Taketo Obitsu

Last Updated :2025/03/04

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Professor
Other Contact Details
1-4-4, Kagamiyama, Higashihiroshimna, Japan
TEL : (+81)82-424-7955 FAX : (+81)
My research goal is sustainable ruminant animal production by balancing nutrient supply, utilizing forages and byproduct feeds and mitigating green house gas emissions.

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 1987/04/01, 1995/01/31, Hiroshima University, Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Research Assistant
  • 2007/04/01, 2015/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Biosphere Sicence, Associate Professor
  • 2015/04/01, 2019/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Biosphere Sicence, Professor
  • 2019/04/01, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Professor

Educational Backgrounds

  • Hokkaido University, Graduate School, Division of Agriculture, Japan, 1985/04, 1987/03
  • Hokkaido University, Faculty of Agriculture, Japan, 1981/04, 1985/03

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Agriculture, HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY
  • Master of Agriculture, HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Applied Biological Science : Department of Applied Biological Science : Applied Animal and Plant Science Program
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life : Division of Integrated Sciences for Life : Program of Bioresource Science
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life : Division of Integrated Sciences for Life : Program of Bioresource Science

In Charge of Primary Major Programs

  • Applied Animal and Plant Science Program

Research Fields

  • Agricultural sciences;Animal life science;Animal production science

Research Keywords

  • lactating cows
  • digestion and metabolism
  • automatic milking system
  • milk
  • diestive tract
  • Protein
  • Amino acids
  • bioactive food components
  • mitigating greenhouse gas emission
  • animal feed

Affiliated Academic Societies

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Academic approach to SDGs - A
  2. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Academic approach to SDGs - A[On-Demand]
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Environmental Sciences for Bioproduction
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Laboratory Work in General Physics
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Introduction to Microbiology
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Animal Nutrition
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Environmental Animal Physiology
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Production System in Livestock
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Laboratory and Field Works in Animal Production II
  10. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Grassland and Feed Science
  11. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Graduation Thesis I
  12. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Graduation Thesis II
  13. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Graduation Thesis III
  14. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, (AIMS) Animal Science and Technology
  15. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Animal Science and Technology
  16. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Exercises in Bioresource Science A
  17. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Exercises in Bioresource Science A
  18. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Exercises in Bioresource ScienceB
  19. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Exercises in Bioresource ScienceB
  20. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Research for Academic Degree Dissertation in Bioresource Science
  21. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Animal Nutrition and Physiology
  22. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Research for Academic Degree Dissertation in Integrated Life Sciences

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Effects of cashew nutshell liquid on milk production and methane emission of dairy cows, Book of Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 935, 2023
  2. Anaerobic fermentation of rice bran using rumen liquor for desirable chemical changes as animal feed, JOURNAL OF ADVANCED VETERINARY AND ANIMAL RESEARCH, 9(4), 728-735, 202212
  3. Effect of ensiled total mixed rations containing sake lees on digestion, nitrogen use, and plasma metabolite concentrations in sheep, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 93(1), 202201
  4. Divergence effects between dietary Acacia and Quebracho tannin extracts on nutrient utilization, performance, and methane emission of ruminants: A meta-analysis, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 93(1), 202201
  5. Effects of urea supplementation on ruminal fermentation characteristics, nutrient intake, digestibility, and performance in sheep: A meta-analysis, VETERINARY WORLD, 15(2), 331-340, 202202
  6. Effects of calving interval on milk production of dairy herd at Hiroshima University Farm, Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho 90 (2), 111-120, 2019, 90(2), 111-120, 201902
  7. Evaluating the rumen-protected lysine stability in forage-based total mixed rations in vitro and determining the lysine Brix value, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 90(8), 932-938, 201908
  8. Effect of replacing alfalfa hay with a mixture of cassava foliage silage and sweet potato vine silage on ruminal and intestinal digestion in sheep, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 89(2), 386-396, 201802
  9. A simple visible and near-infrared (V-NIR) camera system for monitoring the leaf area index and growth stage of Italian ryegrass, COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE, 144, 314-323, 201801
  10. Low-cost visible and near-infrared camera on an unmanned aerial vehicle for assessing the herbage biomass and leaf area index in an Italian ryegrass field, GRASSLAND SCIENCE, 64(2), 145-150, 201804
  11. Effects of ensiling treatment for tuber crop forages and grain source on carbohydrate digestion, nitrogen utilization, and urea metabolism in sheep, ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 243, 140-149, 201809
  12. Postruminal supply of amino acids enhances ghrelin secretion and lipid metabolism in feed-deprived sheep, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 89(12), 1663-1672, 201812
  13. Response of plasma glucagon-like peptide-2 to feeding pattern and intraruminal administration of volatile fatty acids in sheep, DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY, 60, 31-41, 2017
  14. Effect of nutrient levels during the far-off period on postpartum productivity in dairy cows, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 88(8), 1162-1170, 2017
  15. Effects of nitrogen fertilizer and harvesting stage on photosynthetic pigments and phytol contents of Italian ryegrass silage, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 88(10), 1513-1522, 201710
  16. Expression of lipases and lipid receptors in sperm storage tubules and possible role of fatty acids in sperm survival in the hen oviduct, THERIOGENOLOGY, 85(7), 1334-1342, 20160415
  17. A comparison of plasma glucose and oxidative status in lactating dairy cows in summer and autumn, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 87(10), 1212-1217, 2016
  18. Metabolomic profiling reveals differential effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 and insulin on nutrient partitioning in ovine liver, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 87(12), 1480-1489, 2016
  19. A preliminarily study for predicting body weight and milk properties in lactating Holstein cows using a three-dimensional camera system, COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE, 111, 186-193, 2015
  20. ★, Nitrogen digestion and urea recycling in Hokkaido native horses fed hay-based diets, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 86(2), 159-165, 2015
  21. Insulin-independent actions of glucagon-like peptide-1 in wethers, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 86(4), 385-391, 2015
  22. ★, Milk production, plasma metabolite profiles and mammary arterial-venous differences of milk precursors in early lactation cows milked at different frequencies by an automatic milking system, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 86(5), 499-507, 2015
  23. Effects of fat-enriched diet and methionine on insulin sensitivity in lactating cows, JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 93(6), 2778-2784, 2015
  24. Effects of dietary combination of corn and rice as whole crop silage and grain sources on carbohydrate digestion and nitrogen use in steers, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 85(2), 127-134, 2014
  25. Effects of calcium salts of medium-chain fatty acids on plasma metabolite and hormone concentrations in early lactating dairy cows, ANIMAL PRODUCTION SCIENCE, 54(10), 1699-1702, 2014
  26. Effect of glucagon-like peptide-1 and ghrelin on liver metabolites in steers, ANIMAL PRODUCTION SCIENCE, 54(10), 1732-1736, 2014
  27. Effects of intravenous ghrelin injection on plasma growth hormone, insulin and glucose concentrations in calves at weaning, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 84(4), 310-315, 2013
  28. Effects of forage intake level on nitrogen net flux by portal-drained viscera of mature sheep with abomasal infusion of an amino acid mixture, ANIMAL, 7(10), 1614-1621, 2013
  29. Energy metabolism by splanchnic tissues of mature sheep fed varying levels of lucerne hay cubes, ANIMAL, 7(10), 1622-1630, 2013
  30. Ingestion of medium chain fatty acids by lactating dairy cows increases concentrations of plasma ghrelin, DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY, 45(4), 216-223, 2013
  31. Effects of calcium salts of long-chain fatty acids and rumen-protected methionine on plasma concentrations of ghrelin, glucagon-like peptide-1 (7 to 36) amide and pancreatic hormones in lactating cows, DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY, 42(2), 74-82, 2012
  32. Plasma concentrations and effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 (7-36) amide in calves before and after weaning, DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY, 43(4), 299-306, 2012
  33. Effects of glucose and volatile fatty acids on blood ghrelin concentrations in calves before and after weaning, JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 90(13), 4839-4845, 2012
  34. Effects of amino acids infused into the vein on ghrelin-induced GH, insulin and glucagon secretion in lactating cows, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 82(2), 267-273, 2011
  35. Plasma ghrelin concentration is decreased by short chain fatty acids in wethers, DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY, 41(1), 50-55, 2011
  36. ★, Effects of high ambient temperature on urea-nitrogen recycling in lactating dairy cows, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 82(4), 531-536, 2011
  37. Seasonal variations in dorsal muscle constituents of wild black sea bream Acanthopagrus schlegelii in Hiroshima Bay, Western Japan, NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI, 77(6), 1034-1042, 20111101
  38. Effects of glucose and amino acids on ghrelin secretion in sheep, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 81(2), 199-204, 2010
  39. Change of plasma arginine flux around weaning period in young calves, Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition, 223-224, 20100901
  40. ★, The effect of dietary ratios of corn silage and alfalfa hay on carbohydrate digestion and retention time of feed particles in the gastrointestinal tract of steers, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 80(5), 546-555, 2009
  41. ★, Quantitative Comparison of Diversity and Conformity in Nitrogen Recycling of Ruminants, ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES, 22(3), 440-447, 2009
  42. Effect of potato pulp as a dietary carbohydrate source on nitrogen excretion and urea metabolism in sheep, Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition, 435-436, 20070901
  43. Perchlorate in dairy milk. Comparison of Japan versus the United States, Environmental Science and Technology, 41(1), 88-92, 20070101
  44. Effect of amino acid and glucose adoministration following exercise on the turnover of muscle protein in the hindlimb femoral region of thoroughbreds, Equine Veterinary Journal, 36, 611-616, 20060401
  45. Plasma levels of ghrelin and glucagon-like peptide 1 in periparturient Holstein dairy cows., Proc. 12th AAAP, 20060922
  46. Evaluation of fishmeal supplement with net nitrogen flux by the portal-drained viscera and the liver in mature sheep, Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Scienses., 18(9), 1255-1261, 20050901
  47. Effects of short-term exposure to heat stress on splanchnic metabolism in sheep, J. Anim. Feed Sci., 13, 359-362, 20040401
  48. Use of rigid-type polyethylen T-cannula, silicone tubing, and adhesion netting for surgical cannulation of ileum of the horse, J. Vet. Med. Sci., 65(8), 927-930, 20030801
  49. Digestion of cell wall fraction analyzed by detergent and enzymatic methods in horse fed hay with soybean meal, Proc. 9th WCAP, 20030401
  50. Combination effects of plant extracts rich in tannins and saponins as feed additives for mitigating in vitro ruminal methane and ammonia formation, ANIMALS, 10(9), 202009
  51. Effect of varying fermentation conditions with ensiling period and inoculum on photosynthetic pigments and phytol content in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) silage, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 91(1), 20191106
  52. Exposure to blue LED light before the onset of darkness under a long-day photoperiod alters melatonin secretion, feeding behaviour and growth in female dairy calves, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 91(1), 2020
  53. Effect of weaning on urea metabolism in calves, Progress in research on energy and protein metabolism, 631-634, 20030901
  54. Effects of nonylphenol injection into maternal Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) on the female reproductive functions of F1 generation, J Poult Sci, 39(4), 266-273, 20021001
  55. Effects of Nonylphenol Injection into Maternal Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica) on the Female Reproductive Functions of F1 Generation, Indian Journal of Poultry Science, 39(4), 20021001
  56. ★, Effect of abomasal glucose infusion on alanine metabolism and urea production in sheep, British Journal of Nutrition, 84(1), 157-163, 20000401
  57. Response of pancreatic exocrine secretion in sheep fed different type and amount of hay, Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 13(8), 1044-1049, 20000801
  58. Effect of propionate on the urinary nitrogen excretion and alanine kinetics in sheep sustained by intragastric nutrition, 64, 19990901
  59. Digestion site and extent of carbohydrate fractions in steers offered by-product diets, as determined by detergent and enzymatic methods, Anim. Sci., 68(1), 173-182, 19990101
  60. Transfers of N metabolites across the ovine liver in response to short-term infusions of an amino acid mixture into the mesenteric vein, British Journal of Nutrition, 80(4), 371-379, 19981001
  61. Duodenal flow and digestion of amino acids after early weaning of Japanese Black calves fed fish meal and urea, Proceedings of 8th World Conference on Animal Production, 1, 336-337, 19980701
  62. Effects of different processing procedures for rice bran on dietary nutrient digestion in each segment of the digestive tract of steers, Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 59(4), 265-277, 19960601
  63. Effects of high by-product diets containing rice bran and beet pulp on the site and extent of digestion and microbial synthesis in steers, Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 9(6), 655-665, 19960601
  64. Effect of fat sources infused into the abomasum on intestinal fat digestion and energy metabolism in lambs, Japanese Journal of Sheep Science, 32, 28-32, 19951101
  65. Intestinal fatty acid digestion and energy utilization in lambs infused with different plant oils into the abomasum., Ann.Zootoch, 44, 204, 19950901
  66. Ruminal and post-ruminal digestion and nitrogen balance in early weaned calves fed soybean meal and heated soybean meal., Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 8(1), 75-82, 19950101
  67. Absorption rate of different volatile fatty acid mixtures infused into the rumen of young calves., Anim. Sci. Technol. (Jpn), 65(12), 1122-1126, 19941201
  68. Techniques for gastrointestinal cannulation of ruminants with improved polyethylene cannulas, Journal of Faculty of Applied Biological Science, 33(1), 1-8, 19940601
  69. Site and extent of digestion and nitrogen use in steers fed high-protein diets containing different protein and starch sources, Anim. Sci. Technol. (Jpn), 65(9), 775-787, 19940901
  70. Effect of supplemental nitrogen sources on in vitro starch degradation of corn, Journal of Faculty of Applied Biological Science, 32(1), 15-22, 19930601
  71. Utilization of energy and nitrogen in early weaned calves nourished by intragastric infusion : effects of the proportion of volatile fatty acids infused into the rumen, with abomasal infusion of glucose and casein., Anim. Sci. Technol. (Jpn), 64(7), 692-699, 19930701
  72. Effect of volatile fatty acid proportions on energy and nitrogen utilization in early weaned calves nourished by intragastric infusion of nutrients., Anim. Sci. Technol. (Jpn), 64(6), 568-577, 19930601
  73. Effects of a corn or barley and soybean meal or corn gluten meal diet on nitrogen use in the digestive tract of steers., 2, 159-160, 19930601
  74. Effects of ruminal infusion rate of urea on digestion and nitrogen utilization in ruminants., Anim. Sci. Technol. (Jpn), 63(3), 277-285, 19920301
  75. Effects of energy source on the utilization of nitrogen and energy in early weaned calves nourishied by intragastric infusion, 21, 19910801
  76. Combination of different sources of starch and protein: effects on site and extent of carbohydrate digestion in steers., Anim. Sci. Technol. (Jpn), 62(8), 699-710, 19910801
  77. Intestinal starch digestion in sheep fed different rations with abomasal starch infusion., Anim. Sci. Technol. (Jpn), 62(3), 253-262, 19910301
  78. Comparison of the continuous and spot sampling methods for collection digesta of the duodenum in young calves fitted with the duodenul re-entrant cannulae, Journal of Faculty of Agriculture= Hokkaido University, 63(1), 58-63, 19861201
  79. A note on fitting re-entrant cannulae on the duodenum of growing calves for determining of site and extent of utilization of nitrogen, Journal of Faculty of Agriculture= Hokkaido University, 62(4), 384-387, 19860301
  80. Effect of varying fermentation conditions with ensiling period and inoculum on photosynthetic pigments and phytol content in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) silage, Animal Science Journal, 91(1), e13309, 20191106
  81. Enteric Methane Emissions and Rumen Fermentation Profile Treated by Dietary Chitosan: A Meta-Analysis of In Vitro Experiments, TROPICAL ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 43(3), 233-239, 202009
  82. Ensiling of total mixed ration containing persimmon peel: Evaluation of chemical composition and in vitro rumen fermentation profiles, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 91(1), 2020
  83. Effect of ensiling persimmon peel and grape pomace as tannin-rich byproduct feeds on their chemical composition and in vitro rumen fermentation, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 92(1), 20210224
  84. ★, Phytol supplementation alters plasma concentrations of formate, amino acids, and lipid metabolites in sheep, ANIMAL, 15(3), 100174, 20210228
  85. Effect of relationships among clinical mastitis incidence, reproductive performance, and culling rate on the lifetime of dairy cows at Hiroshima University Farm, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 92(1), 202112
  86. Effect of phytol in forage on phytanic acid content in cow's milk, ANIMAL BIOSCIENCE, 34(10), 1616-1622, 202110
  87. Prediction of enteric methane emissions from lactating cows using methane to carbon dioxide ratio in the breath, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 92(1), 2021
  88. Changes of photosynthetic pigments and phytol content at different levels of nitrogen fertilizer in Italian ryegrass fresh herbage and hay, GRASSLAND SCIENCE, 68(1), 53-59, 202201
  89. Meta-analysis of dietary chitosan effects on performance, nutrient utilization, and product characteristics of ruminants, ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 93(1), 202201

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Phytol alters plasma concentrations of formic acid and amino acids related to one-carbon donors in sheep fed a high fat diet., Ding, L., Matsumura, M., Obitsu, T., Sugino, T., The 12th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology, 2019/10/25, Without Invitation, English, Nanjing, China
  2. Effect of feeding rice grain silage with wood kraft pulp on milk production and enteric methane production in dairy cows., Obitsu, T., Kurokawa, Y., Sugino, T., Terada, F., The 6th International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition, 2019/09/09, Without Invitation, English, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
  3. Effects of ensiling methods for by-product forages and grain sources on digestion and urea metabolism in sheep, H.L. Dang, T. Obitsu, T. Sugino, 11th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology, 2017/10/27, Without Invitation, English
  4. Effect of methionine on energy metabolism in sheep with ruminal ethanol infusion., Obitsu T, Hosoba K, El-Sabagh M, Sugino T, 17th AAAP Congress, 2016/08/22, Without Invitation, English, Fukuoka, Japan
  5. Effect of fertilization levels and harvesting stages of grass silages on ruminal phytainic acid produciton in vitro, Lv R. Sato M, El-Sabagh M, Obitsu T, Sugino T., Lv R. Sato M, El-Sabagh M, Obitsu T, Sugino T., 10th Korea, Japan, China Joint Symposium on Ruminal Metabolism and Physiology, 2015/08/03, Without Invitation, English, Korean Society of Rumen Function Studies, Suncheon, Korea