二宮 和彦Kazuhiko Ninomiya
Last Updated :2024/12/17
- 所属・職名
- 広島大学 教授
- メールアドレス
- ninomiya-kazuhiroshima-u.ac.jp
- 2008年04月, 2009年03月, 大阪大学, 特任研究員
- 2009年04月, 2012年03月, 日本原子力研究開発機構先端基礎研究センター, 博士研究員
- 2012年04月, 2021年03月, 大阪大学, 助教
- 2021年04月, 2024年03月, 大阪大学, 准教授
- 2024年04月01日, 広島大学, 自然科学研究支援開発センター, 教授
- 修士(理学) (大阪大学)
- 博士(理学) (大阪大学)
- 2024年, 教養教育, 2ターム, Modern Chemistry
- 2024年, 学部専門, 4ターム, 先端化学
- 2024年, 学部専門, セメスター(前期), 卒業研究
- 2024年, 学部専門, セメスター(後期), 卒業研究
- 2024年, 学部専門, 3ターム, 放射化学
- Development of non-destructive isotope measurement of the natural galena (PbS) using negative muon beams, Journal of Analytical Science and Technology, 15巻, 1号, 20240507
- Development of wide range photon detection system for muonic X-ray spectroscopy, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1060巻, pp. 169029-169029, 202403
- Quantification of bulk elemental composition for C‐type asteroid Ryugu samples with nondestructive elemental analysis using muon beam, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 20240131
- Development of a non-destructive depth-selective quantification method for sub-percent carbon contents in steel using negative muon lifetime analysis, Scientific Reports, 14巻, 1号, pp. 1797, 20240120
- Development of a non-destructive carbon quantification method in iron by negative muon lifetime measurement, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 20240104
- Non-Destructive Determination of Bulk Elemental Composition of a Japanese Bronze Coin using Negative Muon, Open Access Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology, 5巻, 2号, 202311
- An arrowhead made of meteoritic iron from the late Bronze Age settlement of Mörigen, Switzerland and its possible source, Journal of Archaeological Science, 157巻, pp. 105827-105827, 202309
- Non‐destructive elemental analysis of lunar meteorites using a negative muon beam, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 20230803
- Measurements of ordinary muon capture rates on 100Mo and natural Mo for astro-antineutrinos and double-& beta; decays, PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 108巻, 1号, 202307
- Proof-of-Principle Experiment for Testing Strong-Field Quantum Electrodynamics with Exotic Atoms: High Precision X-Ray Spectroscopy of Muonic Neon, Physical Review Letters, 130巻, 17号, 20230427
- Development of Nondestructive Elemental Analysis System for Hayabusa2 Samples Using Muonic X-rays, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 7巻, 4号, pp. 699-711, 20230309
- The non-destructive investigation of a late antique knob bow fibula (Bügelknopffibel) from Kaiseraugst/CH using Muon Induced X-ray Emission (MIXE), Heritage Science, 11巻, 1号, 20230302
- Non-destructive Elemental Analysis of Lunar Materials with Negative Muon Beam at J-PARC, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2462巻, 1号, pp. 012004-012004, 20230301
- Integration of arts and sciences using negative muon non-destructive analysis at J-PARC MUSE, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2462巻, 1号, pp. 012005-012005, 20230301
- Negative muon spin rotation and relaxation on Li metal, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2462巻, 1号, pp. 012045-012045, 20230301
- Formation and evolution of carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu: Direct evidence from returned samples, Science, 379巻, 6634号, pp. eabn8671, 20230224
- Non-Destructive Composition Identification for Mixtures of Iron Compounds Using a Chemical Environmental Effect on a Muon Capture Process, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 95巻, 12号, pp. 1769-1774, 20221215
- Non-destructive 3D imaging method using muonic X-rays and a CdTe double-sided strip detector, Scientific Reports, 12巻, 1号, pp. 5261, 202212
- Negative Muon Spin Rotation and Relaxation Study on Battery Anode Material, Spinel Li4Ti5O12, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126巻, 25号, pp. 10506-10514, 20220617
- Eight-year variations in atmospheric radiocesium in Fukushima city, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22巻, 1号, pp. 675-692, 20220117
- 3-D Optical Imaging System of Muon Beams Using a Silver Activated Zinc Sulfide (ZnS(Ag)) Sheet Combined With a Mirror, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 68巻, 12号, pp. 2748-2752, 202112
- Three-dimensional (3D) optical imaging of muon beam using a plastic scintillator plate in water, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1015巻, pp. 165768-165768, 202111
- Atmospheric Resuspension of Insoluble Radioactive Cesium Particles Found in the Difficult-to-Return Area in Fukushima, 20210830
- Dynamical Response of Transition-Edge Sensor Microcalorimeters to a Pulsed Charged-Particle Beam, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31巻, 5号, 202108
- Optical imaging of decayed positrons and muons with different collimators, Journal of Instrumentation, 16巻, 08号, pp. P08062-P08062, 20210801
- Deexcitation Dynamics of Muonic Atoms Revealed by High-Precision Spectroscopy of Electronic K X rays, Physical Review Letters, 127巻, 5号, 20210727
- Chemical effect on muonic atom formation through muon transfer reaction in benzene and cyclohexane samples, Radiochimica Acta, 109巻, 4号, pp. 319-326, 20210427
- Muonic X-ray Identification of Nuclear Materials Sealed in a Box, Proceedings of the 3rd J-PARC Symposium (J-PARC2019), 20210326
- A novel challenge of nondestructive analysis on OGATA Koan’s sealed medicine by muonic X-ray analysis, Journal of Natural Medicines, 20210313
- Structural and compositional characteristics of Fukushima release particulate material from Units 1 and 3 elucidates release mechanisms, accident chronology and future decommissionig strategy, Scientific Reports, 10巻, 10号, pp. 22056, 20201216
- Position distribution calculation of annihilation radiations and bremsstrahlung x rays in water during irradiation of positive muons: a Monte Carlo simulation study, Physica Scripta, 96巻, 2号, pp. 025302-025302, 20201211
- Nuclear magnetic field in Na0.7CoO2 detected with μ−SR, Physical Review B, 102巻, 14号, 20201021
- X-ray Spectroscopy of Muonic Atoms Isolated in Vacuum with Transition Edge Sensors, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 200巻, 5-6号, pp. 445-451, 202009
- 負ミュオンの化学, RADIOISOTOPES, 69巻, 8号, pp. 277-286, 20200815
- Irradiation Test of 65-nm Bulk SRAMs With DC Muon Beam at RCNP-MuSIC Facility, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 67巻, 7号, pp. 1555-1559, 202007
- Nondestructive High-Sensitivity Detections of Metallic Lithium Deposited on a Battery Anode Using Muonic X-rays, Analytical Chemistry, 92巻, 12号, pp. 8194-8200, 20200529
- Nuclear isotope production by ordinary muon capture reaction, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 202005
- Per atom muon capture ratios and effects of molecular structure on muon capture by γ-Fe2O3 and Fe3O4, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 324巻, 1号, pp. 403-408, 202004
- Feasibility Study for NITE SiC/SiC as the Target Material for Pions/Muons Production at High-Power Proton Accelerator Facilities, Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology, 20200206
- Electron State Effects on The Formation Process of Muonic Atom, Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan, 19巻, 3号, pp. 87-93, 2020
- Optical imaging of muons, Scientific Reports, 10号, pp. 20790, 2020
- 連続ミューオン源RCNP-MuSICを用いた非接触での物体内部の元素濃度分析実験, RADIOISOTOPES, 69巻, 1号, pp. 13-17, 2020
- Estimation of dose and light distributions in water during irradiation of muon beams, Physica Scripta, 94号, pp. 125804, 20190920
- Development of non-destructive isotopic analysis methods using muon beams and their application to the analysis of lead, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 320巻, 3号, pp. 801-805, 201906
- Activity of 90Sr in Fallout Particles Collected in the Difficult-to-Return Zone around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, Environ. Sci. Technol, 53巻, 10号, pp. 5868-5876, 201904
- Chemical Environmental Effect on Muon Capture Processes for Iron Compounds, JPS Conf.Proc., 25巻, pp. 011010, 201903
- Initial quantum levels of captured muons in CO, CO2, and COS, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 320巻, 2号, pp. 283-289, 201903
- Fungal spore involvement in the resuspension of radiocaesium in summer, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 9巻, 1954号, pp. 1954, 201902
- 超伝導検出器を用いた多価ミュオン原子/イオンの精密X線分光, 日本物理学会講演概要集, 74.1巻, pp. 745-745, 2019
- 超伝導検出器を用いたミュオン原子の高分解能X線分光, 日本物理学会講演概要集, 74.2巻, pp. 535-535, 2019
- Non-destructive, position-selective, and multi-elemental analysis method involving negative muons, Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, 19号, pp. 8-13, 2019
- Development of a non-destructive isotopic analysis method by gamma-ray emission measurement after negative muon irradiation, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 322巻, 3号, pp. 1299-1303, 20190101
- First determination of Pu isotopes (239Pu, 240Pu and 241Pu) in radioactive particles derived from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, Scientific Reports, 9:11807巻, 1号, 2019
- Negative muon capture ratios for nitrogen oxide molecules, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 319巻, 3号, pp. 767-773, 201812
- The seasonal variations of atmospheric 134,137Cs activity and possible host particles for their resuspension in the contaminated areas of Tsushima and Yamakiya, Fukushima, Japan, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 5巻, 1号, pp. 1-17, 20181201
- 高エネルギー陽子加速器における二次粒子生成標的の照射効果, 201809
- Nuclear Magnetic Field in Solids Detected with Negative-Muon Spin Rotation and Relaxation, Phys. Rev. Lett., 121巻, 8号, pp. 087202, 201808
- Atmospheric Activity Concentration of 90Sr and 137Cs after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident, Environ. Sci. Technol, 52巻, 17号, pp. 9917-9925, 201808
- 素粒子ミュオンを用いた新しい元素分析法の開発, 2018-7号, pp. 9-15, 201807
- Muonic X-ray measurements on mixtures of CaO/MgO and Fe3O4/MnO, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 316巻, 3号, pp. 1107-1111, 20180601
- Muon Beamline Commissioning and Feasibility Study for μSR at a New DC Muon Beamline, MuSIC-RCNP, Osaka University, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance (μSR2017), 201803
- Detection of Li in Li-ion battery electrode materials by muonic x-ray, JPS Conference. Proceedings 21, 011041 (2018)., 21号, 201803
- Isotope identification of lead by muon induced X-ray and gamma-ray measurements, JPS Conference. Proceedings 21, 011043 (2018), 21号, 201803
- Development of Muonic Atom Beam Extraction System and First Evaluation by Intense Negative Muon Beam of J-PARC MUSE, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance (μSR2017), 21号, 201803
- Muon Transfer Rates from Muonic Hydrogen Atoms to Gaseous Benzene and Cyclohexane, Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences 18, 5-8 (2018), 18巻, 18号, pp. 5-8, 201802
- Muon capture reaction on 100Mo to study the nuclear response for double-β decay and neutrinos of astrophysics origin, Physical Review C, 97巻, 1号, pp. 014617, 20180130
- ミュオン特性X線による価数判別の検討, 日本物理学会講演概要集, 73.2巻, pp. 2094-2094, 2018
- Non-destructive elemental analysis of a carbonaceous chondrite with direct current Muon beam at MuSIC, Scientific Reports, 7巻, 1号, 20171201
- ミューオンビームによる鹿田遺跡出土青銅製品・石製品の完全非破壊非接触物質分析, 岡山大学埋蔵文化財調査研究センター紀要2016, 201711
- 福島原発事故由来の放射性Csを含む微粒子の生成模擬実験とその性質, KEK Proceedings 2017-6 Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity, pp. 90-95, 201711
- Construction of new DC muon beamline RCNP-MuSIC for muon applied science, Proceedings of Science, 295巻, 2017
- Use of a size-resolved 1-D resuspension scheme to evaluate resuspended radioactive material associated with mineral dust particles from the ground surface, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 166巻, 166号, pp. 436-448, 20170101
- Commissioning of new DC muon beam line, MuSIC-RCNP at Osaka University, 201610
- New DC muon beamline, MuSIC : present status of beamline commissioning and prospects, 201608
- 福島原発由来の不溶性粒子の生成模擬実験, Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity, pp. 153-157, 201608
- Negative muon induced elemental analysis by muonic X-ray and prompt gamma-ray measurements, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 309巻, pp. 65-69, 201604
- Rapid isolation method for radioactive strontium using EmporeTM Strontium Rad Disk, J. Nucl. Radiochem. Sci., 16巻, pp. 15-21, 201604
- 19pAF-4 阪大RCNP-MuSICにおけるミューオンビームのスピン偏極度測定, 日本物理学会講演概要集, 71巻, pp. 2664-2664, 2016
- 低圧の混合ガス試料(H2+CO, H2+CO2)中でのミュオン転移における化学効果, Radioisotopes, 65巻, 3号, pp. 113-118, 2016
- Measurements of production cross sections of 10Be and 26Al by 120 GeV and 392 MeV proton bombardment of 89Y, 159Tb, and natCu targets, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 361巻, pp. 685-688, 201510
- Elemental Analysis System with Negative-Muon Beam, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Science at J-PARC — Unlocking the Mysteries of Life, Matter and the Universe —, 20150925
- Muonic Atom Formation by Muon Transfer Process in C6H6or C6H12and CCl4Mixtures, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Science at J-PARC — Unlocking the Mysteries of Life, Matter and the Universe —, 20150925
- The Development of a Non-Destructive Analysis System with Negative Muon Beam for Industrial Devices at J-PARC MUSE, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Science at J-PARC — Unlocking the Mysteries of Life, Matter and the Universe —, 20150925
- Nondestructive Elemental Depth-Profiling Analysis by Muonic X-ray Measurement, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 87巻, 9号, pp. 4597-4600, 201505
- Elemental Analysis of Bronze Artifacts by Muonic X-ray Spectroscopy, JPS Conf. Proc., 201504
- Online Monitoring of Negative Muon Beam Profiles at J-PARC MUSE using a Gated Image Intensifier, JPS Conf. Proc., 201504
- Daily variation of I-131, Cs-134 and Cs-137 activity concentrations in the atmosphere in Osaka during the early phase after the FDNPP accident, JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY, 303巻, 2号, pp. 1527-1531, 201502
- Muon capture probability of carbon and oxygen for CO, CO2, and COS under low-pressure gas conditions, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 303巻, 2号, pp. 1277-1281, 2015
- Muonic atom formation processes for carbon containing molecules, XXIX INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONIC, ELECTRONIC, AND ATOMIC COLLISIONS (ICPEAC2015), PTS 1-12, 635巻, 2015
- 大気中の放射線強度の変動, 大気環境学会年会講演要旨集, 55回巻, pp. 493-493, 201408
- A new X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy for extraterrestrial materials using a muon beam, Scientific Reports, 4巻, 20140527
- Measurements of cross sections for neutron-induced reactions on chromium and yttrium targets at 197 MeV, Nucl. Data Sheets, 201404
- 浪江町で採取された土壌における90Srの深度分布, KEK Proceedings 2014, 201404
- Measurements of the neutron activation cross sections for Bi and Co AT 386 MeV, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 161巻, 1-4号, pp. 139-143, 2014
- Nuclear γ rays from stopped muon capture reactions for nuclear isotope detection, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 82巻, 4号, 201304
- Measurements of Cross Sections for Production of Light Nuclides by 300 MeV Proton Bombardment of Cu and Y., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 201304
- 福島市、日立市、丸森町における134Cs、137Csと7Beの大気中放射能濃度変化, KEK Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Enviromental Radiochemistry, KEK Proceedings 2013-7,, 201304
- 固相抽出法を用いたエアダストに含まれる放射性ストロンチウムの分析, Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Enviromental Radiochemistry, KEK Proceedings 2013-7,, 2013-7号, 201304
- Multipole and superconducting state in PrIr 2Zn 20 probed by muon spin relaxation, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 85巻, 23号, 20120629
- Development of Nondestructive and Quantitative Elemental Analysis Method Using Calibration Curve between Muonic X-ray Intensity and Elemental Composition in Bronze, BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 85巻, 2号, pp. 228-230, 201202
- New Muon Kicker System for the Decay Muon Beamline at J-PARC, 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MUON SPIN ROTATION, RELAXATION AND RESONANCE (MUSR2011), 30巻, pp. 65-68, 2012
- J-PARC Muon Facility, MUSE, Physics Procedia, 30巻, pp. 46-49, 2012
- μsR Studies on Caged Compound PrIr2Zn20, Physics Procedia, 30巻, pp. 125-128, 2012
- Muon Beam Slicer at J-PARC MUSE, Physics Procedia, 30巻, pp. 30-33, 2012
- μsR evidence of nonmagnetic order and 141Pr hyperfine-enhanced nuclear magnetism in the cubic Γ3 ground doublet system PrTi 2Al20, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 80巻, 11号, 201111
- Measurements of the neutron activation cross sections for Bi at 287 and 370 MeV, Proceedings in Radiochemistry, 1巻, 1号, pp. 135-139, 201109
- Absence of pure quadrupole ordering in SmSn3: Dipole-dipole and quadrupole-quadrupole interactions in Sm-based compounds, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 84巻, 6号, 20110818
- Measurement of high energy neutron induced cross sections for chromium, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 59巻, 23号, pp. 1916-1919, 201108
- Negative Muon Capture on Nitrogen Oxide Molecules., Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 59巻, 4号, pp. 2917-2920, 201108
- Possible long-periodic magnetic structure in SmPb3, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 80巻, 201107
- Cross Sections of 7Be, 22Na and 24Na for Geochemical and Cosmochemical Important Elements by Monoenergetic 287 and 370 MeV Neutrons., Proc. Radiochem. Acta, 201104
- Incommensurate-to-Commensurate Magnetic Phase Transition in SmIn3 Observed by Muon Spin Relaxation, J Phys Soc Jpn, 80巻, 3号, pp. 33710-033710-4, 20110315
- Measurement of Neutron Cross Sections for Yttrium and Terbium at 287 MeV, Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, 1巻, 0号, pp. 89-93, 2011
- Evidence for appearance of an internal field in the ordered state of CeRu2Al10 by μ+SR, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 79巻, 5号, 201005
- JAEA-ASRC muon research at J-PARC MUSE, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 225巻, 2010
- Development of elemental analysis by muonic X-ray measurement in J-PARC, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 225巻, 2010
- Measurements of high-energy neutron cross sections for accurate cosmogenic nuclide production rates, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 73巻, 13号, pp. A945-A945, 200906
- Study of electronic X-rays emitted from pionic and muonic atoms, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 272巻, 3号, pp. 661-664, 200706
- Energy shift of electronic X-rays emitted from pionic atoms, Radiochimica Acta, 93巻, 9-10号, pp. 515-518, 2005
- 2015年, 放射化学の事典, 放射化学の事典, 朝倉書店, 分担執筆, jpn, 日本放射化学会, 9784254140989, xiv, 358p, 図版 [4] p
- Low-dose radiation effects on animals and ecosystems : long-term study on the Fukushima Nuclear Accident, Low-dose radiation effects on animals and ecosystems : long-term study on the Fukushima Nuclear Accident, 分担執筆, eng, 9789811382178, xv, 264 p.
- 2020年03月, 日本中間子科学会 奨励賞
- 2016年09月, 日本放射化学会学会賞(奨励賞), 日本放射化学会
- 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 素粒子ミュオンを用いた非破壊同位体分析法の開発, 2022年04月01日, 2026年03月31日
- 科学研究費助成事業, 宇宙観測検出器と量子ビームの出会い。新たな応用への架け橋。, 2023年04月01日, 2024年03月31日
- 科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型), 宇宙観測検出器と量子ビームの出会い。新たな応用への架け橋。, 2018年06月29日, 2023年03月31日
- 科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型), 負ミュオンビームを用いた新たな非破壊元素分析法, 2018年06月29日, 2023年03月31日
- 放射線健康管理・健康不安対策事業(放射線の健康影響に係る研究調査事業), 不溶性セシウム粒子による生物影響の解明に向けた分野横断的共同研究, 2019年04月, 2022年03月
- 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), ミュオンを用いた新規の非接触化学状態分析法の開発, 2018年04月01日, 2021年03月31日
- 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A), 福島原子炉事故時の放射性核種の放出機構と化学的状態の解明, 2016年04月01日, 2020年03月31日
- 英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業 戦略的原子力共同研究プログラム, 福島原発事故による生物影響の解明に向けた学際共同研究, 2016年04月, 2019年03月
- 科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型), 様々な化学形態における放射性物質測定および技術開発, 2012年06月28日, 2017年03月31日
- 科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究, ミュー粒子を用いた新規アプローチによるパラ固体水素のトンネル拡散速度の決定, 2014年04月01日, 2016年03月31日
- 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B), 低圧気体を用いたミュオン転移過程における分子構造の影響の検証, 2014年04月01日, 2016年03月31日
- 科学研究費助成事業, サイクロトロンビーム高度利用による核医学用新規分子イメージングプローブの開発, 2012年04月01日, 2016年03月31日
- 科学研究費助成事業, 超低速ミュオン顕微鏡, 2011年04月01日, 2016年03月31日
- 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B), 軽元素に捕獲された負ミュオン初期状態の精密決定, 2012年04月01日, 2014年03月31日
- 運営委員, 2019年04月, 2021年03月, 日本中間子科学会
- 運営委員, 2017年04月, 2019年03月, 日本中間子科学会
- 広報渉外委員, 2016年04月, 2018年03月, 原子衝突学会
- 広報渉外委員, 2014年04月, 2016年03月, 原子衝突学会
- 幹事, 2024年05月, 2026年03月, J-PARC MLF 利用者懇談会
- 研究嘱託, 2024年05月, 2025年03月, 国立研究開発法人日本原子力研究開発機構
- ミュオン課題審査部会委員及び同部会分科会委員, 2024年07月, 2025年03月, 高エネルギー加速器研究機構
- 第4期理工・ライフサイエンス部会常任委員会常任委員, 2024年04月, 2026年03月, 社団法人日本アイソトープ協会
- 物質構造科学研究所ミュオン共同利用実験審査委員会委員, 2024年06月, 2025年03月, 高エネルギー加速器研究機構
- 量子ビームを用いたリュウグウ・隕石試料の分析, 日本放射化学会, 日本放射化学会 講演会 放射化学が切り拓く人類の夢と安全安心, 2022年/09月/10日
- 素粒子ミュオンで考古学資料を透視する, 豊中市立中央公民館, 2019年/01月/19日, 2019年/01月/19日