Last Updated :2025/03/04
- 所属・職名
- 大学院先進理工系科学研究科 教授
- ホームページ
- メールアドレス
- suzukiy
- 自己紹介
- プラズマは物質第4の状態とも呼ばれ、気体を構成する原子や分子がイオンと電子にわかれた高温ガスです。イオンや電子といった荷電粒子の性質を持つと同時に、流体としての特性も持ち合わせたスマート流体(機能性流体)の一つです。私たちのグループでは、究極のカーボンニュートラルエネルギー源である核融合発電の実現を目指すと共に、スマート流体としてのプラズマを活用した低炭素社会の実現を目指した研究に取り組みます。
- 2023年04月01日, 京都大学, エネルギー理工学研究所, 客員教授
- 2021年10月01日, 広島大学, 大学院先進理工系科学研究科, 教授
- 京都大学, エネルギー科学研究科, エネルギー基礎科学専攻, 2000年, 2003年
- 京都大学, エネルギー科学研究科, エネルギー基礎科学専攻, 1998年, 2000年
- 東北大学, 工学部, 量子エネルギー工学科(旧原子核工学科), 1993年, 1998年
- 磁場閉じ込め核融合
- 電磁流体力学
- プラズマ応用科学
- 機能性流体
- イメージング計測
- 日本機械学会
- 電気学会
- 電子情報通信学会
- アメリカ物理学会
- 2024年, 教養教育, 2ターム, 燃料・燃焼と現代社会
- 2024年, 教養教育, 1ターム, 教養ゼミ
- 2024年, 学部専門, セメスター(前期), 機械工学実験I
- 2024年, 学部専門, 2ターム, 流体力学I
- 2024年, 学部専門, 4ターム, 流体力学II
- 2024年, 学部専門, 3ターム, 流体機械
- 2024年, 学部専門, 4ターム, 計測信号処理
- 2024年, 学部専門, 4ターム, 原子力工学
- 2024年, 学部専門, 通年, 卒業論文
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 1ターム, 機械工学特別演習A
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 2ターム, 機械工学特別演習A
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 3ターム, 機械工学特別演習B
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 4ターム, 機械工学特別演習B
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 年度, 機械工学特別研究
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 1ターム, 流体工学特論
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, 年度, 機械工学特別研究
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, 年度, 機械工学特別研究
- Modeling of plasma beta effects on the island divertor transport in the standard configuration of W7-X, NUCLEAR FUSION, 63巻, 6号, 20230601
- Correlation of the Orthogonal Basis of the Core Plasma Distribution to the Divertor Footprint Distribution in LHD, PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH, 18巻, 20230329
- DIII-D research advancing the physics basis for optimizing the tokamak approach to fusion energy, Nuclear Fusion, 62巻, 4号, 20220401
- Towards advanced divertor configurations on the J-TEXT tokamak, PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 24巻, 12号, 20221201
- Particle Simulation of Controlling Particle and Heat Flux by Magnetic Field, Plasma and Fusion Research, 16巻, pp. 1401103, 20210101
- Modelling of the interaction between ELMs and fast-ions using MEGA, 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2021, 2021-June巻, pp. 1056-1059, 20210101
- Correlation Analysis between Density and Magnetic Field Low Frequency Fluctuations in Improved Confinement Mode on LHD, Plasma and Fusion Research, 16巻, pp. 1-5, 20210101
- First Application of 3D Peripheral Plasma Transport Code EMC3-EIRENE to Heliotron J*), Plasma and Fusion Research, 14巻, pp. 2295-2302, 20190101
- Three-dimensional impurity transport modeling of neon-seeded and nitrogen-seeded LHD plasmas, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60巻, 8号, 20180619
- Experimental Study on Slowing-Down Mechanism of Locked-Mode-Like Instability in LHD*), Plasma and Fusion Research, 12巻, pp. 1-7, 20170101
- Extension of operation regimes and investigation of three-dimensional currentless plasmas in the Large Helical Device, Nuclear Fusion, 53巻, 10号, 20131001
- Experimental study of high density plasma operation in Heliotron J, 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2013, 1巻, pp. 373-376, 20130101
- Simulations of toroidal rotation driven by the neoclassical toroidal viscosity in tokamaks, 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2013, 1巻, pp. 477-480, 20130101
- Finite beta effects on MHD equilibria and energetic ion losses in a rippled tokamak, Nuclear Fusion, 52巻, 8号, 20120801
- Temporal evolution of particle transport of Super Dense Core plasma in LHD, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 123巻, 20080101
- Configuration dependence of toroidal current in Heliotron J, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 49巻, SUPPL. 1号, 20061201
- Formation and confinement of high-energy ions in heliotron J, Fusion Science and Technology, 50巻, 2号, pp. 287-293, 20060101
- High power beam injection using an improved negative ion source for the large helical device, Review of Scientific Instruments, 75巻, 5 PART II号, pp. 1847-1850, 20040501
- Divertor leg control of a quasi-symmetry stellarator with external coils and its consequences for transport, CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS, 62巻, 5-6号, 202206
- Numerical Analysis of the Vertical Instability Stabilizing Effect of Saddle Coils in Tokamak, PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH, 17巻, 20220622
- Self-Sustained Divertor Oscillation Driven by Magnetic Island Dynamics in Torus Plasma, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 128巻, 8号, 20220223
- Recent results from deuterium experiments on the large helical device and their contribution to fusion reactor development, NUCLEAR FUSION, 62巻, 4号, 20220401
- Design of simple stellarator using tilted toroidal field coils, Fusion Engineering and Design, 173巻, 20211201
- Optimization of modular and helical coils applying genetic algorithm and fully-three-dimensional B-spline curves, Nuclear Fusion, 61巻, 10号, 20211001
- Analysis of influences of pressure anisotropies on the 3D MHD equilibrium in LHD, Physics of Plasmas, 28巻, 4号, 20210401
- Corrigendum: MHD stability of JT-60SA operation scenarios driven by passing energetic particles for a hot Maxwellian model (Nucl. Fusion(2020)60(096009) Doi: 10.1088/1741-4326/ab9dd1), Nuclear Fusion, 61巻, 1号, 20210101
- The systematic investigation of energetic-particle-driven geodesic acoustic mode channeling using MEGA code, Nuclear Fusion, 60巻, 11号, 20201101
- Theoretical studies of equilibrium beta limit in LHD plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 27巻, 10号, 20201001
- New tomographic reconstruction technique based on Laplacian eigenfunction, Plasma Science and Technology, 22巻, 10号, 20201001
- Effect of pressure profile on stochasticity of magnetic field in a conventional stellarator, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 62巻, 10号, 20201001
- Understanding baffle overloads observed in high-mirror configuration on Wendelstein 7-X, Nuclear Fusion, 60巻, 9号, 20200901
- MHD stability of JT-60SA operation scenarios driven by passing energetic particles for a hot Maxwellian model, Nuclear Fusion, 60巻, 9号, 20200901
- Study of seed plasma generation for NBI plasma start-up using non-resonant microwave launch in Heliotron J, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 62巻, 6号, 20200601
- Hybrid simulation of NBI fast-ion losses due to the Alfvén eigenmode bursts in the Large Helical Device and the comparison with the fast-ion loss detector measurements, Journal of Plasma Physics, 20200101
- Electron temperature profile collapse induced by double-odd-parity MHD mode in the Large Helical Device, Nuclear Fusion, 60巻, 3号, 20200101
- Effects of toroidal plasma current on divertor power depositions on Wendelstein 7-X, Nuclear Fusion, 59巻, 10号, 20190821
- Non-linear magnetohydrodynamic simulations of plasma instabilities from pellet injection in Large Helical Device plasma, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 61巻, 9号, 20190813
- Simulation of energetic particle driven geodesic acoustic modes and the energy channeling in the Large Helical Device plasmas, Nuclear Fusion, 59巻, 9号, 20190805
- First observation of plasma healing via helical equilibrium in tokamak disruptions, Nuclear Fusion, 59巻, 9号, 20190726
- Comprehensive magnetohydrodynamic hybrid simulations of Alfvén eigenmode bursts and fast-ion losses in the Large Helical Device, Nuclear Fusion, 59巻, 9号, 20190723
- First divertor physics studies in Wendelstein 7-X, Nuclear Fusion, 59巻, 9号, 20190722
- Dependence of the resonant magnetic perturbation penetration threshold on plasma parameters and ions in helical plasmas, Nuclear Fusion, 59巻, 8号, 20190705
- Analysis of indefinite divertor footprint with proper orthogonal decomposition in hydrogen/deuterium plasmas in LHD, Nuclear Materials and Energy, 19巻, pp. 378-383, 20190501
- Magnetic field topology modeling under resonant magnetic perturbations on EAST, Plasma Science and Technology, 21巻, 6号, 20190411
- Soft x-ray tomographic reconstruction of Heliotron J plasma for the study of magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium and stability, Plasma Science and Technology, 21巻, 6号, 20190411
- Direct measurements of internal structures of born-locked modes and the key role in triggering tokamak disruptions, Physics of Plasmas, 26巻, 4号, 20190401
- First Application of 3D Peripheral Plasma Transport Code EMC3-EIRENE to Heliotron J*), Plasma and Fusion Research, 14巻, pp. 2295-2302, 20190101
- Impact of plasma pressure on the edge magnetic field of Wendelstein 7-X, 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2019, 20190101
- Application of laplacian eigen functions for the tomographic reconstruction of tokamak, 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2019, 20190101
- Non-linear hybrid kinetic-MHD simulations of ELMs in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak, 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2019, 20190101
- Vacuum configurations of D shape heliotron, Plasma and Fusion Research, 14巻, 20190101
- Tomographic inversion technique using orthogonal basis patterns, Plasma and Fusion Research, 14巻, 20190101
- Capability studies of the Heliotron J soft X-ray tomographic diagnostic, Plasma and Fusion Research, 14巻, Specialissue2号, 20190101
- Investigation of 3D effects on heat fluxes in performance-optimized island divertor configurations at Wendelstein 7-X, Nuclear Materials and Energy, 18巻, pp. 262-267, 20190101
- Characterized divertor footprint profile modification with the edge pressure gradient in the Large Helical Device, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60巻, 12号, 20181012
- Improved design for Heliotron J soft X-ray diagnostic for tomographic reconstruction studies, Review of Scientific Instruments, 89巻, 10号, 20181001
- Flux-surface averaged radial transport in toroidal plasmas with magnetic islands, Nuclear Fusion, 58巻, 10号, 20180829
- A novel approach to studying transport in plasmas with magnetic islands, Nuclear Fusion, 58巻, 9号, 20180724
- Estimation of orbit island width from static magnetic island width, using safety factor and orbit pitch, Nuclear Fusion, 58巻, 8号, 20180703
- Excitation of helically-trapped-energetic-ion driven resistive interchange modes with intense deuterium beam injection and enhanced effect on beam ions/bulk plasmas of LHD, Nuclear Fusion, 58巻, 8号, 20180629
- Three-dimensional impurity transport modeling of neon-seeded and nitrogen-seeded LHD plasmas, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60巻, 8号, 20180619
- Chirping and Sudden Excitation of Energetic-Particle-Driven Geodesic Acoustic Modes in a Large Helical Device Experiment, Physical Review Letters, 120巻, 17号, 20180427
- Reconstruction of flux coordinates from discretized magnetic field maps, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60巻, 4号, 20180213
- Application of EMC3-EIRENE to estimation of influence of a liquid metal limiter on an LHD-type fusion plasma, Plasma and Fusion Research, 13巻, 20180101
- Comparison of rotation of interchange mode in large helical device plasmas with various ion species, Plasma and Fusion Research, 13巻, 20180101
- Anisotropic heat diffusion on stochastic magnetic fields, 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2018, 2018-July巻, pp. 1116-1119, 20180101
- Investigating the outer magnetic field of Wendelstein 7-X using the magnetic probe, 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2018, 2018-July巻, pp. 669-672, 20180101
- Non-linear MHD simulations of the plasma instabilities by pellet injection in LHD plasma, 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2018, 2018-July巻, pp. 1508-1511, 20180101
- Simultaneous excitation of the snake-like oscillations and the m/n = 1/1 resistive interchange modes around the iota = 1 rational surface just after hydrogen pellet injections in LHD plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 25巻, 1号, 20180101
- A motional Stark effect diagnostic analysis routine for improved resolution of iota in the core of the large helical device, Review of Scientific Instruments, 88巻, 9号, 20170901
- Comprehensive magnetohydrodynamic hybrid simulations of fast ion driven instabilities in a Large Helical Device experiment, Physics of Plasmas, 24巻, 8号, 20170801
- Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation, Nuclear Fusion, 57巻, 8号, 20170712
- Diagnostic set-up and modelling for investigation of synergy between 3D edge physics and plasma-wall interactions on Wendelstein 7-X, Nuclear Fusion, 57巻, 6号, 20170510
- HINT modeling of three-dimensional tokamaks with resonant magnetic perturbation, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 59巻, 5号, 20170330
- Experimental Study on Slowing-Down Mechanism of Locked-Mode-Like Instability in LHD*), Plasma and Fusion Research, 12巻, pp. 1-7, 20170101
- Three-dimensional numerical study of global flow effects on interchange instabilities, 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2017, 20170101
- Transition to detached plasma established by amplified resonant magnetic perturbation in LHD, 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2017, 20170101
- Developments of scintillator-based soft x-ray diagnostic in LHD with CsI:Tl and P47 scintillators, Review of Scientific Instruments, 87巻, 11号, 20161101
- Investigation of fast ion behavior using orbit following Monte-Carlo code in magnetic perturbed field in KSTAR, Nuclear Fusion, 56巻, 11号, 20160819
- EMC3-EIRENE Simulation of Impurity Transport in Comparison with EUV Emission Measurements in the Stochastic Layer of LHD: Effects of Force Balance and Transport Coefficients, Contributions to Plasma Physics, 56巻, 6-8号, pp. 628-633, 20160801
- Visualization of Dust Particle Data with Plasma Simulation Results Using Virtual-Reality System, Contributions to Plasma Physics, 56巻, 6-8号, pp. 692-697, 20160801
- Impact of magnetic topology on radial electric field profile in the scrape-off layer of the Large Helical Device, Nuclear Fusion, 56巻, 9号, 20160729
- Impact of nonlinear 3D equilibrium response on edge topology and divertor heat load in Wendelstein 7-X, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 58巻, 6号, 20160517
- EMC3-EIRENE modelling of edge impurity transport in the stochastic layer of the large helical device compared with extreme ultraviolet emission measurements, Nuclear Fusion, 56巻, 6号, 20160504
- Three-dimensional numerical analysis of shear flow effects on MHD stability in LHD plasmas, Plasma and Fusion Research, 11巻, Specialissue1号, 20160101
- Self-regulated oscillation of transport and topology of magnetic islands in toroidal plasmas, Scientific Reports, 5巻, 20151104
- Integrated discharge scenario for high-temperature helical plasma in LHD, Nuclear Fusion, 55巻, 11号, 20150928
- Overview of transport and MHD stability study: Focusing on the impact of magnetic field topology in the Large Helical Device, Nuclear Fusion, 55巻, 10号, 20150730
- Flow damping due to stochastization of the magnetic field, Nature Communications, 6巻, 20150108
- In-vessel coils for magnetic error field correction in JT-60SA, Fusion Engineering and Design, 98-99巻, pp. 1113-1117, 20150101
- Chaotic coordinates for the Large Helical Device, Physics of Plasmas, 21巻, 10号, 20141001
- Two-dimensional study of edge impurity transport in the Large Helical Device, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 56巻, 9号, 20140901
- Physics analyses on the core plasma properties in the helical fusion DEMO reactor FFHR-d1, Nuclear Fusion, 54巻, 4号, 20140401
- Development of a high CMRR magnetic probe for the biased plasma in TU-Heliac, Plasma and Fusion Research, 9巻, 20140101
- Observation of hysteretic magnetic island response to resonant magnetic perturbation in LHD, Plasma and Fusion Research, 9巻, 20140101
- Three-Dimensional Numerical Analysis of Pressure Driven Mode in RMP-Imposed LHD Plasma, Plasma and Fusion Research, 9巻, SpecialIssue2号, 20140101
- Quasilinear carbon transport in an impurity hole plasma in LHD, Physics of Plasmas, 21巻, 8号, 20140101
- Integration of large-scale simulations and numerical modelling tools in close link with the LHD experiment, Plasma and Fusion Research, 9巻, SPECIALISSUE.2号, 20140101
- Estimate of the deposition profile of carbon pellets using a high-speed VUV imaging system in the LHD, Plasma Science and Technology, 15巻, 12号, pp. 1178-1183, 20131201
- Investigation of radial electric field in the edge region and magnetic field structure in the Large Helical Device, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 55巻, 12号, 20131201
- Extension of operation regimes and investigation of three-dimensional currentless plasmas in the Large Helical Device, Nuclear Fusion, 53巻, 10号, 20131001
- 3D plasma response to the magnetic field structure in the Large Helical Device, Nuclear Fusion, 53巻, 7号, 20130701
- Development of integrated transport analysis suite for LHD plasmas towards transport model validation and increased predictability, Plasma and Fusion Research, 8巻, SPL.ISS.1号, 20130624
- Inter-machine validation study of neoclassical transport modelling in medium- to high-density stellarator-heliotron plasmas, Nuclear Fusion, 53巻, 6号, 20130601
- Effect of re-entering fast ions on NBI heating power in high-beta plasmas of the Large Helical Device, Nuclear Fusion, 53巻, 6号, 20130601
- 3-D effects on viscosity and generation of toroidal and poloidal flows in LHD, Physics of Plasmas, 20巻, 5号, 20130501
- Development of an identification method of pressure anisotropy based on equilibrium analysis and magnetics, Physics of Plasmas, 20巻, 2号, 20130201
- A magnetic diagnostic code for 3D fusion equilibria, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 55巻, 2号, 20130201
- Topology bifurcation of a magnetic flux surface in magnetized plasmas, New Journal of Physics, 15巻, 20130101
- Modification of the magnetic field structure of high-beta plasmas with a perturbation field in the Large Helical Device, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 55巻, 1号, 20130101
- Development and application of real-time magnetic coordinate mapping system in the Large Helical Device, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 55巻, 1号, 20130101
- Performance Improvement in Real-TimeMapping of Thomson Scattering Data to Flux Coordinates in LHD), Plasma and Fusion Research, 7巻, SPL.ISS.1号, 20121201
- Application of virtual machine technology to real-time mapping of Thomson scattering data to flux coordinates for the LHD, Fusion Engineering and Design, 87巻, 12号, pp. 2076-2080, 20121201
- Use of a twisted 3D Cauchy condition surface to reconstruct the last closed magnetic surface in a non-axisymmetric fusion plasma, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 54巻, 12号, 20121201
- Equilibrium and stability in a heliotron with anisotropic hot particle slowing-down distribution, Physics of Plasmas, 19巻, 10号, 20121001
- High speed vacuum ultraviolet telescope system for edge fluctuation measurement in the large helical device, Review of Scientific Instruments, 83巻, 10号, 20121001
- Mode locking phenomena observed near the stability boundary of the ideal interchange mode of LHD, Nuclear Fusion, 52巻, 10号, 20120912
- Investigation of the noise effect on tomographic reconstructions for a tangentially viewing vacuum ultraviolet imaging diagnostic, Plasma and Fusion Research, 6巻, 1 SPECIAL ISSUE号, 20111201
- Transport study of LHD high-beta plasmas based on power balance analysis with TASK3D code module, Plasma and Fusion Research, 6巻, 1 SPECIAL ISSUE号, 20111201
- Comparative study of magnetic field configurations of LHD and CHS based on the boundary shape analysis, Plasma and Fusion Research, 6巻, 1 SPECIAL ISSUE号, 20111201
- Study of magnetic island using a 3D MHD equilibrium calculation code, Plasma and Fusion Research, 6巻, 1 SPECIAL ISSUE号, 20111201
- MHD equilibrium analysis with anisotropic pressure in LHD, Plasma and Fusion Research, 6巻, 1 SPECIAL ISSUE号, 20111201
- Heat flux reduction by helical divertor coils in the heliotron fusion energy reactor, Nuclear Fusion, 51巻, 10号, 20111001
- Three-dimensional Cauchy-condition surface method to identify the shape of the last closed magnetic surface in the Large Helical Device, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 53巻, 10号, 20111001
- Heat and momentum transport of ion internal transport barrier plasmas on the Large Helical Device, Nuclear Fusion, 51巻, 8号, 20110801
- Experimental study of the poloidal flow effect on magnetic island dynamics in LHD and TJ-II, Nuclear Fusion, 51巻, 8号, 20110801
- Electrode biasing experiment in the Large Helical Device, Nuclear Fusion, 51巻, 8号, 20110801
- Importance of helical pitch parameter in LHD-type heliotron reactor designs, Nuclear Fusion, 51巻, 8号, 20110801
- Erratum: Effects of Net Currents on the Magnetic Configuration of W7-X, Contributions to Plasma Physics, 51巻, 1号, pp. 99-99, 20110101
- Effects of net currents on the magnetic configuration of W7-X, Contributions to Plasma Physics, 50巻, 8号, pp. 770-774, 20100801
- Core plasma design of a heliotron reactor, Contributions to Plasma Physics, 50巻, 6-7号, pp. 620-623, 20100801
- Fast-ion response to energetic-particle-driven MHD activity in Heliotron J, Contributions to Plasma Physics, 50巻, 6-7号, pp. 534-539, 20100801
- Density collapse events observed in the large helical device, Contributions to Plasma Physics, 50巻, 6-7号, pp. 552-557, 20100801
- Three-dimensional effects on stochasticity in non-axisymmetric tori, Contributions to Plasma Physics, 50巻, 6-7号, pp. 576-581, 20100801
- Study of high-beta plasmas in a helical system, Contributions to Plasma Physics, 50巻, 6-7号, pp. 480-486, 20100801
- Effect of magnetic field ripple on electron cyclotron current drive in Heliotron J, Nuclear Fusion, 50巻, 2号, 20100129
- Spontaneous dynamics of magnetic islands depending on plasma parameters in LHD, Fusion Science and Technology, 58巻, 1号, pp. 194-199, 20100101
- Characteristics of MHD equilibrium and related issues on LHD, Fusion Science and Technology, 58巻, 1号, pp. 160-175, 20100101
- Theoretical MHD analyses of LHD plasmas, Fusion Science and Technology, 58巻, 1号, pp. 242-255, 20100101
- High-density plasma with internal diffusion barrier in the Large Helical Device, Nuclear Fusion, 49巻, 8号, 20090921
- Nonlinear dynamics of a collapse phenomenon in heliotron plasma with large pressure gradient, Nuclear Fusion, 49巻, 9号, 20090921
- International Stellarator/Heliotron database progress on high-beta confinement and operational boundaries, Nuclear Fusion, 49巻, 6号, 20090706
- Edge plasma physics/plasma-wall interactions during high density operation in LHD, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 390-391巻, 1号, pp. 232-237, 20090615
- Moment approach to the bootstrap current in nonaxisymmetric toroidal plasmas using δf Monte Carlo methods, Physics of Plasmas, 16巻, 5号, 20090610
- 10 years of engineering and physics achievements by the Large Helical Device project, Fusion Engineering and Design, 84巻, 2-6号, pp. 186-193, 20090601
- MHD study of the reactor-relevant high-beta regime in the Large Helical Device, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 50巻, 12号, 20081201
- Dependence of spontaneous growth and suppression of the magnetic island on beta and collisionality in the LHD, Nuclear Fusion, 48巻, 7号, 20080701
- Study of ion viscosity by spontaneous L-H transitions under marginal hot cathode biasing in the Tohoku University Heliac, Nuclear Fusion, 48巻, 3号, 20080301
- Effects of rotating magnetic islands driven by external perturbation fields in the TU-Heliac, Plasma and Fusion Research, 3巻, 20080101
- Density collapse and fluctuation observed in poloidally rotating plasma on TU-Heliac, Plasma and Fusion Research, 3巻, 20080101
- Physical model assessment of the energy confinement time scaling in stellarators, Nuclear Fusion, 47巻, 9号, pp. 1265-1273, 20071201
- Characterization and operational regime of high density plasmas with internal diffusion barrier observed in the Large Helical Device, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 49巻, 12 B号, 20071201
- Spontaneous shift of divertor plasma footprints during a discharge in a helical-axis heliotron device, Nuclear Fusion, 47巻, 5号, pp. 395-402, 20071201
- Control of non-inductive current in Heliotron J, Nuclear Fusion, 47巻, 8号, pp. 1045-1052, 20070801
- Superdense core mode in the Large Helical Device with an internal diffusion barrier, Physics of Plasmas, 14巻, 5号, 20070611
- Change of plasma boundaries due to beta in heliotron plasma with helical divertor configuration, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 49巻, 5号, pp. 605-618, 20070501
- Ion temperature measurements in Tohoku university Heliac for analysis of the improved mode transition, Fusion Science and Technology, 51巻, 2 T.号, pp. 268-270, 20070101
- Potential and density fluctuation characteristics of the hot-cathode-biased supersonic plasma in TU-Heliac, Fusion Science and Technology, 51巻, 2 T.号, pp. 265-267, 20070101
- Observation of magnetohydrodynamic instabilities in heliotron J. plasmas, Fusion Science and Technology, 51巻, 1号, pp. 92-96, 20070101
- Dependence of toroidal current on bumpy field component in Heliotron J, Fusion Science and Technology, 51巻, 1号, pp. 122-128, 20070101
- Observation of equilibria with a double magnetic axis in LHD, Fusion Science and Technology, 51巻, 1号, pp. 138-143, 20070101
- Assessment of global stellarator confinement: Status of the International Stellarator Confinement database, Fusion Science and Technology, 51巻, 1号, pp. 1-7, 20070101
- Measurements of charge exchange neutral particles in Heliotron J, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 49巻, SUPPL. 1号, 20061201
- Configuration dependence of toroidal current in Heliotron J, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 49巻, SUPPL. 1号, 20061201
- Full-torus MHD equilibrium study of a low-shear helical-axis heliotron, Journal of Plasma Physics, 72巻, 6号, pp. 1215-1218, 20061201
- Hα measurements and neutral particle transport in Heliotron J, Review of Scientific Instruments, 77巻, 10号, 20061107
- Development and application of HINT2 to helical system plasmas, Nuclear Fusion, 46巻, 11号, 20061101
- Measurement of fluctuations in the supersonic poloidal flow driven by a hot cathode, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 48巻, 5 A号, 20060501
- Spontaneous L-H transitions under marginal hot cathode biasing in the Tohoku University Heliac, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 48巻, 5 A号, 20060501
- Fast ion dynamics of NBI plasmas in heliotron J, Fusion Science and Technology, 50巻, 3号, pp. 428-433, 20060101
- Configuration control for the confinement improvement in Heliotron J, Fusion Science and Technology, 50巻, 3号, pp. 352-360, 20060101
- Formation and confinement of high-energy ions in heliotron J, Fusion Science and Technology, 50巻, 2号, pp. 287-293, 20060101
- Significance of MHD effects in stellarator confinement, Fusion Science and Technology, 50巻, 2号, pp. 158-170, 20060101
- Development of integrated simulation system for helical plasmas, Fusion Science and Technology, 50巻, 3号, pp. 457-463, 20060101
- Effects of rational surfaces and magnetic islands on radial electric fields and ion viscosity in Tohoku University Heliac, Fusion Science and Technology, 50巻, 2号, pp. 201-206, 20060101
- Assessment of flow drive by use of ion Bernstein wave on heliotron J and EAST devices, Plasma Science and Technology, 8巻, 1号, pp. 125-128, 20060101
- Theoretical considerations of doublet-like configuration in LHD, Nuclear Fusion, 46巻, 1号, pp. 123-132, 20060101
- H-mode confinement of Heliotron J, Nuclear Fusion, 45巻, 12号, pp. 1557-1570, 20051201
- Characterization of energy confinement in net-current free plasmas using the extended International Stellarator Database, Nuclear Fusion, 45巻, 12号, pp. 1684-1693, 20051201
- Effects of global MHD instability on operational high beta-regime in LHD, Nuclear Fusion, 45巻, 11号, pp. 1247-1254, 20051101
- Analysis of the Dα spectral line shape on the carbon limiter insertion experiments in Heliotron J, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 337-339巻, 1-3 SPEC. ISS.号, pp. 490-494, 20050301
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- Plasma confinement characteristics in Heliotron J - Spontaneous change of plasma confinement state, Plasma Science and Technology, 6巻, 4号, pp. 2371-2376, 20040801
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- MHD equilibrium and pressure driven instability in L = 1 heliotron plasmas, Nuclear Fusion, 44巻, 3号, pp. 387-394, 20040301
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- Observation of H-mode operation windows for ECH plasmas in HELIOTRON J, Fusion Science and Technology, 46巻, 2号, pp. 288-298, 20040101
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- Confirmation of the topology of the Wendelstein 7-X magnetic field to better than 1:100,000, Nature Communications, 7巻, 20161130
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- Extension of the operational regime of the LHD towards a deuterium experiment, Nuclear Fusion, 57巻, 10号, 20170821
- Major results from the first plasma campaign of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator, Nuclear Fusion, 57巻, 10号, 20170727
- Magnetic configuration effects on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator, Nature Physics, 14巻, 8号, pp. 855-860, 20180801
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- Non-resonant global mode in LHD partial collapse with net toroidal current, NUCLEAR FUSION, 61巻, 12号, 202112
- Plasma beta effects on the edge magnetic field structure and divertor heat loads in Wendelstein 7-X high-performance scenarios, NUCLEAR FUSION, 62巻, 2号, 202202