Last Updated :2025/02/03

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor
Web Site
I am an anthropologist with a very strong background in musicology (PhD), French linguistics and Japanese Studies (MA). Born in Bucharest (Romania) in 1977, I have lived (work + study) since 2000 in Germany and Japan. I am teaching and researching on Japanese popular culture, mass-media and mechanisms of identity. Further research interests include gender studies, masculinity studies, phenomenology of desire & seduction, stoicism in daily life, existential joy. Applicants seeking information related to admission procedures at all levels must access the International Admissions Assistant System, IAAS, at the following URL and register the necessary information from the "For Applicants" page: For inquiries about the system, please email the International Admissions Office, IAO at HU-IAO assists those who live inside and outside of Japan and wish to study at Hiroshima University for a smooth application process.

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2013/12/01, 2018/03/31, Nagasaki University, School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor
  • 2010/10/01, 2013/05/31, Citizen Electronics, German Subsidiary, Secretary
  • 2009/10/01, 2010/09/30, University of Heidelberg, Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in Transcultural Flows", Researcher
  • 2004/10/01, 2005/02/28, University of Cologne, Research Fellow
  • 2005/03/01, 2005/09/30, Koelnmesse Co., Ltd.
  • 2018/04/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Associate Professor
  • 2014/10/01, 2018/03/31, Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies, Lecturer
  • 2002/06/01, 2006/02/28, O'Reilly Press, Assistant
  • 2000/10/01, 2003/04/01, University of Cologne, Meteorological Institute, Assistant

Educational Backgrounds

  • Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media, Germany, 2008/04, 2009/03
  • University of Cologne, Germany, 2004/10, 2008/03
  • University of Cologne, Germany, 2000/10, 2004/09
  • Romanian National Music University, Romania, 1996/10, 2000/06
  • Kyoto University, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Philosophy, Japan, 2006/10/01, 2007/09/30

Academic Degrees

  • Master of Arts, University of Cologne
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Integrated Arts and Sciences : Department of Integrated Global Studies : Integrated Global Studies
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program

Research Fields

  • Humanities;Art studies;Art at large

Research Keywords

  • Media Studies, Popular Culture, Japanese Studies, Musicology, Anthropology

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Science of ArtB
  2. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 4Term, Science of ArtB
  3. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Anthropology of Media
  4. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, New Media and Art
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, New Media and Art
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Invitation to Integrated Global Studies II
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Japanese Popular Arts and Culture I
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Japanese Popular Arts and Culture II
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Comparative Studies of Arts
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Once Upon A Time In America and Its Cross-Cultural Cross-Medial Flexibility, Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication – Topics in Cultural Studies, 14(2), 20231215
  2. ★, From Not-(Yet-)Being Towards Being: Anastasia, the Protective Power of Amnesia and Geopolitical Reconfigurations in Late Modernity, Being // Non-Being: Interpretive Perspectives in Language, Discourse and Culture, Journal of American, British and Canadian Studies, 20231215
  3. Takarazuka Revue, Reloaded: 2019 s Paradigm Shifts, Synergy, Journal of the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication, 20240415
  4. ★, Takarazuka Revue 2.0: 2015 s Self Recalibration, Synergy, Journal of the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication, 20240215
  5. ★, Fast-Forwarding the Future: Takarazuka Revue s Recalibration of Youth Cultures, Youth and Globalization, 6(1), 20240615
  6. ★, Re-Gendering the Past: Takarazuka Revue s Deconstruction of History, Brukenthalia, 20240315
  7. ★, Takemitsu Tôru and His Legacy, Muzica - Journal of the Romanian Association of Composers and Musicologists, 20240615
  8. ★, Towards a Phenomenology of Awe: Suspension of disbelief for the moment and Takarazuka Revue s Sublimation of Ruptures, Journal of The Russian Association of Japanese Studies, 2023(4), 20231031
  9. ★, Tomita Isao, the Composer: The Quiet Mastery of Non-Intrusive Specificity, Music, 2023(3), 20230731
  10. Filmmusikforschung in Japan: Ueberwindung der Tradition oder Wiedererfindung der Tradition?, Kiel s Contributions on Film Music Research 18, 18, 20231031
  11. Pragmatic Love: Lessons Taught By Robots, Synergy, 2023(1), 20230331
  12. ★, Cowboy Bebop and the Versatility of Culture, Synergy, 2022(2), 20230131
  13. I Love, Therefore I Am: Dismantling the Cartesian Dichotomy and Unifying the Self in Ghost in the Shell, Brukenthalia, 2022(2), 20221201
  14. Takarazuka Revue in Reiwa period: The Fourth Wave of Rewriting the Past, Practicing Japan – 35 Years of Japanese Studies in Poznan and Krakow, 20221201
  15. Vulnerable Masculinity: Emotional Transcendence and the Re-Framing of the Bushido in Takarazuka Revue s Performance Strategy, Vulnerable. Representing Vulnerability in Literature and Film, 20221201
  16. Lost and Found in Translation: Takarazuka Revue s Cooperation with Gerard Presgurvic, Concordia Discors vs Discordia Concors: Researches into Comparative Literature, Contrastive Linguistics, Cross-Cultural and Translation Strategies: Intersemioticity, Intergenericity, Intermediality: From Translation to Dramatisation, Adaptation, Performance, 17-18, 20221201
  17. Masculinity (Re-)Formulation and Nation (Re-)Branding: Takarazuka Revue s Cooperation with Dove Attia, Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication – Topics in Cultural Studies, 10(1), 20221201
  18. Three Paradigms of Animation Soundtracks: Tenmon s Contribution, The Palgrave Handbook of Music and Sound in Japanese Animation, 20230601
  19. Tomita Isao, Animation Soundtracks and the Versatility of Music between Cross-Cultural Epigonism and Ultimate Mastery, The Palgrave Handbook of Music and Sound in Japanese Animation, 20230601
  20. Pragmatism, Compassion and Love: A Comparative Analysis between Ponpoko: The Heisei Tanuki War (Takahata Isao/Studio Ghibli, 1994) and The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature (Cal Brunker/Open Road Films & al., 2017), Brukenthalia, 2023(1), 20230301
  21. Love Thyself: A Comparison between the English and the Japanese versions of the title song in Frozen (Walt Disney Pictures, 2013), Dialogos, Journal of the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication, 201810
  22. ★, Transcendental Predictability: On beauty, loss and remembrance in anime movie The Tale of Princess Kaguya (Takahata Isao/Ghibli Studio, 2013), Romanian Economic and Business Review, 2017(2), 137-161, 201707
  23. The Return of the Feminine Woman, Or On What The Tale of Princess Kaguya (Ghibli Studio, 2013) and Frozen (Walt Disney Pictures, 2013) Have in Common, Japan: Premodern, Modern and Contemporary: Proceedings of the Third International Conference, 87-109, 2017
  24. ★, Musical Selves: Anime soundtracks from domesticating plagiarism to hydridising authenticity, Yearbook of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, 21, 131-168, 201801
  25. ★, Beyond the Music of Words: From the sound of loneliness to the resonance of love in Murakami Haruki s literature, Musicology Today, 31, 32-55, 201808
  26. Discourses of Longing: From strategic emotions to emotional strategies in Takarazuka Revue s tour in Berlin (2000), Yearbook of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, 20, 67-89, 201704
  27. Das disziplinierte Selbst: Liebe, Hoffnung und Nostalgie als Identitätsparadigmen in japanischem Heavy Metal [The Disciplined Self: Love, Hope and Nostalgia as Identity Paradigms in Japanese Heavy Metal], Heavy Metal Around the World, 201810
  28. ★, Identity in Fragments: Kanno Yôko, counter-orientalism and eclectic nostalgias in anime soundtracks, Japan: Premodern, Modern and Contemporary: Proceedings of the Second International Conference(Japan: Premodern, Modern and Contemporary: Proceedings of the Second International Conference), 179-203, 201607
  29. ★, Imaginary Nostalgia: The poetics and pragmatics of escapism in late-modernity as represented by Satsuki & Mei s House on the EXPO 2005, Acta Asiatica varsoviensia, 29, 97-125, 201608
  30. ★, Imperial Mythologies: Love, Nostalgia and the Dynamics of Cultural Imperialism in Late-Modern Japan, MYTH, SYMBOL AND RITUAL: ELUCIDATORY PATHS TO THE FANTASTIC UNREALITY, 281-298, 201703
  31. ★, Mythical Serenity Prayer: Ecology, ethnic humor and the praise of conviviality in the anime movie Ponpoko: The Heisei Tanuki War (1994), MYTH, SYMBOL AND RITUAL: ELUCIDATORY PATHS TO THE FANTASTIC UNREALITY, 299-320, 201703
  32. ★, The Transcendence of Language: Encyclopedic Practice and the Emergence of a New Nation as reflected in Nishi Amane s Hyakugaku renkan, Yearbook of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, 18, 28-55, 201603
  33. ★, May the Wind Be with You!: The Beauty of Commitment and the Inevitability of Evil in The Wind Rises (Studio Ghibli/Miyazaki Hayao, 2013), Romanian Economic and Business Review, 49-62, 201604
  34. ★, Fragmentäre Identitäten: Kanno Yoko, Orientalismus und eklektische Nostalgien in Anime Soundtracks [Identity in Fragments: Kanno Yoko, Orientalism and Eclectic Nostalgias in Anime Soundtracks], Kiel s Contributions on Film Music Research, 12, 432-468, 201606
  35. ★, Liquid Identity: Love, heavy metal and the dynamics of gender in anime soundtracks, Heavy Metal, Gender and Sexuality - Interdisciplinary Approaches, 209-225, 201608
  36. ★, The Fascination of Knowledge: Japanese Encyclopedias and Soft Power - a Historical Overview, Yearbook of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, 16, 32-56, 201503
  37. ★, The Precarious Self: Love, melancholia and the eradication of adolescence in Makoto Shinkai s anime works, Visions of Precarity in Japanese Popular Culture and Literature, 117-131, 201504
  38. Tender Selves: Love, Imagination and the Musicalisation of Identity in Anime Soundtracks, Romanian Economic and Business Review, 33-51, 201405
  39. ★, All the World s a Stage: Takarazuka Revue and its theatralization of culture(s), International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, 9(2), 201403
  40. The Return of the Encyclopedia: TakaraWiki and the Dialectics of Fandom and Knowledge in Late Modernity, Journal of The Russian Association of Japanese Studies, 201401
  41. Beyond Historical Commitment: The aesthetics and ideology of culture in Takarazuka Revue, Proceedings of the International Conference The Meanings and Aesthetics in Asian Cultural Landscape, 298-324, 201309
  42. ★, Translating the other, constructing the self: Japanese premodern encyclopedias and the transculturality of knowledge, Yearbook of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, 12, 104-137, 201305
  43. ★, Rôjin Z: The politics and poetics of aging as cool endeavor, Yearbook of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, 11, 34-57, 201207
  44. ★, Befremdende Vertraulichkeiten: Anime Soundtracks vom domestizierenden Plagiarismus zu hybridisierender Authentizität [Alienating Familiarities: Anime soundtracks between domesticating plagiarism and hybridising authenticity], Kiel s Contributions on Film Music Research, 8, 20-61, 201207
  45. ★, Kiyoku, tadashiku, utsukushiku: Takarazuka Revue and the project of identity (re-)solidification, Contemporary Japan, Journal of German Institute for Japanese Studies, 23, 5-25, 201109
  46. ★, Provisorische Authentizität: Kulturelle Identität als stille Herausforderung der Tradition in der Takarazuka Revue [Provisory Authenticity: Cultural identity as quiet challenge of the tradition in Takarazuka Revue], Musicology Today, 5, 1-22, 201111
  47. ★, Die otokoyaku: Der Topstar und die Konstruktion einer japanischen Identität [The otokoyaku: The topstar and the construction of Japanese identity], Musik und kulturelle Identität – Music and cultural identity, 218-226, 201005
  48. ★, Der japanische Janus – Gespräche mit Takahata Isao [The Japanese Janus – Conversations with Takahata Isao], Interdisciplinary Phenomenology, 147-155, 200712
  49. Reflexii goetheene în oglinda muzicii [Goethe's reflexes in the mirror of music], Opus – Journal of Culture, 4, 24-37, 199909
  50. Sfinxul între realitate arheologicã şi viziune mitologicã [The Sphinx between archaeological reality and mythological vision], Opus – Journal of Culture, 3, 72-74, 199905
  51. Un posibil nod gordian [A possible Gordian knot], Opus – Journal of Culture, 2, 77-78, 199903
  52. Mitul faustic sau paradoxul triunghiului Ispitã – Pãcat – Mântuire [The Faustian myth or the paradox of the triangle temptation – sin – redemption], Opus – Journal of Culture, 1, 52-55, 199812
  53. Nostalgia începuturilor [The Nostalgia of the beginnings], Muzica, Journal of the Romanian Association of Composers and Musicologists, 30, 155-156, 199712
  54. ★, Songs of Revolution: The dialectics of Cultural Imperialism and the Nostalgia for Intellectual Activism in Late-Modern Japan, Synergy, Journal of the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication, 14(1), 119-141, 201807
  55. ★, The Renegotiation of Modernity: On teaching the dialectics of Japanese cultural imperialism, as reflected in the Rurouni Kenshin phenomenon, Bringing Forth a New World: Engaged Pedagogy in the Japanese University, 202012
  56. Love in the Digital Age: Online Dating and the Resurgence of Toxic Humanity, Yearbook of the Bucharest University – History, 201811
  57. Alternative Realities, Alternative Masculinities: An empiric enquiry into Japan s video game culture and its global impact, Yearbook of the Bucharest University – History, 201812
  58. Gender Acrobatics: The questionable liberalism of popular culture and the emergence of alternative masculinity patterns in late-modern Japan, Yearbook of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, 22, 201812
  59. Back to the Roots: The representation of life and nature in Studio Ghibli s anime works, Brukenthalia, 2019(1), 201901
  60. The Invention of Traditions: The representation of family and community in Studio Ghibli s anime works, Brukenthali, 2019(2), 201902
  61. ★, Cross-Temporality and the Re-Designing of Masculine Identity: Time paradoxes and the healing power of love in anime movie Your Name? (2016), Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication – Topics in Cultural Studies, 9(1), 201905
  62. ★, Cross-Mediality and the Invincibility of Vulnerability: The Rurouni Kenshin Phenomenon, Dialogos, Journal of the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication, 201905
  63. ★, The Lonely World of Virtual Love: Masculinity between self-eradication and neo-validation in late-modern Japan, Synergy, Journal of the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication, 201902
  64. Nihon, mon amour: Japan's Paris and the Crossroads of History, Japanese Studies: Tokens and Manifestations, 22-41, 20190630
  65. What Is a Man? An anthropological inquiry into the cross-cultural poetics and pragmatics of masculinity, Yearbook of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, 26(2019/2), 143-160, 20190630
  66. ★, On Musical Vulnerability: The Joy of Life and the Power of Love as Expressed in Hisaishi Joe s Anime Soundtracks, Muzica, Journal of the Romanian Association of Composers and Musicologists, 2019-2, 51-78, 20190530
  67. Revisionism or Popular Liberalism? Studio Ghibli s 2013 anime works The Wind Rises and The Tale of Princess Kaguya, JAPANologists Playground @ 2018, 20191030
  68. The Postfeminist Desire: Love, Capitalism, Japan – Mythological-Folkloric Foundations of Late-Modern (Cultural) Consumerism, Postmodern Mythologies, 20191030
  69. ★, Re-Framing Masculinity in Japan: Tom Cruise, The Last Samurai and the Fluid Metanarratives of History, Yearbook of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, 2019-4, 20191215
  70. ★, Towards a Phenomenology of Seduction: From Julia Kristeva to Anti-Shôjo, Thinking with Animation, 20191225
  71. ★, Fieldwork: A Journey Toward Myself, Diggin Up Music: Musikethnologie als Baustelle, 20200530
  72. Detachment and Isolationism or Expansion and Diversification? Zootopia and Angry Birds in Japanese Perspective, Yearbook of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, 2020-1, 20200215
  73. From Japan, With Love: Frozen and Baymax in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication – Topics in Cultural Studies, 10(1), 20200615
  74. May the Love be with you!: From the Joy of Life to the Transcendence of Existence in Takahata Isao s Animation Works, Synergy, Journal of the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication, 2021/1(2021/1), 202101
  75. Uncanny Soundscapes: Japanoise, Masculinity and the Joy of (Structured) Chaos, Muzica, Journal of the Romanian Association of Composers and Musicologists, 2021/1(2021/1), 20210115
  76. The Warrior and the Seducer: Late-Modern Masculinity between Napoleon and Casanova in Takarazuka Revue s Public Display of Affection(s), Yearbook of the Bucharest University – History, 2020/2(2020/2), 20201220
  77. Connecting Fantasy Worlds and Nostalgia: Miyazaki Goro s Animation Movies, Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication – Topics in Cultural Studies, 11(1), 20201215
  78. Social Critique and Visionarism in Kon Satoshi s Animation Movies, Brukenthalia, 2020/1(2020/1), 20201210
  79. Compassionate Neo-Traditionalism in Hosoda Mamoru s Animation Movies, Journal of The Russian Association of Japanese Studies, 2020/2(2020/2), 20201015
  80. In Search of (Lost) Masculinity: Understanding Shinkai Makoto s Animation Movies of the Last Decade, Yearbook of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, 2020/4(2020/4), 20201215
  81. Exuberant or Uncanny? Femininity at Crossroads in Yonebayashi Hiromasa s Animation Movies, Postmodern Mythologies, 2020/1(2020/1), 20201010
  82. Exploring Tenmon s Music: Anime Soundtracks and Their Progression from Engulfing Rites of Passage towards Empowering Journeys of Self-Discovery, Mechademia 2020, 2020/2(2020/2), 20201015
  83. Cyberspaces of Loneliness: The Long Decline of Japanese Masculinity, Journal of popular Romance Studies, special issue Sexting, Romance and Intimacy, 2020/2(2020/2), 20201020
  84. Pragmatic U-Turns: Unity in Diversity and the Discomfort of Self-Representation in Takarazuka Revue s Performance Strategy, Dialogos, Journal of the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication, 2020/1(2020/1), 20200615
  85. ★, Education as subversive practice: Takarazuka Revue's performative re-enactments of the Cold War, Educational Theory and Philosophy, 202106
  86. ★, To Love or Not To Love: The Romeo and Juliet Franchise and Its Global Ramifications, Brukenthalia, 202108
  87. ★, Exploring Hybridity: Kanno Yoko, Takarazuka Revue and the Subversive Dynamics of (Soft) Power in Late-Modern Japan, Concordia Discors vs Discordia Concors, 202109
  88. Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Representation of War, Death and Suffering in Takarazuka Revue s Performance Strategy, Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication – Topics in Cultural Studies, 2022
  89. Folkloric Innuendoes and the Redemptive Power of Love: The Legend of King Arthur and Its Global Ramifications, Postmodern Mythologies, 202201

Publications such as books

  1. 2021/09, Post-Cold-War Japanese Animation: Five Directors and Their Visions, Post-Cold-War Japanese Animation: Five Directors and Their Visions, ProUniversitaria, 2021, 09, Scholarly Book, Single work, English, 978-606-26-1360-0, 268
  2. 2021/08, Takahata Isao, ProUniversitaria, 2021, 08, Scholarly Book, Single work, English, 978-606-26-1361-7, 238
  3. 2010/10, Takahata Isao, Takahata Isao, Peter Lang, 2010, 10, Scholarly Book, Single work, German, 157
  4. 2009/06, Flüssige Identität: Die postmoderne Liebe, die Takarazuka Revue und die Suche nach einer neuen Aufklärung [Liquid Identity: The Postmodern Love, Takarazuka Revue and the Quest for a New Enlightenment], Flüssige Identität: Die postmoderne Liebe, die Takarazuka Revue und die Suche nach einer neuen Aufklärung [Liquid Identity: The Postmodern Love, Takarazuka Revue and the Quest for a New Enlightenment], National Music University Press, Bucharest, 2009, 06, Scholarly Book, Single work, German, 456
  5. 2008/02, Das japanische Anime: Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Annäherung [The Japanese Animation: Towards a Scientific Approach], Das japanische Anime: Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Annäherung [The Japanese Animation: Towards a Scientific Approach], Lucian-Blaga-University Press, Sibiu, 2008, 02, Scholarly Book, Single work, German, 171
  6. 2005/09, Die Takarazuka Revue oder die Überwindung der Tradition [Takarazuka Revue and the Conquest of Tradition], 4. Die Takarazuka Revue oder die Überwindung der Tradition [Takarazuka Revue and the Conquest of Tradition], Florian Noetzel Press, Wilhelmshaven, 2005, 09, Scholarly Book, Single work, German
  7. 2019/08/20, After Identity: Three Essays on the Musicality of Life, After Identity: Three Essays on the Musicality of Life, Japanese Studies, Musicology, Cultural Studies, Anthropology, ProUniversitaria Press, 2019, 08, Scholarly Book, Single work, English, Grajdian Maria, 218
  8. 2019/10/15, Cyberspaces of Loneliness: Love, Masculinity, Japan, Cyberspaces of Loneliness: Love, Masculinity, Japan, SNS, Virtual Reality, Masculinity, Late-Modernity, Femininity, ProUniversitaria Press, 2019, 10, Scholarly Book, Single work, English, Grajdian Maria, 208

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Fast-Forwarding the Future: Takarazuka Revue s Farewell to the Past, International Conference New Insights Through Revision of the Old: Changes, Chances and Challenges from Ancient Times to the Global Era Japan, 2023/12/01, Without Invitation, English, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland, & online
  2. To Love or Not To Love: The Romeo and Juliet Franchise and Its Global Ramifications, international Annual Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS), 2023/11/25, Without Invitation, English, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, & online
  3. Enhanced Humanness, Artificial Intelligence and Sensitive Cyborgs in Ghost in the Shell, international Annual Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS), 2023/11/24, Without Invitation, English, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, & online
  4. Gangsters, Assassins and Terrorists: Takarazuka Revue s Recalibration of Its Business Model, 11th International Conference Synergies in Communication, 2023/10/26, With Invitation, English, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, ucharest, Romania & online
  5. To Love Or To Live: The Romeo and Juliet Franchise and Its Global Ramifications, 11th International Conference Synergies in Communication, 2023/10/26, Without Invitation, English, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania & online
  6. If You Want Peace, Prepare for War: Takarazuka Revue s Representation of War, Death and Suffering, 24th international conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies (EAJS), 2023/08/25, Without Invitation, English, European Association of Japanese Studies (EAJS) and Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium & online
  7. The Postfeminist Desire: Julia Kristeva and the Anti-Shojo, international conference of the Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ), 2023/07/01, With Invitation, English, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan
  8. Farewells as Beginnings: Takarazuka Revue s Letting Go of the Past, Cultural Studies Association Conference, 2023/06/01, Without Invitation, English, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, and online
  9. Walking Alone in the Rain: Cowboy Bebop s Legacy and Beyond, international conference Mechademia-Japan Ecologies, 2023/05/25, Without Invitation, English, Seika University, Kyoto International Manga Museum, Kyoto, Japan
  10. The Spring of Love: Takarazuka Revue s Letting Go of the Past, 9th international conference Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication, 2023/05/27, Without Invitation, English, Department of Foreign Languages of the Romanian-American University in collaboration with the Asian Studies Department, Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania & online
  11. Loving selves: Dismantling the Cartesian Dichotomy and Unifying the Self in Ghost in the Shell, 9th international conference Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication, 2023/05/27, Without Invitation, English, Department of Foreign Languages of the Romanian-American University in collaboration with the Asian Studies Department, Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania & online
  12. Towards a Phenomenology of Awe: Suspension of Disbelief for the Moment and Takarazuka Revue s Sublimation of Ruptures, International Symposium on Japanese Studies Japan and the World – Revisiting Cultural Encounters in the Global Era, 2023/03/31, Without Invitation, English, The Center for Japanese Studies of the University of Bucharest and Graduate School of Language Education and Information Science, Ritsumeikan University, online
  13. A Farewell to the Past: Employing the Idealization of the Seasons as a Means to Overcome the Fear of the Future in Takarazuka Revue s musical performance Sekkasho (flower troupe, 2016), international workshop Mutual Images Seasonal Imagery in Japanese Language, Culture and Literature, 2022/11/04, Without Invitation, English, Mutual Images Research Association in cooperation with The Sembazuru Japanese Centre for Japanese Studies, Faculty of Letters, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania & online
  14. Pragmatic Love: Lessons Taught By Robots, 10th International Conference Synergies in Communication, 2022/10/27, Without Invitation, English, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, Bucharest, Romania & online
  15. Invited Interview and Speech at Japan Foundation s Fellows Conference, Japan Foundation s Fellows Conference, Japan Foundation s Fellows Conference, 2022/12/10, With Invitation, English, Japan Foundation, Nichibunken
  16. New Book Release Post-Cold-War Japanese Animation: Five Directors and Their Visions, Interview and Discussion, Live Streaming on YouTube, Global Center for Technology in Humanities (GCTH), 2022/06/22, With Invitation, English, Global Center for Technology in Humanities (GCTH), Live Streaming on YouTube
  17. Cowboy Bebop and the Versatility of Culture, Cowboy Bebop and the Versatility of Culture, 10th International Conference Synergies in Communication, 2022/10/28, Without Invitation, English, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
  18. I Love, Therefore I Am: Dismantling the Cartesian Dichotomy and Unifying the Self in Ghost in the Shell, Mechademia USA Migration and Transition, 2022/06/28, Without Invitation, English, Mechademia, Japan American Cultural & Community Center, Los Angeles, USA
  19. Brave New Japan: Late-Modern Masculinity and Takarazuka Revue s Public Display of Affection(s), International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM), 2022/07/08, Without Invitation, English, International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM), Daegu, South Korea
  20. The Postfeminist Desire: Julia Kristeva and the Anti-Shôjo, Cultural Typhoon 2022, 2022/09/16, Without Invitation, English, Seijô University, Tokyo, Japan
  21. Brave New Japan: Late-Modern Masculinity and Takarazuka Revue s Public Display of Affection(s), International Annual Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS), 2022/11/26, Without Invitation, English, Palacky University, Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic
  22. Takarazuka Revue in Reiwa Period: Seven Principles of the Postmedia World, Invited Lecture at Kansai University, 2021/12/07, With Invitation, Japanese, Kansai University, Osaka, Japan, Kansai University, Osaka, Japan
  23. Shinkai Makoto, Invited Lecture at Hiroshima International School, 2021/12/16, With Invitation, English, Hiroshima International School, Hiroshima International School
  24. Miyazaki Hayao, Invited Lecture at Hiroshima International School, 2921/12/26, With Invitation, English, Hiroshima International School, Hiroshima International School
  25. The Redemptive Power of Love and Its Global Ramifications: Takarazuka Revue s The Legend of King Arthur (2016), Practicing Japan – 35 Years of Japanese Studies in Poznan and Krakow, 2022/03/24, Without Invitation, English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan and Jagiellonian University in Krakow, online
  26. Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Representation of War, Death and Suffering in Takarazuka Revue s Performance Strategy, International Symposium on Japanese Studies Japan and the World – Revisiting Cultural Encounters in the Global Era, 2022/04/08, Without Invitation, English, University of Bucharest + Ritsumeikan University, online
  27. Pragmatism, Compassion and Love: A Comparative Analysis between Ponpoko: The Heisei Tanuki War (Takahata Isao/Studio Ghibli ,1994) and The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature (Cal Brunker/Open Road Films & al., 2017), 9th international conference Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication, 2022/05/16, Without Invitation, English, Romanian-American University, online
  28. Filmmusikforschung in Japan: Ueberwindung der Tradition oder Wiedererfindung der Tradition?, Online Symposium of Kieler Gesellschaft für Filmmusikforschung Zum aktuellen Stand der Filmmusikforschung, 2022/06/17, Without Invitation, German, University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany, online
  29. Cowboy Bebop and the Versatility of Culture, Webinar Chinese University of Hong Kong + Korea University + Hiroshima University, 2022/06/23, With Invitation, English, Chinese University of Hong Kong, online
  30. I Love, Therefore I Am: Dismantling the Cartesian Dichotomy and Unifying the Self in Ghost in the Shell, 9th International Conference Synergies in Communication, 2021/11/30, With Invitation, English, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, online
  31. Exploring Hybridity: Kanno Yôko, Takarazuka Revue and the Subversive Dynamics of (Soft) Power in Late-Modern Japan, 23rd international conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies (EAJS), 2021/08/25, Without Invitation, English, European Association of Japanese Studies (EAJS), online
  32. Cyberspaces of Loneliness: The Long Decline of Japanese Masculinity, 8th international conference Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication, 2021/05/28, Without Invitation, English, Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania
  33. Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Representation of War, Death and Suffering in Takarazuka Revue s Performance Strategy, 8th international conference Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication, 2021/05/28, Without Invitation, English, Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania
  34. Folkloric Innuendoes and the Redemptive Power of Love: The Legend of King Arthur and Its Global Ramifications, Academic Presentation, 6th International Conference Folklore and Mythology Revisited, 2019/10/26, Without Invitation, English, Bucharest University, Bucharest, Romania
  35. Pragmatic U-Turns: Unity in Diversity and the Discomfort of Self-Representation in Takarazuka Revue s Performance Strategy, Academic Presentation, 9th International Conference Synergies in Communication, 2019/12/01, Without Invitation, English, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
  36. Re-Framing Masculinity in Japan: Tom Cruise, The Last Samurai and the Fluid Metanarratives of History, Academic Presentation, 9th International Conference Synergies in Communication, 2019/12/01, Without Invitation, English, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
  37. Exuberant or Uncanny? Femininity at Crossroads in Yonebayashi Hiromasa s Animation Movies, Academic Presentation, International Conference Anime Studies at Waseda University, 2019/11/16, Without Invitation, English, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
  38. Transcending Non-Conformism: Femininity at Crossroads in Yonebayashi Hiromasa s Animation Movies, Academic Presentation, 8th International Conference Japanese Studies in Poland, 2019/11/29, Without Invitation, English, Poznan University, Poznan, Poland
  39. Femininity and the Transcendence of Love in Yonebayashi Hiromasa s Animation Movies, Academic Presentation, 8th International Conference Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication, 2020/09/28, Without Invitation, English, Department of Foreign Languages of the Romanian-American University in collaboration with the Asian Studies Department, Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania
  40. Reformulating the Classics: Folkloric Transcendence and the Bushidô Ideology in Takarazuka Revue s Performance Strategy, Academic Presentation, 7th International Conference Folklore and Mythology Revisited, 2020/10/24, Without Invitation, English, Bucharest University, Bucharest, Romania
  41. Voicing the Voiceless: Social Critique and Visionarism in Kon Satoshi s Animation Movies, Academic Presentation, International Annual Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS), 2020/11/20, Without Invitation, English, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
  42. Towards a Fragmentary Self: Murakami Haruki s Literature in Times of Global Loneliness, Academic Presentation, international conference LiberLit Japan, 2021/01/16, Without Invitation, English, Teikyô University, Tokyo, Japan
  43. Pragmatism and Compassion: Unity within Diversity and the Discomfort of Self-Representation, Academic Presentation, 2nd international conference Identity Politics in East-Asian Popular Culture, 2021/01/20, Without Invitation, English, East-Asian Journal of Popular Culture (EAJPC) and the Journal for East-Asian Popular Culture Association, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
  44. The Will To Live: Transcendental Ecologies and the Musicality of Identity in animation movie Ponpoko: The Heisei Tanuki War (1994, Studio Ghibli), Academic Presentation, Mechademia-Japan Ecologies, 2021/05/25, Without Invitation, English, International Manga Museum, Kyoto, Japan
  45. The Joy of Life at Crossroads in Takahata Isao s Animation Movie The Tale of Princess Kaguya, Academic Workshop, 2019/12/05, With Invitation, English, Bucharest University of Economics, Faculty of Intercultural Business Administration, Bucharest, Romania
  46. Exuberant or Uncanny? Femininity at Crossroads in Yonebayashi Hiromasa s Animation Movies, Academic Workshop, 2019/12/06, With Invitation, English, University of Bucharest, Faculty of History, Bucharest, Romania
  47. Bushidô & The Last Samurai (2003): Ethical Principles and Hierarchies of Values in Late Modernity, Academic Workshop, 2019/12/16, With Invitation, English, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Theology, Sibiu, Romania
  48. Examining Representations that Contribute to Our Understanding of What Looking Japanese Means in Contemporary Japanese Society, Academic Workshop, 2020/02/04, With Invitation, English, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
  49. Kiyoku, Tadashiku, Utsukushiku: Die Takarazuka Revue im Zeitalter der schönen Harmonie / Kiyoku, Tadashiku, Utsukushiku: Takarazuka Revue in the Era of Beautiful Harmony, Academic Lecture, 2020/02/19, With Invitation, German, OAG-Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Natur- und Voelkerkunde Ostasiens, Tokyo, Japan
  50. Death and Suicide in Bushidô – Invented Tradition or Ethical Principle?, Academic Workshop, 2020/03/05, With Invitation, other, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of History, Sibiu, Romania
  51. The Unavoidability of Evil: Nostalgia, Ambivalence and the Transgression of Historical Belonging in Anime Movie The Wind Rises (2013), The 4th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies, 2014/05/28, With Invitation, English, IAFOR, International Conference Center, Osaka
  52. The Will to Love: The flexible liberalism of popular culture and the emergence of alternative masculinity paradigms in late-modern Japan, Second International Gender and Sexuality Studies Conference, 2017/09/29, Without Invitation, English, University of Central Oklahoma, University of Central Oklahoma
  53. Love Thyself: A Comparison between the English and the Japanese versions of the title song in Frozen (Walt Disney Pictures, 2013), 6th International Conference Synergies in Communication, 2017/11/16, Without Invitation, English, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  54. Modernity Revisited: The dialectics of revolution and the nostalgia for intellectual activism in Takarazuka Revue s 1789: The Lovers of Bastille, Japan: Premodern, Modern, Contemporary - A Return Trip from the East to the West - Learning in, about and from Japan, 2017/09/03, Without Invitation, English, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir
  55. Your Name? and the joy of adolescent identity, Open Lectures at Nagasaki University, 2017/08/06, With Invitation, Japanese, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki University
  56. Towards a Phenomenology of Femininity: Julia Kristeva, Kanno Yôko and the power of sincerity in the anime TV series Wolf s Rain (2004), Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference, 2017/07/29, Without Invitation, English, SungKongHoe University, SungKongHoe University
  57. From Julia Kristeva to Kanno Yôko: Towards a Phenomenology of Femininity in the anime TV series Wolf s Rain (2004), Cultural Typhoon 2017, 2017/06/24, Without Invitation, English, Waseda University, Waseda University
  58. Humanity Re-Visited: Kindness, the Power of Love and the Dynamics of Japanese Cultural Imperialism in Bay Max (Big Hero 6, Walt Disney Pictures, 2014), Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication, 2017/05/18, With Invitation, English, Department of Foreign Languages of the Romanian-American University/Asian Studies Department, Romanian-American University, Department of Foreign Languages of the Romanian-American University/Asian Studies Department, Romanian-American University
  59. Intersectional Contradictions: The flexible liberalism of popular culture and the emergence of alternative masculinity paradigms in late-modern Japan, KFLC: The Languages, Literatures and Cultures Conference, 2017/04/21, Without Invitation, English, University of Kentucky, Lexington/Kentucky, USA, University of Kentucky, Lexington/Kentucky, USA
  60. Gender Acrobatics: The questionable liberalism of popular culture and the emergence of alternative masculinity patterns in late-modern Japan, American Men s Studies Association s 25th conference on Men and Masculinities, 2017/04/01, Without Invitation, English, University of Michigan. Ann Arbor/Michigan, USA, University of Michigan. Ann Arbor/Michigan, USA
  61. Tales of Ephemerality: On beauty, loss and remembrance in anime movie The Tale of Princess Kaguya (2013), Contemporary Fairy-Tale Adaptations across Cultures, 2017/03/29, Without Invitation, English, Kanagawa University, Yokohama, Japan, Kanagawa University, Yokohama, Japan
  62. Mind and Body Re-Visited: The questionable liberalism of popular culture and the emergence of alternative masculinity patterns in late-modern Japan, Mind and Body in Japanese Culture, 2017/03/05, Without Invitation, English, University of Bucharest, The Center for Japanese Studies and The Japan Foundation, Bucharest, Romania, University of Bucharest, The Center for Japanese Studies and The Japan Foundation, Bucharest, Romania
  63. Precariousness and Vulnerability: Love, melancholia and anomie in Makoto Shinkai s anime works, 2nd EAJS conference in Japan, 2016/09/24, Without Invitation, English, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
  64. Translation as Bridge between Identity and Alterity: Encyclopedic Practice and the Emergence of a New Nation as reflected in Nishi Amane s Hyakugaku renkan, 10th international conference of the Romanian Association of Japanese Language Teachers (APJR), 2016/09/22, With Invitation, English, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Bucharest, Romania, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Bucharest, Romania
  65. Orientalism Re-Visited: Giacomo Puccini, Yôko Kanno and the power of sincerity in the anime movie Magnetic Rose, Japan between East and West, 2016/09/02, Without Invitation, English, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Bucharest, Romania, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Bucharest, Romania
  66. Nihon, mon amour: Japan s Paris and the Incommensurability of Desire, 13th Convention of the International Association for Japan Studies, 2018/12/02, With Invitation, English, Tôyô University, Tokyo, Japan, Tôyô University, Tokyo, Japan
  67. The re-negotiation of masculinity in anime movie Your Name? (2016), Japan: Fictions & Reality, 2018/11/30, Without Invitation, English, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
  68. The Lonely World of Virtual Love: Masculinity between self-eradication and neo-validation in late-modern Japan, 7th International Conference Synergies in Communication, 2018/11/22, With Invitation, English, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
  69. Cross-Mediality and the Invincibility of Vulnerability: The Rurouni Kenshin Phenomeno, 7th International Conference Synergies in Communication, 2018/11/22, With Invitation, English, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
  70. Cross-temporal rites of passage, alternative masculinity ideals and neo-traditionalism in anime movie Your Name? (2016), Annual Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS), 2018/11/09, Without Invitation, English, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
  71. The Postfeminist Desire: Love, Mythology and Capitalism in late-modern Japan, Folklore and Mythology Revisited, 2018/10/18, Without Invitation, English, Bucharest University, Bucharest, Romania, Bucharest University, Bucharest, Romania
  72. Across the Glistening Stairways to Heaven: Takarazuka Revue s management of fandom and the politics of emotions in late-modern Japan, Mechademia USA Transnational Fandoms, 2018/09/29, Without Invitation, English, Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Minneapolis, USA, Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Minneapolis, USA
  73. Alternative Realities, Alternative Masculinities: An Empiric Enquiry into Japan s Video Game Culture and Its Global Impact, Japan between East and West, 8th edition, 2018/09/05, Without Invitation, English, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Bucharest, Romania, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Bucharest, Romania
  74. The Rurouni Kenshin Phenomenon: Cross-Mediality, the Re-Invigoration of Tradition(s) and the Dialectics of Japanese Cultural Imperialism, Cultural Typhoon 2018, 2018/06/23, Without Invitation, English, Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan, Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan
  75. Love Thyself: A Comparison between the English and the Japanese versions of the title song in Frozen (Walt Disney Pictures, 2013), Interasia Popular Music Studies, 2018/06/09, Without Invitation, English, Communication University of China, Beijing, PRC, Communication University of China, Beijing, PRC
  76. The Rurouni Kenshin Phenomenon: Manga, Anime, Live-Action Movie, Theatrical Performance, Mechademia-Japan Manga Nexus: Movement, Stillness, Media, 2018/05/26, Without Invitation, English, Kyoto International Manga Museum, Kyoto, Japan, Kyoto International Manga Museum, Kyoto, Japan
  77. Cross-Temporality and the Re-Designing of Adolescent Identity: Time paradoxes and the healing power of love in anime movie Your Name (2016), International Workshop Sense of Time, 2018/05/19, Without Invitation, English, Dôshisha University, Kyoto, Japan, Dôshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
  78. Japan s Paris and the Crossroads of History, Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication, 6th edition, 2018/05/10, Without Invitation, English, Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania, Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania
  79. The Rurouni Kenshin Phenomenon and the Cross-Medial Renegotiation of Japanese Modernity, International Workshop Mutual Images, 2018/05/01, Without Invitation, English, Cardiff University, Cardiff, England, Cardiff University, Cardiff, England
  80. Japan's Paris, or: On Humanity as Extension(s) of Media, International Workshop Towards Post-Media Studies in Asia, 2018/01/28, Without Invitation, English, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo, Japan
  81. Japanese tradition, Western modernity? - a success formula: the world of Takarazuka Revue's performances, Academic Workshop, 2017/10/09, With Invitation, other, University of Bucharest, Faculty of History, Bucharest, Romania, University of Bucharest, Faculty of History, Bucharest, Romania
  82. The Universality of Adolescence: From the eradication of adolescence to the pursuit of joy as the core of adolescent identity in Makoto Shinkai s animation works, Academic Workshop, Japan between East and West, 7th edition, 2017/09/05, With Invitation, other, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Bucharest, Romania, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Bucharest, Romania
  83. Between Arts, Economy and Politics: Anime and Soft Power, Academic Workshop, 2012/04/16, With Invitation, other, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures, in cooperation with the Association of the Romanian Teachers for Japanese Language, Bucharest, Romania, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures, in cooperation with the Association of the Romanian Teachers for Japanese Language, Bucharest, Romania
  84. Takarazuka Revue or on love in the Japanese contemporary culture, Academic Workshop, 2012/04/14, With Invitation, other
  85. Thus spoke Buddha: The religious foundations of Japan s economic power, Public Workshop, 2012/02/17, With Invitation, other, Lucian Blaga University, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Sibiu, Romania, Lucian Blaga University, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Sibiu, Romania
  86. Healing of Memories in East Asia: Japan s case, Public Workshop, 2012/02/16, With Invitation, German, Lucian Blaga University in cooperation with the Foundation Reconciliation in South-East Europe, Sibiu, Romania, Lucian Blaga University in cooperation with the Foundation Reconciliation in South-East Europe, Sibiu, Romania
  87. Japan: Tradition and Quotidian, Public Workshop, 2009/04/25, With Invitation, other, National Ethnographic Museum ASTRA, Sibiu, Romania, National Ethnographic Museum ASTRA, Sibiu, Romania
  88. Love in the Digital Age: Online-Dating and the Resurgence of Toxic Humanity, International Workshop Digital Media and Borders: Infrastructures, Mobilities, Practices Across Asia and Beyond, 2017/12/07, Without Invitation, English, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
  89. Back to the Future, Reloaded: Cross-temporality, time paradoxes and the healing power of love in anime movie Your Name (2016), 13th Convention of the International Association for Japan Studies, 2017/12/02, Without Invitation, English, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
  90. The Will To Live: Shang Shang Typhoon and the Musicality of Identity in anime movie Ponpoko: The Heisei Tanuki War (1994, Studio Ghibli/Takahata Isao), RETI 2017 in Okinawa: Future Perspectives for Island Societies: Sustainability and Self-Management, 2017/11/20, Without Invitation, English, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan
  91. Songs of Revolution in Takarazuka Revue: The dialectics of cultural imperiaism and the nostalgia for intellectual activism in late-modern Japan, 6th International Conference Synergies in Communication, 2017/11/16, Without Invitation, English, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
  92. Beyond Imperialism: The dialectics of revolution and the nostalgia for intellectual activism in Takarazuka Revue s 1789, Cultural Typhoon 2016, 2016/07/08, Without Invitation, English, Tokyo University of Arts, Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo University of Arts, Tokyo, Japan
  93. Lessons in Ephemerality: On beauty, loss and remembrance in anime movie The Tale of Princess Kaguya (2013), 5th Asian Conference on Asian Studies, 2016/06/03, Without Invitation, English, IAFOR, Kobe, Japan, IAFOR, Kobe, Japan
  94. Love and Justice: The dialectics of revolution and the nostalgia for activism in Takarazuka Revue s 1789, 7th Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities, 2016/04/07, Without Invitation, English, IAFOR, Kobe, Japan, IAFOR, Kobe, Japan
  95. Beyond the Cute Predictability: The power of love and the dynamics of Japanese cultural imperialism in Bay Max (Big Hero 6, Walt Disney Pictures, 2014), 11. Annual Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong (ASAHK), 2016/04/03, Without Invitation, English, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
  96. The Global Revolution: The dialectics of cultural imperialism and the nostalgia for intellectual activism in Takarazuka Revue s 1789, 2nd Global Creative Industries Conference From Global to Local and Vice-Versa, 2016/04/01, Without Invitation, English, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
  97. Tales of Vulnerability: On beauty, loss and remembrance in anime movie The Tale of Princess Kaguya (2013), Mechademia: Conference on Asian Popular Cultures, 2016/01/19, Without Invitation, English, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan
  98. A Journey to the East: On the beauty of commitment and the power of love in Takarazuka Revue, Japan between East and West, 5th edition, 2015/09/10, Without Invitation, English, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Bucharest, Romania, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Bucharest, Romania
  99. Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Unschuld: Mein Nachbar Totoro (Studio Ghibli/Miyazaki Hayao, 1988) und das Haus von Satsuki und Mei (EXPO 2005-Gelände) oder über neue Herausforderungen der Feldforschung im Zeitalter des Cool Japan [In Search of Lost Innocence: My neighbor Totoro (Studio Ghibli/Miyazaki Hayao, 1988) and Satsuki & Mei s House (EXPO 2005 site) or on new challenges of the fieldwork in the age of Cool Japan], 16th international conference of the German Association of Japanese Studies – Ethnology, 2015/08/26, Without Invitation, German, Munich University, Munich, Germany, Munich University, Munich, Germany
  100. Die Rückkehr der Weiblichkeit: Takarazuka Revue, globale Zuschauer und die Macht der Ehrlichkeit als konsumtreibende Aufführungsstrategie im spätmodernen Japan Japan [The Return of the Femininity: Takarazuka Revue, global audiences and the power of sincerity as consumption-oriented staging strategy in late-modern Japan], 16th international conference of the German Association of Japanese Studies – Theater Studies, 2015/08/27, Without Invitation, German, Munich University, Munich, Germany, Munich University, Munich, Germany
  101. Bilder der Zerbrechlichkeit: Über die Bedeutung von Schönheit, Verlust und Erinnerung in Anime-Film Die Legende von Prinzessin Kaguya (Studio Ghibli/Takahata Isao, 2013) [Pictures of Fragility: On the meaning of beauty, loss and remembrance in anime movie The Tale of Princess Kaguya (Studio Ghibli/Takahata Isao, 2013)], 16th international conference of the German Association of Japanese Studies – Media Studies, 2015/08/28, Without Invitation, German, Munich University, Munich, Germany, Munich University, Munich, Germany
  102. Ghibli Anime Seen from the Perspective of Multicultural Society, Open Lecture, 2018/08/06, With Invitation, Japanese, Nagasaki University, School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagasaki, Japan, Nagasaki University, School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagasaki, Japan
  103. Will Kindness Save the World?: The power of love and the dynamics of Japanese cultural imperialism in Bay Max (Big Hero 6, Walt Disney Pictures, 2014, Cultural Typhoon 2015, 2015/06/14, Without Invitation, English, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
  104. Staging Ephemerality: From strategic emotions to emotional strategies in Takarazuka Revue s tour in Berlin (2000), international workshop Mutual Images, 2015/05/12, With Invitation, English, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
  105. Back to Asia: Kindness, the power of love and the dynamics of Japanese cultural imperialism in Bay Max (Big Hero 6, Walt Disney Pictures, 2014), 5th Asian Conference on Asian Studies, 2015/05/30, Without Invitation, English, IAFOR, Osaka, Japan, IAFOR, Osaka, Japan
  106. May the Wind Be with You!: The beauty of commitment and the inevitability of evil in The Wind Rises (Studio Ghibli/Miyazaki Hayao, 2013), Japan – Romania: Differences, Similarities, Confluences, 2015/05/10, Without Invitation, English, Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania, Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania
  107. The Message Is the Medium: The poetics and politics of knowledge in Japanese modern encyclopaedia, 6th Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities, 2015/04/03, Without Invitation, English, IAFOR, Kobe, Japan, IAFOR, Kobe, Japan
  108. Cool Japan, Soft Power and Cultural Imperialism (Takarazuka Revue & Studio Ghibli), Academic Cafe @ Nagasaki University, 2015/01/26, With Invitation, Japanese, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan
  109. Japan and I, Academic Café @ Nagasaki University, 2015/01/15, With Invitation, Japanese, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan
  110. Takarazuka Revue and I: Beyond the borders, across the worlds, Japan within the world, the world within Japan, 2014/10/11, With Invitation, Japanese, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan
  111. The Return of the Feminine Woman or What The Tale of Princess Kaguya (Studio Ghibli, 2013) and Frozen (Disney, 2013) have in common, Japan: Premodern, Modern and Contemporary - A Return Trip from the East to the West, Learning in, about and from Japan, 2014/09/02, Without Invitation, English, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Bucharest, Romania, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Bucharest, Romania
  112. The Challenge of the Imaginary: Nature, Escapism and Happiness in Satsuki and Mei s House on EXPO s 2005 site, 14th international conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies (EAJS), 2014/08/29, Without Invitation, English, European Association of Japanese Studies (EAJS), University of Ljubljana, Lubljana, Slovenia, European Association of Japanese Studies (EAJS), University of Ljubljana, Lubljana, Slovenia
  113. Beyond Financial Commitment: Historical Transgressions, Global Fandom, and the Emotional Delimitation of Local Music Industry in Late-Modern Japan, 10th Crossroads - International Conference on Cultural Studies, 2014/07/02, Without Invitation, English, Association of Cultural Studies, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, Association of Cultural Studies, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland
  114. From Medium to Message: Love, Escapism and the Nostalgia of Identity in Late-Modern Japan, Culture, Value and Justice, 2014/05/24, Without Invitation, English, University of Vaasa, Vaasa, Finland, University of Vaasa, Vaasa, Finland
  115. The Return of the Object: Nature, Escapism and happiness in Satsuki & Mei s House on EXPO 2005 s site, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), 2014/05/17, Without Invitation, English, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), Chiba, Japan, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), Chiba, Japan
  116. Beyond Imagination: Sustainability between nature, escapism and nostalgia in Satsuki & Mei s House on EXPO 2005 s site, Biennial Conference on Sustainability and Anthropology in Asia, 2014/03/18, Without Invitation, English, Biennial Conference on Sustainability and Anthropology in Asia, Hiroshima, Japan, Biennial Conference on Sustainability and Anthropology in Asia, Hiroshima, Japan
  117. Imperial Mythologies: Love, Nostalgia and the Dynamics of Cultural Imperialism in Late-Modern Japan, Folklore and Mythology in 21st Century, 2014/03/09, Without Invitation, English, Bucharest University, Bucharest, Romania, Bucharest University, Bucharest, Romania
  118. Mythical Serenity Prayer: Ecology, ethnic humor and the praise of conviviality in the anime movie Ponpoko: The Heisei Tanuki War (1994), Raluca NICOLAE, Folklore and Mythology in 21st Century, 2014/03/19, Without Invitation, English, Bucharest University, Bucharest, Romania, Bucharest University, Bucharest, Romania
  119. Imperial Nostalgias: Takarazuka Revue and the avatars of an (imagined) East-Asian community, East-Asian Conviviality, 2014/01/29, With Invitation, Japanese, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan
  120. Beyond Political Commitment: Historical Transgressions, Global Fandom, and the Emotional Delimitation of Local Music Industry in Late-Modern Japan, Japanese Civilization: Tokens and Manifestations, 2013/11/15, Without Invitation, English, University of Krakow, Krakow, Poland, University of Krakow, Krakow, Poland
  121. Beyond Historical Commitment: The aesthetics and ideology of culture in Takarazuka Revue, Meanings and Aesthetics in Asian Cultural Landscape, 2013/10/12, With Invitation, English, University of Seoul, Seoul, South Korea, University of Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
  122. Discourses of Longing: From strategic emotions to emotional strategies in Takarazuka Revue s tour in Berlin (2000), 1st EAJS conference in Japan, 2013/09/28, Without Invitation, English, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
  123. Jenseits Literatur: Musikalische Strukturen in den Romanen von Murakami Haruki [Beyond Literature: Musical Structures in Murakami Haruki s novels], 9th German Orientalists Days, 2013/09/23, With Invitation, German, University of Muenster, Muenster, Germany, University of Muenster, Muenster, Germany
  124. Tales of Precarity: Love, Melancholia and Anomie in Japanese animation works, 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, 2013/09/21, Without Invitation, English, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
  125. Jenseits Orientalismus: Giaccomo Puccini, Yoko Kanno und die Macht der Ehrlichkeit im Anime-Film Magnetic Rose [Beyond Orientalism: Giaccomo Puccini, Yoko Kanno and the Power of Sincerity in Anime Movie Magnetic Rose], 7th Symposium on Film Music Research, 2013/07/05, Without Invitation, German, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
  126. Das disziplinierte Selbst: Liebe, Hoffnung und Nostalgie als Identitätsparadigmen in japanischem Heavy Metal [The Disciplined Self: Love, hope and nostalgia as identity paradigms in the Japanese Heavy Metal], Hard Wired III: Heavy Metal and Society, 2013/06/06, Without Invitation, German, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
  127. Frugal Selves: The poetics and pragmatics of identity as expressed in Japanese Heavy Metal, Japan - Romania: Differences, Similarities, Confluences, 2013/05/14, With Invitation, English, Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania, Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania
  128. Other People s Music: Takarazuka Revue, the spatiality of sounds and the marketing of emotions in late-modern Japan, The Finish Musicological Association, 2013/03/18, Without Invitation, English, Finish Musicological Association, University of Turku, Turku, Finland, Finish Musicological Association, University of Turku, Turku, Finland
  129. Hegemonie si smerenie, economie si cultura [Humble Hegemony: The cultural foundations of the Japanese economic power], Academic Workshop, 2013/02/25, With Invitation, other, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures in cooperation with the Association of the Romanian Teachers for Japanese Language, Bucharest, Romania, Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures in cooperation with the Association of the Romanian Teachers for Japanese Language, Bucharest, Romania
  130. Disciplina si smerenie: Bazele culturale ale puterii economice japoneze [Disciplined Selves: The cultural foundations of the Japanese economic power], Academic Workshop, 2013/02/15, With Invitation, other, Faculty of Theology, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Sibiu, Romania, Faculty of Theology, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Sibiu, Romania
  131. Across the glistening stairways to heaven: Takarazuka Revue s management of fandom and the politics of emotions in late modern Japan, Joint-Conference Association for Asian Studies (AAS) and International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), 2011/04/02, Without Invitation, English, University of Hawai i, Honolulu (Hawai i), USA, University of Hawai i, Honolulu (Hawai i), USA
  132. All the world s a stage: Takarazuka Revue and its theatralization of culture(s), ESA Research Network Sociology of Culture, 2010/10/09, Without Invitation, English, ASK Research Center, Milan, Italy, ASK Research Center, Milan, Italy
  133. Das zärtliche Selbst: Liebe, Imagination und die Musikalisierung der Identität in Anime Soundtracks [Tender Selves: Love, imagination and the musicalisation of identity in anime soundtracks], 31st Convention of German Orientalists (DOT), 2010/09/24, Without Invitation, German, University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany, University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany
  134. Translating the other, inventing the self: Japanese premodern encyclopedias, The other encyclopedia, 2010/09/15, With Invitation, English, Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in Transcultural Flows", University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in Transcultural Flows", University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
  135. The Media Is the Message: The poetics and politics of knowledge in modern Japanese encyclopedias, Power & Knowledge, 2010/09/06, Without Invitation, English, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland
  136. Japan Strikes Back: Takarazuka Revue s ludic transcendence, Lock n Loll is Here to Stay: Stereotyping, Domesticating and Inventing Popular Musics in/of Asia, 2010/08/07, With Invitation, English, Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in Transcultural Flows", University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in Transcultural Flows", University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
  137. Anime-Musik zwischen domestizierendem Plagiarismus und hybridisierender Authentizität – der Fall "Prinzessin Mononoke" [Anime Music between domesticating plagiarism and hybridising authenticity – the case of "Princess Mononoke"], the 5th Kiel Conference on Film Music Research, 2010/07/10, Without Invitation, German, University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany, University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany
  138. Beyond the curtain of dreams: Love, peace and missionarism in Takarazuka Revue, Inter-Asia Popular Music Studies, 2010/06/22, Without Invitation, English, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  139. Encyclopedic practice and the emergence of a new nation: Nishi Amane s Hyakugaku renkan, Between East and West: Transcultural Flows of Encyclopedic Knowledge, 2010/04/22, With Invitation, English, Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe ain Transcultural Flows", University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe ain Transcultural Flows", University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
  140. Happy New Japan: The ideology and aesthetics of happiness in Takarazuka Revue, DIJ History & Humanities Study Group, 2010/03/03, With Invitation, English, German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tôkyô, Japan, German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tôkyô, Japan
  141. Encyclopedic practice and soft power: the Japanese experience, Encyclopedia at the Crosswoads: The Making of a Genre in East and West, 2010/02/04, With Invitation, English, Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in Transcultural Flows", University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in Transcultural Flows", University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
  142. Anime Soundtracks und die Entstehung des Cool Japan [Anime soundtracks and the emergence of Cool Japan], Popular Music Study Group, 2009/12/18, With Invitation, German, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
  143. Konsum als Heilung: Die Takarazuka Revue oder Geschlecht zwischen Disziplin(ierung) und Vermarktung [Consumption as Healing: Takarazuka Revue or on gender between discipline and marketing], the Culture and Media Study Group of the Association for Sociological Japanese Studies, 2009/11/21, With Invitation, German, Association for Sociological Japanese Studies, Berlin, Germany, Association for Sociological Japanese Studies, Berlin, Germany
  144. Japan schlägt zurück: Der Fall Takarazuka Revue oder die intersektionelle Macht der Kultur [Japan Strikes Back: The case Takarazuka Revue or the intersectional power of culture], the 16th gender workshop "Gender Studies in Japan", 2009/11/19, With Invitation, German, Association for Sociological Japanese Studies, Berlin, Germany, Association for Sociological Japanese Studies, Berlin, Germany
  145. Gender is an attitude: Heavy metal in anime soundtracks, Heavy Metal and Gender, 2009/10/10, Without Invitation, English, University of Music in Cologne, Cologne, Germany, University of Music in Cologne, Cologne, Germany
  146. Flüssige Identität: Die postmodern Liebe, die Takarazuka Revue und die Suche nach einer neuen Aufklärung [Liquid Identity: The Postmodern Love, Takarazuka Revue and the Quest for a New Enlightenment], Doctoral Colloquium, 2009/02/18, With Invitation, German, University of Music, Drama and Media in Hanover, Hanover, Germany, University of Music, Drama and Media in Hanover, Hanover, Germany
  147. Anime and the cultural supermarket, English Seminars (lecture series), 2007/12/13, With Invitation, English, Aichi Prefectural University, Nagakute, Japan, Aichi Prefectural University, Nagakute, Japan
  148. Love as rite of passage, Philosophical Study Group [Intercultural Phenomenology], 2006/12/26, With Invitation, Japanese, University of Kyoto, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto, Japan, University of Kyoto, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto, Japan
  149. Bilder einer vergänglichen Welt: Anime, Liebe, Japan [Pictures of the floating world: anime, love, Japan], PhD Colloquium, 2006/07/05, With Invitation, German, German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tokyo, Japan, German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tokyo, Japan
  150. I have a dream: Ich in der Welt [I have a dream: The world and myself], New Year s Festivities of the German Academic Exchange Office (DAAD), 2005/01/15, With Invitation, German, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
  151. Die otokoyaku: Der Topstar und die Konstruktion einer japanischen Identität [The otokoyaku: The topstar and the construction of Japanese identity], 13th international congress of the German Society for Music Research "Music and cultural identity", 2004/09/20, With Invitation, German, Music University of Weimar, Weimar, Germany, Music University of Weimar, Weimar, Germany
  152. Takarazuka and I, Final Festivities of the International Language & Culture Programme of the Japan Foundation, 2003/08/15, With Invitation, Japanese, Centre for International Exchange, Osaka, Japan, Centre for International Exchange, Osaka, Japan
  153. Culoarea-sunet si sunetul-culoare: Simfonia a Sasea Culori de Pascal Bentoiu [The colour-sound and the sound-colour: The 6th Simphony Colours by Pascal Bentoiu], Public Lecture, 2000/06/18, With Invitation, other, French Cultural Institute, Bucharest, Romania, French Cultural Institute, Bucharest, Romania
  154. Thomas Mann si religia muzicii [Thomas Mann and the religion of music], Public Lecture, 2000/05/09, With Invitation, other, Goethe-Institute, Bucharest, Romania, Goethe-Institute, Bucharest, Romania
  155. Generatia Matrix sau cliseul ca paradox estetic [The Matrix Generation or on cliché as aesthetic paradox], Public Lecture, 2000/02/15, With Invitation, other, American Cultural Institute, Bucharest, Romania, American Cultural Institute, Bucharest, Romania
  156. Despre feminism in muzica [On feminism in music], Public Lecture, 1999/07/27, With Invitation, other, Goethe-Institute, Bucharest, Romania, Goethe-Institute, Bucharest, Romania
  157. John Williams sau atu-ul anonimatului [John Williams or the alibi of anonymity], Musical personalities of the 20th century, 1999/05/14, With Invitation, other, Romanian National Music University, Bucharest, Romania, Romanian National Music University, Bucharest, Romania
  158. Reabilitarea unei iluzii: musical-ul [The rehabiliation of an illusion: the musical], 135 years of musical education in Romania, 1999/02/08, With Invitation, other, Romanian National Music University, Bucharest, Romania, Romanian National Music University, Bucharest, Romania
  159. Muzica în teatrul elizabethan [The music in Elisabethanian Theater], The Elisabethanian culture and the virginal music, 1998/12/04, With Invitation, other, Romanian National Music University, Bucharest, Romania, Romanian National Music University, Bucharest, Romania
  160. Aspecte ale cărtii de muzicologie la sfârşitul secolului XX [Some aspects of the musicological publications at the end of the 20th century], Modern, contemporary, postmodern, 1998/04/24, With Invitation, other, Romanian National Music University, Bucharest, Romania, Romanian National Music University, Bucharest, Romania
  161. Dinu Lipatti – o punte de celuloid catre eternitate [Dinu Lipatti – A Bridge towards eternity], Dinu Lipatti, 1997, With Invitation, other, Romanian Association of Composers and Musicologists, Bucharest, Romania, Romanian Association of Composers and Musicologists, Bucharest, Romania
  162. High Cost, High Risk, High Return: Studio Ghibli s Animation Works as examples of Japan s Soft Power endeavors, Cultural Governance in Asia 2019: Soft Power, Place (Re-)Making and Civility, 2019/05/11, Without Invitation, English, City University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Shue Yan University, City University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong
  163. From San Fransokyo, With Love: Emerging Patterns of Alternative Masculinity in Bay Max (Big Hero 6, Walt Disney Pictures, 2014), Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication, 2019/05/24, Without Invitation, English, Romanian-American University, BUcharest, Romania, Romanian-American University, BUcharest, Romania
  164. Cyberspaces of Loneliness: Masculinity between Self-Eradication and Neo-Validation in Late-Modern Japan, Cultural Typhoon 2019, 2019/06/01, Without Invitation, English, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
  165. Rojin Z: The Poetics and Pragmatics of War-Machines as Demystifying Nostalgias, 7th international conference Deleuze/Guattari Studies in Asia, 2019/06/22, Without Invitation, English, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
  166. Traditional and Modern: The Universe of Ghibli Animation and Family Values in Contemporary Japan, Academic Workshop, 2018/10/07, With Invitation, other, University of Bucharest, Faculty of History, Bucharest, Romania, University of Bucharest, Faculty of History, Bucharest, Romania
  167. Workshop Listening To the Voices of the Stars: The Redefinition of Love, Attachment and Emotional Involvement in Makoto Shinkai s Animation Works, Academic Workshop, 2018/12/14, With Invitation, other, Bucharest University of Economics, Faculty of Intercultural Business Administration, Bucharest, Romania, Bucharest University of Economics, Faculty of Intercultural Business Administration, Bucharest, Romania
  168. Thus Spoke Buddha: The Religious Foundations of Japan s Economic Power, Academic Workshop, 2018/12/17, With Invitation, other, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Theology, Sibiu, Romania, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Theology, Sibiu, Romania
  169. Takarazuka Revue Between Traditional Stage-Arts and Late-Modern Mass-Media, Academic Workshop, 2019/02/20, With Invitation, Japanese, Hiroshima University Attached School, Hiroshima, Japan, Hiroshima University Attached School, Hiroshima, Japan


  1. 2006/05, Fellowship for Doctoral Candidates, Japan Foundation
  2. 2005/10, Fellowship for Doctoral Candidates, German Institute for Japanese Studies
  3. 2005/05, Fellowship, Program for Promotion of Young Researchers and PhD Candidates, University of Cologne
  4. 2004/10, DAAD Award as Best Foreign Student 2004 at the University of Cologne, DAAD = German Academic Exchange Program
  5. 2003/03, Fellowship, Language Course, Japan Foundation
  6. 2000/05, Fellowship, Language Course, DAAD = German Academic Exchange Program
  7. 2000/04, 1st Prize in the musicological competition Tomorrow s Musicologists, National University of Music in Bucharest and the Romanian Association of Composers and Musicologists
  8. 1998/05, 'Best Musical Journal in Romania' Award for the Journal Music 21, Journal Music Today of the Romanian Association of Composers and Musicologists

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. Wakate B, Takarazuka Revue s Metamophosis: From a Local Stage Art towards a Global Medium, 2017, 2021

Social Activities

Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.

  1. International Workshop Lock’n’Loll is Here to Stay: Stereotyping, Domesticating and Inventing Popular Musics in/of Asia, 2010/08, 2010/08
  2. Between East and West: Transcultural Flows of Encyclopedic Knowledge, 2010/04, 2010/04
  3. Encyclopedia at the Crosswoads: The Making of a Genre in East and West, 2010/02, 2010/02

History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers

  1. 2023, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  2. 2023, Journal of Environmental Education, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  3. 2023, Behavioral Sciences, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  4. 2023, Sustainability, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  5. 2023, Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  6. 2023, Healthcare, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  7. 2023, Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  8. 2023, Environmental Research and Public Health, peer-reviewer, 2
  9. 2023, Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  10. 2023, Sustainability, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  11. 2023, Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  12. 2023, Palgrave Handbook of Music and Sound in Japanese Animation, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  13. 2023, Palgrave Handbook of Music and Sound in Japanese Animation, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  14. 2023, Silva Japonicum, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  15. 2023, Educational Philosophy and Theory, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  16. 2023, Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  17. 2023, Societies, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  18. 2023, Behavioral Sciences, Others, peer-reviewer
  19. 2023, Behavioral Sciences, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  20. 2023, Sustainability, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  21. 2023, Behavioral Sciences, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  22. 2023, Healthcare, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  23. 2023, Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  24. 2023, Healthcare, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  25. 2023, Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  26. 2022, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  27. 2022, MDPI – Symmetry, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  28. 2022, Brukenthalia, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  29. 2022, MDPI – Electronics, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  30. 2022, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  31. 2022, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  32. 2022, The Journal of Sound and Music in Games, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  33. 2022, MDPI – Social Sciences, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  34. 2022, MDPI – Healthcare, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  35. 2022, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  36. 2022, Mutual Images, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  37. 2022, EPAT Educational Philosophy and Theory, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  38. 2022, MDPI – Healthcare, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  39. 2022, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  40. 2022, MDPI – Healthcare, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  41. 2022, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  42. 2022, MDPI – Healthcare, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  43. 2022, EPAT Educational Philosophy and Theory, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  44. 2022, MDPI – Youth, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  45. 2022, MDPI – Sustainability, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  46. 2022, MDPI – Healthcare, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  47. 2022, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  48. 2022, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  49. 2022, MDPI – Sustainability, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  50. 2022, MDPI – Sustainability, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  51. 2023, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  52. 2023, MDPI – Knowledge, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  53. 2022, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  54. 2022, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  55. 2022, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  56. 2022, MDPI – Sustainability, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  57. 2022, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  58. 2022, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  59. 2022, Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  60. 2022, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  61. 2021, Territorial Identity and Development, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  62. 2021, MDPI - Behavioural Sciences, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  63. 2021, MDPI - Infectious Disease Reports, Others, Peer-Reviewer,, 2
  64. 2021, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, Peer-Reviewer,, 2
  65. 2021, Brukenthalia, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  66. 2021, Brukenthalia, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  67. 2021, MDPI – Societies, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  68. 2021, MDPI-Societies, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  69. 2021, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  70. 2021, MDPI – Healthcare, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  71. 2021, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  72. 2021, MDPI – Healthcare, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  73. 2021, Essence and Critique, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  74. 2021, EPAT Educational Philosophy and Theory, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  75. 2021, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  76. 2021, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  77. 2021, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  78. 2021, MDPI – Sustainability, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  79. 2020, MDPI – Healthcare, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  80. 2020, MDPI – Healthcare, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  81. 2020, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  82. 2020, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  83. 2020, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  84. 2019, Journal of Human and Existential Studies, Others, peer-reviewer
  85. 2020, MDPI – Sociology, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  86. 2020, MDPI – Media Studies, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  87. 2020, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  88. 2020, MDPI – Media Studies, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  89. 2020, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  90. 2020, MDPI – Media Studies, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  91. 2020, MDPI – Environmental Research and Public Health, Others, peer-reviewer, 2
  92. 2018, Kieler Beitraege zur Filmmusikforschung/Kiel s Contributions to Research on Film Music, Editor, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  93. 2018, MDPI – Arts, Editor, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  94. 2016, International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, Editor, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  95. 2016, Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia, Editor, Peer-Reviewer, 2
  96. 2015, Asian Studies (University of Ljubljana), Editor, Peer-reviewer, 2
  97. 2018, Journal of Human and Cultural Studies, Others, peer-reviewer, 1