Naomi Tsunematsu

Last Updated :2024/07/22

Affiliations, Positions
Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, Professor
Web Site
Other Contact Details
Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, Hiroshima University, 1-1-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Japan
TEL : (+81)82 424-6279 FAX : (+81)
My research interests are Japanese Studies and Japanese language education, intercultural education, and international education, including cultural adjustment and readjustment, culture shock and reverse culture shock, international educational exchange, and international experiential learning that connect international students, local society, and local students in Japan. I am currently working on the research on Japanese Studies education, international experiential learning, and the research that holistically captures students' experiences from pre-departure time through reentry to develop support system. I have been the Director for the Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA) Program (2003-2021). I taught Japanese language courses, Japanese Studies courses, and internship courses. I also belong to the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (Pedagogy Program), and the Research Center for Diversity and Inclusion. See Research & Education Home Page:

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2006/04/01, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Education, Pedagogy Program, Associate Professor
  • 2020/04, Hiroshima University, Morito Institute of Global Higher Education (&Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences), Associate Professor
  • 2020/04, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Pedagogy Program, Associate Professor
  • 2019/04, Hiroshima University, Diversity Research Center (Cooperation), Research Cooperation
  • 2018/10, Hiroshima University, Morito Institute of Global Higher Education (& Graduate School of Education), Associate Professor
  • 2010/04/01, 2018/09/30, Hiroshima University, International Center, International Center: International Education Division(&Graduate School of Education: Educational Studies), Associate Professor
  • 2003/04/01, 2006/03/31, Hiroshima University, International Student Center, International Student Center, Lecture
  • 2002/02/01, 2002/12/31, Monash University, Australia, School of Political and Social Inquiry, Coordinator of Japanese Language Courses(Peninsula&Berwick Campus)
  • 2001/02/01, 2001/12/31, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia, the School of Political and Social Inquiry (Faculty of Arts), Honorary Research Associate
  • 2001/05/01, 2001/08/31, Japan Airline Employees、 International Languages Institute、 Melbourne、 Australia, Instructor of Japanese Language Course
  • 2001/05/01, 2001/06/30, Lawyers at Minter Ellison, Melbourne, Australia, Instructor of Japanese Language Course
  • 1992/08/01, 1994/05/31, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A., Department of East Asian Studies, Instructor of Japanese Language
  • 1991/01/01, 1993/03/31, AEON English School, Hiroshima, Japan, Instructor of English as a Second Language
  • 1990/08/01, 1992/05/31, University of the Pacific, California, USA, Modern Language and Literature Department, Instructor of Japanese Language (International Internship Programs)
  • 1989/03/23, 1990/07/31, Mazda Motor Corporation、 Hiroshima, Development and Planning Department (Ford Motor Corporation Project), Translator and Interpreter
  • 2006/04/01, 2010/03/31, Hiroshima University, International Student Center, International Student Center(Graduate School of Education: Educational Studies), Associate Professor

Educational Backgrounds

  • Monash University (Australia) Ph.D., School of Political and Social Inquiry, Gender Studies / Asian Studies, Japanese Studies, Australia, 1995/03, 2001/02
  • University of Arizona (USA) M.A. (Master's Degree), Graduate School, Division of Humanities, East Asian Studies, Japanese Studies, U.S.A., 1992/08, 1994/08
  • Hiroshima University, Faculty of Literature, English and American Literature and Language, Japan

Academic Degrees

  • Ph.D., Monash University (Australia)
  • M.A.(Master of Arts), The University of Arizona (USA)
  • B.A. (Bachelor of Arts), Hiroshima University (Japan)

Research Fields

  • Humanities;Linguistics;Japanese language education
  • Social sciences;Education;Sociology of education
  • Humanities;Philosophy;Gender
  • Humanities;Cultural anthropology;Cultural anthropology

Research Keywords

  • Japanese Studies, Japanese Language
  • Connection of High School and University
  • Internship for International Students, Serviceship, Active Learning, International Experiential Learning, Cooperation of International Students and Local Society
  • Higher education, International Students Education, International Education, Cross-cultural Education
  • Intercultural Education, Cultural Adjustment and Re-adjustment, Culture Shock and Reverse Culture Shock, Holistic Support System for International Students, Intercultural cohesion
  • International Education Exchange
  • Regional Cooperation, Industry-Academic Collaboration
  • Consciousness, Consciousness Transformation, Spirituality & Education
  • Gender Theories

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • The Association of Teachers of Japanese (ATJ) [USA], 1991, 2003
  • Association for Asian Studies [USA], 1991, 2009
  • Japan Association for International Students Education, 2010
  • Japan Comparative Education Society, 2008
  • Japan Association of Higher Education Research
  • Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), 2007
  • Japan Society for Interdisciplinary Science, 2004
  • The Women's Studies Association of Japan, 1997
  • Intercultural Education Society of Japan, 2018/05

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Basic Japanese I
  2. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Basic Japanese II
  3. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 3Term, Basic Japanese III
  4. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 4Term, Basic Japanese IV
  5. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Gender and Society
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Elementary Japanese A-1
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Elementary Japanese A-1
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Elementary Japanese A-2
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Elementary Japanese A-2
  10. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Elementary Japanese A-1
  11. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Elementary Japanese A-1
  12. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Elementary Japanese A-2
  13. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Elementary Japanese A-2
  14. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Japanese Society and Gender Issues
  15. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Glocal Internship I: Intercultural Competence in Japanese Society
  16. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Glocal Internship II: Intercultural Practicum to Work with Local Japan
  17. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Japanese Society and Gender Issues (Graduate)
  18. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Glocal Internship I : Intercultural Competence in Japanese Society (Graduate)
  19. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Research into Education
  20. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Advanced Study in Education
  21. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Research into Education
  22. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Advanced Study in Education
  23. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Special Lecture on Intercultural Understanding : Social Theories and PracticeI
  24. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Special Lecture on Intercultural Understanding : Social Theories and Practice II
  25. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Study
  26. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Study
  27. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Special Study
  28. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Special Study

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Acculturation of High School Students and International Students in International Educational Exchange: Development of Intercultural Relationship between Local Society and Foreign Cultures, Bulletin of Hiroshima Prefectural Nisshokan High School, 46-53, 202403
  2. "Third Culture Experience in International Educational Exchange of International Students and High School Students: Intercultural Contact and Paradigm Shift", Hiroshima University Journal of International Education, 28-42, 202309
  3. "Intercultural Interaction in Intercultural Competence Development of International Students and High School Students - Space for "Connectedness" and Development of Its Culture - ", Bullen of Hiroshima Prefectural Nisshokan High School, 43-50, 20230301
  4. "Japanese Studies Education for International Exchange Students / International Experiential Learning by Cooperation with Local Society", Journal of International Education (Hiroshima University), 102-110, 20220930
  5. "'Third Culture' in International Exchange -Connecting the Purpose of International Students' Study Abroad in Japan and Intercultural Competence of High School Students-", Research Bulletin of Nisshokan High School, 31-38, 20220301
  6. ★, Agency, autonomy, and power of international students in interactions with local society in Japan through an experiential learning project, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education CCOM, 53 (2023)(7), 1170-1188, 20220105
  7. "Reprort of Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA)", Journal of International Education (Hiroshima University), 48-59, 20210930
  8. Challenge of Intercultural Interaction between High School Students and International Exchange Students : Intercultural Education Promotion Program "Kisa Omotenashi Plan" International Exchange, Research Bulletin of Nisshokan High School, 51-64, 202103
  9. "Report of Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA)", Journal of International Education (Hiroshima University), 120-130, 20200930
  10. "Report of Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA)", Journal of International Education (Hiroshima University), 61-70, 20190930
  11. ★, "Intercultural Challenges of International Students in their Association with Japanese Society through Experiential Learning", Journal of International Student Education (JAISE), 11-21, 201912
  12. "Report of Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA)", Journal of International Education (Hiroshima University), 20180930
  13. "Value of Experiential Learning for International Students in Study Abroad Programs in Japan: Intercultural Competence Outside the Western Paradigm", Bulletin of the International Center Hiroshima University, 8, 1-15, 20180331
  14. "Report of Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA)", Journal of International Education (Hiroshima University), 66-78, 20170930
  15. "When Multinational Students Face School Culture in Japan through the International Experiential Learning - Issues in the Development of Multiculturalim and Educator's Intervention", International Students' Education of Hiroshima University, 21, 1-16, 20170930
  16. "Multinational Students' Voices in International Experiential Learning: Standpoint of Culturally Diverse Teams inside Power Relatoins in Japanese Society", CHER (Consortium of the Higher Education Researchers) 30th Annual Conference, 20170820
  17. Are International Students Culturally Deficit in Japanese Society?: Crossing Cultures Without the Professor's Intervention, The Bulletin of International Center of Hiroshima University, 7, 1-16, 20170331
  18. "Multinational Students’ Cooperation and Agency: Theoretical Issues in International Students’ Internship Working with the Local Society in Japan", International Students’ Education of Hiroshima University, 20, 15-30, 20160930
  19. ★, "Self-evaluation of 'International Tour Guide Internship' Practicum in a Local Society in Japan by International Exchange Students", Journal of Society for Interdisciplinary Science, Vol. 15, Printing, 20160730
  20. "Situated Learning of International Students through Internship in Japan – Professor as Reflexive Anthropologist Managing Uchi/Soto Relations", The Bulletin of International Center of Hiroshima University, 6, 1-19, 20160331
  21. "Assessing the Empowerment of International Exchange Students: the Globalization Support Internship", Research in Higher Education, 48, 193-209, 201603
  22. "Evaluation of 'International Tour Guide' Internship by Local Administration Officials - Creation of International Local Power by University and Local Administration", Bulletin of Hiroshima University International Student Education, 19, 42-57, 2015331
  23. ‘Cross-cultural Contact of Junior High School Students in Local Area and International Students - Exchange Students’ Internship Which Can Transform Local Society’, Bulletin of International Center of Hiroshima University, 5, 19-33, 201504
  24. ★, "Narrative of Japanese Graduate Students about their Consciousness Transformation through University Life in a Provincial University : From the Perspective of Qualitative Research" (Printing), Japan Society for Interdisciplinary Science, 14, 2015
  25. ‘ “Globalization Support Internship” Practicum for International Exchange Students - “International Exchange Historical Tour” Coordinator Development “, Bulletin of International Center of Hiroshima University, 4, 1-15, 201404
  26. ‘“International Tourism Planner” Internship for International Student Internship - International Students’ Support for Creation of New Local Society and Its Regeneration’, International Students’ Education of Hiroshima University, 18, 47-61, 201403
  27. ★, Narrative of Japanese Undergraduate Students about their Consciousness Transformation through University Life : From the Perspective of Qualitative Research”, Japan Society for Interdisciplinary Science, 13, 19-26, 2014
  28. ‘”Globalization Support Internship” for International Exchange Students - Foreignness of International Students and Specificity of Japanese Culture’, Bulletin of International Center of Hiroshima University, 3, 1-14, 201304
  29. ‘Change of the Management of the “Globalization Support Internship” Course for International Exchange Students and Expectation Management’, International Students’ Education of Hiroshima University, 17, 1-15, 201303
  30. ‘Internship for International Exchange Students Which Aims at Mutual Support between University Education and Society - Pilot Study of the “Globalization Support Internship”’, Bulletin of International Center of Hiroshima University, 2, 1-15, 201204
  31. ‘Reflective Practice and “Globalization Support Internship” - Feminist Theories and Paradigm of Empowerment - ‘, International Students’ Education of Hiroshima University, 16, 1-15, 201203
  32. ★, "Consciousness Transformation of International Exchange Students through the Study Abroad Experience in a Japanese University", International Student Education (JAISE, Japan Association for International Student Education)), 17, 51-60, 2012
  33. ‘Internship for International Exchange Students and International Contribution of Local Companies - Research of the Consciousness of Local Companies on the International Student Interns., Bulletin of International Center of Hiroshima University, Vol.1, 51-65, 201104
  34. ‘Lecture by Working People in the Internship Course for International Exchange Students and PBL (Problem-based Learning) Method', International Students’ Education of Hiroshima University, 15, 47-61, 201103
  35. "Internship for Short Exchange Students and Participation of Japanese Students: Career Education from International Perspective", Bulletin of the Institute for International Education= Hiroshima University, 20, 20100301
  36. "Global Shift and the Pradigm of a University Education: Spiritual Capity Created by Students and University Staff", Journal of International Education= Institute for International Education, 20100301
  37. Paradigm Shift in the Global Society: Examination of Research Methodology for the Consciousness Transformation through University Education, pp.11-27, 20090331
  38. "Connecting Students Transcending Gender and Culture: Paradigm Shift in the Internationalization of a University in Japan", Journal of International Education= Institute for International Education= Hiroshima University, pp.13-28, 20090301
  39. ★, Interdisciplinary Study on Spirituality: Critical View on the Modern Scientific Paradigm and Suggestion for Global Education, Journal of Society for Interdisciplinary Science, pp.29-36, 20080420
  40. “Internship for Short Exchange Students and Training Sessions: Local Network in the Global Society and University Education", Bulletin of the Institute for International Education= Hiroshima University, pp.1-16, 20080331
  41. Research on Spirituality and Higher Education: Suggestions from Feminist Theories and Theories on Modernity, Journal of International Education= Institute for International Education= Hiroshima University, pp.25-41, 20080301
  42. Diverse Courses Taken by Short Exchange Students: Significance and Interest to Study Abroad in Japan, 11-32, 20070331
  43. Courses Taught in English in the Short Exchange Program: Self and Cross-cultural Adjustment, 9-23, 20070331
  44. “Diversity of the Courses Taken by the International Students in the Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program", Bulletin of the Institute for International Education= Hiroshima University, pp.11-32, 20070331
  45. “Classes Conducted in English for the Short Exchange Program: Self and Intercultural Adjustment", Journal of International Education= Institute for International Education= Hiroshima University, pp.9-23, 20070331
  46. "Research on the Needs to Open Courses in English in the Short Exchange Program for Japanese Students", 31-53, 20060601
  47. ★, “Creating Courses in English for the Exchange Program for Japanese Students: International Validity of the Curriculum and Lifelong Learning”, Journal of Society for Interdisciplinary Science, Vol. 5, 2006, pp.29-36., Journal of Society for Interdisciplinary Science, pp.29-36, 20060425
  48. “Research on the Needs to Open Courses in English in the Short Exchange Program for Japanese Students", Bulletin of the Institute for International Education= Hiroshima University, pp.31-53, 20060331
  49. “International Strategy of University: Construction of the International Curriculum and Japanese Students’ Participation", Journal of International Education= Institute for International Education= Hiroshima University, pp.9-28, 20060301
  50. “Intercultural Understanding in Japanese Society: International Students’ Perspective", Bulletin of the Institute for International Education= Hiroshima University, pp.37-62, 20050331
  51. “Opening an Internship Course of Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA): Liaison with Local Companies and Government Offices", Journal of International Education= Institute for International Education= Hiroshima University, pp.15-35, 20050331
  52. ★, "Gender Power under Female Leadership: A Local Women's Association in Japan", Japanese Studies, Vol. 24(No.1), 97-114, 20040601
  53. ★, "Historical Records of a Local Community in Japan: A Feminist Ethnographer's Criticism," Asian Journal of Women's Studies, Ewha Womans University Press, Vol.8, No.2, 2002, pp.53-75., Asian Journal of Women's Studies, Vol.8(No.2), pp.53-75, 20020601

Publications such as books

  1. 2014/08, Web Magazine "Study Abroad and International Exchange", 2014 August, Vol.41, "Challenge of 'Studen-Centered' Internship for International Exchange Students in Cooperation with Local Society: Contribution to the Revitalization of Local Society and International Students' Empowerment", international students, internship, empowerment, loccal society, international experiential learning, Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), 2014, 08, Others, Single work, 日本語/Japanese, Naomi Tsunematsu, 10-21
  2. 2011/05, "Women's Leadership and Power Relations in a Local Community in Japan", CICE Academic Journal No.4, Africa-Asia University Dialogue for Educational Development Repot of the International Experience Sharing Seminar (3): Teacher Professional Development in an Era of Change/Fragility and Education, women, leadership, local community, Japan, 2011, 05
  3. 2011, 「広島大学短期交換留学プログラム留学生受けインターンシップにおける企業との連携」, 『日本とEU諸国における短期留学の特徴と高等教育の国際化に果たす役割の比較研究』(第4章 企業との連携状況と課題)平成20-22年度科学研究費補助金 基盤研究C 研究代表者 佐藤由利子 (研究課題番号20530765), 2011, pp.15-17, 248-254., 2011, Report, Single work, 日本語, Tsunematsu, Naomi, 10, pp.15-17, pp. 248-254
  4. 2011, “Cooperation of University and Industries through the Internship for International Exchange Students of Hiroshima University”, Comparative Study on Student Exchange to Japan and non-English speaking EU countries (Representative: Yuriko Sato)., 2011, 2011, Report, Single work, English, Tsunematsu, Naomi
  5. 2008/05/01, Hood, Christopher P.(ed.), Politics of Modern Japan: Critical Concepts in the Modern Politics of Asia (Critical Issues in Modern Politics), Vol. 4, 2008, pp.392-413., “Gender Power under Female Leadership: A Local Women’s Association in Japan", Modern Politics, Asia, Japan, London: Routledge, 2008, 0501, Scholarly Book, Joint work, English, 392-413

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. "Intercultural Challenges of Western Exchange Students in Study Abroad in Japan: Voices of Western 'Other' and Identity Constructions", Naomi Tsunematsu, IAFOR (The International Academic Forum), The Asian Conference on Education (ACE 2023), 2023/11/23, Without Invitation, English, IAFOR (The International Academic Forum), Tokyo & Online
  2. "Purposes and Aspirations of Western Students for Study Abroad in Japan", Naomi Tsunematsu, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), The Asian Conference on Education (ACE 2022), 2022/12/02, Without Invitation, English, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Tokyo and Online
  3. "Intercultural Challenges of Western Exchange Students in Study Abroad in Japan", Naomi Tsunematsu, The 27th Annual Conference of Japan Association for International Student Education (JAISE), 2022/08/20, Without Invitation, English, Japan Association for International Student Education (JAISE), Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) & Online
  4. "International Students' Aspirations and Concerns Before Departure in Study Abroad in Japan", Naomi Tsunematsu, The 81th Annual Conference of Japanese Education Research Association, 2022/08/24, Without Invitation, English, Japanese Education Research Association, Hiroshima University & Online
  5. "Resilience of Exchange Students in the Study Abroad Program in Japan Under the COVID-19 Pandemic", Naomi Tsunematsu, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), The Asian Conference on Education (ACE 2021), 2021/11/27, Without Invitation, English, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Tokyo, Online
  6. "Narratives of International Students Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic: Continuation and Discontinuation of Study Abroad in Japan", Naomi Tsunematsu, The 26th Japan Association for International Student Education (JAISE), Annual Conference, 2021/08/21, Without Invitation, English, Japan Association for International Student Education (JAISE), Online, The 26th Japan Association for International Student Education (JAISE), Annual Conference, Theme: "New Development and Issues in International Student Exchange Policy in Post-Corona Era"
  7. "Multinational Students' Culturally Versatile Adjustment and Readjustment Experiences through Study Abroad in Japan", Tsunematsu, Naomi., The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), The Asian Conference on Education (ACE 2020), 2020/11/02, Without Invitation, English, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Tokyo
  8. "Preparing to Return Home: Reverse Culture Shock," Glocal Leadership Project: Cooperation of University and Local Society - International Students' Self-support System ~ Discover Hiroshima ~ Final Presentation, Naomi Tsunematsu, Glocal Leadership Project: Cooperation of University and Local Society - International Students' Self-support System, HUSA 2019-2020, 2020/07/16, Without Invitation, English, Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, Hiroshima University (TEAMS, Online)
  9. "Meaning of Experiential Learning & Cooperative Learning," Glocal Leadership Development Project: Cooperation of University and Local Society, International Students' Development of Self-support System ~ Discover Hiroshima ~ , Midterm Presentation Seminar, Naomi Tsunematsu, Glocal Leadership Development Project: Cooperation of University and Local Society, International Students' Development of Self-support System ~ Discover Hiroshima ~ , Midterm Presentation Seminar, 2020/05/28, Without Invitation, English, Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA), Hiroshima University (TEAMS, Online)
  10. Meaning of Experiential Learning and Cooperative Learning, Tsunematsu, Naomi, Glocal Leadership Development: Cooperation of University and Local Society, International Students' Development of Self-support System ~Discover Hiroshima~, International Seminar No.2, 2020/05/28, Without Invitation, English, Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA), Hiroshima University, Hiroshima University
  11. Cross-cultural Understanding Seminar "Living in the Global Society: Cross-cultural Communication", Super Science High School Project of the High School Affliated with Hiroshima University (SSH Committee, Program Development of International Perspective), English Camp, Tsunematsu, Naomi, Englis Camp, Super Science High School Project of the High School Affliated with Hiroshima University, 2020/02/01, With Invitation, English, High School Affliated with Hiroshima University, Faculty Club, Hiroshima University
  12. "What is Culture Shock?", Naomi Tsunematsu, Glocal Leadership Development: Cooperation of University and Local Society, International Students' Development of Self-support System ~Discover Hiroshima~, International Seminar No.2, 2019/12/10, Without Invitation, English
  13. "Independence and Intredependence of Culturally Diverse Students: Autonomy and Empowerment through Experiential Learning to Cooperate with Local Society in Japan", Naomi Tsunematsu, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), The Asian Conference on Education (ACE 2019), 2019/11, Without Invitation, English, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Tokyo, Japan
  14. Actual Cases: 2) "Educational Intervention for Intercultural Encounter: Cooperative Experiential Learning of Multinational Students in Study Abroad in Japan", Naomi Tsunematsu, Inclusive Leadership Development and Transformative Collaboration in Culturally Diverse Environment, 2019/07/17, Without Invitation, English, Practicing and Developing Science for Diversity & Inclusion, Student Plaza 4F, Hiroshima University, published
  15. Actual Cases: 1) "Power of Multinational Student Interns for International Promotion of Local Tourism", Tsunematsu, Naomi, Inclusive Leadership Development and Transformative Collaboration in Culturally Diverse Environment, 2019/07/16, Without Invitation, English, Practicing and Developing Science for Diversity & Inclusion, Hiroshima University
  16. "Reflections on Study Abroad Experiences in Japan:- Cultural Factors and Differences among International Students-", Tsunematsu, Naomi, Japan Comparative Education Society, 55th Annual Conference, 2019/06/09, Without Invitation, English, Japan Comparative Education Society, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
  17. "Power of Multinational Student Interns for International Promotion of Local Tourism", Tsunematsu, Naomi, 2nd Research Seminar for Multicultural Coexistence, Practicing and Developing Science for Diversity & Inclusion, 2019/05/30, Without Invitation, English, Diversity Research Center, Hiroshima University
  18. Cross-cultural Understanding Seminar "Living in the Global Society: Cross-cultural Communication", Super Science High School (SSH) Project of the High School Affliated with Hiroshima University (SSH Committee, Program Development of International Perspective), English Camp, Naomi Tsunematsu, English Camp, Super Science High School (SSH) Project of the High School Affliated with Hiroshima University, 2019/01/26, With Invitation, English, High School Affliated with Hiroshima University, Faculty Club, Hiroshima University
  19. ”Reverse Culture Shock After Going Home from Japan: Holistic Picture of Study Abroad”, Naomi Tsunematsu, Japan Association for International Student Education, 23rd Annual Conference, 2018/09/08, Without Invitation, English, Japan Association for International Student Education (JAISE), Hiroshima University
  20. "Re-Adjustment After Going Home from Study Abroad in Japan: Reverse Culture Shock", Naomi Tsunematsu, Japan Society for Interdisciplinary Science, 2018 Spring Convention, 2018/06/30, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Society for Interdisciplinary Science, Hiroshima University, Higashi-senda Campus
  21. "Value of Educational Intervention in Cooperative Experiential Learning for Multinational Students in Study Abroad Programs in Japan", Naomi Tsunematsu, Japan Comparative Education Society, The 54th Annual Conference, 2018/06/23, Without Invitation, English, Japan Comparative Education Society, Hiroshima University
  22. Cross-cultural Understanding Seminar "Living in the Global Society: Cross-cultural Communication", Super Science High School Project of the High School Affliated with Hiroshima University (SSH Committee, Program Development of International Perspective), English Camp, Naomi Tsunematsu, Eglish Camp, Super Science High School Project (SSH) of the High School Affliated with Hiroshima University, 2018/01/27, With Invitation, English, High School Affliated with Hiroshima University, Faculty Club, Hiroshima University, preprint
  23. "Emic & Etic Views on Multinational Students’ Experiential Learning in Japan: Divergent Interpretations in Different Standpoints", Naomi Tsunematsu, Pacific Circle Consortium 2017, the 41st Annual Conference, 2017/09/06, Without Invitation, English, Pacific Circle Consortium, Hiroshima, Japan
  24. "Multinational Students’ Voices in International Experiential Learning: Standpoint of Culturally Diverse Teams inside Power Relations in Japanese Society", Naomi Tsunematsu, CHER (Consortium of the Higher Education Researchers) 30th Annual Conference, 2017/08/29, Without Invitation, English, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
  25. "Self-evaluation of International Experiential Learning by Multinational Students: Cooperative Learning to Collaborate with Local Agencies in Japan", Naomi Tsunematsu, Japan Association for International Student Education (JAISE), The 22nd Annual Conference, 2017/08/19, Without Invitation, English, Japan Association for International Student Education (JAISE), Toyo University
  26. "Are International Students Culturally Deficit in Japanese Society? : Crossing Cultures Without the Professor’s Intervention", Naomi Tsunematsu, Japan Comparative Education Society – The 53rd Annual Conference , 2017/06/26, Without Invitation, English, Japan Comparative Education Society, Tokyo University (Hongo Campus), Japan
  27. Cross-cultural Understanding Seminar "Living in the Global Society: Cross-cultural Communication", Super Science High School Project of the High School Affliated with Hiroshima University (SSH Committee, Program Development of International Perspective), English Camp, Naomi Tsunematsu, Super Science High School Project of the High School Affliated with Hiroshima University (SSH Committee, Program Development of International Perspective), English Camp, 2017/01/27, With Invitation, English, High School Affliated with Hiroshima University, Hiroshima International Youth House, International Seminar in the English Camp of the Super Science High School Project for the High School Affliated with Hiroshima University
  28. Multinational Students' Cooperation with Local Society: Creation of Educational Settings Examined through the 'Internship' and 'Development of Multicultural Society Project', Dr. Naomi Tsunematsu, Japan Association for International Education, 21th Annual Conference (2016 Research Conference&General Meeting), 2016/08/27, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Association for International Education (JAISE), Osaka University, Nakanoshima Center, published
  29. Multinational Students' Cooperation with Local Society: Creation of Educational Settings Examined through the 'Internship' and 'Development of Multicultural Society Project', Naomi Tsunematsu, Japan Association for International Student Education (JAISE), the 21st JAISE Annual Conference (Research Conference & GEneral Meeting), 2016/08/27, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Association for International Student Education (JAISE),, Osaka University, Nakanoshima Center
  30. “International Students’ Agency and Adjustment Paradigm in Internship: Cultural Distance to Local Culture in Japan”, Naomi Tsunematsu, Japan Comparative Education Society, 52h Conference, 2016/06/25, Without Invitation, English, Japan Comparative Education Society, Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus
  31. 'Challenge of "Internatinal Tour Guide Internship" by International Exchange Students - Creation of Multi-cultural Society and Promotion of International Tourism', Japan Association for International Student Education (JAISE), The 20th Annual Conference, 2015/08/29, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Association for International Student Education (JAISE), Japan Electronics Professional School
  32. Self-evaluation of Internship by International Exchange Students - Challenge of the 'International Tourism Guide' by the Cooperation with Local Society, Society for Interdisciplinary Science 2015 Spring Conference, 2015/06/27, Without Invitation, Japanese, Society for Interdisciplinary Science, Hiroshima University (Higashi-senda Campus), JAPAN
  33. “When Local Culture in Japan Encounters with Cultural Diversity - Power of Foreign Student Interns for International Promotion of Local Tourism”, Japan Comaparative Education Society 51th Conference, 2015/06/14, Without Invitation, English, Japan Comparative Education Society, Utsunomiya University, JAPAN
  34. “Challenge of ‘Globalization Support Internship’ by International Exchange Students: Support for the Revitalization and Internationalization of Local Society”, Japan Comparative Education Society, 51th Conference, 2014/07/13, Without Invitation, English, Nagoya University, JAPAN
  35. "'Globalization Support Internship' Course for International Exchange Students - Challenge of Support for the Internationalization of Local Society and Empowerment", Society for Interdisciplinary Science, 2014 Spring Conference, 2014/06/21, Without Invitation, Japanese, Society for Interdisciplinary Science, Hiroshima University, Higashi-senda Campus, JAPAN
  36. PBL Actual Case Introduction: Case of International Exchange Students in the "Hiroshiam University Study Abroad Program", Hiroshima University 'PBL Scenario Creation Workshop', 2014/03/27, With Invitation, Japanese, Hiroshima University
  37. - “Globalization Support Internship for Exchange Students in a Japanese University - ‘Japanization of Foreign Interns or Globalization of the Local Society’, Japan Comparative Education Society, The 49th Annual Conference, 2013/07/06, Without Invitation, English, Japan Comparative Education Society, Sophia University
  38. “Globalization Support Internship for International Exchange Students in a Japanese University”, Global Internship Conference: North South, East & West: Internships at a Crossroad, 2013/06/12, Without Invitation, English, Global Internship Conference, Singapore
  39. "Development of the 'Student Initiative Globalization Support Internship Course' for International Exchange Students - Mutual Support of International Education of University and Local Society", Japan Association of Higher Education Research, The 16th Annual Meeting, 2013/05/25, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Association of Higher Education Research, Hiroshima University
  40. PBL in the Globalization Support Internship for International Exchange Students, Naomi Tsunematsu, PBL Scinario Making Work Shop, 2013/03, Without Invitation, Japanese, Hiroshima University
  41. "International Education of University and Development of the Leader for Globalization Support", 2013/01/16, With Invitation, Japanese, Hiroshima University, Japan
  42. Debate Instruction, "Super Science High School Project", High School Affliated with Hiroshima University, English Camp (Development of the Program for International Perspectives), Naomi Tsunematsu, Debate Instruction, "Super Science High School Project", High School Affliated with Hiroshima University, English Camp (November 27&28, 2012) (Development of the Program for International Perspectives), 2012/11/27, With Invitation, English, High School Affliated with Hiroshima University, Hiroshima International Youth House, Debate Instruction, "Super Science High School Project", High School Affliated with Hiroshima University, English Camp (Development of the Program for International Perspectives)
  43. "'Globalization Support Internship Course' for International Exchange Students and Reflective Practice", Japan Association for Interdisciplinary Science, 2012 Spring Conference, 2012/06/30, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Association for Interdisciplinary Science, Hiroshima University (Higashi-senda Campus)
  44. "Internship for International Exchange Students Aiming at Mutual Suppor of University's International Education and Society - Pilot Study of 'Globalization Support Internship'", Japan Association of Higher Education Research, The 15th Annual Meeting, 2012/06/02, Without Invitation, Japanese, Tokyo University
  45. "Theme of Creating the Mutual Support System of International Education and Society in the Internship Course for International Exchange Students", Naomi Tsunematsu, Kyoto University Global 30 International Education & Research Symposium, 2011/12/07, With Invitation, Japanese, Kyoto University Global 30 International Education & Research Symposium, Kyoto University
  46. "Consiousness Transformation of Working People: Mutual Support of International Education and Society in Foreign Students' Internship Course", Naomi Tsunematsu, Japan Association for International Students Education, Short Study Abroad Special Program Division, The 6th Annual Meeting, 2011/10/28, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Association for International Students Education, Short Study Abroad Special Program Division, Kyoto University (Tokyo Office)
  47. "Consciousness Transformation of Students through University Education in Japan: From Local and Global Perspective" , Japanese Educational Research Association, The 70th Annual Conference, 2011/08/26, Without Invitation, English, Japanese Educational Research Association, Chiba University
  48. 'Consciousness Transformation of International Exchange Students through Study Abroad Experience in a Japanese University', Japan Association for International Students Education, The 16th Annual Conference, 2011/08/20, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Association for International Students Education, Nagoya University
  49. "Internship and Consciousness Transformation of International Exchange Students - Introduction of Lecture by Working People", Japan Association of Higher Education Research, 14th Annual Meeting, 2011/05/28, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Association of Higher Education Research, Meijo University (Japan)
  50. "Internationalization of Hiroshima University and Liaison of Industries and University: Internship for Internatinal Exchange Students", "Internationalization of Hiroshima University and Liaison of Industries and University: Internship for Internatinal Exchange Students", 東広島市商工会議所文化交流委員会講話, 2011/05/12, With Invitation, Japanese, 東広島市商工会議所文化交流委員会, Higashi-hiroshima City (Japan)
  51. "Lecture by Working People in the Internship Course for International Exchange Students and PBL (Problem-based Learning) Project: Students' Voluntary Learning", Japan Association for International Students Education, Short Study Abroad Program Division, The 5th Annual Meeting, 2011/03/04, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Association for International Students Education, Nagoya University, Nagoya (Japan)
  52. "Career of International Exchange Students in the Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA) Who Took Internship Course", Association for International Student Education: Short Exchange Special Program Division, 4th Meeting, 2010/10/29, Without Invitation, Japanese, Association for International Student Education, Kyoto University, Tokyo Office
  53. ”Influence of the Participation in the International Exchange Program in Japan: Paradigm Shift in the Internationalization of a University", Japan Educational Research Association, 69th Annual Conference, 2010/08/21, Without Invitation, English, Japan Educational Research Association, Hiroshima University, Japan
  54. "Survey with local industries on their interest in international students' internshp", Naomi Tsunematsu, 広島経済同友会広島中央支部 , 2010/07, With Invitation, Japanese, 広島経済同友会広島中央支部 , Higashi-hiroshima, Report on the result of the survey with local industry on their interest in international students' internship
  55. "Internship for International Exchang Students and Internationalization of University", Japan Comparative Education Society, 46th Annual Conference, 2010/06/27, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Comparative Education Society, Kobe University
  56. "New Development of the Internship Course for International Exchange Students in the Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA)", Japan Association for International Student Education (JAISE): Short Study Abroad Special Program Division, 3rd Meeting, 2010/03/30, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Association for International Student Education (JAISE), Osaka University
  57. "Operation of Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA)", Naomi Tsunematsu, Internationalization of University, Study Abroad Fair, La Trobe University, Australia, 2005/03, With Invitation, English, La Trobe University, Australia, Melbourne, Australia
  58. "Rearch on the Needs of the Courses Taught for International Exchange Students in English Offering for Japanese Students: Towards the International Curriculum Constructoin", Naomi Tsunematsu, Japan Society for Interdisciplinary Science, 2005 Fall Conference, 2005, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Society for Interdisciplinary Science, Hiroshima
  59. Internship by International Exchange Students (HUSA) Program, Naomi Tsunematsu, HUSA Students (Sweden, Korea, Thailand), 広島経済同友会広島中央支部役員会, 2004/08/20, With Invitation, Japanese, 広島経済同友会広島中央支部役員会, Higashi-hiroshima
  60. "University and Iinternationalization: Ideal and Reality", Naomi Tsunematsu, Conference: University and Internationalization / Liaison with Locality, 2004/03/09, Without Invitation, English, International Center, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan
  61. "Flow of Power and Identity: Western-trained Japanese Feminist and Australian Female Academician Meet Local Community Power Actors in Japan", Naomi Tsunematsu, Conference: Cultural Flows With(in) a Global Asia,, 2002/12/01, Without Invitation, English, Cultural Flows Project Group, School of Languages, Cultures, and Linguistics, Monash University, Australia,2002, Monash Universeity (Australia)
  62. "Identity and Power Relations in Ward Meeingts in a Local Community in Japan", Naomi Tsunematsu, Center for Women7s Studies and Gender Research, School of Political and Social Inquiry Research Seminar Series, Semester I, Monash University, Australia, 2002, 2001, Without Invitation, English, School of Political and Social Inquiry, Monash University, Australia, Monash University, Australia
  63. "Reality of Women's Studies Course in the Local Community Center in Japan", Naomi Tsunematsu, A Postgraduate Colloquium on Asia, Monash University, 2000/08, Without Invitation, English, Monash University, Australia, Melbourne, Australia
  64. "An Analysis of Historical Record in a Local Town in Japan - a Female Perspective", Naomi Tsunematsu, A One-Day Postgraduate Conference, Asian Societies, Cultures, and Languages, Monash University, Australia, 1999/08, Without Invitation, English, Asian Societies, Cultures, and Languages, Monash University, Australia, Melbourne, Australia
  65. "Women in Conflict Situation", Naomi Tsunematsu, Asia-Pacific Women Watch 'Challenges for Women in the Next Millenium', British Council, New Delhi and Center for Women Studies, Punjab University, 1998, Without Invitation, English, British Council, New Delhi and Center for Women Studies, Punjab University, India, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India
  66. "Women's Identities and Power Relations in a Local Community in Japan", Naomi Tsunematsu, CASWE International Conference Centering on Margins, Canadian Assocdiation for the Study of Women and Education, University of Ottawa, Canada, 1998, Without Invitation, English, Canadian Assocdiation for the Study of Women and Education, University of Ottawa, Canada, University of Ottawa, Canada
  67. "Identity and Power amongst Japanese Women", Naomi Tsunematsu, Monash University Postgraduate Conference, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Monash University, 1997/10, Without Invitation, English, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Monash University, Monash University, Australia
  68. "Changing Views of Japanese Women's Wartime Experiences", Naomi Tsunematsu, Rocky Mountain-Southwest Japan Seminar, University of Utah, USA, 1994/03, Without Invitation, English, University of Utah, USA, University of Utah, USA
  69. "Japanese Attitudes Towards the Emperor During the Allied Occupation of Japan", Naomi Tsunematsu, East Asian Studies Faculty-Student Colloquium, University of Arizona, USA, 1993/05, Without Invitation, English, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Arizona, USA

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. Hiroshima University Research Center, Practicing and Developing Science for Diversity & Inclusion (Member), 2019/04/01, 2021/03/31
  2. Hiroshima University Research Center, Practicing and Developing Science for Diversity & Inclusion (Member), 2019/04/01, 2021/03/31
  3. Hiroshima University Research Center, Practicing and Developing Science for Diversity & Inclusion (Member), 2018/04, 2024/03
  4. Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Holistic Research on the Influence of Adjustment in Japan through Study Abroad Experience and Re-Adjustment in Home Countries on Multinational Students, 2017/04, 2020/03
  5. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI), Paradigm Shift in the Global Society : Transformation of Consciousness through Higher Education and Career in Japan, 2009/04, 2011/03
  6. Hiroshima University President Research Funding, 'Research Aiming at Improvement of International Education for International Students & Japanese Students', 2007/04, 2008/03
  7. Hiroshima University President Research Funding, 'Research on the Needs of Opening Courses Taught in English for International Exchange Students (HUSA) for Japanese Students: Aiming for Opening Courses in English for Japanese Students', 2004/10, 2005/03
  8. A Study Grant-in-Aid, A Study Grant-in-Aid, Research Training & Support, Monash University, Australia, 1997/07, 1997/10
  9. Monash Graduate Scholarship (MGS), Monash Graduate Scholarship (MGS)awarded by Monash Univeristy, Australia, 1995, 1999
  10. Overseas Postgraduate Research Scholarship Scheme (OPRS), Overseas Postgraduate Research Scholarship Scheme (OPRS) awarded by Monash University & Australia and the Commonwealth Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEET), 1995, 1999
  11. Teaching Assistantship (Japanese language instructor), Teaching Assistantship (Japanese language instructor) awarded by Department of East Asian Studies, The University of Arizona, USA (1992-1994), 1992/08, 1994/05

Social Activities

History as Committee Members

  1. Intercultulral Education Promotion Committee, 2024/04, 2025/03, Hiroshima Prefectural Nisshokan High School
  2. Intercultural Education Promotion Committee, 2023/04/01, 2024/03/31, Hiroshima Prefectural Nisshokan High School
  3. Intercultural Education Promotion Committee, 2020/04/01, 2021/03/31, Hiroshima Prefectural Nisshokan High School
  4. Intercultural Education Promotion Committee, 2022/04/01, 2023/03/31, Hiroshima Prefectural Nisshokan High School
  5. Super Science High School Research Committee Member, 2023/04/01, 2024/03/31, High School Affiliated with Hiroshima University
  6. Super Science High School Research Committee Member, 2022/04/01, 2023/03/31, High School Affiliated with Hiroshima University
  7. Super Science High School Reseach Committee Member, 2024/04, 2025/03, High School Affiliated with Hiroshima University High School
  8. Intercultural Education Promotion Committee Member, 2021/04/01, 2022/03/31, Nisshokan High School
  9. Super Science High School Research Cooperation Committee Member, Hiroshima University, 2021/04/01, 2022/03/31, High School Affiliated with Hiroshima University
  10. Super Science High School Research Cooperation Committee Member, Hiroshima University, 2020/04/01, 2021/03/31, High School Affiliated with Hiroshima University
  11. Advisor for Intercultural Understanding Promotion Committee, Nisshokan High School, 2020/04, 2021/03/31, Nisshokan High School
  12. Intercultural Education Promotion Committee Member, 2019/08, 2020/03, Nisshokan High School
  13. Super Science High School Research Cooperation Committee Member, Hiroshima University, 2019/04/01, 2020/03/31, High School Affiliated with Hiroshima University
  14. Super Science High School Research Cooperation Committee Member, Hiroshima University, 2019/04/01, 2020/03/31, High School Affiliated with Hiroshima Universiy
  15. Auditor, 2019/04, 2020/03, Japan Society for Interdisciplinary Science
  16. Super Science High School Research Cooperation Committee Member, Hiroshima University, 2018/04/01, 2019/03/31, High School Affiliated with Hiroshima University
  17. Auditor, 2018/04, 2019/03, Japan Society for Interdisciplinary Science
  18. Committee Member, JAISE Annual Conference, 2017/11, 2018/09, Japan Association for International Student Education
  19. Advisory Board Member, 2017/08, 2019/07, International Journal of Progressive Education
  20. Committee Member, Japan Comparative Education Society, The 54th Annual Conference, 2017/07, 2018/06, Japan Comparative Education Society
  21. Super Science High School Research Cooperation Committee Member, Hiroshima University, 2017/04/01, 2018/03/31, High School Affiliated with Hiroshima University
  22. Advisory Board Member, 2016/08, 2017/07, International Journal of Progressive Education
  23. Super Science High School Research Cooperation Committee Member, Hiroshima University, 2016/04/01, 2017/03/31, High School Affiliated with Hiroshima University
  24. Japan Society for Interdisciplinary Science, 2016/04, 2017/03, Japan Society for Interdisciplinary Science
  25. Advisory Board Member, 2015/08, 2016/07, International Journal of Progressive Education
  26. Super Science High School Research Cooperation Committee, Hiroshima University, 2015/04/01, 2016/03/31, High School Affiliated with Hiroshima University
  27. An organizer, Japan Society for Interdisciplinary Science, 2015/04, 2019/03, Japan Society for Interdisciplinary Science
  28. Super Science High School Research Cooperation Committee Member, Hiroshima University, 2014/04/01, 2015/03/31, High School Affiliated with Hiroshima University
  29. Advisory Board Member, 2013/08, 2015/07, International Journal of Progressive Education
  30. Super Science High School Advisory Committee Member, Hiroshima University, 2013/04/01, 2014/03/31, High School Affiliated with Hiroshima University
  31. Super Science High School Advisory Committee Member, Hiroshima University, 2012/04/01, 2013/03/31, High School Affiliated with Hiroshima University
  32. Super Science High School Advisor Committee Member, Hiroshima University, 2011/04/01, 2012/03/31, High School Affiliated with Hiroshima University
  33. Organizer, Japan Society for Interdisciplinary Science, 2011/04, 2015/03, Japan Society for Interdisciplinary Science
  34. Japan Comparative Education Society, Permanet Regular Secretary, 2011/04, 2015/03, Japan Comparative Education Society
  35. Japan Society for Interdisciplinary Science, 2007/04, 2011/03, Japan Society for Interdisciplinary Science

Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.

  1. International Symposium "Inclusive Leadership Development and Transformative Collaboration in Culturally Diverse Environment", Organizer & Speaker ("Practicing and Developing Science for Diversity & Inclusion" Member), Hiroshima University, 2019/07, 2019/07
  2. International Symposium "Internationally Friendly Campus", Hiroshima University, Organizer, 2007/, 2007/
  3. Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA) Program 10th Anniversary International Symposium, Hiroshima University, Organizer, 2006/, 2006/

Other Social Contributions

  1. Hiroshima University Open Lecture, Connecting Global Society, University, and Local Society ~ Preparing Yourself For Intercultural Contact No.2: Teaching Japanese Language and Culture [English & Japanese], Hiroshima University, 2024/07/11, 2024/07/11, Hiroshima University, Mirai Crea
  2. Hiroshima Bank "Intercultural Competence Development Seminar" ("Glocal Internship" Course), "Intercultural Competence Development Seminar", Hiroshima Bank and Hirohima University, 2023/11/10, 2023/11/10, Hiroshima Bank, Saijo South Branch, Advisor, Lecture, College students
  3. Nisshokan High School Glocal Human Resources Development Program 120 "Kisa Omotenashi Plan: International Exchange" & "Intercultural Competence Development Practicum" (International Exchange of Nisshokan High School and HUSA Program International Students), "Kisa Omotenashi Plan: International Exchange", Hiroshima Prefectural Nisshokan High School & Hiroshima University, 2023/11/11, 2023/11/11, Hiroshima Prefectural Nisshokan High School, Lecturer, Meeting or assembly, High school students
  4. Hiroshima University Open Lecture, "Connecting Global Society, University, and Local Society ~ Preparing Yourself for Intercultural Encounter ~, Hiroshima University, 2023/12/08, 2023/12/08, Mirai Crea, Hiroshima University
  5. Asian Conference on Education (ACE), The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Session 2, Room D (Live Stream): Education and Contemporary Development Issue, Session Chair, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), 2023/11/25, 2023/11/25, Online, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, Researchesrs
  6. "Intercultural Competence Development Seminar", Intercultural Competence and Japanese Society, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima Prefectural Hiro High School, 2023/07/21, 2023/07/21, Hiroshima Prefectural Hiro High School
  7. Hirosima University Open Lecture, "Connecting Global Society, University, and Local Society : Preparing Yourself for Intercultural Encounter", Hiroshima University, 2022/12/16, 2022/12/23, Hiroshima University, Mirai Crea, Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, General
  8. The 14thAsian Conferende on Education (ACE 2022), International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Chair for Friday Live-Stream Session 1, Higher Education, Tokyo, Higher Education, International Academic Forum (IAFOR), 2022/12/02, 2022/12/02, Tokyo & Online, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, Researchesrs
  9. The 13thAsian Conferende on Education (ACE 2021), International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Chair for Friday Live-Stream Session 3, Resilience in Times of COVID-19, Resilience in Times of COVID-19, International Academic Forum (IAFOR), 2021/11/26, 2021/11/26, Tokyo & Online, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, Researchesrs
  10. The 11thAsian Conferende on Education (ACE 2019), International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Chair for Sunday Session 1, International Education: Students, Tokyo, International Education: Students, International Academic Forum (IAFOR), 2019/11/03, 2019/11/03, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, Researchesrs
  11. International Seminar "Multicultural Society by the Cooperation of Local Society and University", Glocal Internship, "Local Tourism from International Perspectives", Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, 2022/11/11, 2022/11/11, Hiroshima University
  12. Nisshokan High School Glocal Human Resources Development Program 120 "Kisa Omotenashi Plan: International Exchange" & "Intercultural Competence Development Practicum" (International Exchange of Nisshokan High School and HUSA Program International Students), "Kisa Omotenashi Plan: International Exchange", Nisshokan High School and Hiroshima University, 2022/10/29, 2022/10/29, Nisshokan High School, Lecturer, Meeting or assembly, College students
  13. "Intercultural Competence Development Seminar" (Collaborative Learning of Hiroshima Univerisity Students and Hiro High School Students), "Intercultural Competence and Japanese Society" Class, "Intercultural Competence Development Seminar", Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, Hiroshima University, 2022/07/27, 2022/07/27, Hiroshima Prefectural High School, Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, High school students
  14. "Intercultural communication", "English Expression I", Nisshokan High School, Nisshokan High School, 2022/03/16, 2022/03/16, Nisshokan High School
  15. "Glocal Internship" Practicum - Multicultural Society by the Cooperation of University and Local Society, Hiroshima University, International Exchange – Exchange Students & Junior High School, Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, 2022/01/21, 2022/01/21, Online, Lecturer, Meeting or assembly, Junior high school students
  16. International Open Seminar "Development of Multicultural Society by the Cooperation of University and Local Society," Glocal Internship (Online), "Development of Multicultural Society by the Cooperation of University and Local Society", Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, 2021/12/24, 2021/12/24, Online (English & Japanese), Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, College students
  17. Nisshokan High School Globalized Human Resources Development Program 120 "Kisa Omotenashi Plan: International Exchange" (International Exchange of Nisshokan High School and HUSA Program International Students), "Kisa Omotenashi Plan: International Exchange", Nisshokan High School and Hiroshima University, 2021/11/04, 2021/11/04, Online, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, College students
  18. Frontier Science Lecture, High School Affiliated with Hiroshima University, "Internationalization of University and Intercultural Communication : Becoming a Researcher in Global Society", High School Affiliated with Hiroshima University, 2021/10/18, 2021/10/18, High School Affiliated with Hiroshima University, Lecturer, Lecture, High school students
  19. Hiroshima University Model Class - Kagawa High School affiliated with Ube Frontier University, "Internationalization of University & Intercultural Understanding", Center for High School & University Articulation and Admission, 2021/07/15, 2021/07/15, Online, Lecturer, Lecture, High school students
  20. Hirosima University Open Lecture "Connecting Global Society, University, and Local Society : Preparing Yourself for Intercultural Encounter", "Connecting Global Society, University, and Local Society : Preparing Yourself for Intercultural Encounter", Hiroshima University, 2021/06/16, 2021/06/23, Online, Lecturer, Lecture, General
  21. Japanese Association of Higher Education Research, 24th Annual Conference, "International Students and Globalization" (Chair), 2021/05/30, 2021/05/30, Online, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, Researchesrs
  22. Nisshokan High School Glocal Education Development 120 "Kisa Omotenashi Plan International Exchange", International Exchange of HUSA Program Exchange Students & Nisshokan High School Students, Nisshokan High School, Nisshokan High School Glocal Education Development 120 "Kisa Omotenashi Plan International Exchange" with HUSA Program Students, 2020/11/20, 2020/11/20, Zoom (Online), English, Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, High school students
  23. Development of Multicultural Society : Cooperation of Local Society and University, International Seminar (HUSA, "Glocal Internship" Course), Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, 2020/11/13, 2020/11/13, TEAMS (Online), English & Japanese, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, College students
  24. HUSA Glocal Leadership Project: Cooperation of University and Local Society - International Students' Self-support System ~ Discover Hiroshima ~ Final Presentation, HUSA Program, Hiroshima University, HUSA Program 2019-2020, Glocal Leadership Project, 2020/07/16, 2020/07/16, TEAMS (Online), English & Japanese, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, College students
  25. Glocal Leadership Project : Cooperation of University and Local Society - International Students' Self-Support System ~ Discover Hiroshima ~ Midterm Presentation Seminar, HUSA Program, Hiroshima University, HUSA Program 2019-2020, Glocal Leadership Project, 2020/05/28, 2020/05/28, TEAMS (Online), English & Japanese, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, Teachers
  26. "2019 Workshop for Bisan District Community Center Association", "Community Center and Internaitonal Exchange", Mihara City Education Board Life-long Learning Section, 2019/12/16, 2019/12/16, Life-long Learning Center, Hongo, Mihara-city, Lecturer, Lecture, General
  27. Glocal Leadership Project: Cooperation of University and Local Society, Development of Self-support system ~Discover Hiroshima~, 1st Project Plan Seminar, Success Tips: "What is Culture Shock?", Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, 2019/12/10, 2019/12/10, English
  28. "Development of Multicultural Society: Cooperation of University and Local Soceity"(HUSA Prgoram "Glocal Internship" Course), Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, 2019/11/22, 2019/11/22, Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, General
  29. International Exchange of International Students (HUSA) and Nisshokan High School, Nisshokan High School Glocal Education Development 120 "Kisa Omotenashi Plan International Exchange", Nisshokan High School, 2019/11/09, 2019/11/09, Nisshokan High School, Meeting or assembly, High school students
  30. "Glocal Leadership Project:: Cooperation of University & Local Society ~Adjustment & Readjustment: Development of Support System for International Students" ~ Final Presentation, Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, 2019/07/10, 2019/07/10, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University
  31. "Glocal Leadership Project:: Cooperation of University & Local Society ~Adjustment & Readjustment: Development of Support System for International Students" ~ Final Presentation ~, "Preparing to Return Home: Reverse Culture Shock", Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, Hiroshima University, 2019/07/10, 2019/07/10, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, Presenter
  32. Hirosima University Open Lecture "Connecting Global Society, University, and Local Society : Preparing Yourself for Intercultural Encounter", Hiroshima University, 2019/07/03, 2019/07/10, Hiroshima University
  33. Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA) "Glocal Leadership Project: Cooperation of University & Local Society - Adjustment & Readjustment: Development of Support System for International Students" ~ Midyear Semiamar No.2 ~, Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, 2019/04/24, 2019/04/24, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University
  34. Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA) "Glocal Leadership Project: Cooperation of University & Local Society - Adjustment & Readjustment: Development of Support System for International Students" ~ Midyear Semiamar No.2 ~, "Success Tips for your Project: Meaning of Experiential Learning and Cooperative Learning", Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, 2019/04/24, 2019/04/24, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University
  35. The Open University of Japan, "Global Society, University, and Local Society", The Open University of Japan, 2019/04/16, 2019/04/26, The Open University of Japan, Hiroshima Center (Fukuyama), Lecturer, Visiting lecture, General
  36. HUSA Program "Glocal Leadership Practical Group Project: Cooperatoin of University and Local Society" ~Support System for Adjustmen & Readjustment~1st Midterm Presentation, Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, 2018/12/12, 2018/12/12, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, College students
  37. HUSA Program "Glocal Leadership Practical Group Project: Cooperatoin of University and Local Society" ~Support System for Adjustmen & Readjustment~1st Midterm Presentation, "What is Culture Shock?", Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, 2018/12/12, 2018/12/12, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, Lecturer, Meeting or assembly, College students
  38. Nisshokan High School Glocal Education Development 120 "Kisa Omotenashi Plan International Exchange", Nisshokan High School, 2018/11/10, 2018/11/10, Nisshokan High School, Presenter, Seminar or workshop, College students
  39. "Development of Multicultural Society: Cooperation of University and Local Soceity"(HUSA Prgoram "Globalization Support Internship" Course), Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, 2018/11/09, 2018/11/09, Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, Hiroshima University
  40. HUSA Program "Glocal Leadership Practical Group Project: Cooperatoin of University and Local Society" ~Self-Support for HUSA International Students: Home Sickenss Mitigation~ Final Presentation, "Preparing to Return Home: Reverse Culture Shock", International Center, Hiroshima University, 2018/07/11, 2018/07/11, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, Lecturer, Meeting or assembly, College students
  41. HUSA Program "Glocal Leadership Practical Group Project: Cooperation of University and Local Society" - Self-Support for HUSA International Students: Home Sickness Mitigation - Final Presentation, International Center, Hiroshima University, 2018/07/11, 2018/07/11, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, English & Japanese, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, College students
  42. "Connecting Global Society, University, and Local Society - Preparation to Face Various Cultures -", Hiroshima University Open Lecture, "Connecting Global Society, University, and Local Society - Preparation to Face Various Cultures -", Hiroshima University, 2018/07/04, 2018/07/11, International Cener, Hiroshima University, Lecturer, Lecture, General
  43. Japan Comparative Education Society, The 54th Annual Conference, Free Research Presentation IV-4, Higher Education (4), Japan Comparative Education Society, 2018/06/24, 2018/06/24, Hiroshima University, Presenter, Others, Researchesrs
  44. HUSA Program "Glocal Leadership Practical Group Project: Cooperation of University and Local Society" - Self-Support for HUSA International Students: Home Sickness Mitigation - The 2nd Midyear Presentation, "Tips - Success of Your Project: What is Culture Shock?", International Center, Hiroshima University, 2018/04/18, 2018/04/18, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, English
  45. HUSA Program "Glocal Leadership Practical Group Project: Cooperatoin of University and Local Society" - Self-Support for HUSA International Students: Home Sickenss Mitigation -The 2nd Midyear Presentation, International Center, Hiroshima University, 2018/04/18, 2018/04/18, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, English & Japanese, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, College students
  46. Super Science High School Project, Development of Internatinal Program, English Camp, High School Affliated with Faculty of Education, Hiroshima University, "Intercultural Understanding Seminar: Internationalization of University/ Connecting Local Society and Foreigners", High School Affliated with Faculty of Education, Hiroshima University, Super Science High School Project, Development of Internatinal Program, English Camp, High School Affliated with Faculty of Education, Hiroshima University, 2018/01/27, 2018/01/27, Faculty Club, Hiroshima University, Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, High school students
  47. HUSA Program "Glocal Leadership Practical Group Project: Cooperatoin of University and Local Society" ~Self-Support for HUSA International Students: Home Sickenss Mitigation~ The 1st Midyear Presentation, "Success Tips: Connecting with People", International Center, Hiroshima University, HUSA Program "Glocal Leadership Practical Group Project: Cooperatoin of University and Local Society" ~Self-Support for HUSA International Students: Home Sickenss Mitigation~, 2018/01/27, 2018/01/27, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, Lecturer, Meeting or assembly, College students
  48. HUSA Program "Glocal Leadership Practical Research Group Project: Cooperation of University and Local Society" ~Self-support System for International Students: How to Mitigate Home Sickness~ Project Planning International Seminar, International Center, Hiroshima Univeristy, HUSA Program "Glocal Leadership Practical Research Group Project: Cooperation of University and Local Society" ~Self-support System for International Students: How to Mitigate Home Sickness~ Project Planning International Seminar, 2017/11/29, 2017/11/29, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, Teachers
  49. HUSA Program "Glocal Leadership Practical Research Group Project: Cooperation of University and Local Society" ~ Self-support System for International Students: How to Mitigate Home Sickness~, Project Planning International Seminar, "Success Tips for the Project: Meaning of Experiential Learning & Cooperative Learning", International Center, Hiroshima University, HUSA Program "Glocal Leadership Practical Research Group Project: Cooperation of University and Local Society" ~ Self-support System for International Students: How to Mitigate Home Sickness~, Project Planning International Seminar, 2017/11/29, 2017/11/29, Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, Teachers
  50. "Development of Multicultural Society: Cooperation of University and Local Soceity"(HUSA Prgoram "Globalization Support Internship" Course), International Center, Hiroshima University, "Development of Multicultural Society: Cooperation of University and Local Soceity"(HUSA Prgoram "Globalization Support Internship" Course), 2017/11/17, 2017/11/17, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, Teachers
  51. Nisshokan High School Glocal Education Developent 120 "Kisa Omotenashi Plan International Exchange", International Exchange of Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA) Program Students and Nisshokan High School Students, Nisshokan High School, Nisshokan High School Glocal Education Developent 120 "Kisa Omotenashi Plan International Exchange", 2017/11/11, 2017/11/11, Nisshokan High School, Meeting or assembly, College students
  52. HUSA Program, "Glocal Leadership Practical Research Project: Cooperation of University and Local Society," ~Self Support System for International Students~, Final Presentation, International Open Seminar, "Intercultural Adjustment", International Center, Hiroshima University, HUSA Program, "Glocal Leadership Practical Research Project: Cooperation of University and Local Society," ~Self Support System for International Students~, Final Presentation, International Open Seminar, "Intercultural Adjustment", 2017/07/12, 2017/07/12, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, Lecturer, Visiting lecture, College students
  53. HUSA Program, "Glocal Leadership Practical Research Project: Cooperation of University and Local Society," ~Self Support System for International Students~, Final Presentation, International Open Seminar, International Center, Hiroshima University, HUSA Program, "Glocal Leadership Practical Research Project: Cooperation of University and Local Society," ~Self Support System for International Students~, Final Presentation, International Open Seminar, 2017/07/12, 2017/07/12, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, College students
  54. "Connecting Global Society, University, and Local Society - Preparation to Face Various Cultures -", Hiroshima University Open Lecture, "Connecting Global Society, University, and Local Society - Preparation to Face Various Cultures -", Hiroshima University, Open Lecture, Hiroshima University, 2017/05/18, 2017/06/01, Hiroshima University, Faculty of Education, Visiting lecture, General
  55. HUSA Program, "Glocal Leadershp Project: Cooperation of University & Local Society - Self-Support System for International Students - , Midterim Seminar No.2, International Open Seminar, Glocal Leadershp Project: Cooperation of University & Local Society" - Self-Support System for International Students - , "For the Success of the Project", International Center, Hiroshima University, HUSA Program, "Glocal Leadershp Project: Cooperation of University & Local Society - Self-Support System for International Students - , Midterim Seminar No.2, International Open Seminar, "For the Success of the Project", 2017/04/20, 2017/04/20, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, English &Japanese, Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, College students
  56. HUSA "Glocal Leadership Project: Cooperation of University and Local Society" - Self Suport Project for HUSA Students - Midterm Open International Seminar, No.2, International Center, Hiroshima University, HUSA "Glocal Leadership Project: Cooperation of University and Local Society" - Self Suport Project for HUSA Students - Midterm Open International Seminar, No.2, 2017/04/20, 2017/04/20, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, College students
  57. "Origin of Higher Education and Development of University inGlobal Age: Roles of the Researcher on History of Education", "Origin of Higher Education and Development of University inGlobal Age: Roles of the Researcher on History of Education", Prof. Roy Lowe & Prof. Yoshihito Yasuhara, "Origin of Higher Education and Development of University inGlobal Age: Roles of the Researcher on History of Education", 2017/04/01, 2017/04/01, Open Air University, Hiroshima Center, Organizing Member, Seminar or workshop, General
  58. HUSA International Interns' Participation in the Kurahashi Festival (Kure-city) in the "Globalization Support Internship" Practicum, HUSA International Interns' Participation in the Kurahashi Festival (Kure-city) in the "Globalization Support Internship" Practicum, International Center, Hiroshima University, HUSA International Interns' Participation in the Kurahashi Festival (Kure-city) in the "Globalization Support Internship" Practicum, 2017/02/19, 2017/02/19, Kurahashi Community Center, Kure-city, Advisor, Others, General
  59. HUSA Program "Glocal Leadership Project : Cooperation of University & Local Society" Midterim Presentation No.1, Open International Seminar, HUSA Program "Glocal Leadership Project : Cooperation of University & Local Society" ~ Self-support System by International Students~, Midterim Presentation No.1, Open International Seminar, International Center, Hiroshima University, HUSA Program "Glocal Leadership Project : Cooperation of University & Local Society" ~ Self-support System by International Students~, Midterim Presentation No.1, Open International Seminar, 2017/01/31, 2017/01/31, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, English & Japanese, Advisor, Meeting or assembly, College students
  60. Super Science High School Project, Development of Internatinal Program, English Camp, High School Affliated with Faculty of Education, Hiroshima University, Intercultural Understanding Seminar "Global Society and Us: Intercultural Communication", High School Affliated with Faculty of Education, Hiroshima University, 2017/01/27, 2017/01/27, Hiroshima International Youth House, Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, High school students
  61. Group Discussion, "Globalization Strategy of Industry", ("Globalization Support Internship") Open Seminar), Group Discussion, "Globalization Strategy of Industry", ("Globalization Support Internship") Open Seminar), International Cener, Hiroshima University, Group Discussion, "Globalization Strategy of Industry", ("Globalization Support Internship") Open Seminar), 2016/12/16, 2016/12/16, International Center, Hiroshima University, Advisor, Seminar or workshop, College students
  62. Lectures on Career, "Global Strategy of Industry", ("Globalization Support Internship", Open Lecture), Lectures on Career, "Global Strategy of Industry", ("Globalization Support Internship", Open Lecture), International Center, Hiroshima University, Lectures on Career, "Global Strategy of Industry", ("Globalization Support Internship", Open Lecture), 2016/12/16, 2016/12/16, International Center, Hiroshima University, Presenter, Lecture, College students
  63. "Creation of Multicultural Local Society: Cooperation of Local Society & University" Open International Seminar ("Globalizatoin Support Internship"), "Creation of Multicultural Local Society: Cooperation of Local Society & University" Open International Seminar ("Globalizatoin Support Internship"), International Center, Hiroshima University, "Creation of Multicultural Local Society: Cooperation of Local Society & University" Open International Seminar, 2016/11/18, 2016/11/18, International Center, Hiroshima University, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, Teachers
  64. Nisshokan High School Glocal Education Developent 120 "Kisa Omotenashi Plan International Exchange" with HUSA Program Students, International Exchange Between Nisshokan High School and Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA) Program Students, Nisshokan High School, International Exchange Between Nisshokan High School and Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA) Program Students, 2016/11/12, 2016/11/12, Nisshokan High School, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, College students
  65. "Glocal Leadership Project" (HUSA Program) : Introduction, "Glocal Leadership Project" (HUSA Program) : Introduction, International Center, Hiroshima University, "Glocal Leadership Project" (HUSA Program) : Introduction, 2016/10/26, 2016/10/26, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, English & Japanese, Advisor, Research advise, College students
  66. HUSA Program Orientation:Intercultural Understanding Group Project by Multinational Students, HUSA Program Orientation:Intercultural Understanding Group Project by Multinational Students, International Center, Hiroshima University, HUSA Program Orientation:Intercultural Understanding Group Project by Multinational Students, 2016/09/28, 2016/09/28, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, Advisor, Seminar or workshop, College students
  67. "Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Research Group Project" (Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, HUSA) Final Presentattion Seminar, "Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Research Group Project" (Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, HUSA) Final Presentation Seminar, International Center, Hiroshima University, "Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Research Group Project" (Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, HUSA) Final Presentation Seminar, 2016/07/12, 2016/07/12, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, Teachers
  68. "Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Research Group Project: New Hint for Students - Different Cultural Paradigm", "Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Research Group Project: New Hint for Students - Different Cultural Paradigm", International Cener, Hiroshima University, "Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Research Group Project" Final Presentation, 2016/07/12, 2016/07/12, International Center, Hiroshima University, Advisor, Meeting or assembly, College students
  69. The Open University of Japan, "Global Society, University, and Local Society", The Open University of Japan, "Global Society, University, and Local Society", The Open University of Japan, The Open University of Japan, "Global Society, University, and Local Society", 2016/04/17, 2016/04/24, The Open University of Japan, Hiroshima Cener, Lecturer, Others, General
  70. "Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Group Research" Midterm Presentation No.2, "Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Group Research" Midterm Presentation No.2, International Center, Hiroshima University, "Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Group Research" Midterm Presentation No.2, 2016/04/07, 2016/04/07, Student Plaza 1F, Hiroshima University, English & Japanese, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, General
  71. HUSA "Globalization Support Internship" International Student Interns' Participation in the Kurahashi Festival (Kurahashi, Kure-city), HUSA "Globalization Support Internship" International Student Interns' Participation in the Kurahashi Festival (Kurahashi, Kure-city), International Center, Hiroshima University, HUSA "Globalization Support Internship" International Student Interns' Participation in the Kurahashi Festival (Kurahashi, Kure-city), 2016/02/21, 2016/02/21, Kurahashi Community Center, Kure-city, Advisor, Others, General
  72. Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Group Research" Midterm Presentation (No.1), Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Group Research" Midterm Presentation (No.1), International Center, Hiroshima University, Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Group Research" Midterm Presentation (No.1), 2015/12/21, 2015/12/21, Student Plaza 1F, Hiroshima University, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, General
  73. "Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Research Group Project" Midterm Presentation No.1, "Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Research Group Project: Success Tips" Midterm Presentation No.1, International Center, Hiroshima University, "Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Research Group Project" Midterm Presentation No.1, 2015/12/21, 2015/12/21, International Center, Hiroshima University, Advisor, Seminar or workshop, College students
  74. "What is Globalized Human Resource?" from Industry Perspective & Group Discussion, "What is Globalized Human Resource?" from Industry Perspective & Group Discussion, International Center, Hiroshima University, "What is Globalized Human Resource?" from Industry Perspective & Group Discussion, 2015/12/18, 2015/12/18, Hiroshima University, International Center, Presenter, Seminar or workshop
  75. “Measures to Increase International Students in Hiroshima Prefecture” Open Seminar, “Measures to Increase International Students in Hiroshima Prefecture" Open Seminar, International Center, Hiroshima University, “Measures to Increase International Students in Hiroshima Prefecture" Open Seminar, 2015/12/05, 2015/12/05, International Center, Hiroshima University
  76. "Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Group Research Project" Plan Presentation, "Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Group Research Project" Plan Presentation, International Center, Hiroshima University, "Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Group Research Project" Plan Presentation, 2015/11/10, 2015/11/10, Hiroshima University, Student Plaza 1F, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, General
  77. Nisshokan High School Glocal Personnel Development Program 120: International Exchange of Nisshokan High School and Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA), International Exchange of Nisshokan High School and Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA), Nisshokan High School, International Exchange of Nisshokan High School and Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA), 2015/11/07, 2015/11/07, Nisshokan High School, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, High school students
  78. 'Development of Multicultural Society - Cooperation with Local Society' International Seminar, 'Development of Multicultural Society - Cooperation with Local Society' International Seminar, Hiroshima University, International Center: International Education Division, 'Development of Multicultural Society - Cooperation with Local Society' International Seminar, 2015/11/06, 2015/11/06, Hiroshima University, International Center: International Education Division, Lecturer, Meeting or assembly, Governmental agency
  79. Kure City Hall "Self Development Seminar", "Self Development Seminar" No.2: Taking Off Your Framework, Kure City Hall, General Affairs Planning & Personnel Department, 2015/10/23, 2015/10/23, Kure City Hall, Tsubaki Hall, Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, Governmental agency
  80. "Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Research Group Project" Final Presentation, "Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Research Group Project" Final Presentation, International Center, Hiroshima University, "Development of Multicultural Local Society Practical Research Group Project" Final Presentation, 2015/10/01, 2016/07/31, Student Plaza, Hiroshima Univeresity, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, General
  81. HUSA Program Orientation: Intercultural Understanding Group Project by Multinational Students, HUSA Program Orientation: Intercultural Understanding Group Project by Multinational Students, International Center, Hiroshima University, HUSA Program Orientation: Intercultural Understanding Group Project by Multinational Students, 2015/09/28, 2015/09/28, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, Advisor, Seminar or workshop, College students
  82. Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA) Program 2014-2015: Students' Research Final Presentation, Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA) Program 2014-2015: Students' Research Final Presentation, International Center, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA) Program 2014-2015: Students' Research Final Presentation, 2015/07/23, 2015/07/23, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, College students
  83. Kure-city Hall,Self Development Seminar Series 'Self Investment Seminar', Cross-Cultural Understanding Seminar No.1 "Global Society and Us - Prepare Ourselves for Cross-cultural Contact", Kure-City Hall, Personnel Department, Kure-city Hall,Self Development Seminar Series 'Self Investment Seminar', 2015/06/19, Kure City Hall, Kure-city, Hiroshima, JAPAN, Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, Governmental agency
  84. "Project to Internationalize Local Society" Open International Seminar, "Project to Internationalize Local Society" Open International Seminar, International Center, Hiroshima University, "Project to Internationalize Local Society" Open International Seminar, 2015/05/16, 2015/05/16, International Center, Hiroshima University, Lecturer, Meeting or assembly, Governmental agency
  85. HUSA "Globalization Support Internship" International Tourism Guide (Nagato Ship Building Museum, Kurahashi, Kure-city), HUSA "Globalization Support Internship" International Tourism Guide (Nagato Ship Building Museum, Kurahashi, Kure-city), International Center, Hiroshima University, HUSA "Globalization Support Internship" International Tourism Guide (Nagato Ship Building Museum, Kurahashi, Kure-city), 2015/02/14, 2015/02/16, Nagato Ship Building Museum (Kurahashi, Kure-city), Advisor, Others, General
  86. HUSA "Globalization Support Internship" International Student Interns' Stage Participation in the Kurahashi Festival, Kure-city, HUSA "Globalization Support Internship" International Student Interns' Stage Participation in the Kurahashi Festival, Kure-city, International Center, Hiroshima University, HUSA "Globalization Support Internship" International Student Interns' Stage Participation in the Kurahashi Festival, Kure-city, 2015/02/14, 2015/02/16, Kurahashi Community Center, Kure-city, Advisor, Others, General
  87. “Tourism Promotion in Kure City” "Globalization Support Internship" Open Seminar, “Tourism Promotion in Kure City” "Globalization Support Internship" Open Seminar, International Center, Hiroshima University, “Tourism Promotion in Kure City” "Globalization Support Internship" Open Seminar, 2014/12/31, 2014/12/31, International Center, Hiroshima University
  88. Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA) Program 2014-2015 : Students' Research Project, Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA) Program 2014-2015 : Students' Research Project, International Center, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA) Program 2014-2015 : Students' Research Project, 2014/12/18, 2014/12/18, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, College students
  89. 'Study Abroad Experience in Japan and My International Career' ('Globalization Support Internship' Lecture Series), 'Study Abroad Experience in Japan and My International Career' ('Globalization Support Internship' Lecture Series), International Center, Hiroshima University, 'Study Abroad Experience in Japan and My International Career' ('Globalization Support Internship' Lecture Series), 2014/12/14, 2014/12/14, International Center, Hiroshima University, Planner, Seminar or workshop, College students
  90. "International Publicity of the Kurahashi Nagato Ship Building Historical Museum" Open International Seminar, "International Publicity of the Kurahashi Nagato Ship Building Historical Museum" Open International Seminar, Hiroshima University, International Center, "International Publicity of the Kurahashi Nagato Ship Building Historical Museum" Open International Seminar, 2014/10/31, 2014/10/31, Hiroshima University, International Center, Lecturer, Meeting or assembly, Governmental agency
  91. "Cooperation of International Student Interns & Local Associations" ("Globalization Support Internship"), "Cooperation of International Student Interns & Local Associations", Kurahachi United Association of Self-Autonomous Bodies, Kure-city, "Cooperation of International Student Interns & Local Associations" ("Globalization Support Internship"), 2014/09/09, 2014/09/09, Kurahashi Community Center, Kure-city, Others, Meeting or assembly, Civic organization
  92. Cross-cultural Understanding Seminar & International Exchange (Kurahashi, Kure-city), Cross-cultural Understanding Seminar & International Exchange (Kurahashi, Kure-city), Hiroshima University, International Center, Cross-cultural Understanding Seminar & International Exchange (Kurahashi, Kure-city), 2014/08/07, 2014/08/07, Cross-cultural Understanding Seminar & International Exchange (Kurahashi, Kure-city), Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, General
  93. "Children's Observation Day" (Promoted by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; MEXT) & Cross-cultural Seminar, "Children's Observation Day" (Promoted by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; MEXT) & Cross-cultural Seminar, International Center, Hiroshima University, "Children's Observation Day" (Promoted by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; MEXT) & Cross-cultural Seminar, 2014/08/06, 2014/08/06, Hiroshima University Campus & International Center, Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, Junior high school students
  94. Home Stay in Kurahashi, Kure-city for Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA) students & HUSA OB, International Center, Hiroshima University, Home Stay in Kurahashi, Kure-city for Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA) students & HUSA OB, 2014/08/06, 2014/08/07, Kurahashi, Kure-city, Planner, Others, College students
  95. Workshop for Home Stay (Home Stay of Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA) Students with Students of Kurahashi Junior High School"), International Center, Hiroshima University, Workshop for Home Stay (Home Stay of Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA) Students with Students of Kurahashi Junior High School"), 2014/07/28, 2014/07/28, Kurahashi Junior High School, Kure-city, Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, Guardians
  96. "International Tour Guide Internship" at Nagato Ship Building Museum ("Globalization Support Internship") , Meeting No.2, "International Tour Guide Internship" at Nagato Ship Building Museum, International Center, Hiroshima University, "International Tour Guide Internship" at Nagato Ship Building Museum ("Globalization Support Internship") , Meeting No.2, 2014/07/18, 2014/07/18, Tourism Promotion Section, Kure-city Office, Lecturer, Meeting or assembly, Civic organization
  97. "Comparative Study on Home Country & Japan Group Research" Final Presentation (Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, HUSA), "Comparative Study on Home Country & Japan Group Research" Final Presentation (Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, HUSA), International Center, Hiroshima University, "Comparative Study on Home Country & Japan Group Research" Final Presentation (Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, HUSA), 2014/07/03, 2014/07/08, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, College students
  98. "Kurahashi Nagato Ship-building Museum International Tour Guide Internship", ("Globalization Support Internship") Meeting No.1, "Kurahashi Nagato Ship-building Museum International Tour Guide Internship", International Center, Hiroshima University, "Kurahashi Nagato Ship-building Museum International Tour Guide Internship", ("Globalization Support Internship") Meeting No.1, 2014/06/25, 2014/06/25, Kurahashi Community Center, Kure-city, Planner, Meeting or assembly, Civic organization
  99. "Comparative Group Research on Home Country & Japan" Midterm Presentation No.3 (Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, HUSA), "Comparative Group Research on Home Country & Japan" Midterm Presentation No.3 (Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, HUSA), International Center Hirosima University, "Comparative Group Research on Home Country & Japan" Midterm Presentation No.3 (Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, HUSA), 2014/05/22, 2014/05/22, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, Advisor, Meeting or assembly, College students
  100. "Internationalization of Local Society" Project - Open International Seminar ("Globalization Support Internship"), Internationalization of Local Society" Project - Open International Seminar ("Globalization Support Internship"), Naomi Tsunematsu, Internationalization of Local Society" Project - Open International Seminar ("Globalization Support Internship"), 2014/05/16, 2014/05/16, International Center, Hiroshima University, Lecturer, Meeting or assembly, General
  101. International Exchange of HUSA students (exchange students) & Kurahashi Junior High School Students, International Exchange of HUSA students (exchange students) & Kurahashi Junior High School Students(Supported by HUSA Inters of 'Globalization Support Internship'), Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA), Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA), 'Globalization Support Internship', 2014/04/26, 2014/04/26, Kurahashi Junior High School, Kure-city, Hiroshima, JAPAN, Presenter, Seminar or workshop, Junior high school students
  102. International Exchange Meeting of HUSA students (exchange students) and People in Etajima City, International Exchange Meeting of HUSA students (exchange students) and People in Etajima City, Hiroshiam University Study Abroad Program (HUSA), 'Globalizatoin Support Internship', International Exchange Meeting of HUSA students (exchange students) and People in Etajima City, 2014/04/26, 2014/04/26, Okimi, Etajima-city, Hiroshima, JAPAN, Presenter, Seminar or workshop, General
  103. "PR for International Minpaku for Etajima City" ("Globalization Support Internship"), "PR for International Minpaku for Etajima City" ("Globalization Support Internship"), Naomi Tsunematsu, "PR for International Minpaku for Etajima City" ("Globalization Support Internship"), 2014/02/19, 2014/02/19, International Center, Hiroshima University, Lecturer, Meeting or assembly, General
  104. Support for ‘Minpaku for foreigners’ in Etajima, "Globalization Support Internship" Course, "Support for ‘Minpaku for foreigners’ in Etajima", Naomi Tsunematsu, Support for ‘Minpaku for foreigners’ in Etajima, "Globalization Support Internship" Course, 2014/02/10, 2014/02/10, Okimi-cho, Etajima-city, Hiroshima Prefecture, Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, General
  105. "Comparative Group Research on Home Country & Japan" Midterm Presentation No.2 (Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, HUSA), "Comparative Group Research on Home Country & Japan" Midterm Presentation No.2 (Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, HUSA), International Center, Hiroshima University, "Comparative Group Research on Home Country & Japan" Midterm Presentation No.2 (Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, HUSA), 2014/01/14, 2014/01/14, International Center, Hiroshima University, Advisor, Meeting or assembly, College students
  106. "Comparative Group Research on Home Country & Japan" Midterm Presentation No.1 (Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, HUSA) : Research on Japan, "Comparative Group Research on Home Country & Japan" Midterm Presentation No.1 (Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, HUSA) : Research on Japan, International Center, Hiroshima University, "Comparative Group Research on Home Country & Japan" Midterm Presentation No.1 (Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, HUSA) : Research on Japan, 2013/12/12, 2013/12/12, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, Advisor, Meeting or assembly, College students
  107. “IT Industries in Japan in the Global Society” "Globalization Support Internship" Open Seminar, “IT Industries in Japan in the Global Society” "Globalization Support Internship" Open Seminar, International Center, Hiroshima University, “IT Industries in Japan in the Global Society” "Globalization Support Internship" Open Seminar, 2013/11/08, 2013/11/08, International Center, Hiroshima University
  108. "Comparative Group Research on Home Country & Japan" (Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, HUSA) - Group Work on Home Country & Presentation -, "Comparative Group Research on Home Country & Japan" (Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, HUSA) - Group Work on Home Country & Presentation -, International Center, Hiroshima University, "Comparative Group Research on Home Country & Japan" (Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program, HUSA) - Group Work on Home Country & Presentation -, 2013/10/21, 2013/10/21, Student Plaza, Hiroshima University, Advisor, Meeting or assembly, College students
  109. Internatinal Exchange Meeting of Internatinal Exchange Students of Hiroshima University & Etajima City Hall Officials and Immigrants, Internatinal Exchange Meeting of Internatinal Exchange Students of Hiroshima University & Etajima City Hall Officials and Immigrants, Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA), 'Globalization Support Internship', Internatinal Exchange Meeting of Internatinal Exchange Students of Hiroshima University & Etajima City Hall Officials and Immigrants, 2013/04/21, 2013/04/21, Okimi, Etajima City, Hiroshima, JAPAN, Presenter, Seminar or workshop, General
  110. 'Revitalization Project of Etajima City,' Mr. Yamanaka, Tatajima City Hall, General Affairs Department, Exchange Promotion Section ('Globalization Support Internship' Lecture Series), 'Revitalization Project of Etajima City,' Mr. Yamanaka, Tatajima City Hall, General Affairs Department, Exchange Promotion Section ('Globalization Support Internship' Lecture Series), International Center, Hiroshima University, 'Revitalization Project of Etajima City,' Mr. Yamanaka, Tatajima City Hall, General Affairs Department, Exchange Promotion Section ('Globalization Support Internship' Lecture Series), 2013/04/12, 2013/04/12, International Center, Hiroshima University, Planner, Seminar or workshop, College students
  111. PBL (Problem-based learning) Group Work: 'Keys for Foreigners to Work in Japanese Companies' ('Globalization Support Internship'), PBL (Problem-based learning) Group Work: 'Keys for Foreigners to Work in Japanese Companies' ('Globalization Support Internship'), International Center, Hiroshima University, PBL (Problem-based learning) Group Work: 'Keys for Foreigners to Work in Japanese Companies' ('Globalization Support Internship'), 2012/12/21, 2012/12/21, International Center, Hiroshima University, Advisor, Seminar or workshop, College students
  112. Debate Instruction, "Super Science High School Project", High School Affliated with Hiroshima University, English Camp (Development of the Program for International Perspectives), Debate Instruction, "Super Science High School Project", High School Affliated with Hiroshima University, English Camp (Development of the Program for International Perspectives), High School Affliated with Hiroshima University, Debate Instruction, "Super Science High School Project", High School Affliated with Hiroshima University, English Camp (Development of the Program for International Perspectives), 2012/11/27, 2012/11/28, Hiroshima International Youth House, Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, High school students
  113. 'University’s Cooperation for Creating a Community, 'Kure-City Hall, Planning and Information Section ['Globalization Support Internship' Lecture Series], 'University’s Cooperation for Creating a Community,' Kure-City Hall, Planning and Information Section ['Globalization Support Internship' Lecture Series], International Center, Hiroshima University, 'University’s Cooperation for Creating a Community,' Kure-City Hall, Planning and Information Section ['Globalization Support Internship' Lecture Series], 2012/07/06, 2012/07/06, International Center, Hiroshima University, Planner, Seminar or workshop, College students
  114. Internship Practicum "Planning the Visit to Nagato Ship Building Museum & Kurahashi Historical and Folklore Museum & International Exchange" for HUSA International Exchange Students, International Center, Hiroshima University, 2012/02/26, 2012/02/26, Kurahashi, Kure-city, Advisor, Others, College students
  115. 安原義仁先生&Dr. Roy Lowe (放送大学広島学習センター:旧広島大学東千田キャンパス, 2012年2月19日) [Hiroshima University - Higashi-Senda Campus, February 19, 2012] 「学問の府」の起源, The Origin of Higher Learning, 安原義仁先生&Dr. Roy Lowe (放送大学広島学習センター:旧広島大学東千田キャンパス, 2012年2月19日) [Hiroshima University - Higashi-Senda Campus, February 19, 2012] 「学問の府」の起源, The Origin of Higher Learning, Dr. Yoshihito Yasuhara & Dr. Roy Lowe, 安原義仁先生&Dr. Roy Lowe (放送大学広島学習センター:旧広島大学東千田キャンパス, 2012年2月19日) [Hiroshima University - Higashi-Senda Campus, February 19, 2012] 「学問の府」の起源, The Origin of Higher Learning, 2012/02/19, 2012/02/19, Open Air University (Hiroshima), Others, Lecture, General
  116. "Globalization Support Internship Research Project" Idea Presentation and Evaluation (Pilot Study), International Center, Hiroshima University, 2012/02/13, 2012/02/13, Advisor, Meeting or assembly, College students
  117. Part 1 "Creating Community through Sports & Health Promotion" Part 2 "PBL Group Work & Evaluation" ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), "Globalization Support Internship" Practical Research Project Presentation & Evaluation, International Center, Hiroshima University, "Globalization Support Internship" Practical Research Project Presentation & Evaluation, 2012/01/13, 2012/01/13, International Center, Hiroshima University, Presenter, Seminar or workshop, College students
  118. "Survey of Industries on the HUSA Program Internship Course", "Survey of Industries on the HUSA Program Internship Course", Japan Association of Corporate Executives, Hiroshima Central Branch, "Survey of Industries on the HUSA Program Internship Course", 2011/12/16, 2011/12/16, Hiroshima Airport Hotel, Others, Company
  119. Part 1 "How Can We Continue to Grow?" (Mr. Yasuo Nitta) Part 2 "Seminar on Customers' Perspective" ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), Part 1 "How Can We Continue to Grow?" (Mr. Yasuo Nitta) Part 2 "Seminar on Customers' Perspective" ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), International Center, Hiroshima University, Part 1 "How Can We Continue to Grow?" (Mr. Yasuo Nitta) Part 2 "Seminar on Customers' Perspective" ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), 2011/11/25, 2011/11/25, International Center, Hiroshima University, Presenter, Seminar or workshop, College students
  120. "Employment of International Students in Japanese Corporations"(Ms Kaori Taguchi), ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), "Employment of International Students in Japanese Corporations"(Ms Kaori Taguchi), ("HUSA Internship' Lecture Series), International Center, Hiroshima University, "Employment of International Students in Japanese Corporations"(Ms Kaori Taguchi), ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), 2011/10/14, 2011/10/14, International Center, Hiroshima University, Presenter, Lecture, College students
  121. "The origins of higher learning: a global survey", "The origins of higher learning: a global survey" by Dr. Roy Lowe & Dr. Yoshihito Yasuhara (Hiroshima University - Higashi-Senda Campus, April 15, 2011), Dr. Roy Lowe & Dr. Yoshihito Yasuhara, "The origins of higher learning: a global survey" by Dr. Roy Lowe & Dr. Yoshihito Yasuhara (Hiroshima University - Higashi-Senda Campus, April 15, 2011), 2011/04/15, 2011/04/15, Open Air University (Hiroshima), Organizing Member, Lecture, General
  122. "Education in Britain" Lecture by Dr. Peter Cunningham & (Hiroshima University, February 22, 2011), "Education in Britain" Lecture by Dr. Peter Cunningham & (Hiroshima University, February 22, 2011), Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University, "Education in Britain" Lecture by Dr. Peter Cunningham & (Hiroshima University, February 22, 2011), 2011/02/11, 2011/02/11, Organizing Member, Lecture, Researchesrs
  123. "How to Activate the Domestic Tourism - Pet Tourism" by Tadashi Nakamura ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), "How to Activate the Domestic Tourism - Pet Tourism" by Tadashi Nakamura ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), International Center, Hiroshima University, "How to Activate the Domestic Tourism - Pet Tourism" by Tadashi Nakamura ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), 2010/12/03, 2010/12/03, International Center, Hiroshima Univesity, Presenter, Seminar or workshop, College students
  124. "A Person Grows through Profession" by Mr. Yasuo Nitta ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), "A Person Grows through Profession" by Mr. Yasuo Nitta ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), International Center, Hiroshima University, "A Person Grows through Profession" by Mr. Yasuo Nitta ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), 2010/11/12, 2010/11/12, International Center, Hiroshima University, Presenter, Seminar or workshop, College students
  125. "Job Hunting to Work in the Society", Graduate Student of Hiroshima University ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), "Job Hunting to Work in the Society", Graduate Student of Hiroshima University ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), International Center, Hiroshima University, "Job Hunting to Work in the Society", Graduate Student of Hiroshima University ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), 2010/10/15, 2010/10/15, International Center, Hiroshima University, Presenter, Seminar or workshop, College students
  126. 平和学研究者 基調講演 Lecture for Peace Studies Dr.Johan Galtung, 平和学研究者 基調講演 Lecture for Peace Studies Dr.Johan Galtung, Japanese Educational Research Association, 平和学研究者 基調講演 Lecture for Peace Studies Dr.Johan Galtung, 2010/08/10, 2010/08/10, Hiroshima University, Organizing Member, Lecture, Researchesrs
  127. "Importance of Philosophy", by Mr. Hideyuki Yamane, Executive of Mazda Motor, Co. ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), "Importance of Philosophy", by Mr. Hideyuki Yamane, Executive of Mazda Motor, Co. ("HUSAt Internship" Lecture Series), International Center, Hiroshima University, "Importance of Philosophy", by Mr. Hideyuki Yamane, Executive of Mazda Motor, Co. ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), 2010/07/02, 2010/07/02, International Center, Hiroshima University, Seminar or workshop, College students
  128. "How Can We Make a Company Grow and Sustainable?" by Mr. Kazuhiko Kobayashi ("Globalization Support Internship" Lecture Series), "How Can We Make a Company Grow and Sustainable?" by Mr. Kazuhiko Kobayashi ("Globalization Support Internship" Lecture Series), International Center, Hiroshima University, "How Can We Make a Company Grow and Sustainable?" by Mr. Kazuhiko Kobayashi ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), 2010/06/25, 2010/06/25, Hiroshima Univeristy, Internaitonal Center, Presenter, Lecture, College students
  129. "What Motivates Entrepreneurs?" by Mr. Yasuo Nitta ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), "What Motivates Entrepreneurs?" by Mr. Yasuo Nitta ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), International Center, Hiroshima University, "What Motivates Entrepreneurs?" by Mr. Yasuo Nitta ("HUSA Internship" Lecture Series), 2010/05/14, 2010/05/14, International Center, Hiroshima University
  130. "Teaching as a profession - Becoming a primary schoolteacher in Britain: The situation in 2010" by Dr. Roy Lowe (Hiroshima University, February 18, 2010), "Teaching as a profession - Becoming a primary schoolteacher in Britain: The situation in 2010" by Dr. Roy Lowe, Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University, "Teaching as a profession - Becoming a primary schoolteacher in Britain: The situation in 2010" by Dr. Roy Lowe (Hiroshima University, February 18, 2010), 2010/02/18, 2010/02/18, Faculty of Education, Hiroshima University, Organizing Member, Lecture, Researchesrs
  131. Home Stay Program for Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA) Program : Cooperation with Mihara Elementary School Affiliated with Hiroshima University, Home Stay Program for Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA) Program : Cooperation with Mihara Elementary School Affiliated with Hiroshima University, International Center of Hiroshima University & Mihara Elementary School Affiliated with Hiroshima University, Home Stay Program for Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA) Program : Cooperation with Mihara Elementary School Affiliated with Hiroshima University, 2007/11/24, 2007/11/25, Mihara Elementary School Affiliated with Hiroshima University, Advisor, Others, Teachers
  132. Home Stay Program for HUSA Program Students with Tadanoumi High School (Hiroshima Prefecture), Home Stay Program for HUSA Program Students with Tadanoumi High School (Hiroshima Prefecture), HUSA Program & Tadanoumi High School, Home Stay Program for HUSA Program Students with Tadanoumi High School (Hiroshima Prefecture), 2007/10/20, 2007/10/21, Advisor, Meeting or assembly, Guardians
  133. Hiroshima University Peace Lecture, "Development and Peace" by Dr. Dr. Mohammad Yunus, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima University Peace Lecture, "Development and Peace" by Dr. Dr. Mohammad Yunus (Interpreter), 2007/07/08, 2007/07/08, Hiroshima University, Others, Lecture, General
  134. Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA)Program: 10th Year Anniversary, Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA)Program: 10th Year Anniversary, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima University Study Abroad (HUSA)Program: 10th Year Anniversary, 2007/04/03, 2007/04/03, Hiroshima University, Planner, Meeting or assembly, Researchesrs
  135. Home Stay Program for HUSA Program Students with Shobara-City, Kuchiwa-cho (Hiroshima Prefecture), Home Stay Program for HUSA Program Students with Shobara-City, Kuchiwa-cho (Hiroshima Prefecture), HUSA Program & Shobara-city, Kuchiwa-cho, Home Stay Program for HUSA Program Students with Shobara-City, Kuchiwa-cho (Hiroshima Prefecture), 2006/11/17, 2006/11/19, Advisor, Meeting or assembly, Guardians
  136. Home Stay Program for HUSA Program Students with Shobara-City, Kuchiwa-cho (Hiroshima Prefecture), Home Stay Program for HUSA Program Students with Shobara-City, Kuchiwa-cho (Hiroshima Prefecture), HUSA Program & Shobara-city, Kuchiwa-cho, Home Stay Program for HUSA Program Students with Shobara-City, Kuchiwa-cho (Hiroshima Prefecture), 2005/11/18, 2005/11/20, Advisor, Meeting or assembly, Guardians
  137. Home Stay Program for HUSA Program Students with Tadanoumi High School (Hiroshima Prefecture), Home Stay Program for HUSA Program Students with Tadanoumi High School (Hiroshima Prefecture), HUSA Program & Tadanoumi High School, Home Stay Program for HUSA Program Students with Tadanoumi High School (Hiroshima Prefecture), 2005/10/15, 2005/10/16, Advisor, Meeting or assembly, Guardians
  138. Study Abroad Fair, Capital Normal University (China), Study Abroad Fair, Capital Normal University (China), International Bureau & International Student Center, Hiroshima University, Study Abroad Fair, Capital Normal University (China), 2005/03/23, 2005/03/26, Capital Normal University (China), Organizing Member, Meeting or assembly, College students
  139. Study Abroad Fair, La Trobe University (Australia), Introduction of the HUSA Program at the Study Abroad Fair, held at La Trobe University (Australia), La Trobe University (Australia), Study Abroad Fair, La Trobe University (Australia), 2005/03/05, 2005/03/06, La Trobe University (Australia), Organizing Member, Meeting or assembly, College students
  140. Home Stay Program for HUSA Program Students with Kuchiwa-cho Education Board (Hiroshima Prefecture), Home Stay Program for HUSA Program Students with Kuchiwa-cho Education Board (Hiroshima Prefecture), HUSA Program & Kuchiwa-cho Education Board, Home Stay Program for HUSA Program Students with Kuchiwa-cho Education Board (Hiroshima Prefecture), 2004/11/19, 2004/11/21, Advisor, Meeting or assembly, Guardians
  141. Home Stay Program for HUSA Program Students with Tadanoumi High School (Hiroshima Prefecture), Home Stay Program for HUSA Program Students with Tadanoumi High School (Hiroshima Prefecture), HUSA Program & Tadanoumi High School, Home Stay Program for HUSA Program Students with Tadanoumi High School (Hiroshima Prefecture), 2004/10/16, 2004/10/17, Advisor, Meeting or assembly, Guardians
  142. "Internationalization of University and International Exchange Program", "Internationalization of University and International Exchange Program", International Center, Hiroshima University, "Internationalization of University and International Exchange Program", 2004/03/07, 2004/03/07, International Center, Hiroshima University, Presenter, Meeting or assembly, Researchesrs
  143. Lecture by Dr. Roy Lowe (Hiroshima University, February 2008), Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University, Lecture by Dr. Roy Lowe (Hiroshima University, February 2008), 2008/02, 2008/02, Faculty of Education, Hiroshima University, Organizing Member, Lecture, Researchesrs
  144. International Exchange of Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA) Students & Kamo High School, International Exchange of Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program (HUSA), 2003/10, 2003/10, Kamo High School, Higashi-hiroshima, Japan, Advisor, Others, High school students
  145. American Women's Association: Seminar - "Women in the World", "Japanese Women Today", American Women's Association, "Japanese Women Today", American Women's Association: Seminar - "Women in the World", 1991/02, 1991/02, California, USA, Lecturer, Investigation, Civic organization
  146. University of the Pacific, Lecture Series: "People in the World", "Women in Japanese Companies", University of the Pacific (USA), "Women in Japanese Companies", University of the Pacific, Lecture Series: "People in the World", 1991, 1991, University of the Pacific (USA), Lecturer, Meeting or assembly, Teachers