Last Updated :2024/10/02
- Affiliations, Positions
- Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor
- E-mail
- Self-introduction
- I am interested in finding the answer about our mind and behavior.
Basic Information
Major Professional Backgrounds
- 2003/04, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Doctoral Course Students
- 2006/04, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Postdoctoral Fellow
- 2007/03, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Researcher
- 2009/04, Waseda University, Research Associate
- 2010/10, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Assistant Professor
- 2012/06, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Associate Professor
- 2020/04, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor
Academic Degrees
- Master, Hiroshima University
- Doctor of Philosophy, Hiroshima University
Educational Activity
- [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Integrated Arts and Sciences : Department of Integrated Arts and Sciences : Integrated Arts and Sciences
- [Master's Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program
- [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program
Research Fields
- Social sciences;Psychology;Experimental psychology
Research Keywords
- Cognitive neuro science, sleep, dreaming, emotion, memory, eye movement, visual information processing, brain wave
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Theories of Behavioral Sciences
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 4Term, Introduction to Psychology B
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Introduction to Psychology B
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Science of Sleep
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 3Term, The Frontiers of Psychology
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Fundamental Laboratory Work in Behavioral Sciences
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Experimental Methods in Behavioral Sciences
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Practicum in Behavioral Sciences
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Cognitive Neuroscience
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Seminar on Original TextsIn Behavioral Science
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Advanced Seminar on Original TextsIn Behavioral Science
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Laboratory Work in Psychology A
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Experimental Methods in Psychology A
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Seminar in Behavioral Science
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Experimental Methods in Psychology C
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Experimental Methods in Psychology D
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Laboratory Work in Psychology C
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Laboratory Work in Psychology D
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Cognitive Psychology
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Cognitive Science
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Intensive, Special Study
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Effect of Taste-Induced Mood on ERP and Emotional Assessment of Images., Perceptual and Motor Skills, 2023
- Dispersing attentional resources reduces negative emotions., NeuroReport, 20230802
- Effects of using a snooze alarm on sleep inertia after morning awakening, JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 41(1), 20221231
- Effect of positive emotions on perceptual processing of visual probes, NeuroReport, 33(2), 55, 20220119
- Phasic brain activity related to the onset of rapid eye movements during rapid eye movement sleep: study of event-related potentials and standardized low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography, JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH, 19(3), 407-414, 201009
- The influence of emotions due to verbal admonishment and encouragement on performance monitoring, NEUROREPORT, 22(7), 313-318, 20110511
- The effect of a daytime 2-hour nap on complex motor skill learning, SLEEP AND BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS, 10(4), 302-309, 201210
- ★, The supramammillary nucleus and the
claustrum activate the cortex during
paradoxical (REM) sleep, Science
Advances, 1(3), e1400177, 2015
- Napping after complex motor learning enhances juggling performance, SLEEP SCIENCE, 9(2), 112-116, 2016
- Sleep Spindle Detection Using RUSBoost and Synchrosqueezed Wavelet Transform, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING, 28(2), 390-398, 202002
- Anterior insula activity and the effect of agency on the Stimulus-Preceding Negativity, PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 57(4), 202004
- Evaluation of Sleep Quality in a Disaster Evacuee Environment, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 17(12), 202006
- REM sleep consolidates the both of negative and positive emotional memories, Proceedings of Life Engineering Symposium, 2015
- Effects of an early evening 10-km run on noctual sleep homeostatically degraded by an afternoon nap, 2011
- Temporal coupling of rapid eye movements and cerebral activities during REM sleep, Clinical Neurophysiology, 2010
- Performance monitoring during sleep inertia after a one hour daytime nap, Journal of Sleep Research, 2010
- ★, Brain potentials before and after rapid eye movements: An electrophysiological approach to dreaming in REM sleep, sleep, 2005
- Topography of the lambda-like response in REM sleep: A current source density analysis, Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 2003
- Resting Heart Rate Variability Is Associated With Subsequent Orthostatic Hypotension: Comparison Between Healthy Older People and Patients With Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder, FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY, 11, 20201123
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- Improvement of exercise performance and mental activity during sleep, Erika Otani, 13th International Congress of Psychology (ICP), 2016/07, Without Invitation, English
- Event-related potential accompanying REM. Simposium 40 Rapid eye movements (REM) and sleep EEG and fMRI study., 9th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2010/10, Without Invitation, English
- Visual evoked potential rekated to visual imagery, Keiko Ogawa, Naruho Hara, 17th World Congress of Psychophysiology, 2014/09, Without Invitation, English
- Role of REM sleep in the emotional brain regulation for social pain, Keiko Ogawa, Erika Otani, 17th World Congress of Psychophysiology, 2014/09, Without Invitation, English
- Emotional evaluation for decision-making and REM sleep, Keiko Ogawa, Nami Umemoto, Mitsuo Hayashi, 21th Congress of the European Sleep Research
Society, 2012/09, Without Invitation, English
- The effects of snooze function of sleep inertia immediately after awakening, Keiko Ogawa, Emi Ueyama, Mitsuo Hayashi, The 7th Asian Sleep Research Society Congress, 2012/12, Without Invitation, English
- The emotional regulating function of sleep: Emotional mood and event, 2015, Without Invitation, Japanese
- 2006/11, 日本睡眠学会研究奨励賞 機関誌SBR(Sleep and Biological Rhythms), 日本睡眠学会, Cortical regions activated after rapid eye movements during REM sleep.
- 2007, Travel Award of The 5th World Congress of the World Federation of Sleep Research and Sleep Medical Societies, WFSRSMS, worldsleep 2007