darkhan, Chaizhunusova Nailya, 七條 和子, 中島 正洋 , Rakhypbekov Tolebay , 星 正治, 第39回日本分子生物学会年会, 2016年11月30日, 通常, 英語, 日本分子生物学会, 横浜
- テストステロンとエストラジオールで誘発されたマウス前立腺肥大のPSCA (Prostate Stem Cell Antigen)発現, 藤本成明, 菅野純, 第23回日本ステロイドホルモン学会, 2016年01月15日, 通常, 日本語, 日本ステロイドホルモン学会, 倉敷市
- Hepatic Thyroid Hormone Responsive Genes in Rat Neonates - Potential Targets for Thyroid Hormone Disrupting Chemicals, Nariaki Fujimoto, Shinichi Miyagawa, Taisen Iguchi, NIBB conference, Environment to Bioresponse., 通常, 英語, 基礎生物学研究所, 岡崎市
- アンドロゲン誘導性マウス前立腺肥大におけるエストロゲンの相乗作用, 藤本成明, 菅野純, 第88回日本内分泌学会学術総会, 2015年04月24日, 通常, 日本語, 日本内分泌学会, 東京
- 新生仔ラットへの水酸化PBDE投与の影響, 藤本成明, 中村直樹, 佐能正剛,太田茂,浦丸直人,北村繁幸, 宮川信一, 井口泰泉, , 環境ホルモン学会第17回研究発表会, 2014年12月09日, 通常, 日本語, 日本環境ホルモン学会, 東京
- Thyroid hormone activity of PBDEs in vitro and in vivo, Fujimoto, N., Nakamura, N., Sanoh, S., Ohta, S., Kitamura, S, 15th Asia Oceania Congress of Endocrinology, 2014年10月10日, 通常, 英語, Philippine Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Cebu, Philippines
- 2023年07月21日, Professor Emiritus of Semey Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- 2022年05月26日, 国際共同研究教育感謝状, Semey Medical University, Kazakhstan
- 2013年, 最優秀ポスター賞, ISPROF 2013
- 2003年, 最優秀論文賞, Journal of Health Science
- 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C)), 小児期放射線被曝による遺伝子発現変更による甲状腺発がんメカニズムの解明, 2024年, 2026年
- 二国間交流事業, 放射性微粒子二酸化ケイ素31内部被曝の生物影響とその障害メカニズムの解明, 2024年, 2025年
- 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C)), 小児期放射線被曝による甲状腺機能への影響と障害メカニズムの解明, 2020年, 2022年
- 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A)), カザフ旧ソ連核実験場周辺住民の放射線被曝と健康影響―新たな視点:放射性粉塵―, 2019年, 2022年
- 科学研究費助成事業(国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B)), 放射性56Mn微粒子による内部被ばくの放射線障害作用とそのメカニズムの解明, 2019年, 2023年
- 二国間交流事業, 放射性二酸化マンガン56微粒子による内部被曝の生物影響とその障害メカニズムの解明, 2018年, 2019年
- 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A)), カザフ核実験場周辺住民の放射性降下物被曝の実態解明-線量評価及び健康影響解析-, 2015年, 2017年
- 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C)), 水酸化PCB・臭素化難燃剤の甲状腺ホルモン撹乱のターゲット解明と放射線の複合影響, 2013年, 2015年
- 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C)), ヨード状態を軸とした新生児期化学物質暴露による甲状腺ホルモン系かく乱の定量解析, 2011年, 2013年
- 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B)), ヒト型肝臓動物モデルを利用した化学物質のヒトリスク評価, 2011年, 2013年
- 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C)), ブロム化難燃剤の甲状腺ホルモン撹乱における鍵を握る水酸化代謝物のターゲットの解明, 2010年, 2012年
- 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B)), 高脂血症発症関連遺伝子群の解明と予防医学への応用, 2009年, 2009年
- 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C)), 新生児期の甲状腺系機能刷り込み現象の解明による発達期化学物質影響のリスク推定, 2008年, 2010年
- 食品健康影響評価技術研究, 化学物質による肝肥大誘導機序の解析を基盤とした肝発がんリスク評価系の構築, 2007年, 2009年
- 厚生労働省科研 化学物質リスク研究事業, 高感受性集団に於ける化学物質の有害性発現メカニズムの解明及び評価手法開発にかかる総合研究, 2007年, 2009年
- 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C)), 臭素化難燃剤の毒性発現の鍵を握る水酸化代謝物の生成とその甲状腺ホルモン撹乱作用, 2006年, 2007年
- 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C)), 低用量内分泌かく乱物質による新生時期発生異常のメカニズムの解明, 2005年, 2006年
- 厚生労働省科研, 内分泌かく乱物質の胎児新生児暴露によるリスク予測に関する総合研究, 2004年, 2006年
- 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C)), 新規環境汚染物質ブロム化難燃剤および水酸化PCBの甲状腺ホルモン機能の攪乱, 2004年, 2005年
- 科学研究費助成事業(特定領域研究), エストロゲン受容体プロモーター遺伝子導入/改変動物による内分泌攪乱物質作用の解析, 2002年, 2003年
- 厚生省科研, 内分泌かく乱物質の生体影響に関する研究特に低用量効果、複合効果、作用機構について, 2001年, 2003年
- 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C)), ダイオキシンおよび内分泌かく乱物質による副腎皮質ホルモンかく乱作用の解明, 2001年, 2002年
- 科学研究費助成事業(特定領域研究(A)), ラット前立腺モデルによる内分泌攪乱物質のエストロゲン受容体発現への作用解析, 2001年, 2001年
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- 厚生省科研, 内分泌かく乱物質のヒトの健康への影響のメカニズム等に関する調査研究, 1998年, 2000年
- 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C)), ホルモン依存性癌の増殖メカニズムの解明-下垂体腫瘍をモデルとして, 1998年, 1999年
- 厚生省がん助成金, 胃の腸上皮化生の遺伝子異常とそのがん化, 1996年, 1997年
- 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A)), 突然変異検出系を導入した胚幹細胞による薬剤性初期発生侵害の短期検知システム, 1996年, 1998年
- 食品安全委員会専門委員, 2018年04月, 2026年03月, 内閣府食品安全委員会
- 食品安全委員会参考人, 2016年04月, 2018年03月, 内閣府食品安全委員会
- 食品安全委員会専門委員, 2005年04月, 2016年03月, 内閣府食品安全委員会
- 2023年, Biomedicines, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2023年, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2023年, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, その他, Reviewer, 3
- 2023年, Toxics, その他, Reviewer, 4
- 2023年, Animals, その他, Reviewer, 2
- 2023年, Nutrients, その他, Reviewer, 2
- 2023年, Biochemical Pharmacology, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2023年, Antioxidants, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2023年, Molecules, その他, Reviewer, 2
- 2023年, Toxicology Letters, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2022年, Nutrients, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2022年, Current Oncology, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2022年, Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2022年, Biochemical Pharmacology, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2022年, Pharmaceutics, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2022年, Toxics, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2022年, Molecules, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2022年, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2022年, Scientific Reports, その他, Reviewer, 2
- 2022年, Metabolites, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2022年, Journal of Applied Toxicology, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2022年, Antioxidants, その他, Reviewer, 3
- 2022年, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2021年, International Journal of Clinical Oncology, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2021年, Journal of Applied Toxicology, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2021年, Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2021年, Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2021年, Biochemical Pharmacology, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2021年, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2021年, Antioxidantes, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2021年, Scientific Reports, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2020年, J Toxicological Science, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2020年, Biochemical Pharmacology, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2020年, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, その他, Reviewer, 2
- 2020年, Toxcicology, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2020年, Chemosphere, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2019年, Chemosphere, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2019年, Toxicology, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2019年, Journal of applied toxicology, その他, Reviewer
- 2019年, Biochemical Pharmacology, その他, Reviewer, 2
- 2018年, Journal of applied toxicology, その他
- 2018年, Biochemical Pharmacology, その他, Reviewer, 2
- 2018年, International Journal of Cancer, その他
- 2018年, General and Comparative Endocrinology, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2017年, Biochemical Pharmacology, その他
- 2017年, Endocrine Journal, その他
- 2017年, Toxicology, その他
- 2016年, Environmental Health Perspectives, その他, Review, 1
- 2016年, Urology Journal, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2016年, Biochemical Pharmacology, その他, Reviewer
- 2016年, Toxicology, その他, Reviewer
- 2015年, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2015年, Journal of Applied Toxicology, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2014年, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, その他, Reviewer, 1
- 2014年, Biochemical Pharmacology, その他, Reviwer, 1