Seiichi Koike
Last Updated :2025/01/07
- Affiliations, Positions
- Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor
- E-mail
Basic Information
Major Professional Backgrounds
- 1990/04/01, 1995/03/31, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
- 1993/04/01, 1994/03/31, Rikkyo University, Part-Time Lecturer
- 1994/04/01, 1995/03/31, Seijo University, Part-Time Lecturer
- 1995/04/01, 1996/03/31, Hiroshima University, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Assistant Professor
- 1996/04/01, 2003/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Assistant Professor
- 1998/04/01, 2003/09/30, Japan Coast Guard Academy, Part-Time Lecturer
- 2000/09/01, 2000/09/30, Kyushu University, Part-Time Lecturer
- 2003/04/01, 2008/08/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Assistant Professor
- 2004/04/01, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima University Archives, Director
- 2008/09/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Professor
Educational Backgrounds
- Chuo University, Graduate School, Division of Letters, Japan, 1985/04, 1987/03
- Chuo University, Graduate School, Division of Letters, Japan, 1987/04, 1990/03
- Chuo University, Faculty of Literature, Japan, 1981/04, 1985/03
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of History, Chuo University
- Master of Arts, Chuo University
Educational Activity
- [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Integrated Arts and Sciences : Department of Integrated Arts and Sciences : Integrated Arts and Sciences
- [Master's Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program
- [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program
In Charge of Primary Major Programs
- Behavioral Sciences
- Integrated Arts and Sciences
Research Fields
- Informatics;Frontiers of informatics;Library and information science / Humanistic social informatics
- Humanities;History;Japanese history
- Social sciences;Politics;Politics
Research Keywords
- Diplomacy
- Disarmament|
- Economical Policy|Archives
- Foreign office|between the two world wars
- document
- navy|between the Two world wars
- election
- Japanese-Chinese-Relationship|military government
- Japan
- Southeast Asia|educational policy
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Peace from Hiroshima
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, World of Politics
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 4Term, World of Politics
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Policy information theory
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Policy information exercise
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Japanese modern history
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Studies on the Records of the Foreign office and the "Documents on Shigemitsu, Mamoru"-the Historical Records of the Customs Agreement between Japan and China as on example-., Journal of the Diplomatic Record office NO7., 19940401
- The Circumstances within the Japanese Navy before and after the Washington Conference about Navy Disarmament., Japanese History= NO480. Nihon rekishi gakkai, 480, 19880401
- Study on Navy in the latter period of Taisho., The Journal of Military History, 25(1), 19890401
- China as a "State" and China as a "Market". The Diplomat’s Understanding of China before the Manchurian Incident of 1931, International Relations, 108, 19950401
- "Abolishment of Extraterritoriality" and "Maintenance of Public Peace" -A study on "Continuation" before and after the Manchurian Incident-, Hiroshima Peace Science, 18, 87-111, 19960401
- "Negotiation" and "Accumulation" -The Japan-Republic of China Tariff Agreement., Journal of Modern Japanese Studies, 17, 171-193, 19950401
- The Failure of Economical Cooperation -On the Problem of Dept Liguidation before the Manchurian Incident-, SHIGAKU-KENKYU (Review of Historical Studies), 20-39, 19970401
- The Formation Process of the Documents and Records of the Foreign Office, Japanese History. NO584= Nihon rekishi gakkai, 1-15, 19970401
- The "Pro-English Pro-Amerikan-Faction" and its view of International Relationship -In case of Saionji, Kinmochi, Sakatani Yosiro, and Yoshida Shigeru-, GAIKO JIHO(Revue Dilomatique), 83-93, 19970401
- Changes of Interpretation of"Washington-System"-a Historical Consideration of Postwar Japan-, CHUO SHIGAKU, 21, 19980401
- MORITO Tatsuo-His Personality and Thought-, JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, 1, 57-68, 19990401
- The bibliographical Introduction of"MORITO TATSUO KANKEI MONJO", JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, 1, 79-96, 19990401
- The out break of the Manchurian Incident and the Foundation of Manch(]E87CD[)-koku, Weekly the 20 century, 2-5, 20000401
- ★, Study of the documents of the’Cabinet Council’-the enactment and execution process of government ordinance No 201 during the cabinet of Ashida as an example., Japanese History, 58-72, 20000401
- Media and Election Strategy, Studies in Social Sciences, 53-92, 20000401
- ★, Falsification of information and Obstructions of appeasement-The boycott against Japan and the Japanese Newspaper before the Manchurian Incident, Politics and Society of Modern Japan, 371-397, 20010501
- ★, "Chapter 8 The birth of cooperation-Conditions of the tariff agreement between Japan and China-", Modern History of China and Japan-50 years of Cooperation and antagonism, 229-258, 20010301
- Japanese policy toward China in the periode after WWI., In’Essoys of the Scientific sociery in memorial of the 80th anniversary of the 54 movement’, 93-109, 19990601
- Chapter4 Southern Navy "Civil government", 135-172, 19950301
- The Disarmament of The Japanese Navy and the Rivalry between the two major views on International Relationship, Reconstruct of the Modern History of Japan. Yamakawa Shuppansha., 135-172, 19930401
- Foreign Minister Kato and the Problem of war Participation, Outline of Japanese History, 5, 41-55, 19880601
- Chapter 3.The Japanese Navy and WWI., 282-434, 19951101
- ★, The Possibility of Japanese University Archives in the Personal Document., The Journal of Information Science and Technology Association., 66(4), 148-152, 2016
- Analysis of Investigation Review Conference focusing on the functions and facilities of the National Archives of Japan, Journal of Hiroshima University Archives, 24-45, 20160229
- It opened adocument management as undergraduate Lecture, Journal of Hiroshima University Archives, 54-58, 20160229
- Introduction of Hiroshima University Archives teacher evalution index, Journal of Hiroshima University Archives, 59-64, 20160229
Publications such as books
- 2020/06, Archives and history: public document management in Japan, The reason why the archive management in Japan is incomplete is analyzed from the relationship between history and archives in Japan. After that, the public document management that should be done is clarified., Archive management, archives, history, 2020, 6, Scholarly Book, Single work, 日本語, 978-4-88708-460-5, 194, 194
- 1990, The Cause of the Siemens-Incident , The Unreal and Real Image of Modern Japanese History 2., 1990, Scholarly Book, Single work
- 1989, Was the Navy against war? , The Unreal and Real Image of Modern Japanese History 2., 1989, Scholarly Book, Joint work
- 2007/01, The History of Hiroshima University , 2007, 01, Textbook, Compilation, 25
- 2016/03/20, Encyclopedia for Peace and Security, 「ジュネーヴ海軍軍縮会議」「広島の原爆資料保存・白書運動」 「満州事変」「ワシントン海軍軍縮会議」 「ワシントン体制」, 2016, 3, Dictionary/Encyclopedia, 日本語
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- University Archives in Japan, Seiichi KOIKE, International Conference on Digital Archives and University History, 2016/11/29, Without Invitation, English, National Taiwan Normal University