Takuya Morozumi

Last Updated :2025/01/07

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Associate Professor
My research field is elementary particle physics (theory).I I focus on the research related to the origins of the mass of elementary particles and the violation of symmetries.If you are interested in those subjects, let us discuss together.

Basic Information

Educational Backgrounds

  • Kyoto University, Graduate School, Division of Natural Science, Japan, 1986/04, 1989/03
  • Tohoku University, Faculty of Science, Japan, 1980/04, 1984/03

Academic Degrees

  • Ph.D., Kyoto University
  • Master of Science, Kyoto University

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Science : Physics : Physics
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Physics Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Physics Program

Research Fields

  • Mathematical and physical sciences;Physics;Particle / Nuclear / Cosmic ray / Astro physics

Research Keywords

  • Spin polarization
  • origin of mass
  • CP violation
  • "CKM
  • non-equilibrium field theory
  • tau lepton decay
  • Leptogenesis
  • leptogenesis

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Advanced Physics
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Special Study for Graduation A
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Special Study for Graduation B
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Special Lectures in Physics(Mathematics for Physics E (Group Theory))
  6. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Quantum Field Theory
  7. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Exercise in Physics I
  8. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Exercise in Physics II
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Exsecise in Physics A
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Exsecise in Physics B
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Research in Physics
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Research in Physics

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Heavy top quark mass in the minimal universal seesaw model, EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 315 (2024)(Volume 315 (2024)), 20241218
  2. ★, The Third Family Quark Mass Hierarchy and FCNC in the Universal Seesaw Model, PTEP, 2024(9), 093B02 p1-093B02 p43, 20240813
  3. Spacetime evolution of lepton number densities and wave-packet-like effects for neutrino flavor and chiral oscillations in quantum field theory, Physical Review D, 108(5), 056009-1-056009-21, 20230911
  4. Time evolution of the lepton numbers of Majorana neutrinos in the Schrodinger picture versus Heisenberg picture, 2022
  5. Lepton Family Numbers and Non-Relativistic Majorana Neutrinos, Andromeda Proceedings , BSM-T2E series, BSM2021, p1-p-7, 2021
  6. Study of weak-basis invariants in the universal seesaw model using Hilbert series, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2446, 2446 (2023) 012049-1-2446 (2023) 012049-4, 2023
  7. Effective theory for Universal seesaw model, Journal of Physics, Conference Series, 2446, 012046-1-012046-4, 2023
  8. Renormalization group effects for a rank degenerate Yukawa matrix and the fate of the massless neutrino, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS, 2022(11), 20221110
  9. A model with light and heavy scalars in view of the effective theory, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS, 2022(1), 20220119
  10. Low scale seesaw model and lepton flavor violating rare B decays, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 73(7), 200604
  11. Low energy effective Lagrangian for supersymmetric seesaw model, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS E-NUCLEAR PHYSICS, 16(5), 1437-1443, 200706
  12. Effects of large threshold corrections in supersymmetric type-I seesaw model, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 201011
  13. Quantum correction to the tiny vacuum expectation value in the two-Higgs-doublet-model for the Dirac neutrino mass, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 85(5), 20120301
  14. The form factors of tau -> K pi(eta)nu and the predictions for CP violation beyond the standard model, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS, 201305
  15. Charged Higgs and neutral Higgs pair production of the weak gauge boson fusion process in electron-positron collisions, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS, 201309
  16. Leptogenesis and CP violation of neutrino oscillation, Neutrino Oscillation and their origin= World scientific= co., 447-454, 20040401
  17. Leptogenesis and low energy CP violation, a link, Journal of Physics G: Nucl. Part. Phys., 29(8), 1877-1880, 20030701
  18. CP violation of early universe and the mass scale of heavy Majorana neutrinos, Quantum Aspects of Beam Physics= World Scientific. Co., 20040401
  19. ★, Primordial lepton family asymmetries in seesaw model, Prog. Theor. Phys., 111, 123-149, 20040101
  20. Numerical Study On the correlation between CP violation in neutrino oscillation and baryogenesis, Nuclear Physics Proc., Suppl.111, 303-305, 20020401
  21. A relation between CP violation of low energy and leptogenesis, Nuclear Phys. Proc., Supl111, 303-305, 20020401
  22. A PREDICTION FOR $ d\Gamma (b \rightarrow s l^+ l^-) /d Q^2 $INCLUDING THE LONG DISTANCE EFFECTS, Physics Letters, B218(3), 343-354, 19890201
  23. ★, FORWARD-BACKWARD ASYMMETRY OF DILEPTON ANGULAR IN THE DECAY $ b \rightarrow s l^+ l^-$, Physics Letters, B273(4), 505-512, 19911201
  24. COVARIANT QUANTIZATION OF NEVEU-SCHWARZ-RAMOND, Progress of Theoretical Physics, 75(4), 934-952, 19860401
  25. The top quark mass and flavour mixing in a Seesaw model of quark masses, Physics Letters, B410(2), 233-240, 19971001
  26. CP Conserving Contribution in the Decays $K_L \rightarrow \pi^0 \gamma \gamma $ and $K_L \rightarrow \pi^0 e^+ e^-$, Progress of Theoretical Physics, 82(1), 371-379, 19890201
  27. Discriminating technicolor theories through flavorchanging neutral currents; walking or standing coupling constants, Physical Review Letters, 59(4), 389-392, 19870501
  28. ★, Chiral Weak Dynamics, Physical Review Letters, 65(4), 404-407, 19900301
  29. ★, Power corrections in the decay rate and distribution in $B \rightarrow X_s l^+ l^-$ in the standard model, Physical Review, D57(7), 4105-4128, 19970401
  30. CP asymmetries in B0 decays in the presence of flavor changing neutral currents, Physical Review, D48(3), 1167-1175, 19930801
  31. $B \rightarrow X_q l^+ l^- (q=d,s)$ and determination of $|V_{td}/V_{ts}|, Physical Review, D56(11), 7240-7246, 19971201
  32. A MODEL INDEPENDENT ANALYSIS OF THE RARE B DECAY $ B \rightarrow X_s l^+ l^-$, Physical Review, D59(1), 074013-1-074013-15, 19990401
  33. NEW PHYSICS EFFECTS IN $ B \rightarrow K^* \nu \nu$ DECAYS, Physical Review, D60(1), 094007-1-094007-8, 19990401
  34. AZIMUTHAL ANGLE DISTRIBUTION IN $B \rightarrow K^{*} (\rightarrow K \pi)$, Physical Review, D62(1), 034013-1-034013-9, 20000801
  35. PENGUIN DIAGRAMS IN THE DELTA I = 1/2 RULE AND EPSILON-PRIME EPSILON WITH SIGMA MODELS, Physical Review, D62(1), 014002-1-014002-10, 20000701
  36. NEUTRINO MIXING IN SEESAW MODEL, Progress of Theoretical Physics, 101(3), 379-391, 19990301
  37. QUARK MASS HIERARCHY, FCNC AND CP VIOLATION IN A Seesaw Model, Progress of Theoretical Physics, 101(3), 671-706, 19990301
  38. ★, A BRIDGE BETWEEN CP VIOLATION AT LOW-ENERGIES AND LEPTOGENESIS, Nuclear Physics, B617, 475-492, 20011201
  39. An analysis of Non-compact non-linear sigma model, Progress of Theoretical Physics, 75(3), 677-685, 19860301
  40. Chiral Symmetry Nreaking of Strong Coupling QED, Progress of Theoretical Physics, 77(6), 1434-1449, 19870301
  41. From QCD to Chiral Dynamics a Smooth Transition, Progress of Theoretical Physics, 87(1), 185-191, 19920101
  44. b to s(d) gamma with a Vector-Like Quark As Fourth Generation, Modern Physics Letters, A(10), 309-322, 19950201
  45. ★, CP violation of neutrino oscillation and leptogenesis, Physical Review Letters, 89, 231601-1-231601-4, 20020401
  46. Cosmological Family Asymmetry and CP violation, Physical Review D, 72, 016006, 20050727
  47. Mass Eigenstates and Eigenvalues of Seesaw, CP Violation and the Flavour Puzzle (ISBN 83-919954-1-0), P113-118, 20060401
  48. Space Like Correlation of Feynman Propagator and Virtually Exchanged Neutrino Mass, 20130701
  49. Threshold corrections to the radiative breaking of electroweak symmetry and neutralino dark matter in supersymmetric seesaw model, Physical Review D, D81, 016011, 20100101
  50. Direct CP violation in hadronic tau decays, Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl., 189, 84-89, 20090401
  51. Penguin diagrams in the Delta I=1/2 rule and epsilon '/epsilon with sigma models, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 62(1), 20000701
  52. Neutrino mixing in the seesaw model, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, 103(2), 379-391, 200002
  53. Azimuthal angle distribution in B -> K*(-> K pi)l(+) l(-) in the low invariant m(l)+(l)- region, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 62(3), 20000801
  54. CP violation in the seesaw model, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 64(1), 20010701
  55. A relation between CP violation of low energy and leptogenesis, NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS, 111, 303-305, 200211
  56. CP violation in neutrino oscillation and leptogenesis, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 89(23), 20021202
  57. Numerical study on the correlation between CP violation in neutrino oscillations and baryogenesis, NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS, 111, 291-293, 200211
  58. Leptogenesis and low energy CP violation, a link, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS, 29(8), 1877-1880, 200308
  59. A new mechanism for baryogenesis living through electroweak era, PHYSICS LETTERS B, 616(1-2), 108-113, 20050609
  60. Cosmological family asymmetry and CP violation, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 72(1), 200507
  61. Threshold corrections to the radiative breaking of electroweak symmetry and neutralino dark matter in supersymmetric seesaw model, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 81(1), 201001
  62. Quark sector CP violation of the universal seesaw model, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 88(3), 20130830
  63. Time variation of particle and antiparticle asymmetry in an expanding universe, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 90(1), 20140715
  64. Precise discussion of time-reversal asymmetries in B-meson decays, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 20150226
  67. Phenomenological aspects of possible vacua of a neutrino flavor model, CHINESE PHYSICS C, 42(2), 201802
  68. Effective theory analysis for vector-like quark model, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS, 201804
  69. Analysis of Dalitz decays with intrinsic parity-violating interactions in resonance chiral perturbation theory, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS, 201812
  70. A New Mechanism for Generating Particle Number Asymmetry through Interactions, ADVANCES IN HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 2019
  71. Hidden relations in three generation seesaw model with Dirac mass matrix of four-zero texture, Phys.Lett. B, 799 (2019) 135046.(799 (2019) 135046.), 201912
  72. Hidden relations in three generation seesaw model with Dirac mass matrix of four-zero texture, PHYSICS LETTERS B, 799, 20191210
  73. Lepton number violation in a unified framework, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS, 2020(9), 202009
  74. Time evolution of lepton number carried by Majorana neutrinos, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS, 2021(5), 202105

Publications such as books

  1. 2000/01, Rare Semi/Leptonic B decays , Proceedings of the third international conference on B physics and CP violation, 2000, 01, Report, Takuya Morozumi, ISBN: 978-981-02-4376-0

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Physics of Quark Sector, Takuya Morozumi, Albertus Panuluh, Flavor Physics WorkShop2024, 2024/12/04, With Invitation, Japanese, Organizers: Yu Nakazawa (KEK, Chair), Hanwook Bae (KEK), Syuhei Iguro (IAR/KMI/KEK), Takashi Kaneko (KEK, Meizan So Hotel (Miya cho, Gamagori, Aichi)
  2. Lepton family numbers of neutrinos at low energies and leptogenesis, Takuya Morozumi, N. J. Benoit, S. Kawano, Y. Kawamura, Y.Shimozu, K. Yamamoto, Planck2024, 2024/06/04, With Invitation, English, Lisbon
  3. Space time evolution of the lepton number densities including the momentum distribution, Takuya Morozumi, A.S. Adam, N. J. Benoit, Y. Kawamura, Y. Matsuo, , Y. Shimizu, N. Toyota, The 15th International Workshop on Fundamental Physics Using Atoms (FPUA2024), 2024/03/15, Without Invitation, English, Y. Ichikawa (Kyushu), M.Tanaka (Osaka), K. Sugiyama (Kyoto), Y. Takasu (Kyoto) H. Shimizu (Nagoya), M Kitaguchi (Nagoya), K. Shimomura (KEK), T. Mibe (KEK), Y. Sakemi (Tokyo), A.Ishida (Tokyo) T. Masuda(Okayama),A. Yoshimi (Okayama),N. Sasao (Okayama University), K. Yoshimura (Okayama), Okayama University
  4. up-type vector-like quark model as the effective theory of Universal seesaw model, Takuya Morozumi, Apriadi Salim Adam, Yuta Kawamura, Albertus Hariwangsa Panuluh, Yusuke Shimizu, Kei Yamamoto, 2022 JPS meeting (Autumn), 2022/09/06, Without Invitation, Japanese
  5. Relation between oscillation probability and the time evolution of the lepton numbers based on quantum field theory, Takuya Morozumi, Nicholas J Benoit,Shimizu,Yusuke,Tomoharu Orimi, 2023 JPS meeting, Spring, 2023/03/25, Without Invitation, Japanese
  6. Space time evolution of lepton number densities, Takuya Morozumi, Apriadi Salim Adam, Nicholas James Benoit, Yamato Matsuo, Yusuke Shimizu , Naoya Toyota, Yuta Kawamura,, SKCM2 Kickoff meeting, 2023/02/20, Without Invitation, English
  7. Effective theory for unversal seesaw, FCNC and CP violation, Takuya Morozumi, Albertus Hariwangsa Panuluh, Yusuke Shimizu, Yuta Kawamura, Kei Yamamoto, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON KAON PHYSICS, 2022/09/14, Without Invitation, English, Osaka
  8. Time evolution of Lepton family Number carried by Majorana Neutrinos, Takuya Morozumi, Apriadi Salim Adam, Nicholas J Benoit, Yuta Kawamura, Yamato Matsuo, Takuya Morozumi, Yusuke Shimizu, Yuya Tokunaga, Naoya Toyota, KEK-PH Lectures and Workshops 2020, 2021/03/24, Without Invitation, Japanese
  9. Time evolution of lepton number of Majorana Neutrinos; Schrodinger picture, Takuya Morozumi, Nicholas J Benoit, Yuta Kawamura, Weak Interactions and Neutrinos (Win2021), 2021/06/08, Without Invitation, English
  10. Time variation of lepton number of neutrinos at low energies, Takuya Morozumi, Apriadi Salim Adam, Nicholas J Benoit, Yuta Kawamura, Yamato Matsuo, Takuya Morozumi, Yusuke Shimizu, Yuya Tokunaga, Naoya Toyota, CFTP seminar, 2021/06/17, With Invitation, English, Centro de Física Teórica de Partículas (CFTP), IST, Lisbon, Portugal, ZOOM, On Line
  11. Time variation of Lepton Family Number of Majorana neutrinos, Takuya Morozumi, Apriadi Salim Adam, Nicholas James Benoit, Yuta Kawamura, Yamato Matsuo, Takuya Morozumi, Yusuke Shimizu, Yuya Tokunaga, Naoya Toyota, Beyond Standard Model (From Theory To Experiments) BSM2021, 2021/03/30, With Invitation, English, Organizers Demir, Durmus , Khalil, Shaaban, On-line (Egipt Cairo)
  12. Study of an anomalous tau decay using a chiral Lagrangian with vector mesons, Takuya Morozumi, Hiroyuki Umeeda, Daiji Kimura, The 13 th International workshop on tau lepton physics, 2014/09/16, Without Invitation, English, Aachen/ Germany
  13. A new mechanism for generating particle number asymmetry through interactions, Morozumi Takuya, Apriadi Salim Adam, Keiko Nagao, Hiroyuki Takata, Maskawa Jyuku Seminar (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.), 2017/11/27, With Invitation, Japanese, Maskawa Jyuku, Kyoto Sangyo Univ., A new mechanism for generating particle number asymmetry (PNA) has been developed.This mechanism is realized with a Lagrangian including a complex scalar field and a neutral scalar field. The complex scalar carries U(1) charge which is associated with the PNA. In the spatially flat universe with a time-dependent scale factor, the time evolution of the PNA is computed. We start with an initial condition where only the condensation of the neutral scalar is non-zero. With the above initial conditions, the PNA vanishes at the initial time and later it is generated through the interaction between the complex scalar and the condensation of the neutral scalar. We investigate the time dependence of the PNA and find that PNA oscillates at the early time and it begins to dump at the later time. The period and the amplitude of the oscillation depend on the mass spectrum of the model, the temperature and the expansion rate of the universe. We discuss the implications of the oscillating behavior of the PNA on scenarios for the generation of the baryon asymmetry of the universe (BAU).
  14. Leptogenesis and CP violation of Neutrino sectors, Takuya Morozumi, 3rd International Conference on Flavor Physics (ICFP), 2005/05/10, With Invitation, English, National Central University, Chung-li, Taiwan, Paoti Chang (National Taiwan Univ.) Yuan-Hann Chang (Nation Central Univ.) Cheng-Wei Chiang (National Central Univ.) Wei-Shu Hou (National Taiwan Univ.) Otto C.W. Kong (National Central Univ.) -- chair Hsiang-nan Li (Academia Sinica) Henry Tsz-king Wong (Academia Sinica), published
  15. Time dependence of particle number asymmetry induced with CP violating interaction., T. Morozumi, Apriadi Salim Adam, Keiko Nagao, Hiroyuki Takata, Quantum Field Theory and Gravity (QFTG2016), 2016/03/08, With Invitation, English
  16. LEPTOGENESIS AND CP VIOLATION OF NEUTRINO OSCILLATION, Takuya Morozumi, T. Endoh, SynKyu Kang, M. Tanimoto, S. Kaneko, The fourth International workshop on Neutrino Oscillation and its origin (NOON2003), 2003/02/14, Without Invitation, English, Y. Itow (ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo) Y. Obayashi (ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo) M. Nakahata (ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo)(scientific secretary) M. Shiozawa (ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo) Y. Suzuki (ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo)(chairman), Kanazawa, published
  17. Relation between CP violation at low energy and leptogenesis, Takuya Morozumi, T. Endoh, A. Purwanto, 2002/01/17, With Invitation, Japanese, Y. Nagashima, Y.Kuno, T.Yamanaka, IIAS, Kyoto, published, VIDEO, Slide
  18. The Creation of the Particle Number Asymmetry in the Universe, Takuya Morozumi, Apriadi Salim Adam,K.Nagao, H. Takata, 4th International Workshop on Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry, 2016/12/30, With Invitation, English, Jiunn-Wei Chen (NTU) Chao-Qiang Geng (NCTS/NTHU) (Chair) Xiao-Gang He (NCTS/NTU) Wolung Lee (NTNU) Cheng-Pang Liu (NDHU) (Co-Chair) Kin-Wang Ng (AS) Henry T. Wong (AS), National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS), published
  19. Time variation of particle and anti-particle number in curved spacetime, Takuya Morozumi, R. Hotta, H. Takata, 3rd International Workshop on Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry, 2012/12/28, With Invitation, English, Organization Committee Kazuharu Bamba (KMI, Japan) Chuan-Hung Chen (NCKU) Pisin Chen (NTU) Chao-Qiang Geng (NCTS/NTHU) (Chair) Yun-Gui Gong (HUST, China) Je-An Gu (NTU) (Co-Chair) Xiao-Gang He (NCTS/NTU) Guey-Lin Lin (NCTU) Wolung Lee (NTNU) Guo-Chin Liu (TKU) Kin-Wang Ng (AS), NTHU, Hsinchu , Taiwan
  20. Particle Number Asymmetry of the early universe, Takuya Morozumi, K. I. Nagao, Apriadi Salim Adam, Hiroyuki Takata, 5th International workshop on Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Matter-Anti-Matter Asymmetry, 2018/12/28, With Invitation, English, National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS), Hsinchu, Taiwan National Tsing Hua University, 28 Hsinchu, Taiwan 29-31 Fo-Guang-Shan, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  21. Lepton Number Violation in a unified framework, Takuya Morozumi, Yuta Kawamura, ,Yamato Matsuo , Apriadi Salim Adam,Yusuke Shimizu, Yamato Matsuo ,Yuya Tokunaga, Naoya Toyota,, PACIFIC 2019 Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology Including Fundamental InteraCtions, 2019/09/03, With Invitation, English, Moorea, French Polynesia

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)), Lepton Number of Cosmic Background Neutrinos and Generation Mechanism of Particle Number in the Universe, 2017, 2021
  2. Kakenhi, 2016, 2020
  3. KAKENHI, Study on lepto-genesis andlepton number violation with non-equilibrium quantum field theory, 2010, 2012
  4. KAKENHI, 2008, 2009
  5. KAKENHI, 2007, 2007
  6. KAKENHI, 2004, 2005
  7. KAKENHI, Higgs decays and origin of CP violation, 2001, 2002
  8. KAKENHI, 2000, 2000
  9. KAKENHI, Higgs search by means of τ vertex tagging, 2000, 2002
  10. KAKENHI, Supersymmetric Composite Models in the Early Stage of the Universe, 1999, 2001
  11. KAKENHI, 1999, 1999
  12. KAKENHI, 1998, 1998
  13. KAKENHI, 1997, 1997
  14. KAKENHI, Origin of CP and T Violation and Flabor Physiscs, 1996, 1997
  15. KAKENHI, Dynamical Symmetry Breaking in Curved Space-time, 1996, 1998
  16. KAKENHI, The origin of elementary particle interaction, 1994, 1996
  17. KAKENHI, 1994, 1994
  18. KAKENHI, Dynamical Origin of Higgs Mechanism in Electroweak Theory, 1992, 1994
  19. KAKENHI, 2016, 2018

Social Activities

Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.

  1. 2nd workshop on phenomenology for particle and anti-particle 2019, 2019/03, 2019/03
  2. 1st workshop on phenomenology for particle and anti-particle 2018, 2018/03, 2018/03
  3. 2nd Frontiers of Neutrino Physics, 2021/10, 2021/10
  4. 1st IIT Bombay-Hiroshima workshop for Frontiers of Neutrino Physics 26-30/Oct 2020, 2020/10, 2020/10
  5. The 3rd IITB-Hiroshima workshop in HEP, 2022/, 2022/
  6. 2006/11
  7. 2006/12
  8. 1998/03
  9. 2005/01
  10. 1 st Core-U International Conference;Intense Fields and Extreme Universe, Local Organize Commitee, Secretary of Conference, 2016/, 2016/