Nobuhito Yoshinaka

Last Updated :2025/02/03

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor
My area of expertise is criminal law, with a particular focus on juvenile criminal law. Comparative legal interests include European countries, in particular Italy and France. I am academically competent in English, German and French. I also have some understanding of Italian and Chinese. If you wish to research with me, please access me via the Hiroshima University IAAS( NB:IF YOU EMAIL ME DIRECTLY, I CANNOT RESPOND.

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 1996/04/01, Hiroshima University, Research Assistant
  • 1997/04/01, Hiroshima University, School of law, Associate professor
  • 2004/04/01, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Associate professor
  • 2004/10/01, The University of Auckland, Faculty of Law, Visiting Professor
  • 2006/04/01, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Professor
  • 2016/09/17, China University of Politics and Law, Faculty of Law, Visiting Professor
  • 2017/12/19, Dalian University, Faculty of Law, Visiting Professor
  • 2018/09/25, China University of Politics and Law, The National Institute of Legal Aid, Adjunct Professor
  • 2018/04/01, The Open University of Japan, Hiroshima Learning Centre, Visiting Professor
  • 2019/03/14, The University of Parma, School of Law, Visiting Professor

Educational Backgrounds

  • Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School, Division of Law, Japan, 1993/04, 1996/03

Academic Degrees

  • Master of Law, Shimane University

Research Fields

  • Social sciences;law;Criminal law

Research Keywords

  • Juvenile Delinquency
  • Juvenile
  • Justice
  • Crime
  • probation
  • International Criminal Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Complicity
  • Crime Prevention

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Research Tutorial IIB
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, General Provisions of Criminal Law
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Semminar 3
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, General Provisions of Criminal Law
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Special Provisions of Criminal Law
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Criminal Procedure Law
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Community Safety Policy
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Seminar 1
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Seminar 2
  10. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Seminar 3
  11. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Seminar 4
  12. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Introduction to Law
  13. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, International Human Rights Law
  14. 2024, Undergraduate Education, OutOfTerm(1st), Analysis of Human Rights in Asia
  15. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Preliminary Seminar
  16. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, International Criminal Policy
  17. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Medical Legal System
  18. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Intensive, Law and GLobal Policy
  19. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Research I
  20. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Research I
  21. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Research II
  22. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Research II
  23. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Research III
  24. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Research III
  25. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Research IV
  26. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Research IV
  27. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Special Research
  28. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Special Research
  29. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Special Rsearch
  30. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Special Rsearch
  31. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Special Research
  32. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Special Research
  33. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Special Research
  34. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Special Research
  35. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Special rESEARCH
  36. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Special rESEARCH
  37. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Special Research
  38. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Special Research

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Prof. Masanobu Mitsui: the Person and his Academic Achievements, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 47(3), 21-24, 20240119
  2. The Nature of the System of Criminal Complicity in Chinese Criminal Law: On the Doctrine of the Unitary Offender System, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 47(4), 84-67, 20240322
  3. Das Wesen des Systems der strafrechtlichen Beteiligung im chinesischen Strafrecht -Auf der Lehre von der Einheitstaeterschaft, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 47(2), 33-47, 20231016
  4. French Probation System for Juveniles -An Introduction to the formes of probation (1)-, Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Sciences, 19(1), 81, 19940401
  5. French Probation System for Juveniles -An Introduction to the formes of probation (2)-, Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Sciences, 19(2), 67, 19940401
  6. French Probation System for Juveniles -An Introduction to the formes of probation (3)-, Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Sciences, 20(1), 55, 19950401
  7. ★, The Juvenile Justice System in France, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 20(1), 55, 19960401
  8. A comparatiue study of the juvenile justice system of France -Common Law Countries Perspectives, The Hitotsubashi Review, 116(1), 142, 19960401
  9. Eine Kleine Reflexion ueber die Erziehungsbeistandschaft, Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Sciences, 20(4), 143, 19960401
  10. ★, A Theory of Juvenile Probation, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 20(3), 143, 19970401
  11. Historical Analysis of the Juvenile Justice System in Japan, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 20(3), 302, 19970401
  12. The Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the Adult Criminal Cases -In Which the Adults Are in Complicity with Juveniles, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 20(4), 183, 19970401
  13. The Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the Juvenile Criminal Cases -Which Are Provided for at s37(1) of the Juvenile Law of 1949, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 21(1), 141, 19970401
  14. Juvenile Delinguency and Juvenile Law, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 21(4), 369, 19980401
  15. On the Duty Prosecution System of the Juvenile Law of 1949, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 22(1), 133, 19980401
  16. New Legislation against"Organizational Crime"in Japan, CAHIERS DE DEFENSE SOCIALE, 45, 19990401
  17. Law on Regulating Human Cloning Techniques in Japan, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 26(3), 20030101
  18. Crime Prevention in Japan: The Significance, Scope, and Limits of EnvironmentalCriminology, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 30(2), 23-40, 20061001
  19. Recent changes in youth justice in Japan, The Hiroshima law journal, 33(4), 90-85, 201003
  20. Prof. Deborah J. Weimer, "Medical treatment of children with HIV and the need for supportive intervention: the challenges for medical providers, families, and the state", The Hiroshima law journal, 34(2), 64-56, 201010
  21. Therapeutic jurisprudence: implications for judging (1), The Hiroshima law journal, 31(2), 210-199, 200710
  22. Translation: Therapeutic jurisprudence: implications for judging (2), The Hiroshima law journal, 31(4), 282-271, 200803
  23. Restorative Justice: some reflections on contemporary theory and practice, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 29(1), 176-166, 20050630
  24. Restorative justice : Some reflections on contemporary theory and practice (2), The Hiroshima law journal, 29(2), 284-275, 200512
  25. Restorative justice : Some reflections on contemporary theory and practice (3), The Hiroshima law journal, 29(3), 90-78, 200601
  26. Restorative justice : Some reflections on contemporary theory and practice (4), The Hiroshima law journal, 29(4), 204-192, 200603
  27. ★, Criminal System and Nature of Collaboration, Commemorative Collection of Papers for Prof. Yoshihiro Hidaka's Age Seventy, 1, 409-433, 20181115
  28. Towards Sustainable Crime-Prevention Activities in Japan: The Possibilities and Limits of Volunteer Groups, The Hiroshima Law Journal, Vol.42,Nr.3, 2019, 42(3), 129-142, 20190125
  29. A Study of the Status Quo of Crime Prevention in China, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 42(2), 105-138, 2018
  30. Structure of the Juvenile Justice System in China: A Japanese Perspective, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 42(4), 97-102, 2019
  31. Genealogy of Mistake in Criminal Law : Suggestions from Tang Code to Modern Law, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 43(3), 246-230, 2020
  32. A historical study on capital punishment debate : Abolition of the death penality in the Tang Dynasty and the Heian era, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 43(2), 78-61, 2019
  33. ★, The Protection of Rights in the Juvenile Justice in France, 506-523, 2019
  34. The Process of Treatment for Juvenile delinquents and Criminal Proceedings, Crime and Punishment, 55(4), 2018
  35. Youth and Responsibilities, Journal of Criminal Law, 52(3), 480-484, 20130501
  36. Juvenile Criminal Trial, Journal of Criminal Law, 56(3), 390-400, 20170730
  37. The Criminal Justice System in Japan, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 44(2), 185-217, 202010
  38. Memorandum on Choice of Disposition under the Juvenile Law, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 44(3), 63-77, 202103
  39. Il concorso di persone nel reato nel diritto penale italiano (3, finis), The Hiroshima Law Journal, 44(4), 145-151, 202101
  40. Recent Development of Crime Prevention in China: A Japanese Perspective on Data Protection Regime, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 44(3), 86-73, 20220125

Publications such as books

  1. 2017/04/28, Introduction to Juvenile Criminal Law, Keisui Sha, 2017, Scholarly Book, Single work, 日本語, ISBN978-4-86327-407-5

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. The form of supervision for youth in the UK, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The Kansai Branch of the Japanese Association of Criminal Law, Summer Meeting 1998, 1998/07/26, With Invitation, Japanese, The Kansai Branch of the Japanese Association of Criminal Law,, Osaka University, The presentation introduced the background to the shift in the criminal justice system from one that treated juveniles as adults and imposed probation as a form of treatment and that the Juvenile Act of 1969 placed social workers in a position to issue supervision orders as a form of final disposition and the subsequent strengthening of controls over these orders from the perspective of crime prevention and emphasized the validity of the welfare model philosophy of the 1969 Act.
  2. Changes in Juvenile Law and Recent Development in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, Seminar, Department of Law, Sichuan Normal University, 2024/03/29, With Invitation, Japanese, Department of Law, Sichuan Normal University, Department of Law, Sichuan Normal University
  3. Juvenile Law and Medical Probation Law, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The 2024 Seminar, Hiroshima Health and Social Sciences Centre, 2024/03/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Hiroshima Health and Social Sciences Centre, Hiroshima University
  4. Crime Prevention Volunteering Activities in the 'With Corona Era.', Nobuhito Yoshinaka, Seminar, Department of Japanese Langauge, International Academy, 2023/10/14, With Invitation, Japanese, International Relations Academy of Beijing, Hiroshima
  5. Basic Theories on Criminology, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, Seminar, Department of Japanese Langauge, International Academy, 2023/10/11, With Invitation, Japanese, International Relations Academy of Beijing, Hiroshima
  6. The Complicity of Negligence in Italian Criminal Law, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The 2nd Meetimg, The Kyushu-Chugoku-Shikoku Research Seminar of Criminal Law, 2023/12/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Kyushu-Chugoku-Shikoku Research Seminar of Criminal Law, The Faculty of Law, Kumamoto University, published
  7. On the methodology of criminal jurisprudence, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The First Meeting, The Hiroshima Society for Contemporary Criminal Law, 2024/03/20, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Hiroshima Society for Contemporary Criminal Law, Higashi-Senda Campus, Hiroshima Univesity, published
  8. Evaluating a New Crime Prevention Initiative: The Development of Crime Prevention Activities in conjunction with Civilian Participation, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The Forum of Police Policy: Achievements and Challenges of Crime Prevention in Japan, 2008/01/30, With Invitation, Japanese, National Police Agency, Tenjin El Gala Hall, Fukuoka, A new crime prevention initiative was evaluated and the cime prevention activities in conjunction with civilian participation in Hiroshima was introduced and the discussion thereof was made.
  9. Towards the Enhancement of Cooperation between Crime Prevention Volunteer Groups, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The 2008 Exchange Meeting of Volunteer Groups of Crime Prevention, 2008/07/19, With Invitation, Japanese, Community Safety Department, Hiroshima Prefectural Police, Hiroshima Heath Welfare Center, It was examined how the enhancement of cooperation between crime prevention volunteer groups should be achieved and the discussion thereof was made.
  10. On the Juvenile Justice System in France, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The 4th Seminar of Psychiatry Law, 2009/09/27, With Invitation, Japanese, The Association of Psychaitry Law, Sophia University, Recent development of French Justice System for juvenile was presented and discussed thereof.
  11. How should we protect residents in the community?, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The 2nd Seminar of School Safety Volunteering, 2010/02/13, With Invitation, Japanese, The Nurturing Youth Division, The School Education Office,The Education Board of Higashi-Hiroshima, Higashi HIroshima City Hall, The ways of protecting inhabitants in the community were presented and the discussion thereof was made.
  12. The Extradition of Offenders and the Transfer of sentenced Persons in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The Extradition of Offenders and the Transfer of sentenced Persons in Japan, 2012/03/15, With Invitation, Chinese, Shanghai Xuhui District People's Court, Shanghai, The extradition of offenders and the transfer of sentenced persons in Japan were examined and the problems concerned were discussed.
  13. Can we judge Global Terrorism globally? :A Perspective of International Criminal Law’., Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The Second International Student Conference on Global Citizenship, 2013/01/18, With Invitation, English, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Based on the Lockerbie case, several problems on transnational crime were examined from the viewpoint of international criminal law and the discussion thereof was made.
  14. How should we interpret the Article 20, paragraph 2 of Youth Law?, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The Forum of Hiroshima Bar Association, 2013/09/18, With Invitation, Japanese, Hiroshima Bar Association, Hiroshima Bar Association Office, Ideal interpretation of the Article 20, paragraph 2 was examined and discussed thereof.
  15. Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Law, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The 2013 Cooperation Block Council against Deviant Behaivour, 2013/11/23, With Invitation, Japanese, Chugoku Regional Police Bureaus, National Police Agency, Hotel Hiroshima Garden Palace, The relations between juvenile delinquency and juvenile law were evamined and discussed thereof.
  16. Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Law, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The 1st Seminar of Law and Psychology, Kagoshima, 2013/11/28, With Invitation, Japanese, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima University, The relations between Juvenile delinquency and juvenile law were reported and discussed thereof.
  17. An Overview of Japan's Criminal Justice System, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, GIURISPRUDENZA E LEGALITÀ NEL DIRITTO PENALE GIAPPONESE, 2014/10/07, With Invitation, other, Faculty of Law, University of Parma, Parma, The Japanses criminal justice system was examined and the relationships between the leagality principle and judgements were discussed.
  18. Thinking about Crime and Punishment, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, 2015/09/25, With Invitation, Japanese, Issues of Crime and Punishment were examied and discussed thereof., Hiroshima High School
  19. A Study of the Juvenile Justice System in China from a Japanese Perspective, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The 6th World Forum on China Studies, 2015/11/21, With Invitation, English, State Cuncil Information Office, Shanghai Municipal People's Govermnent, Shanghai International Convention Center, From the late 1990s onward, many countries have enacted new juvenile justice laws in response to public outrage over youth violence. Consistent with this global trend, China has enacted the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Minors in 1991 and the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention of Juvenile Crime in 1999. The public reaction of anger against youth crime in Japan and other countries has resulted in an increasingly punitive approach and a greater emphasis on protecting both society and the victims of youth crime. For example, since the 1997 ‘Child A’ case in Japan (in which an 11year-old boy was beheaded by a 14 year-old boy in Kobe), the Juvenile Law 1949 was amended four times (in 2000, 2007, 2008 and 2014). In addition to the need to protect society, both China and Japan have recognised the importance of protecting the human rights of children in juvenile justice proceedings and juvenile institutions. In China, a 2012 amendment incorporated a new chapter on the protection of the rights of juveniles in the fifth part of the Criminal Procedure Law 1997. In Japan, the former Juvenile Training School Law was abrogated in 2014, and new safeguards were integrated into the Juvenile Training Schools Act and the Juvenile Classification Homes Act. Despite the recent trend of legislative reforms, there is an essential difference between the two justice systems. In terms of the systemic structure, the Chinese system follows a European model, whereas the Japanese system has followed an American model since the enactment of the Juvenile Law 1922. This presentation will analyse some characteristics of the current juvenile justice system adopted in China from a Japanese perspective.
  20. Criminal Justice and Youth Justice in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, Criminal Justice and Youth Justice in Japan, 2015/11/24, With Invitation, English, Shandong University, Jinan, The criminal and youth justice system in Japan was examined and the problems concerned were discussed.
  21. How can we judge international terrorism ? - A perspective of international criminal law, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, How can we judge international terrorism ? - A perspective of international criminal law, 2015/11/25, With Invitation, English, ChinaUniversity of Political Science and Law, Beijing, The ways of dealing with internationa terrorism were examined and the challenges thereof were discussed.
  22. The Status quo and Challenges of Corrupt Crimes in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The Status quo and Challenges of Corrupt Crimes in Japan, 2016/04/19, With Invitation, Chinese, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai, Current situation of corrupt crimes and the legal system thereof were examined and the problems concerned were discussed.
  23. The Status quo and Challenges of Criminal Legislation in Risk Society, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The Development of Modern Criminal Law and Legal Education in Japan, 2016/04/25, With Invitation, Chinese, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing, Problems of criminal law legislation in risk society were examined and discussed.
  24. The Status quo and Challenges of Economic Crimes Related to Internet in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The Status quo and Challenges of Economic Crimes Related to Internet in Japan, 2016/04/27, With Invitation, Chinese, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, The status quo and challenges of economic crimes related to internet in Japan were examined and the problems concerned were discussed.
  25. On Victims and legal interets in Criminal Law, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, 2016/05/13, With Invitation, Japanese, Iwakuni Prison, Iwakuni City, published
  26. Japan's Criminal Justice:An Overview, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, International Seminar of Comparative Criminal Law, 2016/06/04, With Invitation, English, Erasmus+(EU), Universität Rovira i Virgili, Spain, Japanese criminal justice, in particular, substantive criminal law was examined from a comparative point of view and the discussion thereof was made.
  27. Modern Society and Crime Prevention Activities in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, Asian Criminological Society 8th Annual Confrence, 2016/06/18, With Invitation, English
  28. The Status quo and the Development of Criminal Law in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The Seminar by Prof.N.Yoshinka, 2016/06/21, With Invitation, Japanese, Faculty of Law, Dalian University, Dalian, published
  29. Criminal Justice System in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, 2016/09/17, With Invitation, English, China University of Politics and Law, Beijing, published
  30. The Juvenile Justice System in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The Reserach Meeting on Youth Problems in Dalian, 2016/09/28, With Invitation, Japanese, Faculty of Law,Dalian University, Dalian, published
  31. Victim and Legal Interests in Criminal Law, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, 2017/05/12, With Invitation, Japanese, Iwakuni Prison, Iwakuni, Situation in crime victim and an idea of legal interests to be protected by criminal law were examined so that prisoners should realize the importance of law-abiding conscience., published
  32. Recent Changes in Criminal Procedure in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, 2017/06/06, Without Invitation, English, George Mousourakis, Ritsumeikan University, Recent changes in Japnan's criminal justice were observed and discussed., published
  33. Criminal Justice System in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, 2017/09/15, With Invitation, English, China University of Politics and Law, China University of Politics and Law, This speech deals with the status quo of crimes, the substantive and procedural criminal law, prison and probation law, and juvenile law in the light of comparative and international criminal justice., published
  34. On the Amendment of Juvenile law in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, 2017/09/28, With Invitation, Japanese, People's Public Security University of China, People's Public Security University of China, Recent changes in youth justice in Japan were introduced and explored in future direction., published
  35. Crime Victim and Legal Interest, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, 2018/05/11, With Invitation, Japanese, Iwakuni Prison, Iwakuni Prison, Situation in crime victim and an idea of legal interests to be protected by criminal law were examined so that prisoners should realize the importance of law-abiding conscience., published
  36. Death Penalty in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, Current Situation and Trends in Death Penalty, 2018/09/15, With Invitation, Japanese, The University of Dalian, Outline of the system of death penalty, current situation of excution, discourse of abolition, challenges, and so forth.
  37. Criminal Justice System in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, 2018/09/17, With Invitation, English, Cnina University of Politics and Law, Changping, This speech deals with the status quo of crimes, the substantive and procedural criminal law, prison and probation law, and juvenile law in the light of comparative and international criminal justice.
  38. A few problems of dealing with transnational crimes from the viewpoint of international criminal law, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, East Asian Criminal Justice Forum: The Punishment and Prevention of Transnational Organized Crime, 2018/09/21, With Invitation, Japanese, Renmin University of China, Beijing, Legal remedies against transnational crimes in the field of international criminal law. Especially extradition of fugitives was addressed., other
  39. Defense Council System in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, 2018/09/25, With Invitation, English, National Institute of Legal Aid, CUPL, China University of Politics and Law, Current situation and challenges about the defence council system in Japan., published
  40. The Huawei incident:Could it take place in Japan?- An angle of International criminal law, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, International Criminal Law Seminar, 2019/02/19, With Invitation, English, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The huawei incident was examied from an angle of international criminal law and the discussion thereof was made.
  41. Recent Development of Criminal Law in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, Special Lectures of Comparative Criminal Law, 2019/03/18, With Invitation, English, University of Parma, Faculty of Law, Parma University, Recent development of Japan's criminal law was taught and discussed thereof.
  42. Crime Victims and Legal Interests in Criminal Law, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, 2019/07/12, With Invitation, Japanese, Iwakuni Prison, Iwakuni Prison, Crime Victims and Legal Interests in Criminal Law were talked.
  43. Modern Society and Citizen Volunteers To Prevent Crime, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The Chugoku-Shikoku Block Volunteer Forum, 2019/07/20, With Invitation, Japanese, Chugoku Shikoku Regional Police Bureau, Takamatsu City, He gave a lecture about how citizen volunteer to prevent crime should be and made comments on activities of the groups of volunteer.
  44. Recent development of crime prevention in China : A Japanese perspective, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The 8th World Forum on China Studies, 2019/09/12, With Invitation, English, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, Recent development of crime prevention in China was explored from a Japanese perspective.
  45. Legal Theories on Crime Prevention in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, Special Seminar of Comparative Criminal Law, 2019/09/14, With Invitation, Japanese, Legal Theories on Crime Prevention in Japan was explored and discussed thereof.
  46. Criminal Justice System in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, 2019/09/17, With Invitation, English, China University of Political Sciences and Law, Beijing, He gave a course of lectures on criminal justice system in Japan and discussed thereof with participants.
  47. Recent Development and Challenges of Criminal Procedure Theories in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, Special Seminar of Criminal Procedure Law, 2019/10/23, With Invitation, Japanese, Faculty of Law, South West University of Political Sciences and Law, Chongqing, Recent Development and Challenges of Criminal Procedure Theories in Japan were examied and discussed thereof.
  48. Recent Development and Challenges of Criminal Law Theories in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, Special Seminar of Criminal Law, 2019/10/24, With Invitation, Japanese, Faculty of Law, South West University of Political Sciences and Law, Chongqing, Recent Development and Challenges of Criminal Law Theories in Japan were examined and discussed thereof.
  49. The Status quo and Challenges of the Lay Judge System in Japan, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, Special Seminar of Criminal Procedure Law, 2019/10/25, With Invitation, Japanese, Faculty of Law, South West University of Political Sciences and Law, Chongqing, The Status quo and Challenges of the Lay Judge System in Japan were examined and discussed thereof.
  50. A Theory of Juvenile Criminal Law, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, Special Seminar of Juvenile Law, 2019/10/25, With Invitation, Japanese, Faculty of Law, South West University of Political Sciences and Law, Chongqing, A theory of juvenile criminal law was examied and discussed thereof.
  51. Criminal System and Notion of Synergy, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The 60th Conference of The Chu-Shikoku Society of Law and Political Sciences, 2019/11/16, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Chu-Shikoku Society of Law and Political Sciences, Hiroshima University, Criminal System and Notion of Synergy was examined and discussed thereof.
  52. Treatment for Juveniles who suffer from mental illness, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, The 35th Conference of Japanese Association of Law and Psychiatry, 2019/12/07, With Invitation, Japanese, Japanese Association of Law and Psychiatry, Doshisha University, Treatment for Juveniles who suffer from mental illness was examined and discussed thereof.
  53. A Historical Retrospect of the Japanese Criminal Justice: The Development of the Rule of Law and the Protection of Human Rights, Nobuhito Yoshinaka, 2019/12/25, With Invitation, English, Faculty of History, National Chengchi University, Taipei, A historical retrospect of the Japanese criminal justice was examined from the viewpoint of the development of the rule of law and the protection of human rights and discussed thereof.


  1. Certificate, China University of Political Science and Law
  2. 2017/08/07, Acknowledgment, The University of San Paulo
  3. 2019/08/07, Acknowledgement, The University of San Paulo

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. Research on the Educational Method of Japanese Law Taught in English, 2004, 2005
  2. KAKENHI, 2012, 2014