Last Updated :2025/02/03



  • 2007年04月01日, 2017年03月31日, 広島大学, 大学院工学研究科, 助教
  • 2011年10月01日, 2012年08月01日, ノルウェー科学技術大学, 客員研究員(兼務)
  • 2018年04月01日, 2020年03月31日, 広島大学, 大学院工学研究科, 准教授


  • 博士(工学) (鹿児島大学)
  • 修士(工学) (鹿児島大学)


  • 工学 / 総合工学 / 船舶海洋工学


  • 構造強度学
  • 船体構造・海洋構造物・鋼構造
  • 座屈・最終強度
  • 疲労強度・破壊力学
  • 防撓パネル・溶接継手・円筒構造
  • 計算力学・応用力学
  • 有限要素法・メッシュフリー法・粒子法・ペリダイナミクス


  • 日本機械学会 (2002-)
  • 日本船舶海洋工学会 (2007-)
  • 日本計算工学会 (2008-)
  • 日本計算力学連合 (2014-)
  • 溶接学会 (2018-)



  1. 2024年, 教養教育, 4ターム, 乗り物と輸送の科学
  2. 2024年, 教養教育, 1ターム, 教養ゼミ
  3. 2024年, 学部専門, セメスター(後期), 設計製図
  4. 2024年, 学部専門, 1ターム, 輸送システム工学実験・解析法
  5. 2024年, 学部専門, 3ターム, 構造力学
  6. 2024年, 学部専門, 通年, 卒業論文
  7. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 1ターム, 輸送・環境システム特別演習A
  8. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 2ターム, 輸送・環境システム特別演習A
  9. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 3ターム, 輸送・環境システム特別演習B
  10. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 4ターム, 輸送・環境システム特別演習B
  11. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 1ターム, 輸送・環境システム特別演習B
  12. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 2ターム, 輸送・環境システム特別演習B
  13. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 年度, 輸送・環境システム特別研究
  14. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 2ターム, 計算破壊力学特論
  15. 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, 年度, 輸送・環境システム特別研究



  1. Application of equivalent distributed stress concept and modified cohesive zone model in elastic-plastic fracture mechanics analysis of surface cracks, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2025
  2. An improved natural stabilized nodal integration with spectral decomposition for locking-related materials in meshfree methods, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2024
  3. Fatigue-induced fracture assessment for duplex stainless steel protruding tube-to-tubesheet welded joints in multiple tube test specimen, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024
  4. A benchmark elastic-plastic finite element analysis of plate with a surface crack under tensile load for the development of the reference stress method, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2024
  5. Free vibration analysis of thin-walled folded structures employing Galerkin-based RKPM and stabilized nodal integration methods, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2024
  6. Efficient technique for evaluation of three-dimensional elastic-plastic fracture mechanics parameters based on equivalent distributed stress concept, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2024
  7. A fracture mechanics study of stress resultant intensity factors in stiffened panels employing RKPM meshfree FSDT modeling, Thin-Walled Structures, 2024
  8. Fracture mechanics investigation for 2D orthotropic materials by using ordinary state-based peridynamics, Composite Structures, 329巻, 117757号, pp. 1-12, 20240201
  9. Study of fatigue fracture characteristics for duplex stainless steel STHE welded joint specimen, Engineering Failure Analysis, 155巻, 107763号, pp. 1-15, 20240101
  10. Material interface modeling by the enriched RKPM with stabilized nodal integration, Computational Particle Mechanics, 10巻, pp. 1733-1757, 20231101
  11. Experimental observation and numerical investigation of fatigue crack propagation in a multi-tubular heat exchanger specimen, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 288巻, 109355号, pp. 1-16, 20230801
  12. Extended wavelet Galerkin method for mixed-mode cracked FGM plate under static and dynamic loads, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 125巻, 103909号, pp. 1-11, 20230601
  13. Evaluation of stress intensity factors under thermal effect by using domain integral method and ordinary state based peridynamic theory, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 35巻, pp. 1021-1040, 20230501
  14. Fatigue fracture investigation of a tube-to-tubesheet welded joint, Engineering Structures, 283巻, 115908号, pp. 1-13, 20230501
  15. Study on two-dimensional mixed-mode fatigue crack growth employing ordinary state based peridynamics, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 124巻, 103761号, pp. 1-12, 20230401
  16. Influence coefficient based modification factor for a surface crack in a T-butt welded joint, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 123巻, 103678号, pp. 1-22, 202302
  17. Evaluation of dynamic behaviour of porous media including micro-cracks by ordinary state-based peridynamics, Engineering with Computers, 39巻, pp. 61-79, 202302
  18. Fracture parameter analysis employing equivalent domain integral method and nodal integration techniques based on reproducing kernel particle method, Computational Particle Mechanics, 9巻, pp. 1265-1278, 202211
  19. Fracture mechanics investigation of crack coalescence in a steel tubular T-joint specimen, Engineering Failure Analysis, 139巻, 106504号, pp. 1-17, 202209
  20. Fracture parameter investigations of functionally graded materials by using ordinary state based peridynamics, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 139巻, pp. 180-191, 202206
  21. A comprehensive investigation on macro-micro crack interactions in functionally graded materials using ordinary-state based peridynamics, Composite Structures, 287巻, 115299号, pp. 1-14, 202205
  22. An in-depth investigation of bimaterial interface modeling in ordinary state-based peridynamics, Journal of Peridynamics and Nonlocal Modeling, 4巻, pp. 112-138, 202203
  23. A crack propagation simulation for a steel CHS T-joint employing advanced shell-solid finite element modeling, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 27巻, pp. 278-292, 202203
  24. On the essential BC enforcement techniques in wavelet Galerkin method for 3D elastic solids, Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering, 9巻, pp. 78-95, 202202
  25. Static and dynamic mechanical behaviors of cracked Mindlin plates in ordinary state-based peridynamic framework, Acta Mechanica, 233巻, pp. 299-316, 202201
  26. Numerical study on the effect of residual stresses on stress intensity factor and fatigue life for a surface-cracked T-butt welded joint using numerical influence function method, Welding in the World, 65巻, pp. 2169-2184, 202111
  27. Ordinary state-based peridynamic shell model with arbitrary horizon domains for surface effect correction, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 115巻, 103068号, pp. 1-15, 202110
  28. X-FEMを用いた直交交差隅肉溶接部のき裂進展挙動の評価に関する研究, 日本船舶海洋工学会論文集, 33巻, pp. 137-148, 202106
  29. A study on buckling/plastic collapse strength of hatch cover of bulk carrier, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 202106
  30. Mixed-mode stress intensity factors evaluation of flat shells under in-plane loading employing ordinary state-based peridynamics, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 112巻, 102841号, pp. 1-9, 202104
  31. 溶接止端半径の異なるT字円筒継手に生じた疲労破面の力学的評価に関する研究, 日本船舶海洋工学会論文集, 32巻, pp. 141-152, 202104
  32. Fracture parameters assessment for flat shells under out-of-plane loading employing ordinary state-based peridynamics, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 244巻, 107560号, pp. 1-15, 202103
  33. A smoothed variable horizon peridynamics and its application to the fracture parameters evaluation, Acta Mechanica, 232巻, pp. 533-553, 202102
  34. Experimental and numerical studies for buckling and collapse behaviors of a cracked steel thin panel subjected to a sequence of tensile to compressive loading, Thin-Walled Structures, 157巻, 107059号, pp. 1-14, 202012
  35. A study on the Type-B hot spot stress, Welding in the World, 64巻, pp. 1833-1842, 202011
  36. 一般逆行列を用いた等価分布応力決定法に関する研究 (その1) – 中央貫通き裂の影響関数を用いた二次元端部き裂の解析 -, 日本船舶海洋工学会論文集, 31巻, pp. 213-228, 202009
  37. Dynamic fracture analysis of functionally graded materials using ordinary state-based peridynamics, Composite Structures, 244巻, 112296号, pp. 1-36, 202007
  38. Advanced reproducing kernel meshfree modeling of cracked curved shells for mixed-mode stress resultant intensity factors, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 233巻, 107012号, pp. 1-20, 202007
  39. Crack growth adaptive XIGA simulation in isotropic and orthotropic materials, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 365巻, 113016号, pp. 1-36, 202006
  40. Error-controlled adaptive LR B-splines XIGA for assessment of fracture parameters in through-cracked Mindlin-Reissner plates, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 229巻, 106964号, pp. 1-22, 202005
  41. Accurate evaluation of fracture parameters for a surface-cracked tubular T-joint taking welding residual stress into account, Marine Structures, 71巻, 102733号, pp. 1-20, 202005
  42. Accurate and efficient method for analyzing mixed-mode SIFs for inclined surface cracks in semi-infinite bodies by using numerical influence function method, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 106巻, 102471号, pp. 1-13, 202004
  43. Finite rotation meshfree formulation for geometrically nonlinear analysis of flat, curved and folded shells, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 119巻, 103300号, pp. 1-14, 202003
  44. Dynamic crack arrest analysis by ordinary state-based peridynamics, International Journal of Fracture, 221巻, pp. 155-169, 202002
  45. Adaptive orthotropic XIGA for fracture analysis of composites, Composite Part B: Engineering, 176巻, 107259号, pp. 1-21, 201911
  46. Stress resultant intensity factors evaluation of cracked folded structures by 6DOFs flat shell meshfree modeling, Thin-Walled Structures, 144巻, 106285号, pp. 1-13, 201911
  47. Buckling and collapse analysis of a cracked panel under a sequence of tensile to compressive load employing a shell-solid mixed finite element modeling, Engineering Failure Analysis, 104巻, pp. 987-1001, 201910
  48. A polygonal XFEM with new numerical integration for linear elastic fracture mechanics, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 213巻, pp. 241-263, 201905
  49. A computational approach based on ordinary state-based peridynamics with new transition bond for dynamic fracture analysis, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 206巻, pp. 359-374, 201902
  50. き裂損傷を有する防撓パネル構造の圧縮残存強度評価に関する研究, 日本船舶海洋工学会論文集, 28巻, pp. 75-88, 201812
  51. Numerical buckling analysis for flat and cylindrical shells including through crack employing effective reproducing kernel meshfree modeling, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 97巻, pp. 55-66, 201812
  52. Application of 6-DOFs meshfree modeling to the linear buckling analysis of stiffened plates with curvilinear surfaces, Acta Mechanica, 229巻, pp. 4995-5012, 201812
  53. 円管T継手の疲労被害度およびき裂伝播解析に基づく疲労強度評価法に関する研究, 日本船舶海洋工学会論文集, 28巻, pp. 13-26, 201812
  54. Multi-inclusions modeling by adaptive XIGA based on LR B-splines and multiple level sets, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 148巻, pp. 48-66, 201809
  55. Critical investigation on the influence of welding heat input and welding residual stress on stress intensity factor and fatigue crack propagation, Engineering Failure Analysis, 89巻, pp. 200-221, 201807
  56. A novel approach to evaluate mixed-mode SIFs for a through-thickness crack in a welding residual stress field using an effective welding simulation method, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 197巻, pp. 48-65, 201806
  57. A new method to estimate ultimate strength of stiffened panels under longitudinal thrust based on analytical formulas, Marine Structures, 59巻, pp. 510-535, 201805
  58. Bi-material V-notched SIFs analysis by XFEM and conservative integral approach, Computers & Structures, 196巻, pp. 217-232, 201802
  59. Mixed-mode dynamic stress intensity factors evaluation using ordinary state-based peridynamics, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 93巻, pp. 97-104, 201802
  60. き裂を有するパネルの有限要素法によるモデル化と最終強度解析に関する研究, 日本計算工学会論文集, 2017巻, pp. 20170014, 201710
  61. Numerical analysis of 3-D solids and composite structures by an enhanced 8-node hexahedral element, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 131巻, pp. 1-16, 201709
  62. A new cohesive crack-tip symplectic analytical singular element involving plastic zone length for fatigue crack growth prediction under variable amplitude cyclic loading, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 65巻, pp. 79-90, 201709
  63. Meshfree flat-shell formulation for evaluating linear buckling loads and mode shapes of structural plates, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 22巻, pp. 501-512, 201709
  64. Buckling analysis of stiffened plate structures by an improved meshfree flat shell formulation, Thin-Walled Structures, 117巻, pp. 303-313, 201708
  65. Evaluation of stress intensity factor for a surface cracked butt welded joint based on real welding residual stress, Ocean Engineering, 138巻, pp. 123-139, 201707
  66. Analysis of functionally graded plates by a simple locking-free quasi-3D hyperbolic plate isogeometric method, Composite Part B: Engineering, 120巻, pp. 182-196, 201707
  67. A simple FSDT-based meshfree method for analysis of functionally graded plates, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 79巻, pp. 1-12, 201707
  68. An effective meshfree reproducing kernel method for buckling analysis of cylindrical shells with and without cutouts, Computational Mechanics, 59巻, pp. 919-932, 201706
  69. Treatment of Dirichlet-type boundary conditions in the spline-based wavelet Galerkin method employing multiple point constraints, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 43巻, pp. 592-610, 201703
  70. Evaluation of crack propagation behaviors in a T-shaped tubular joint employing tetrahedral FE modeling, International Journal of Fatigue, 96巻, pp. 270-282, 201703
  71. Accurate evaluation of mixed-mode intensity factors of cracked shear-deformable plates by an enriched meshfree Galerkin formulation, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 87巻, pp. 279-298, 201702
  72. Three-dimensional adaptive multiscale extended finite element method with displacement extrapolation for simulating straight and curved cracks, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 313巻, pp. 375-405, 201701
  73. In-plane material inhomogeneity of functionally graded plates: A higher-order shear deformation plate isogeometric analysis, Composite Part B: Engineering, 106巻, pp. 273-284, 201612
  74. Finite element seismic response analysis of a reinforced concrete pier with a fractured finite tetrahedron mesh, Journal of Earthquake & Tsunami, 10巻, pp. 1640013, 201612
  75. Ordinary state-based peridynamicsによる動的応力拡大係数評価に関する研究, 日本計算工学会論文集, 20160017巻, pp. 1-11, 201608
  76. J-integral evaluation for 2D mixed-mode crack problems employing a meshfree stabilized conforming nodal integration method, Computational Mechanics, 58巻, pp. 185-198, 201608
  77. Simple method to evaluate ultimate hull girder strength of bulk carrier in alternate heavy loading condition, Journal of Ship Mechanics, 20巻, pp. 849-857, 201607
  78. On the high temperature mechanical behaviors analysis of heated functionally graded plates using FEM and a new third-order shear deformation plate theory, Composite Part B: Engineering, 92巻, pp. 218-241, 201605
  79. NURBS-based isogeometric analysis of buckling and free vibration problems for laminated composites plates with complicated cutouts using a new simple FSDT theory and level set method, Thin-Walled Structures, 101巻, pp. 141-156, 201604
  80. On the thermal buckling analysis of functionally graded plates with internal defects using extended isogeometric analysis, Composite Structures, 136巻, pp. 684-695, 201602
  81. メッシュフリー法を用いた板構造物のモデル化に関する研究 (第2報:幾何学的非線形解析), 日本機械学会論文集, 81巻, 831号, pp. 1-15, 201511
  82. Analysis of dynamic stress concentration problems employing spline-based wavelet Galerkin method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 58巻, pp. 129-139, 201509
  83. Analysis of cracked shear deformable plates by an effective meshfree plate formulation, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 144巻, pp. 142-157, 201508
  84. An extended wavelet Galerkin method with a high-order B-spline for 2D crack problems, Acta Mechanica, 226巻, pp. 2159-2175, 201507
  85. 完全陰解法に基づく損傷分割背応力弾塑性モデルの縮約積分法, 日本機械学会論文集, 81巻, 825号, pp. 1-14, 201505
  86. Simulation on progressive collaopse behavior of whole ship model under extreme waves using idealized structure unit method, Marine Structures, 39巻, pp. 315-334, 201501
  87. Study on crack propagation simulation of surface crack in welded joint structure, Marine Structures, 39巻, pp. 315-334, 201412
  88. ウェーブレットガラーキン法を用いた弾塑性破壊力学解析に関する研究, 日本機械学会論文集, 80巻, 819号, pp. 1-13, 201411
  89. 自由移動境界を有するボクセル固体流体連成解析, 日本計算工学会論文集, 20140011巻, pp. 1-10, 201409
  90. 曲面座標系を用いたRKPMによる初期不整を含む板の座屈解析, 日本船舶海洋工学会論文集, 19巻, pp. 169-178, 201406
  91. Evaluation of ultimate strength of stiffened panels under longitudinal thrust, Marine Structures, 36巻, pp. 21-50, 201404
  92. 完全陰解法による分割背応力モデルに基づく損傷弾塑性解析, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 79巻, pp. 1818-1831, 201312
  93. Elastic large deflection analysis of plates subjected uni-axial thrust using meshfree Mindlin-Reissner formulation, Computational Mechanics, 52巻, pp. 1313-1330, 201312
  94. Euler 型有限要素法による温度依存性を考慮した粘着剤の粘性―超弾性解析, 日本計算工学会論文集, 20130020巻, 201311
  95. Analysis of three-dimensional surface crack in welded joint structure using shell-solid mixed method, International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 23巻, pp. 232-239, 201309
  96. Collapse behaviour of ship hull girder of bulk carrier under alternative heavy loading condition, International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 23巻, pp. 224-231, 201309
  97. メッシュフリー法を用いた板構造物のモデル化に関する研究 (第1報:モデル化と線形解析の定式化), 日本機械学会論文集A編, 79巻, pp. 891-904, 201306
  98. メッシュフリー法を用いた板曲げ解析における数値積分法に関する一考察, 日本計算工学会論文集, pp. 20130008, 201304
  99. Two-dimensional fracture mechanics analyses using the wavelet Galerkin method and extended finite element method, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 93巻, pp. 1082-1108, 201303
  100. 動的過渡解析における節点積分点を使用した四面体一次有限要素の改良, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 78巻, pp. 1233-1241, 201209
  101. 節点積分を用いた安定化有限要素法によるEuler 型大変形弾塑性解析, 土木学会論文集 A2 (応用力学), 68巻, pp. 199-206, 201209
  102. A wavelet Galerkin method employing B-spline bases for solid mechanics problems without the use of a fictitious domain, Computational Mechanics, 50巻, pp. 35-48, 201206
  103. Euler型有限要素法による粘着剤の粘性-超弾性解析手法, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 78巻, pp. 375-389, 201203
  104. Nonlinear thin-plate bending analyses using Hermite reproducing kernel approximation, International Journal of Computational Methods, 9巻, pp. 1240012, 201203
  105. Large deflection analysis for thin-plate using the Hermite Reproducing Kernel (HRK) approximation, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan, 60巻, pp. 205-214, 201201
  106. 超高速衝突下における貫通解析に関する研究, 土木学会論文集 A2 (応用力学), 67巻, pp. 191-198, 201109
  107. 平均化統一解法による Euler 型固体流体連成解析手法, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 76巻, pp. 1533-1540, 201012
  108. ウェーブレットガラーキン法を用いた破壊力学解析に関する研究, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 75巻, pp. 296-303, 200903
  109. On the linear dependencies of interpolation functions in s-version finite element method, Journal of Computational Science and Technology, 3巻, pp. 124-135, 200901
  110. ウェーブレットガラーキン法による応力集中問題の解析(第4報,基底関数の一次独立性を判定するための前処理), 日本機械学会論文集A編, 74巻, pp. 850-857, 200806
  111. An adaptive wavelet finite element method with high-order B-spline basis functions, Key Engineering Materials, 345-346巻, pp. 877-880, 200708
  112. ウェーブレットガラーキン法による応力集中問題の解析(第3報,アダプティブ解析), 日本機械学会論文集A編, 73巻, pp. 42-49, 200701
  113. ウェーブレットガラーキン法による応力集中問題の解析(第2報,高次Bスプラインを基底関数に使用した解析), 日本機械学会論文集A編, 72巻, pp. 982-989, 200607
  114. ウェーブレットガラーキン法による応力集中問題の解析(第1報,定式化と境界の取り扱い), 日本機械学会論文集A編, 72巻, pp. 856-863, 200606
  115. Applications of s-FEM to the problems of composite materials with initial strain-like terms, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 4巻, pp. 411-428, 2006
  116. 重力場と遠心力場での円盤状粒子の挙動, 傾斜機能材料論文集, 19巻, pp. 13-18, 2005
  117. Analysis of dispersed particle motion for forming gradient structure in the rotating drum, International Journal of Transport Phenomena, 7巻, pp. 23-30, 2005
  118. Experimental and theoretical study on suspended particle motion in axially rotating drum, International Journal of Transport Phenomena, 6巻, pp. 189-195, 2004


  1. 2022年11月17日, 日本機械学会計算力学部門 業績賞, 日本機械学会計算力学部門(部門長)
  2. 2022年09月17日, 日本計算力学連合フェロー賞, 日本計算力学連合
  3. 2021年, Distinguished Researcher, 広島大学
  4. 2018年, Phoenix Outstanding Researcher Award, 広島大学
  5. 2017年, Phoenix Outstanding Researcher Award, 広島大学
  6. 2015年, 日本計算工学会論文賞, 日本計算工学会
  7. 2014年, 日本計算力学奨励賞, 日本計算力学連合
  8. 2014年, 日本機械学会奨励賞, 日本機械学会
  9. 2012年, 日本船舶海洋工学会 若手講演優秀賞, 日本船舶海洋工学会
  10. 2007年, 日本船舶海洋工学会 ポスターセッション優秀賞, 日本船舶海洋工学会 (西部支部)



  1. 国土交通省観光庁, 国際会議の開催効果拡大実証事業(TEAM2024), 2024年
  2. 国土交通省観光庁, 国際会議開催地としての魅力向上実証事業(TEAM2024), 2024年
  3. 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C),代表), 船体構造疲労寿命予測のための三次元疲労き裂進展モデリング, 2022年
  4. 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C),分担), 遡上津波波圧による沿岸域構造物群の破壊過程に関する研究, 2021年
  5. 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C),代表), Peridynamicsを用いた脆性材料の動的破壊挙動の評価に関する研究, 2018年, 2020年
  6. 科学研究費助成事業(若手研究(B),代表), 等価分布応力下におけるき裂結合力モデルに関する研究, 2016年
  7. 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B),分担), 船体構造と騒音伝達経路の関係の解明と騒音レベルを低減する構造の創生に関する研究, 2016年
  8. 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A),分担), 多軸応力影響と繰り返し載荷影響を考慮した船体桁の縦曲げ最終強度評価に関する研究, 2015年
  9. 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B),分担), 建造から品質・安全性・寿命まで評価可能な四次元可視化CAEシステムの開発, 2015年
  10. 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C),分担), き裂を有するパネルの圧壊挙動メカニズムの解明, 2015年
  11. 科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究,代表), 粒子法を用いた薄板構造の圧壊挙動解析に関する研究, 2012年
  12. 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A),分担), 大波高下における浮体構造の崩壊挙動解析法の開発と応用に関する研究, 2011年, 2014年
  13. 科学研究費助成事業(若手研究(B),代表), 極限海象下における船体構造の崩壊解析に関する研究, 2009年, 2011年
  14. 科学研究費助成事業(若手研究(スタートアップ),代表), 三次元疲労き裂進展経路予測の高効率・高精度化に関する研究, 2007年, 2008年