Last Updated :2025/01/07

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor
Web Site
We examine arbitrary and non-arbitrary associations between language and meaning (sensory-motor and emotional features).

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2020/04/01, Hiroshima University, Center for Brain, Mind, and Kansei Science Research, Assistant Professor
  • 2020/04/01, 2024/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Assistant Professor
  • 2018/02/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Education, Assistant Professor
  • 2016/04, 2018/01, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
  • 2015/04, 2018/01, Wayne State University
  • 2012/04, 2015/03, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University, Visiting scholar
  • 2012/04, 2015/03, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
  • 2010/04, 2012/03, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
  • 2009/06, 2012/03, Division for Interdisciplinary Advanced Research and Education, Tohoku University, DIARE Doctoral Course Student
  • 2008/03, 2009/03, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, Research Assistant
  • 2007/06, 2008/03, Division for Interdisciplinary Advanced Research and Education, Tohoku University, DIARE Master's Course Student

Academic Degrees


Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Education : Fundamentals for Education and Human Development : Psychology
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Psychology Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Psychology Program

In Charge of Primary Major Programs

  • Psychology

Research Fields

  • Social sciences;Psychology;Educational psychology
  • Informatics;Human informatics;Cognitive science
  • Informatics;Human informatics;Kansei informatics
  • Social sciences;Psychology;Experimental psychology
  • Humanities;Philosophy;Religious studies
  • Complex systems;Brain sciences;Brain biometrics
  • Humanities;Linguistics;Linguistics

Research Keywords

  • language
  • perception
  • action
  • emotion

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • Psychonomic Society
  • Cognitive Science Society

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Seminar in Psychological Research Methods
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Seminar in Psychological Readings I
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Seminar in Psychological Readings II
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Seminar in Psychological Readings III
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Seminar in Psychological Readings IV
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Psychological Experiments
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Advanced Laboratory Project in Learning Psychology I
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Advanced Laboratory Project in Learning Psychology II
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Graduation Thesis
  10. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Introduction to Psychology
  11. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Human Body Structure, Function and Diseases
  12. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Year, Practical Training in Psychology I
  13. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Practical Training in Psychology II
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Advanced Study in Psychology
  15. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Advanced academic writing in psychology I
  16. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Advanced academic writing in psychology II
  17. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Advanced Study in Psychology
  18. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Science History for Humanities and Social Sciences(English Class) Students enrolled before AY 2023
  19. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Science History for Humanities and Social Sciences(English Class) Students enrolling in AY 2024 or later
  20. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Seminar on Methods of Research in Psychology A
  21. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Seminar on Methods of Research in Psychology B
  22. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Advanced Seminar on Methods of Research in Psychology A
  23. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Advanced Seminar on Methods of Research in Psychology B
  24. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Academic writing in psychology A
  25. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Academic writing in psychology B
  26. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Advanced academic writing in psychology A
  27. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Advanced academic writing in psychology B
  28. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Lecture on Psychology C
  29. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Lecture on Psychology D
  30. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Seminar on Psychology I
  31. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Seminar on Psychology II
  32. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Seminar on Psychology III
  33. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Seminar on Psychology IV
  34. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Advanced Seminar on Psychology I
  35. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Advanced Seminar on Psychology II
  36. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Advanced Seminar on Psychology III
  37. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Advanced Seminar on Psychology IV
  38. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Study
  39. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Study
  40. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Special Study
  41. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Special Study

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. A case study of spontaneous category formation and behavioral expression in a language-trained Steller sea lion Eumetopias jubatus, International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 2024
  2. Get the picture: Learning referents in a single-day context, Word, 70(1), 22-43, 2024
  3. Japanese written pseudowords can be conditioned to Japanese spoken words with positive, negative, and active emotions, Cognitive Processing, 2023
  4. Intra– and inter–hemispheric network dynamics supporting object recognition and speech production, NeuroImage, 2023
  5. Color bizarreness effects in object memory: Evidence from a recall test and eye-tracking, Color Research and Application, 47(1), 55-64, 2022
  6. Bizarreness and typicality effects of color on object recognition memory, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 128(6), 2469-2489, 2021
  7. Multisensory Connections of Novel Linguistic Stimuli in Japanese as a Native Language and Referential Tastes, European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 2021
  8. Associative learning of new word forms in a first language (L1) and haptic referents in a single-day experiment, European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 11(2), 616-626, 2021
  9. Vowel length expands perceptual and emotional evaluations in written Japanese sound-symbolic words, Behavioral Sciencecs, 11(6), 90, 2021
  10. Pictorial referents facilitate recognition and retrieval speeds of associations between novel words in a second language (L2) and referents, Frontiers in Communication, 6, 605009, 2021
  11. Your verbal questions beginning with 'what' will rapidly deactivate the left prefrontal cortex of listeners, Scientific Reports, 11, 5257, 2021
  12. Sound-symbolic semantics of written Japanese vowels in a paper-based survey study, Frontiers in Communication, 6, 617532, 2021
  13. The relationships between initial consonants in Japanese sound symbolic words and familiarity, multi-sensory imageability, emotional valence, and arousal, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 50(4), 831-842, 2021
  14. The Relationship between Psycholinguistic Features of Religious Words and Core Dimensions of Religiosity: A Survey Study with Japanese Participants, Religions, 11(12), 673, 2020
  15. Semantics based on the physical characteristics of facial expressions used to produce Japanese vowels, Behavioral Sciences, 10(10), 157, 2020
  16. Neural dynamics during the vocalization of uh or um, Scientific Reports, 10, 11987, 202007
  17. Spatiotemporal dynamics of auditory and picture naming-related high-gamma modulations: A study of Japanese-speaking patients, Clinical Neurophysiology, 130, 1446-1454, 2019
  18. Presurgical language mapping using event-related high-gamma activity: the Detroit procedure, Clinical Neurophysiology, 129(1), 145-154, 2018
  19. Neural dynamics of verbal working memory in auditory description naming, Scientific Reports, 8, 15868, 2018
  20. Neural mechanisms underlying the reward-related enhancement of motivation when remembering episodic memories with high difficulty, Human Brain Mapping, 38(7), 3428-3443, 2017
  21. Spatio-temporal dynamics of working memory maintenance and scanning of verbal information, Clinical Neurophysiology, 128(6), 882-891, 2017
  22. Three- and four-dimensional mapping of speech and language in patients with epilepsy, Brain, 140(5), 1351-1370, 2017
  23. High-gamma power changes after cognitive intervention: preliminary results from twenty-one senior adult subjects, Brain and Behavior, 6(3), 1-11, 2016
  24. High-gamma activity in an attention network predicts individual differences in elderly adults' behavioral performance, NeuroImage, 100(15), 290-300, 2014
  25. From social-signal detection to higher social cognition: an fMRI approach, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9(9), 1303-1309, 2014
  26. Remembering with Gains and Losses: Effects of Monetary Reward and Punishment on Successful Encoding Activation of Source Memories, Cerebral Cortex, 24(5), 1319-1331, 2014
  27. Age-related differences in prefrontal, parietal, and hippocampal activations during correct rejections of faces, Japanese Psychological Research, 56(1), 2-14, 2014
  28. Insular and hippocampal contributions to remembering people with an impression of bad personality, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 8(5), 515-522, 2013
  29. Differential contributions of the inferior parietal and inferior frontal regions to the processing of grammatical and semantic relationships in wh-questions, Language Sciences, 37, 14-21, 2013
  30. Spatiotemporal dynamics of high-gamma activities during a 3-stimulus visual oddball task, PLOS ONE, 8(3), 2013
  31. Brain training game boosts executive functions, working memory and processing speed in the young adults: a randomized controlled trial, PLOS ONE, 8(2), 2013
  32. Learning-dependent changes of associations between unfamiliar words and perceptual features: a 15-day longitudinal study, Language Sciences, 35(1), 80-86, 2013
  33. Lexical categories and the human brain: an fMRI study, Studies in Language Sciences, 10, 187-199, 2011
  34. Effects of aging on hippocampal and anterior temporal activations during successful retrieval of memory for face-name associations, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(1), 200-213, 2011
  35. Dissociable roles of the anterior temporal regions in successful encoding of memory for person identity information, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(10), 2226-2237, 2010

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. The conditioning of the sweet imagery ratings of Japanese words to pseudowords, Toshimune Kambara, Nan Wang, & Mizuki Yoshio, Psychonomic Society 2024 Annual Meeting, 2024/11, Without Invitation, English, Psychonomic Society, New York, USA
  2. Aesthetic and affective effects of consonant alliteration and meter in Japanese poems, Mizuki Yoshio and Toshimune Kambara, CogSci 2024, 2024/07, Without Invitation, English, Cognitive Science Society, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
  3. Associations between gustatory imageries and vowel length in Japanese food names, Toshimune Kambara, Mizuki Yoshio,Nodoka Okada, Rea Kawano, Norika Kondo, and Sho Tamakawa​., CogSci 2024, 2024/07, Without Invitation, English, Cognitive Science Society, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
  4. Functional connectivity dynamics in the comprehension of sentences beginning and ending with 'what', 'when', and 'where'., Yu Kitazawa, Kazuki Sakakura, Hiroshi Uda, Naoto Kuroda, Riyo Ueda, Ethan Firestone, Hirotaka Iwaki, Masaki Sonoda, Takumi Mitsuhashi, Shin-ichiro Osawa, Kazushi Ukishiro, Makoto Ishida, Kazuo Kakinuma, Shoko Ota, Yutaro Takayama, Keiya Iijima, Toshimune Kambara, Kyoko Suzuki, Nobukazu Nakasato, Masaki Iwasaki, and Eishi Asano, the 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, 2023/12, Without Invitation, English, American Epilepsy Society, Orlando, Florida.
  5. Psycho-semiotic effects of internal and external shapes on symbols, Kambara, T. & Hayashi, M., From icon to abstraction: How iconicity shapes the lexicon across modalities., 2023/07, Without Invitation, English, Birmingham, UK.
  6. Object recognition using images, sounds, and sentences: normative dynamic tractography atlases., Kitazawa Y, Sonoda M, Sakakura K, Mitsuhashi T, Firestone E, Kambara T, Iwaki H, Luat AF, Marupudi NI, Sood S, Asano E., the 76th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, 2022/12, Without Invitation, English, American Epilepsy Society, Nashville, TN
  7. Associative learning of new word forms in a first language and haptic features in a single-day experiment, Yutao Yang, Yan Yan, Misa Ando, Xinyi Liu, & Toshimune Kambara, Cognitive Science Society, 2021/07, Without Invitation, English
  8. Effects of perceptual and emotional imageries of food names to word recognition memories: four behavioral experiments, Toshimune Kambara, Aiko Morita, Yan Yan, Yutao Yang, Kazuya Ishizaki, Ayana Sano, Hiromasa Yoshimatsu, & Yuna Watanabe, Cognitive Science Society, 2021/07, Without Invitation, English
  9. Associative learning of new word forms in a first language and gustatory stimuli: a behavioral experiment, Yan Yan, Yutao Yang, Misa Ando, Xinyi Liu, & Toshimune Kambara, Cognitive Science Society, 2021/07, Without Invitation, English
  10. Effects of Voiced Initial Consonants in Japanese Sound-Symbolic Words: Experiments 1 and 2, Akari Koda, Eisuke Osawa, Kyonosuke Handa, Shushi Namba, Xinyi Liu, Yutaka Haramaki, & Toshimune Kambara, Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, 2020, Without Invitation, English, Cognitive Science Society, Toronto Canada (online)
  11. Effects of Voiced Initial Consonants in Japanese Sound-Symbolic Words: Experiment 3, Eisuke Osawa, Akari Koda, Kyonosuke Handa, Shushi Namba, Xinyi Liu, Makoto Hirakawa, & Toshimune Kambara, Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, 2020, Without Invitation, English, Cognitive Science Society, Toronto, Canada (online)
  12. Pictures facilitate recognition and retrieval speeds of associations between words in a second language and referents, Toshimune Kambara, Xinyi Liu, Hiroki Horinouchi, Yutao Yang, Yan Yan, & Misa Ando, Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, 2020, Without Invitation, English, Cognitive Science Society, Toronto, Canada (online)
  13. Ten semantic differential evaluations of written Japanese vowels in a paper-based survey study, Misa Ando, Xinyi Liu, Yan Yan, Yutao Yang, Shushi Namba, Kazuaki Abe, & Toshimune Kambara, Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, 2020, Without Invitation, English, Cognitive Science Society, Toronto, Canada (online)
  14. Effects of word order on the spatiotemporal dynamics of high-gamma activity during auditory sentence comprehension, Hirotaka Iwaki, Masaki Sonoda, Shin-ichiro Osawa, Kazushi Ukishiro, Yutaro Takayama, Toshimune Kambara, Kazuo Kakinuma, Kyoko Suzuki, Nobukazu Nakasato, Masaki Iwasaki, and Eishi Asano, American Epilepsy Society 2019 Annual Meeting, 2019/12, Without Invitation, English, American Epilepsy Society, Baltimore, USA
  15. What happens in the cerebral cortex when one says 'uh' or 'um'?, ALQATAN, Z., SUGIURA, A., NAKAI, Y., KAMBARA, T., SILVERSTEIN, B. H., and ASANO, E., ALQATAN, Z., SUGIURA, A., NAKAI, Y., KAMBARA, T., SILVERSTEIN, B. H., and ASANO, E., Neuroscience 2019, 2019/10/21, Without Invitation, English, Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, USA
  16. Presurgical language mapping using event-related high-gamma activity I: hands-on presentation of the hardware setting, Klingert, C., Kambara, T., Alqatan, Z., Ratnam, D., Nakai, Y., Luat, A. F., Agarwal, R., Rothermel, R., Sood, S., & Asano, E, The 71th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, 2017/12, Without Invitation, English, American Epilepsy Society, Washington DC, USA
  17. Presurgical language mapping using event-related high-gamma activity II: hands-on presentation of the software analysis, Ratnam, D., Kambara, T., Alqatan, Z., Klingert, C., Nakai, Y., Motoi, H., Sugiura, A., & Asano, A, The 71th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, 2017/12, Without Invitation, English, American Epilepsy Society, Washington DC, USA
  18. Presurgical language mapping using event-related high-gamma activity III: auditory stimuli provided as open source materials, Alqatan, Z., Kambara, T., Klingert, C., Ratnam, D., Hayakawa, A., Asano, E., The 71th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, 2017/12, Without Invitation, English, American Epilepsy Society, Washington DC, USA
  19. The spatial characteristics and sleep-related changes of phase-amplitude coupling between physiological high-frequency oscillations and slow wave, Motoi, H., Miyakoshi, M., Nakai, Y., Kambara, T., Sugiura, A., & Asano, E, The 71th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, 2017/12, Without Invitation, English, American Epilepsy Society, Washington DC, USA
  20. Four-dimensional mapping of visual and auditory language function, Nakai, Y., Brown, E. C., Jeong, J. W., Rothermel, R., Kambara, T., Luat, A. F., Agarwal, R., Shah, A., Mittal, S., Sood, S., & Asano, E, The 71th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, 2017/12, Without Invitation, English, American Epilepsy Society, Washington DC, USA
  21. Four-dimensional mapping of the visual cortex I: measurement of event-related high-gamma activity, Osuki, T., Nakai, Y., Hayakawa, A., Nagashima, A., Jeong, J. W., Kambara, T., Sugiura, A., Motoi, H., & Asano, E, The 71th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, 2017/12, Without Invitation, English, American Epilepsy Society, Washington DC, USA
  22. Four-dimensional mapping of the visual cortex II: measurement of event-related beta activity, Hayakawa, A., Nakai, Y., Osuki, T., Nagashima, A., Jeong, J. W., Kambara, T., Sugiura, A., Motoi, H., & Asano, E, The 71th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, 2017/12, Without Invitation, English, American Epilepsy Society, Washington DC, USA
  23. Neural dynamics of verbal working memory in sentence comprehension, Kambara, T., Brown, E. C., Nakai, Y., & Asano, E, Society for Neuroscience 47th Meeting, 2017/11, Without Invitation, English, Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC‎, USA
  24. Evaluation of functional connectivity in human visual system using invasive stimulation, Sugiura, A., Nakai, Y., Kambara, T., Motoi, H., & Asano, E, Society for Neuroscience 47th Meeting, 2017/11, Without Invitation, English, Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC‎, USA
  25. Electrocorticographic changes at different cortical regions in sentence production., Wu, J., Kambara, T., Nakai, Y., Asano, E., Wu, J., Kambara, T., Nakai, Y., Asano, E., 2017/03, Without Invitation, English, The 24th annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston, USA
  26. Three- and four-dimensional mapping of speech and language: a study of 100 patients with focal epilepsy, Yasuo Nakai, Jeong-won Jeong, Robert Rothermel, Alanna Carlson, Erik C. Brown, Katsuaki Kojima, Toshimune Kambara, Aashit Shah, Sandeep Mittal, Sandeep Sood, Eishi Asano, The 70th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, 2016/12, Without Invitation, English, American Epilepsy Society, Houston, TX, USA
  27. Mapping visuospatial memory using a tablet computer program, Ayaka Nishi, Toshimune Kambara, Yasuo Nakai, Haruka Matsuura, Eishi Asano, The 70th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, 2016/12, Without Invitation, English, American Epilepsy Society, Houston, TX, USA
  28. Can we map cognitive flexibility using a tablet computer program?, Matsuura, H., Nakai, Y., Kambara, T., Nishi, A., Asano, E., Matsuura, H., Nakai, Y., Kambara, T., Nishi, A., Asano, E., The 70th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, 2016/12, Without Invitation, English
  29. Spatio-temporal dynamics of short-term working memory maintenance and scanning of verbal information, Toshimune Kambara, Erik C. Brown, Jeong-Won Jeong, Noa Ofen, Yasuo Nakai, Eishi Asano, Society for Neuroscience 46th Annual Meeting, 2016/11, Without Invitation, English, Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA
  30. Neural changes of linguistic learning for a word form and referents, Toshimune Kambara, Mutsumi Imai, Tomoki Haji, Hiroyuki Okada, and Tetsuya Matsuda, The 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2014/06, Without Invitation, English, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Hamburg, Germany
  31. Exploring semantic processing: an overview of my previous studies, Toshimune Kambara, 2014/04, Without Invitation, English, Brain Language Laboratory, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
  32. Neural correlates underlying the effects of reward on motivation for remembering difficult memories, Yayoi Shigemune, Takashi Tsukiura, Rui Nouchi, Toshimune Kambara, Ryuta Kawashima, Society for Neuroscience 42nd Annual Meeting, 2012/10, Without Invitation, English, Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA
  33. Roles of the prefrontal, precuneus and amygdala regions in remembering words encoded in the survival situations, Rui Nouchi, Takashi Tsukiura, Yayoi Shigemune, Toshimune Kambara, Motoaki Sugiura, Ryuta Kawashima, Society for Neuroscience 42nd Annual Meeting, 2012/10, Without Invitation, English, Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA
  34. Age-related differences in prefronto-parietal and hippocampal network during correct rejections of new items, Takashi Tsukiura, Yayoi Shigemune, Rui Nouchi, Toshimune Kambara, Ryuta Kawashima, Society for Neuroscience 42nd Annual Meeting, 2012/10, Without Invitation, English, Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA
  35. MEG analytical method: possibility of a group analysis, Akitake Kanno, Yoritaka Akimoto, Takayuki Nozawa, Toshimune Kambara, Motoaki Sugiura, Eiichi Okumura, Nobukazu Nakasato, Ryuta Kawashima, The 18th International Conference of Biomagnetism, 2012/08, Without Invitation, English
  36. Effects of normal aging on high-gamma synchronization during a 3-stimuli visual oddball task, Yoritaka Akimoto, Takayuki Nozawa, Akitake Kanno, Mizuki Ihara, Takakuni Goto, Takeshi Ogawa, Toshimune Kambara, Motoaki Sugiura, Ryuta Kawashima, 2012/08, Without Invitation, English, Paris, France
  37. Superior temporal activity for the retrieval process of auditory-word associations, Toshimune Kambara, Takashi Tsukiura, Rui Nouchi, Yayoi Shigemune, Yukihito Yomogida, Akitake Kanno, Ryuta Kawashima, International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF2011), 2011/10, Without Invitation, English, International Multisensory Research Forum, Fukuoka, Japan
  38. Personality-related difference in neural activations underlying the effect of monetary rewards on remembering difficult memories, Yayoi Shigemune, Takashi Tsukiura, Rui Nouchi, Toshimune Kambara, Ryuta Kawashima, The 8th International Brain Research Organization World Congress of Neuroscience, 2011/07, Without Invitation, English, Florence, Italy
  39. Individual difference in cognitive processes during thinking: an fMRI study on "who's done it" task, Motoaki Sugiura, Yukihito Yomogida, Yoko Mano, Atsushi Sekiguchi, Toshimune Kambara, Ryuta Kawashima, The 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2011/06, Without Invitation, English, Québec, Canada
  40. Dissociation of the neural basis for intensity and emotion in olfactory imagery: an fMRI study, Atsushi Miyagawa, Yoko Mano, Toshimune Kambara, Makoto C. Miyauchi, Motoaki Sugiura, Ryuta Kawashima, The 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2011/06, Without Invitation, English, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Québec, Canada
  41. From eye-gaze detection to mentalizing: connectivity analysis using intersubject variation in activation, Motoaki Sugiura, Yukihito Yomogida, Yoko Mano, Yuko Sassa, Toshimune Kambara, Atsushi Sekiguchi, Ryuta Kawashima, 2010/11, Without Invitation, English, Society for Neuroscience, California, USA
  42. Insular and hippocampal contributions to memory for faces with first impression of badness, Takashi Tsukiura, Yayoi Shigemune, Rui Nouchi, Toshimune Kambara, Ryuta Kawashima, Society for Neuroscience 40th Annual Meeting, 2010/11, Without Invitation, English, Society for Neuroscience, California, USA
  43. Differential contributions of the supramarginal and inferior frontal regions to the processing of grammatical and semantic relations in wh-question sentences, Toshimune Kambara, Takashi Tsukiura, Satoru Yokoyama, Kei Takahashi, Yayoi Shigemune, Tadao Miyamoto, Daiko Takahashi, Shigeru Sato, Ryuta Kawashima, Symposium: Attention and Cognition, 2010/09, Without Invitation, English
  44. Effects of reward and punishment on neural activations during successful encoding of source memory, Yayoi Shigemune, Takashi Tsukiura, Toshimune Kambara, Ryuta Kawashima, The 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2010/06, Without Invitation, English, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain
  45. Contribution of the temporal pole to inducing affective responses in humor appreciation, Yohei Kawana, Satoru Yokoyama, Takashi Tsukiura, Toshimune Kambara, Kei Takahashi, Ryuta Kawashima, The 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2010/06, Without Invitation, English, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain
  46. Effects of reward and punishment on neural activations during encoding of item and source memory, Yayoi Shigemune, Takashi Tsukiura, Toshimune Kambara, Ryuta Kawashima, International Symposium: New Frontiers in Social Cognitive Neuroscience, 2009/11, Without Invitation, English, Sendai, Japan
  47. Anatomy of episodic context: distinct neural bases for item-roles and item-integration, Motoaki Sugiura, Yukihito Yomogida, Yoko Mano, Toshimune Kambara, Atsushi Sekiguchi, Takashi Tsukiura, Ryuta Kawashima, Society for Neuroscience 39th annual meeting, 2009/10, Without Invitation, English, Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, USA
  48. Contribution of the bilateral middle temporal gyri to the processing of lexical categories, Toshimune Kambara, Satoru Yokoyama, Kei Takahashi, Naoki Miura, Tadao Miyamoto, Daiko Takahashi, Sigeru Sato, Ryuta Kawashima, Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, 2009/07, Without Invitation, English, Cognitive Science Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  49. Roles of the anterior temporal regions in the successful encoding of memory for person identity information, Takashi Tsukiura, Yoko Mano, Atsushi Sekiguchi, Yukihito Yomogida, Kaori Hoshi, Toshimune Kambara, Hikaru Takeuchi, Motoaki Sugiura, Ryuta Kawashima, The 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2009/06, Without Invitation, English, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, San Francisco, USA
  50. Neural mechanism of information retrieval unique to sentence processing, Kei Takahashi, Satoru Yokoyama, Toshimune Kambara, Kei Yoshimoto, Ryuta Kawashima, The 14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2008/06, Without Invitation, English, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Melbourne, Australia
  51. An fMRI study of word recognition. a future perspective on linguistics: the fusion of linguistics research and neuroimaging research, Toshimune Kambara, The English Linguistic Society of Japan International Spring Forum 2008, 2008/04, Without Invitation, English, Tokyo, Japan
  52. Neural efficiency for sentence comprehension and working memory, Satoru Yokoyama, Kei Takahashi, Toshimune Kambara, Tadao Miyamoto, Jorge Riera, Kei Yoshimoto, Ryuta Kawashima, The 14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2008/06, Without Invitation, English, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Melbourne, Australia
  53. An fMRI study of syntactic information on word recognition, Toshimune Kambara, Satoru Yokoyama, Kei Takahashi, Naoki Miura, Tadao Miyamoto, Daiko Takahashi, Shigeru Sato, Ryuta Kawashima, The 14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2008/06, Without Invitation, English, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Melbourne, Australia
  54. An fMRI study of word category on word recognition, Toshimune Kambara, Satoru Yokoyama, Kei Takahashi, Naoki Miura, Tadao Miyamoto, Daiko Takahashi, Shigeru Sato, Ryuta Kawashima, The 14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2008/06, Without Invitation, English, Organization for Human Brain Mapping
  55. Activity in the right temporal pole is associated with the self-prospective direction in stress coping patterns, Atsushi Sekiguchi, Motoaki Sugiura, Satoru Yokoyama, Toshimune Kambara, Naho Ikuta, Shigeru Sato, Kaoru Horie, Ryuta Kawashima, The 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2007/06, Without Invitation, English, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Chicago, USA
  56. Syntactic and lexical-semantic processing during sentence comprehension in head-final language, Toshimune Kambara, Satoru Yokoyama, Naho Ikuta, Hyeonjeong Jeong, Kei Takahashi, Atsushi Sekiguchi, Tadao Miyamoto, Daiko Takahashi, Kei Yoshimoto, Kaoru Horie, Shigeru Sato, Ryuta Kawashima, The 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2007/06, Without Invitation, English, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Chicago, USA

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2023/04, 2027/03
  2. A Research Grant of Urakami Foundation for Food and Food Culture Promotion, A research to clarify relationships between names of foods and drinks and perceptual/ emotional features, 2021/10, 2023/09
  3. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists), 2019, 2021
  4. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up), 2018, 2019