Last Updated :2025/03/25

Affiliations, Positions
Institute for Foreign Language Research and Education, Associate Professor
My research background is in applied linguistics and English language teaching. I am particularly interested in implicit learning of lexical stress patterns in English as a foreign language. I am also interested in the application of research findings to classroom practice.

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2014/04/01, 2018/03/31, Shizuoka University, Education Development Center, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
  • 2018/04/01, 2023/03/31, Hiroshima University, Institute for Foreign Language Research and Education, Lecturer

Academic Degrees

  • Nagoya University
  • Nagoya University

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Integrated Arts and Sciences : Department of Integrated Global Studies : Integrated Global Studies

Research Fields

  • Humanities;Linguistics;Foreign language education

Research Keywords

  • applied linguistics
  • English language teaching

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • Japan Association for Language Education and Technology, 2007
  • Phonetic Society of Japan, 2007
  • Japan Association of College English Teachers, 2008
  • Japan Society of English Language Education, 2010
  • Chubu English Language Education Society, 2010
  • Japan Association for Developmental Education, 2018/05
  • Japan Curriculum Research and Development Association, 2018/10
  • Chugoku Academic Society of English Language Education, 2019/05

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, CommunicationIA
  2. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 3Term, Communication IIB
  3. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Basic English UsageI
  4. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Basic English UsageI
  5. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Basic English UsageI
  6. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Basic English UsageI
  7. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Basic English UsageI
  8. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Basic English UsageII
  9. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Basic English UsageII
  10. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Basic English UsageII
  11. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Basic English UsageII
  12. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Basic English UsageII
  13. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Basic English UsageII
  14. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Basic English UsageII
  15. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Online English Seminar I
  16. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Online English Seminar I
  17. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Online English Seminar II
  18. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Online English Seminar III
  19. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Communication Seminar I
  20. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 3Term, Communication Seminar II
  21. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, English Reading Skill UP
  22. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Academic Presentation I
  23. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Academic Presentation II
  24. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Debate I
  25. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Debate II

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Awareness and experiences of text-generative AI among undergraduates in general English courses, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 49-59, 20240301
  2. Exploring directions for improving general English writing courses with the TOEIC® Writing test, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 1-15, 20240301
  3. Addressing the burden of inquiries for English-as-a-foreign-language students in a self-access vocabulary course, Ubiquitous Learning, 16(2), 35-48, 20231230
  4. Relationship between academic procrastination and differential learning outcomes in asynchronous online EFL learning, AsiaCALL Online Journal, 14(2), 1-17, 20230726
  5. Expansion of the Hiroshima University English Can-do List to support English learning outside the classroom, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 26, 1-15, 20230301
  6. Solving the dilemma of in-class presentation sessions with a two-dimensional virtual space, Journal of the Chubu English Language Education Society, 52, 115-122, 20230131
  7. Assessment of time course changes in L2 English /r/ production using a single-case research design, JACET Chubu Journal, 20, 101-111, 20221225
  8. Integration of the TOEIC® Speaking and Writing tests into English language courses for liberal arts education, Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education, 24, 1-14, 2021
  9. Assessing the medium of instruction in EFL classrooms: A Shizuoka case study, Journal of the Chubu English Language Education Society, 49, 273-280, 202001
  10. A pilot implementation of the Hiroshima University English Can-Do List, Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan, 30, 287-302, 201903
  11. Students' choices of types of written teacher feedback in EFL writing instruction, Journal of the Chubu English Language Education Society, 103-110, 201801
  12. Relationship of learning environments to students' interactive behaviors in a project-based English course, Asian Conference on Education 2017 Official Conference Proceedings, 106-117, 201712
  13. Variable effects of Total Physical Response in reducing EFL students' unwillingness to speak English, LET Journal of Central Japan, 74-92, 201703
  14. Offering options of written corrective feedback to EFL university students, Journal of the Chubu English Language Education Society, 119-124, 201601
  15. The relationship between the size of written and spoken vocabularies and the use of EFL vocabulary learning strategies, Journal of Shizuoka University Education, 239-248, 201503
  16. ★, Rhythmic factors affecting the effects of stress typicality on spoken word recognition by Japanese EFL learners, Language Education and Technology, 189-218, 201411
  17. Lexical factors affecting modality differences in word translation by Japanese university EFL learners, Nagoya University of Art and Design Bulletin, 87-94, 201403
  18. Variations in time and differences by learner type in out-of-class language learning time for EFL listening courses, LET Journal of Central Japan, 85-96, 201403
  19. Reducing the unwillingness to speak English by using total physical response activities in a Japanese university context, Journal of the Chubu English Language Education Society, 153-160, 201403
  20. Investigation of the reasons for learner satisfaction with the repeated cycles of feedback and revision in mixed-ability EFL classes, The Journal of University Educational Center (Nihon Fukushi University), 39-49, 201303
  21. ★, Stress typicality effects in spoken word recognition by Japanese learners of English: Evidence from an onset-gating task, Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan, 16(3), 14-27, 201212
  22. Relationship of oral reading prosody to English language proficiency in Japanese EFL learners: A preliminary study, JACET Chubu Journal, 155-168, 201112
  23. Post-perceptual effects on gating experiments in English as a foreign language: Towards an application to second language research, Language Education and Technology, 67-82, 201106
  24. Rhythmic alternation and the noun-verb stress difference in English disyllabic words, Nagoya Zokei University of Art and Design Bulletin, 86-97, 200903
  25. The effect of grammatical class and rhythmic context on stress assignment by Japanese learners of English, LET Journal of Central Japan, 31-40, 200803

Publications such as books

  1. Language Education under the Coronavirus Pandemic: Online Courses Developed by Hiroshima University's Institute for Foreign Language Research and Education, Keisuisha, 2021, 3, Scholarly Book, Joint work, Morita, M., Enokida, K., 29-54

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Developing an EFL instruction model to provide comprehensive support by aligning ePortfolio with lifelogging, Enokida K., Morita, M., Sakaue, T., Amano, S., Takahashi, Y., Nakagawa, A., Yamauchi, Y., & Yamauchi, K., EUROCALL 2021, 2021/08/27, Without Invitation, English
  2. Updating an original vocabulary list for the effective implementation of online ESL courses, Enokida, K., Morita, M., Sakaue, T., Kida, S., & Amano, S., AsiaCALL 2021 International Conference, 2021/01/23, Without Invitation, English, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and Online
  3. Extensive listening and LMS-based report sharing in an online course: Using Mahara-platformed English podcasts, Amano, S., Enokida, T., Lauer, J., Selwood, J., Morita, M., Kida, S., Sakaue, T., & Kusanagi, K., EUROCALL Gathering 2020, 2020/08/20, Without Invitation, English, EUROCALL, Online
  4. Change of self-rated can-do statements during one academic semester, Kida, S., Enokida, T., Amano, S., Kusanagi, K., Morita, M., Nakagawa, A., Sakaue, T., & Takahashi, Y., 27th EUROCALL conference, 2019/08/30, Without Invitation, English, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
  5. Benefits of making on-line vocabulary tests, Morita, M., Enokida, K., Sakaue, T., Kida, S., Amano, S., Takahashi, Y., & Nakagawa, A., 7th International Conference on Foreign Language Education and Technology (FLEAT 2019), 2019/08/08, Without Invitation, Japanese, Tokyo
  6. The role of learning environments in students' interactive behaviors in a project-based English course, Amano, S., Yamamoto, Y., Asian Conference on Education 2017, 2017/10/21, Without Invitation, English, Kobe, Japan
  7. Impact of prosodic typicality on auditory lexical processing of EFL learners in a normal listening condition, Amano, S., 9th Malaysia International Conference on Languages, Literatures and Cultures (MICOLLAC 2016), 2016/08/16, Without Invitation, English


  1. 2020/08/21, Practitioner Poster Award, EUROCALL, Extensive listening and LMS-based report sharing in an online course: Using Mahara-platformed English podcasts

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. 2023, 2025
  2. 2019, 2021
  3. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists), 2018, 2019
  4. 2015, 2016

Social Activities

Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.

  1. 2022/07, 2022/09
  2. 2020/07, 2020/09
  3. 2018/08, 2019/03
  4. 2018/03, 2018/03
  5. 2017/09, 2017/09

Other Social Contributions

  1. Online FD Lecture, Effective use and management of generative AI in language education, Global Education Center, Tokyo Kasei University, 2024/09/12, Lecturer, Researchesrs

History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers

  1. 2023, CASELE Journal, Others, 3
  2. 2023, Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan, Others, 2
  3. 2023, AsiaCALL Online Journal, Others, Reviewer, 1
  4. 2022, LET Journal of Central Japan, Others, 1
  5. 2022, Language Education and Technology 59, Editor
  6. 2021, LET Journal of Central Japan, Editor
  7. 2021, Language Education and Technology 58, Editor
  8. 2020, Language Education and Technology 57, Editor
  9. 2020, LET Journal of Central Japan, Editor
  10. 2019, LET Journal of Central Japan, Editor
  11. 2019, Language Education and Technology 56, Others, Secretary of Editorial Board
  12. 2018, Language Education and Technology 55, Others, Secretary of Editorial Board
  13. 2017, Journal of the Chubu English Language Education Society 47, Others, Reviewer, 5
  14. 2017, Language Education and Technology 54, Editor
  15. 2016, Journal of the Chubu English Language Education Society 46, Others, Reviewer, 5
  16. 2016, LET Journal of Central Japan 28, Others, Reviewer, 1
  17. 2016, JALT Journal, Others, Reviewer, 1
  18. 2016, Language Education and Technology 53, Editor
  19. 2015, Journal of Shizuoka University Education 12, Others, Reviewer, 1
  20. 2015, Journal of the Chubu English Language Education Society 45, Others, Reviewer, 5
  21. 2015, LET Journal of Central Japan 27, Others, Reviewer, 1
  22. 2015, Language Education and Technology 52, Editor
  23. 2014, Language Education and Technology 51, Editor