東谷 誠二Seiji Higashitani

Last Updated :2025/03/03

大学院先進理工系科学研究科 教授



  • 博士(学術) (広島大学)
  • 修士(理学) (山口大学)


  • 【学士課程】 総合科学部 : 総合科学科 : 総合科学プログラム
  • 【博士課程前期】 先進理工系科学研究科 : 先進理工系科学専攻 : 量子物質科学プログラム
  • 【博士課程前期】 先進理工系科学研究科 : 先進理工系科学専攻 : 理工学融合プログラム
  • 【博士課程後期】 先進理工系科学研究科 : 先進理工系科学専攻 : 量子物質科学プログラム
  • 【博士課程後期】 先進理工系科学研究科 : 先進理工系科学専攻 : 理工学融合プログラム


  • 数物系科学 / 物理学 / 物性Ⅱ



  1. 2024年, 教養教育, 1ターム, 一般力学I[1工二]
  2. 2024年, 教養教育, 3ターム, 一般力学II[1工二]
  3. 2024年, 学部専門, 2ターム, 物理科学演習I
  4. 2024年, 学部専門, 1ターム, 物理科学概論
  5. 2024年, 学部専門, 1ターム, 量子力学II
  6. 2024年, 学部専門, 2ターム, 量子力学演習II
  7. 2024年, 学部専門, 2ターム, Frontiers of Material Science (物質科学の最前線)
  8. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, セメスター(前期), 理工学融合特別演習A
  9. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, セメスター(後期), 理工学融合特別演習B
  10. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 3ターム, 理工学融合共通科目2:グリーンな発展
  11. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 3ターム, 相関系計測論



  1. Lifetime of edge modes at rough surfaces of chiral superconductors, Physical Review B, 110巻, pp. 224506, 20241209
  2. Frictional motion of normal-fluid component of superfluid He-3 in aerogel, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 82巻, 5号, 20100825
  3. ★, Surface Majorana Cone of the Superfluid He-3 B Phase, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 80巻, 1号, 201101
  4. Subgap in the Edge States of Two-Dimensional Chiral Superconductor with Rough Surface, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 80巻, 11号, 201111
  5. ★, Odd-frequency Cooper pairs and zero-energy surface bound states in superfluid He-3, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 85巻, 2号, 20120112
  6. ★, Knudsen-to-Hydrodynamic Crossover in Liquid He-3 in a High-Porosity Aerogel, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 108巻, 22号, 20120601
  7. ★, Magnetic Response of Odd-Frequency s-Wave Cooper Pairs in a Superfluid Proximity System, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 110巻, 17号, 20130423
  8. Quasi-classical theory of rough surface effects on unconventional BCS states., Czechoslovak J. Phys., 46巻, S2号, pp. 1059-1060, 19960401
  9. Electromagnetic response of a kx ±iky superconductor: Effect of order-parameter collective modes, Phys. Rev. B, 62巻, 5号, pp. 3042-3045, 20000801
  10. Impurity scattering effect on superfluidity of 3He in aerogel, J. Low Temp. Phys., 114巻, 1/2号, pp. 161-172, 19990101
  11. Phase diagram of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in a three-dimensional superconductor, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 67巻, 1号, pp. 280-289, 19980115
  12. ★, Mechanism of paramagnetic Meissner effect in high-temperature superconductors, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 66巻, 9号, pp. 2556-2559, 19970901
  13. ★, Theory of rough surface effects on the anisotropic BCS states, J. Low Temp. Phys., 103巻, 1/2号, pp. 1-22, 19960401
  14. Rough surface effects on d-wave superconductors, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 65巻, 6号, pp. 1540-1543, 19960615
  15. ★, Meissner effect in normal-superconducting proximity-contact double layers, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 64巻, 2号, pp. 549-564, 19950215
  16. Meissner effect in clean proximity-contact N-S double layer, Physica B, 194-196巻, pp. 1385-1386, 19940401
  17. Quasi-classical theory of the Andreev reflection at the N-S interface, Physica C, 185-189巻, pp. 1451-1452, 19910401
  18. Impurity effect on the order parameter collective mode in superfluid 3He in aerogel, AIP Conf. Proc., 850巻, pp. 249-250, 20060901
  19. Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in thin films with rough surfaces, AIP Conf. Proc., 850巻, pp. 733-734, 20060901
  20. Raman spectra of p-wave superconductors with non-magnetic impurities, AIP Conf. Proc., 850巻, pp. 581-582, 20060901
  21. Surface condition dependence of transverse acoustic impedance in superfluid 3He, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 150巻, pp. 032070(1–4), 20090301
  22. Odd-frequency Cooper pairs near the surfaces of superuid 3He-B, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 400巻, pp. 012018, 20121201
  23. Low Temperature Properties of the Mermin-Ho Texture of Superuid 3He-A in a Cylinder, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 400巻, pp. 012054, 20121201
  24. Drag Force on a High Porosity Aerogel in Liquid 3He, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 400巻, pp. 012071, 20121201
  25. Superfluid density in He-3 film, PHYSICA B, 284巻, pp. 271-272, 200007
  26. Order parameter collective modes in Sr2RuO4, PHYSICA B, 284巻, pp. 539-540, 200007
  27. Effect of finite reflection at the interface on diamagnetic response of normal-superconducting proximity contact double layers, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 69巻, 11号, pp. 3493-3496, 200011
  28. Collision drag effect on propagation of sound in liquid He-3 in aerogel, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 70巻, 12号, pp. 3483-3486, 200112
  29. Rough surface effect on Meissner diamagnetism in normal-layer of N-S proximity-contact system, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 71巻, 1号, pp. 293-299, 200201
  30. Transverse sound in liquid-He-3-aerogel system, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 89巻, 21号, 20021118
  31. Viscoelastic theory of liquid He-3 in aerogel, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 329巻, pp. 299-300, 200312
  32. A-B transition of superfluid He-3 in aerogel under magnetic field, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 329巻, pp. 301-302, 200312
  33. Rough surface effect on diamagnetic response of normal-superconducting proximity contact system with arbitrary concentration of impurities, JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 132巻, 3-4号, pp. 147-165, 200308
  34. Collision drag effect on two-fluid hydrodynamics of superfluid He-3 in aerogel, JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 134巻, 3-4号, pp. 843-850, 200402
  35. Fourth sound propagation in superfluid He-3 in aerogel, JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 138巻, 1-2号, pp. 147-152, 200501
  36. NMR properties of a possible non-unitary state of superfluid He-3 in aerogel, JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 138巻, 1-2号, pp. 153-157, 200501
  37. Theory of acoustic impedance of superfluid He-3, JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 138巻, 1-2号, pp. 349-354, 200501
  38. Microscopic theory of sound propagation in the superfluid He-3-aerogel system, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 71巻, 13号, 200504
  39. Observation of surface Andreev bound states of superfluid He-3 by transverse acoustic impedance measurements, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 95巻, 7号, 20050812
  40. Sound propagation in superfluid He-3 in aerogel, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS, 66巻, 8-9号, pp. 1334-1338, 2005
  41. Transverse acoustic impedance of superfluid He-3-B, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS, 66巻, 8-9号, pp. 1352-1354, 2005
  42. Raman spectra of spin-triplet superconductor Sr2RuO4, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 383巻, 1号, pp. 82-83, 20060815
  43. Effect of order parameter collective mode on electronic Raman spectra of spin-triplet superconductor Sr2RuO4, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 76巻, 3号, 200703
  44. Ultrasound attenuation of superfluid He-3 in aerogel, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 98巻, 22号, 20070601
  45. Theory of transverse acoustic impedance of superfluid He-3, JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 149巻, 5-6号, pp. 294-313, 200712
  46. Surface Bound States in Superfluid He-3, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 77巻, 11号, 200811
  47. ★, Proximity Effect between a Dirty Fermi Liquid and Superfluid He-3, JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 155巻, 1-2号, pp. 83-97, 200904
  48. New Anomaly in the Transverse Acoustic Impedance of Superfluid He-3-B with a Wall Coated by Several Layers of He-4, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 103巻, 15号, 20091009
  49. Frictional Relaxation Time of He-3 Normal Fluid Component in Aerogel Obtained by Fourth Sound Resonance, JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 158巻, 1-2号, pp. 182-187, 201001
  50. ★, Strong Anisotropy in Spin Suceptibility of Superfluid He-3-B Film Caused by Surface Bound States, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 78巻, 12号, 200912
  51. Odd-frequency pairing effect on the superfluid density and the Pauli spin susceptibility in spatially nonuniform spin-singlet superconductors, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 89巻, 18号, 20141209
  52. Spin Current as a Manifestation of Surface Odd-Frequency Pairing in Superfluid He-3, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 83巻, 7号, 201407
  53. Fermi surface effect on spontaneous breaking of time-reversal symmetry in unconventional superconducting films, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 91巻, 9号, 20150323
  54. Spin-Dependent Acoustic Response in the Nonunitary A(1) and A(2) Phases of Superfluid He-3 under High Magnetic Fields, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 114巻, 10号, 20150310
  55. Phase Transition to a Time-Reversal Symmetry-Breaking State in d-Wave Superconducting Films with Rough Surfaces, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 84巻, 3号, 20150315
  56. Temperature Dependence of the Critical Thickness of d-Wave Superconducting Films, Physics Procedia, 65巻, pp. 25, 2015
  57. Rough Surface Effect on a Broken Time-reversal Pairing State in d-wave Superconducting Films, Physics Procedia, 65巻, pp. 169, 2015
  58. Multiple Phase Transition in Unconventional Superconducting Films, JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 187巻, 5-6号, pp. 545-552, 201706
  59. Subgap in the Surface Bound States Spectrum of Superfluid He-B with Rough Surface, JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 190巻, 5-6号, pp. 277-301, 201803
  60. Influence of diffuse surface scattering on the stability of superconducting phases with spontaneous surface current generated by Andreev bound states, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 98巻, 13号, 201810
  61. Surface Bound States and Spontaneous Edge Currents in Chiral Superconductors: Effect of Spatially Varying Order Parameter, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 89巻, 3号, 20200315


  1. 1999年, 「物理学基礎実験」第2版,宇田川眞行・永井克彦・星野公三 編, 共立出版株式会社, 1999年, 教科書, 共著
  2. 2014年, [基礎から学ぶ]力学,乾雅祝・畠中憲之・星野公三 共編著, 培風館, 2014年, 教科書, 共著


  1. 奇周波数クーパー対から見たゼロエネルギーアンドレーエフ表面束縛状態, 佐藤豪太, 長登康, 東谷誠二, 日本物理学会第79回年次大会, 2024年09月19日, 通常, 日本語, 北海道大学札幌キャンパス
  2. カイラル超伝導体におけるエッジ状態の寿命, 東谷誠二, 佐藤豪太, 織田晋丈, 長登康, 日本物理学会第79回年次大会, 2024年09月19日, 通常, 日本語, 北海道大学札幌キャンパス
  3. ゼロエネルギー表面アンドレーエフ束縛状態の状態密度, 佐藤豪太, 長登康, 東谷誠二, 日本物理学会春季大会, 2024年03月18日, 通常, 日本語
  4. カイラル超伝導体の表面状態密度, 東谷誠二, 長登康, 日本物理学会春季大会, 2023年03月23日, 通常, 日本語


  1. 2013年03月, 第18回日本物理学会論文賞, Surface Majorana Cone of the Superfluid 3He B phase



  1. 超低温の世界, 中高大連携公開講座, 2008年/07月/19日, 講師, 出前授業