Hirofumi Namatame

Last Updated :2025/01/07

Affiliations, Positions
Research Institute for Synchrotron Radiation Science, Professor
Other Contact Details
Research Institute for Synchrotron Radiation Science, Hiroshima University, Japan
TEL : (+81)82-424-6293 FAX : (+81)82-424-6294
Synchrotron radiation is often referred to as the "light of dreams," and it has now spread across a wide range of fields, from basic to applied sciences. Since first encountering synchrotron radiation at university, I have been engaged in research for over 30 years to investigate the properties of materials using this technology. In addition to my work in condensed matter physics, I have also focused on developing synchrotron radiation measurement techniques required for experiments. I have worked on fostering talent by utilizing the synchrotron radiation facility at the university. To address the declining interest in science, I have been involved in outreach activities that use the facility to inspire local children and help them experience the excitement of science. In the post-pandemic era, I am also actively working on the use of information technologies, including virtual reality (VR).

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 1989/04/01, 1993/03/31, University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science, Research associate
  • 1993/04/01, 1996/05/01, Hiroshima University, Faculty of Science, Assistant Professor
  • 1996/04/01, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima SYnchrotron Radiation Center,Hiroshima University, Professor

Educational Backgrounds

  • The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Engineering, Japan, 1986/04, 1989/03
  • The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering, Applied Physics, Japan, 1981/04, 1984/03

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
  • Master of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Science : Physics : Physics
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Physics Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Physics Program

In Charge of Primary Major Programs

  • Physics

Research Fields

  • Mathematical and physical sciences;Physics;Condensed matter physics I

Research Keywords

  • Synchrotron Radiation Science
  • inverse photoemission
  • Photoemission Spectroscopy
  • electronic states
  • High Tc Superconductor

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Special Study for Graduation A
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Special Study for Graduation B
  4. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Special Topics in Synchrotron Radiation Science A
  5. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Special Topics in Synchrotron Radiation Science B
  6. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Exercise in Physics I
  7. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Exercise in Physics II
  8. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Exsecise in Physics A
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Exsecise in Physics B
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Research in Physics
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Research in Physics

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Local electronic structure of Al nanocluster array fabricated on Si(111)7 x 7 surface, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, 45(3B), 2271-2274, 200603
  2. Electronic structure of charge- and spin-controlled Sr1-(xplusy)Lax+yTi1-xCrxO3, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 96(6), 20060217
  3. High-resolution photoemission study of Ce1-xLaxRhAs: A collapse of the energy gap in the Kondo semiconductor, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 383(1), 140-141, 20060815
  4. X-ray absorption and inverse photoemission study of Y1-xCaxTiO3, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 76(7), 200707
  5. Origin of the surface-state band-splitting in ultrathin Bi films: from a Rashba effect to a parity effect, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 10, 20080828
  6. Unoccupied electronic structure of Y1-xCaxTiO3 investigated by inverse photoemission spectroscopy, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 75(20), 200705
  7. Unoccupied electronic structure of Y1-xCaxTiO3 investigated by inverse photoemission spectroscopy, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 75(20), 200705
  8. A re-examination of the oxygen isotope effect in ARPES spectra of Bi2212, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 463, 52-55, 20071001
  9. Photoemission study on heavy fermion superconductors, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 460, 657-658, 20070901
  10. High-resolution angle-resolved photoemission study of Ni(111) surface state, SURFACE SCIENCE, 601(18), 4005-4009, 20070915
  11. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of Fe(110) single crystal: Many-body interactions between quasi-particles at the Fermi level, SURFACE SCIENCE, 601(18), 4010-4012, 20070915
  12. Surface quantum well state at the striped Cu(110)(2 x 1)O surface studied by angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy, SURFACE SCIENCE, 601(18), 4041-4044, 20070915
  13. Direct observation of spin splitting in bismuth surface states, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 76(15), 200710
  14. Temperature dependent quantum well state on Cu(110)(2 x 1) striped surface studied by angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, SURFACE SCIENCE, 601(22), 5254-5257, 20071115
  15. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and photoemission studies of ferromagnetism in CaMn(1-x)Ru(x)O(3) thin films, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 77(11), 200803
  16. Spin-dependent electronic band structure of Co/Cu(001) with different film thicknesses, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 20(22), 20080604
  17. Superconducting coherence peak in the electronic excitations of a single-layer Bi(2)Sr(1.6)La(0.4)CuO(6+delta) cuprate superconductor, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 101(9), 20080829
  18. Isotopic Fingerprint of Electron-Phonon Coupling in High-T(c) Cuprates, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 101(15), 20081010
  19. Novel Electronic Structure Induced by a Highly Strained Oxide Interface with Incommensurate Crystal Fields, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 102(2), 20090116
  20. Sheet Dependence on Superconducting Gap in Oxygen-Deficient Iron-Based Oxypnictide Superconductors NdFeAsO0.85, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 77(10), 200810
  21. Photoemission Spectroscopy of Spinel-Type CuV2S4 Single Crystal, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 77(11), 200811
  22. Primary Role of the Barely Occupied States in the Charge Density Wave Formation of NbSe(2), PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 101(22), 20081128
  23. Chemical potential shift of Fe3-xVxSi studied by hard x-ray photoemission, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 78(20), 200811
  24. Doping-insensitive density-of-states suppression in polycrystalline iron-based superconductor SmO(1-x)F(x)FeAs, SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS, 148(11-12), 504-507, 200812
  25. Direct evidence of spin-polarized band structure of Sb(111) surface, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 93(25), 20081222
  26. Spin polarized d surface resonance state of fcc Co/Cu(001), NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 10, 20081222
  27. Valence-band structure of the polar ZnO surfaces studied by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 79(7), 200902
  28. Unusual Doping Dependence of the Electronic Structure and Coexistence of Spin-Density-Wave and Superconductor Phases in Single Crystalline Sr1-xKxFe2As2, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 102(12), 20090327
  29. Absence of temperature dependence of the valence-band spectrum of Co2MnSi, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 79(10), 200903
  30. Surface electronic structures of ferromagnetic Ni(111) studied by STM and angle-resolved photoemission, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 79(24), 200906
  31. Electronic structure of Sr0.8-yLa0.2+yTi0.8Cr0.2O3 studied by photoemission spectroscopy and first-principles band structure calculations, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 80(12), 200909
  32. Enhancement of oxygen isotope effect due to out-of-plane disorder in Bi(2)Sr(2)Ln(0.4)CuO(6+delta) superconductors, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 80(21), 200912
  33. Antiferromagnetic Phase Transition in Ordered FePt3 Investigated by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 79(2), 201002
  34. High-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of the electronic structure of EuFe2As2, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 81(15), 20100415
  35. Role of Electronic Structure in the Martensitic Phase Transition of Ni2Mn1-xSn1-x Studied by Hard-X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Ab Initio Calculation, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 104(17), 20100430
  36. Electronic structure of Fe1.04Te0.66Se0.34, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 81(1), 20100101
  37. The orbital characters and k(z) dispersions of bands in iron-pnictide NaFeAs, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS, 72(5), 479-482, 201105
  38. Hexagonally Deformed Fermi Surface of the 3D Topological Insulator Bi2Se3, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 105(7), 20100810
  39. Strong Rashba-Type Spin Polarization of the Photocurrent from Bulk Continuum States: Experiment and Theory for Bi(111), PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 105(7), 20100813
  40. Out-of-Plane Momentum and Symmetry-Dependent Energy Gap of the Pnictide Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 Superconductor Revealed by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 105(11), 20100908
  41. Experimental Realization of a Three-Dimensional Topological Insulator Phase in Ternary Chalcogenide TlBiSe2, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 105(14), 20100928
  42. Interplay among Coulomb Interaction, Spin-Orbit Interaction, and Multiple Electron-Boson Interactions in Sr2RuO4, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 105(22), 20101124
  43. Electronic structure of BaNi2As2, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 83(3), 20110113
  44. Band structure and Fermi surface of atomically uniform lead films, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 12, 20101117
  45. Oxygen isotope effect in optimally doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta studied by low-energy ARPES, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 470, S134-S136, 201012
  46. Orbital characters of bands in the iron-based superconductor BaFe1.85Co0.15As2, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 83(5), 20110222
  47. Electronic structure of YbGa1.15Si0.85 and YbGaxGe2-x probed by resonant x-ray emission and photoelectron spectroscopies, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 83(10), 20110331
  48. Temperature-Induced Valence Transition of EuPd2Si2 Studied by Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 50(5), 201105
  49. X-dependent electronic structure of YbXCu4 (X = Cd, In, Sn) investigated by hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, JOURNAL OF ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED PHENOMENA, 184(3-6), 203-206, 201104
  50. Spin-doping effect on the electronic structure of Sr1-(x plus y)Lax+yTi1-xCrxO3, JOURNAL OF ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED PHENOMENA, 184(3-6), 232-235, 201104
  51. Orbital-Independent Superconducting Gaps in Iron Pnictides, SCIENCE, 332(6029), 564-567, 20110429
  52. Evaluation of the coupling parameters of many-body interactions in Fe(110), PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 82(19), 20101129
  53. Surface Scattering via Bulk Continuum States in the 3D Topological Insulator Bi2Se3, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 107(5), 20110727
  54. High-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy study of Kondo metals: SmSn3 and Sm0.9La0.1Sn3, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 85(11), 20120326
  55. Conduction-band electronic states of YbInCu4 studied by photoemission and soft x-ray absorption spectroscopies, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 84(11), 20110926
  56. Core-to-Rydberg band shift and broadening of hydrogen bonded ammonia clusters studied with nitrogen K-edge excitation spectroscopy, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 136(1), 20120107
  57. Chiral Orbital-Angular Momentum in the Surface States of Bi2Se3, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 108(4), 20120125
  58. Spin-Polarized Dirac-Cone-Like Surface State with d Character at W(110), PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 108(6), 20120210
  59. Angle-resolved photoemission study on the superconducting iron-pnictides of BaFe2(As, P)(2) with low energy photons, SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS, 152(8), 695-700, 201204
  60. Spin and orbital angular momentum structure of Cu(111) and Au(111) surface states, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 85(19), 20120502
  61. Experimental Verification of PbBi2Te4 as a 3D Topological Insulator, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 108(20), 20120515
  62. Quasiparticle interference on the surface of Bi2Se3 induced by cobalt adatom in the absence of ferromagnetic ordering, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 85(20), 20120529
  63. High-Energy Anomaly in the Band Dispersion of the Ruthenate Superconductor, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 109(6), 20120807
  64. Electronic structure of Kondo lattice compounds YbNi3X9 (X = Al, Ga) studied by hard x-ray spectroscopy, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 86(11), 20120911
  65. Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy with enhanced orbital moments of Fe adatoms on a topological surface of Bi2Se3, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 25(23), 20130612
  66. 'True' bosonic coupling strength in strongly correlated superconductors, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 3, 20130531
  67. Electronic structure and the valence state of Yb2Pd2Sn and YbPd2Sn studied by photoelectron and resonant x-ray emission spectroscopies, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 86(8), 20120824
  68. Topological Surface States with Persistent High Spin Polarization across the Dirac Point in Bi2Te2Se and Bi2Se2Te, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 109(16), 20121017
  69. Massless or heavy due to two-fold symmetry: Surface-state electrons at W(110), PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 86(16), 20121018
  70. Observation of a highly spin-polarized topological surface state in GeBi2Te4, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 86(19), 20121106
  71. High-resolution angle-resolved photoemission study of electronic structure and electron self-energy in palladium, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 87(3), 20130131
  72. Growth and Electronic Structure Studies of Metal Intercalated Transition Metal Dichalcogenides MxNbSe2 (M: Fe and Cu), JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 52(10), 201310
  73. Large momentum-dependence of the main dispersion 'kink' in the high-T-c superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 15, 20131101
  74. Photoelectron Spin-Polarization Control in the Topological Insulator Bi2Se3, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 112(7), 20140220
  75. Many-body interactions and Rashba splitting of the surface state on Cu(110), PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 89(8), 20140205
  76. Characteristic two-dimensional Fermi surface topology of high-T-c iron-based superconductors, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 4, 20140314
  77. Photoemission Study of Ultra Shallow Junctions Formed on Si(100) by Arsenic Ion Implantation, 2001 Intern. Conf. on Rapid Thermal Processing for Future Semiconductor Devices (Ise-shima= Nov. 14-16= 2001), pp.7-8, 20011101
  78. Photemission and Inverse-Photoemission Spectra of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Mo4O11, J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom., 78, 485-488, 19960401
  79. Temperature-dependentmetal-insulator transition in d- and f-electron systems studied by high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 114-116, 711-716, 20010801
  80. High-resolution temperature-dependent photoemission study of metal-insulator transition of Y1-xCaxTiO3, Physica B, 281&282, 617-618, 20000801
  81. Photoemission study of Kondo insulator YbB12, Physica B, 281&282, 282-283, 20000801
  82. High-resolution temperature-dependent photoemission study of Kondo semimetal CeNiSn, Physica B, 281&282, 286-287, 20000801
  83. Temperature-Dependent High-Resolution Photoemission Study of the Kondo Insulator Ce3Bi4Pt3, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy, 101-103, 721-724, 19990801
  84. Low-Temperature High-Resolution Resonant Photoemission Study of Kondo Insulator Ce3Bi4Pt3, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 38, 209-211, 19991201
  85. Temperature-Dependent High-Resolution Photoemission Study of Y1-xCaxTiO3, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 38, 206-208, 19991201
  86. Temperature-Dependent High-Resolution Photoemission Study of the Kondo Insulator YbB12, Physical Review Letters, 82, 992-995, 19991001
  87. Low-Energy Electronic Structure of the Kondo Insulator YbB12, Physical Review Letters, 77, 4269-4272, 19961101
  88. Linear undulator beamline at a compact storage ring (HiSOR), Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 467-468, 504-507, 20010401
  89. Direct observation of the Ce 4f states in the Kondo semiconductor CeRhAs and related compounds:A high-resolution resonant photoemission study, Phys. Rev. B, 66, 20020401
  90. Photoemission Study of Ultra Shallow Junctions Formed on Si(100) by Arsenic Ion Implantation, 2001 Intern. Conf. on Rapid Thermal Processing for Future Semiconductor Devices (Ise-shima= Nov. 14-16= 2001), 20010401
  91. Characterization on As+ Heavily-Implanted Layer on Si(100) by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, The 6th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation, 20010401
  92. X-dependent electronic structure of YbXCu_4_ (X=In, Cd, Mg) investigated by high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy, J. Phys. : Condens. Matter=, 14, 4445-4459, 20020401
  93. Electronic structure of YbXCu_4_ (X=In, Cd, Mg) investigated by high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy, J. Synchrotron Rad., 9, 229-232, 20020401
  94. High-resolution, low-temperature photoemission spectroscopy of Kondo semiconductor CeRhAs and related compounds, Physica B, 329-333, 576-577, 20030401
  95. Electronic states of the Kondo semiconductor CeRhAs and related compounds: a high-resolution resonant photoemission study, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B, 34, 1359-1362, 20030401
  96. Electrical resistivity and photoemission spectra of layered oxysulfide (La1-xCaxO)Cu1-xNixS, Physica B, 329-333, 898-899, 20030501
  97. Electronic structure of oxysulfide (LaO)CuS and (La1-xCaxO)Cu1-xNixS (x< 0.10) studied by photoemission and inverse-photoemission spectroscopies, Phys. Rev. B, 68(3), 035112-1-8, 20030701
  98. Temperature dependence of the electronic states of Kondo semiconductor YbB12, Physica B, 351(3-4), 286-288, 20040901
  99. Hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy of YbInCu4, Physica B, 351(3-4), 298-300, 20040901
  100. Temperature-dependent high-resolution resonant photoemission study of Ce, Physica B, 351, 256-258, 20040401
  101. Photoemission spectroscopy on single-wall carbon nanotubes, Physica B, 351(3-4), 259-261, 20040401
  102. High-reolution angle-resolved resoant-photoemission spectroscopy of Fe_x_TiTe_2_, Physica B, 351(3-4), 262-264, 20040401
  103. Photoemission study of valence band dispersions in charge density wave material 1T-TaS_2_, Physica B, 351(3-4), 265-267, 20040401
  104. Hard X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy of YbInCu_4_, Physica B, 351, 298-300, 20040401
  105. Temperature-dependence of the electronic states of Kondo semiconductor YbB_12_, Physica B, 351, 286-288, 20040401
  106. ARPES study of T* cuprate superconductor SmLa_1.85_Sr_0.15_CuO_4_, Physica B, 351(3-4), 274-276, 20040401
  107. Valence transition of YbInCu_4_ observed in hard x-ray photoemission spectra, Physical Review Letters, 93(24), 246404 (4P), 20040401
  108. A Kink in the Dispersion of Layered Strontium Ruthenate, Physical Review Letters, 93(11), 117005(1-4), 20040401
  109. Valence Transition of YbInCu4 Observed in Hard X-Ray Photoemission Spectra, Physical Review Letters, 93, 246404, 20041201
  110. Determination of the Orbital Polarization in YTiO3 by Using Soft X-Ray Linear Dichroism, Physical Review Letters, 93, 257207, 20041201
  111. A negative spin-polarization structure of Ni(110): probed by spin- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, Surface Review Letters, 9, 1287-1289, 20020401
  112. Electron optics with cylindrical deflector for spin-resolved inverse photoemission spectroscopy, Surface Review Letters, 9, 487-489, 20020401
  113. Spin and orbital electronic states of Sm 4f electrons in (Sm, Gd)Al$_{2}$, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, 351, 333-337, 20040901
  114. Direct evidence of ferromagnetism without net magnetization observed by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, Physical Review B, 70(13), art. no. 134418, pp.1-5, 20041001
  115. Determination of the orbital polarization in YTiO$_{3}$ by using soft X-ray linear dichroism, Physical Review Letters, 93(4), art. no. 257207, pp.1-4, 20041201
  116. Construction of a Soft X-ray Diffractometer and Its Application to Symmetry Determination of Ferroelectric Ca$_2$Sr(C$_2$H$_5$CO$_2$)$_6$ in the Phase III, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 73, 500, 20050401
  117. Determination of the Orbital Polarization in YTiO3 by Using Soft X-Ray Linear Dichroism, Physical Review Letters, 93, 257207, 1-4, 20041201
  118. Photoemission study of substitution effects in the Kondo insulator YbB$_{12}$, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 70, 756-761, 20010401
  119. High-resolution photoemission spectroscopy of CeSi single crystal, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 114-116, 723-727, 20010301
  120. Linear undulator beamline at a compact storage ring (HiSOR), Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A467-468(1), 504-507, 20010701
  121. Mn 3p-3d resonant inverse-photoemission spectroscopy of NiAs-type MnTe, Surface Review Letters, 9(1), 341-345, 20020201
  122. Electron optics with cylindrical deflector for spin-resolved inverse photoemission spectroscopy, Surface Review Letters, 9(1), 487-489, 20020201
  123. High-resolution low-temperature photoemission spectroscopy at HiSOR linear undulator beamline, Surface Review Letters, 9(1), 529-534, 20020201
  124. High-resolution low-temperature photoemission spectroscopy at HiSOR helical undulator beamline, Surface Review Letters, 9(1), 535-539, 20020201
  125. Temperature-dependent high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy of YbXCu$_4$ (X=In, Cd, Mg), Surface Review Letters, 9(2), 1079-1083, 20020401
  126. A negative spin-polarization structure of Ni(110): Probed by spin- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, Surface Review Letters, 9(2), 1287-1290, 20020401
  127. X-dependent electronic structure of YbXCu$_4$ (X=In, Cd, Mg) investigated by temperature-dependent high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14(7), 4445-4459, 20020401
  128. Electronic structure of YbXCu$_4$ (X=In, Cd, Mg) investigated by high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 9(4), 229-232, 20020401
  129. Direct observation of the Ce 4f states in the Kondo semiconductor CeRhAs and related compounds: a high-resolution resonant photoemission study, Physical Review, B66(15), 155202/1-4, 20021101
  130. Electron spectroscopies of d,f electron systems at Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 124(2-3), 107-125, 20020701
  131. High-resolution, low-temperature photoemission spectroscopy of Kondo semiconductorr CeRhAs and related compounds, Physica, B329-333(1-2), 576-577, 20030501
  132. Photoemission study of CeTIn$_5$ (T=Rh, Ir): nearly localized nature of f electrons, Physica, B329-333(1-2), 547-548, 20030501
  133. Direct observation of Tomonaga-Luttinger-liquid state in carbon nanotubes at low temperatures, Nature, 426, 540-544, 20031201
  134. Electrical resistivity and photoemission spectra of layered oxysulfide (La$_{1-x}$Ca$_x$O)Cu$_{1-x}$Ni$_x$S, Physica, B329-333(1-2), 898-899, 20030501
  135. Electronic structure of oxysulfide (LaO)CuS and (La$_{1-x}$Ca$_x$O)Cu$_{1-x}$Ni$_x$S studied by photoemission and inverse-photoemission spectroscopies, Physical Review, B68(3), 035112/1-8, 20030601
  136. Temperature-dependent high-resolution resonant photoemission study of Ce, Physica B, 351(1-4), 256-258, 20040901
  137. Photoemission spectroscopy on single-wall carbon nanotubes, Physica, B351(1-4), 259-261, 20040901
  138. High-reolution angle-resolved resoant-photoemission spectroscopy of Fe$_x$TiTe$_2$, Physica, B351(1-4), 262-264, 20040901
  139. Photoemission study of valence band dispersions in charge density wave material 1T-TaS$_2$, Physica, B351(1-4), 265-267, 20040901
  140. Hard X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy of YbInCu$_4$, Physica, B351(1-4), 298-300, 20040901
  141. Temperature-dependence of the electronic states of Kondo semiconductor YbB$_{12}$, Physica, B351(1-4), 286-288, 20040901
  142. ARPES study of T* cuprate superconductor SmLa$_{1.85}$Sr$_{0.15}$CuO$_4$, Physica, B351(1-4), 274-276, 20040901
  143. A Kink in the Dispersion of Layered Strontium Ruthnate, Physical Review Letters, 93(11), 117005/1-4, 20040901
  144. Electronic states near the Fermi edge of YbInCu$_4$, Physica, B351(1-4), 301-303, 20040901
  145. Direct evidence of ferromagnet without net magnetization observed by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, Physical Review, B70(13), 134418/1-5, 20041001
  146. Spin and orbital electronic states of Sm 4f electrons in (Sm,Gd)Al$_2$, Physica, B351(3-4), 333-337, 20040901
  147. Determination of the Orbital Polarization in YTiO$_3$ by Using Soft X-Ray Linear Dichroism, Physical Review Letters, 93(25), 257207/1-4, 20041201
  148. Nature of the Well Screened State in Hard X-Ray Mn 2p Core-Level Photoemission Measurement of La$_{1-x}$Sr$_x$MnO$_3$, Physical Review Letters, 93(23), 236401/1-4, 20041201
  149. Bulk electronic structure of Na$_{0.35}$CoO$_2$ center dot 1.3H$_2$O, Physical Review, B69(18), 20040501
  150. A probe of intrinsic valence band electronic structure: Hard x-ray photoemission, Applied Physics Letters, 84(21), 4310-4312, 20040501
  151. Hard X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy of Temperature-Induced Valence Transition in EuNi$_2$(Si$_{0.20}$Ge$_{0.80}$)$_2$, Journal of Physical Society of japan, 73, 2616, 20040401
  152. Electronic structure of oxysulfide (LaO)CuS and (La$_{1-x}$Ca$_x$O)Cu$_{1-x}$Ni$_x$S studied by photoemission and inverse-photoemission spectroscopies, Physical Review, B68(3), 035112/1-8, 20030601
  153. Temperature-dependence of the electronic states of Kondo semiconductor YbB$_{12}$, Physica, B351(3-4), 286-288, 20040901
  154. Hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy of YbInCu$_4$, Physica, B351(3-4), 298-300, 20040901
  155. Electronic states near the Fermi edge of YbInCu$_4$, Physica, B351(3-4), 301-303, 20040901
  156. Spin and orbital electronic states of Sm 4f electrons in (Sm, Gd)Al$_2$, Physica, B351(3-4), 333-337, 20040901
  157. Valence transition of YbInCu$_4$ observed in hard x-ray photoemission spectra, Physical Review Letters, 93(24), 246404/1-4, 20041201
  158. Characterization on As+ Heavily-Implanted Layer on Si(100) by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, 6th Hiroshima Intern. Symp. on Synchrotron Radiation (Higashi-Hiroshima= March 14= 2002), 20020401
  159. Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Ultrathin Yttrium Oxide Films on Silicon, 7th Hiroshima Intern. Symp. on Synchrotron Radiation (Higashi-Hiroshima= March 13-14= 2003), 218, 20030401
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  161. Direct observation of Tomonaga-Luttinger-liquid state in carbon nanotubes at low temperatures, Nature, 426, 540-544, 20031201
  162. Electronic structure of oxysulfide (LaO)CuS and (La1-xCaxO)Cu1-xNixS (x <= 0.10) studied by photoemission and inverse-photoemission spectroscopies, Physical Review B, 68(3), 035112, 20030701
  163. Photoemission study of CeMIn5 (M = Rh, Ir): nearly localized nature of f electrons, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 329, 547-548, 20030501
  164. High-resolution, low-temperature photoemission spectroscopy of Kondo semiconductor CeRhAs and related compounds, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 329(576-577), 20030501
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  191. Electronic structure of 3d-transition-metal compounds by analysis of the 2p core-level photoemission spectra, Phys. Rev. B, 46(7), 3771-3784, 19920401
  192. Evolution of the spectral function in Mott-Hubbard systems with d/sup 1/ configuration, Phys. Rev. Lett. (USA), 69(12), 1796-1799, 19920401
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  194. Giant crystal field and ferromagnetism in the Kondo system CeRh/sub 3/B/sub 2/: soft-X-ray linear-dichroism study, Phys. Rev. B, 46(15), 9845-9848, 19920401
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  198. Electronic structure and metal-insulator transitions in Ti and V oxides, Physica B (Netherlands), 186-188, 1074-1076, 19930401
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  204. Photoemission study of the electronic structure of the ferromagnetic Cr/sub 1- delta /Te system, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Suppl. (Japan), 32(suppl.32-3), 355-356, 19930401
  205. A photoemission and inverse-photoemission study of trigonal Te, J. Phys.= Condens. Matter. (UK), 6(27), 5181-5188, 19940401
  206. Metal-semiconductor transition and Luttinger-liquid behavior in quasi-one-dimensional BaVS/sub 3/ studied by photoemission spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B= Condens. Matter (USA), 49(23), 16191-16201, 19940401
  207. Valence fluctuation in alpha -CuVO/sub 3/ studied by photoemission spectroscopy, J. Solid State Chem. (USA), 112(1), 100-105, 19940401
  208. Mn 3d states in NiAs-type MnTe studied by means of synchrotron radiation photoemission, J. Phys.= Condens. Matter. (UK), 6(41), 8607-8612, 19940401
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  251. High-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of iron: a study of the self-energy, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 310, 1617-1619, 20070401
  252. Electronic structure and magnetism of CaMn_1-x_Ru_x_O_3_ thin films, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 310, 1070-1072, 20070401
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  255. Independent control of charge and spin density in Sr_1-(x+y)_La_x+y_Ti_1-x_Cr_x_O_3_ probed by photoemission spectroscopy, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 310, e278-e279, 20070401
  256. High-resolution angle-resolved photoemission study on the spin-polarized Fermi surface of Ni(100), Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 310, 1082-1083, 20070401
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  265. Mn 3d states in diluted magnetic semiconductor Zn$_{1-x}$Mn$_x$Te, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 79, 13-16, 19960501
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  271. Electronic structure of MnSb and MnP, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 101-103, 657-660, 19990601
  272. Photoemission and inverse-photoemission studies of Bi$_2$Y$_3$ (Y=S, Se, Te) semiconductors, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 101-103, 677-680, 19990601
  273. Temperature-dependent high-resolution photoemission study of the Kondo insulator Ce$_3$Bi$_4$Pt$_3$, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 101-103, 721-724, 19990601
  274. Temperature-dependent high-resolution photoemission study of Y$_{1-x}$Ca$_x$TiO$_3$, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 38-1, 206-208, 19990401
  275. Low-temperature high-resolution resonant photoemission study of Kondo insulator Ce$_3$Bi$_4$Pt$_3$, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 38-1, 209-211, 19990401
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  293. Photoemission and inverse-photoemission spectra of quasi-two-dimensional Mo$_4$O$_11$, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 78, 485-488, 19960501
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  1. Patent, US:5340976, 1994/08/23
  2. Patent, JP2535771, 1996/07/08
  3. Patent, JP2535772, 1996/07/08
  4. Patent, US:5552595, 1996/09/03
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  6. Patent, EP:0674338, 1998/07/29
  7. Patent, EP:0674169, 2002/09/25

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  1. 19th Hiroshima International Symposium for Synchrotron Radiation, 2014/04, 2015/03