Last Updated :2024/12/02

大学院先進理工系科学研究科 教授
I am an expert on quantum phenomena and their peculiar effects in optical systems. Through my theoretical work, I have pioneered new methods of control for photons and fields. I strongly believe that a better understanding of quantum physics is possible and can be achieved by better methods of observation. At the heart of this effort is the problem of control and the limitations imposed on it by quantum uncertainty. At present, science is suffering from a superficial understanding of empirical standards and a lack of honest discussion regarding the wider implications of new insights. To me, science is an indispensable part of our shared human heritage and we need to work together to promote and maintain a free and open exchange of scientific ideas. I was able to move from Germany to Japan because science knows neither nationality nor boundaries. The same should apply to all other fields of academia and I believe that it is the central purpose of Universities to bring people from all backgrounds together in an honest effort to realize a life dedicated to truth and honesty. I sincerely hope that I can contribute to this effort and this is the core motivation of my work.



  • 理学博士 (シュツットガルト大学)
  • 物理学修士 (シュツットガルト大学)


  • 【学士課程】 工学部 : 第二類(電気電子・システム情報系) : 電子システムプログラム
  • 【博士課程前期】 先進理工系科学研究科 : 先進理工系科学専攻 : 量子物質科学プログラム
  • 【博士課程後期】 先進理工系科学研究科 : 先進理工系科学専攻 : 量子物質科学プログラム


  • 数物系科学 / 物理学 / 原子・分子・量子エレクトロニクス


  • 量子光学、量子情報、量子論の基礎


  • ドイツ物理学会, 1997年
  • OPTICA (アメリカの光学学会), 1997年



  1. 2024年, 教養教育, 1ターム, Principles of Physics
  2. 2024年, 学部専門, 3ターム, 技術英語演習
  3. 2024年, 学部専門, 3ターム, 電気磁気学II
  4. 2024年, 学部専門, 3ターム, 電気磁気学演習II
  5. 2024年, 学部専門, 通年, 卒業論文
  6. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, セメスター(前期), 電子工学セミナーA
  7. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, セメスター(後期), 電子工学セミナーB
  8. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 年度, 電子工学プレゼンテーション演習
  9. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 1ターム, 電子工学特別演習A
  10. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 2ターム, 電子工学特別演習A
  11. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 3ターム, 電子工学特別演習B
  12. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 4ターム, 電子工学特別演習B
  13. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 年度, 量子物質科学特別研究
  14. 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, 年度, 量子物質科学特別研究



  1. Tracing quantum correlations back to collective interferences, New Journal of Physics, 26巻, pp. 063021-1-063021-11, 20240619
  2. Contextuality and inequality violations in a three-path interferometer, Proc. SPIE, 20231003
  3. Origin of meter fluctuations in weak measurement interactions, PHYS REV A, 109巻, pp. 022224-1-022224-12, 20240220
  4. ★, Sequential propagation of a single photon through five measurement contexts in a three-path interferomete, Optica Quantum, 1巻, pp. 63-70, 20231215
  5. Quantitative relations between different measurement contexts, QUANTUM, 8巻, pp. 1255-1-1255-8, 20240208
  6. Realization of photon correlations beyond the linear optics limit, SCIENCE ADVANCES, 9巻, 51号, pp. eadj8146-1-eadj8146-8, 20231222
  7. Quantum contextuality of complementary photon polarizations explored by adaptive input state control, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 108巻, 6号, pp. 062213-1-062213-11, 20231215
  8. ★, Contextuality, coherences, and quantum Cheshire cats, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 25巻, 11号, pp. 113028-1-113028-14, 20230612
  9. ★, A possible solution to the which-way problem of quantum interference, QUANTUM STUDIES-MATHEMATICS AND FOUNDATIONS, 10巻, 4号, pp. 429-437, 202311
  10. ★, Dependence of measurement outcomes on the dynamics of quantum coherent interactions between the system and the meter, PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, 5巻, 3号, pp. 033064-1-033064-12, 20230731
  11. Enhancement of broadband entangled two-photon absorption by resonant spectral phase flips, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 108巻, 1号, pp. 033064-1-033064-9, 20230714
  12. Characterization of the nonclassical relation between measurement outcomes represented by nonorthogonal quantum states, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 107巻, pp. 022208-1-022208-8, 20230209
  13. ★, Pfadbestimmung im Doppelspalt, Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 2022巻, 11号, pp. 24-26, 20221101
  14. Probing the path information hidden in the quantum fluctuations of interference patterns, Proc. SPIE, 12238巻, pp. 1223808, 20221004
  15. ★, Quantifying the presence of a neutron in the paths of an interferometer, PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, 4巻, 2号, 20220427
  16. Energy-time entanglement and intermediate-state dynamics in two-photon absorption, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 104巻, 2号, 20210827
  17. Phase matching between energy-time entanglement and two photon absorption processes, Proc. SPIE, 11835巻, pp. 118350P, 20210801
  18. Uncertainty limits of the information exchange between a quantum system and an external meter, Physical Review A, 104巻, pp. 012219, 20210721
  19. How to put quantum particles on magic bullet trajectories that can hit two targets without a clear line-of-sight, Scientific Reports, 11巻, pp. 7964, 20210412
  20. ★, Direct evaluation of measurement uncertainties by feedback compensation of decoherence, Physical Review Research, 3巻, pp. L012011, 20210203
  21. Experimental investigation of the relation between measurement uncertainties and non-local quantum correlations, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, 5巻, 11号, 202111
  22. Contextuality of quantum fluctuations characterized by conditional weak values of entangled states, Physical Review A, 102巻, pp. 062215, 20201222
  23. Exploring energy-time entanglement using the dynamics of two-photon absorption, Proc. SPIE, 11507巻, pp. 115070K, 202008
  24. Direct and efficient verification of entanglementbetween two multimode–multiphoton systems, Optica, 7巻, pp. 1517-1523, 20201029
  25. Quantum causality relations and the emergence of reality from coherent superpositions, Foundations of Physics, 20200518
  26. What Does the Operator Algebra of Quantum Statistics Tell Us about the Objective Causes of Observable Effects?, ENTROPY, 22巻, 6号, 202006
  27. Time of flight paradox for photons in a dispersive medium, Proc. SPIE, 11134巻, pp. 111340H, 201909
  28. ★, The role of system–meter entanglement in controlling the resolution and decoherence of quantum measurements, New Journal of Physics, 21巻, pp. 103006-1-103006-11, 20191001
  29. Local measurement uncertainties impose a limit on nonlocal quantum correlations, Physical Review A, 100巻, pp. 012123, 20190722
  30. Quantum enhancement of sensitivity achieved by photon-number-resolving detection in the dark port of a two-path interferometer operating at high intensities, Physical Review A, 100巻, pp. 013814, 20190709
  31. Experimental evaluation of the nonclassical relation between measurement errors using entangled photon pairs as a probe, Physical Review A, 98巻, pp. 062109, 20181207
  32. Experimental evaluation of the nonclassical relation between measurement errors using entangled photon pairs as a probe, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 98巻, 6号, 20181207
  33. A statistical analysis of single photon propagation: how quantum interference modifies the laws of motion, Proc. SPIE, 10771巻, pp. 1077115, 201809
  34. Dynamics and statistics in the operator algebra of quantum mechanics, Reality and Measurement in Algebraic Quantum Theory, NWW 2015, Nagoya, Japan, March 9-13, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Springer Nature Singapore 2018, pp. 179-194, 2018
  35. Control of particle propagation beyond the uncertainty limit by interference between position and momentum, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 98巻, 5号, 20181106
  36. Derivation of the statistics of quantum measurements from the action of unitary dynamics, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS, 133巻, 3号, 20180323
  37. Photon number statistics of entanglement generated by multiple single photon sources, Proc. SPIE, 10409巻, pp. 1040904, 201708
  38. Evaluation of bipartite entanglement between two optical multi-mode systems using mode translation symmetry, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 19巻, 20171025
  39. ★, Quantum interference of position and momentum: A particle propagation paradox, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 96巻, 2号, 20170828
  40. Implementation of a quantum controlled-SWAP gate with photonic circuits, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 7巻, 20170331
  41. Observation of non-classical correlations in sequential measurements of photon polarization, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 18巻, 20161025
  42. Quantum effects in the interference of photon number states, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 94巻, 4号, 20161010
  43. ★, On the fundamental role of dynamics in quantum physics, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D, 70巻, 5号, 20160524
  44. Experimental evaluation of nonclassical correlations between measurement outcomes and target observable in a quantum measurement, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 93巻, 3号, 20160302
  45. Characterization of measurement uncertainties using the correlations between local outcomes obtained from maximally entangled pairs, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 92巻, 4号, 20151019
  46. ★, Quantum paradoxes originating from the nonclassical statistics of physical properties related to each other by half-periodic transformations, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 91巻, 6号, 20150622
  47. Reasonable conditions for joint probabilities of non-commuting observables, Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, 1巻, 1号, pp. 39-45, 20140705
  48. Derivation of quantum mechanics from a single fundamental modification of the relations between physical properties, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 89巻, 4号, 20140424
  49. Simultaneous suppression of time and energy uncertainties in a single-photon frequency-comb state, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 89巻, 5号, 20140515
  50. Radiation pattern of plasmonic nano-antennas in a homogeneous medium, OPTICS EXPRESS, 22巻, 11号, pp. 13263-13268, 20140602
  51. Sequential measurements of non-commuting observables with quantum controlled interactions, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 16巻, 20140624
  52. An investigation of the transfer dynamics of quantum teleportation by weak measurement statistics, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL, 46巻, 24号, 20130621
  53. Direct observation of temporal coherence by weak projective measurements of photon arrival time, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 87巻, 6号, 20130619
  54. Quantum effects in the interaction of off-resonant coherent light with a single atom, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 88巻, 1号, 20130708
  55. Optimal multi-photon phase sensing with a single interference fringe, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 3巻, 20130925
  56. ★, Complex joint probabilities as expressions of reversible transformations in quantum mechanics, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 14巻, 20120424
  57. Clock synchronization using maximal multipartite entanglement, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 86巻, 1号, 20120702
  58. ★, How Weak Values Emerge in Joint Measurements on Cloned Quantum Systems, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 109巻, 2号, 20120713
  59. Analysis of the time-energy entanglement of down-converted photon pairs by correlated single-photon interference, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 86巻, 4号, 20121015
  60. Estimation of a quantum interaction parameter using weak measurements: Theory and experiment, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 86巻, 4号, 20121022
  61. Violation of Leggett-Garg inequalities in quantum measurements with variable resolution and back-action, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 14巻, 20121016
  62. Uncertainty limits for quantum metrology obtained from the statistics of weak measurements, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 83巻, 2号, 20110222
  63. Weak measurement of photon polarization by back-action-induced path interference, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 13巻, 20110331
  64. Realization of a Knill-Laflamme-Milburn controlled-NOT photonic quantum circuit combining effective optical nonlinearities, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 108巻, 25号, pp. 10067-10071, 20110621
  65. Time-resolved measurement of the quantum states of photons using two-photon interference with short-time reference pulses, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 84巻, 3号, 20110913
  66. On the role of complex phases in the quantum statistics of weak measurements, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 13巻, 20111011
  67. Interferometric weak measurement of photon polarization, AIP conference proceedings, 1363巻, pp. 145-148, 20111201
  68. ★, Complete characterization of post-selected quantum statistics using weak measurement tomography, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 81巻, 1号, 201001
  69. ★, Directional control of light by a nano-optical Yagi-Uda antenna, NATURE PHOTONICS, 4巻, 5号, pp. 312-315, 201005
  70. Effects of photon losses on phase estimation near the Heisenberg limit using coherent light and squeezed vacuum, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 81巻, 3号, 201003
  71. Analysis of experimental error sources in a linear-optics quantum gate, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 12巻, 20100430
  72. ★, An Entanglement Filter, SCIENCE, 323巻, 5913号, pp. 483-485, 20090123
  73. ★, All path-symmetric pure states achieve their maximal phase sensitivity in conventional two-path interferometry, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 79巻, 3号, 200903
  74. How to simulate a universal quantum computer using negative probabilities, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL, 42巻, 27号, 20090710
  75. Pulse-shape effects on photon-photon interactions in nonlinear optical quantum gates, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 80巻, 1号, 200907
  76. Reconstruction of spatial qutrit states based on realistic measurement operators, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 80巻, 6号, 200912
  77. Quantum enhancement of N-photon phase sensitivity by interferometric addition of down-converted photon pairs to weak coherent light, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 41巻, 9号, 20080514
  78. Measurement and control of spatial qubits generated by passing photons through double slits, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 78巻, 1号, 200807
  79. Beating the standard quantum limit: phase super-sensitivity of N-photon interferometers, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 10巻, 20080718
  80. Accidental cloning of a single-photon qubit in two-channel continuous-variable quantum teleportation, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 75巻, 6号, 200706
  81. ★, Design parameters for a nano-optical Yagi-Uda antenna, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 9巻, 20070706
  82. ★, High-photon-number path entanglement in the interference of spontaneously down-converted photon pairs with coherent laser light, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 76巻, 3号, 200709
  83. Generation of a highly phase sensitive polarization squeezed N-photon state by collinear parametric downconversion and photon subtraction, Physical Review A, 74巻, pp. 013808, 20060401
  84. Optimal cloning of single photon polarization by coherent feedback of beam splitter losses, New Journal of Physics, 8巻, pp. 130, 20060401
  85. Analysis of an experimental quantum logic gate by complementary classical operations, Modern Physics Letters A, 21巻, pp. 1837, 20060401
  86. A study on the shape of two-photon wavefunctions after the nonlinear interaction with a one-dimensional atom, Nonlinear Optics= Quantum Optics, 32巻, pp. 221, 20050401
  87. ★, Complementary classical fidelities as an efficient criterion for the evaluation of experimentally realized quantum operations, Physical Review Letters, 94巻, pp. 160504, 20050401
  88. Quantum parallelism of the controlled-NOT operation: an experimental criterion for the evaluation of device performance, Physical Review A, 72巻, pp. 022329, 20050401
  89. Simulation of interaction Hamiltonians by quantum feedback: a comment on the dynamics of information exchange between coupled systems, Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semicalssical Optics, 7巻, pp. S208-S214, 20050401
  90. ★, Demonstration of an optical quantum controlled-NOT gate without path interference, Physical Review Letters, 95巻, pp. 210506, 20050401
  91. Simulation of interaction Hamiltonians by quantum feedback: a comment on the dynamics of information exchange between coupled systems, JOURNAL OF OPTICS B-QUANTUM AND SEMICLASSICAL OPTICS, 7巻, 10号, pp. S208-S214, 200510
  92. Distinguishing genuine entangled two-photon polarization states from independently genarated entangled photons, Physical Review Letters, 92巻, pp. 153602, 20040401
  93. Quantum-state tomography for spin-l systems, Physical Review A, 69巻, pp. 042108, 20040401
  94. Efficiencies for the single-mode operation of a quantum optical nonlinear shift gate, Physical Review A, 70巻, pp. 013810, 20040401
  95. Generation of highly non-classical n-photon polarization states by superbunching at a photon bottleneck, Physical Review A, 70巻, pp. 023812, 20040401
  96. Effects of decoherence on the nonlinear optical phase shift obtained from a one-dimensional atom, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 43巻, pp. 7495, 20040401
  97. Uncertainty characteristics of generalized quantum measurements, Physical Review A, 67巻, pp. 022106, 20030401
  98. ★, Optimized phase switching using a single-atom nonlinearity, Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics, 5巻, pp. 218-221, 20030401
  99. Nonlinear interaction of two photons with a one-dimensional atom: spatiotemporal quantum coherence in the emitted field, Physical Review A, 68巻, pp. 013803, 20030401
  100. ★, Violation of local uncertainty relations as a signature of entanglement, Physical Review A, 68巻, pp. 032103, 20030401
  101. Bound entangled states violate a non-symmetric local uncertainty relation, Physical Review A, 68巻, pp. 034307, 20030401
  102. Entanglement and four wave mixing effects in the dissipation free nonlinear interaction of two photons at a single atom, Physical Review A, 68巻, pp. 043813, 20030401
  103. Continuous-variable teleportation of single-photon states, Physical Review A, 65巻, pp. 012313, 20020401
  104. Photon echo signature of vibrational superposition states created by femtosecond excitation of molecules, Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics, 4巻, pp. 99-102, 20020401
  105. Quantum filter for nonlocal polarization properties of photonic qubits, Physical Review Letters, 88巻, pp. 147901, 20020401
  106. Gain tuning and fidelity in continuous variable quantum teleportation, Physical Review A, 65巻, pp. 062303, 20020401
  107. ★, Quantum phase gate for photonic qubits using only beam splitters and postselection, Physical Review A, 66巻, pp. 024308, 20020401
  108. Causality in quantum teleportation: Information extraction and noise effects in entanglement distribution, Physical Review A, 66巻, pp. 032317, 20020401
  109. Finite resolution measurement of the non-classical polarization statistics of entangled photon pairs, Physical Review A, 63巻, pp. 042106, 20010401
  110. Information losses in continuous variable quantum teleportation, Physical Review A, 64巻, pp. 040301(R), 20010401
  111. Nonclassical correlations of phase noise and photon number in quantum nondemolition measurements, Physical Review A, 61巻, pp. 033815, 20000401
  112. Information and noise in quantum measurement, Physical Review A, 62巻, pp. 022103, 20000401
  113. Nonclassical correlations of photon number and field components in the vacuum state, Physical Review A, 62巻, pp. 013806, 20000401
  114. Thermal photon statistics in laser light above threshold, Physical Review A, 62巻, pp. 063807, 20000401
  115. Coexistence of thermal noise and squeezing in the intensity fluctuations of small laser diodes, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 17巻, pp. 1926-1933, 20000401
  116. ★, Fidelity and information in the quantum teleportation of continuous variables, Physical Review A, 62巻, pp. 062304, 20000401
  117. Spatial holeburning effects in the amplified spontaneous emission spectra of the non-lasing supermode in semiconductor laser arrays, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 16巻, pp. 137-146, 19990401
  118. Quantum Maxwell-Bloch equations for spatially inhomogeneous semiconductor lasers, Physical Review A, 59巻, pp. 2342-2358, 19990401
  119. Polarization fluctuations in vertical cavity surface emitting lasers: a key to the mechanism behind polarization stability, Quantum and Semiclassical Optics, 10巻, pp. 87-96, 19980401
  120. Quantum control by compensation of quantum fluctuations, Optics Express, 2巻, pp. 339-346, 19980401
  121. Spontaneous emission spectrum of the non-lasing supermodes in semiconductor laser arrays, Optics Letters, 23巻, pp. 391-393, 19980401
  122. Quantum control of atomic systems by homodyne detection and feedback, Physical Review A, 57巻, pp. 4877-4888, 19980401
  123. Quantum noise and polarization fluctuations in vertical cavity surfac emitting lasers, Physical Review A, 56巻, pp. 868-876, 19970401
  124. A dynamical model of the chemical bond, Pflugers Arch - European Journal of Physiology, 18巻, pp. 354-362, 19970401
  125. The split density model: a unified description of polarization and array dynamics for vertical cavity surface emitting lasers, Quantum and Semiclassical Optics, 9巻, pp. 749-763, 19970401
  126. Illumination induced inhomogeneity in the carrier density profile of split gate devices, Semiconductor Science and technology, 11巻, pp. 1085-1089, 19960401
  127. Measurement models for time-resolved spectroscopy: a comment, Quantum and Semiclassical Optics, 7巻, pp. 489-497, 19950401


  1. The Physics of Change: Quantum Dynamics and Parameterized Probability, H. F. Hofmann, International Symposium on Creation of Advanced Photonic and Electronic Devices 2024, 2024年03月05日, 招待, 英語
  2. Roundtable on Quantum Sensing, H.F. Hofmann, Advanced Research Workshop on Pursuing Quantum Sensing for Reliable Roadmaps, 2023年12月05日, 招待, 英語
  3. Quantum optics with many modes and many photons, H. F. Hofmann, Frontier Scientific Report (special lecture), 2023年09月20日, 招待, 英語, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Shaanxi, China, Online
  4. Contextuality and inequality violations in a three-path interferometer, M. Ji, M. Iinuma, H. F. Hofmann, SPIE Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XXI, 2023年08月21日, 招待, 英語, SPIE, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA
  5. Sequential measurements and the reality of past events, H. F. Hofmann, Quantum Information and Probability QIP23, 2023年06月14日, 招待, 英語, Linnaeus Univeristy, Linnaeus Univeristy, Vaxjo, Sweden
  6. Probing the path information hidden in the quantum fluctuations of interference patterns, H. F. Hofmann, T. Matsushita, S. Kuroki, M. Iinuma, SPIE Optics+Photonics, 2022年08月21日, 招待, 英語, SPIE, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA
  7. Interactions are physical: An explanation of the relation between different measurements and their outcomes, H. F. Hofmann, Quantum Information and Probability: from Foundations to Engineering (QIP22), 2022年06月14日, 招待, 英語, Linnaeus University, Linnaeus University, Vaxjo, Sweden
  8. Phase matching between energy-time entanglement and two photon absorption processes, Holger F. Hofmann, Baihong Li, SPIE Optics+Photonics, 2021年08月01日, 招待, 英語, SPIE, Hybrid in-person and online meeting, San Diego Conference Center, San Diego, California, USA
  9. Meter sensitivity in quantum measurements, Tomonori Matsushita, Holger F. Hofmann, Young Italian Quantum Information Science Conference, YIQIS, 2020年09月30日, 通常, 英語, IQIS, online (from Italy)
  10. Joint measurement of non-classical correlations, Kengo Matsuyama, Holger F. Hofmann and Masataka Iinuma, Young Italian Quantum Information Science Conference, YIQIS, 2020年09月28日, 通常, 英語, QISI, online (from Italy)
  11. Feedback compensation reveals the contextuality of quantum fluctuations, Holger F. Hofmann, OSA Frontiers in Optics, 2020年09月16日, 招待, 英語, OSA Quantum Optical Science and Technology Technical Group, online, OSA 20x20 talk
  12. Exploring energy-time entanglement using the dynamics of two-photon absorption, Baihong Li, Holger F. Hofmann, SPIE Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XVII, 2020年08月24日, 招待, 英語, SPIE, held online from USA
  13. Quantum control beyond the uncertainty limit of position and momentum using a Sagnac interferometer, Tatsuya Honda, Holger F. Hofmann, and Masataka Iinuma, CLEO pacific rim, 2020年08月05日, 通常, 英語, University of Sydney, online
  14. Experimental investigation of a Bell’s inequality by using joint measurements, Kengo Matsuyama, Holger F. Hofmann, Masataka Iinuma, CLEO pacific rim, 2020年08月03日, 通常, 英語
  15. Quantum interference, causality, and the physics of control, Holger F. Hofmann, Quantum Foundations: Measurement & Entanglement, 2020年02月10日, 招待, 英語, KEK Tsukuba, KEK Tsukuba
  16. Quantum interactions and the physics of control, Holger F. Hofmann, QIPQC 2019, 2019年12月10日, 招待, 英語, IAR, Nagoya University and FRIAS, Freiburg University, Sakata-Hirata Hall, Nagoya University
  17. 同時測定によるBellの不等式の実験的研究, 松山健悟, 松山健悟,飯沼昌隆,ホフマン ホルガ, 第41回量子情報技術研究会 (QIT41), 2019年11月18日, 通常, 日本語, 量子情報技術研究会, 学習院大学 百周年記念会館
  18. 光子伝搬パラドックスの検証実験に向けて, 本田達也, 本田達也・飯沼昌隆・ホフマン ホルガ, 第41回量子情報技術研究会 (QIT41), 2019年11月18日, 通常, 日本語, 量子情報技術研究会, 学習院大学 百周年記念会館
  19. Time of flight paradox for photons in a dispersive medium, Holger F. Hofmann, SPIE Optics and Photonics 2019, 2019年08月11日, 招待, 英語, SPIE, San Diego Convention Center, SanDiego, California, USA
  20. When is experience objective? - Measurement interactions and the emergence of reality, H. F. Hofmann, Quantum Information Revolution: Impact on Foundations, 2019年06月11日, 招待, 英語, Linnaeus Univeristy, Linnaeus Univeristy, Vaxjo, Sweden
  21. Analysis of entanglement generation by interaction, 2019年03月26日, 通常, 英語
  22. 光子伝搬パラドックスの検証実験, 本田達也, 井田健二郎, 飯沼昌隆, Holger F. Hofmann, 日本物理学会第74回年次大会, 2019年03月14日, 通常, 日本語, 日本物理学会, 九州大学
  23. 2組の多光子多モードシステム間もつれ状態を用いたノンフォック状態の生成, 松本一勢, 清原孝行, 岡本亮, Holger F. Hofmann,竹内繁樹, 第39回量子情報技術研究会, 2018年11月26日, 通常, 日本語, 東京大学駒場リサーチキャンパス
  24. A statistical analysis of single photon propagation: How quantum interference modifies the laws of motion, H. F. Hofmann, SPIE Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XVI, 2018年08月20日, 招待, 英語, SPIE, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA
  25. Quantum Mechanics as a Theory of Cause and Effect: Why there is no Reality without a Corresponding Action, H. F. Hofmann, 7th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2018), 2018年07月11日, 招待, 英語, Orthodox Academy of Crete, Kolymbari, Greece
  26. Superpositions of causality: and analysis of the mechanism of control in the quantum limit, H.F. Hofmann, 3rd International Conference on Quantum Foundations, ICQF-17, 2017年12月07日, 招待, 英語, National Institute of Technology Patna, Patna, India
  27. Photon number statistics of entanglement generated by multiple single photon sources, J.-Y. Wu, H. F. Hofmann, SPIE Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XV Conference, 2017年08月06日, 招待, 英語, SPIE, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA
  28. Fundamental Investigations into the non-classical nature of quantum correlations, Holger F. Hofmann, JPS 2016 Autumn Meeting, 2016年09月14日, 招待, 英語, Japanese Physical Society, Kanazawa University, Japan
  29. Why interactions matter: how the laws of dynamics determine the shape of physical reality, Holger F. Hofmann, Concepts and Paradoxes in a Quantum Universe, 2016年06月24日, 招待, 英語, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada, Quantum statistics can be explained by the laws of motion governing the dynamics of quantum systems. The origin of uncertainty is traced to the dynamics of the state preparation process.
  30. How to uncover the physics of quantum correlations through combinations of weak and strong measurements, H.F. Hofmann, International Workshop on Weak Value and Weak Measurement, 2015年03月19日, 招待, 英語, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama Campus, Tokyo, Japan
  31. From experimental evidence to quantum physics: what measurement reveals about the dynamical structure of reality, H.F. Hofmann, Nagoya Winter Workshop 2015, 2015年03月09日, 招待, 英語, Nagoya University, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
  32. Why complex probabilities make sense: New insights into the relations between weak measurements, paradoxical correlations, and causality in quantum systems, Holger F. Hofmann, AQIS 2014, 2014年08月21日, 招待, 英語, Asian Quantum Information Science Conference, Shiran Kaikan, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan


  1. 2020年09月23日, IOP trusted reviewer, IOP publishing, IOP trusted reviewer
  2. 2015年01月09日, APS Outstanding Referee, American Physical Society, Outstanding Referee
  3. 2015年06月17日, OSA Senior Membership, Optical Society of America, OSA Senior Member



  1. 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C)), 量子プロセスにおける非古典的な相関の生成と制御, 2012年, 2014年
  2. 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B)), プラズモニック八木宇田アンテナを用いたナノエミッターの光インターコネクション, 2011年, 2013年
  3. 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C)), 光量子プロセスにおける精度の解析, 2009年, 2011年
  4. 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C)), 光量子情報システムの解析と最適化, 2006年, 2008年
  5. 戦略的創造研究推進事業(CREST), モノサイクル量子もつれ光の実現と応用に関する理論研究, 2009年10月01日, 2015年03月31日
  6. 戦略的創造研究推進事業(CREST), 広帯域周波数量子もつれ光の評価・応用に関する理論研究, 2016年10月01日, 2019年03月31日
  7. 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(S)), 光量子回路を用いた大規模量子もつれ状態の実現と応用, 2014年04月01日, 2019年03月01日



  1. Quantum Information and Probability: From Foundations to Engineering, Organizing Committee, 2022年07月, 2023年06月
  2. 第 38 回量子情報技術研究会, 2018年06月


  1. The Rational View podcast with Dr. Al Scott, Lemmel and Hofmann experiment with reality, The Rational View podcast with Dr. Al Scott, 2022年/05月/28日, available online, インタビュイー, インターネット, 社会人・一般
  2. HiCE, HiCE013: Principles of Physics, Hiroshima University, 2018年/06月/15日, 講師, 講演会, 社会人・一般
  3. Physicists Can Finally Peek at Schrödinger's Cat Without Killing It Forever, LiveScience, 2019年/11月, インタビュイー, インターネット, 社会人・一般


  1. 2023年, Quantum Studies, Reviewer, 1
  2. 2023年, Quantum, その他, Reviewer, 1
  3. 2023年, Physical Review, その他, Reviewer, 4
  4. 2022年, Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, その他, Reviewer, 1
  5. 2022年, Science Advances, その他, Reviewer, 1
  6. 2022年, Annals of Mathematics and Physics, その他, Reviewer, 1
  7. 2022年, Physical Review A, その他, Reviewer, 6
  8. 2021年, Quantum Studies, その他, Referee, 2
  9. 2021年, Scientific Reports, その他, Referee, 1
  10. 2021年, Physics Letters A, その他, Referee, 1
  11. 2021年, Physical Review, その他, Referee, 10
  12. 2020年, The European Physical Journal D, その他, Referee, 1
  13. 2020年, Scientific Reports, その他, Referee, 1
  14. 2020年, Entropy, 編集員, Guest Editor
  15. 2020年, New Journal of Physics, その他, Referee, 2
  16. 2020年, Foundations of Physics, その他, Referee, 2
  17. 2020年, Physical Review, その他, Referee, 13
  18. 2019年, Physical Review A, その他, Referee, 4
  19. 2019年, New Journal of Physics, その他, Referee, 1
  20. 2019年, Optica, その他, Referee, 1
  21. 2018年, Physical Review, その他, Referee, 4
  22. 2018年, New Journal of Physics, その他, Referee, 1
  23. 2018年, Nature Physics, その他, Reviewer, 1
  24. 2018年, Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, その他, Referee, 1
  25. 2017年, Physical Review, その他, Referee, 4
  26. 2017年, Journal of Physics A, その他, Referee, 1
  27. 2017年, Quantum Science and Technology, その他, Referee, 1
  28. 2016年, Physical Review, Referee, 6
  29. 2016年, Scientific Reports, その他, Referee, 1
  30. 2015年, Physical Review, その他, Referee, 9
  31. 2015年, New Journal of Physics, その他, Referee, 1
  32. 2015年, Journal of Physics A, その他, Referee, 1
  33. 2014年, Physical Review A, その他, Referee, 12