高橋 美佐Misa Takahashi

Last Updated :2025/03/26

大学院統合生命科学研究科 助教



  • 博士(理学) (広島大学)
  • 修士(理学) (広島大学)


  • 農学 / 境界農学 / 環境農学(含ランドスケープ科学)


  • 形質転換植物
  • 環境浄化
  • 二酸化窒素ガス
  • 窒素代謝



  1. 2024年, 教養教育, 2ターム, 教養ゼミ
  2. 2024年, 学部専門, 1ターム, 生物科学セミナー
  3. 2024年, 学部専門, セメスター(後期), 分子形質発現学演習
  4. 2024年, 学部専門, セメスター(前期), 生物科学基礎実験I
  5. 2024年, 学部専門, セメスター(後期), 生物科学基礎実験IV
  6. 2024年, 学部専門, 3ターム, 生物学実験A
  7. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 2ターム, 生命理学特論C
  8. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 4ターム, 生命理学特論D



  1. 大気二酸化窒素の植物成長促進効果の分子機構の解明, 生物資源ゲノム解析拠点ニュースレター, 11号, pp. 24, 202403
  2. Prolonged exposure to atmospheric nitrogen dioxide increases fruit yield of tomato plants, PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY, 28巻, 5号, pp. 485-487, 2011
  3. Structure-function relationship of assimilatory nitrite reductases from the leaf and root of tobacco based on high-resolution structures, PROTEIN SCIENCE, 21巻, 3号, pp. 383-395, 201203
  5. The reductive reaction mechanism of tobacco nitrite reductase derived from a combination of crystal structures and ultraviolet-visible microspectroscopy, PROTEINS-STRUCTURE FUNCTION AND BIOINFORMATICS, 80巻, 8号, pp. 2035-2045, 201208
  6. X-Ray Crystal Structure of a Mutant Assimilatory Nitrite Reductase That Shows Sulfite Reductase-Like Activity, CHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY, 9巻, 9号, pp. 1989-1999, 201209
  7. Nitrogen dioxide regulates organ growth by controlling cell proliferation and enlargement in Arabidopsis, NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 201巻, 4号, pp. 1304-1315, 201403
  8. Dual selective nitration in Arabidopsis: Almost exclusive nitration of PsbO and PsbP, and highly susceptible nitration of four non-PSII proteins, including peroxiredoxin II E, ELECTROPHORESIS, 36巻, 20号, pp. 2569-2578, 201510
  9. Kinematic evidence that atmospheric nitrogen dioxide increases the rates of cell proliferation and enlargement to stimulate leaf expansion in Arabidopsis, PLANT SIGNALING & BEHAVIOR, 10巻, 12号, 20151202
  10. Nitration is exclusive to defense-related PR-1, PR-3 and PR-5 proteins in tobacco leaves, PLANT SIGNALING & BEHAVIOR, 11巻, 7号, 2016
  11. Differential abilities of nitrogen dioxide and nitrite to nitrate proteins in thylakoid membranes isolated from Arabidopsis leaves, PLANT SIGNALING & BEHAVIOR, 11巻, 10号, 2016
  12. Light-triggered selective nitration of PsbO1 in isolated Arabidopsis thylakoid membranes is inhibited by photosynthetic electron transport inhibitors, PLANT SIGNALING & BEHAVIOR, 11巻, 12号, 2016
  13. Selective nitration of PsbO1 inhibits oxygen evolution from isolated Arabidopsis thylakoid membranes, PLANT SIGNALING & BEHAVIOR, 12巻, 4号, 2017
  14. Nitrate, but not nitrite, derived from nitrogen dioxide accumulates in Arabidopsis leaves following exposure to N-15-labeled nitrogen dioxide, PLANT SIGNALING & BEHAVIOR, 14巻, 2号, 2019
  15. Dual nitrogen species involved in foliar uptake of nitrogen dioxide in Arabidopsis thaliana, PLANT SIGNALING & BEHAVIOR, 14巻, 4号, 20190403
  16. Nitrogen Dioxide at Ambient Concentrations Induces Nitration and Degradation of PYR/PYL/RCAR Receptors to Stimulate Plant Growth: A Hypothetical Model, PLANTS-BASEL, 8巻, 7号, 201907
  17. The RNAi-Mediated Silencing of Xanthine Dehydrogenase Impairs Growth and Fertility and Accelerates Leaf Senescence in Transgenic Arabidopsis Plants, Plant and cell physiology, 48巻, 10号, pp. 1484-1495, 20071001
  18. Functional complementation in yeast reveals a protective role of chloroplast 2-Cys peroxiredoxin against reactive nitrogen species., Functional complementation in yeast reveals a protective role of chloroplast 2-Cys peroxiredoxin against reactive nitrogen species., 33巻, 5号, 2003
  19. Functional complementation in yeast reveals a protective role of chloroplast 2-Cys peroxiredoxin against reactive nitrogen species., Functional complementation in yeast reveals a protective role of chloroplast 2-Cys peroxiredoxin against reactive nitrogen species., 33巻, 5号, 2003
  20. Functional complementation in yeast reveals a protective role of chloroplast 2-Cys peroxiredoxin against reactive nitrogen species., Functional complementation in yeast reveals a protective role of chloroplast 2-Cys peroxiredoxin against reactive nitrogen species., 33巻, 5号, 2003
  21. Screening and genetic manipulation of plants for decontamination of pollutants from the environments., Screening and genetic manipulation of plants for decontamination of pollutants from the environments., 22巻, 1-2号, 2003
  22. Screening and genetic manipulation of plants for decontamination of pollutants from the environments., Screening and genetic manipulation of plants for decontamination of pollutants from the environments., 22巻, 1-2号, 2003
  23. Formation of unidentified nitrogen in plants: an implication for a novel nitrogen metabolism., Formation of unidentified nitrogen in plants: an implication for a novel nitrogen metabolism., 219巻, 1号, 2004
  24. Formation of unidentified nitrogen in plants: an implication for a novel nitrogen metabolism., Formation of unidentified nitrogen in plants: an implication for a novel nitrogen metabolism., 219巻, 1号, 2004
  25. Formation of unidentified nitrogen in plants: an implication for a novel nitrogen metabolism., Formation of unidentified nitrogen in plants: an implication for a novel nitrogen metabolism., 219巻, 1号, 2004
  26. Differential expression of the nitrite reductase gene family in tobacco as revealed by quantitative competitive RT-PCR., Differential expression of the nitrite reductase gene family in tobacco as revealed by quantitative competitive RT-PCR., 55巻, 403号, 2004
  27. Differential expression of the nitrite reductase gene family in tobacco as revealed by quantitative competitive RT-PCR., Differential expression of the nitrite reductase gene family in tobacco as revealed by quantitative competitive RT-PCR., 55巻, 403号, 2004
  28. Differential expression of the nitrite reductase gene family in tobacco as revealed by quantitative competitive RT-PCR., Differential expression of the nitrite reductase gene family in tobacco as revealed by quantitative competitive RT-PCR., 55巻, 403号, 2004
  29. Three distinct Arabidopsis hemoglobins exhibit peroxidase-like activity and differentially mediate nitrite-dependent protein nitration., Three distinct Arabidopsis hemoglobins exhibit peroxidase-like activity and differentially mediate nitrite-dependent protein nitration., 572巻, 1-3号, 2004
  30. Three distinct Arabidopsis hemoglobins exhibit peroxidase-like activity and differentially mediate nitrite-dependent protein nitration., Three distinct Arabidopsis hemoglobins exhibit peroxidase-like activity and differentially mediate nitrite-dependent protein nitration., 572巻, 1-3号, 2004
  31. Three distinct Arabidopsis hemoglobins exhibit peroxidase-like activity and differentially mediate nitrite-dependent protein nitration., Three distinct Arabidopsis hemoglobins exhibit peroxidase-like activity and differentially mediate nitrite-dependent protein nitration., 572巻, 1-3号, 2004
  32. Novel metabolism of nitrogen in plants., Novel metabolism of nitrogen in plants., 60巻, 3-4号
  33. Novel metabolism of nitrogen in plants., Novel metabolism of nitrogen in plants., 60巻, 3-4号
  34. Novel metabolism of nitrogen in plants., Novel metabolism of nitrogen in plants., 60巻, 3-4号
  35. Tolerance to, and uptake and degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) are enhanced by the expression of a bacterial nitroreductase gene in Arabidopsis thaliana., Tolerance to, and uptake and degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) are enhanced by the expression of a bacterial nitroreductase gene in Arabidopsis thaliana., 60巻, 3-4号
  36. Tolerance to, and uptake and degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) are enhanced by the expression of a bacterial nitroreductase gene in Arabidopsis thaliana., Tolerance to, and uptake and degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) are enhanced by the expression of a bacterial nitroreductase gene in Arabidopsis thaliana., 60巻, 3-4号
  37. Tolerance to, and uptake and degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) are enhanced by the expression of a bacterial nitroreductase gene in Arabidopsis thaliana., Tolerance to, and uptake and degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) are enhanced by the expression of a bacterial nitroreductase gene in Arabidopsis thaliana., 60巻, 3-4号
  38. Nocturnal uptake and assimilation of nitrogen dioxide by C3 and CAM plants., Nocturnal uptake and assimilation of nitrogen dioxide by C3 and CAM plants., 60巻, 3-4号
  39. Nocturnal uptake and assimilation of nitrogen dioxide by C3 and CAM plants., Nocturnal uptake and assimilation of nitrogen dioxide by C3 and CAM plants., 60巻, 3-4号
  40. Nocturnal uptake and assimilation of nitrogen dioxide by C3 and CAM plants., Nocturnal uptake and assimilation of nitrogen dioxide by C3 and CAM plants., 60巻, 3-4号
  41. Atmospheric nitrogen dioxide gas is a plant vitalization signal to increase plant size and the contents of cell constituents., Atmospheric nitrogen dioxide gas is a plant vitalization signal to increase plant size and the contents of cell constituents., 168巻, 1号, 2005
  42. Atmospheric nitrogen dioxide gas is a plant vitalization signal to increase plant size and the contents of cell constituents., Atmospheric nitrogen dioxide gas is a plant vitalization signal to increase plant size and the contents of cell constituents., 168巻, 1号, 2005
  43. Atmospheric nitrogen dioxide gas is a plant vitalization signal to increase plant size and the contents of cell constituents., Atmospheric nitrogen dioxide gas is a plant vitalization signal to increase plant size and the contents of cell constituents., 168巻, 1号, 2005
  44. Differential assimilation of nitrogen dioxide by 70 taxa of roadside trees at an urban pollution level., Differential assimilation of nitrogen dioxide by 70 taxa of roadside trees at an urban pollution level., 61巻, 5号, 2005
  45. Differential assimilation of nitrogen dioxide by 70 taxa of roadside trees at an urban pollution level., Differential assimilation of nitrogen dioxide by 70 taxa of roadside trees at an urban pollution level., 61巻, 5号, 2005
  46. Differential assimilation of nitrogen dioxide by 70 taxa of roadside trees at an urban pollution level., Differential assimilation of nitrogen dioxide by 70 taxa of roadside trees at an urban pollution level., 61巻, 5号, 2005
  47. Nitrogen dioxide at an ambient level improves the capability of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) to decontaminate cadmium., Nitrogen dioxide at an ambient level improves the capability of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) to decontaminate cadmium., 10巻, 1号
  48. Nitrogen dioxide at an ambient level improves the capability of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) to decontaminate cadmium., Nitrogen dioxide at an ambient level improves the capability of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) to decontaminate cadmium., 10巻, 1号
  49. Nitrogen dioxide at an ambient level improves the capability of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) to decontaminate cadmium., Nitrogen dioxide at an ambient level improves the capability of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) to decontaminate cadmium., 10巻, 1号
  50. Molecular characterization of atmospheric NO2-responsive germin-like proteins in azalea leaves., Molecular characterization of atmospheric NO2-responsive germin-like proteins in azalea leaves., 377巻, 3号, 2008
  51. Molecular characterization of atmospheric NO2-responsive germin-like proteins in azalea leaves., Molecular characterization of atmospheric NO2-responsive germin-like proteins in azalea leaves., 377巻, 3号, 2008
  52. Molecular characterization of atmospheric NO2-responsive germin-like proteins in azalea leaves., Molecular characterization of atmospheric NO2-responsive germin-like proteins in azalea leaves., 377巻, 3号, 2008
  53. Mutants of Ficus pumila produced by ion beam irradiation with an improved ability to uptake and assimilate atmospheric nitrogen dioxide., Mutants of Ficus pumila produced by ion beam irradiation with an improved ability to uptake and assimilate atmospheric nitrogen dioxide., 14巻, 3号, 2012
  54. Mutants of Ficus pumila produced by ion beam irradiation with an improved ability to uptake and assimilate atmospheric nitrogen dioxide., Mutants of Ficus pumila produced by ion beam irradiation with an improved ability to uptake and assimilate atmospheric nitrogen dioxide., 14巻, 3号, 2012
  55. Mutants of Ficus pumila produced by ion beam irradiation with an improved ability to uptake and assimilate atmospheric nitrogen dioxide., Mutants of Ficus pumila produced by ion beam irradiation with an improved ability to uptake and assimilate atmospheric nitrogen dioxide., 14巻, 3号, 2012
  56. Nitrogen dioxide regulates organ growth by controlling cell proliferation and enlargement in Arabidopsis., Nitrogen dioxide regulates organ growth by controlling cell proliferation and enlargement in Arabidopsis., 201巻, 4号, 2014
  57. Nitrogen dioxide regulates organ growth by controlling cell proliferation and enlargement in Arabidopsis., Nitrogen dioxide regulates organ growth by controlling cell proliferation and enlargement in Arabidopsis., 201巻, 4号, 2014
  58. Nitrogen dioxide regulates organ growth by controlling cell proliferation and enlargement in Arabidopsis., Nitrogen dioxide regulates organ growth by controlling cell proliferation and enlargement in Arabidopsis., 201巻, 4号, 2014
  59. Nitrogen dioxide is a positive regulator of plant growth., Nitrogen dioxide is a positive regulator of plant growth., 9巻, 2号, 2014
  60. Nitrogen dioxide is a positive regulator of plant growth., Nitrogen dioxide is a positive regulator of plant growth., 9巻, 2号, 2014
  61. Nitrogen dioxide is a positive regulator of plant growth., Nitrogen dioxide is a positive regulator of plant growth., 9巻, 2号, 2014
  62. Differential responses of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions to atmospheric nitrogen dioxide at ambient concentrations., Differential responses of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions to atmospheric nitrogen dioxide at ambient concentrations., 9巻, 3号, 2014
  63. Differential responses of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions to atmospheric nitrogen dioxide at ambient concentrations., Differential responses of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions to atmospheric nitrogen dioxide at ambient concentrations., 9巻, 3号, 2014
  64. Differential responses of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions to atmospheric nitrogen dioxide at ambient concentrations., Differential responses of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions to atmospheric nitrogen dioxide at ambient concentrations., 9巻, 3号, 2014
  65. Nitrogen dioxide accelerates flowering without changing the number of leaves at flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana., Nitrogen dioxide accelerates flowering without changing the number of leaves at flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana., 9巻, 10号, 2014
  66. Nitrogen dioxide accelerates flowering without changing the number of leaves at flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana., Nitrogen dioxide accelerates flowering without changing the number of leaves at flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana., 9巻, 10号, 2014
  67. Nitrogen dioxide accelerates flowering without changing the number of leaves at flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana., Nitrogen dioxide accelerates flowering without changing the number of leaves at flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana., 9巻, 10号, 2014
  68. イオンビーム育種による高二酸化窒素浄化植物の育成, 原子力eye, 54巻, 1号, pp. 45-47, 200801
  69. イオンビーム育種による高二酸化窒素浄化植物の育成, 原子力eye, 54巻, 1号, pp. 45-47, 200801
  70. イオンビーム育種による高二酸化窒素浄化植物の育成, 原子力eye, 54巻, 1号, pp. 45-47, 200801


  1. 2003年08月, 日本植物細胞分子生物学会・奨励賞, 日本植物細胞分子生物学会, NOx および POPs の浄化を目指したファイトレメディエーション・バイオテクノロジーの研究


  1. 特許権, 5700661, 2015年02月27日, 植物の生育促進方法



  1. 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C)), 植物の新しい正の成長調節因子二酸化窒素のセンシング遺伝子の特定と受容機構の理解, 2015年, 2017年



  1. 日本生物学オリンピック本選大会実行委員, 2016年09月, 2017年09月, 国際生物学オリンピック日本委員会