Last Updated :2024/12/03

大学院先進理工系科学研究科 教授



  • 2003年04月01日, 2004年02月28日, マレーシア工科大学, 建設環境学部, ポスドク研究員
  • 2004年02月28日, 2006年02月28日, 日本学術振興会, マレーシア工科大学建設環境学部, 海外特別研究員
  • 2005年12月01日, 2007年12月01日, マレーシア工科大学, 建設環境学部都市地域計画学科, 講師
  • 2007年12月01日, 2009年03月31日, マレーシア工科大学, 建設環境学部都市地域計画学科, 上級講師
  • 2009年04月01日, 2020年03月31日, 広島大学, 大学院国際協力研究科, 准教授
  • 2020年04月01日, 2021年03月31日, 広島大学, 大学院先進理工系科学研究科, 准教授
  • 2021年04月01日, 広島大学, 大学院先進理工系科学研究科, 教授
  • 2023年04月01日, 人間文化研究機構総合地球環境学研究所, 総合地球環境学研究所客員教授


  • 芝浦工業大学, 工学研究科, 地域環境システム専攻, 日本, 1998年04月, 2001年03月
  • 芝浦工業大学, システム工学部, 環境システム学科, 日本, 1991年04月, 1995年03月


  • 博士(工学) (芝浦工業大学)


  • 【修士課程】 先進理工系科学研究科 : 広島大学・ライプツィヒ大学国際連携サステイナビリティ学専攻
  • 【博士課程前期】 スマートソサイエティ実践科学研究院
  • 【博士課程前期】 先進理工系科学研究科 : 先進理工系科学専攻 : 建築学プログラム
  • 【博士課程前期】 先進理工系科学研究科 : 先進理工系科学専攻 : 理工学融合プログラム
  • 【博士課程後期】 スマートソサイエティ実践科学研究院
  • 【博士課程後期】 先進理工系科学研究科 : 先進理工系科学専攻 : 建築学プログラム
  • 【博士課程後期】 先進理工系科学研究科 : 先進理工系科学専攻 : 理工学融合プログラム


  • 工学 / 建築学 / 建築環境・設備


  • ヒートアイランド
  • 自然換気
  • 持続的発展
  • 省エネ
  • 途上国
  • 熱帯
  • パッシブクーリング
  • ライフサイクルアセスメント
  • 通風
  • 持続的建築アセスメント



  1. 2024年, 教養教育, 1ターム, Introduction to International Cooperation
  2. 2024年, 学部専門, 4ターム, Natural Disasters and Society I (自然災害と社会 I)
  3. 2024年, 学部専門, 4ターム, Natural Disasters and Society II (自然災害と社会 II)
  4. 2024年, 学部専門, 4ターム, 建築倫理
  5. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 年度, 理工学融合特別研究(2024年4月博士課程前期入学生用)
  6. 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, 年度, 理工学融合特別研究(2024年10月博士課程後期入学生用)
  7. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, セメスター(前期), 理工学融合特別演習A
  8. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, セメスター(後期), 理工学融合特別演習B
  9. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 3ターム, 理工学融合共通科目2:グリーンな発展
  10. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 2ターム, Environmental Management
  11. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 1ターム, International Environmental Cooperation Studies
  12. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 2ターム, Sustainable Architecture A
  13. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 1ターム, Sustainable Architecture B



  1. Comprehensive spatiotemporal evaluation of urban growth, surface urban heat island, and urban thermal conditions on Java island of Indonesia and implications for urban planning, HELIYON, 10巻, 13号, 20240715
  2. Identification of optimal CMIP6 GCMs for future typical meteorological year in major cities of Indonesia using multi-criteria decision analysis, FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 12巻, 20240311
  3. Relationship between Cooling Methods and Energy Consumption for the Development of Low-Carbon Collective Housing in Indonesia, SUSTAINABILITY, 16巻, 4号, 202402
  4. A Systematic Review of Passive Cooling Methods in Hot and Humid Climates Using a Text Mining-Based Bibliometric Approach, SUSTAINABILITY, 16巻, 4号, 202402
  5. Development of typical meteorological years based on quality control of datasets in Indonesia, RENEWABLE ENERGY, 221巻, 202402
  6. Embodied energy and carbon assessment of existing affordable apartments in Indonesia, ournal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 20231121
  7. Influences of occupant preferences for living environments on household energy consumption: A case study of Indonesia, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 300巻, 20231201
  8. Analysis of typical layout of apartment buildings in Indonesia, Buildings, 13(6)巻, 1387号, 20230526
  9. Factors affecting multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) in newly constructed apartments of Indonesia, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, 241巻, 20230801
  10. City-Wise Assessment of Suitable CMIP6 GCM in Simulating Different Urban Meteorological Variables over Major Cities in Indonesia, CLIMATE, 11巻, 5号, 20230505
  11. Thermal energy simulation of PCM-based radiant floor cooling systems for naturally ventilated buildings in a hot and humid climate, Building and Environment, 238巻, 110351号, 20230615
  12. Scenario analysis of embodied energy and CO2 emissions for multistory apartments in Indonesia, E3S Web of Conferences, 20230616
  13. Development of future typical meteorological year (TMY) for major cities in Indonesia: Identification of suitable GCM, E3S Web of Conferences, 20230616
  14. Preferences in living environment assessment and their association with energy consumption in Indonesia, E3S Web of Conferences, 20230616
  15. Perceived thermal acceptability and behavioural adjustment for Indonesian workers, E3S Web of Conferences, 20230616
  16. Experimental study on vertical void for improving natural ventilation in midrise double-loaded apartments, E3S Web of Conferences, 20230616
  17. Study of vertical solar irradiance and local scale climate to assess passive cooling potential in Tangerang of Indonesia, E3S Web of Conferences, 20230616
  18. Classification of typical layout design for Indonesian apartment buildings, E3S Web of Conferences, 20230616
  19. The impacts of climatic conditions on dengue fever and general emergency hospital admissions in tropical Indonesia, E3S Web of Conferences, 20230616
  20. Parametric Study on Vertical Void Configurations for Improving Natural Ventilation in Double-Loaded Apartments, E3S Web of Conferences, 20230616
  21. Development of climate zones for passive cooling techniques in the hot and humid climate of Indonesia, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, 226巻, 202212
  22. Experimental study on vertical void for improving natural ventilation in midrise double-loaded apartments, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, 202305
  23. Preferences in living environment assessment and their association with energy consumption in Indonesia, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, 202305
  24. Scenario analysis of embodied energy and CO2 emissions for multistory apartments in Indonesia, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, 202305
  25. The impacts of climatic conditions on dengue fever and general emergency hospital admissions in tropical Indonesia, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, 202305
  26. Classification of typical layout design for Indonesian apartment buildings, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, 202305
  27. Parametric study on vertical void configurations for improving natural ventilation in double-loaded apartments, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2022), 202305
  28. Development of low-carbon affordable apartments in the hot and humid climate of Indonesia: Construction of a full-scale experimental house, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2022), 202207
  29. Cooling solutions for affordable apartments in the Global South, Proceedings of the 23rd International Seminar on Sustainable Environmental Architecture (SENVAR), 20231020
  30. 冷暖房使用時と不使用時の自宅温熱快適域の差異の検討, 日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集, 202309
  31. 高温多湿気候のインドネシアにおける潜熱蓄熱材を用いた自然換気住宅の性能評価に関する研究 その1 床冷却システムの蓄冷性能の年間評価, 日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集, 202309
  32. 高温多湿気候のインドネシアにおける潜熱蓄熱材を用いた自然換気住宅の性能評価に関する研究 その2 窓開閉制御の最適条件の検討, 日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集, 202309
  33. Field Experiment on Effects of Vertical Void on Natural Ventilation in Double-Loaded Apartments, 日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集, 202309
  34. インドネシア・低所得者向け集合住宅の世帯特性を考慮した低炭素化モデルの提案 その1:世帯あたりエネルギー消費量の算出とクラスター分析による世帯分類, 日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集, 202309
  35. インドネシア低所得者向け集合住宅の世帯特性を考慮した低炭素化モデルの提案 その2:世帯あたりエネルギー消費量の将来予測と住宅特性別の低炭素化提案, 日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集, 202309
  36. インドネシアのアフォーダブル集合住宅を対象とした木造化によるCO₂排出量削減効果の検討, 日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集, 202309
  37. Preferences for Lifestyle and Living Environment That Influence Household Energy Consumption in Indonesia, 日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集, 202309
  38. Factors affecting the quality of life in middle and low-income settlements of Delhi, 日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集, 202309
  39. Proposal of base models for low-carbon affordable apartments in Indonesia, 日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集, 202309
  40. Development of Low-Carbon Affordable Apartments in the Hot and Humid Climate of Indonesia: Construction of a Full-Scale Experimental House, Environmental Science and Engineering, 20230905
  41. Numerical simulation of radiant floor cooling systems using PCM for naturally ventilated buildings in a hot and humid climate, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, 226巻, 202212
  42. Impacts of Air Pollution and Dampness on Occupant Respiratory Health in Unplanned Houses: A Case Study of Bandung, Indonesia, ATMOSPHERE, 13巻, 8号, 202208
  43. Parametric study on vertical void configurations for improving ventilation performance in the mid-rise apartment building, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, 215巻, 20220501
  44. Development of a wind catcher for high-rise apartments in the hot-humid climate of Indonesia, Earth and Environmental Science, 2022
  45. Thermal storage effect of radiant floor cooling system using phase change materials in the hot and humid climate of Indonesia, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, 207巻, 202201
  46. Investigation on clothing ensembles and thermal environment of working adults in Indonesia,, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality & Climate (Indoor Air 2022), 202206
  47. Influence of climatic conditions on communicable and non-communicable diseases in tropical Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 202209
  48. Sustainable houses in the tropics in the age of uncertainty, Proceedings of the EDUARCHSIA Inte’l Conference, 202210
  49. Cooling techniques under accelerating urban warming, Proceedings of the 2nd Inte’l Conference on Science in Engineering & Technology and 22nd International Seminar on Sustainable Environmental Architecture (SENVAR), 202208
  50. 建築物のパッシブクーリング技術に関する既往研究の系統的整理と分析, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 202209
  51. Analysis of typical layout of apartment buildings in Indonesia, Part 1. Proposal of standard designs for low-cost public apartments, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 202209
  52. Analysis of typical layout of apartment buildings in Indonesia, Part 2. Proposal of standard designs for high-rise apartments, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 202209
  53. Change in living conditions and residential satisfaction due to the civil war among Syrian refugees, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 202209
  54. Classification of urban growth of major cities in Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 202209
  55. Development of climate zoning for passive cooling techniques in the hot and humid climate of Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 202209
  56. Impacts of Various Window Glazing on Cooling Load and Thermal Comfort in Residential Buildings in Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 202209
  57. CFD analysis on window design to improve indoor thermal comfort of residential buildings in the tropics, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 202209
  58. Occupant preference for living environments and its association with household energy consumption in urban houses of Indonesia, Part 1: Household energy consumption analysis in Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 202209
  59. Occupant preference for living environments and its association with household energy consumption in urban houses of Indonesia, Part 2: Analysis using Evaluation Grid Method, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 202209
  60. Factors affecting multiple chemical sensitivity in newly constructed apartments of Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 202209
  61. Factors affecting clothing patterns among office and factory workers in Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 202209
  62. Influence of climatic conditions on communicable diseases in tropical Indonesia, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality & Climate (Indoor Air 2022), 202206
  63. Indoor air quality and health in newly constructed apartments of Indonesia: Case study on the effect of modification, Journal of Architecture & Environment, 20巻, 2021
  64. Affordable modifications for sustainable houses in urban informal settlements: a case study of Bandung, Indonesia, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, 13巻, 3号, pp. 659-689, 20210902
  65. CFD simulations of wind-induced ventilation in apartment buildings with vertical voids: Effects of pilotis and wind fin on ventilation performance, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, 194巻, 202105
  66. Indoor air quality and self-reported multiple chemical sensitivity in newly constructed apartments in Indonesia, Architectural Science Review, 2021
  67. Optimization of window design for ventilative cooling with radiant floor cooling systems in the hot and humid climate of Indonesia, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, 188巻, 20210115
  68. Investigation of typical clothing types of adults in Indonesia, 12th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2021), 2021
  69. Influential factors of sick building syndrome in newly constructed apartments of Indonesia, 12th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2021), 2021
  70. Investigation on impacts of air pollution on respiratory health in unplanned houses of tropical Indonesia, International Conference on Architectural Research and Design, Sustainable Environment and Architecture (ARDC SENVAR 2021), 2021
  71. Development of a wind catcher for high-rise apartments in the hot-humid climate of Indonesia, International Conference on Architectural Research and Design, Sustainable Environment and Architecture (ARDC SENVAR 2021), 2021
  72. Control methods of vertical airflow distribution through window design for naturally ventilated residential buildings in the hot and humid climate, 2021
  73. Development of a New Climate Zoning for Passive Design in Indonesia, Development of a New Climate Zoning for Passive Design in Indonesia, 2021
  74. Indoor and outdoor air pollution and respiratory health in unplanned houses in the hot and humid climate of Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokai, Japan, 7-10 Sep., 2021
  75. Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on lifestyle and energy consumption in slums and slum rehabilitation housing of Mumbai, India Part 1. Environmental satisfaction before the pandemic, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokai, Japan, 7-10 Sep., 2021
  76. Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Lifestyle and Energy Consumption in Slums and Slum Rehabilitation Housing of Mumbai, India Part2. Situation during the pandemic, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokai, Japan, 7-10 Sep., 2021
  77. Optimization of radiant floor cooling systems using phase change materials for naturally ventilated residential buildings in the hot and humid climate of Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokai, Japan, 7-10 Sep., 2021
  78. Analysis of Influential Factors of Sick Building Syndrome in Newly Constructed Apartments of Indonesia,, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokai, Japan, 7-10 Sep., 2021
  79. インドネシアにおける住宅部門エネルギー消費量の将来予測と急増抑制方法に関する研究その1 住宅部門エネルギー消費量の現状推計と将来予測方法の決定, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokai, Japan, 7-10 Sep., 2021
  80. インドネシアにおける住宅部門エネルギー消費量の将来予測と急増抑制方法に関する研究 その2 将来推計結果とシナリオ別の将来予測, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokai, Japan, 7-10 Sep., 2021
  81. インドネシアの集合住宅における空調エリアの断熱化がLCAに及ぼす影, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokai, Japan, 7-10 Sep., 2021
  82. ★, The effects of night ventilation technique on indoor thermal environment for residential buildings in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 41巻, 8号, pp. 829-839, 200908
  83. ★, Wind tunnel tests on the relationship between building density and pedestrian-level wind velocity: Development of guidelines for realizing acceptable wind environment in residential neighborhoods, Building and Environment, 43巻, 10号, pp. 1699-1708, 20081001
  84. ★, ジョホールバール市のテラスハウス住宅地における冷房の使用状況と窓の開閉状況に関する実態調査, 日本建築学会環境系論文集, 608号, pp. 81-87, 20061001
  85. ★, Analysis of night ventilation potential for residential buildings in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Proceedings of Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2009), University Laval, Canada, pp. 404-409, 20090601
  86. ★, Spatial characteristics of urban heat island in Johor Bahru city, Malaysia, Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium of South East Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, pp. 39-44, 20090201
  87. Potential of Passive Cooling Techniques for Modern Houses in the Tropical Climate of Malaysia - Analysis of the Indoor Thermal Environment for Various Ventilation Strategies, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VENTILATION, 9巻, 1号, pp. 11-23, 20100601
  88. Potential of Passive Cooling Techniques for Modern Houses in the Tropical Climate of Malaysia - Analysis of the Indoor Thermal Environment for Various Ventilation Strategies, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VENTILATION, 9巻, 1号, pp. 11-23, 201006
  89. Field Investigation of Indoor Thermal Environments in Traditional Chinese Shophouses with Courtyards in Malacca, JOURNAL OF ASIAN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING ENGINEERING, 13巻, 1号, pp. 247-254, 201401
  90. Comparative assessment of vernacular passive cooling techniques for improving indoor thermal comfort of modern terraced houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, SOLAR ENERGY, 114巻, pp. 229-258, 2015
  91. Evaluation of current material stock and future demolition waste for urban residential buildings in Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia: Embodied energy and CO2 emission analysis, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2017
  92. Field investigation of indoor thermal environments in apartments of Surabaya, Indonesia: Potential passive cooling strategies for middle-class apartments, Energy Procedia, 78巻, pp. 2947-2952, 2015
  93. Life cycle assessment of energy and CO2 emissions for residential buildings in Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia, Buildings 2015, 5巻, 4号, pp. 1131-1155, 2015
  94. Thermal comfort in naturally ventilated apartments in Surabaya, Indonesia, Procedia Engineering, 121巻, pp. 459-467, 2015
  95. The effects of courtyards on indoor thermal conditions of Chinese shophouse in Malacca, Procedia Engineering, 121巻, pp. 468-476, 2015
  96. Configuration of green spaces for urban heat island mitigation and future building energy conservation in Hanoi Master Plan 2030, Buildings 2015, 5巻, 3号, pp. 933-947, 2015
  97. Effectiveness of energy-saving renovation techniques through passive cooling for urban houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), 80巻, 714号, pp. 673-683, 2015
  98. Application of passive cooling techniques in vernacular houses to modern urban houses: A case study of Malaysia, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 179巻, pp. 29-39, 2015
  99. Factors affecting quality of life among residents in major cities of Indonesia, Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), 80巻, 711号, pp. 471-480, 2015
  100. Comparative assessment of vernacular passive cooling techniques for improving indoor thermal comfort of modern terraced houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Solar Energy, 114巻, pp. 229-258, 2015
  101. Impact of urban heat island under the Hanoi Master Plan 2030 on cooling loads in residential buildings, International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability, 2巻, 1号, pp. 48-61, 2015
  102. Environmental design consideration for courtyards in residential buildings in hot-humid climates: A review, International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability, 1巻, 1号, pp. 45-51, 2014
  103. A field survey of window-opening behavior and thermal conditions in apartments of Surabaya, Indonesia, Intercultural Understanding, Vol. 4巻, pp. 17-25, 2014
  104. Field investigation of indoor thermal environments in traditional Chinese shophouses with courtyards in Malacca, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 13巻, 1号, pp. 247-254, 2014
  105. Development of an adaptive thermal comfort equation for naturally ventilated buildings in hot-humid climates using ASHRAE RP-884 database, Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2巻, 3号, pp. 278-291, 2013
  106. Life cycle energy and CO2 emissions of residential buildings in Bandung, Indonesia, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 689巻, pp. 54-59, 2013
  107. Development of an environment education program using place-based outdoor learning for elementary school children in Malaysia: a pilot project in Johor Bahru, Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), 78巻, 684号, pp. 203-212, 2013
  108. Field measurement on thermal comfort in traditional Malay houses, AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, 19巻, 41号, pp. 219-224, 2013
  109. Development of a simplified LCA model for residential buildings in Indonesia: a pilot survey in Bandung, AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, 18巻, 40号, pp. 1003-1008, 2012
  110. Analysis of lifestyle changes in the relocated slum dwellers of Tacloban city, Philippines specially focusing on the energy consumption pattern, Proceedings of 11th International Congress of Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA 2011), Tokyo, pp. 19-21, 201109
  111. Energy consumption and air-conditioning usage in residential buildings of Malaysia, Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 17巻, 3号, pp. 61-69, 2011
  112. Potential of passive cooling techniques for modern houses in tropical climate of Malaysia: analysis of indoor thermal environment with various ventilation strategies, International Journal of Ventilation, 9巻, 1号, pp. 11-23, 2010
  113. The effects of night ventilation technique on indoor thermal environment for residential buildings in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Energy and Buildings, 41巻, 8号, pp. 829-839, 2009
  114. The effectiveness of night ventilation technique for residential buildings in hot-humid climate of Malaysia (in Japanese with English summary), Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), 74巻, 635号, pp. 89-95, 2009
  115. Wind tunnel tests on the relationship between density and pedestrian-level wind velocity: development of guidelines for realizing acceptable wind environment in residential neighborhoods, Building and Environment, 43巻, 10号, pp. 1699-1708, 2008
  116. Thermal environment of two terraced houses in Johor Bahru, Malaysia (in Japanese with English summary), AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, 13巻, 26号, pp. 647-651, 2007
  117. A field experiment on the cooling effect of night ventilation in Malaysian Terraced Houses, Jurnal Alam Bina, 9巻, 4号, pp. 53-65, 2007
  118. A field survey on usage of air-conditioners and windows in apartment houses in Johor Bahru City (in Japanese with English summary), Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), No.616号, pp. 83-89, 200707
  119. A field survey on usage of air-conditioners and windows in terraced house areas in Johor Bahru City (in Japanese with English summary), Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), No.608号, pp. 81-87, 200610
  120. Wind environment evaluation of neighborhood areas in major towns of Malaysia, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 5巻, 1号, pp. 199-206, 200605
  121. Analysis of wind flow in residential areas of Johor Bahru City, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 4巻, 1号, pp. 209-216, 200605
  122. A supporting method for living environment measurements with residents' participation part 2 (in Japanese with English summary), Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), No.593号, pp. 95-102, 200507
  123. A living environment evaluation method based on the residents' participation using the "living environment map": development of improvement systems for the living environment by a residents' association through preparing the "living environment map" part 1 (in Japanese with English summary), Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), No.591号, pp. 89-97, 200505
  124. A field survey on sunshine and residents' consciousness in commercial district: a study to residents in mid-to-high-rise apartment houses in the commercial district near Kawaguchi station (in Japanese with English summary), Journal of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), No.562号, pp. 89-96, 200212
  125. Standards of gross buildings coverage ratio in major cities for the planning of residential area in consideration of wind flow: effects of arrangement and structural patterns of buildings on the nature of regional wind flow part2 (in Japanese with English summary), Journal of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), No.556号, pp. 107-114, 200206
  126. Proposal of environment evaluation method by monitors enlisted from citizens (in Japanese with English summary), Journal of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), No.538号, pp. 45-52, 200012
  127. Wind tunnel tests on the nature of wind flow in the 270 square meters residential area, using the real model: effects of arrangement and structural patterns of buildings on the nature of regional wind flow part 1 (in Japanese with English summary), Journal of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), No.529号, pp. 109-116, 200003
  128. Scale and number of closed surfaces of cubes as an index of congestion with buildings (in Japanese with English summary), Journal of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), No.497号, pp. 75-81, 199707
  129. A study on the planning theory of living environment in urban areas by considering multiple environmental factors, Doctoral Thesis (unpublished) (in Japanese with English summary), Shibaura Institute of Technology (Tokyo), 200103
  130. Development of energy-saving renovations through passive cooling techniques for urban houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Nichias Technical Report, 368巻, 1号, pp. 11-15, 2015
  131. Planning guidelines for energy saving city in Johor Bahru: wind flows in residential areas, RMC Research Report, vot.75044, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 200403
  132. Field survey on the noise due to construction work of the high school in Saitama (in Japanese), Research Organization for Advanced Engineering of Shibaura Institute of Technology and Saitama Prefecture Government, pp. 180, 199909
  133. Indoor thermal environments in traditional Chinese shophouses with courtyards, Proceedings of the International Joint-Conference, SENVAR-iNTA-AVAN 2015, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 20151124
  134. Factors influencing window-opening behavior in urban residential buildings of hot-humid Southeast Asia, Proceedings of the International Joint-Conference, SENVAR-iNTA-AVAN 2015, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 20151124
  135. Influence of existing open spaces and vacant lands on mitigation of urban heat island in Johor Bahru City, Malaysia, Proceedings of the International Joint-Conference, SENVAR-iNTA-AVAN 2015, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 20151124
  136. Thermal comfort in naturally ventilated apartments in Surabaya, Indonesia, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning and the 3rd International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, ISHVAC-COBEE 2015, Tianjin, China, 20150712
  137. The effects of courtyards on indoor thermal conditions of Chinese shophouse in Malacca, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning and the 3rd International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, ISHVAC-COBEE 2015, Tianjin, China, 20150712
  138. Field investigation of indoor thermal environments in apartments of Surabaya, Indonesia: Potential passive cooling strategies for middle-class apartments, Proceedings of the 6th International Building Physics Conference, IBPC 2015, Torino, Italy, 20150614
  139. Field investigation of indoor thermal environments in urban row houses in Hanoi: Impact of urban heat island on indoor thermal comfort, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Sustainable Development in Building and Environment (SuDBE), Reading, UK, 20150727
  140. Factors influencing window opening behavior in apartments of Surabaya: A structural equation modelling, Proceedings of 2015 TAU Conference: Mitigating and Adapting Built Environments for Climate Change in the Tropics, Jakarta, Indonesia, 20150330
  141. Configuration of green spaces for urban heat island mitigation in Hanoi Master Plan 2030, Proceedings of 2015 TAU Conference: Mitigating and Adapting Built Environments for Climate Change in the Tropics, Jakarta, Indonesia, 20150330
  142. Life cycle assessment of energy and CO2 emissions for residential buildings in Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia, Proceedings of 2015 TAU Conference: Mitigating and Adapting Built Environments for Climate Change in the Tropics, Jakarta, Indonesia, 20150330
  143. A comparative analysis of household energy consumption in Jakarta and Bandung, Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2014), Ahmedabad, India, 20141216
  144. Life cycle energy and CO2 emissions of building materials for residential buildings in Jakarta and Bandung, Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2014), Ahmedabad, India, 20141216
  145. Factors influencing window-opening behavior in apartments of Indonesia, Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2014), Ahmedabad, India, 20141216
  146. The cooling effect of green strategies proposed in the Hanoi Master Plan for mitigation of urban heat island, Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2014), Ahmedabad, India, 20141216
  147. Numerical simulation of passive cooling strategies for urban terraced houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2014), Ahmedabad, India, 20141216
  148. Application of passive cooling techniques in vernacular houses to modern urban houses: A case study of Malaysia, Proceedings of International Conference 'Green Architecture for Sustainable Living and Environment', Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia, 20141129
  149. Comprehensive analysis of passive cooling techniques in Malaysian vernacular houses: Application to modern terraced houses, Hausklima Research, 40, 1-10., 2014
  150. Potential application of vernacular passive cooling techniques to naturally ventilated modern terraced houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, ASHRAE Conference of Efficient, High Performance Building for Developing Economies, Manila, Philippines, 20140424
  151. Impact of the green strategy proposed in the Hanoi master plan on urban heat island effects, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Sustainable Environmental and Architecture (SENVAR), Aceh, Indonesia, 20131107
  152. Factors affecting quality of life of residents in major cities of Indonesia: A case study of Bandung, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Sustainable Environmental and Architecture (SENVAR), Aceh, Indonesia, 20131107
  153. A comparative study of the indoor thermal environments of naturally ventilated modern and traditional houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Proceedings of the 2nd Southeast Asian Housing Forum 2013, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 20131211
  154. Reanalysing the ASHRAE RP-884 database to determine thermal comfort criteria for naturally ventilated buildings in hot-humid climate, Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2012), Lima, Peru, 20121107
  155. Life cycle energy and CO2 emissions in unplanned residential buildings of Indonesia, a case study in Bandung, Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2012), Lima, Peru, 20121107
  156. The effects of thermal insulation and exhaust fan on indoor thermal environment in Malaysian terraced houses, Proceedings of 5th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC), Kyoto, 20120328
  157. Analysis of outdoor microclimatic factors influencing indoor thermal environment of traditional Malay houses in Malaysia, Proceedings of 5th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC), Kyoto, 20120328
  158. Development of a life cycle assessment model for residential buildings in Indonesia: a pilot survey in Bandung, Proceedings of 5th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC), Kyoto, 20120328
  159. Local wisdom in Malaysian vernacular architecture: comparison of thermal environment between traditional and modern houses, Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Sustainable Environmental Architecture (SENVAR), Malang, Indonesia, 20111110
  160. Developing a participatory workshop method for use with children in urban heat island mitigation strategies in Malaysia, Proceedings of 11th International Congress of Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA 2011), Tokyo, 20110919
  161. A review of thermal comfort criteria for naturally ventilated buildings in hot-humid climate with reference to the adaptive model, Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2011), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 20110713
  162. A review of adaptive model of thermal comfort for naturally ventilated buildings in hot-humid climate, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (ISAIA), Kita-Kyusyu, Japan, 20101109
  163. Passive cooling methods for modern houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia with special focus on night ventilation technique, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (ISAIA), Kita-Kyusyu, Japan,, 20101109
  164. Energy consumption and air-conditioning usage in residential buildings of Malaysia, Proceedings of the 11th International Seminar on Sustainable Environmental Architecture (SENVAR), Surabaya, Indonesia,, 20101014
  165. Analysis of night ventilation potential for residential buildings in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Proceedings of Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2009), University Laval, Canada, , 20090622
  166. Passive cooling of residential buildings in hot-humid climate of Malaysia: Night ventilation technique, Proceedings of the 9th International Seminar on Sustainable Environmental Architecture (SENVAR), Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia,, 20081201
  167. Planning methods of residential neighborhoods for achieving acceptable wind environment under local climatic conditions: a comparison of Japanese and Malaysian cases, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Wind and Structures (AWAS), Jeju, Korea, 20080529
  168. Assessment of thermal comfort in Malaysian terraced houses under night-ventilated condition, Proceedings of the International Conference on Built Environment in Developing Countries (ICBEDC 2007), Universiti Sains Malaysia, 20071203
  169. Usage of air-conditioners and windows in residential areas in Johor Bahru City: planning methods of coastal residential areas in consideration of wind flow, Proceedings of the 7th International Seminar on Sustainable Environmental Architecture (SENVAR), Hasanuddin University Makassar Indonesia, 200611
  170. Energy efficient city in Malaysia: wind flow in neighborhood areas, Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Sustainable Environmental Architecture (SENVAR), Bandung, Indonesia, 200509
  171. Questionnaire survey on behavior for natural ventilation and electricity consumption in terraced houses: a case study of Johor Bahru City, Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA) Conference 2005, Penang, Malaysia, 200509
  172. Wind environment evaluation in neighborhood residential areas in Malaysia, Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on Sustainable Environmental Architecture (SENVAR), Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 200412
  173. Measuring the wind flow in the residential areas in Tokyo for improving environmental quality, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Quality of Life in Cities 21st Century, Vol.1, School of Buildings and Real Estate, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 200003
  174. Impacts of electrification on energy usage and lifestyle in rural areas of Cambodia, Proceedings of the 15th Science Council of Asia Broad Meeting and International Symposium, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 20150515
  175. Impacts of land use changes on urban heat island during the monsoon seasons in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanagawa, Japan, 20150904
  176. Effect of courtyard configurations on air temperature profiles of courtyards in traditional Chinese shophouses in Malacca, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanagawa, Japan, 20150904
  177. Effect of whole house ventilation on indoor thermal comfort for urban houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanagawa, Japan, 20150904
  178. Field measurement on indoor thermal environments in middle-class apartments of Surabaya, Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanagawa, Japan, 20150904
  179. Urban heat islands in the future Hanoi City: Impacts on indoor thermal comfort and cooling load in residential buildings, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Urban Climate, Toulouse, France, 20150720
  180. Comparison of land cover and land use data for urban climate modelling in Southeast Asian cities: A case study of Johor Bahru, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Urban Climate, Toulouse, France, 20150720
  181. Integration of Singapore and Johor Bahru on urban climate during monsoon seasons, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Urban Climate, Toulouse, France, 20150720
  182. Thermal condition of public apartment building as basic strategy for low energy consumption in Surabaya, Indonesia, The International Contemporary Urban Issues Conference, Istanbul, Turkey , 20141113
  183. Proposal of energy-saving renovations through passive cooling strategies for urban terraced houses in hot-humid climates of Malaysia, Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (ISAIA 2014), Hangzhou, China, 20141014
  184. An adaptive thermal comfort equation for naturally ventilated buildings in hot-humid climates, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 423-426, Kobe, Japan, 20140912
  185. Analysis of household energy consumption in major cities of Indonesia: Case studies of Jakarta and Bandung, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 197-198, Kobe, Japan, 20140912
  186. Daily usage patterns of window opening behavior and thermal conditions in apartments of Surabaya, Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 553-554, Kobe, Japan, 20140912
  187. Proposal of energy-saving renovations for urban houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia: Part 1. Introduction, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 501-502, Kobe, Japan, 20140912
  188. Proposal of energy-saving renovations for urban houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia: Part 2. Survey on thermal comfort for residences of terraced houses, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 503-504, Kobe, Japan, 20140912
  189. Proposal of energy-saving renovations for urban houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia: Part 3. Passive cooling strategies, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 505-506, Kobe, Japan, 20140912
  190. Proposal of energy-saving renovations for urban houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia: Part 4. Passive cooling strategies for partial air-conditioning, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 507-508, Kobe, Japan, 20140912
  191. Impacts of land use changes proposed in the Hanoi Master Plan on its urban heat islands: Part 1. simulation of urban climate, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 939-940, Kobe, Japan, 20140912
  192. Impacts of land use changes proposed in the Hanoi Master Plan on its urban heat islands: Part 2. Evaluation of cooling loads in residential buildings, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 941-942, Kobe, Japan, 20140912
  193. Analysis of factors affecting quality of life of residents in Bandung, Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 59-60, Kobe, Japan, 20140912
  194. Passive cooling strategies for terraced houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Proceedings of Grand Renewable Energy 2014, Tokyo, 20140727
  195. Effect of green strategy proposed in the Hanoi Master Plan on its urban climate, Proceedings of Grand Renewable Energy 2014, Tokyo, 20140727
  196. Environmental design considerations for courtyards in hot-humid climate: A review, Proceedings of Grand Renewable Energy 2014, Tokyo, 20140727
  197. Analysis of factors affecting QOL of residents in Bandung: Towards balancing between QOL and household energy consumption, Proceedings of Grand Renewable Energy 2014, Tokyo, 20140727
  198. A field survey of window-opening behavior and environmental conditions in apartments of Surabaya, Proceedings of Grand Renewable Energy 2014, Tokyo, 20140727
  199. Window-opening behavior and environmental conditions in apartments of Surabaya, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Hiroshima,, Vol.37巻, pp. 353-356, 20140301
  200. Passive cooling strategies for partial air-conditioning conditions in urban houses of Malaysia, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Hiroshima, Vol.37巻, pp. 357-360, 20140301
  201. Proposal of passive cooling strategies for energy-saving renovations of urban houses in Malaysia, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Hiroshima, Vol.37巻, pp. 361-364, 20140301
  202. Assessment of life cycle energy and CO2 emissions for residential buildings in Indonesia: a case study in Jakarta, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Hiroshima, Vol.37巻, pp. 369-372, 20140301
  203. Analysis of factors affecting quality of life of residents in major cities of Indonesia, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Hiroshima, Vol.37巻, pp. 373-376, 20140301
  204. Impact of green strategies proposed in the Hanoi Master Plan on its urban heat island effects through numerical simulation, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Hiroshima, Vol.37巻, pp. 401-404, 20140301
  205. Future development of environmental engineering to Southeast Asian countries, in Symposium 'Interdisciplinary approaches and state of arts in the field of Environmental Engineering from the viewpoints of scholars under 40', Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, pp. 45-48, 201309
  206. Assessment of life cycle energy and CO2 emissions for urban houses in Jakarta, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 989-990, 201309
  207. Effects of natural ventilation and thermal insulation on indoor thermal environment in urban houses of Malaysia: potential of passive cooling houses under the influence of urban heat islands in the tropics, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 527-528, 201309
  208. Effects of courtyards on indoor thermal environment in traditional Chinese shophouses in Malacca, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 529-530, 201309
  209. Factors affecting the quality of life of urban residents in developing countries: a case study of Bandung, Indonesia, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 15-16, 201309
  210. Cooling effects of courtyards in traditional Chinese shop houses in Malacca, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Nagoya, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 539-540, 201209
  211. Assessment of UHI effects due to land-use changes proposed in the Hanoi master plan, Proceedings of the 6th Japanese-German Meeting on Urban Climatology, Hiroshima, Japan, 20120921
  212. The climate factors that affect UHI intensities in the tropics: a case study of Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Proceedings of the 6th Japanese-German Meeting on Urban Climatology, Hiroshima, Japan, 20120921
  213. A pilot survey on building materials and household energy consumption in Bandung: developing a simplified life cycle assessment model for residential buildings in Indonesia, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Hiroshima, Vol.35巻, pp. 357-360, 20120303
  214. An evaluation of the passive cooling strategies of traditional Malay houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Hiroshima, Vol.35巻, pp. 441-444, 20120303
  215. Numerical simulation of passive cooling techniques for residential buildings in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Hiroshima, Vol.35巻, pp. 445-448, 20120303
  216. Children's participation in urban heat island mitigation strategies in developing countries: a case study of Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Hiroshima, Vol.35巻, pp. 497-500, 20120303
  217. Transitional lifestyle and energy consumption changes in the relocation of slum dwellers of Tacloban city, Philippines, Proceedings of the 42th Research Meeting (Spring), Japan Society of Civil Engineering, Tsukuba, Japan, 20110528
  218. Children's participation in urban heat island mitigation strategies in Malaysia, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokyo, Japan, Vol.D1巻, 201108
  219. Analysis of climatic conditions affecting urban heat island intensity in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokyo, Japan, Vol.D1巻, 201108
  220. Development of comprehensive passive cooling technique for terraced houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokyo, Japan, Vol.D1巻, 201108
  221. A field measurement of temperature distribution in Johor Bahru, Malaysia: a preliminary study of mitigation measures for urban heat island in the tropics, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Toyama, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 919-920, 201009
  222. A survey of household energy consumption in Johor Bahru, Malaysia: energy saving strategies for reducing usage of air-conditioners in the tropics, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Toyama, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 675-676, 201009
  223. Comparison of assessment tools for sustainable architecture in India nad Hong Kong, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Toyama, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 1191-1192, 201009
  224. Usage patterns of household appliances and energy-saving effects by reducing air-conditioning in residential buildings of Malaysia, Proceedings of the 41th Research Meeting (Spring), Japan Society of Civil Engineering, Nagoya, Japan, 20100605
  225. Thermal comfort in naturally ventilated residential buildings in hot-humid climate of Malaysia: a comparison of thermal environment evaluation using ACS and SET*, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tohoku, Japan, Vol.D2巻, pp. 511-512, 200909
  226. Spatial characteristics of urban heat island in Johor Bahru city, Malaysia, Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium of South East Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 20090225
  227. Night ventilation for Malaysian terraced houses, passive cooling methods for reducing air-conditioning in the tropics, Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium of South East Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC), Institute Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, 20080226
  228. A survey on the thermal environment of two terraced houses in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Proceedings of research meetings at local chapters (Kyusyu), Japan, No.46号, pp. 305-308, 200703
  229. Usage patterns for air-conditioners and windows in residential areas in Johor Bahru City, Malaysia, Proceedings of the Malaysia-Japan International Symposium on Advanced Technology 2007, Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20071112
  230. Questionnaire survey on usage for air-conditioners and windows in residential areas in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Proceedings of the 3rd Seminar of JSPS-VCC, Group VII, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 20070909
  231. A field experiment on the cooling effect of night ventilation in Malaysian Terraced Houses, Proceedings of the 3rd Postgraduate Seminar, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 20070903
  232. Towards developing international degree program, a case study of the Shibaura Institute of Technology-Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Hybrid Twinning Program, Proceedings of the 3rd Asia Pacific Professional Leaders in Education, Hong Kong, 20070711
  233. Energy-saving strategies in Malaysian residential areas: usage of air-conditioners and windows, Proceedings of the Seminar in Tokyo Academic, Industry & Cultural Integration Tour 2006, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Saitama, Japan, 200612
  234. The standards of gross buildings coverage ratio in consideration of wind flow, Paper for the Symposium on the Urban Ventilation/Wind Flow and Wind Corridor, the 15th Symposium on the Air Environment, AIJ, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 55-62, 200609
  235. Standard for neighborhood planning in consideration of wind flow: wind environmental evaluation in major cities of Japan, International Symposium on Sustainable Development of Asia City Environment, Xi'an, China, 200511
  236. Present state and future challenges on urban environment in Malaysia, Paper for Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ), Kinki University, Japan, 200509
  237. Measurement of the wind flow in residential areas of Johor Bahru metropolitan city: toward planning guidelines for energy saving city in Malaysia, Proceedings of the National Symposium on the Dynamics of Urban Society: Towards Achieving Sustainable Quality of Life, PJ Hilton, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 200405
  238. Residents' consciousness for sunshine in commercial districts, Paper for the Symposium on the Sunshine Issues in the Apartment Houses of Commercial Districts, AIJ, Tokyo, Japan, 200308
  239. Results of the long term survey and the survey of summer on the indoor thermal environment: examine on the achievement of design intention of MIZUHO day care center for handicapped children based on the field survey part 1, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Nagoya, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 935-936, 200309
  240. Results of the survey of winter on the indoor thermal environment: examine on the achievement of design intention of MIZUHO day care center for handicapped children based on the field survey part 2, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Nagoya, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 937-938, 200309
  241. Flow of a series of studies and field survey on the living environment by residents' action in the district with a planning of trunk road: a study on the supporting method for improving own living environment based on the collaborative survey and making the living environmental map with the residents' association part 1, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Nagoya, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 863-864, 200309
  242. A field survey on the living environment by residents' action and a discussion with residents in the district with a planning of trunk road: a study on the supporting method for improving own living environment based on the collaborative survey and making the living environmental map with the residents' association part 2, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Nagoya, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 865-866, 200309
  243. A field survey on the living environment with the residents' association in the housing complex LM: a study on the supporting method for improving own living environment based on the collaborative survey and making the living environmental map with the residents' association part 3, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Nagoya, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 867-868, 200309
  244. A field survey on illuminance of the streetlights, a questionnaire survey and a discussion with residents in the apartment house LM: a study on the supporting method for improving own living environment based on the collaborative survey and making the living environmental map with the residents' association part 4, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Nagoya, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 869-870, 200309
  245. A study on the simplified generating method of the boundary condition of the ground surface for CFD simulation of the wind velocity and the temperature in the area of district scale: a study on the supporting method for improving own living environment based on the collaborative survey and making the living environmental map with the residents' association part 5, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Nagoya, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 871-872, 200309
  246. Anticipation of the wind direction and the wind velocity by CFD simulation and the responses from the residents' association for the results in the apartment house LM: a study on the supporting method for improving own living environment based on the collaborative survey and making the living environmental map with the residents' association part 6, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Nagoya, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 873-874, 200309
  247. A field survey on the living environment by residents in the district with Gaikando: a study on the supporting method for improving own living environment based on the collaborative survey and making the living environmental map with the residents' association part 7, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Nagoya, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 875-876, 200309
  248. A field survey on the living environment by residents and a discussion with residents in the district with Gaikando: a study on the supporting method for improving own living environment based on the collaborative survey and making the living environmental map with the residents' association part 8, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Nagoya, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 877-878, 200309
  249. A questionnaire survey in residents' associations of the Kawaguchi city, Vol.D1巻, pp. 879-880, 200309
  250. A survey on the residents' consciousness for the living environment in the apartment houses which are going to be replaced and the apartment houses which have been replaced, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Nagoya, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 883-884, 200309
  251. A study on the planning methods of residential areas in consideration of wind flow for a sustainable city: wind tunnel tests on the wind flow in the residential areas of Tokyo, Proceedings of National Seminar on Environmental Planning 2002, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia, 200209
  252. Wind tunnel tests on the regional wind flow in the high-density areas in commercial districts, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanazawa, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 869-870, 200208
  253. A questionnaire survey for the self-governing body in the old Omiya city and selecting a self-governing body for the case study: a study on the creation technique and its availability of the living environment map at a district scale based on a cooperation with the self-governing body part 1, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanazawa, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 891-892, 200208
  254. A field survey on the noise and a wind tunnel test in the self-governing body of the Horinouchi district: a study on the creation technique and its availability of the living environment map at a district scale based on a cooperation with the self-governing body part 2, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanazawa, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 893-894, 200208
  255. A field survey on concentration of the nitrogen dioxide, traffic and illumination of the streetlight in the self-governing body of the Horinouchi district: a study on the creation technique and its availability of the living environment map at a district scale based on a cooperation with the self-governing body part 3, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanazawa, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 895-896, 200208
  256. A questionnaire survey and a discussion with residents in the self-governing body of the Horinouchi district: a study on the creation technique and its availability of the living environment map at a district scale based on a cooperation with the self-governing body part 4, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanazawa, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 897-898, 200208
  257. A study on the literature concerning the measurements on a surface temperature in the exterior space: a study on the creation technique and its availability of the living environment map at a district scale based on a cooperation with the self-governing body part 5, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanazawa, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 899-900, 200208
  258. A field survey on the noise and residents' consciousness along the elevated railroad of JR Musashino line, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanazawa, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 249-250, 200208
  259. Measurement on concentration of the nitrogen dioxide using small measuring capsules around arterial roads in Saitama prefecture, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanazawa, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 875-876, 200208
  260. Survey on awareness concerning actual state of opening-closing of residential windows in the commercial area near Kawaguchi station, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokyo, Japan, Kanazawa, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 183-184, 200109
  261. The wind tunnel tests in high-density areas which contain variously height buildings, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokyo, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 649-650, 200109
  262. Measurement of the perpendicular distribution of sound level in the apartment houses on the platform building, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokyo, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 143-144, 200109
  263. Measurement of the sound level along elevated railroads in Saitama prefecture, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokyo, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 261-262, 200109
  264. Examination of the creation technique and its availability of the environmental map of a district scale, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokyo, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 917-918, 200109
  265. Survey on awareness concerning actual states of urban infrastructures in five cities of Saitama prefecture, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokyo, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 653-654, 200109
  266. A survey on the background noise in the commercial area near Kawaguchi station for the promotion of urban residence, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Utsunomiya, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 161-162, 200009
  267. Wind tunnel tests in residential areas which contain variously mixed mid and high-rise apartment houses, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Utsunomiya, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 1153-1154, 200009
  268. Inhabitant's consciousness and a survey of sunshine environment of multiple dwelling houses in commercial district, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Utsunomiya, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 433-434, 200009
  269. Evaluation of sprawled residential areas based on survey for actual states of urban infrastructures in Saitama prefecture, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Utsunomiya, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 697-698, 200009
  270. Field survey on the noise due to construction work of the high school in Saitama, Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the General Management Section of Saitama Prefecture Government, Saitama, Japan, pp. 1-53, 200003
  271. A result of three questionnaires for monitors enlisted from citizens: an environment evaluation of Hanyu city by monitors enlisted from citizens part 1, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kinki, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 1029-1030, 199909
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  280. Method for quantitative analysis on closeness of ground surface in exterior space: scale and number of closed surfaces of cubes as an index of congestion with buildings No.3, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Chiba, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 537-538, 199709
  281. Relation between number of interior space and semi-closed space and average number of closed surfaces in 150m mesh: scale and number of closed surfaces of cubes as an index of congestion of buildings No.2, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Shiga, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 975-976, 199609
  282. Scale and number of closed surfaces of cubes as an index of congestion of buildings, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, Vol.D1巻, pp. 979-980, 199508
  283. Thermal functions of internal courtyards in traditional Chinese shophouses in the hot-humid climate of Malaysia, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, 112巻, pp. 115-131, 201702
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  286. Life cycle assessment of energy and CO2 emissions for residential buildings in Jakarta, Indonesia, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 128巻, pp. 1-8, 2016
  287. Evaluation of current material stock and future demolition waste for urban residential buildings in Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia: embodied energy and CO2 emission analysis, JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT, 19巻, 2号, pp. 657-675, 201704
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  291. Impacts of land use changes from the Hanoi Master Plan 2030 on urban heat islands: Part 2. Influence of global warmingHan, SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY, 31巻, pp. 95-108, 2017
  292. 41206 高温多湿気候下の自然換気建物のための熱的快適性の適応モデル(選抜梗概,熱的快適性の適応モデルの現状と課題(2),オーガナイズドセッション,環境工学II,2014年度日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会), 学術講演梗概集, 2014巻, 0号, pp. 423-426, 20140912
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  294. 41239 高温多湿気候下のマレーシアの都市住宅を対象とした省エネ改修方法の提案 : その1 序論(アジアのパッシブクーリング,環境工学II,2014年度日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会), 学術講演梗概集, 2014巻, 0号, pp. 501-502, 20140912
  295. 41240 高温多湿気候下のマレーシアの都市住宅を対象とした省エネ改修方法の提案 : その2 テラスハウス居住者を対象とした熱的快適性に関するアンケート調査(アジアのパッシブクーリング,環境工学II,2014年度日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会), 学術講演梗概集, 2014巻, 0号, pp. 503-504, 20140912
  296. 41265 インドネシア・スラバヤの集合住宅における窓の開放行動と室内熱環境(集合住宅の環境計画,環境工学II,2014年度日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会), 学術講演梗概集, 2014巻, 0号, pp. 553-554, 20140912
  297. 40030 インドネシア・バンドンにおける居住者の生活の質に及ぼす影響要因の分析(居住地域・施設,環境工学I,2014年度日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会), 学術講演梗概集, 2014巻, 0号, pp. 59-60, 20140912
  298. 40449 ハノイ・マスタープランによる土地利用の改変がその都市ヒートアイランドに及ぼす影響 : その1 都市気候のシミュレーション(海外の都市気候シミュレーション,環境工学I,2014年度日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会), 学術講演梗概集, 2014巻, 0号, pp. 939-940, 20140912
  299. 40450 ハノイ・マスタープランによる土地利用の改変がその都市ヒートアイランドに及ぼす影響 : その2 住宅の冷房負荷の推計(海外の都市気候シミュレーション,環境工学I,2014年度日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会), 学術講演梗概集, 2014巻, 0号, pp. 941-942, 20140912
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  302. 41260 高温多湿気候のマレーシアにおける都市住宅を対象とした建物全体換気による室内熱環境改善効果(アジアのパッシブ建築技術,環境工学II,学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会), 学術講演梗概集, 2015巻, 0号, pp. 537-538, 20150904
  303. 40337 Impacts of land use changes on urban heat island during the monsoon seasons in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 学術講演梗概集, 2015巻, 0号, pp. 707-708, 20150904
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  305. 高温多湿気候下のマレーシアの都市住宅を対象としたパッシブクーリングによる省エネルギー改修効果の検討, 日本建築学会環境系論文集, 80巻, 714号, pp. 673-683, 2015
  306. Thermal functions of internal courtyards in traditional Chinese shophouses in the hot-humid climate of Malaysia, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, 112巻, pp. 115-131, 2017
  307. Evaluation of current material stock and future demolition waste for urban residential buildings in Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia: embodied energy and CO2 emission analysis, JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT, 19巻, 2号, pp. 657-675, 2017
  308. 41241 高温多湿気候下のマレーシアの都市住宅を対象とした省エネ改修方法の提案 : その3 パッシブクーリング手法(アジアのパッシブクーリング,環境工学II,2014年度日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会), 学術講演梗概集, 2014巻, 0号, pp. 505-506, 20140912
  309. 41242 高温多湿気候下のマレーシアの都市住宅を対象とした省エネ改修方法の提案 : その4 部分冷房の場合のパッシブクーリング手法(アジアのパッシブクーリング,環境工学II,2014年度日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会), 学術講演梗概集, 2014巻, 0号, pp. 507-508, 20140912
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  315. Effects of Building Microclimate on the Thermal Environment of Traditional Japanese Houses during Hot-Humid Summer, BUILDINGS, 9巻, 1号, 201901
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  320. Effects of wet courtyard on the thermal environment of traditional Japanese houses, Proceedings of International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2018), Hong Kong, China, 10-12 Dec., 2018
  321. Household energy consumption of residential buildings in the tropics: factors affecting cooling energy, Proceedings of International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2018), Hong Kong, China, 10-12 Dec., 2018
  322. Daily patterns of occupants’ window-opening and air-conditioning usage in hot-humid climates of Southeast Asia, Proceedings of International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2018), Hong Kong, China, 10-12 Dec., 2018
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  324. Indoor air quality and health in residential buildings in major cities of Indonesia, Proceedings of the 18th Science Council of Asia Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 5-7 Dec., 2018
  325. Field investigation of indoor and outdoor thermal environments of traditional courtyard houses of Kabul, Afghanistan,, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tohoku, Japan, 4-6 Sep., 2018
  326. Factors affecting satisfaction levels in rehabilitation houses of conflict-affected communities in Central Mindanao, Philippines, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tohoku, Japan, 4-6 Sep., 2018
  327. Analysis of factors affecting community development in Kampung and public apartments in major cities of Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tohoku, Japan, 4-6 Sep., 2018
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  333. CFD analysis of air flow in voids for better cross ventilation in multistory buildings in hot and humid climates, roceedings of 16th International Building Performance Simulation Association, 2019
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  335. A field experiment on green walls taking into consideration of wind flow in the hot-humid climate of Indonesia, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science,, 294巻, 012088号, pp. 1-9, 2019
  336. Wind tunnel experiments on ventilation effect of void spaces for low-cost apartments in the tropics, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Wind Engineering, 2019
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  338. Effect of air movement on thermal comfort under the hot and humid climate of Malaysia, Proceedings of International Conference of eduARCHsia + Senvar2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesi, 2019
  339. Dampness, mold health conditions of residents in Kampongs: A case study of Bandung, Indonesia, Proceedings of International Conference of eduARCHsia + Senvar2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia,, 2019
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  3. 久保田 徹, 2018年11月14日, 通常, 英語, インドネシア バリ
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  6. 2017年11月11日, 招待, 英語
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  11. Proceedings of International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2017), 2017年07月03日, 通常, 英語
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  14. Planning methods of residential neighborhoods for achieving acceptable wind environment under local climatic conditions: a comparison of Japanese and Malaysian cases, 久保田 徹, The 4th International Conference on Advances in Wind and Structures (AWAS), Jeju, Korea, 2008年05月, 招待, 日本語
  15. Energy efficient city in Malaysia: wind flow in neighborhood areas, 久保田 徹, The 6th International Seminar on Sustainable Environmental Architecture (SENVAR), Bandung, Indonesia, 2005年09月, 招待, 日本語
  16. 久保田徹, 2014年11月29日, 招待, 英語
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  2. 2018年09月04日, 建築学会
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  8. 2004年08月, 2004年度日本建築学会奨励賞, 日本建築学会, 風通しを考慮した住宅地計画のための全国主要都市におけるグロス建ぺい率の基準値



  1. 国際科学技術共同研究推進事業 地球規模課題対応国際科学技術協力プログラム(SATREPS), パリ協定による2030年目標に向けた高温多湿気候下のインドネシアにおける低炭素アフォーダブル集合住宅の社会実装, 2020年04月01日, 2024年03月31日
  2. Elucidation of thermal comfort range based on the physiological conditions in the tropics and its application to the thermal comfort adaptive models, 2020年, 2023年
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  4. 科学研究費助成事業(国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化)), インドネシア主要都市で急成長する中間層を対象とした集合住宅のパッシブクーリング(国際共同研究強化), 2016年, 2018年
  5. 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C)), インドネシア主要都市で急成長する中間層を対象とした集合住宅のパッシブクーリング, 2014年, 2016年
  6. 科学研究費助成事業(若手研究(B)), 東南アジアの途上国への適用を目的とした住宅のライフサイクルアセスメント指針の開発, 2011年, 2013年
  7. 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A)), 市民生活行動学の構築による部門横断型まちづくりのための政策意思決定方法論の開発, 2010年, 2013年
  8. 民間からの助成金, 高温多湿気候のマレーシアの都市住宅を対象とした総合的パッシブクーリング手法の開発, 2009年
  9. 海外からの助成金, Analyzing Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Urban Heat Island in Major Malaysian Towns: A Case Study of Johor Bahru City, 2008年
  10. 民間からの助成金, マレーシアの既存テラスハウスにおける温熱環境の実態解明: 冷房用エネルギー消費の削減を目指した省エネルギー手法の検討, 2006年
  11. 海外からの助成金, Planning Guidelines for Energy Saving City in Johor Bahru; wind flow in residential areas, 2003年
  12. 国際科学技術共同研究推進事業 地球規模課題対応国際科学技術協力プログラム(SATREPS), パリ協定による2030年目標に向けた高温多湿気候下のインドネシアにおける低炭素アフォーダブル集合住宅の社会実装, 2020年04月01日, 2023年03月31日
  13. 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B)), 熱帯地域における生理状態による温熱快適域の解明と温熱快適性適応モデルへの展開, 2020年, 2023年



  1. 非常勤講師, 2020年10月, 2020年11月, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  2. 非常勤講師, 2017年04月, 2017年09月, 名古屋大学大学院環境学研究科
  3. 非常勤講師, 2016年10月, 2017年03月, 九州大学大学院総合理工学府