Last Updated :2025/01/07

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor
Web Site
My research interests are in particle physics and physics education research. (1) Numerical calculations of quark-gluon-plasma on finite temperature lattice QCD (2) Physics education research for active learning My hobbies are driving, coffee, and classical music. I am a loving wife and a loving daughter.

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2001/04/01, 2003/03/31, Tsukuba University, Center for Computational Physics, COE Research Fellow
  • 2003/04/01, 2005/05/31, Kyoto University, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, JSPS Research Fellow
  • 2005/06/01, 2007/01/31, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Research Assosiate
  • 2007/02/01, 2008/10/31, Tsukuba University, Postdoctral Researcher
  • 2008/11/01, 2009/03/31, Kyoto University, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, GCOE Research Fellow
  • 2009/04/01, 2012/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Education, Lecturer
  • 2012/04/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Education, Associate professor

Educational Backgrounds

  • Hiroshima University, Graduate School, Division of Natural Science, Japan, 1998/04, 2001/03
  • Hiroshima University, 1996/04, 1998/03

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Science, Hiroshima University
  • Master of Science, Hiroshima University

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Education : Science, Technology and Society Education : Secondary School Science Education
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Educational Sciences : Educational Design for Teacher Educators Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Educational Sciences : Educational Design for Teacher Educators Program

Research Fields

  • Mathematical and physical sciences;Physics;Particle / Nuclear / Cosmic ray / Astro physics
  • Social sciences;Education;Education on school subjects and activities

Research Keywords

  • Finite temperature Lattice QCD
  • Physics Education Research
  • Physics Education

Affiliated Academic Societies

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, General Mechanics I
  2. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Elementary School Science
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Basic Knowledge of Physics
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Practical Work in Physics
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Practical Work in Physics
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Scientific Literacy of Physics I
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Teaching Contents of Physics II
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Teaching Contents of Physics III
  10. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Seminar on Teaching Contents in Physics
  11. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Laboratory Work in Physics Education
  12. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Research Seminar in Science Education
  13. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Research Seminar in Science Education
  14. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Graduation Thesis
  15. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Teaching Practice at Junior and Senior High School I
  16. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Teaching Practice at Junior and Senior High School II
  17. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Teaching Practice at High School III
  18. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Introduction of Teaching Practice for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools
  19. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Practical Seminar for the Teaching Profession
  20. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Research into Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Science Education)
  21. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Science Education)
  22. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Research into Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Science Education)
  23. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Science Education)
  24. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Study in Science Education A
  25. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Study in Science Education A
  26. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Study in Laboratory Learning Design (Science)
  27. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Basic Study in STEM and the Design of Teaching Materials (Science) b
  28. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Advanced Study in STEM and the Design of Teaching Materials (Science) b
  29. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Special Study
  30. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Special Study

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Practice of Hypothesis-Experiment Class in online class -Comparison with face-to-face class-, Journal of the Physics Education Society of Japan, 70(4), 227-232, 20221206
  2. Development and classroom practice of teaching materials simulating water surface wave interference, Journal of the Physics Education Society of Japan, 70(2), 81-86, 20220607
  3. Development of teaching materials for charge transfer simulation and its classroom practice, Journal of the Physics Education Society of Japan, 69(2), 67-72, 20210611
  4. Multipoint reweighting method and beta functions for the calculation of QCD equation of state, Proceeding of Science, LATTICE2014(222), 1-7, 20150126
  5. Histograms in heavy-quark QCD at finite temperature and density, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 89(3), 034507-1-034507-18, 20140126
  6. ★, Fixed-scale approach to finite-temperature lattice QCD with shifted boundaries, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 90(5), 054511-1-054511-6, 20140930
  7. Observation of the two-dimensional reciprocal lattice by use of lattice grating sheets and a laser pointer, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 35(5), 055021-1-055021-11, 20140900
  8. Lattice Simulations in Finite Temperature and Density QCD(Numerical Simulations in Elementary Particle Physics), Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology, 32(1), 22-28, 20130315
  9. Scaling properties of the chiral phase transition in the low density region of two-flavor QCD with improved Wilson fermions, Proceedings of Science, Lattice2013, 450-1-450-7, 20131219
  10. ★, Equation of state in 2+1 flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks by the fixed scale approach, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 85(9), 20120523
  11. Application of Fixed Scale Approach to Static Quark Free Energies in Quenched and 2+1 Flavor Lattice QCD with Improved Wilson Quark Action, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, 128(5), 955-970, 201211
  12. ★, Ab initio study of the thermodynamics of quantum chromodynamics on the lattice at zero and finite densities, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS, 2012
  13. Thermodynamics in 2+1 flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks by the fixed scale approach, Proceedings of Science, Lattice2012(074), 1-7, 20121101
  14. Probability distribution functions in the finite density lattice QCD, Proceedings of Science, Lattice2012(089), 1-7, 20121101
  15. Phase structure of finite density QCD with a histogram method, Proceedings of Science, Lattice2012(092), 1-7, 20121101
  16. Numerical study of QCD phase diagram at high temperature and density by a histogram method, CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 10(6), 1322-1325, 201212
  17. Erratum: Phase structure of finite temperature QCD in the heavy quark region [Phys. Rev. D 84, 054502 (2011)], Physical Review D, 85(7), 2012
  18. Application of fixed scale approach to static quark free energies in quenched and 2+1 flavor lattice QCD with improved Wilson quark action, Progress of Theoretical Physics, 128(5), 955-970, 20121024
  19. Finite density QCD phase transition in the heavy quark region, Proceedings of Science, Lattice2011, 214-1-214-7, 20120228
  20. Thermodynamics in 2+1 flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks by the fixed scale approach, 20121206
  21. Phase structure of finite temperature QCD in the heavy quark region, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 84(5), 20110908
  22. Charmonium spectral functions with the variational method in zero and finite temperature lattice QCD, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 84(9), 20111114
  23. Finite density QCD phase transition in the heavy quark region, Proceedings of Science, Lattice2011(214), 1-7, 20111101
  24. Histogram method in finite density QCD with phase quenched simulations, Proceedings of Science, Lattice2011(208), 1-7, 20111101
  25. Development and Evaluation of a Teaching Material to Visualize Combined Magnetic Fields, 15-20, 2011
  26. A learning orientation for first-year students adopting research activities, Hiroshima journal of school education, 17, 91-100, 2011
  27. Equation of State in 2+1 flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks, Soryushiron Kenkyu, 118(4), D17-D19, 20110220
  28. Report on the 28th Annual Meeting of PESJ in Hiroshima 2011, 59(4), 309-312, 20111209
  29. Scaling behavior of chiral phase transition in two-flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks at finite density, 20110128
  30. Histogram method in finite density QCD with phase quenched simulations, 20111109
  31. Electric and magnetic screening masses at finite temperature from generalized Polyakov-line correlations in two-flavor lattice QCD, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 81(9), 20100501
  32. Equation of state and heavy-quark free energy at finite temperature and density in two flavor lattice QCD with Wilson quark action, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 82(1), 20100729
  33. QCD Thermodynamics at Zero and Finite Densities with Improved Wilson Quarks, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT, 556-562, 2010
  34. An application of the variational analysis to calculate the meson spectral functions, 20101108
  35. EOS in 2+1 flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks by the fixed-scale approach, 20101111
  36. The order of the deconfinement phase transition in a heavy quark mass region, 20101122
  37. Free energies of heavy quarks in full-QCD lattice simulations with Wilson-type quark action, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 830, 247C-250C, 20091101
  38. Fixed scale approach to the equation of state on the lattice, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 830, 801C-804C, 20091101
  39. Fundamental study of the scientific interpretation of the experimental data (2) Lesson design by use of graphed data interpretation, The Annals of educational research, 301-306, 2009
  40. Fixed Scale Approach to Equation of State in Lattice QCD, 20090215
  41. Towards the equation of state in 2+1 flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks in the fixed scale approach, 20091028
  42. Heavy-quark free energy at finite temperature with 2+1 flavors of improved Wilson quarks in fixed scale approach, 20091102
  43. Complex System Simulations using the NetLogo in classrooms, 32(1), 11-16, 20080714
  44. Constant mode in charmonium correlation functions(Thermal Quantum Field Theories and Their Applications), Soryushiron Kenkyu, 116(2), B38-B40, 20080620
  45. The QCD Equation of State with almost Physical Quark Masses, 20080115
  46. The Spatial String Tension and Dimensional Reduction in QCD, 20080619
  47. Charmonium dissociation temperatures in lattice QCD with a finite volume technique, 20081009
  48. Thermodynamics of SU(3) gauge theory at fixed lattice spacing, 20081009
  49. Equation of state at finite density in two-flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks, 20081027
  50. Magnetic and electric screening masses from Polyakov-loop correlations, 20081104
  51. ★, Constant contribution in meson correlators at finite temperature, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 75(9), 2007
  52. Thermodynamics and heavy-quark free energies at finite temperature and density with two flavors of improved Wilson quarks, 20071004
  53. Quarkonium at finite teniperature, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 783, 277C-284C, 2007
  54. The transition temperature in QCD, 20060913
  55. Thermodynamics of (2+1)-flavor QCD, 20060921
  56. Study of the finite temperature transition in 3-flavor QCD using the R and RHMC algorithms, 20061201
  57. Charmonium at finite temperature in quenched lattice QCD, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, 39, 9-26, 2005
  58. Charmonium properties near the deconfinement transition and the heavy quark-antiquark free energy, Soryushiron Kenkyu, 110(5), E35-E37, 20050220
  59. Charmonium dissociation temperatures in lattice QCD with a finite volume technique, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 140, 734-736, 20081009
  60. Properties of hadron screening masses at small baryonic density, 20050104
  61. Numerical Study of the Staggered Quark Action on Quenched Anisotropic Lattices (Particles and Fields), Progress of theoretical physics, 111(2), 245-264, 20040225
  62. An analysis of the spectral function on finite temperature lattices, Soryushiron Kenkyu, 108(5), E57-E59, 20040220
  63. Anisotropic lattices for precision computations in heavy flavor physics, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 129, 370-372, 200403
  64. Light hadron spectroscopy in two-flavor QCD with small sea quark masses, 20040913
  65. Non-perturbative renormalization of meson decay constants in quenched QCD for a renormalization group improved gauge action, 20040505
  66. Chiral extrapolations with small sea quark mass data in two-flavor lattice QCD, 20040911
  67. Lattice QCD Study of the Pentaquark Baryons, 20041025
  68. Two flavors of dynamical quarks on anisotropic lattices, Physical review D, 68(3), 34503-1-034503-17, 20030808
  69. Charmonium Spectrum from Lattice QCD, Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement, 149-153, 20031015
  70. Spectral function of the charmonium near the deconfining transition on the lattice, Soryushiron Kenkyu, 106(5), 20030220
  71. Non-Perturbative Determination of $c_{\rm SW}$ in Three-flavor Dynamical QCD, 20030703
  72. Flavor Singlet Meson Mass in the Continuum Limit in Two-Flavor Lattice QCD, 20030304
  73. Renormalization group improved action on anisotropic lattices, 20030514
  74. Two flavors of dynamical quarks on anisotropic lattices, 20030727
  75. Quenched charmonium spectrum, 20030703
  76. Study of finite volume effects in the non-perturbative determination of $\csw$ with the SF method in full three-flavor lattice QCD, 20030922
  77. Dynamical fermions on anisotropic lattices, 20020904
  78. Exploring QCD at small sea quark masses with improved Wilson-type quarks, 20020913
  79. Temporal meson correlators at finite temperature on quenched anisotropic lattice, 20020922
  80. Results for the Etaprime Mass from Two-Flavor Lattice QCD, 20021127
  81. The study of charmonia near the deconfining transition on an anisotropic lattice with O(a) improved quark action, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A, 16(12), 2215-2241, 20010510
  82. Meson correlators in finite temperature lattice QCD, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 63(5), 20010301
  83. Charmonium in finite temperature lattice QCD, NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS, 94, 435-438, 200103
  84. Chemical potential response of meson masses at finite temperature, NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS, 94, 453-456, 200103
  85. Static three quark potential in the quenched lattice QCD, NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS, 94, 554-557, 200103
  86. Meson correlators in finite temperature lattice QCD, Physical Review D, 63(5), 54501-1-054501-18, 20010116
  87. Responses of hadrons to chemical potential at finite temperature, 20011022
  88. Quenched charmonium near the continuum limit, 20011015
  89. O(a) improved Wilson quark action on anisotropic lattice, 20011021
  90. Study of spatial meson correlators at finite temperature in quenched anisotropic lattice QCD, 20011025
  91. Screening mass responses to the chemical potential at finite temperature, 20011119
  92. Renormalization group flow of SU(3) lattice gauge theory. Numerical studies in a two coupling space, NUCLEAR PHYSICS B, 577(1-2), 263-278, 20000619
  93. Quest for more information from lattice QCD simulations, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT, 11-17, 2000
  94. Finite Temperature Hadron Physics on the Lattice, Soryushiron Kenkyu, 100(5), E138-E141, 20000220
  95. Meson Correlators in Finite Temperature Lattice QCD, 20000803
  96. Mesons Above The Deconfining Transition, 19990422
  97. Monte Carlo Renormalization Group analysis of QCD in two dimensional coupling space, 19991005
  98. A Study of Meson Correlators at Finite Temperature, 19991102
  99. Effects of Chemical Potential on Hadron Masses in the Phase Transition Region, 19991127
  100. Scaling Analysis of Improved Actions for Pure SU(3) Gauge Theory, 19980914
  101. Finite Temperature QCD on Anisotropic Lattices, 19980928
  102. Effects of Chemical Potential on Hadron Masses at Finite Temperature, 19981027
  103. Multipoint reweighting method and its applications to lattice QCD, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 92(9), 20151106
  104. Towards the QCD equation of state at the physical point using Wilson fermion, Proceedings of Science, LATTICE2015, 1-7, 20151115
  105. (2+1)-flavor QCD Thermodynamics from the Gradient Flow, Proceedings of Science, LATTICE2015(303), 1-7, 2016
  106. Topological susceptibility in finite temperature (2+1)-flavor QCD using gradient flow, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 95(5), 20170306
  107. Exploring N-f=2+1 QCD thermodynamics from the gradient flow, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 96(1), 20170720
  108. Temperature dependence of topological susceptibility using gradient flow, Proceedings of Science, LATTICE2016, 064-1-0640-7, 201703
  109. Determination of latent heat at the finite temperature phase transition of SU(3) gauge theory, Proceedings of Science, LATTICE2016, 058-1-058-7, 201703
  110. Equation of state in (2+1)-flavor QCD with gradient flow, Proceedings of Science, LATTICE2016, 063-1-063-7, 201703
  111. O(4) scaling analysis in two-flavor QCD at finite temperature and density with improved Wilson quarks, Proceedings of Science, LATTICE2016, 376-1-376-7, 201703
  112. Demonstration of Electromagnetic Shielding Using Metal Wire Array Composite Structures, Journal of Science Education in Japan, 41(4), 416-424, 2017
  113. Practice of Flipped Classroom in high school physics"side and longitudinal wave″, Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 72(0), 3398-3398, 2017
  114. Flipped classroom practice in high school physics to teach "transverse and longitudinal wave", JPESJ, 66(1), 32-35, 2018
  115. A lesson for physics exploration experiment using experimental tasks of the Physics Challenge, Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 73(0), 3225-3225, 2018
  116. O(4) scaling analysis in two-flavor QCD at finite temperature and density with improved Wilson quarks, 20170108
  117. ★, Physics Education in Universities Based on the PER ; Course Transformation at CU Boulder, Butsuri, 73(12), 870-873, 2018
  118. End point of the first-order phase transition of QCD in the heavy quark region by reweighting from quenched QCD, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 101(5), 20200313
  119. N-f=2+1 QCD thermodynamics with gradient flow using two-loop matching coefficients, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 102(1), 20200720
  120. Latent heat and pressure gap at the first-order deconfining phase transition of SU(3) Yang-Mills theory using the small flow-time expansion method, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS, 2021(1), 202101
  121. ★, Effectiveness of ILDs Newton's Third Law with bridging, Journal of the Physics Education Society of Japan, 69(3), 129-136, 20210910
  122. Effect of online physics test implementation on correct answer rate, Journal of the Physics Education Society of Japan, 69(4), 219-224, 20211209
  123. Practice of lessons to learn conservation law and irreversibility of energy conversion, Journal of the Physics Education Society of Japan, 70(1), 24-27, 20220316

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Towards the QCD equation of state at the physical point , T. Umeda, Lattice 2015: The 33rd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 2015/07, Without Invitation, English, Kobe International Conference Center
  2. Thermodynamics in the fixed scale approach with the shifted boundary conditions, T. Umeda, Lattice 2014, the 32st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 2014/06, Without Invitation, English, Columbia University, New York, USA
  3. Finite temperature QCD using the shifted boundary conditions, T. Umeda, 2014/03, Without Invitation, Japanese, Kanagawa, Japan
  4. QCD thermodynamics from shifted boundary conditions, T. Umeda, Lattice QCD at finite temperature and density, 2014/01, With Invitation, English, KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  5. Scaling properties of the chiral phase transition in the low density region of two-flavor QCD with improved Wilson fermions, T. Umeda, Lattice 2013, the 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 2013/07, Without Invitation, English, Mainz, Germany
  6. Thermodynamics in 2+1 flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks by the fixed scale approach, T. Umeda, Lattice 2012, the 30st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 2012/06, Without Invitation, English, Cairns, Australia
  7. Study of finite temperature QCD by the fixed scale approach, T. Umeda, 2012/03, Without Invitation, Japanese, Hyogo, Japan
  8. EoS in 2+1 flavor QCD with improved Wilson fermion, T. Umeda, Nonperturbative aspects of QCD at finite temperature and density, 2010/11, With Invitation, English, Tsukuba Univ. Ibaraki, Japan
  9. Heavy Quarkonium in QGP on the Lattice, T. Umeda, ATHIC 2010, 2010/10, With Invitation, English, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan, China
  10. Study of Nf=2+1 QCD EOS with Wilson-type quarks, T. Umeda, 2010/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Fukuoka, Japan
  11. Equation of State in 2+1 flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks, T. Umeda, 2010/08, Without Invitation, Japanese, Kyoto, Japan
  12. EOS in 2+1 flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks by the fixed scale approach, T. Umeda, Lattice 2010, the 28st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 2010/06, Without Invitation, English, Sardina, Italy
  13. Nf=2+1 QCD Thermodynamics using Wilson fermion, T. Umeda, 2010/03, Without Invitation, Japanese, Okayama, Japan
  14. Finite temperature lattice QCD using Wilson fermion, T. Umeda, Hadron & Nucleus 2009, 2009/08, With Invitation, Japanese, KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  15. Quarkonium correlators on the lattice, T. Umeda, Joint CATHIE-INT mini-program, 2009/06, With Invitation, English, INT, Seattle, USA
  16. Hot wave function from lattice QCD, T. Umeda, Topical Workshop (QHEC09), 2009/05, With Invitation, English, Tokyo, Japan
  17. A new approach to LQCD at finite temperature, T. Umeda, GCOE-PD seminar, 2009/03, With Invitation, Japanese, Kyoto, Japan
  18. Lattice study of charmonia in Hot QCD, T. Umeda, Mini-Workshop on "Photons and Leptons in Hot/Dense QCD", 2009/03, With Invitation, English, Aichi, Japan
  19. Hot QCD at fixed lattice scales, T. Umeda, GCOE Opening Symposium, 2009/02, With Invitation, Japanese, Kyoto, Japan
  20. A new approach to QCD Thermodynamics on the lattice, T. Umeda, YITP seminar, 2008/12, With Invitation, Japanese, Kyoto, Japan
  21. Quarkonium Correlators at finite temperature, T. Umeda, International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonia 2008 (QWG2008), 2008/12, With Invitation, English, Nara Women's University, Nara, Japan
  22. QCD Thermodynamics at fixed lattice spacing, T. Umeda, The 2nd Asian Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference (ATHIC 2008), 2008/10, With Invitation, English, Univ. of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
  23. Thermodynamics at fixed lattice spacing, T. Umeda, 2008/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Yamagata, Japan
  24. Thermodynamics os SU(3) gauge theory at fixed lattice spacing, T. Umeda, Lattice 2008, the 26st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 2008/07, Without Invitation, English, Collage of William and Mary, VA, USA
  25. The charmonium wave functions at finite temperature from lattice QCD calculations, T. Umeda, RIKEN-BNL workshop, 2008/04, With Invitation, English, BNL, NY, USA
  26. Lattice QCD study of charmonium dissociation temperatures, T. Umeda, 2008/03, With Invitation, Japanese, Osaka, Japan
  27. Charmonium dissociation temperatures in lattice QCD with a finite volume technique, T. Umeda, Quark Matter 2008, 2008/02, Without Invitation, English, Jaipur, India
  28. A study of charmonium dissociation temperatures using a finite volume technique in the lattice QCD, T. Umeda, 2007/11, With Invitation, Japanese, Univ. of Tokyo, Komaba, Tokyo, Japan
  29. Finite temperature lattice QCD with Nf=2+1 Wilson quark action, T. Umeda, 2007/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Hokkaido, Japan
  30. Constant mode in charmonium correlation functions, T. Umeda, 2007/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Kyoto, Japan
  31. Study of constant mode in charmonium correlators in hot QCD, T. Umeda, QCD in Extreme Conditins, 2007/08, Without Invitation, English, Frascati, Roma, Italy
  32. Study of constant mode in charmonium correlators at finite temperature, T. Umeda, Lattice 2007, the 25st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 2007/07, Without Invitation, English, Regensburg, Germany
  33. Constant mode and charmonium dissociation temperatures in finite temperature lattice QCD, T. Umeda, 2007/07, With Invitation, Japanese, Aichi, Japan
  34. Charmonium dissociation temperatures in lattice QCD, T. Umeda, 5th Heavy Ion Cafe, 2007/06, With Invitation, Japanese, Tokyo, Japan
  35. A study of charmonium dissociation temperatures in lattice QCD, T. Umeda, YITP seminar, 2007/05, With Invitation, Japanese, Kyoto, Japan
  36. Constant mode in meson correlators at finite temperature, T. Umeda, 2007/04, With Invitation, Japanese, Ibaraki, Japan
  37. A constant mode in charmonium correlators in finite temperature lattice QCD, T. Umeda, 2007/03, Without Invitation, Japanese, Tokyo Metro. Univ., Tokyo, Japan
  38. A constant contribution in meson correlators at finite temperature, T. Umeda, Riken Lunch seminar, 2007/01, With Invitation, English, BNL, NY, USA
  39. Transition temperature and equation of state in QCD from RBC-Bielefeld Collaboration, T. Umeda, Riken Lunch seminar, 2006/11, With Invitation, English, BNL, NY, USA
  40. QCD thermodynamics on QCDOC and APEnext supercomputers, T. Umeda, QCD on Teraflops machines, 2006/10, With Invitation, English, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany
  41. QCD thermodynamics on QCDOC machine, T. Umeda, QCD in Extreme Conditins, 2006/07, With Invitation, English, BNL, NY, USA
  42. QCD thermodynamics with Nf=2+1 near the continuum limit at realistic quark masses, T. Umeda, Lattice 2006, the 24st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 2006/07, Without Invitation, English, Tucson, Arizona, USA
  43. Quarkonium at finite temperature, T. Umeda, "Hard Probes 2006" Conference, 2006/06, With Invitation, English, Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Groove, California, USA
  44. QCD thermodynamics with Nf=3, 2+1 near the continuum limit at realistic quark masses, T. Umeda, APS April meeting 2006, 2006/04, Without Invitation, English, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Dallas, Texas, USA
  45. Pentaquarks in quenched lattice QCD, T. Umeda, Theory Group seminar at Jefferson Lab, 2006/03, With Invitation, English, Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  46. Lattice calculations on Heavy flavor -Open and Hidden charm states above Tc -, T. Umeda, Heavy Flavor Productions & Hot/Dense Quark Matter, 2005/12, With Invitation, English, BNL, NY, USA
  47. Study of Charmonia at finite temperature in quenched lattice QCD, T. Umeda, Riken Lunch seminar, 2005/09, With Invitation, English, BNL, NY, USA
  48. Remarks on the Maximum Entropy Method applied to finite temperature lattice QCD, T. Umeda, Lattice 2005, the 23st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 2005/07, Without Invitation, English, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
  49. Lattice study for penta-quark states, T. Umeda, KEK seminar, 2005/05, With Invitation, Japanese, KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  50. Nonperturbative renormalization of quark action on anisotropic lattice, T. Umeda, 2005/03, Without Invitation, Japanese, Tokyo, Japan
  51. Charmonium properties at finite temperature on quenched anisotropic lattices, T. Umeda, Lattice 2004, the 22st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 2004/06, Without Invitation, English, FNAL, Illinois, USA
  52. Nonperturbative improvement on anisotropic lattices, T. Umeda, Nonperturbative improvement and renormalization, 2004/02, Without Invitation, English, Tsukuba Univ., Tsukuba, Japan
  53. Meson spectral functions near the deconfining transition, T. Umeda, Hadron physics and Lattice QCD, 2004/01, Without Invitation, English, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
  54. The hyperfine splitting of charmonium on the lattice, T. Umeda, Hatsuda-ken. seminar, 2004/01, With Invitation, Japanese, Tokyo Univ. Hongo campus, Tokyo
  55. The hyperfine splitting of charmonium in lattice QCD, T. Umeda, Quarkonium Workshop, 2003/09, With Invitation, English, FNAL, Illinois, USA
  56. Charmonium spectrum with the disconnected diagram in full QCD, T. Umeda, 2003/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, World conventional center samit, Miyazaki, Japan
  57. An analysis of the spectral function of finite temperatur lattices, T. Umeda, 2003/08, Without Invitation, Japanese, YITP, Kyoto, Japan
  58. Light meson correlation functions near the deconfining transition on anisotropic lattices, T. Umeda, Lattice 2003, the 21st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 2003/07, Without Invitation, English, Epochal Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
  59. Charmonium spectrum from lattice QCD, T. Umeda, Tokyo-Adelaide Joint Workshop on Quarks,Astrophysics and Space physics, 2003/01, With Invitation, English, Univ. of Tokyo (Hongo campus), Tokyo, Japan

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)), Quantitative Validation of Active Learning for Traditional University Physics Content, 2023, 2026
  2. KAKENHI, 2014, 2018
  3. KAKENHI, QCD thermodynamics using Wilson-type quarks on the physical point, 2010, 2013
  4. KAKENHI, Study of charmoium dissociation temperatures in finite temperature lattice QCD, 2007, 2009
  5. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)), 2019, 2022