杉尾 健次郎Kenjiro Sugio

Last Updated :2024/10/02

大学院先進理工系科学研究科 准教授



  • 博士(工学) (広島大学)
  • 修士(工学) (広島大学)


  • 工学 / 材料工学 / 複合材料・表界面工学



  1. 2024年, 教養教育, 1ターム, 教養ゼミ
  2. 2024年, 学部専門, 2ターム, 工学プログラミング基礎
  3. 2024年, 学部専門, セメスター(後期), 機械創成実習
  4. 2024年, 学部専門, 1ターム, 機械材料概論
  5. 2024年, 学部専門, 4ターム, データ処理および数値解析
  6. 2024年, 学部専門, 通年, 卒業論文
  7. 2024年, 学部専門, 3ターム, Applied Materials Physics
  8. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 1ターム, 機械工学特別演習A
  9. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 2ターム, 機械工学特別演習A
  10. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 3ターム, 機械工学特別演習A
  11. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 4ターム, 機械工学特別演習A
  12. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 3ターム, 機械工学特別演習B
  13. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 1ターム, 機械工学特別演習B
  14. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 4ターム, 機械工学特別演習B
  15. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 2ターム, 機械工学特別演習B
  16. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 年度, 機械工学特別研究
  17. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 年度, 機械工学特別研究
  18. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 3ターム, Applied Materials Physics
  19. 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, 年度, 機械工学特別研究



  1. Preparation of Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Preform for Aluminium Matrix Composites, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 52巻, 5号, pp. 939-942, 201112
  2. Fabrication and characterization of unidirectional CF/Al composites, SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS, 18巻, 3号, pp. 167-171, 201109
  3. Point Defects Observed in D-T neutron irradiated Copper, Silver and Gold at 288K with a Rotating Target in FNS JAERI, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.=, 650巻, pp. R3.8.1-R3.8.6, 20010901
  4. Computer simulation on the void formation in neutron-irradiated Cu and Ni at high temperature, J. Nucl. Mater., 271-272巻, pp. 225-229, 19990501
  5. Atomistic processes of damage evolution in neutron-irradiated Cu and Ni at high temperature, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 148巻, 1-4号, pp. 127-159, 19990101
  6. The influence of dynamical structural relaxation in point defect cluster on void formation in irradiated copper, J. Nucl. Mater., 251巻, pp. 61-71, 19971101
  7. ★, Point Defects Observed in D-T neutron irradiated Copper, Silver and Gold at 288K with a Rotating Target in FNS_JAERI, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 650巻, pp. R3.8.1-R3.8.6, 20000401
  8. ★, Vacancy generation in deformed thin metal, Computational Materials Science, 14巻, pp. 36-42, 19990401
  9. Point defects and their clusters in BCC metals, Computational Materials Science, 14巻, pp. 97-102, 19990401
  10. ★, Computer Simulation of Displacement Damage Cascade Formation near Sigma 5 Twist Boundary in Silver, Journal of Physical Society of japan, 67巻, pp. 882-889, 19980401
  11. ★, Computer simulation of vacancy migration in copper, Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 20巻, pp. 851-854, 19960401
  12. Small point defect clusters in copper, Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 16A巻, pp. 377-380, 19940401
  13. Microstructure evolution in D-T neutron irradiated silver, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 307-311巻, pp. 450-454, 20020401
  14. Crystal Structure of Elongated Thin Foils of Fe and V, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 157巻, pp. 43-51, 20020401
  15. Formation of vacancy clusters in deformed thin films of Al-Mg and Al-Cu dilute alloys, Material Science and Engineering, 350巻, pp. 30-36, 20030401
  16. Point defect properties of Vanadium and Molybdenum Studied by Computer Simulations with Jhonson and Oh EAM Potentials, Proc. Fourth Pacific Rim Int. Conf. on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM4), pp. 1391-1394, 20010401
  17. Damages Formed in Pure Cu Irradiated by 14 MeV D-T Neutrons at Fusion Neutron Source Facility (FNS) in JAERI, Proc. Fourth Pacific Rim Int. Conf. on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM4), pp. 1375-1378, 20010401
  18. Damages Formed in Pure Gold Irradiated with 14 MeV D-T Neutron at Fusion Neutron Source Facility FNS in JAERI, Proc. Fourth Pacific Rim Int. Conf. on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM4), pp. 1327-1330, 20010401
  19. Molecular Dynamics Studies of Crystallization and Grain Boundary Formation in Silicon, Trans Tech Publications, 93巻, pp. 381-386, 20030401
  20. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Grain Boundary Formation and Migration in Silicon, Materials Transactions, 47巻, 11号, pp. 1-7, 20061101
  21. Statistical relationship between Three- and Two- dimensional Spatial Distribution of Dispersed Phases, Mater. Trans. JIM, 48巻, 10号, pp. 2768-2777, 20071001
  22. Evaluating Spatial Distribution Randomness of Overlap Permissive Second Phase in Three- and Two-dimensions, Mater. Trans. JIM, 48巻, 10号, pp. 2762-2767, 20071001
  23. Effect of Spatial Distribution of SiC Particles on the Tensile Deformation Behavior of Al-10vol%SiC Composites, Materials Trans. JIM, 48巻, 2号, pp. 1-7, 20070201
  24. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Grain Boundary Formation and Migration in Silicon, Materials Trans. JIM, 47巻, 11号, pp. 1-7, 20061101
  25. Fabrication and Characterization of Unidirectional Cf/Al Composites, Proc. of 8th Joint Canada-Japan Workshop on Composites, pp. 173-180, 20100701
  26. Fabrication of carbon nano-fiber / aluminum composites by low-pressure infiltration method, Materials Science Forum, 654-656巻, pp. 2692-2695, 20100901
  27. Low infiltration process of molten aluminum alloy to C / C perform with nickel coating, Proc. of 8th Joint Canada-Japan Workshop on Composites, 20100701
  28. Effect of microstructure on thermal properties for VGCF / aluminum Composites fabricated by spark sintering process, Proc. of 12th Int. Conf. on Aluminum alloys, pp. 873-877, 20100701
  29. Evaluation of thermal conductivity of Cf/Al composites fabricated by low pressure infiltration methods, Proc. of 18th Int. Conf. on Composite Materials, pp. T6-1-IF0532- 1-5, 20110801
  30. Fabrication process and microstructure of VGCFs/Al composites by spark sintering, Proc. of 18th Int. Conf. on Composite Materials, pp. F12-3-AF0951- 1-5, 20110801
  31. Fabrication of vapor grown carbon fiber reinforced aluminum composites by spark sintering, Materials Science Forum, 706-709巻, pp. 699-703, 20120101
  32. Influence of interfacial reactant on the strength and fracture behavior of CF/Al composites, Proc. of 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symp. on Composite Materials, pp. 83-84, 20111101
  33. Analysis of low pressure infiltration for molten aluminum to porous FeCrSi fiber, Proc. of 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symp. on Composite Materials, pp. 87-88, 20111101
  34. 高熱伝導性アルミニウム基複合材料の開発とプロセス制御, 軽金属, 62巻, 5号, pp. 223-230, 20120501
  35. Optimum production process of particulate intermetallic compound reinforced aluminum metal matrix composites, Proc. of 9th Int. Conf. on Fracture & Strength of Solids, pp. total 7, 20130601
  36. Microstructure control of VGCF/aluminum composites by rolling, Proc. of 9th Int. Conf. on Fracture & Strength of Solids., pp. total 4, 20130601
  37. Effect of aluminum carbide on thermal conductivity of the unidirectional CF/Al composites fabricated by low pressure infiltration process, Composites Science and Technology, 97巻, pp. 1-5, 20140601
  38. Crystal structure of elongated thin foils of Fe and v, RADIATION EFFECTS AND DEFECTS IN SOLIDS, 157巻, 1-2号, pp. 43-51, 2002
  39. Microstructure evolution in D-T neutron irradiated silver, JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, 307巻, pp. 450-454, 200212
  40. Formation of vacancy clusters in deformed thin films of Al-Mg and Al-Cu dilute alloys, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 350巻, 1-2号, pp. 30-36, 20030615
  41. 低摩擦硬質Cr-Mo合金めっき被膜の有機スルフォン酸触媒によるナノボイド形成と水素の存在状態, 日本金属学会誌, 77巻, 11号, pp. 527-536, 2013
  42. Effect of aluminum carbide on thermal conductivity of the unidirectional CF/Al composites fabricated by low pressure infiltration process, COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 97巻, pp. 1-5, 20140616
  43. Microstructure Observation of Preform for High Performance VGCF/Aluminum Composites, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 55巻, 5号, pp. 827-830, 201412
  47. 低摩擦硬質 Cr-Mo 合金めっき皮膜の有機スルフォン酸触媒によるナノボイド形成と水素の存在状態, 日本金属学会誌, 77巻, 11号, pp. 527-536, 2013
  48. Modification of Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami Equation for Clustered Nucleation, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 50巻, 6号, pp. 1563-1571, 200906
  49. ★, Image processing characterization of microstructures of Al-Si casting alloy, Materials Science Forum, 783-786巻, pp. 240-245, 2014
  50. Effect of dispersibility of TiB2 particels on electrical conductivity in TiB2/Al composites, Materials Science Forum, 783-786巻, pp. 1573-1578, 2014
  51. Optimal production process of particulate intermetallic compound reinforced aluminum metal matrix composites, International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures, 3巻, 4号, pp. 503-512, 2014
  52. Microstructure Control of CNF/Aluminum Composites and Effect on Electrical Conductivity, Proc. of JSME Int'l Conf. on Materials and Processing, pp. Paper No. ICMP2014-4952, 2014
  53. Thermal Properties of titanium boride particle reinforced pure aluminum composites, Proc. of Canada-Japan Workshop on Composites, 2014
  54. Evaluation of Electrical and Thermal Properties of Titanium Boride Dispersed Aluminum Composites by Spark Plasma Sintering Process, Proc. of 2014 ASC 29 / US-Japan 16 / ASTM D30 Conference, pp. paper No. 116 , 2014
  55. Development and Mechanical Properties of High Temperature Lead Free Solder Composites, Abs of The 11th China-Japan Joint Conf. on Composite Materials (CJJCC-11), 2014
  56. Compositional Optimization of Al-Mn-X Alloys and, Their Tensile and Corrosion Properties, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 56巻, 10号, pp. 1675-1682, 2015
  57. Nickel Formation on Graphite Sheet Surface for Improving Wettability with Magnesium Alloy, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 56巻, 10号, pp. 1693-1697, 2015
  58. ★, Effect of the Interfacial Thermal Resistance on the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Aluminum Matrix Composites, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 57巻, 5号, pp. 582-589, 2016
  59. Manufacturing process of particle intermetallic compound reinforced Al base composites by infiltration-reaction method, Mechanical Engineering Journal, 3巻, 2号, pp. 15-00492, 2016
  60. ★, Estimation of the electrical conductivity of TiB2/Al composites by using image analysis, Mechanical Engineering Journal, 3巻, 2号, pp. 15-00577, 2016
  61. ★, The effect of ZrO2 addition on the polarization behavior of Cr-ZrO2 composite coating, Mechanical Engineering Journal, 3巻, 2号, pp. 15-00623, 2016
  62. アーク・スラグ処理法における鋳鉄溶湯の化学成分変化, 鋳造工学, 87巻, 5号, pp. 303-309, 2015
  63. ESTIMATION OF ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY OF TiB2/Al COMPOSITES WITH IMAGE ANALYSIS, Proceedings of The 4th Asian Symposium on Material Processing (ASMP), Lombok 10-13 August 2015, pp. 11-12, 2015
  64. NEW MANUFACTUTING METHOD OF PARTICLE INTERMETALLIC COMPOUND REINFORCED COMPSOITES, Proceedings of The 4th Asian Symposium on Material Processing (ASMP), Lombok 10-13 August 2015, pp. 13-14, 2015
  65. THE EFFECT OF ZRO2 ADDITION ON THE ELECTROCHEMICAL BEHAVIOR OF LOW-CARBON STEELS IN CRO3–H2SO4 ELECTROLYTE, Proceedings of The 4th Asian Symposium on Material Processing (ASMP), Lombok 10-13 August 2015, pp. 15-16, 2015
  66. WETTABILITY BETWEEN GRAPHITE AND HIGH-TEMPERATURE LEAD-FREE SOLDER ALLOY, Proceedings of The 4th Asian Symposium on Material Processing (ASMP), Lombok 10-13 August 2015, pp. 49-50, 2015
  67. EFFECTIVE THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF ALUMINUM MATRIX COMPOSITES WITH CONSIDERING INTERFACIAL THERMAL RESISTANCE, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Copenhagen, 19-24th July 2015, pp. P104-9, 2015
  68. EFFECT OF MICROSTRUCTURE CONTROL ON THERMAL AND ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITIES OF CNF/Al COMPOSITES, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Copenhagen, 19-24th July 2015, pp. 4412-1, 2015
  69. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TiB2/Al Composites Fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering, Proceedings of The 10th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, 2015.10.28-30, Jeonju, KOREA, pp. 25-26, 201510
  70. Development of Manufacturing Process of Fined Intermetallic Compound Dispersion Composites, Proceedings of The 10th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, 2015.10.28-30, Jeonju, KOREA, pp. 29-31, 201510
  71. Development of a Software to Evaluate Spatial Distribution of Second Phase in Composites, Proceedings of The 10th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, 2015.10.28-30, Jeonju, KOREA, pp. 85-86, 201510
  72. Microstructure of Lead-Free Solder Composite for High Temperature Application, Proceedings of The 10th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, 2015.10.28-30, Jeonju, KOREA, pp. 89-90, 201510
  73. Development of New Manufacturing Process of Carbon Nano-Fiber Reinforced Metal Matrix Composite, Proceedings of The 10th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, 2015.10.28-30, Jeonju, KOREA, pp. 97-98, 201510
  74. Development of Fabrication Process and Characterization of Intermetallic Compounds Dispersed Al Matrix Composite by Using Reaction between Metal Porous and Al, Proceedings of The 10th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, 2015.10.28-30, Jeonju, KOREA, pp. 99-100, 201510
  75. Development of High-Strength Aluminum Alloy for Composite Matrix, Proceedings of The 10th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, 2015.10.28-30, Jeonju, KOREA, pp. 101-102, 201510
  76. Effective Thermal Conductivity Measurement of Metal Matrix Composites and Thermal Conduction Simulation with Steady Method, Proceedings of The 10th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, 2015.10.28-30, Jeonju, KOREA, pp. 103-104, 201510
  77. Effect of Nickel Coating on Graphite for Preparation of Graphite/Magnesium Composite, Proceedings of The 10th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, 2015.10.28-30, Jeonju, KOREA, pp. 105-106, 201505
  78. ★, Effect of the Interfacial Thermal Resistance on the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Aluminum Matrix Composites, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 57巻, 5号, pp. 582-589, 201612
  79. Fabrication of Vapor-Grown Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Magnesium-Calcium Alloy Composites by Compo-Casting Process, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 58巻, 4号, pp. 673-678, 201704
  80. Effect of Preparation Conditions of TiB2 Particle Dispersed Al Composites on Microstructure, Materials Science Forum, 879巻, pp. 1674-1678, 201611
  81. ★, Effect of the Interfacial Thermal Resistance on Effective Thermal Conductivity of Al/SiC Particle-Dispersed Composites, Materials Science Forum, 879巻, pp. 1889-1894, 201611
  82. Preparation of VGCF Reinforced Magnesium Matrix Composites by Low Pressure Infiltration, The 9th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM9), pp. 901-904, 201608
  83. ★, Evaluation of Spatial Distribution of Second Phase in Composites with Machine Learning Technique, The Ninth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM9), pp. 152-154, 201608
  84. Preparation of High Temperature Lead-Free Solder Composites, The Ninth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM9), pp. 145-147, 201608
  85. Fabrication and Thermal of Lotus Structured SiO2/Al and SiO2+VGCF/Al Composites by Low Pressure Infiltration Method, The 9th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM9), pp. 905-908, 201608
  86. Manufacturing of Carbon Nanotube Preform with High Porosity and Its Application in Metal Matrix Composites, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 58巻, 5号, pp. 834-837, 20170501
  87. Microstructures of Al3Ni Particles Reinforced Composites by Infiltration and Reaction Method and Their Properties, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 58巻, 8号, pp. 1235-1237, 20170801
  88. Development of CNF/ Flame-Resistant Magnesium Alloy Composites by Stir Casting, Proceedings of International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA2017), pp. 48-50, 20170627
  89. ★, Evaluation of Microstructures of Al-Si Casting Alloy by Using Image Mean Free Path, Proceedings of International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA2017), pp. 51-53, 20170627
  90. Structure Control Of VGCF/Aluminum Matrix Composite, Proceedings of International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA2017), pp. 54-56, 20170627
  91. ★, Exploring Stable Structure of Solute Cluster in Al-Si Based Alloys by Using First Principles Calculation and Kinetic Monte Carlo Method, Proceedings of International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA2017), pp. 69-71, 20170627
  92. ★, Evaluation of Interfacial Thermal Resistance of Al-SiC Composites by Using Image-Based Calculation, Proceedings of International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA2017), pp. 72-74, 20170627
  93. Microstructure Control of TiB2 Particle Dispersed Steel Composites, Proceedings of International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA2017), pp. 75-78, 20170627
  94. Effect of Preparation Conditions on Thermal Properties of Graphite / Copper Composites, Proceedings of International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA2017), pp. 79-82, 20170627
  95. ★, Particle Detection of Al-SiC Particle-Dispersed Composites by Using Image Recognition with Machine Learning Technique, Proceedings of International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA2017), pp. 83-85, 20170627
  96. Microstructure Analysis of High Porosity Nickel Porous Reinforced Metal Composites by Infiltration and Reaction Method, Proceedings of International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA2017), pp. 90-94, 20170627
  97. MICROSTRUCTURES AND MECHANICAL PROPERTY OF INTERMETALLIC COMPOUNDS REINFORCED COMPOSITES, Proceedings of the JSME 2017 International Conference on Materials and Processing (ICMP2017), pp. ICMP2017-4341, 20170626
  98. ★, EVALUATION OF SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF SECOND PHASE IN PARTICLE DISPERSED COMPOSITES WITH MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUE, Proceedings of the JSME 2017 International Conference on Materials and Processing (ICMP2017), pp. ICMP2017-4349, 20170626
  99. DEVELOPMENT OF CNF/FRAME-RESISTANT MAGNESIUM ALLOY COMPOSITES, Proceedings of the JSME 2017 International Conference on Materials and Processing (ICMP2017), pp. ICMP2017-4351, 20170626
  100. Effect of the Interfacial Thermal Resistance on the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Aluminum Matrix Composites, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS, 81巻, 10号, pp. 467-474, 20170728
  101. ★, ESTIMATION OF EFFECTIVE THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF METAL MATRIX COMPOSITES BY USING IMAGE ANALYSIS, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, pp. 3848, 20170820
  103. MANUFACTURING PROCESS OF HYBRID ALUMINUM MATRIX COMPOSITE BY LOW PRESSURE CASTING, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, pp. 2813, 20170820
  104. MECHANICAL PROPERTY OF AL3NI/AL ALLOY COMPOSITE BY INFILATRION AND REACTRION METHOD, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, pp. 2803, 20170820
  105. Manufacturing of Carbon Nanotube Preform with High Porosity and Its Application in Metal Matrix Composites, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 58巻, 5号, pp. 834-837, 2017
  106. Microstructures of Al3Ni Particles Reinforced Composites by Infiltration and Reaction Method and Their Properties, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 58巻, 8号, pp. 1235-1237, 2017
  107. The effect of ZrO2 addition on the polarization behavior of Cr-ZrO2 composite coating, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 3巻, 2号, 2016
  108. Manufacturing process of particle intermetallic compound reinforced Al base composites by infiltration-reaction method, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 3巻, 2号, 2016
  109. Estimation of the electrical conductivity of TiB2/Al composites by using image analysis, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 3巻, 2号, 2016


  1. 2016年04月21日, 片島賞, 公益社団法人 日本鋳造工学会 中国四国支部, アーク・スラグ処理法における鋳鉄溶湯の化学成分変化
  2. 2016年04月21日, 片島賞, 公益社団法人 日本鋳造工学会中国四国支部, Compositional optimization of Al-Mn-X alloys and, their tensile and corrosion properties
  3. 2013年07月06日, 研究・開発奨励賞, (社)軽金属学会 中国四国支部, Al-Si合金中のSi析出物の空間分布評価
  4. 2013年07月06日, 研究・開発奨励賞, (社)軽金属学会 中国四国支部, 軽量で耐摩耗性を持つ金属間化合物分散強化複合材料の開発
  5. 2014年03月18日, 功労賞, 一般社団法人 軽金属学会 中国四国支部
  6. 2012年09月25日, 論文賞, 一般社団法人 軽金属学会 中国四国支部, Prepareation of Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Preform for Aluminum Matrix Composites
  7. 2012年07月07日, 研究・開発奨励賞, 一般社団法人 軽金属学会 中国四国支部, 画像解析によるAl-Si鋳造合金の組織評価
  8. 2011年07月09日, 研究・開発奨励賞, 一般社団法人 軽金属学会 中国四国支部, 低圧含浸法で作製した炭素繊維/アルミニウム複合材料の放熱板への展開
  9. 2016年10月18日, The Best Presentation Award 10th Asian- Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM10), President of The Korean Society for Composite Materials Chairman of ACCM10 Organizing Committee
  10. 2017年06月29日, Outstanding Presenter Award, Conference chair of ISGMA 2017 Chun-Hong Park