Last Updated :2025/03/03

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Professor

Basic Information

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Engineering, Osaka University
  • Master of Engineering, Osaka University

Research Fields

  • Complex systems;Science education / Educational technology;Educational technology

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Basics of Data Engineering
  2. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Programming I
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Programming II
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Programming III
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Informatics Seminar I
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Informatics Seminar II
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Graduation Thesis
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Special Exercises on Informatics and Data Science A
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Special Exercises on Informatics and Data Science A
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Special Exercises on Informatics and Data Science B
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Special Exercises on Informatics and Data Science B
  13. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Special Exercises on Informatics and Data Science B
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Special Exercises on Informatics and Data Science B
  15. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study on Informatics and Data Science
  16. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Database Engineering
  17. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study on Informatics and Data Science

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Effect of Providing Knowledge Construction as A Preparatory Activity on Learner's Critical Thinking Achievement in Online Discussion, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning-CSCL 2024, 202406
  2. Investigating the Efficacy of Partial Decomposition in Kit-Build Concept Maps for Reducing Cognitive Load and Enhancing Reading Comprehension, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, E107D(5), 714-727, 202405
  3. Finding and Understanding an Impasse in Learning by Assembling with Epistemic Network Analysis, The International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK24), 202403
  4. Evaluating the kit-build concept mapping process using sub-map scoring, RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING, 19, 20240101
  5. A Preliminary Study on Knowledge Reconstruction Activity for Fostering Cognitive Presence in Online Discussion, The 31st International Conference on Computers in Education, 202312
  6. Preliminary Use of a Learning Game for Arithmetic Word Problems with Elementary School Students, The 31st International Conference on Computers in Education, 202312
  7. Design and Development of a Card Game for Learning on the Structure of Arithmetic Story by Concatenated Sentence Integration, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, E106D(2), 131-136, 202302
  8. Error-based simulation as a thought experimental method for changing "motion implies a force" misconception: An evaluation, JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED LEARNING, 39(4), 1290-1302, 202308
  9. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 202307
  10. Analysis of quality of knowledge structure and students' perceptions in extension concept mapping, RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING, 17(1), 20220407
  11. Design and development of semi-automatic concept map authoring support tool, RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING, 16(1), 20210421
  12. Collaborative concept mapping with reciprocal kit-build: a practical use in linear algebra course, RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING, 15(1), 20200731
  13. The effect of differences in group composition on knowledge transfer, group achievement, and learners' affective responses during reciprocal concept mapping with the Kit-Build Approach, RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING, 15(1), 20200610
  14. Improving English reading for EFL readers with reviewing kit-build concept map, RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING, 15(1), 20200318
  15. Improving English Reading for EFL Readers with Reviewing Kit-build Concept Map, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 15(7), 20200318
  16. The effect on new knowledge and reviewed knowledge caused by the positioning task in closed concept maps, RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING, 14(1), 20191108
  17. Posing Arithmetic Word Problems in a Sentence Integration Learning Environment in English and Indonesian: A Utilization Analysis, The Journal of Information and Systems in Education, 18(1), 51-62, 20191029
  18. An Analysis of Concept Mapping Style in EFL Reading Compre-hension from the Viewpoint of Paragraph Structure of Text, The Journal of Information and Systems in Education, 18(1), 63-68, 20191029
  19. Generation of Fill-in-the-Blank Questions from Concept Map and Preliminary Comparison between Multiple-Choice Task and Kit-Build Task, The Journal of Information and Systems in Education, 18(1), 11-15, 20190402
  20. Application focused on structural comprehension of mathematics contextual problems for kindergarten students, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 14, 20190128
  21. Development of a Card Operation-Based Programming Learning System Focusing on Thinking between the Relations of Parts, IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 138(8), 999-1010, 20180801
  22. Reducing Cognitive Load during Closed Concept Map Construction and Consequences on Reading Comprehension and Retention, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 20180731
  23. Analyzing Reading Pattern of Source Code Based on Data Dependence Relationship by Using Eye-Tracking—For Programs Consisting of Assignment Operations and Arithmetic Operations—, Transactions of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education, 35(2), 192-203, 20180525
  24. The practical use of Kit-Build concept map on formative assessment, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 12, 20170922
  25. An Investigation of Learner's Actions in Posing Arithmetic Word Problem on an Interactive Learning Environment, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 20170728
  26. Model-based analysis of thinking in problem posing as sentence integration focused on violation of the constraints, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 12, 20170607
  27. Visualizations of problem-posing activity sequences toward modeling the thinking process, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 11, 20160817
  28. Visualizations of problem-posing activity sequences toward modeling the thinking process, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 20160817
  29. Design and Development of the Interactive Operating Environment between Problem Sentence and Part-Whole Relations for Understanding Arithmetic Word Problems, IEICE technical report. Education technology, 114(513), 107-112, 20150314
  30. Design and development of exercises for the purpose of support of the external understanding by "structural changes" in arithmetic word problems, IEICE technical report. Education technology, 114(513), 125-130, 20150314
  31. Design and Development of Interactive Assembly Exercise Between Sentence Expression with Conjunction and Situation Expression with Implication, IEICE technical report. Education technology, 114(513), 163-168, 20150314
  32. Evaluation of Ground Motion Characteristics in Higashi- Hiroshima Campus of Hiroshima University Based on Microtremor and Soil Data, Proceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ), 37, 77-80, 20140301
  33. An Ontology-aware Design Environment for Learning Contents, Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, 44(1), 195-208, 20030115
  34. An Ontology-Based Framework for Knowledge Communication Support, 17, 581-582, 20011123
  35. Influence of Access to Reading Material during Concept Map Recomposition in Reading Comprehension and Retention, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, E104D(11), 1941-1950, 202111
  36. Online Collaborative Kit-Build Concept Map: Learning Effect and Conversation Analysis in Collaborative Learning of English as a Foreign Language Reading Comprehension, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, E104D(7), 981-991, 202107
  37. Comparing Two Extended Concept Mapping Approaches to Investigate the Distribution of Students' Achievements, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, E104D(2), 337-340, 202102
  38. Designing Rich Interactive Content for Blended Learning: A Case Study from Indonesia, ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF E-LEARNING, 18(4), 276-287, 202008
  39. Analysis of The Similarity of Individual Knowledge and The Comprehension of Partner's Representation during Collaborative Concept Mapping with Reciprocal Kit Build Approach, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, E103D(7), 1722-1731, 202007
  40. Study on Extended Scratch-Build Concept Map to Enhance Students' Understanding and Promote Quality of Knowledge Structure, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS, 11(4), 144-153, 202004
  41. Extended Scratch-Build Concept Map to Enhance Meaningful Learning, The 6th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEEIE 2019), 201910
  42. Digital Content Model for E-Learning System in Higher Education, The 6th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Information Engineering (ICEEIE 2019), 201910
  43. Investigating on Discussion for Sharing Understanding by using Reciprocal Kit-Build Concept Map, Proc. of AIED2019, 319-323-323, 201906
  44. Yusuke HAYASHI, Toshihiro NOMURA, and Tsukasa HIRASHIMA: Orchestrating Individual- and group-learning in Classroom with Kit-Build Concept Mapping, The 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED2019), 100-104-100-104, 201906
  45. Structure-mapping Support for Learning by Analogy with Kit-Build Concept Map, ICCE2018, 49-58, 201811
  46. Sectional Review Recommendations based on Learner’s Comprehension in Video-based Learning, ICCE2018, 328-333, 201811
  47. Preliminary Study on the Use of Reciprocal Kit Build for Collaborative Learning, ICCE2018, 133-142, 201811
  48. Reciprocal Kit-Build Concept Map: An Approach for Encouraging Pair Discussion to Share Each Other's Understanding, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, E101D(9), 2356-2367, 201809
  49. Reciprocal Kit-Building of Concept Map to Share Each Other's Understanding as Preparation for Collaboration, AIED2018, 599-612, 201806
  50. Correctness- and Confidence-based Adaptive Feedback of Kit-Build Concept Map with Confidence Tagging, AIED2018(, 395-408, 201806
  51. Validity of Kit-Build Method for Assessment of Learner-Build Map by Comparing with Manual Methods, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, E101D(4), 1141-1150, 201804
  52. A Serious Game for Improving Inferencing in the Presence of Foreign Language Unknown Words, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS, 9(2), 7-14, 201802
  53. Kit-Build Concept Map with Confidence Tagging in Practical Uses for Assessing the Understanding of Learners, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS, 9(1), 79-91, 201801
  54. Experimental Use of Kit-Build Concept Map System to Support Reading Comprehension of EFL in Comparing with Selective Underlining Strategy, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS, 7(4), 80-87, 201604
  55. Bridging Model between Problem and Solution Representations in Arithmetic/Mathematics Word Problem, 9-18, 201511
  56. Investigation of Students' Performance in Monsakun Problem Posing Activity based on the Triplet Structure Model of Arithmetical Word Problems, 27-36, 201511
  57. The Effects of KB‐mapping Method to Avoid Sentence‐by‐ Sentence Comprehension Style in EFL Reading, 46-55, 201511
  58. Tracing Problem‐Posing Activity Sequences toward Detection of Trap‐States in Thinking, 85-90, 201511
  59. Experimental Evaluation of Error-Based Simulation for Dynamics 265 Problems in Science Class at Junior High School, 265-270, 201511
  60. Analysis of Problem-Posing Activity Sequences toward Modeling Thinking Process and Detection of Trap States, 558-567, 201511
  61. Analysis of the Relationship Between Metacognitive Ability and Learning Activity with Kit-Build Concept Map, Proc. of HCII2015(LNCS 9173), 304-312, 201507
  62. Comparison between Kit-Build and Scratch-Build Concept Mapping Methods in Supporting EFL Reading Comprehension, The Journal of Information and Systems in Education, 14(1), 1-15, 201501
  63. Interactive Environment for Learning by Problem-Posing of Arithmetic Word Problems Solved by One-step Multiplication and Division, ICCE2014 Main Proceedings, 89-94, 201412
  64. Practical Use of Interactive Environment for Learning by Problem-posing for One-step Multiplication and Division Word Problems, ICCE2014 Workshop Proceedings, 369-378, 201412
  65. Self-overcoming of Impasse by Using Problem Simplification, ICCE2014 Main Proceedings, 50-58, 201412
  66. Knowledge Propagation in Practical Use of Kit-Build Concept Map System in Classroom Group Work for Knowledge Sharing, ICCE2014 Workshop Proceedings, 463-472, 201412
  67. Analysis of Problem-Posing Process of Arithmetical Word Problem as Sentence Integration: Viewpoint of First Selected Sentence, Proc. of ICSLE2014, 85-88, 201407
  68. The Effects of Using Kit-Build Method to Support Reading Comprehension of EFL, Proc. of HCII2014(LNCS 8522), 3-11, 201406
  69. Kit-Build Concept Mapping for Being Aware of the Gap of Exchanged Information in Collaborative Reading of the Literature, Proc. of HCII2014(LNCS 8522), 32-41, 201406
  70. Reusing Practical Teaching Strategies in a Community of Teachers ? A Case study in a Community of Junior High School Teachers in Japan, Proc. of ICCE2013, 173-175, 201312
  71. Effective Courseware Design and Analysis Using SMARTIES, The Journal of Information and Systems in Education, 11(1), 51-61, 201201
  72. Validity of Kit-Build Method for Assessment of Learner-Build Map by Comparing with Manual Methods, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 101(4), 1141-1150, 2018
  73. A Serious Game for Improving Inferencing in the Presence of Foreign Language Unknown Words, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS, 9(2), 2018
  74. Reliability Investigation of Automatic Assessment of Learner-Build Concept Map with Kit-Build Method by Comparing with Manual Methods, Proc. of AIED2017, 2017
  75. Transforming foreign language narratives into interactive reading applications designed for comprehensibility and interest, Proc. of AIED2017, 2017
  76. Effects of Error-Based Simulation as a Counterexample for Correcting MIF Misconception, Proc. of AIED2017, 2017
  77. Development and a Practical Use of Monitoring Tool of Understanding of Learners in Class Exercise, Proc. of International Conference on Human Interface and the Management of Information, 2017
  78. An analysis of learner outputs in problem posing as sentence-integration in arithmetic word problems, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 2017
  79. Comparison between Tabulation and Kit-Build Concept Mapping for Reading Comprehension Support, Transactions of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education, 34(2), 178-183, 2017
  80. An Investigation of Learner's Actions in Posing Arithmetic Word Problem on an Interactive Learning Environment, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 100(11), 2725-2728, 2017
  81. Development of a Learning Environment for Logic- Structure-Assembling Exercises and Its Experimental Evaluation, Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 32(6), C-H14_1-12, 2017
  82. Model-based analysis of thinking in problem posing as sentence integration focused on violation of the constraints, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 2017
  83. An Investigation of Learner's Actions in Posing Arithmetic Word Problem on an Interactive Learning Environment, E100.D(11), 2725-2728, 2017
  84. The practical use of Kit-Build concept map on formative assessment, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 2017
  85. Designing scaffolding system in a problem-posing learning environment, 546-551, 2017
  86. Analysis of the concept mapping style in EFL reading comprehension comparison between kit-build and scratch-build concept mapping from the viewpoint of paragraph structure of text, 622-625, 2017
  87. Learning Arithmetic Word Problem Structure with a Picture Combination Application in Kindergarten, ICCE2017, 11-20., ICCE2017, 11-20, 2017
  88. Model-Based Approach for Educational Big Data Analysis of Learners Thinking with Process Data, IWBIS2017, 11-16, 2017
  89. Experimental Evaluation of the KB-mapping Method to Avoid Sentence-by-Sentence Map-building Style in EFL Reading with Concept Mapping, INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS IN EDUCATION, 15(1), 1-14, 2016
  90. Experimental Evaluation of the KB-mapping Method to Avoid Sentence-by-Sentence Map-building Style in EFL Reading with Concept Mapping, The Journal of Information and Systems in Education, 15(1), 1-14, 2016
  91. Design and Development of Interactive Environment for Exercise of Change of Problem -Posing Assignment - Self-Explanation of Problem -Posing Process -, Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 31(5), D-G33_1-10, 2016
  92. Experimental Use of Kit-Build Concept Map System to Support Reading Comprehension of EFL in Comparing with Selective Underlining Strategy, Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 7(4), 80-87, 2016
  93. Experimental Evaluation of the KB-mapping Method to Avoid Sentence-by-Sentence Map-building Style in EFL Reading with Concept Mapping, INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS IN EDUCATION, 15(1), 1-14, 2016
  94. Visualizations of problem-posing activity sequences toward modeling the thinking process, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 2016
  95. Comparison between Kit-Build and Scratch-Build Concept Mapping Methods in Supporting EFL Reading Comprehension, The Journal of Information and Systems in Education, 14(1), 13-27, 2015
  96. Logical Thinking Training System Using Flowchart for Elementary School Students, Transactions of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education, 32(3), 214-219, 2015
  97. 2F15 Design and Implementation of Collaborative Reading Aiming at Development of Presentation Skill : Support for reflection on presentation with Kit-Build concept map, Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education, 2014(0), 330-331, 2014
  98. An Experimental Use of Kit-Build Concept Map with Approval Link in a Lecture of the Humanities, Japan Journal of Educational Technology, 38(0), 149-152, 2014
  99. ICT-Based Education in the Fields of Medical, Nursing and Welfare, Transactions of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education, 31(1), 5-7, 2014
  100. Effective Courseware Design and Analysis Using SMARTIES, The Journal of Information and Systems in Education, 11(1), 51-61, 2012
  101. Building an Organizational Memory for Intellect Creation and Inheritance Support System : Kfarm, 16, 1-4, 2002