Last Updated :2025/03/04
- Affiliations, Positions
- Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Professor
- Web Site
- E-mail
- akiramys
- Self-introduction
- I have been majoring in combustion chemistry.
Current interest is in the contribution to the innovation by understanding the combustion.
Basic Information
Major Professional Backgrounds
- 2017/04/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, School of Engineering, professor
- 1990/04/01, 1992/05/15, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Division of Atmospheric Environment, researcher
- 1992/05/16, 1995/09/30, The University of Tokyo, Research Associate
- 1995/10/01, 2000/02/15, The University of Tokyo, Lecturer
- 2000/02/16, 2007/03/31, The University of Tokyo, Associate Professor
- 2007/04/01, 2017/03/31, The University of Tokyo, Associate Professor
Educational Backgrounds
- The University of Tokyo, School of Engineering, Ph.D Course, Japan, 1987/04, 1990/03
- The University of Tokyo, School of Engineering, Master's Course, Japan, 1985/04, 1987/03
- The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering, BD Course, Japan, 1980/04, 1985/03
Academic Degrees
Research Fields
- Engineering;Mechanical engineering;Thermal engineering
- Chemistry;Basic chemistry;Physical chemistry
Research Keywords
- Combustion Chemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
Affiliated Academic Societies
- Combustion Society of Japan, 1988
- Chemical Society of Japan, 1988
- Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 2004
- Japan Society for Molecular Science, 2006
- Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015
- The Heat Transfer Society of Japan, 2018
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Fundamental Chemistry B
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Fuel, Combustion, and Contemporary Society
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Basic Chemical Kinetics
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Statistical and Thermal Physics
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Combustion Engineering Fundamentals
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Year, Graduation Thesis
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Special Exercises on Mechanical Engineering A
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Special Exercises on Mechanical Engineering A
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Special Exercises on Mechanical Engineering B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Special Exercises on Mechanical Engineering B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study on Mechanical Engineering
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Advanced Combustion Engineering
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study on Mechanical Engineering
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Development of Internal Combustion Engine and Fuel Composition to Achieve Early Low Carbonization of Automobiles, Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 54(5), 964-969, 20230925
- Possible Gas-Phase Synthesis of Neutral Malononitrile (C3H2N2) and Isocyanoacetonitrile (NCCH2NC) under the Upper Atmospheric Conditions of Titan, ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY, 7(9), 1694-1712, 20230908
- Suppression of the HFO-1123 disproportionation reaction by adding R290, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION, 149, 299-307, 20230401
- Gas-phase molecular formation mechanisms of cyanamide (NH2CN) and its tautomer carbodiimide (HNCNH) under Sgr B2(N) astrophysical conditions, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 672, A49, 20230329
- A novel laminar flame speed equation for quasi-dimensional combustion model refinement in advanced, ultra-lean gasoline spark-ignited engines, FUEL, 333, 20230201
- Chemical Kinetics Study About the Effect of NO2 on Low Temperature Oxidation and Ignition Delay, (Third Report), Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 53(3), 624-629, 20220525
- Development of Detailed Surface Reaction Mechanism of C2H4/C(3)H(6)Oxidation on Pt/Al(2)O(3)Monolith Catalyst Based on Gas Phase and Surface Species Analyses, COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 194(7), 1458-1480, 20220519
- Development of Surface Reaction Mechanisms of CO/O-2 on Pt and Rh for Three-Way Catalyst based on Gas Phase and Surface Species Analyses, COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 193(12), 2137-2157, 20210910
- Chemical Kinetics Study About the Effect of NO2 on Low Temperature Oxidation and Ignition Delay, (Second Report), Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 52(2), 269-274, 20210219
- Measurements and simulations of ignition delay times and laminar flame speeds of nonane isomers, COMBUSTION AND FLAME, 227, 283-295, 20210121
- Chemical Kinetics Study About the Effect of NO2 on Low Temperature Oxidation and Ignition Delay, Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 52(1), 7-12, 20210101
- Investigation on the Potential Prevention of Autoignition by the Control of HO2 Radical Formation, Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 51(5), 849-855, 20200930
- Improving the synthetic efficiency of single-wall carbon nanotube forests using a gas-analysis-designed mixed carbon feedstock, CARBON, 170, 59-65, 20200823
- Deflagration-to-detonation transition in laser-ignited explosive gas contained in a smooth-wall tube, COMBUSTION AND FLAME, 219, 275-282, 20200620
- Kinetic Analysis on the Effects of an Octane Improver on Combustion Characteristics, Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 50(5), 1284-1287, 20190925
- Correlation between Chemical Structures and Laminar Flame Velocity of Saturated Hydrocarbons, Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 50(1), 25-30, 20190125
- SI Combustion Characteristics of Cyclopentane - Detailed Kinetic Mechanism, SAE paper, 2019-01-2305, 20190101
- Measurement and Numerical Simulation on the Ignition Delay Times of Nonane (C9H20) Isomers, J. Combust. Soc. Jpn., 62(199), 64-73, 20190101
- Investigation on the Octane Sensitivity of Gasoline Fuel, Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 49(6), 1128-1142, 20181126
- Experimental study on self-acceleration in expanding spherical hydrogen-air flames, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 43(27), 12556-12564, 20180705
- Reaction Mechanism of Combustion and Elementary Processes - (2) Reaction Rate Constants, Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan, 60(192), 112-121, 20180515
- ★, Kinetics of autoignition: a simple intuitive interpretation and its relation to the Livengood-Wu integral, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 20(16), 10762-10769, 20180428
- Reaction Mechanism of Combustion and Elementary Processes - (1) Overview, Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan, 60(191), 41-48, 20180215
- Construction of a Detailed Kinetic Model for Gasoline Surrogate Mixtures, Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 48(5), 20170925
- ★, Chemical Kinetic Analysis on the Effect of the Occurrence of Cool Flame on SI Knock, International Journal of Automotive Engineering, 8(3), 20170905
- Chemistry of the Formation of PAHs and Soot Particles from Combustion (2), Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan, 59(188), 102-108, 20170515
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- Kinetic of Autoignition, Akira Miyoshi, International Conference on Combustion Physics and Chemistry, 2018/07/24, With Invitation, English
External Funds
Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Systematic Contraction of Chain Reaction Systems and Control of Combustion, 2018, 2022
- SIP (Strategic Innovation Promotion Program), Innovative Combustion Technology - Gasoline Combustion Team, 2014/10/01, 2019/03/31