Last Updated :2024/09/03
- 所属・職名
- IDEC国際連携機構 教授
- ホームページ
- メールアドレス
- sharifihiroshima-u.ac.jp
- 自己紹介
- 気候変動、環境学、持続可能性、平和などについて研究しています。
- 2010年11月, 2011年03月, 名古屋大学, グローバルCOEプログラム, 研究アシスタント
- 2011年06月01日, 2012年03月31日, 名古屋大学, グローバルCOEプログラム, 研究アシスタント
- 2012年06月01日, 2013年03月31日, 名古屋大学, グローバルCOEプログラム, 研究アシスタント
- 2013年10月01日, 2018年06月30日, 国立環境研究所, グローバルカーボンプロジェクト, 事務局長
- 2018年07月01日, 2020年03月31日, 広島大学, 大学院国際協力研究科, 助教
- 環境学 / 環境解析学 / 環境動態解析
- 環境学 / 環境創成学 / 環境政策・環境社会システム
- 工学 / 建築学 / 都市計画・建築計画
- 都市気候変動の緩和と適応,自然を基盤とした解決策,グリーンインフラストラクチャー,都市の微気象,都市のレジリエンス,持続可能な都市構造,評価ツール
- 2024年, 学部専門, セメスター(前期), アジャイル・ワークショップ短期研修
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 3ターム, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 4ターム, 都市政策論
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 年度, 特別研究(2024年10月博士課程前期入学生用)
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, 年度, 特別研究(2024年10月博士課程後期入学生用)
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 年度, 理工学融合特別研究(2024年10月博士課程前期入学生用)
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, 年度, 理工学融合特別研究(2024年10月博士課程後期入学生用)
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, セメスター(前期), 理工学融合特別演習A
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, セメスター(後期), 理工学融合特別演習B
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 3ターム, 理工学融合共通科目2:グリーンな発展
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 3ターム, Urban Environmental Science
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, セメスター(前期), 演習B
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, セメスター(後期), 演習C
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, 年度, Seminar on Doctoral Dissertation
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 年度, Seminar on Master Thesis
- ★, A GIS-based agroecological model for sustainable agricultural production in arid and semi-arid areas: The case of Kerman Province, Iran, Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 6巻, pp. 100230, 20230826
- Editorial: New challenges and future perspectives in climate adaptation: 2022, Frontiers in Climate, 5巻, 20230613
- ★, Measuring spatial configurations for spatial neighborhood sustainability assessment, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 20230623
- ★, Comparative Analysis of the Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) Effect Based on the Local Climate Zone (LCZ) Classification Scheme for Two Japanese Cities, Hiroshima, and Sapporo, Climate, 11巻, 7号, 20230710
- ★, Smart Tourism Technologies, Revisit Intention, and Word-of-Mouth in Emerging and Smart Rural Destinations, Sustainability, 15巻, 14号, 20230712
- ★, Investigating Risks to the Implementation of the Great Equatorial Landbridge (GELB) Highway Project across Africa, Sustainability, 15巻, 14号, pp. 10905, 20230712
- ★, Resilience of urban social-ecological-technological systems (SETS): A review, Sustainable Cities and Society, 99巻, pp. 104910, 20231201
- ★, What are the drivers of sustainable energy transition? Insights from an empirical analysis of household preferences for electric induction cooking in Nepal, Journal of Cleaner Production, 417巻, pp. 138021, 20230910
- ★, Tokyo's COVID-19: An urban perspective on factors influencing infection rates in a global city, Sustainable Cities and Society, 97巻, 20231001
- ★, Do spatial and sociodemographic factors affect the transmission pattern of COVID-19? Evidence from Surabaya City, Indonesia, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 96巻, 20231001
- ★, Beyond the blame game: Unraveling the complex relationship between density and COVID-19 through a systematic literature review, Cities, 141巻, pp. 104519, 20231001
- The Metabolism of Megaprojects in Asia, Urban Studies, 60巻, 14号, 20230802
- ★, Towards a greater engagement of universities in addressing climate change challenges, Scientific Reports, 13巻, pp. 19030, 20231103
- ★, Cities in the times of COVID-19: Trends, impacts, and challenges for urban sustainability and resilience, Journal of Cleaner Production, 432巻, pp. 139735, 20231220
- ★, A critical analysis of selected global sustainability assessment frameworks: Toward integrated approaches to peace and sustainability, World Development Perspectives, 32巻, pp. 100539, 20231201
- ★, Street network patterns for mitigating urban heat islands in arid climates, International Journal of Digital Earth, 16巻, pp. 3145-3161, 20230810
- ★, Urban climate adaptation and mitigation action plans: A critical review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 189巻, pp. 113886, 20240101
- ★, An analysis of barriers to the implementation of smart grid technology in Pakistan, Renewable Energy, 220巻, pp. 119661, 20240101
- ★, Forecasting sustainable development goals scores by 2030 using machine learning models, Sustainable Development, 20240515
- ★, A systematic literature review of the relationship between the rule of law and environmental sustainability, Sustainable Development, 20240608
- ★, The impact of increase in block pricing on electricity demand responsiveness: Evidence from Ghana, Energy, 288巻, pp. 129858, 20240201
- ★, How to Achieve a Healthy City: a Scoping Review with Ten City Examples, Journal of Urban Health, 101巻, pp. 120-140, 20240201
- ★, Assessing the Connectivity of Urban Green Spaces for Enhanced Environmental Justice and Ecosystem Service Flow: A Study of Tehran Using Graph Theory and Least-Cost Analysis, Urban Science, 8巻, 1号, pp. 14, 20240205
- ★, The impacts of the COVID-19 lockdowns on the work of academic staff at higher education institutions: an international assessment, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 20240208
- ★, Smart cities and sustainable development goals (SDGs): A systematic literature review of co-benefits and trade-offs, Cities, 146巻, 20240301
- ★, The appeal of cities may not wane due to the COVID-19 pandemic and remote working, npj Urban Sustainability, 20240314
- ★, Using artificial intelligence to implement the UN sustainable development goals at higher education institutions, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 20230321
- ★, How nature-based solutions can enhance urban resilience to flooding and climate change and provide other co-benefits: A systematic review and taxonomy, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 95巻, pp. 128320, 20240501
- ★, Assessing urban resilience to pandemics with a hybrid framework of planning, absorption, recovery, and adaptation abilities: A case study of Ahvaz, Iran, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 108巻, 20240615
- ★, Design thinking for sustainable development: A bibliometric analysis and case study research, Journal of Cleaner Production, 455巻, pp. 142285, 20240525
- ★, Prosumers and sustainable development: An international assessment in the field of renewable energy, Sustainable Futures, 7巻, 100158号, 20240601
- ★, The evolutionary path of place making: From late twentieth century to post-pandemic cities, Land Use Policy, 141巻, pp. 107124, 20240601
- ★, Justice in access to urban ecosystem services: A critical review of the literature, Ecosystem Services, 67巻, pp. 101617, 20240601
- ★, A transformative shift in urban ecology toward a more active and relevant future for the field and for cities, Ambio, 53巻, pp. 871-889, 20240420
- ★, Shifting forward: Urban ecology in perspective, Ambio, 53巻, pp. 890-897, 20240420
- ★, The relational shift in urban ecology: From place and structures to multiple modes of coproduction for positive urban futures, Ambio, 53巻, pp. 845-870, 20240420
- ★, A participatory foresight approach to envisioning post-pandemic urban development pathways in Tokyo, Habitat International, 149巻, pp. 103108, 20240701
- ★, Low carbon futures: assessing the status of decarbonisation efforts at universities within a 2050 perspective, Energy, Sustainability and Society, 5巻, 20230216
- ★, Toward a societal smart city: Clarifying the social justice dimension of smart cities, Sustainable Cities and Society, 95巻, pp. 104612, 20230801
- ★, Governance in the implementation of the UN sustainable development goals in higher education: global trends, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 20230503
- ★, Post-fifth assessment report urban climate planning: Lessons from 278 urban climate action plans released from 2015 to 2022, Urban Climate, 49巻, pp. 101550, 20230501
- ★, The nexus between digitalization and sustainability: A scientometrics analysis, Heliyon, 9巻, 5号, 20230501
- The relationship between place identity and community resilience: Evidence from local communities in Isfahan, Iran, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 90巻, pp. 103675, 20230501
- ★, Optimal site selection for the solar-wind hybrid renewable energy systems in Bangladesh using an integrated GIS-based BWM-fuzzy logic method, Energy Conversion and Management, 283巻, pp. 116899, 20230501
- ★, Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the social sphere and lessons for crisis management: a literature review, Natural Hazards, 20230410
- ★, Environmentally sustainable smart cities and their converging AI, IoT, and big data technologies and solutions: an integrated approach to an extensive literature review, Energy Informatics, 6巻, 20230401
- ★, District-based Baseline Resilience Indicators for Communities (DBRIC) for Assessment of a Global South City, Sustainable Cities and Society, 20230401
- ★, Changes in the economic value of ecosystem services in rapidly growing urban areas: the case of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30巻, pp. 52321-52339, 20230225
- ★, Assessment of infrastructure resilience in multi-hazard regions: A case study of Khuzestan Province, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 88巻, pp. 103601, 20230401
- ★, A Study on the Sustainability of Urban Transportation in Iranian Metropolitan Areas, Transportation in Developing Economies, 8巻, 20230215
- ★, Progress, knowledge gap and future directions of urban heat mitigation and adaptation research through a bibliometric review of history and evolution, Energy and Buildings, 287巻, pp. 112976, 20230515
- ★, Analyzing Urban Travel Behavior Components in Tehran, Iran, Future Transportation, 3巻, 1号, pp. 236-253, 20230208
- ★, Societal smart city: Definition and principles for post-pandemic urban policy and practice, Cities, 134巻, pp. 104207, 20230301
- ★, Global tourism, climate change and energy sustainability: assessing carbon reduction mitigating measures from the aviation industry, Sustainability Science, 18巻, pp. 983-996, 20230301
- ★, From Garden City to 15-Minute City: A Historical Perspective and Critical Assessment, Land, 12巻, 2号, pp. 512, 20230220
- ★, Progress and prospects in planning: A bibliometric review of literature in Urban Studies and Regional and Urban Planning, 1956–2022, Progress in Planning, 173巻, pp. 100740, 20230701
- ★, Sustainable development goal 13 and switching priorities: addressing climate change in the context of pandemic recovery efforts, Environmental Sciences Europe, 6巻, 20230119
- ★, Handling the impacts of climate change on soil biodiversity, Science of The Total Environment, 869巻, 20230115
- ★, Resilience analysis of a PV/battery system of health care centres in Rohingya refugee camp, Energy, 263巻, pp. 125634, 20230115
- ★, Climate change, extreme events and mental health in the Pacific region, International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 15巻, 1号, 20230101
- ★, A county-level analysis of association between social vulnerability and COVID-19 cases in Khuzestan Province, Iran, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 84巻, pp. 103495, 20230101
- ★, The 15-minute city: Urban planning and design efforts toward creating sustainable neighborhoods, Cities, 132巻, pp. 104101, 20230101
- ★, Measuring the effects of Compactness/Sprawl on COVID 19 spread patterns at the neighborhood level, Cities, 132巻, pp. 104075, 20230101
- Smart city indicators: Towards exploring potential linkages to disaster resilience abilities, APN Science Bulletin, 12巻, 1号, pp. 75-89, 20220805
- ★, Role of Biogas in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Rohingya Refugee Camps in Bangladesh, Sustainability, 14巻, 19号, pp. 11842, 20220920
- ★, Compact Development Policy and Urban Resilience: A Critical Review, Sustainability, 14巻, 19号, pp. 11798, 20220920
- ★, An overview of climate change adaptation and mitigation research in Africa, Frontiers in Climate, 4巻, 202210
- ★, Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Routines of Higher Education Institutions: A Global Perspective, Sustainability, 14巻, 21号, pp. 14105, 20221028
- ★, Emerging Trends and Knowledge Structures of Urbanization and Environmental Sustainability: A Regional Perspective, Sustainability, 14巻, 20号, pp. 13195, 20221014
- ★, Unsustainable Anthropogenic Activities: A Paired Watershed Approach of Lake Urmia (Iran) and Lake Van (Turkey), Remote Sensing, 14巻, 20号, pp. 5269, 20221021
- ★, Investigating the Role of Neighborhood Development Offices (NDOs) in the Resilience of Deteriorated Urban Neighborhoods against the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Study of Tehran, Using a Hybrid Balanced-Based Assessment Framework, Urban Science, 6巻, 4号, 20221102
- ★, Transformative Resilience: An Overview of Its Structure, Evolution, and Trends, Sustainability, 14巻, 22号, pp. 15267, 20221114
- ★, Towards building resilient cities to pandemics: A review of COVID-19 literature, Sustainable Cities and Society, 89巻, 20230101
- ★, Optimization of Urban-Scale Sustainable Energy Strategies to Improve Citizens Health, Energies, 16巻, 1号, 20230101
- ★, An overview and thematic analysis of research on cities and the COVID-19 pandemic: Toward just, resilient, and sustainable urban planning and design, iScience, 25巻, 11号, 20221118
- ★, A global analysis of interactions between peace and environmental sustainability, Earth System Governance, 14巻, 20221201
- ★, Pandemic and Conflict Could Undermine Climate Action, Frontiers in Climate, 20220601
- ★, Smart cities and climate-resilient urban planning, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 49巻, 5号, 20220501
- ★, Sanctions and second home tourism: the experience of rural areas in Shemiranat, Iran, Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 20220501
- ★, Exploring the views of Iranian planning professionals on childrens active involvement in urban planning, Environment and Urbanization, 20220501
- ★, An overview of the state of urban resilience in Iran, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 20220501
- ★, An overview of the interactions between food production and climate change, Science of the Total Environment, 838巻, 20220901
- ★, A GIS-Based Spatiotemporal Modelling of Urban Traffic Accidents in Tabriz City during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Sustainability, 14巻, 12号, 20220601
- ★, Urban carbon accounting: An overview, Urban Climate, 44巻, 20220701
- ★, Changes in the carbon mitigation responsibility of Japan's capital city, Tokyo – analysis of power supply shocks due to nuclear power plant accidents, Urban Climate, 44巻, 20220701
- ★, Riverine Plastic Pollution in Asia: Results from a Bibliometric Assessment, Land, 20220701
- ★, Assessment of social vulnerability in areas exposed to multiple hazards: A case study of the Khuzestan Province, Iran, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 78巻, 20220801
- ★, Community resilience to pandemics: An assessment framework developed based on the review of COVID-19 literature, 80巻, 20221001
- ★, Effects of the built environment and human factors on the spread of COVID-19: A systematic literature review, Science of the Total Environment, 850巻, 20221201
- ★, Barriers to institutional social sustainability, Sustainability Science, 20220701
- ★, The Metaverse as a Virtual Form of Smart Cities: Opportunities and Challenges for Environmental, Economic, and Social Sustainability in Urban Futures, Smart Cities, 5巻, 3号, 20220701
- ★, The role of indigenous knowledge in climate change adaptation in Africa, Environmental Science & Policy, 136巻, 20220601
- ★, An assessment of requirements in investments, new technologies, and infrastructures to achieve the SDGs, Environmental Sciences Europe, 34巻, 20220501
- ★, Homicide rates are spatially associated with built environment and socio-economic factors: a study in the neighbourhoods of Toronto, Canada, BMC Public Health, 22巻, 20220701
- ★, Emerging Trends and Knowledge Structures of Smart Urban Governance, Sustainability, 14巻, 9号, 20220427
- ★, A GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Analysis Framework to Evaluate Urban Physical Resilience against Earthquakes, Sustainability, 14巻, 9号, 20220422
- ★, Realising the Potential of Renewable Energy as a Tool for Energy Security in Small Island Developing States, Sustainability, 14巻, 9号, 20220420
- ★, Research Structure and Trends of Smart Urban Mobility, Smart Cities, 5巻, 2号, 20220418
- ★, Scenario-based analysis of the impacts of lake drying on food production in the Lake Urmia Basin of Northern Iran, Nature-Scientific Reports, 12巻, 20220414
- ★, Applications of machine learning and deep learning methods for climate change mitigation and adaptation, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 20220325
- ★, Urban resilience: A vague or an evolutionary concept?, Sustainable Cities and Society, 20220601
- ★, Integrated social-ecological-infrastructural management for urban resilience, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 181巻, 20220601
- ★, Determination and prioritization of criteria to design urban energy resilience conceptual model (Part 1), International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 20220307
- ★, The Influence of the Corona Virus Pandemic on Sustainable Development Goal 13 and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Processes, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10巻, 20220316
- ★, Social Resilience Promotion Factors during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from Urmia, Iran, Urban Science, 6巻, 1号, 20220222
- ★, Green new deals could be the answer to COP26 s deep decarbonisation needs, Sustainable Horizons, 1巻, 20220101
- ★, An integrated approach of artificial intelligence and geoinformation techniques applied to forest fire risk modeling in Gachsaran, Iran, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 20220214
- ★, Perception, physiological and psychological impacts, adaptive awareness and knowledge, and climate justice under urban heat: A study in extremely hot-humid Chongqing, China, Sustainable Cities and Society, 79巻, 20220401
- ★, Assessing environmental impacts of transportation sector by integrating DPSIR framework and X-Matrix, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 20220110
- ★, Urban-Rural Disparity in Community Resilience: A Multilevel Analysis of the Relief Progress after the 2015 Nepal Earthquake, Sustainable Cities and Society, 79巻, 20220401
- ★, Transient poverty in a sustainable development context, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 20220101
- ★, Neighborhood sustainability assessment tools: Research trends and forecast for the built environment, Sustainable Futures, 4巻, 20220201
- ★, Monthly direct and indirect greenhouse gases emissions from household consumption in the major Japanese cities, Scientific Data - Nature, 8巻, 301号, 20211123
- ★, An evaluative model for assessing pandemic resilience at the neighborhood level: The case of Tehran, Sustainable Cities and Society, 75巻, 20211201
- ★, An adaptation of the Baseline Resilience Indicators for Communities (BRIC) for assessing resilience of Iranian provinces, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 20211201
- ★, Handling climate change education at universities: an overview, Environmental Sciences Europe, 20210901
- ★, Towards a framework for driving sustainable urban regeneration with ecosystem services, Land Use Policy, 111巻, 20211201
- ★, Optimization of spatial distribution of hospitals for better earthquake recovery using GIS and imperialist competition algorithm (case study: Gorgan, Iran), International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 2022
- ★, On the taxonomy of smart city indicators and their alignment with sustainability and resilience, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2022
- ★, The role of urban spatial structure in energy resilience: An integrated assessment framework using a hybrid factor analysis and analytic network process model, Sustainable Cities and Society, 76巻, 20220101
- ★, On the Theoretical Conceptualisations, Knowledge Structures and Trends of Green New Deals, Sustainability, 13巻, 22号, pp. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132212529, 20211101
- ★, Sustainability practices at higher education institutions in Asia, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, ahead-of-print, (ahead-of-print)巻, 20211101
- ★, Spatial Variability and Temporal Heterogeneity of Surface Urban Heat Island Patterns and the Suitability of Local Climate Zones for Land Surface Temperature Characterization, Remote Sensing, 13巻, 21号, 20211028
- ★, Positive Peace Pillars and Sustainability Dimensions: An Analytical Framework, International Studies Review, 2022
- Urban vulnerability under various blast loading scenarios: Analysis using GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis techniques, Cities, 72巻, pp. 102-114, 2018
- ★, Conceptualizing Dimensions and Characteristics of Urban Resilience: Insights from a Co-Design Process, Sustainability, 9巻, 6号, pp. 1032, 2017
- ★, A critical review of selected tools for assessing community resilience, Ecological Indicators, 69巻, pp. 629-647, 2016
- ★, Urban infrastructure choices structure climate solutions, Nature Climate Change, 6巻, 2016
- ★, On the suitability of assessment tools for guiding communities towards disaster resilience, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 18巻, pp. 115-124, 2016
- ★, Principles and criteria for assessing urban energy resilience: A literature review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 60巻, pp. 1654-1677, 2016
- ★, From Garden City to Eco-urbanism: The quest for sustainable neighborhood development, Sustainable Cities and Society, 20巻, pp. 1-16, 2016
- ★, Research priorities for negative emissions, Environmental Research Letters, 11巻, 11号, pp. 115007
- ★, Biophysical and economic limits to negative CO2 emissions, Nature Climate Change, 6巻, 1号, pp. 42-50, 2016
- ★, Roof ponds as passive heating and cooling systems: A systematic review, Applied Energy, 160巻, pp. 336-357, 2015
- ★, Viability of using global standards for neighbourhood sustainability assessment: insights from a comparative case study, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 58巻, 1号, pp. 1-23, 2015
- ★, Can master planning control and regulate urban growth in Vientiane, Laos?, Landscape and Urban Planning, 131巻, pp. 1-13, 2014
- ★, Betting on negative emissions, Nature Climate Change, 4巻, 10号, pp. 850-853, 2014
- ★, Neighborhood sustainability assessment in action: Cross-evaluation of three assessment systems and their cases from the US, the UK, and Japan, Building and Environment, 72巻, pp. 243-258, 2014
- ★, A critical review of seven selected neighborhood sustainability assessment tools, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 38巻, pp. 73-87
- ★, Changes in the traditional urban form and the social sustainability of contemporary cities: A case study of Iranian cities, Habitat International, 38巻, pp. 126-134, 2013
- ★, An investigation of the reasons for non-compliance with FAR regulations in Tehran, Cities, 29巻, 4号, pp. 223-233, 2012
- The potential of CASBEE for urban development for delivering sustainable communities: A case study from the Koshigaya Lake Town planning experience, pp. 703-713, 2012
- ★, Resilient urban forms: A review of literature on streets and street networks, Building and Environment, 147巻, pp. 171-187, 201901
- ★, Urban carbon mapping: Towards a standardized framework, Energy Procedia, 152巻, pp. 799-808, 201810
- ★, Mapping building carbon emissions within local climate zones in Shanghai, Energy Procedia, 152巻, pp. 815-822, 201810
- ★, Resilient urban forms: A macro-scale analysis, Cities, 85巻, pp. 1-14, 20190201
- Resilient urban forms: A review of literature on streets and street networks, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, 147巻, pp. 171-187, 201901
- ★, Urban form resilience: A meso-scale analysis, Cities, 93巻, pp. 238-252, 2019
- ★, A critical review of selected smart city assessment tools and indicator sets, Journal of Cleaner Production, 233巻, 1号, pp. 1269-1283, 201910
- A critical review of selected smart city assessment tools and indicator sets, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 233巻, pp. 1269-1283, 20191001
- ★, A typology of smart city assessment tools and indicator sets, Sustainable Cities and Society, 53巻
- ★, Changes in per capita CO2 emissions of six large Japanese cities between 1980 and 2000: An analysis using The Four System Boundaries approach, Sustainable Cities and Society, 52巻, 2020
- ★, Energy Transitions Towards Low Carbon Resilience: Evaluation of Disaster-Triggered Local and Regional Cases, Sustainability, 11巻, 23号, 2019
- ★, Effects of building types and materials on household electricity consumption in Indonesia, Sustainable Cities and Society, 54巻, 202005
- The sustainability–peace nexus in the context of global change, Sustainability Science
- Changes in per capita CO2 emissions of six large Japanese cities between 1980 and 2000: An analysis using "The Four System Boundaries" approach, SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY, 52巻, 202001
- Energy Transitions Towards Low Carbon Resilience: Evaluation of Disaster-Triggered Local and Regional Cases, SUSTAINABILITY, 11巻, 23号, 201912
- A typology of smart city assessment tools and indicator sets, SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY, 53巻, 202002
- A global dataset on tools, frameworks, and indicator sets for smart city assessment, DATA IN BRIEF, 29巻, 202004
- Assessing Resilience of Urban Critical Infrastructure Networks: A Case Study of Ahvaz, Iran, SUSTAINABILITY, 12巻, 9号, 202005
- Urban form resilience: A meso-scale analysis, CITIES, 93巻, pp. 238-252, 201910
- Effects of building types and materials on household electricity consumption in Indonesia, SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY, 54巻, 202003
- ★, Assessing Resilience of Urban Critical Infrastructure Networks: A Case Study of Ahvaz, Iran, Sustainability, 12巻, 9号, 20200505
- ★, A global dataset on tools, frameworks, and indicator sets for smart city assessment, Data in Brief, 29巻, pp. 1-16, 2020
- ★, Urban Resilience Assessment: Mapping Knowledge Structure and Trends, Sustainability, 12巻, 15号, pp. 1-18, 2020
- ★, Trade-offs and conflicts between urban climate change mitigation and adaptation measures: A literature review, Journal of Cleaner Production, 276巻, pp. 1-14, 2020
- ★, Co-benefits and synergies between urban climate change mitigation and adaptation measures: A literature review, Science of the Total Environment, 750巻, pp. 1-17, 2021
- ★, Three decades of research on climate change and peace: a bibliometrics analysis, Sustainability Science, 2020
- ★, An analysis of urban form factors driving Urban Heat Island: the case of Izmir, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2020
- ★, A multi-dimensional energy-based analysis of neighbourhood sustainability assessment tools: are institutional indicators really missing?, Building Research & Information, 2020
- ★, The COVID-19 pandemic: Impacts on cities and major lessons for urban planning, design, and management, Science of the Total Environment, 749巻, 2020
- ★, Modeling and Analysis of Barriers to Climate Change Adaptation in Tehran, Climate, 8巻, 10号, 2020
- Urban Resilience Assessment: Mapping Knowledge Structure and Trends, SUSTAINABILITY, 12巻, 15号, 202008
- ★, The literature landscape on peace–sustainability nexus: A scientometric analysis, AMBIO, 2020
- ★, Urban sustainability assessment: An overview and bibliometric analysis, Ecological Indicators, 2021
- Urban resilience: Ten lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, HazNet, 2020
- Trade-offs and conflicts between urban climate change mitigation and adaptation measures: A literature review, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 276巻, 20201210
- ★, A GIS-Based Approach for Spatially-Explicit Sustainable Development Assessments in East Azerbaijan Province, Iran, Sustainability, 12巻, 24号, 2020
- The COVID-19 pandemic: Impacts on cities and major lessons for urban planning, design, and management, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 749巻, 20201220
- Co-benefits and synergies between urban climate change mitigation and adaptation measures: A literature review, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 750巻, 20210101
- A GIS-Based Approach for Spatially-Explicit Sustainable Development Assessments in East Azerbaijan Province, Iran, SUSTAINABILITY, 12巻, 24号, 202012
- ★, Neighborhood sustainability assessment tools: A review of success factors, Journal of Cleaner Production, 293巻, 2021
- ★, Urban Form Resilience: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional, Semi-Planned, and Planned Neighborhoods in Shiraz, Iran, Urban Science, 5巻, 1号, 2021
- ★, Limitations in assessment methodologies of neighborhood sustainability assessment tools: A literature review, Sustainable Cities and Society, 67巻, 2021
- ★, A conceptual framework for resilient place assessment based on spatial resilience approach: An integrative review, Urban Climate, 36巻, 2021
- ★, Towards a common future: revising the evolution of university-based sustainability research literature, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2021
- The literature landscape on peace-sustainability nexus: A scientometric analysis, AMBIO, 50巻, 3号, pp. 661-678, 202103
- ★, Are high-density districts more vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic?, Sustainable Cities and Society, 70巻, 20210701
- ★, A GIS-based multiple ecotourism sustainability assessment of West Azerbaijan province, Iran, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2021
- ★, Climate-induced stressors to peace: A review of recent literature, Environmental Research Letters, 2021
- An Integrated Approach to Assess Potential and Sustainability of Handmade Carpet Production in Different Areas of the East Azerbaijan Province of Iran, SUSTAINABILITY, 13巻, 4号, 202102
- An analysis of urban form factors driving Urban Heat Island: the case of Izmir, ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY, 23巻, 5号, pp. 7835-7859, 202105
- ★, Three Decades of Research on Smart Cities: Mapping Knowledge Structure and Trends, Sustainability, 13巻, 13号, 2021
- Three decades of research on climate change and peace: a bibliometrics analysis, SUSTAINABILITY SCIENCE, 16巻, 4号, pp. 1079-1095, 202107
- A co-designed heuristic guide for investigating the peace-sustainability nexus in the context of global change, SUSTAINABILITY SCIENCE, 16巻, 4号, pp. 1097-1109, 202107
- A multi-dimensional energy-based analysis of neighbourhood sustainability assessment tools: are institutional indicators really missing?, BUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION, 49巻, 5号, pp. 574-592, 20210704
- Optimal and economic operation of microgrids to leverage resilience benefits during grid outages, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS, 132巻, 202111
- Mapping the Evolutions and Trends of Literature on Wayfinding in Indoor Environments, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATION IN HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION, 11巻, 2号, pp. 585-606, 202106
- The illusion of participation: Are participatory indicators truly effective in neigborhood sustainability assessment tools, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 311巻, 20210815
- Assessing impacts of the water poverty index components on the human development index in Iran, HABITAT INTERNATIONAL, 113巻, 202107
- Spatio-temporal patterns of the COVID-19 pandemic, and place-based influential factors at the neighborhood scale in Tehran, SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY, 72巻, 202109
- A Framework for Urban Flood Resilience Assessment with Emphasis on Social, Economic and Institutional Dimensions: A Qualitative Study, SUSTAINABILITY, 13巻, 14号, 202107
- Contributions of Smart City Solutions and Technologies to Resilience against the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Literature Review, SUSTAINABILITY, 13巻, 14号, 202107
- Smart City and Crisis Management: Lessons for the COVID-19 Pandemic, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 18巻, 15号, 202108
- A scenario-based approach for urban water management in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and a case study for the Tabriz metropolitan area, Iran, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 790巻, 20211010
- A scenario-based approach for urban water management in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and a case study for the Tabriz metropolitan area, Iran, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 790巻, 20211010
- ★, Contributions of smart city solutions and technologies to resilience against the covid-19 pandemic: A literature review, Sustainability, 13巻, 14号, pp. 8018, 20210718
- ★, Smart City and Crisis Management: Lessons for the COVID-19 Pandemic, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18巻, 15号, 20210721
- ★, Analysis of the state of social resilience among different socio-demographic groups during the COVID- 19 pandemic, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 64巻, pp. 102514, 20211001
- ★, The sustainability–peace nexus: why is it important?, Sustainability Science, 16巻, pp. 1073-1077, 20210701
- ★, The illusion of participation: Are participatory indicators truly effective in neigborhood sustainability assessment tools, Journal of Cleaner Production, 311巻, 20210815
- ★, Optimal and economic operation of microgrids to leverage resilience benefits during grid outages, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 132巻, pp. 107137, 20211101
- The Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts of Ridesourcing Services: A Literature Review, Future Transportation, 1巻, 2号, pp. 268-289, 20210803
- ★, A co-designed heuristic guide for investigating the peace-sustainability nexus in the context of global change, Sustainability Science, 16巻, pp. 1097-1109, 20210701
- ★, A Framework for Urban Flood Resilience Assessment with Emphasis on Social, Economic and Institutional Dimensions: A Qualitative Study, Sustainability, 13巻, 14号, pp. 7852, 20210701
- ★, Integrated methods to determine urban physical resilience characteristics and their interactions, Natural Hazards, 20210601
- ★, A scenario-based approach for urban water management in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and a case study for the Tabriz metropolitan area, Iran, Science of The Total Environment, 790巻, pp. 148272, 20211001
- ★, A systematic review of the health co-benefits of urban climate change adaptation, Sustainable Cities and Society, 74巻, 20211101
- ★, Assessing impacts of the water poverty index components on the human development index in Iran, Habitat International, 113巻, 20210701
- ★, Mapping the Evolutions and Trends of Literature on Wayfinding in Indoor Environments, European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology, and Education, 11巻, 2号, pp. 585-606, 20210601
- ★, Spatio-temporal patterns of the COVID-19 pandemic, and place-based influential factors at the neighborhood scale in Tehran, Sustainable Cities and Society, 72巻, 20210901
- ★, An Integrated Approach to Assess Potential and Sustainability of Handmade Carpet Production in Different Areas of the East Azerbaijan Province of Iran, Sustainability, 13巻, 4号, pp. 2251, 20210201
- Integrated methods to determine urban physical resilience characteristics and their interactions, NATURAL HAZARDS, 109巻, 1号, pp. 725-754, 202110
- Handling climate change education at universities: an overview, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES EUROPE, 33巻, 1号, 202112
- An adaptation of the Baseline Resilience Indicators for Communities (BRIC) for assessing resilience of Iranian provinces, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION, 66巻, 202112
- Monthly direct and indirect greenhouse gases emissions from household consumption in the major Japanese cities, SCIENTIFIC DATA, 8巻, 1号, 20211123
- An evaluative model for assessing pandemic resilience at the neighborhood level: The case of Tehran, SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY, 75巻, 202112
- Spatial Variability and Temporal Heterogeneity of Surface Urban Heat Island Patterns and the Suitability of Local Climate Zones for Land Surface Temperature Characterization, REMOTE SENSING, 13巻, 21号, 202111
- On the Theoretical Conceptualisations, Knowledge Structures and Trends of Green New Deals, SUSTAINABILITY, 13巻, 22号, 202111
- Towards a framework for driving sustainable urban regeneration with ecosystem services, LAND USE POLICY, 111巻, 202112
- Positive Peace Pillars and Sustainability Dimensions: An Analytical Framework, INTERNATIONAL STUDIES REVIEW, 23巻, 4号, pp. 1884-1905, 202112
- 2023年09月01日, 単行本(学術書), 共著, English, 978-981-99-3674-8
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- 単行本(学術書), 共著, English, 978-981-15-3877-3
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- 2024年01月29日, 招待, 英語
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- 都市のレジリエンス構築戦略:IPCC報告書の教訓, 「ぼうさいこくたい2022」気候変動×防災セッション, 2022年10月22日, 招待, 英語
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- 通常, 日本語
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- Workshop on Practice and Research in Urban Sustainability Assessment, 2016年08月18日, 通常, 英語
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- 2019年11月14日, 招待, 英語, Stockholm University
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- 基盤研究(C), 2022年, 2025年
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- COVID-19がコンパクトシティ化に及ぼした影響評価と人・環境・テクノロジーの相互関係に基づいたグリーンで公正な復興のためのシナリオの模索―東京と上海における洞察, 2021年, 2023年
- 都市におけるCO2排出の動態と時空間的排出パターンの検出
- 2015年, 2016年
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- 客員研究員, 2018年09月, 2019年03月, 国立研究開発法人国立環境研究所
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- 2018年, その他
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- 2018年, その他
- 2018年, その他
- 2018年, その他
- 2018年, その他
- 2018年, その他
- 2018年, その他
- 2018年, その他
- 2018年, その他
- 2018年, その他
- 2018年, その他
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- 2018年, 編集員
- 2018年, 編集員
- 2018年, その他
- 2018年, その他
- 2018年, その他, 2
- 2018年, その他, 3
- 2018年, その他, 3
- 2018年, その他, 1
- 2018年, その他, 1
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- 2019年, その他, 3
- 2019年, その他, 2
- 2019年, その他, 1
- 2019年, その他, 2
- 2019年, その他, 1
- 2019年, 編集員
- 2019年, その他, 1