Last Updated :2024/10/02

半導体産業技術研究所 特任助教



  • 2018年04月01日, 広島大学, ナノデバイス・バイオ融合科学研究所, 特任助教
  • 2016年09月01日, 2018年03月31日, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, T. D. Lee Institute, Research Assistant
  • 2011年09月01日, 2016年08月31日, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Research Fellow
  • 2009年10月01日, 2011年08月31日, University of Connecticut, Research Associate
  • 2006年10月01日, 2009年09月31日, RIKEN BNL Research Center, Research Associate
  • 2003年04月01日, 2006年09月31日, 筑波大学, 計算科学研究センター, 研究員


  • 修士(理学) (広島大学)
  • 博士(理学) (広島大学)


  • 総合理工 / ナノ・マイクロ科学 / ナノマイクロシステム
  • 情報学 / 情報学基礎 / 数理情報学
  • 複合領域 / 人間医工学 / 生体医工学・生体材料学
  • 数物系科学 / 物理学 / 数理物理・物性基礎



  1. Cross-Correlation of Confocal Images for Excised Breast Tissues of Total Mastectomy, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 71巻, 5号, pp. 1705-1716, 20240101
  2. Renormalizability of quasiparton distribution functions, Physical Review D, 96巻, 9号, pp. 094019, 20171121
  3. Parton distribution function with nonperturbative renormalization from lattice QCD, Physical Review D, 97巻, 1号, pp. 014505, 20180101
  4. Neutral B meson mixings and B meson decay constants with static heavy and domain-wall light quarks, Physical Review D, 91巻, 11号, pp. 114505, 20150612
  5. Full QED+QCD low-energy constants through reweighting, Physical Review Letters, 109巻, 7号, pp. 072002, 20120816
  6. One-loop operator matching in the static heavy and domain-wall light quark system with O(a) improvement, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011巻, 05号, pp. 040, 20110509
  7. Phase structure of twisted Eguchi-Kawai model, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008巻, 01号, pp. 025, 20080109
  8. Light quark masses from unquenched lattice QCD, Physical Review D, 78巻, 1号, pp. 011502(R), 20080714
  9. Parton distributions and lattice QCD calculations: A community white paper, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 100巻, pp. 107-160, 201805
  10. Improved parton distribution functions at the physical pion mass, Physical Review D, 98巻, 5号, pp. 054504, 20180905
  11. Neutral B-meson mixing from unquenched lattice QCD with domain-wall light quarks and static b-quarks, Physical Review D, 82巻, 1号, pp. 014505, 20100720
  12. Gaussian-weighted parton quasi-distribution (Lattice Parton Physics Project (LP3)), Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 62巻, 9号, pp. 991021, 20190429
  13. Symmetry properties of nonlocal quark bilinear operators on a Lattice (LP3 Collaboration), Chinese Physics C, 43巻, 10号, pp. 103101, 20190817
  14. Pseudo scalar meson masses in Wilson chiral perturbation theory for 2+1 flavors, Physical Review D, 73巻, 1号, pp. 014511, 20060118
  15. Non-perturbative renormalization of meson decay constants in quenched QCD for a renormalization group improved gauge action, Physical Review D, 70巻, 7号, pp. 074502, 20041005
  16. Calculation of the Pontrjagin class for U(1) instantons on non-commutative R^4, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002巻, 08号, pp. 028, 20020910
  17. Elongated U(1) instantons on noncommutative R^4, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2001巻, 11号, pp. 068, 20020222
  18. Noncommutative Cohomological Field Theory, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 43巻, 2号, pp. 872, 20020117
  19. Perturbative matching of continuum and lattice quasi-distributions, EPJ Web of Conferences, 175(2018)巻, pp. 06028, 20180326
  20. Matching issue in quasi parton distribution approach, Proceedings of Science, LATTICE2016巻, pp. 177, 20170324
  21. Non-perturbative renormalization of the static quark theory in a large volume, Proceedings of Science, LATTICE2015巻, pp. 254, 20160715
  22. B meson decay constants and Delta B=2 matrix elements with static heavy and domain-wall light quarks, Proceedings of Science, LATTICE2014巻, pp. 376, 20150521
  23. Neutral B meson mixing with static heavy and domain-wall light quarks, Proceedings of Science, LATTICE2013巻, pp. 410, 20140428


  1. Statistical characteristics of RTN and 1/f noise in MOSFETs, Akinobu Teramoto, Tatsuki Ueta, Tomomi Ishikawa, 2022 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (AWAD 2022), 2022年07月08日, 招待, 英語, Online
  2. 映像化アルゴリズム ~マイクロ波乳がん検診に向けて~, 石川智己, 東京都医工連携HUB機構セミナー, 2020年10月29日, 招待, 日本語, 東京都医工連携HUB機構, 東京都(オンライン)
  3. Artifact Removal for Microwave Breast Cancer Detection, Tomomi Ishikawa, Takamaro Kikkawa, The 4th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, 2019年11月14日, 通常, 英語, Shizuoka Univeristy, 静岡県浜松市
  4. Microwave Tomography in Time-Domain, Tomomi Ishikawa, Takamaro Kikkawa, Atif Shahzad, The 3rd International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, 2018年11月08日, 通常, 英語, RNBS, Hiroshima University, 広島県東広島市
  5. Parton Distribution Functions on the Lattice, Tomomi Ishikawa, ハドロン・原子核物理の理論研究最前線 2017, 2017年11月21日, 招待, 日本語, 高エネルギー加速器研究機構, 茨城県つくば市
  6. Perturbative matching of continuum and lattice quasi-distributions, Tomomi Ishikawa, The 35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2017), 2017年06月18日, 通常, 英語, Granada, Spain
  7. Matching with lattice non-local operators, Tomomi Ishikawa, Parton Distributions and Lattice Calculations in the LHC era (PDFLattice2017), 2017年03月22日, 招待, 英語, Balliol College, Oxford, UK
  8. Toward a Practical Calculation of PDF on lattice, Tomomi Ishikawa, Topic Workshop on Parton Distributions in Modern Era, 2016年12月18日, 通常, 英語, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
  9. Matching for quasi parton distribution functions, Tomomi Ishikawa, Yan-Qing Ma, Jian-Wei Qiu and Shinsuke Yoshida, 22nd International Spin Symposium, 2016年09月25日, 通常, 英語, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA
  10. Matching issue in quasi parton distribution approach, Tomomi Ishikawa, The 34th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2016), 2016年07月24日, 通常, 英語, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK


  1. 2020年11月24日, The Most Influential Paper Award of Chinese Physics Society, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Symmetry properties of nonlocal quark bilinear operators on a Lattice



  1. RBRC Workshop on Lattice Gauge Theories 2016, 2016年03月, 2016年03月
  2. The 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 2014年06月, 2014年06月
  3. New Horizons for Lattice Computations with Chiral Fermions, Organizer, 2012年05月, 2012年05月


  1. 2017年, Physical Review D, その他, Referee