tomohiro hayashida
Last Updated :2024/10/01
- Affiliations, Positions
- Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Professor
- E-mail
Basic Information
Major Professional Backgrounds
- 2023/04/01, Hiroshima Shudo University, adjunct instructor
- 2019/04/01, 2019/09/30, Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Adjunct Instructor
- 2021/04/01, Hiroshima University TAOYAKA Program for creating a flexible, enduring, peaceful society Organization of the Leading Graduate Education Program, Academic Mentor
- 2021/04/01, Hiroshima University AI data Innovation Education and Research Center, Researcher
- 2019/04/01, Digital Monodukuri (Manufacturing) Education and Research Center, Researcher
- 2006/04/01, 2007/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Engineering, Research Associate
- 2007/04/01, 2010/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Engineering, Assistant Professor
- 2010/04/01, 2014/01/31, Hiroshima University, Institute of Engineering, Assistant Professor
- 2014/02/01, 2015/04/30, Hiroshima University, Institute of Engineering, Assistant Professor
- 2015/05/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Engineering, Associate Professor
- 2020/04/01, 2024/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Associate Professor
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Engineering, Hiroshima University
- Master of Engineering, Hiroshima University
Research Fields
- Complex systems;Social / Safety system science;Social systems engineering / Safety system
Research Keywords
- Simulation analysis
- Game theory
- Decision making
- Machine Learning
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Electric Circuit Theory I
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Exercises in Systems Planning and Control
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Social System Engineering
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Year, Graduation Thesis
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Special Exercises on Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering A
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Special Exercises on Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering A
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Special Exercises on Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Special Exercises on Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study on Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Intensive, Advanced Learning Systems
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study on Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Adaptive data sharing methods for multi-agent systems using deep reinforcement learning, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies, 11(Nos 3/4), 176-199, 20221201
- Profit maximization of a supplyu chain with uncertain demands taking into account risk attitude of a manager - fractile model approach, 35(10), 237-248, 20221001
- Parallel distibuted genetic programming using long-term memory for dynamic scheduling problems, 35(5), 93-100, 20220501
- A two-stage linear production planning model with partial cooperation under stochastic demands, ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 320(1), 293-324, 202301
- Averaged dual solution for linear production games and its characterization, CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 31(2), 523-555, 202306
- Cooperative voltage management by demand resources and fair payoff allocation for distribution systems, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS, 145, 202302
- Data envelopment analysis approaches for two-level production and distribution planning problems, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 300(1), 255-268, 20220701
- ★, Multiattribute utility analysis for policy selection and financing for the preservation of the forest, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 200(3), 833-843, 20100201
- Sensitivity analysis incorporating fuzzy evaluation for scaling constants of multiattribute utility functions, CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 18(3), 383-396, 201009
- ★, Agent-based Simulation Analysis for Equilibrium Selection and Coordination Failure in Coordination Games Characterized by the Minimum, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Decision Support for Telecommunications and Information Societ {DSTIS 2007), 11, 20070718
- ★, Agent-based Simulation Analysis for the Ultimatum Bargaining, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Decision Support for Telecommunications and Information Society (DSTIS 2007), 13, 20070718
- Artificial adaptive agent model characterized by learning and fairness in the ultimatum games, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 36-44, 20071101
- A tabu search algorithm for k-minimum spanning tree problems, Proceedings of Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, 1524-1529, 20060920
- A tabu search algorithm for nonlinear minimum spanning tree problems, Proceedings of International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2007, 2357-2360, 20070321
- A hybrid algorithm based on tabu search and ant colony optimization for k-minimum spanning tree problems, EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 39(5), 5681-5686, 201204
- Multiobjective Evolutionary Optimization of Training and Topology of Recurrent Neural Networks for Time-Series Prediction, COMPUTER JOURNAL, 55(3), 325-336, 201203
- Simulation Analysis for Choice of Binary Lotteries, COMPUTATIONAL ECONOMICS, 41(2), 195-211, 201302
- Simulation Analysis for Network Formulation, COMPUTATIONAL ECONOMICS, 43(3), 371-394, 201403
- Development of interactive support system using spreadsheet based on multiattribute utility analysis,, The 22nd International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM 2013) , Malaga , Spain, 187, 2013
- Multiattribute utility analysis using strict preference relations elicited from a decision maker,, The 22nd International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM 2013), 287, 2013
- Structural optimization of neural network for data prediction using dimensional compression and tabu search,, 6th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence & Applications Proceedings (IWCIA 2013), 85-88, 2013
- ★, XCS with an internal action table for non-Markov environments, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 5(6), 162-172, 20140601
- Multi-store food retailing problem with outsourcing purchase operation: a case study in Japan, International Journal of Operational Research, 21(3), 293-321, 20141101
- Improvement of anticipatory classifier system with internal memory, Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA2014), 1-8, 20140713
- Aliased states discerning in POMDPs and improved anticipatory classifier system, Procedia Computer Sicence(Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES2014)), 35, 34-43, 20140915
- Agent-based simulation for simultaneous uiltimatum games, Proceedings of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2014), 521-526, 20141005
- Agent-based simulation analysis for networks formation using PSO, 2014 IEEE 7th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Applications Proceedings (IWCIA 2014), 159-163, 20141107
- Structural optimization of neural networks and training data selection method for prediction, 2014 IEEE 7th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Applications Proceedings (IWCIA 2014), 171-176, 20141107
- Simulation analysis for equilibrium selection in a coordination game, Proceedings of the Fuzzy System Symposium, 26(0), 233-233, 2010
- Impact of Retailer and Consumer Behavior on Voltage in Distribution Network Under Liberalization of Electricity Retail Market, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN, 194(4), 27-41, 201603
- A core-allocation for a network restricted linear production game, ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 238(1-2), 389-410, 201603
- Electricity retail market model with flexible price settings and elastic price-based demand responses by consumers in distribution network, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS, 81, 371-386, 201610
- Agent-based simulations for examining stability and efficiency of societies with respect to partnership structures, Journal of Contemporary Management, 5, 1-12, 20160101
- An intelligent home energy management system with classifier system, 2015 IEEE 8th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence & Applications Proceedings (IWCIA 2015), 9-14, 20151106
- The multi-objective optimization of distribution system management in deregulated electricity market, 2015 IEEE 8th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence & Applications Proceedings (IWCIA 2015), 155-160, 20151106
- A study for retailer's risk hedge considering responses of consumers in electricity deregulation, 2015 IEEE 8th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence & Applications Proceedings (IWCIA 2015), 167-172, 20151106
- Multiattribute decision analysis using strict preference relations, ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 245(1-2), 379-400, 201608
- Cooperative particle swarm optimization in distance-based clustered groups, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications (JSEA), 10(1), 143-158, 201702
- System Change Detection Method Using Recurrent Neural Networks, ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS IN JAPAN, 101(1), 39-46, 20180101
- Distribution network management under electricity deregulation using evolutionary many-objective optimization, JOURNAL OF MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION ANALYSIS, 25(1-2), 17-30, 2018
- Decision making of electricity retailer with multiple channels of purchase based on fractile criterion with rational responses of consumers, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS, 105, 877-893, 201902
- Aggregation of preference information using neural networks in group multiattribute decision analysis, IMA JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT MATHEMATICS, 29(3), 275-296, 201807
- A development of an equilibrium analysis model between electricity retailers under competitive environment, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN, 207(1), 24-35, 201904
- Structural optimization of deep belief network by evolutionary computation methods including Tabu search, Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, 6(1), 69-80, 201712
- Enhancing single speaker recognition using deep belief network, Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, 6(4), 1-20, 201809
- Decision Making of Electricity Retailer with Multiple Channels of Purchase based on Fractile Criterion with Rational Responses of Consumers, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 105, 877-893, 201902
- Hypervolume-based multi-objective reinforcement learning: interactive approach, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ), 4(1), 93-100, 201902
- A many-objective evolutionary algorithm incorporating decision maker's preference and its application to management of the electricity distribution network, JOURNAL OF MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION ANALYSIS, 26(3-4), 165-186, 201905
- ★, Development of a classifier system for a continuous environment, ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS IN JAPAN, 102(10), 17-25, 201910
- Distribution line downsizing based on a set of non-dominated solutions for a network reconfiguration problem of an electric distribution system with many objectives, OPTIMIZATION AND ENGINEERING, 22(2), 1117-1139, 20210601
- Decision making for electricity retailers in fractile model from multiple markets with rational responses of consumers, International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, 16(4), 413-432, 20200601