Last Updated :2025/02/04
- Affiliations, Positions
- Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences(Health Sciences), Associate Professor
- E-mail
- ozawamio
- Self-introduction
- After graduating from the Department of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, St. Luke's College of Nursing, after working as a nurse at St. Luke's International Hospital, completed the master's and doctoral programs at the Graduate School of Medical Sciences, the University of Tokyo. She has been a full-time teacher of the "Newborn Intensive Care Certified Nurse Training Course" at the Pioneering Nursing Practice Support Center attached to the Graduate School of Health Sciences, Hiroshima University, and a lecturer at Hiroshima University before assuming her current position.
Basic Information
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy in Health Science, The University of Tokyo
- Master of Health Science, The University of Tokyo
- Bachelor of Nursing Sciences, St.luke's College of Nursing
In Charge of Primary Major Programs
Research Fields
- Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy;Nursing;Lifelong developmental nursing
Research Keywords
- Fandamental care (Fandamental nursing care, Basic nursing)
- Quality of nursing
- Evidence Based Practice
- Pain managemant
- Patient and Family Centered Care
- Nursing profession
- Guideline
- Interprofessional collaboration
- Fandamentals of nursing
- Nursing administration
Affiliated Academic Societies
- National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN)
- Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN)
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Interprofessional education
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Advanced Lecture on Health Science 1(Survey Research)
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 4Term, Human health and the society
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Integrated Clinical Practice
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Theories and Nursing Process for Medical/Surgical Nursing
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Fundamentals Of Nursing Skill
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Clinical Nursing Skills
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Nursing Administration
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Methodology of Maternity Nursing
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Disease Management in Perinatal Nursing
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Year, Graduate thesis
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Health assessment
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing Care I
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Clinical Practice in Fundamental Nursing Care II
Award of Education
- 2021/03/23, Teacher of the year 2020, Director of Faculty of Medicine, Hiroshima University
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Parental intentions and requests to provide pain care for their infants in neonatal intensive care units., Frontiers in Pediatrics, 12(1512917), 202501
- Effects of automatic heel lancet on invasiveness in neonates: A systematic review and meta-analysis, ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 113(8), 1750-1756, 202408
- Effects of automatic heel lancet on invasiveness in neonates: A systematic review and meta- analysis., Acta Paediatrica, 2024
- Patient- and Family-Centered Care During Infectious Disease Outbreaks
An International Perspective, Advances in Neonatal Care, 23(6), 489-490, 2023
- Consensus core outcome rating for the Japanese neonatal pain guidelines., Frontiers in Pediatrics, 11, 2023
- Effectiveness of a Virtual Program on Nurses' Pain-Related Knowledge and Pain-Measurement Skills, PAIN MANAGEMENT NURSING, 23(6), 720-727, 2022
- Effectiveness of e-leaning on neonatal nurses' pain knowledge and pain measurement skills: A pilot study, Advances in Neonatal Care, 22(2), 132-139, 2022
- Family Presence Restrictions and Telemedicine Use in Neonatal Intensive Care Units during the Coronavirus Disease Pandemic, CHILDREN-BASEL, 8(7), 202107
- Can Event-Related Potentials Evoked by Heel Lance Assess Pain Processing in Neonates? A Systematic Review, Children, 8(2), 58, 20210120
- Commentary: Inter professional Collaboration and Involvement of Parents in the Management of Painful Procedures in Newborns, Frontiers in Pediatrics, 8, 599759, 202011
- The impact of the guideline for pain management in Japanese NICUs: a five-year follow-up., Child: Care, Health & Development, 20190703
- A Quality Improvement Collaborative Program for Neonatal Pain Management in Japan, ADVANCES IN NEONATAL CARE, 17(3), 184-191, 2017
- Evaluation of a neonatal pain care education program., Japan Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 23(2), 2-9, 2017
- Development of a Neonatal End-of-Life Care Education Program for NICU Nurses in Japan, JOGNN-JOURNAL OF OBSTETRIC GYNECOLOGIC AND NEONATAL NURSING, 44(4), 481-491, 2015
- Subsequent Pregnancy AFTER HAVING A BABY WHO WAS Hospitalized in the NICU, MCN-THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERNAL-CHILD NURSING, 39(5), 306-312, 2014
- ★, Quality Indicators for Pain Management in Neonatal Intensive Care Units and Growing Care Units : A Modified Delphi Survey of an Expert Panel, 20(2), 2-12, 201411
- Subsequent Pregnancy AFTER HAVING A BABY WHO WAS Hospitalized in the NICU, MCN-THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERNAL-CHILD NURSING, 39(5), 306-312, 2014
- Pain management of neonatal intensive care units in Japan, ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 102(4), 366-372, 201304
- National survey of nurse-physician collaboration in NICUs and GCUs using a japanese version of the collaboration and satisfaction about care decisions scale, 18(2), 2-9, 20121201
- Effect of gender and hand laterality on pain processing in human neontates., Early Human Development, 41(2), 284-286, 20110101
- Influence of repeated painful procedures on prefrontal cortical pain responses in newborns., Acta Paediatrica, 100, 198-203, 20110101
- The effect of procedure light on physiological response of preterm infants., Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 7(1), 76-83, 20100501
- A Clinical Research on the Effectiveness of an Infant Massage Program in NICU to Improve Mental Status among Preterm Infants' Mothers, 70(6), 731-736, 20111130
- Effect of light environment for preterm infant in NICU and GCU, Journal of Japan Academy of Neonatal Nursing, 13(3), 6-17, 200712
- A literature review on neonate's brain activity for sensory experience, Journal of Japan Academy of Neonatal Nursing, 15(1), 2-9, 200903
- Utility of a Japanese version of the Premature Infant Pain Profile, Journal of Japan Academy of Neonatal Nursing, 16(1), 28-33, 201003
- The effect of procedure light for physiological response among preterm infants, 16, 17-26, 200909
- National Survey of Nurse-Physician Collaboration in NICUs and GCUs Using a Japanese Version of the Collaboration and Satisfaction about Care Decisions Scale, 18(2), 2-9, 201211
- Experiences of mothers with infants admitted to neonatal intensive care unit preceding the decision to discharge : Focusing on mothers with infants suffering from diseases that might require long hospitalization, 18(2), 10-18, 201211
- Survey to develop a neonatal end of life care education program, 18(2), 19-26, 201211
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- Assessment and Management of Postoperative Pain in Neonates., Akio Kubota, Mio Ozawa, Toshie Yamazaki, Aya Shimizu, Satoshi Toyama, Mari Kinoshita, 2023/09/11, Without Invitation, English
- A Literature Review Concerning Positive Experiences of Japanese Mothers Who Have
Preterm or Low Birthweight Infants., Ayaka Tashiro ,Yuki Funaba,Saori Fujimoto,Mio Ozawa, Mari Murakami, SayoFukushima,Mitsuko Ohira, The ICM Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2015, 2015/07, Without Invitation, English, International Confederation of Midwives, Yokohama
External Funds
Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds
- 2021, 2024
- 2020, 2021
- 2008
- 2007
- 2009
- 2010
- KAKENHI, 2013, 2016
- KAKENHI, Current pain management of neonatal intensive care unit in Japan, 2011, 2012
- KAKENHI, Development of a neonatal end-of-life care education program based on family-centered care, 2010, 2012
- KAKENHI, 2014, 2016
- KAKEN, 2017, 2020
Social Activities
History as Committee Members
- Director of Japan Academy of Neonatal Nursing, 2020/09, 2023/04, Japan Academy of Neonatal Nursing
- Director of Japan Academy of Neonatal Nursing, 2023/05, 2025/03, Japan Academy of Neonatal Nursing
- Editorial board member of Advances in Neonatal Care, 2013/04, 2023/12, National Association of Neonatal Nurses
History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers
- 2024, Pain Management Nursing, Reviewer
- 2020, Journal of Japan Nursing Sciences, Reviewer
- 2020, Japan Association of Neonatal Nursing, Reviewer
- 2019, Pediatric International, Reviewer
- 2018, Acta Paediatrica, Reviewer
- 2024, Asian Nursing Research, Editor
- 2024, Advances in Neonatal Care, Editor