Last Updated :2025/02/03

外国語教育研究センター 教授
My research interests include English for Specific Purposes (ESP), corpus analysis, and L2 vocabulary development. I am currently working on the compilation and analysis of medical English corpora and the development of medical English materials and wordlists. My interest in vocabulary extends to textbook writing, and I have co-authored several lexically-based course books for Japanese EFL learners.



  • Doctor of Philosophy (スウォンジー大学)
  • Master of Science (エディンバラ大学)


  • 人文学 / 言語学 / 外国語教育



  1. 2024年, 教養教育, 1ターム, コミュニケーションIA
  2. 2024年, 教養教育, 2ターム, コミュニケーションIA
  3. 2024年, 教養教育, 1ターム, コミュニケーションIA
  4. 2024年, 教養教育, 2ターム, コミュニケーションIA
  5. 2024年, 教養教育, 3ターム, コミュニケーションIIA
  6. 2024年, 教養教育, 3ターム, コミュニケーションIIA
  7. 2024年, 教養教育, 4ターム, コミュニケーションIIA
  8. 2024年, 教養教育, 4ターム, コミュニケーションIIA
  9. 2024年, 教養教育, 1ターム, Introduction to British and American Culture I
  10. 2024年, 教養教育, 3ターム, Introduction to British and American Culture II
  11. 2024年, 教養教育, 2ターム, Introduction to British and American Culture III[2教英]
  12. 2024年, 教養教育, 4ターム, Introduction to British and American Culture IV[2教英]
  13. 2024年, 学部専門, 3ターム, 英語口頭表現スキルアップBI
  14. 2024年, 学部専門, 4ターム, 英語口頭表現スキルアップBII
  15. 2024年, 学部専門, 通年, 医学英語



  1. Problems with Audio Recordings for Elementary School English Textbooks in Japan, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 27巻, pp. 77-100, 20240301
  2. Exploring the Impact of Technology Decisions in English Language Speaking Courses, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 27巻, pp. 29-48, 20240301
  3. Learning terms and word parts on a medical English course, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 27巻, pp. 61-76, 202403
  4. Supporting English language resources for colonoscopy and polypectomy in a Japanese hospital, Journal of Medical English Education, 22巻, 2/3号, pp. 91-94, 202310
  5. An online web application for learning medical English vocabulary, Journal of Medical English Education, 22巻, 2/3号, 20231001
  6. Peer Commenting on Written Assignments for a Japanese University Online English Course, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 45巻, pp. 26-45, 20230301
  7. ★, Conclusion (EAL Research for the Classroom), EAL Research for the Classroom, 2023
  8. ★, Medical English Curriculum Development: The SiReN Approach, STEM English in Japan, 20221201
  9. A Review of McLean's Evidence for the Adoption of the Flemma as an Appropriate Word Counting Unit, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 26巻, pp. 79-92, 20230301
  10. Investigating the English Language Needs of Hospital Medical Teams, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 26巻, pp. 17-30, 20230301
  11. Researching and teaching word parts in a medical English curriculum, Journal of Medical English Education, 21巻, 3号, pp. 155-158, 20221001
  12. Developing English-language video materials at a university hospital, Journal of Medical English Education, 21巻, 3号, pp. 147-151, 20221001
  13. Evaluating Jarvis and Hashimoto's Operationalizations of Word Types and Their Influence on Lexical Diversity Measures, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 20220301
  14. Using Online Flipped Learning for Teaching English Language Speaking Skills at a Japanese University, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 25巻, pp. 29-44, 20220301
  15. Expanding a Third-Year Medical English Curriculum at a Japanese National University, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 25巻, pp. 1-13, 20220301
  16. ★, Exploring the importance of vocabulary for English as an additional language learners' reading comprehension, Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 11巻, 3号, pp. 351-376, 20210914
  17. Using a Learning Management System for English Productive-skills Courses, Language Education under the Coronavirus Pandemic, pp. 174-199, 20210325
  18. Integration of the TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests into English Language Courses for Liberal Arts Education, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 24巻, pp. 1-14, 20210301
  19. The Lexical and Textual Characteristics of Medical Case Reports: A Preliminary Investigation, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 24巻, pp. 29-50, 20210301
  20. Investigating the extent to which vocabulary knowledge and skills can predict aspects of fluency for a small group of pre-intermediate Japanese L1 users of English (L2), Vocabulary and the Four Skills, pp. 126-145, 20200601
  21. Incorporating the TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test into Regular First-year Writing Classes, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 23巻, pp. 27-36, 20200301
  22. Coordinated Development of Course, Materials, and a Word List for Undergraduate Medical English Education, Journal of Medical English Education, 19巻, 1号, pp. 27-36, 20200201
  23. Terminological Analysis in the Construction of a Body-systems-based Medical English Glossary, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 22巻, pp. 77-90, 20190301
  24. An Experimental Term-based Flipped Learning Course on Medical English for Second-year Students, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 22巻, pp. 59-75, 20190301
  25. Evaluating the Second Year of a Program that Integrates TOEIC® Speaking and Writing with Small Group Classes, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 22巻, pp. 45-57, 20190301
  26. Developing vocabulary-rich undergraduate textbook materials to create an embedded medical lEnglish word list, Journal of Medical English Education, 17巻, 3号, pp. 121-124, 20181001
  27. Evaluating a flipped learning course for third-year medical students, Journal of Medical English Education, 17巻, 3号, pp. 125-129, 20181001
  28. Testing and evaluating a medical English flipped learning course, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 21巻, pp. 13-32, 20180301
  29. Integrating the TOEIC writing test with small group classes, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 21巻, pp. 1-12, 20180301
  30. Planning a full neurosurgery component for an undergraduate medical English word list and pedagogical materials, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education,, 21巻, pp. 33-52, 20180301
  31. Integrating the TOEIC writing test with small group classes, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 21巻, pp. 1-12, 20180301
  32. The planning and reality of constructing online medical English materials for second-year students., Journal of Medical English Education, 16巻, 3号, pp. 62-67, 20171001
  33. Using ICT to create a medical English flipped learning course, Journal of Medical English Education, 16巻, 3号, pp. 62-67, 20171001
  34. An asymmetrical network model of the Japanese EFL Learner’s Mental Lexicon, Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 20巻, 2号, pp. 95-108, 20170601
  35. Creating online materials for medical English students, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 20巻, pp. 49-64, 20170301
  36. Planning online medical English materials, Journal of Medical English Education, 16巻, 1号, pp. 24-30, 20170301
  37. Speech acts, social reality and the cooperative principle in Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 20巻, pp. 115-134, 20170301
  38. Integrating the TOEIC speaking test with small group classes., Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 20巻, pp. 1-16, 20170301
  39. Using corpus analysis to create word lists and edit teaching materials, Journal of Medical English Education, 15巻, 2号, pp. 24-24, 20160601
  40. Applying internal medicine corpus analysis findings to the development of pedagogical materials, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 19巻, pp. 109-128, 20160301
  41. Analysing medical English development at a university using a communicative competence model, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education,, 19巻, pp. 93-108, 20160301
  42. Creating a corpus-informed EMP course for medical undergraduates, Professional and Academic English Journal, 20150401
  43. Capturing and representing asymmetries in Japanese EFL learners’ mental lexicon: A preliminary report, Hiroshima University Academic Society for English Language Education, 20150301
  44. Medical Word List Development through Corpus and Course Construction, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 20150301
  45. A Background Study for the Development of Medical English Corpora, Word Lists and University Course Materials in Japan, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 17巻, pp. 179-193, 20140301
  46. A Corpus Analysis of an Anatomy Textbook: Preliminary Findings and Implications for Medical English Materials Development, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 17巻, pp. 119-140, 20140301
  47. Creating pedagogical word lists for ESAP learners, IATEFL 2012 Glasgow Conference Selections, pp. 193-194, 20130301
  48. Building Corpora and Compiling Pedagogical Lists for Medical Students, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 16巻, pp. 65-88, 20130301
  49. English for Medical Purposes: Teaching an Intensive English Course to Third-Year Medical Students, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 16巻, pp. 65-88, 20130301
  50. Factors Affecting the Learnability of Technical Vocabulary: Findings from a Specialized Corpus, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 12巻, pp. 151-167, 20120301
  51. Technical vocabulary and collocational behaviour in a specialised corpus, Proceedings of the 2009 BAAL Annual Conference Language, Learning, and Context, 20100701
  52. Effects of different types of out-of-class learning on TOEIC score gains, TOEIC Research Report No.5, 20100301
  53. Syntactic categorization of ditransitive and dative verbs by Japanese EFL learners, Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, pp. 251-254, 20090701
  54. Beyond the Academic Word List: Providing ESP learners with the words they really need, Proceedings of the BAAL Annual Conference 2008 Taking the Measure of Applied Linguistics (CD-ROM), 20090701
  55. Methodological Considerations of Mental Lexicon Research : Focusing on Representational Links among Lexical Entries, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, pp. 133-151, 20090301
  56. Breaking Down the Divisions between General, Academic, and Technical Vocabulary: The Establishment of a Single, Discipline-based Word List for ESP Learners, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 12巻, pp. 151-167, 20090301
  57. Breaking Down the Divisions between General, Academic, and Technical Vocabulary: The Establishment of a Single, Discipline-based Word List for ESP Learners, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 12巻, pp. 151-167, 20090301
  58. Providing ESP Learners with the Vocabulary They Need: Corpora and the Creation of Specialized Word Lists, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 10巻, pp. 127-143, 20070301
  59. The Nature and Role of Specialized Vocabulary: What do ESP Teachers and Learners Need to Know?, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 9巻, pp. 63-75, 20060301
  60. The Construction of a Database of University English Entrance Examinations in Japan, Testing International, the Official Publication of the International Test Commission, pp. 8-11, 20031201
  61. A Statistical Analysis of the Vocabulary of Medical Research Articles (3): Technical and Subtechnical Vocabulary, Integrated Studies in Nursing Science, Kure University, 4巻, 2号, pp. 27-45, 20030301
  62. A Statistical Analysis of the Vocabulary of Medical Research Articles (2): Differences across the ‘IMRAD’ Structure, Integrated Studies in Nursing Science, Kure University, 4巻, 1号, pp. 27-34, 20020901
  63. A Statistical Analysis of the Vocabulary of Medical Research Articles (1): Comparison with the COBUILD Frequency Count, Integrated Studies in Nursing Science, Kure University, 3巻, 1号, pp. 38-58, 20010901
  64. The Effect of Speaking Rate and Accent on Listening Comprehension, Collection of AILA Distinguished Speeches and Papers, AILA 1999 Proceedings on CD ROM, 20000301
  65. Language and Social Class in Britain, Social Information Science, 4巻, 19981101
  66. British and American English: What are the Differences?, Social Information Science, 2巻, pp. 87-105, 19981101
  67. Communication in the English Language Classroom: the Current Status of Communicative Language Teaching in Japan, Social Information Science, 1巻, pp. 45-55, 19951201
  68. The Organisation of the Mental Lexicon: What are the Implications for Vocabulary Teaching?, Studies in English Language Education: a Bulletin for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, 37/38巻, pp. 27-45, 19951101
  69. Developing corpus-informed medical English materials for third-year students, Journal of Medical English Education, 15巻, 3号, pp. 108-113, 2016
  70. The Lexical Characteristics of Specialized Texts, JALT2004 Conference Proceedings, pp. 318-327, 2005
  71. What is ‘Scots’? A Look at the Language of Scotland, Eigo Kyoikugaku Kenkyu, Studies in English Language Education: A Collection of Essays Published in Commemoration of Professor Mikio Matsumura’s Retirement from Office


  1. 2023年, 単行本(学術書), 共著, English, 978-1-032-22953-9, 223
  2. 2024年01月15日, 教科書, 共著, English, 978-4-269-66059-5, 98
  3. 2019年, 2019年, January, 事典・辞書, 共編著, English/Japanese, ISBN 978-4-385-10592-5, 2336
  4. 2018年, 2018年, 教科書, 共著, English, ISBN978-4-269-66052-6, 122
  5. 2017年04月01日, 2017年, April, 事典・辞書, 共著, English/Japanese, 1299, 261
  6. 2016年, 2016年, 教科書, 共著, English, 978-4-269-66038-0, 92
  7. 2016年01月, 2016年, January, 教科書, 共著, English/Japanese, Kazumichi Enokida, Satoshi Hiramoto, Simon Fraser, 978-4-269-66037-3, 121
  8. 2014年
  9. 2014年10月01日, 2014年, October, 事典・辞書, 共著, English/Japanese, 0212990504707, 219
  10. 2013年01月10日
  11. 2010年10月01日
  12. 2008年01月15日, 2008年, January
  13. 2008年
  14. 2007年


  1. 2023年12月15日, 通常, 英語
  2. Marshall Higa, Walter Davies, Simon Fraser, 2023年09月10日, 通常, 英語
  3. 2023年08月25日, 通常, 英語
  4. 2023年12月, 通常, 英語
  5. 通常, 英語
  6. 2023年12月, 通常, 英語
  7. 2023年09月, 通常, 英語
  8. 2022年07月, 通常, 英語
  9. 2022年, 通常, 英語
  10. 通常, 英語
  11. 2022年07月16日, 通常, 英語
  12. 2022年07月16日, 通常, 英語
  13. 2021年09月10日, 通常, 英語
  14. 2021年07月17日, 通常, 英語
  15. 2021年03月06日, 招待, 英語
  16. 2021年05月14日, 通常, 英語
  17. 2021年06月30日, 通常, 英語
  18. 2021年06月30日, 通常, 英語
  19. 2020年08月26日, 通常, 英語
  20. 2020年04月15日, 招待, 英語
  21. 2019年11月03日, 招待, 英語
  22. 2019年09月21日, 招待, 英語
  23. 2019年09月29日, 通常, 英語
  24. 2019年07月, 通常, 英語
  25. JASMEE Conference, 2019年07月, 通常, 英語
  26. The neurosurgery/neurology component of a general medical word list, 2018年07月, 通常, 英語
  27. 2018年04月01日, 通常, 英語
  28. Lexical Frequency Profiles of Vocabulary and Speaking Tasks, 2018年09月, 通常, 英語
  29. 2018年08月, 通常, 英語
  30. BAAL Annual Conference, 2019年08月, 通常, 英語
  31. 2015年, 通常, 英語
  32. 2015年, 通常, 英語
  33. 2015年, 通常, 英語
  34. 2014年, 通常, 英語
  35. 2014年, 通常, 英語
  36. 2014年, 通常, 英語
  37. 2014年, 通常, 英語
  38. 2014年, 通常, 英語
  39. 2013年, 通常, 英語
  40. 2013年, 通常, 英語
  41. 2013年, 通常, 英語
  42. 2013年, 通常, 英語
  43. 2013年, 通常, 英語
  44. 2013年, 通常, 英語
  45. 2012年, 通常, 英語
  46. 2012年, 通常, 英語
  47. 2012年, 通常, 英語
  48. 2011年, 通常, 英語
  49. 2011年, 通常, 英語
  50. 2011年, 通常, 日本語
  51. 2010年, 通常, 英語
  52. 2010年, 通常, 英語
  53. 2009年, 通常, 英語
  54. 2008年, 通常, 英語
  55. 2008年, 通常, 英語
  56. 2007年, 通常, 英語
  57. 2007年, 通常, 英語
  58. 2006年, 通常, 英語
  59. 2004年, 通常, 英語
  60. 2004年, 通常, 英語
  61. 2003年, 通常, 日本語
  62. 2003年, 通常, 日本語
  63. 2003年, 招待, 英語
  64. 2002年, 招待, 英語
  65. 1999年, 通常, 日本語
  66. 1995年, 通常, 日本語
  67. 1995年, 招待, 英語
  68. 1994年, 通常, 英語
  69. 1993年, 招待, 英語
  70. 2015年, 通常, 日本語
  71. 2014年, 通常, 日本語
  72. 2013年, 通常, 日本語
  73. 2013年, 通常, 英語