Last Updated :2025/02/03

IDEC国際連携機構 助教



  • 修士(Master of Science) (サヴィトリバイ・プール・プネー大学)
  • 修士(Master of Technology) (サヴィトリバイ・プール・プネー大学)
  • Ph.D (インド工科大学ボンベイ)


  • 【博士課程前期】 先進理工系科学研究科 : 先進理工系科学専攻 : 理工学融合プログラム
  • 【博士課程後期】 先進理工系科学研究科 : 先進理工系科学専攻 : 理工学融合プログラム



  1. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 集中, Geographic Information System Technology



  1. Evapo-transpiration, role of aerosol radiative forcing: A study over a dense canopy, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 9876巻, 20160101
  2. Response of heterogeneous vegetation to aerosol radiative forcing over a northeast Indian station, Journal of Environmental Management, 206巻, pp. 1224-1232, 20180115
  3. Aerosol-induced perturbation of surface fluxes over different landscapes in a tropical region, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40巻, 21号, pp. 8203-8221, 20191102
  4. Climatological analysis of variations in thermal comfort and uhi over the pune metropolitan region, Proceedings - 39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing: Remote Sensing Enabling Prosperity, ACRS 2018, 5巻, pp. 2728-2734, 20180101
  5. Propagation of cloud base to higher levels during Covid-19-Lockdown, Science of the Total Environment, 759巻, 20210310
  6. Prediction of land use and land cover changes in Mumbai city, India, using remote sensing data and a multilayer perceptron neural network-based Markov Chain model, Sustainability (Switzerland), 13巻, 2号, pp. 1-22, 20210102
  7. Snow cover mapping for sustainable water resource management in the balkhab river basin in Afghanistan using modis sattellite normalized difference snow index (NDSI) products, 22nd Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research-Asia Pacific Division, IAHR-APD 2020: "Creating Resilience to Water-Related Challenges", 20200101
  8. Sensitivity of snowmelt runoff modelling to the level of cloud coverage for snow cover extent from daily MODIS product collection 6, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 36巻, 20210801
  9. Impacts of future urbanization on urban microclimate and thermal comfort over the Mumbai metropolitan region, India, Sustainable Cities and Society, 79巻, 20220401
  10. Enumerating and Modelling the Seasonal alterations of Surface Urban Heat and Cool Island: A Case Study over Indian Cities, Urban Science, 7巻, 2号, 20230601
  11. City-Wise Assessment of Suitable CMIP6 GCM in Simulating Different Urban Meteorological Variables over Major Cities in Indonesia, Climate, 11巻, 5号, 20230501
  12. Exploring the Association between Changing Crop Types and Water Scarcity: A Case Study over West-Central India, Climate, 11巻, 5号, 20230501
  13. Development of future typical meteorological year (TMY) for major cities in Indonesia: Identification of suitable GCM, E3S Web of Conferences, 396巻, 20230616
  14. Identification of optimal CMIP6 GCMs for future typical meteorological year in major cities of Indonesia using multi-criteria decision analysis, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 12巻, 20240101
  15. Assessment and Prediction of Urban Pollutants and its Influence on Human Health using Deep Learning Algorithm, 2024 IEEE 9th International Conference for Convergence in Technology, I2CT 2024, 20240101
  16. Comprehensive spatiotemporal evaluation of urban growth, surface urban heat island, and urban thermal conditions on Java island of Indonesia and implications for urban planning, Heliyon, 10巻, 13号, 20240715
  17. Evaluating MPAS-A Performance for Mesoscale Simulation in a Tropical Region: A Case Study of Extreme Heat in Jakarta, Indonesia, Atmosphere, 15巻, 10号, 20241001