Last Updated :2025/01/07
- Affiliations, Positions
- Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor
- E-mail
- mjkimhiroshima-u.ac.jp
Basic Information
Major Professional Backgrounds
- 2018/02/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Assistant Professor
- 2020/04/01, 2021/04/30, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Assistant Professor
- 2021/05/01, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor
- 2024/04/01, Hiroshima University, Deputy Executive Director (Campus Globalization)
Academic Degrees
- Soongsil University
- Hiroshima University
Educational Activity
- [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Law : Law : Business Law
- [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Law : Law : Public Policy
- [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Law : Law : Law and Politics Program
- [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Law : Law : Legal Profession Training Course
- [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Law : Law : Law and Politics
- [Master's Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Law and Politics Program
- [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Law and Politics Program
Research Fields
- Social sciences;law;Civil law
Research Keywords
- Co-ownership theory
- Legal system for Civil Groups(Association, Society etc.)
- Comparative research between Japan, Korea and Germany
Affiliated Academic Societies
- Deutsch-Japanische Juristenvereinigung
- The Korean Association of Civil Law
- Japan Association of Private Law
- Japan association of Land Law
- Japan Society of Comparative Law
- Chu-Shikoku regions Association of Law and Political Science
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, General Provisions of "Obligations"
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, International Law 1
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Japan-Korea legal history
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, OutOfTerm(2nd), Public Politics and Public-Private Partnerships
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, OutOfTerm(2nd), International Society and Business Law
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Reading Foreign Languages(English)
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Seminar 1
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Seminar 2
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Seminar 3
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Seminar 4
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, General Provisions of Obligations 1
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, General Provisions of Obligations 2
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Special Lecture in General Provisions of Obligations 1
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Special Lecture in General Provisions of Obligations 2
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Law of Real Property Management
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Law of Real Property Management Seminar
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Research I
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Research II
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Research III
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Research IV
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- The Preservation System of chargeable properties under the Revised Civil Code of Japan and its Implications, Seoul Law Review, 32(2), 229-264, 20240831
- Eine Studie über die Reform des deutschen Gesellschaftsrechts und die Eigentumsformen von Gruppen, The Korean Journal of Civil Law, 73-99, 20231231
- The revision of Partnership law in Germany-the meaning of MoPeG and its Effects on Japanese Law, Jurist, 1581, 76-82, 20230224
- Whereabouts of Co-ownership Theory in the revised Civil Code, Real Property Registration Act, etc., Citizen & Law, 133, 49-55, 20220201
- Reform des Gesellschaftsrechts in Deutschland -Über das Gesetz zur Modernisierung des Personengesellschaftsrechts-, The Hiroshima Law Journal, 45(3), 67-84, 20220120
- The system of co-ownership in Japan, Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 12(2), 374-383, 20210705
- The Roles and Tasks of Juridical Foundations as a Provider of Welfare Services for Persons with impairments, Soongsil Law Review, 47, 327-356, 20200531
- Development of the Theory of the Transfer of Immovables in Korean Civil Law (1), The Hiroshima Law Journal, 43(4), 167-186, 20200317
- Das Gemeinschaftseigentumssystem und die Gesellschaftsvermögenszugehörigkeit im Deutschen BGB, Comparative Law Journal, 81, 229-233, 20200220
- Eine erneute Betrachtung der Miteigentumstheorie über die Zugehörigkeit zum Gesellschaftsvermögen, Hiroshima Law Review, 42(4), 137-154, 201903
- Reconsideration of rules about unincorporated association in Japan -upon the opportunity of new corporation law system-, Soongsil Law Review, 43, 253-274, 201901
- Family Law Reform in Korea, Fukuoka University Review of Law, 63(3), 767-789, 201812
- Ein Studium über die Gemeinschaft im deutschen BGB (3), Hiroshima Law Review, 41(4), 68-76, 201803
- Ein Studium über das Gemeinschaftliche Eigentum im Deutschen BGB, Hiroshima Law Review, 41(3), 203-218, 201801
- Ein Studium über die Gemeinschaft im deutschen BGB (2), Hiroshima Law Review, 41(1), 109-119, 201706
- Ein Studium über die Gemeinschaft im deutschen BGB (1), Hiroshima Law Review, 40(3), 183-202, 201701
- A study on the attribution of joint inheritance of fixed-amount postal savings, Hiroshima Law Review, 40(1), 45-61, 201606
- Trend of revision of the Law of Obligations in Korea, Hiroshima Law Review, 40(1), 213-242, 201606
- Regulation about unincorporated association in Korea, Hiroshima Law Review, 39(2), 121-143, 201510
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- 'actio dividundo' between Classical Roman Law and the Japanese Law, FLXXVIIe Session de la Societe Internationale Fernand De Visscher pour l Histoire des Droits de l Antiquite, 2024/09/24, Without Invitation, English, la Societe Internationale Fernand De Visscher pour l Histoire des Droits de l Antiquite, Osaka University, published
- The Preservation System of chargeable properties under the Revised Civil Code of Japan and its Implications, 2024/05/11, With Invitation, other, University of Seoul, Republic of Korea, Seoul, preprint
- Co-ownership System in Japan, 2022 Academic Symposium of Institute of Legal Studies at Yeungnam University, 2022/12/16, With Invitation, other, Institute of Legal Studies at Yeungnam University, Online(Zoom), published
- Hiroshima, and Reformation of Japanese civil code, International Exchange Program between Yeungnam University Law school and Hiroshima University school of Law, 2022/10/26, With Invitation, other, Law school of Yeungnam University, Online(Zoom), published
- Die Zukunft der Gesamthandstheorie in Deutschland - mit der Billigung des Gesetzes zur Modernisierung des Personengesellschaftsrechts (MoPeG)., Japanese Land Law Association(Chushikoku research group), 2022/06/25, Without Invitation, Japanese, Online(Zoom), published
- Die Zukunft der Gesamthandstheorie in Deutschland - mit der Billigung des Gesetzes zur Modernisierung des Personengesellschaftsrechts (MoPeG)., 2022/06/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Online(Zoom), published
- Reform des Gesellschaftsrechts in Deutschland
– Über das Gesetz zur Modernisierung des Personengesellschaftsrechts, 2022/03/05, Without Invitation, Japanese, Online(Zoom), published
- Law revisions and Whereabouts of Co-ownership theory in Japan, the conference of 2021, 2021/10/02, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Academy of Land Law, Online(Zoom), preprint
- Japanese civil law -General Part-(1)~(4), Special lecture(20210423~20210520, 8 academic hours), 2021/04/23, With Invitation, English, Saint-Petersburg University, Online(Skype), preprint
- Development of the Theory of the Transfer of Immovables in Korean Civil Law-The Enforcement of Formalism and Beyond, Japanese Land Law Association(Chushikoku research group), 2020/12/26, Without Invitation, Japanese, Online(Zoom), preprint
- Japanese civil law -General Part-(1)~(4), Special lecture(20201201~20201210, 8 academic hours), 2020/12/01, With Invitation, English, Saint-Petersburg University, Online(Skype), preprint
- System of Co-ownership in Japan, Deutsch-japanisches Grundlagenseminar-Seminar on Japanese and German land law regarding collective ownership(Gesamthand) and the application of Art.899a BGB, 2020/03/02, With Invitation, English, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
- Japanese civil law -law of obligation-(1)~(7), Special lecture(20191216~20191221, 14hours), 2019/12/16, With Invitation, English, Saint-Pertersburg University, Russia
- Transfer of Immovables in Korean Civil Law, International Symposium 'Economic Globalization and the Rule of Law in East Asia: Theory and Practice', 2019/07/02, With Invitation, English
- Das Gemeinschaftseigentumssystem und die Gesellschaftsvermögenszugehörigkeit im Deutschen BGB, Japan Society of Comparative Law, 2019/06/01, Without Invitation, Japanese
- The Trend of Revision on Japanese legal system- Transfer of Immovables, especially inheritance and its disclosure, The Korean Association of Civil Law, 2019/04/20, With Invitation, other
- The Trend of Revision about Inherited real estate and its public disclosure, Japanese Land Law Association(Chushikoku research group), 2019/03/30, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Reconsideration of rules about unincorporated association in Japan -upon the opportunity of new corporation law system-, The 8th Godang International Conference on Law in East Asian Regional Rounds 2018-2019 of the Stetson International Environmental Moot Court Competition, 2018/11/28, With Invitation, other
- Eine erneute Betrachtung der Miteigentumstheorie über die Zugehörigkeit zum Gesellschaftsvermögen, Japanese Land Law Association(Chushikoku research group), 2018/09/22, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Recent Revisions of Civil Act in the Republic of Korea, International Symposium 'Social Change and Development of the legal system in East Asia ', 2018/03/26, With Invitation, English
- The regulation of utilizing relationship for the temporary dwellings after the Great East Japan disasters, Symposium 'Volunteer activities and legal support for large-scale disasters', 2018/03/03, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Ein Studium über das Gemeinschaftliche Eigentum im Deutschen BGB, Chushikoku Law and Political Science Association, 2017/10/21, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Ein Studium über die Gemeinschaft im deutschen BGB, Civil law research Group, 2017/03/11, Without Invitation, Japanese
- A study on the attribution of joint inheritance of fixed-amount postal savings, Japanese Land Law Association(Chushikoku research group), 2015/12/26, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Trend of revision of the Law of Obligations in Korea, 2015/12/14, With Invitation, Japanese
- Regulation about unincorporated association in Korea, Civil law research Group, 2015/06/13, Without Invitation, Japanese
External Funds
Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds
- (JSPS) Grant in Aid for Early Career Scientists, A Comparative Study on partnership property and public notices between Japan and Germany, 2024, 2026
- (JSPS) Grant in Aid for Early Career Scientists, A Comparative Study on Belonging of Co-Inherited Property between Japan, Germany and Korea, 2020, 2023
Social Activities
Other Social Contributions
- Hiroshima University Open lectures, Digital transaction and Civil Law, Hiroshima University School of Law, 2022/09/03, 2022/09/03, Hiroshima University, Lecturer, Lecture, General
History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers
- 2020, Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University.Law, Editorial board: 2020.6.~now
- 2020, Soongsil Law Review