kazuhiro yoshida
Last Updated :2025/03/03
- Affiliations, Positions
- The IDEC Institute, Professor
- E-mail
- yoshidak
- Self-introduction
- To research education in developing countries not only has potentials to contribute to its improvement, but also is to see and think from their standpoint, and is directly connected to revisiting myself and ourselves. This is international cooperation in education.
Basic Information
Major Professional Backgrounds
- 2006/04/01, 2007/03/31, Hiroshima University, Center for the Study of International Cooperation in Education, Associate Professor
- 1990/01/01, 1991/08/31, Engineering Consulting Firms Association, Japan, Researcher
- 2001/07/01, 2006/03/31, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Sector Strategy Development Dept., Director/Advisor
- 1993/09/13, 2001/07, World Bank, Human Resources Economist, Africa Region; Operations Officer, Human Development Network Vice President's Office
Educational Backgrounds
- University of Sussex, Development Studies, U.K., 1991/09, 1993/08
- Dokkyo University, Faculty of Foreign Language, Department of English, Japan, 1980/04, 1984/03
Academic Degrees
- M.Phil., University of Sussex
Research Fields
- Social sciences;Politics;International relations
- Social sciences;Education;Sociology of education
Research Keywords
- education policies of developing countries
- International Cooperation in Education
- skills development
Affiliated Academic Societies
- Japan Society for Africa Educational Research
- Japan Comparative Education Society
- Japan Society for International Development
- Comparative and International Education Society
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Foundations of International Education Development I
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Foundations of International Education Development II
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, International Cooperation in Education
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study(April 2024 Master's Students)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study(October 2024 Master's Students)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study(April 2024 Doctoral Students)
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Challenges and opportunities for skills development, NETWORK FOR POLICY RESEARCH REVIEW AND ADVICE ON EDUCATION AND TRAINING (NORRAG), 38, 21-22, 20070101
- ★, Revival of the International Cooperation in Skills Development: Old Wine in a New Bottle?, Journal of International Coperation in Education., 10(3), 73-89, 20071101
- Gaps for Effective Skills Development in Low-Income Developing Countries, NORRAG NEWS, 40, 102-104, 20080530
- ★, "Japan's International Cooperation for Educational Development: Review of Prospects for Scaling up Japan's Aid to Education" a background paper for UNESCO Global Monitoring Report 2010, 44, 20090901
- Skills and Technological Development in the Early Stage of Industrialization – Implications from Japanese Experiences in the Meiji era, Journal for International Cooperation in Education, 13(2), 31-47, 20101001
- ★, 教育政策・教育計画を現場の質的改善につなげるために-FTIプロセスからの示唆, 国際教育協力論集, 13(1), 107-117, 20100401
- Japan’s Experience in Educational Development-Unveiling Secrets?
Keynote speech at Sala Mundo International Conference on Education, Critiba, 2011, Sala Mundo
- ★, 教育協力プロジェクトの成果分析-援助モダリティと政策改革・現場改善の観点から -, Journal for International Cooperation in Education, 15(1), 137-149, 20120401
- Institutional Development of Cross-Border Higher Education: The Case of an Evolving Malaysia-Japan Project, JICA Research Institute Working Paper, 20130101
- 学校をとりまく住民の視点からみたタンザニアの教育普及-ナムトゥンボ県キタンダ区中学校の事例を中心に, Journal for International Cooperation in Education, 16(2), 117-128, 20131001
- “A Contradiction of the Aid Modality Discourse in Achieving Quality Basic Education Outcomes” a paper presented at UKFIET International Conference on Education and Development 2013, Oxford, UK., 2013
- Transferable skills in Japan: recent cases of policies and practices, TVET@Asia, 1-11, 20140101
- 途上国の教育開発における指標の選択と成果についての一考察―世界銀行の教育プロジェクトを事例に, Journal for International Cooperation in Education, 17(1), 77-89, 20141001
- “Learning Improvement: A Japanese Insight to Fill the Gap in the Aid Architecture”a paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Education and Development (UKFIET). 2015. Oxford, UK.
- School Improvement Practices at Lower Secondary Schools in Developing Countries - An Overview of the Research, Journal of International Cooperation in Education, 18(1), 1-5, 20161001
- “Japan’s Educational Development Cooperation and SDG Educational Goal Implementation Strategy” in Anh Hai-Jeong (ed.) 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Action Plan: Focusing on Education Sector, KEDI Research Report, 2016(25), 87-109, 2016
- 'Education 2030' Viewed from the Activities of EFA Steering Committee, Journal of International Cooperation in Education, 19(1), 1-15, 20161001
- Features and Issues of Education Global Governance in the SDGs Era, Journal of International Development Studies, 25(1-2), 5-16, 201611
- ★, The policy-implementation-results linkage for education development and aid effectiveness in the Education 2030 era, Compare: A journal of comparative education, 1-17, 20170302
- Transforming education finance for SDG4, Global Solutions Journal, 1(3), 24-28, 201812
- Roles of Teachers in the SDG4 Age: an introductory note, Journal for International Cooperation in Education, 22(2), 7-14, 202012
- Efforts toward the Policy-Practice Linkage for Learning Outcomes Improvement - the Case of Secondary Schools in Namtumbo District, Tanzania, Journal of International Cooperation in Education, 23(1), 13-26, 202010
- UNESCO's Responses to Education during COVID-19 and beyond, Comparative Education, 62, 4-22, 202102
Publications such as books
- 2022/04/01, Japan's International Cooperation in Education: History and Prospects, 3. The Evolution of Japan's International Education Cooperation Policy After 1990: Between the Discourse of International Development and Domestic Factors, Springer, 2022, 4, Scholarly Book, Contributor, 978-9811668142, 26
- Post-Education-for-All and Sustainable Development Paradigm - Structural Changes with Diversifying Actors and Norms (Yamada, S. ed.), Japanese Educational Aid in Transition: The Challenge to Transform from a Traditional Donor to a New Partner, Emerald, 2016, Scholarly Book, Joint work, Yamada, S. and Yoshida, K., 213-240
- 2005/04, Chapter 6, Higher Education in "Education and International Development - Theory and Practice" , Yuhikaku Co. Ltd., 2005, 04, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation, 20
- 2008/08, Industrial Skills Development, 2008, 08, Scholarly Book, Compilation, 97874535555518, 241
- 2011, Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2012, Aid to Skills Development-Case Study on Japan’s Foreign Aid Program”, a background paper for UNESCO Global Monitoring Report 2012., skills development, aid, UNESCO, 2011, Scholarly Book, Single work, English, Yamada, Shoko
- 2014, Globalization and Education Reform: What Planners Need to Know (Translation into Japanese with review. Original author: Martin Carnoy), Toshindo, Scholarly Book, Single work
- 2015, International Education Aid in Developing Asia, Japan’s International Cooperation in Education: Pursuing Synergetic Results, Springer, 2015, Scholarly Book, Single work, Cheng IS and Chan SJ (eds.)
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- The Meaning of Education 2030 and Possible Responses by Japan, Kazuhiro Yoshida, Japan Education Forum for SDGs (JEF14), 2017/02/21, With Invitation, Japanese, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hiroshima University, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo, published
- 『教育2030』に対する国際協力が抱える課題と比較教育の役割, Kazuhiro Yoshida, 2016/06/25, With Invitation, Japanese, Japan Comparative Education Society, Osaka
Social Activities
History as Committee Members
- Japan Comparatice Education Society, Board Member, 2020/06, 2023/06, Japan Comparatice Education Society
- Japan Comparatice Education Society, Board Member, 2023/06, 2026/06, Japan Comparatice Education Society
- UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development, International Jury, 2023/05, 2023/12, UNESCO and Government of Japan
- EFA Steering Committee, 2014/03, UNESCO, member countries and other co-convenors
Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.
- Japan Education Forum (JEF14), Head of Secretariat, 2015/02, 2015/02
- Japan Education Forum (JEF13), Head of Secretariat, 2016/02, 2016/02
- Japan Education Forum for SDGs (JEF14), Head of Secretariat, 2017/02, 2017/02