Last Updated :2024/10/01

大学院先進理工系科学研究科 助教
〒739-8527 東広島市鏡山1-4-1 A1棟A1-841



  • 2015年04月01日, 2020年03月31日, 広島大学大学院 工学研究院, 電気電子システム数理部門, 助教
  • 2012年04月01日, 2015年03月31日, 上智大学, 理工学部, 研究補助員
  • 2020年04月01日, 広島大学, 大学院先進理工系科学研究科, 助教


  • 上智大学 大学院, 理工学研究科, 理工学専攻 博士後期課程, 日本, 2012年04月, 2015年03月
  • 上智大学 大学院, 理工学研究科, 理工学専攻 博士前期課程, 日本, 2010年04月, 2012年03月


  • 博士(工学) (上智大学)
  • 修士(工学) (上智大学)


  • 複合領域 / 社会・安全システム科学 / 社会システム工学・安全システム


  • 経営工学
  • サプライチェーン設計
  • 生産管理
  • 在庫管理
  • 物流計画




  1. 2024年, 教養教育, 1ターム, 新入生のための物理学入門[1工特]
  2. 2024年, 学部専門, 3ターム, 技術英語演習
  3. 2024年, 学部専門, 通年, 卒業論文
  4. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 1ターム, 電気システム制御特別演習A
  5. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 2ターム, 電気システム制御特別演習A
  6. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 3ターム, 電気システム制御特別演習B
  7. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 4ターム, 電気システム制御特別演習B
  8. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 年度, 電気システム制御特別研究


  • 2021年04月15日, 研究科長特別賞(教育), 広島大学大学院先進理工系科学研究科 , ハイブリッド学生実験の創生



  1. Robust and sustainable closed-loop supply chain network design for employee fluctuation under disruption, Abstract Proceedings of the 2022 Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference, 20221106
  2. A method for identifying abnormal operations and confirming the execution of dismantling work for end-of-life vehicles, Abstract Proceedings of the 2022 Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference, 20221106
  3. Balanced order batching in bucket brigade order picking systems with non-identical pickers, Abstract Proceedings of the 2022 Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference, 20221106
  4. Scheduling mixed-model assembly lines with task sharing, Abstract Proceedings of the 2022 Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference, 20221106
  5. Modeling carbon border tax for material-based GHG emission and costs in global supply chain network, Proceedings of 18th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM2022), pp. 328-336, 20221005
  6. Simulation-based investigation of appointment scheduling and consultation sequencing with walk-ins, Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Industrial Management, pp. 116-123, 202205
  7. Utilization of free trade agreements to minimize costs and carbon emissions in the global supply chain for sustainable logistics, Logistics, 7巻, 2(32)号, pp. 1-21, 202306
  8. Modelling of decarbonised global and local supply chain network for material-based greenhouse gas emission and costs with COVID-19 disruption and trans-Pacific partnership, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies, 11巻, 3-4号, pp. 200-233, 20230206
  9. タスクの分数割当を認めた混合品種組立ラインの作業量均等化とスケジューリング, 日本経営工学会論文誌, 74巻, 1号, pp. 13-22, 20230415
  10. テキストマイニングとk-means法を用いた現在のAIのアンケート調査分析の可視化に関する一考察, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会2022年春季研究発表会予稿集, 20220317
  11. 自動車解体機の先端軌跡データを使用した自動車解体作業における改善点特定, 日本経営工学会論文誌, 72巻, 4号, pp. 222-231, 202201
  12. フレキシブルジョブショップ環境の受託製造企業におけるエネルギー消費量配分問題, 日本経営工学会論文誌, 72巻, 4号, pp. 179-187, 202201
  13. Robust and sustainable workforce optimization in closed-loop supply chain network design, Conference Abstracts of the 26th International Conference on Production Research, 20210718
  14. Bi-objective Problem of Material-based GreenHouse Gas Emission and Costs by Global Supply Chain Network Disruption across TPP countries during COVID-19, Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 12th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Applications, 20211106
  15. Multi-objective optimization on total cost and carbon dioxide emission of coal supply for coal-fired power plants in Indonesia, SOCIO-ECONOMIC PLANNING SCIENCES, 81巻, 202206
  16. ハイブリッドMTS/MTO 生産システムに対する動的ロットサイジングによる生産方策, 日本経営工学会 2021年 春季大会予稿集, 20210515
  17. 天然ガスの輸入を考慮した多地点・多期間水素エネルギーネットワーク設計, 日本経営工学会 2021年 春季大会予稿集, 20210515
  18. テキストマイニングによる現在の AI のアンケート調査分析, 日本経営工学会 2021年 秋季大会予稿集, 20211106
  19. 自動処理と休憩時間を考慮したジョブショップスケジューリング, 日本経営工学会 2021年 秋季大会予稿集, 20211106
  20. 混乱時における雇用人数の増減に対して頑健な循環型サプライチェーン, 日本経営工学会 2022年 春季大会予稿集, 20220521
  21. COVID-19 Disruption Strategy for Redesigning Global Supply Chain Network across TPP Countries, LOGISTICS-BASEL, 6巻, 1号, 202203
  22. ★, Applying genetic algorithm for can-order policies in the joint replenishment problem, Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 14巻, 1号, pp. 1-10, 201503
  23. Facility Location Alternatives between Expected and Worst Case Time Performance in Humanitarian Relief Logistics, Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, 66巻, 2E号, 201509
  24. リードタイムの短縮費用と可変バックオーダー率を考慮した在庫モデルの提案, 日本経営工学会論文誌, 65巻, 4号, pp. 278-285, 201501
  25. 入出庫単位が異なる場合の発注点補充点方式の検討, 日本経営工学会論文誌, 65巻, 4号, pp. 294-301, 201501
  26. Humanitarian Relief Logistics with Time Restriction: Thai Flooding Case Study, Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 13巻, 4号, pp. 398-407, 201412
  27. Semiconductor supply planning by considering transit options to take advantage of pre-productions and order cancellations, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 41巻, pp. 46-58, 201402
  28. ★, Applying Random Forests to Decide Ordering Policy Based on Important Shipping Statistics, Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, 64巻, 4E号, pp. 579-590, 201403
  29. ★, Joint Replenishment Problem in Multi-Item Inventory Control with Carrier Capacity and Receiving Inspection Cost, Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 6巻, 3号, pp. 111-116, 2013
  30. ★, Genetic-algorithm-based coordinated replenishment in multi-item inventory control, Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 12巻, 3号, pp. 172-180, 2013
  31. ★, Selecting Ordering Policy and Items Classification Based on Canonical Correlation and Cluster Analysis, Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 11巻, 2号, pp. 134-141, 2012
  32. Joint replenishment problem with can-order policies under carrier capacity and correlated demands, Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems conference, 201410
  33. Optimum Humanitarian Relief Logistics for Facility and Stock Location under Time Restriction: Thai Flooding Case Study, Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems conference, 201411
  34. Applying genetic algorithm for can-order policies in the joint replenishment problem, Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems conference, 2013
  35. Joint replenishment problem in multi-item inventory control with carrier capacity and receiving inspection cost, Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Service Science, 2013
  36. Coordinated replenishment in multi-item inventory control based on important shipping characteristics, Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems conference, 2012
  37. Deciding ordering policy based on important shipping characteristics from Random forests, Proceedings of International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management, 2012
  38. Item classification and policy selection based on canonical correlation analysis and regression analysis, Proceedings of IIE Asian Conference, 2012
  39. Selecting ordering system and items classification based on canonical correlation and cluster analysis, Proceedings of Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Science, 2011
  40. Joint replenishment problem with can-order policy under item characteristics, Proceedings of The first East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering, 201411
  41. Joint replenishment problem with dynamic can-order policies under carrier capacity, Proceedings of 18th International Symposium on Inventories, 201408
  42. クロスドッキングセンターにおける出庫エリアの混雑緩和のためのシュート・ドック割り当て, 日本経営工学会2015年春季大会予稿集, 201505
  43. 複数デポを有する倉庫のオーダーピッキングにおける総移動時間最小化問題のバッチ作成と処理順序決定, 日本経営工学会2015年春季大会予稿集, 201505
  44. 複数種類の医療施設配置計画のベナン共和国における適用事例, 日本経営工学会2015年春季大会予稿集, 201505
  45. クロスドッキングセンターにおける総滞留量の最小化を目的としたトラックスケジューリング, 日本経営工学会2015年春季大会予稿集, 201505
  46. トラック容量を考慮した同時購買傾向の商品に対する発注可能点方式, 日本経営工学会2015年春季大会予稿集, 201505
  47. ピーク電力と加工時間のばらつきを考慮した生産スケジューリング, 日本経営工学会2014年秋季大会予稿集, 201411
  48. クローズドループサプライチェーンにおける施設の統廃合に関する研究, 日本経営工学会2014年秋季大会予稿集, 201411
  49. 間欠需要下における基点在庫方式の欠品量を考慮した最適な補充点, 日本経営工学会2014年秋季大会予稿集, 201411
  50. トラック容量を考慮した発注可能点方式における追加発注商品の発注量の決定, 日本経営工学会2014年秋季大会予稿集, 201411
  51. Improving the road and railway transportation network in the Republic of Benin, 日本経営工学会平成26年春季大会予稿集, 201405
  52. Transit planning considering border week for multiple product categories semiconductor industry, 日本経営工学会平成26年春季大会予稿集, 201405
  53. トラック容量を考慮したアソシエーション分析による発注方式の決定, 第5回横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集, 2013
  54. リードタイムの短縮費用を考慮した発注点を決定変数とする在庫モデルの提案, 日本経営工学会平成25年秋季大会予稿集, 2013
  55. コスト増加率を保証した頑健なグローバルサプライチェーンの設計, 日本経営工学会平成25年秋季大会予稿集, 2013
  56. 各作業員の生産性を考慮した物流センターにおける人員計画, 日本経営工学会平成25年秋季大会予稿集, 2013
  57. 物流センターにおける補充回数と在庫量のトレードオフを考慮した発注点と補充点の決定, 日本経営工学会平成25年秋季大会予稿集, 2013
  58. 電力のピークシフトを考慮した生産スケジューリング, 日本経営工学会平成25年秋季大会予稿集, 2013
  59. トラック容量を考慮した発注点・補充点・発注可能点の決定, 日本経営工学会平成25年秋季大会予稿集, 2013
  60. Semiconductor supply planning by considering transit options to take advantage of pre-productions and order cancellations, 日本経営工学会平成25年春季大会予稿集, 2013
  61. Reexamination of optimal order-up-to-level and reorder-level in a distribution center, 日本経営工学会平成25年春季大会予稿集, 2013
  62. 物流センターにおける最適出荷作業方法の決定, 日本経営工学会平成25年春季大会予稿集, 2013
  63. 定期発注方式における最適な安全在庫量・サービス率および発注間隔, 日本経営工学会平成25年春季大会予稿集, 2013
  64. トラック容量および入荷費用を考慮した在庫調査日および発注量の決定, 日本経営工学会平成25年春季大会予稿集, 2013
  65. トラック容量を考慮した複数商品の発注量の決定, 日本経営工学会平成24年秋季大会予稿集, 2012
  66. 商品の出荷傾向を用いたロジスティック回帰分析による発注方式の選択, 日本経営工学会平成24年春季大会予稿集, 2012
  67. 商品毎の出荷傾向に応じた発注方式の選択, 日本経営工学会平成23年春季大会予稿集, 2011
  68. The impact of capacity planning on product lifecycle for performance on sustainability dimensions in Reverse Logistics Social Responsibility, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 133巻, pp. 28-42, 20161001
  69. ★, Robust flow shop scheduling with random processing times for reduction of peak power consumption, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 59巻, pp. 102-113, 2015
  70. Multiple can-order level for can-order policies under carrier capacity and correlated demands, Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, 67巻, 2E号, pp. 114-123, 2016
  71. ★, Redesigning an existing recovery logistics network in closed loop supply chain, Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, 67巻, pp. 348-357, 2017
  72. Consultation sequencing of a hospital with multiple service points using genetic programming, ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION, 50巻, 7号, pp. 1099-1113, 2018
  73. Analysis of Y-Shaped Self-Balancing Line with Walk-Back and Travel Time, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, 17巻, 2号, pp. 327-333, 201806
  74. Joint replenishment problem with can-order policies under purchase dependence, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Production Research, 2015
  75. A dynamic switching policy with combined make-to-stock/make-to-order thresholds for hybrid production systems, Proceedings of 5th Computational Mathematis, Computational Geometry & Statistics (CMCGS 2016) & 4th Operations Research and Statistics (ORS 2016), 2016
  76. Dispatching rule generation for minimizing the average total waiting time in a hospital, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Industrial Management, 2016
  77. Setup time minimization in assembling printed circuit boards using mathematical programming models, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Industrial Management, 2016
  78. Capacity selection for hubs and hub links in hub location problems over incomplete hub networks, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Industrial Management, 2016
  79. An optimization procedure to solve forward-reserve allocation problem with (s, S) policy,, Proceedings of the 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, 2016
  80. Modified work rule for Y-shaped self-balancing line with walk-back and travel time, Proceedings of the 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, 2016
  81. Integration of Bucket Brigades and Worker Collaboration on Discrete Work Stations, Proceedings of the 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, 2016
  82. Determining order-up-to level considering backorder cost per unit short on the base-stock inventory system under intermittent demand, Proceedings of the 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, 2016
  83. Disassembly planning based on the linear inflation rule under stochastic demand and yield, 24th International Conference on Production Research, 2017
  84. Can-order policy with item group in joint replenishment problem, 24th International Conference on Production Research, 2017
  85. Manufacturing in Japan and from Japan, 24th International Conference on Production Research, 2017
  86. Scheduling outpatients in a hospital with multiple service points, Proceedings of the 18th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System Conference, 2017
  87. Worker coordination policy for self-balancing production line with worker and station dependent speed, Proceedings of the 18th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System Conference, 2017
  88. Cellular bucket brigades with worker collaboration on U-lines with discrete workstations, Proceedings of the 18th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System Conference, 2017
  89. Can-order policy with item group for joint replenishment, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering (MACISE 2018), 201803
  90. Integration of Bucket Brigades and Worker Collaboration on a Production Line with Discrete Workstations, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, 17巻, 3号, pp. 514-530, 201809
  91. Cellular Bucket Brigades with Worker Collaboration on U-Lines with Discrete Workstations, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, 17巻, 3号, pp. 531-549, 201809
  92. 輸送容量と発注商品の優先度を考慮した複数商品に対する発注可能点方式, 日本経営工学会2016春季大会予稿集, 2016
  93. 劣化する複数商品に対する発注可能点方式, 日本経営工学会2016年秋季大会予稿集, 2016
  94. Experimental analysis of the impact of flexible products in revenue management, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Industrial Management
  95. A switching policy for MTS/MTO hybrid production system, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Industrial Management
  96. Sale trend based ARIMA model to forecast sales volume of durable goods, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Industrial Management
  97. Migrate from craft manufacturing to assembly lines by integrating bucket brigades and worker collaboration, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Industrial Management
  98. Indonesia's coal production forecast using system dynamics: The impact to the environment, Thirty-Fifth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference
  99. Dual resource constrained job shop scheduling with automated operations, Proceedings of the 19th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference
  100. Exact solution technique to balance for self-balancing production line with worker and station dependent speed, Proceedings of the 19th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference
  101. Modelling Indonesia's coal production with primary energy substitution to secure national energy demand using system dynamics, Proceedings of the 19th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference
  102. Can-order policy in joint replenishment for deteriorating items, Proceedings of the 19th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference
  103. Can-order policy with item group for joint replenishment, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering
  104. Robust closed-loop supply chain network design with supplier selection under disruption scenarios, Proceedings of the 10th Annual European Decision Sciences Institute Conference
  105. Job shop scheduling by branch and bound using genetic programming, Conference Abstracts of ICPR (International Conference on Production Research) 2019
  106. A dynamic switching policy with thresholds of inventory level and waiting orders for MTS/MTO hybrid production systems
  107. Sustainability and corporate social responsibility in closed loop supply chain, Conference Abstracts of ICPR (International Conference on Production Research) 2019
  108. Modelling new scheme on coal procurement for coal-fired power plants in Indonesia, Thirty-Six Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference
  109. Coal blending and shipping problem for a coal-fired power plant in Indonesia, Proceedings of the 20th APIEMS Conference
  110. New approach for arranging worker sequence to self-balancing production line with worker and station dependent speed, Proceedings of the 20th APIEMS Conference
  111. Sustainable closed-loop supply chain with capacity consideration under disruption scenarios, Abstract of the 20th APIEMS Conference
  112. An analysis method of dismantling work for end-of-life vehicles (ELV) with tracking data of metal recycle machines, Proceedings of the 20th APIEMS Conference
  113. The Impact of COVID-19 Disruption on Designing a Global Supply Chain Network Across the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 50th Annual Conference 2021
  114. Evaluation of Manufacturing and Remanufacturing Mixed Production Systems for Environmental, Economical and Facilities Stability, Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 50th Annual Conference 2021
  115. Integration of bucket brigade and worker collaboration in migration process from craft manufacturing to assembly line, Asia-Pacific Journal of Industrial Management, 8巻, 1号, pp. 40-58
  116. 販売可能期限の短い商品に対する発注可能点方式, 日本経営工学会 2018年 秋季大会予稿集
  117. 減少傾向の商品に対する在庫管理, 日本経営工学会 2018年 春季大会予稿集
  118. 販売可能期限のある複数商品に対し同時発注を行う場合の経済的発注量, 日本経営工学会 2019年 春季大会予稿集
  119. 販売可能期限の短い商品と長い商品の混在する場合における発注可能点方式, 日本経営工学会 2019年 秋季大会予稿集
  120. 炭素税と環太平洋経済連携協定を考慮したグローバル・サプライチェーンネットワークの設計, 2020年度日本設備管理学会春季研究発表大会論文集
  121. 企業の社会的責任のための設備投資コストを考慮した循環型サプライチェーン設計, 2020年度日本設備管理学会春季研究発表大会論文集
  122. 供給途絶シナリオを考慮したグローバル・サプライチェーンネットワークの分析, 2020年度日本設備管理学会秋季研究発表大会論文集
  123. 鉱業におけるリサイクルとCSRを考慮した循環型サプライチェーンの設計, 日本経営工学会 2020年 秋季大会予稿集
  124. System dynamics approach in determining coal utilization scenario in Indonesia, RESOURCES POLICY, 73巻, 202110
  125. Scheduling and rescheduling in a job-shop-type remanufacturing system restoring customer-owned products, Conference Abstracts of the 26th International Conference on Production Research, 20210718
  126. Evaluation of material-based GHG emissions under COVID-19 disruption on redesigning global supply chain network across TPP countries, Conference Abstracts of the 26th International Conference on Production Research, 20210718
  127. A new measure for considering both inventory level and waiting orders in MTS/MTO hybrid production systems, Conference Abstracts of the 26th International Conference on Production Research, 20210718
  128. Switching decision in hybrid MTS/MTO production system of multiple machines with setup, Conference Abstracts of the 26th International Conference on Production Research, 20210718
  129. Multi-objective optimization model for coal supply with economic, environmental, and social impact: Case study in coal-fired power plants in Indonesia, Conference Abstracts of the 26th International Conference on Production Research, 20210718
  130. Sustainable development model on coal supply for coal-fired power plants by using multi-objective optimization with economic, environmental, and social aspects consideration, Conference Abstracts of the 38th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, 20210920
  131. The method to balance the line for self-balancing production line with worker and station dependent speed, Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Industrial Management, pp. 69-75, 202205
  132. Multi-site and multi-period optimization model of renewable hydrogen energy network with liquefied natural gas for the Chugoku region, Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Industrial Management, pp. 45-51, 202205
  133. Research on Toyota production system: Status and challenges, Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Industrial Management, pp. 17-25, 202205


  1. Z世代が抱く現在のAIに関するアンケートテキスト分析の研究と課題, 山田哲男, 山田哲男, 舛井海斗, 松野省吾, 長沢敬祐, 伊集院大将, 石垣綾, 稲葉通将, 井上全人, 于亜婷, 岡本一志, 北田皓嗣, 周蕾, 杉正夫, 滝聖子, 中嶋良介, 仲田知弘, 大戸―藤田恵理, 山田周歩, 第12回横幹連合コンファレンス, 2021年12月18日, 通常, 日本語
  2. サスティナビリティとサプライチェーン, 長沢 敬祐, 神戸CSR研究会, 2021年08月21日, 招待, 日本語, Zoom開催
  3. Closed Loop Supply Chain Design for Sustainable Development Goals and Corporate Social Responsibility, 第4回グリーン・サプライチェーンに関する国際ワークショップ, 2019年07月08日, 招待, 英語
  4. Robust closed-loop supply chain network design with supplier selection under disruption scenarios, 10thANNUAL EUROPEAN DECISION SCIENCES CONFERENCE, 2019年06月04日, 通常, 英語
  5. CSRを考慮したサプライチェーン最適化, IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter主催Special Lecture & Award表彰式, 2018年12月01日, 招待, 日本語
  6. Redesigning Supply Chain for Localizing and Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility, 第3回グリーン・サプライチェーンに関する国際ワークショップ, 2018年07月17日, 招待, 英語, 国⽴⼤学法⼈電気通信⼤学 環境調和型ライフサイクル研究ステーション, 電気通信⼤学
  7. 不確実下における施設配置とサプライチェーン設計, 長沢敬祐, ⽇本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会中国・四国⽀部 平成30年度第1回⽀部講演会, 2018年03月30日, 招待, 日本語, ⽇本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会中国・四国⽀部, 広島⼤学


  1. 2017年12月06日, APIEMS 2017 Best Student Paper Award
  2. 2018年09月13日, 14th International Conference on Industrial Management (ICIM 2018) Excellent Paper Award
  3. 2019年12月04日, APIEMS2019 Best Paper Award, General Chair of Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems 2019



  1. 科学研究費助成事業(若手研究(B)), 複数商品の在庫管理における商品特性による最適発注方策の決定, 2016年, 2017年
  2. 科学研究費助成事業(若手研究), 企業の社会的責任とSDGsによる地方創生を考慮したサプライチェーンの再設計, 2020年, 2023年



  1. 大会委員会, 2013年07月, 2025年06月, 日本経営工学会
  2. 国際・渉外委員会, 2019年07月, 2023年06月, 日本経営工学会