中島 安理Anri Nakajima
Last Updated :2025/02/03
- 所属・職名
- 半導体産業技術研究所 准教授
- メールアドレス
- anakajima
- 2024年, 学部専門, 3ターム, 半導体プロセス工学
- 2024年, 学部専門, 通年, 卒業論文
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, セメスター(前期), 電子工学セミナーA
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, セメスター(後期), 電子工学セミナーB
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 年度, 電子工学プレゼンテーション演習
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 1ターム, 電子工学特別演習A
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 2ターム, 電子工学特別演習A
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 3ターム, 電子工学特別演習B
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 4ターム, 電子工学特別演習B
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 2ターム, 分子・バイオデバイス工学
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 年度, 量子物質科学特別研究
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, 年度, 量子物質科学特別研究
- Growth and electrical properties of atomic-layer deposited ZrO2/Si-nitride stack gate dielectrics, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 95巻, 2号, pp. 536-542, 20040115
- Application of highly-doped Si single-electron transistors to an exclusive-NOR operation, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS, 43巻, 3B号, pp. L418-L420, 20040315
- Interface trap generation induced by charge pumping current under dynamic oxide field stresses, IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, 26巻, 3号, pp. 216-218, 200503
- Abnormal enhancement of interface trap generation under dynamic oxide field stress at MHz region, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 86巻, 8号, 20050221
- Modified direct-current current-voltage method for interface trap density extraction in metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor with tunneling gate dielectrics at high temperature, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS & EXPRESS LETTERS, 44巻, 1-7号, pp. L60-L62, 2005
- Room-temperature operation of an exclusive-OR circuit using a highly doped Si single-electron transistor, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 86巻, 12号, 20050321
- Enhancement of BTI degradation in pMOSFETs under high-frequency bipolar gate bias, IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, 26巻, 6号, pp. 387-389, 200506
- Atomic-layer-deposited Si-nitride/SiO2 stack gate dielectrics for future high-speed DRAM with enhanced reliability, IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, 26巻, 8号, pp. 538-540, 200508
- Annealing temperature dependence on nickel-germanium solid-state reaction, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS & EXPRESS LETTERS, 44巻, 24-27号, pp. L753-L755, 2005
- Interface trap and oxide charge generation under negative bias temperature instability of p-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors with ultrathin plasma-nitrided SiON gate dielectrics, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 98巻, 11号, 20051201
- Periodic Coulomb oscillations in Si single-electron transistor based on multiple islands, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 98巻, 12号, 20051215
- Influence of bulk bias on negative bias temperature instability of p-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors with ultrathin SiON gate dielectrics, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 99巻, 6号, 20060315
- Carrier mobility in metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor with atomic-layer-deposited Si-nitride gate dielectrics, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS & EXPRESS LETTERS, 44巻, 28-32号, pp. L903-L905, 2005
- Pulse waveform dependence on AC bias temperature instability in pMOSFETs, IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, 26巻, 9号, pp. 658-660, 200509
- Mechanism of dynamic bias temperature instability in p- and nMOSFETs: The effect of pulse waveform, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 53巻, 8号, pp. 1805-1814, 200608
- Electron detrapping characteristics in positive bias temperature stressed n-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors with ultrathin HfSiON gate dielectrics, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 91巻, 3号, 20070716
- Atomic layer deposition of HfO2 using Hf[N(C2H5)(2)](4) and H2O, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, 45巻, 9A号, pp. 7091-7093, 200609
- Cotunneling current in Si single-electron transistor based on multiple islands, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 89巻, 18号, 20061030
- Improvement in mobility and negative-bias temperature instability in metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors with atomic-layer-deposited Si-nitride/SiO2 stack dielectrics, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, 46巻, 4B号, pp. 1874-1878, 200704
- Ar annealing for suppression of gate oxide thinning at shallow trench isolation edge, IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, 28巻, 7号, pp. 562-564, 200707
- Electrical characteristics of Si single-electron transistor based on multiple islands, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, 46巻, 9B号, pp. 6233-6236, 200709
- Atomic layer deposition of HfO2 and Si nitride on Ge substrates, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, 46巻, 12号, pp. 7699-7701, 200712
- Bias temperature instability in metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors with atomic-layer-deposited Si-nitride/SiO(2) stack gate dielectrics, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 103巻, 8号, 20080415
- Silicon single-electron memory having in-plane dot with double gates, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 47巻, 6号, pp. 4985-4987, 200806
- Dependence of charge storage and programming characteristics on dot number of floating dot memory, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 92巻, 22号, 20080602
- ★, Impact of floating dot distribution on memory characteristics of self-aligned dots-on-nanowire memory, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 105巻, 11号, 20090601
- Conduction Path Fluctuation in Silicon Two-Dimensional Tunnel Junction Array, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 48巻, 6号, 200906
- Fabrication of Si Nanowire Field-Effect Transistor for Highly Sensitive, Label-Free Biosensing, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 48巻, 6号, 200906
- Monte Carlo Simulation of the Two-Dimensional Site Percolation Problem for Designing Sensitive and Quantitatively Analyzable Field-Effect Transistors, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 48巻, 10号, 200910
- Effect of an Ultrathin SiN Cap Layer on the Bias Temperature Instability in Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors with HfSiON Gate Stacks, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 49巻, 12号, 2010
- Functional gate metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors using tunnel injection/ejection of trap charges enabling self-adjustable threshold voltage for ultralow power operation, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 98巻, 5号, 20110131
- Highly sensitive ion detection using Si single-electron transistors, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 98巻, 12号, 20110321
- Influence of Organic Contaminantion on Reliability and Trap Generation in MOS Devices, Extend. Abst. of Int. Conf. on Solid State Devices and Materials, pp. 176-177, 20010401
- Fabrication Technologies for Double-SiO2-Barrier MOS Transistor with a Poly-Si Dot, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 40巻, 3B号, pp. 2017-2020, 20010301
- Low-Temperature Selective Deposition of Silicon by Time-Modulation Exposure of Disilane and Formation of Silicon Nanowires, Extend. Abst. of Int. Conf. on Solid State Devices and Materials, pp. 202-203, 20000401
- Self-Limiting Atomic-Layer Selective Deposition of Silicon Nitride by Temperature-Controlled Method, Extend. Abst. of Int. Conf. on Solid State Devices and Materials, pp. 22-23, 19980401
- ★, Si quantum dot formation with low-pressure chemical vapor deposition, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 35巻, part2, 2B号, pp. L189-L191, 19960201
- Isolated nanometer-size Si dot arrays fabricated using electron-beam lithography, reactive ion etching, and Wet Etching in NH4OH/H2O2/H2O, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 33巻, part2, 12B号, pp. L1796-L1798, 19941201
- ★, Defect-induced Raman spectra in doped CeO2, Phys. Rev. B, 50巻, 18号, pp. 13297-13307, 19941101
- Local-hopping mechanism of the O2- vacancy in stabilized ZrO2 studied by measuring the integrated intensity of quasielastic light scattering, Phys. Rev. B, 49巻, 21号, pp. 14949-14957, 19940601
- Interpretation of the temperature dependence of the luminescence intensity, lifetime, and decay profiles in porous Si, Phys. Rev. B, 49巻, 16号, pp. 11005-11009, 19940401
- Luminescence spectroscopy of porous Si by selective excitation, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 63巻, suppl. B号, pp. 190-202, 19940401
- c-Si like phonon structures in the luminescence of porous Si, J. Luminescence, 60&61巻, pp. 324-326, 19940401
- ★, Observation of phonon structures in porous Si luminescence, Phys. Rev. Lett., 70巻, 23号, pp. 3659-3662, 19930601
- Microstructure of porous silicon, Appl. Phys. Lett., 62巻, 21号, pp. 2631-2633, 19930501
- c-Si-like phonon structures in the luminescence of porous Si:, 9th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter, pp. M5-21, 19930401
- Quantum-size effect from photoluminescence of low-temperature-oxidized porous Si, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 32巻, part1, 1B号, pp. 415-418, 19930101
- ★, Photoluminescence of porous Si, oxidized then deoxidized chemically, Appl. Phys. Lett=, 61巻, 1号, pp. 46-48, 19920701
- The evidence of quantum size effect from photoluminescence of low temperature oxdized porous Si, 1994 International Conf. on Solid State Devices and Materials, pp. 472-474, 19920801
- Local structures in the superionic conductor Y3+-doped CeO2 studied using site-selective spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B, 44巻, 10号, pp. 4862-4871, 19910401
- Soft-breakdown-suppressed ultra-thin atomic-layer-deposited silicon nitride/SiO2 stack gate dielectrics for advanced complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technology, Appl. Phys. Lett=, 79巻, 21号, pp. 3488-3490, 20011101
- Characterization of atomic-layer-deposited silicon nitride/SiO2 staked gate dielectrics for highly reliable p-metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors, J. Vac. Sci. & Technol., B 19巻, 4号, pp. 1138-1143, 20010701
- Low-temperature formation of silicon nitride gate dielectrics by atomic-Layer depositon:, Appl. Phys. Lett=, 79巻, 5号, pp. 665-667, 20010701
- Self-limiting atomic-layer deposition of Si on SiO2 by alternate supply of Si2H6 and SiCl4:, Appl. Phys. Lett=, 79巻, 5号, pp. 617-619, 20010701
- Low-temperature selective deposition of silicon on silicon nitride by time-modulated disilane flow and formation of silicon narrow wires, Appl. Phys. Lett=, 79巻, 4号, pp. 494-496, 20010701
- Conduction mechanism in extremely thin poly-Si wires---width dependence of Coulomb blockade effect---, Extend. Abst.2001 Int. Conf. on Solid State Devices and Materials, pp. 438-439, 20010901
- Atomic-layer-deposited silicon nitride/SiO2 stacked gate dielectrics for highly reliable p-MOSFETs, Applied Physics Letters, 77巻, 18号, pp. 2855-2857, 20000101
- Fabrication of novel double-barrier MOS transistors with poly-Si dots, Abst. of Intern. Symp. on Formation= Physics and Device Application of Quantum Dot Structures, pp. 10-10, 20000401
- Characterization of silicon/oxide/nitride layers by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Applied Physics Letters, 75巻, 11号, pp. 1535-1537, 19990901
- Si single-electron tunneling transistor with nanoscale floating dot stacked on a Coulomb island by self-alighed process, J. Vac. Sci. & Technol., B17巻, 5号, pp. 2163-2172, 19990401
- Microstructure and electrical properties of Sb nanocrystals formed in thin, thermally grown SiO2 layers by low-energy ion implantation, J. Vac. Sci. & Technol., B 17巻, 4号, pp. 1317-1322, 19990401
- Calculation of electrical properties of novel double-barrier metal oxide semiconductor transistors, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 38巻, part1,1B号, pp. 399-402, 19990101
- Silicon single-electron memory using ultra-small floating gate, Fujitsu Science & Technical Journal, 34巻, 2号, pp. 142-152, 19980401
- Coulomb blockade in Sb nanocrystals formed in thin, thermally grown SiO2 layers by low-energy ion implantation, Appl. Phys. Lett=, 73巻, 8号, pp. 1071-1073, 19980401
- ★, Microstructure and electrical properties of Sn nanocrystals in thin, thermally grown SiO2 layers formed via low energy ion implantation, J. Appl. Phys., 84巻, 3号, pp. 1316-1320, 19980401
- Theoretical analysis of write errors and number of stored electrons for ten-nanoscale Si floating-dot memory, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 37巻, part2, 6B号, pp. L709-L711, 19980601
- Calculation of electrical properties of novel double-barrier MOS transistors, Abst. of Intern. Symp. on Formation= Physics and Device Application of Quantum Dot Structures, pp. 10-10, 19980401
- Observation of periodic current oscillations in vertical sub-100 nm MOS-PDBFETs with wide channels, 1999 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop (Kyoto= June 12-13= 1999), pp. 27-28, 19980601
- Coulomb blockade in Sb nanocrystals in thin SiO2 film formed by using low-energy ion implantation, Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop 1998, pp. 11-12, 19980601
- 極薄酸化膜中のSn ナノクリスタルの形成と単一電子帯電効果の観測, J81-C-II巻, 2号, pp. 274-275, 19980401
- Formation of Sn nanocrystals in SiO2 film using low-energy ion implantation, Appl. Phys. Lett=, 71巻, 25号, pp. 3652-3654, 19971201
- Formation of Sb nanocrystals in SiO2 film using ion implantation followed by thermal annealing, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 36巻, part2,11B号, pp. L1552-L1554, 19971101
- ★, Si single electron tunneling transistor with nanoscale floating dot stacked on a Coulomb island by self-aligned process, Appl. Phys. Lett=, 71巻, 3号, pp. 353-355, 19970701
- Single electron charging of Sn nanocrystals in thin SiO2 film formed by low energy ion implantation, Technical Digest of the 1997 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, pp. 159-162, 19971201
- Si single electron tunneling transistor with nanoscale floating dot stacked on a Coulomb island by self-aligned process, 1999 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop (Kyoto= June 12-13= 1999), pp. 26-27, 19970601
- ★, Room temperature operation of Si single-electron memory with self-aligned floating dot gate, Appl. Phys. Lett=, 70巻, 13号, pp. 1742-1744, 19970301
- ★, Microstructure and optical absorption properties of Si nanocrystals fabricated with low-pressure chemical-vapor deposition, J. Appl. Phys., 80巻, 7号, pp. 4006-4011, 19961001
- Room temperature operation of Si single-electron memory with self-aligned floating dot gate, Technical Digest of the 1997 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, pp. 952-954, 19961201
- Site-selective spectroscopy of Eu3+ in YSZ and Y3+-doped CeO2, Solid State Ionics, 40/41巻, pp. 316-319, 19900401
- Investigations of valence charge of Tb ions in ZrO2-Tb4O7 mixed conductor using XANES measurements, Solid State Ionics, 35巻, pp. 323-327, 19890401
- Site-selective spectroscopy of Eu3+ in YSZ and Y3+-doped CeO2, 7th Internantional Conference on Solid State Ionics=, pp. 258, 19891101
- Determination of ionic diffusion coefficients and activation energies in (ZrO2)1-x(YbO1.5)x system by using quasielastic light scattering, Solid State Ionics, 28-30巻, pp. 512-517, 19880401
- Raman and hyper-Raman scattering in oxide ion conductors, 6th International Conference on Solid State Ionics, pp. 147, 19870901
- ウェハ保管環境のMOSデバイス特性への影響, エアロゾル研究, 17巻, 2号, pp. 96-104, 20020601
- Local-hopping mechanism of an oxygen vacancy in ZrO2 doped with Sc3+ studied by measuring quasi-elastic light scattering, Solid State Ionics, 146巻, pp. 133-141, 20020101
- NH3-annealed atomic-layer-deposited silicon nitride as a high-k gate dielectric with high reliability, Appl. Phys. Lett=, 80巻, 7号, pp. 1252-1254, 20020201
- Low thermal-budget ultrathin NH3-annealed atomic-layer-deposited Si-nitride/SiO2 stack gate dielectrics with excellent reliability, IEEE Electron Device Lett., 23巻, 4号, pp. 179-181, 20020401
- Coulomb blockade effects and conduction mechanism in extremely thin polycrystalline-silicon wires, J. Appl. Phys., 91巻, 8号, pp. 5213-5220, 20020401
- Reliable extraction of the energy distribution of Si/SiO2 interface traps in ultrathin metal-oxide-semiconductor structures, Appl. Phys. Lett=, 80巻, 21号, pp. 3952-3954, 20020501
- Fabrication of Si single-electron transistors having double SiO2 barriers, Appl. Phys. Lett=, 80巻, 24号, pp. 4617-4619, 20020601
- Conduction mechanism of Si single-electron transistors having an one-dimensional regular array of multiple tunnel junctions, Appl. Phys. Lett=, 81巻, 4号, pp. 733-735, 20020701
- High quality NH3-annealed atomic Layer Deposited Si-nitride/SiO2 Stack Gate Dielectrics for Sub-100nm Technology Generations, Solid State Electron, 46巻, pp. 1657-1662, 20020401
- Low-temperature formation of highly-reliable silicon-nitride gate dielectrics with suppressed soft-breakdown phenomena for advanced complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technology, J. Vac. Sci. & Technol. B, 20巻, 4号, pp. 1406-1409, 20020701
- Atomic-layer deposition of ZrO2 with a Si nitiride barrier layer, Appl. Phys. Lett=, 81巻, 15号, pp. 2824-2826, 20021001
- Response to "Comment on ’Reliable extraction of the energy distribution of Si/SiO2 interface traps in ultrathin metal-oxide-semiconductor structures’" [Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 3681(2002)], Appl. Phys. Lett=, 81巻, 19号, pp. 3683-3684, 20021101
- ★, Atomic-layer-deposited silicon-nitride/SiO2 stack ---- a highly potential gate dielectrics for advanced CMOS technology, Microelectronics Reliability, 42巻, pp. 1823-1835, 20021201
- Soft breakdown free atomic-layer-deposited silicon-nitride/SiO2 stack gate dielectrics, Technical Digest of the 2001 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, pp. 133-136, 20011201
- Ultrathin NH3 annealed atomic layer deposited Si-nitride/SiO2 stack gate dielectrics with high reliability, 2001 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, pp. 26-29, 20011201
- Atomic-layer-deposition of Si nitride and ZrO2 for gate dielectrics, Abst. AVS Topical Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD 2002), pp. 6-6, 20020801
- A novel method for extracting the energy distribution of Si/SiO2 interface traps in ultrathin oxide MOS structures, the Second IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, 20020801
- Time-dependent breakdown of ultrathin SiO2 gate dielectrics under static and dynamic stress, Abst. 2nd ECS Int. Semiconductor Technology Conf., pp. Abstract No.71, 20020901
- A comparative study of bulk and interface trap generation in ultrathin SiO2 and atomic-layer-deposited Si-nitride/SiO2 stack gate dielectrics, Forth Int. Symposium on Control of Semiconductor Interface (ISCSI-IV), pp. A6-3-A6-3, 20021001
- An Effective Method for Obtaining Interface Trap Distribution in MOS capacitors with Tunneling Gate Oxides, Proceedings 2002 IEEE Int. Conf. on Semiconductor Electronics (ICSE 2002), pp. 402-406, 20021201
- Organic Contamination Dependence of Process Induced Interface Trap Generation in Ultrathin Oxide Metal Oxide Semiconductor Transistors, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 42巻, 12A号, pp. L1429-L1432, 20031201
- High quality atomic-layer-deposited ultrathin Si-nitride gate dielectrics with low density of interface and bulk traps, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 83巻, 2号, pp. 335-337, 20030714
- Carrier mobility in p-MOSFET with atomic-layer-deposited Si-nitride/SiO2 stack gate dielectrics, IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, 24巻, 7号, pp. 472-474, 200307
- Biomolecule detection based on Si single-electron transistors for highly sensitive integrated sensors on a single chip, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100巻, 2号, 20120109
- In-Plane Grain Orientation Alignment of Polycrystalline Silicon Films by Normal and Oblique-Angle Ion Implantations, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 51巻, 4号, 201204
- Charge redistribution in a charge storage layer containing C-60 molecules and organic polymers for long electron retention, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 101巻, 21号, 20121119
- Characteristics of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors with a functional gate using trap charging for ultralow power operation, JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 31巻, 1号, 201301
- Excellent retention characteristics of nanocomposite gate insulator consisting of fullerene-containing polystyrene, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 103巻, 1号, 20130701
- ★, Biomolecule detection based on Si single-electron transistors for practical use, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 103巻, 4号, 20130722
- ★, Memory operation mechanism of fullerene-containing polymer memory, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 106巻, 10号, pp. 103302-1-103302-5, 20150309
- Dependence of memory characteristics of fullerene-containing polymer on the kind of gate metal, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 54巻, 10号, 201510
- Novel polymer composite having diamond particles and boron nitride platelets for thermal management of electric vehicle motors, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 55巻, 2号, pp. 027101-1-027101-8, 201602
- ★, Application of Single-Electron Transistor to Biomolecule and Ion Sensors, Appllied Sciences, 6巻, 4号, pp. 94-1-94-4, 20160401
- ★, Mechanism of Static and Dynamic Bias Temperature Instability in p- and n-MOSFETs, ECS transaction, 6巻, 3号, pp. 203-228, 2007
- Application of Single-Electron Transistor to Biomolecule and Ion Sensors, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 6巻, 4号, 201604
- Applications of Si nanoscale dot to memory and biosensor devices, EMN Meeting On Vacuum Electronics, pp. 19-20, 20151121
- ★, Fullerene-Containing Electrically Conducting Electron Beam Resist for Ultrahigh Integration of Nanometer Lateral-Scale Organic Electronic Devices, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 7巻, 20170627
- ★, Electroluminescence from Alq(3)-Containing Electron-Beam Resists for Light-Emitting Organic Nanometer-Scale Devices, ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, 3巻, 12号, pp. 11688-11694, 20201224