Hideki Kuwajima
Last Updated :2024/10/07
- Affiliations, Positions
- Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor
- E-mail
- kuwajimahiroshima-u.ac.jp
- Self-introduction
- Born and Raised up in Gumma Prefecture, March 1970. BA (March 1993), MA (March 1996), and PhD (March 2004) in Aesthetics, especially concerning Edmund Burke's Thought and its Irish background, at Osaka University. JSPS Research Fellow (April 2001-March 2004), Associate Professor (April 2004-January 2016) and Full Professor at Hiroshima University (February 2016-the present). During 2000-2017, Lectured at Osaka Institute of Technology, Konan University, Shimane University, Osaka University, and Kyoto University. Specific research field is as follows: 1. Edmund Burke's life and thought, relating to the modern Irish history. 2. Landscape aesthetics, based on the local history, and its application to the contemporary city-planning. Now an editorial committee member of Japanese Society for British Philosophy and Japan-Ireland Society, and a chief of the Council for Higashihiroshima City Museum of Art.
Basic Information
Major Professional Backgrounds
- 2000/04/01, 2004/03/31, Osaka Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Lecturer
- 2001/04/01, 2004/03/31, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS), Research Fellow
- 2001/04/01, 2004/03/31, Konan University, Faculty of Letters, Lecturer
- 2001/04/01, 2008/03/31, Konan University, Konan Institute of Human Science, Visiting Research Fellow
- 2001/07/23, 2002/03/31, Kyoto University of Art and Design, Course of Science of Art, Lecturer (Summer Intensive Schooling)
- 2003/04/01, 2004/03/31, Osaka Institute of Technology, Faculty of Intellectual Property, Lecturer
- 2004/04/01, 2006/03/31, Hiroshima University, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Associate Professor (Aesthetics and Art Philosophy)
- 2006/04/01, 2007/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Associate Professor (Aesthetetics and Art Philosophy)
- 2007/04/01, 2016/01/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Associate Professor (Aesthetics and Art Philosophy)
- 2010/10/01, 2011/03/31, Shimane University., Faculty of Law and Literature, Lecturer (Intensive Lectures: February)
- 2011/04/01, 2012/03/31, The University of Dublin、 Ireland, Department of History、 Trinity College Dublin, Visiting Research Associate
- 2012/04/01, 2013/03/31, Osaka University., Graduate School of Letters and Faculty of Letters, Lecturer (Intensive Lectures: December)
- 2016/02/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Professor
- 2016/04/01, 2018/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Assistant of the Dean (International Exchange)
- 2017/10/01, 2018/03/31, Kyoto University, Graduate School of Economics, Lecturer
- 2020/04/01, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program), Professor
Educational Backgrounds
- Osaka University, Faculty of Letters, Aesthetics, Japan, 1989/04, 1993/03
- Osaka University, Graduate School of Letters, Aesthetics, Japan, 1994/04, 1996/03
- Osaka University, Graduate School of Letters, Aesthetics, Japan, 1996/04, 2001/03
Academic Degrees
- B.A., March 1993, Osaka University
- M. A., March 1996, Osaka University
- Ph.D., March 2004, Osaka University
Educational Activity
- [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Integrated Arts and Sciences : Department of Integrated Arts and Sciences : Integrated Arts and Sciences
- [Master's Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program
- [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program
Research Fields
- Humanities;Art studies;Aesthetics and studies on art
- Humanities;Art studies;Art at large
- Humanities;Philosophy;History of thought
Research Keywords
- Aesthetics of the Sublime
- Edmund Burke and His Cultural Background: History of the !8th Century Britain and Ireland
- Geo-Aesthetics, or Aesthetics on Nature
- Aesthetics on the Image of Landscape, or Nostalgia
- Philosophy on the HIROSHIMA Representation
- Irish Cinema and Irish Art Culture
- Aesthetics of the Celtic Culture
Affiliated Academic Societies
- The International Association for Aesthetics (IAA), 2000
- The International Society for Eighteenth-century Studies (ISECS), 2003
- ICDHS, 2002
- Japanese Society for Aesthetics, 1991
- Japanese Society for British Philosophy, 1994
- The Japanese Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 1996
- The Japan-Ireland Society, 2004
- The Society for Ethno-Arts, 2009
- Hiroshima Society for Science of Arts, 1997
- The Hiroishima-Ireland Fellowship, 2009
- The Society for Literary Art, 2000
- The Japanese Society for British Idealism, 2006
- Machikaneyama Society for Science of Arts (Osaka University), 1991
- The Society for Human Culture, 2006
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 4Term, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Sensibility
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Science of ArtA
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 4Term, Science of ArtB
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Research Tutorial I
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Aesthetics and Art Culture Studies
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Seminar in Art and Culture
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Aesthetics and KANSEI-affective Philosophy
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- (Author: Hideki KUWAJIMA) "Georg Simmels Untersuchung ueber das Erhabene von den Alpen:Warum kann man die Alpen als ein Motiv zu den bildenden Kuensten nicht ansehen ?", 217-227, 200303
- ★, (Author: Hideki KUWAJIMA)"Double Bias in Adopting Burke's Aesthetics: The Meiji Constitution and its Influence"(by Hideki Kuwajima), 89-96, 200403
- (Author: Hideki KUWAJIMA) "Aesthetics of Geology in Modern Painters: Ruskin reading the Mountain Landscapes", 105-126, 200412
- (single author) " The Possibility of Aesthetics of Nostalgic Homeland Feeling about Homeland and Its Limits ", 157-168, 20060330
- (Author: Hideki KUWAJIMA) “A Catholic Painter James Barry and the Portrait of Wounded Ireland: the Colonial Sublime or ‘Celtic’ Sublime”, Final Book of the 7th International Conference of Eastern Aesthetics, Yeungnam University, Korea, 2015
- ★, (Author: Hideki KUWAJIMA) “Landscape Aesthetics on the Sacred Island “Miyajima” in Hiroshima: In Terms of the Sublime, Grace, and the Picturesque”, Studies In Human Sciences: Bulletin of the Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University, 1, 10, 59-69, 201512
- Abstract: Single Author: " Edmund Burke and His Patron Porcelain Manufacturer of the 1770s in Bristol: Richard Champion and the "Burke Service" ", Abstract Book "Aesthetics and Mass Culture": 2016 20th International Congress of Aesthetics(published by 2016 ICA Secritariat, Department of Aesthetics, Seoul National University), 254-254, 201607
- ★, (Single Author)" Rethinking RYOTARO SHIBA's Historical Travel Writings relating to the Korean Peninsula: In Terms of the KANSEI-Affective Philosophy developed in His KAIDO WO YUKU Collection", Studies in the Science of Literary Art, edited by The Society for Science of Literary Art, 56-81, 20190331
- ★, (Single-author)Historical Landscape of "the Road of Kanashima" in Shibukawa, Gumma": An Essay Employong the KANSEI-affective Philosophy Developed in Rotaro Shiba's Travel Writings Kaido wo Yuku., Studies in Hiuman Sciences (Bulletin of the Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University, 1), 14, 47-69, 20191231
- Review: On Futoshi HOSHINO's Book: Rhetoric of the Sublime(Tokyo: Getsuyo-sha, Feb. 2017)., Bigaku (Aesthetics), edited by the Japanese Society for Aesthetics, 169-174, 20200630
- (Single-author: Book Review: in English) "Book Review: Sora Sato, Edmund Burke as Historian: War , Order and Civilisation(Palgrave Macmillan, 2018)", The East Asian Journal of British History (EAJBH), Vol. 8 April 2021, 8, 62-66, 202104
- ★, Mitsumasa ANNO telling from Ryotaro SHIBA's "Kaido wo Yuku": As a Tsuwano-born Painter and Decorative Illustrator., Eureka: Poetry and Criticism, 2021, No. 775 (Vol. 53-7)., 53(7), 145-155, 20210630
- ★, Single-Author: "Small-scaled Masterpiece Portrait of Dr. Christopher Nugent (1773) by James Barry, An Irish Painter in the 18th Century, and the Developmental Deviation: Regarding His Relationship with Patron, Grand Tour, and Academy. ", Studies in Integrated Arts and Sciences: Bulletin of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University, Vol. 2, 2021., 2, 1-24, 20211231
- Survey Article: The Possibility of Irish Philosophy and Thought, including Art, Religion, and Science., Studies in British Philosophy, No. 45, March 2022., 85-94, 20220320
- Single Author: Hirato NAMBA, or A Painter of 'Ruined' Dwellings: Depicting the Soul of the World Villages by His Setouchi-born Eyes., Special Exhibition Catalogue: HIRATO NAMBA: Painting the Soul of World Villages and Ruined Dwellings, Higashihiroshima City Museum of Art, October 2022., pp. 10-14., 10-14, 20221012
- (Co-Authored: Final Report) The Symposium Report on " Joint Performance by Hiroshima University, Art Museum, and Artist in Higashihiroshima City": As a Session of the Memorial Seminar Series concerning the Establishment of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University., Studies in Integrated Arts and Sciences (Bullein of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University), Vol. 3, 2022, 3, 29-47, 20221231
- ★, (Single-Author): Adapting Edmund Burke's Aesthetics of the Sublime for the Post-COVID Era: Exploring Potential Applications in a New Age of Crisis., Shakai to Rinri(Society and Ethics), No. 38, edited by Nanzan University Institute for Social Ethics, 97-109, 20231201
- ★, Single-Author: Ryotaro SHIBA's Narrative on Ireland, or the 'CelticTemperament': The Style and Perspective of His Historical Travel Essay: "Airurando-Kikou (Journey to Ireland)"., CARA, edited by the Celtic Society of Japan, 12-19, 2024
Publications such as books
- 2008/05, Singular Author: Suko no Bigaku (Aesthetics of the Sublime), Tokyo: Kodansha., Kodansha, 2008, 05, Scholarly Book, Single work, 日本語, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 978-4-06-258413-5, 254, 254
- 2012/12, (Co-author: with Yassushi HANDA, Tetsuo YAMAORI, Zubin MEHTA and others) Mighty Silence: Images of Destruction; The Great 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami of East Japan and Fukushima.(Collaboration Text by Hideki Kuwajima; Photographs of the Sublime: Y. Handa's great work, pp. 45-48.), Milano: Skira editore, 2012, 12, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 9788857215570, 261
- 2016/09/10, Single Author: Sei to Shi no Keruto Bigaku: Airu-rando Eiga ni yomu Yoroppa-bunka no Kosou (in English: Aesthetics of the Irish-Celtic concerning the LIfe and Death: the Older Layer of European Culture in Irish Films), Hosei University Press, 2016, 09, Scholarly Book, Single work, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 978-4-588-41031-4, 266, 266
- 2017/08/10, (Co-Authors and Joint-Editors) Burke Dokuhon: 'Hoshushugi-no-Chichi' saikou no Tameni (Edmund Burke Readers: Rethinking the 'Father of Conservativism'), Kyoto: Showado, 2017, 08, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation, 日本語, (Joint-Editors and Co-Authors) Nobuhiko Nakazawa and Hideki Kuwajima, (Other Co-Authors): Hajime Inuzuka, Masami Majima, Chihiro Kariya, Sora Sato, Kiyoshi Tachikawa, Kazunori Takahashi, Yoshinori Doi, Toshio Tsunoda., 978-4-8122-1626-2, 314, 314, Chapter 4: 'The Sublime, Taste, and Imagination'(pp. 92-112), Chapter 5: 'Burke's Irish Connections'(pp. 113-141)
- 2018/06/15, Sekai-rekishi-taikei, Airurando-shi (History of Ireland), edited by Itaru UENO, Arisa MORI, and Shunsuke KATSUTA., Tokyo: Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2018, 06, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 日本語, 978-4-634-46206-9, 487, 224-228
- 2019/01/31, "The Beautiful and the Sublime"(Hideki KUWAJIMA), in: History of Social Thought (Encyclopaedia), edited by the Society for History of Social Thought, Tokyo: Maruzen, January 2019, pp. 260-261., 2019, 01, Dictionary/Encyclopedia, Joint work, 日本語, 978-4-621-30341-2, 856, 260-261
- 2020/03/20, (Singular Author) Shiba Ryotaro, Tabisurukansei (in English: Shiba Ryotaro, Landscape Traveller), Kyoto: Sekaishisousha, 2020, 03, Scholarly Book, Single work, 日本語, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 9784790717393, 240
- 2020/12/25, Bigaku no Jiten (in English: Encyclopedia of Aesthetics), edited by the Japanese Society for Aesthetics. Single-author: Hideki KUWAJIMA, "Shumi/Kansei no Kyodoutai: Kiban toshite no Kyoutsuu-kankaku, Kokyou, Nosutarugii (in English: The Community of Taste/Sensibility: As a Basis of Common Sense, Homeland, and Nostargia)", pp. 116-117., Maruzen-publishing, 2020, 12, Dictionary/Encyclopedia, Joint work, 日本語, Hideki KUWAJIMA: Hiroshi YOSHIOKA(Chief of the Editorial Committee), Atsushi OKADA, Eisuke TSUGAMI(Sub-chiefs of the Editorial Committee), and others., 987-4-621-30542-3, 735, 116-117
- 2021/05/01, Jun IWAI and Hiroyuki TAKEZAWA (eds. ), Yoroppa Fukugo-kokka-ron no Kanosei: Rekishigaku to Shisoushi no Taiwa (in English: The Possibility of the Composite State in Europe: Conversation between Historians and Thought-historians), Kyoto: Minerva Shobo, May 2021. (Chapter 14 by Hideki KUWAJIMA: History of Social Reform in the 18th Century Ireland: G. Berkeley's The Querist and E. Burke's The Reformer after J. Swift.), Minerva shobo, 2021, 202105, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 日本語, Jun IWAI, HIroyuki TAKEZAWA, Masataka YASUTAKE, Atsushi OTSURU, HidetoMOCHIDUKI, Taro KINUGASA, Shunsuke KATSUTA, Wataru NAKAJIMA, Eiri SAITOU, Atsushi KAMATA, Ryuta NUKI, Toshimichi KIMURA, Keisuke TAKEI, Naohito MORI, Hideki KUWAJIMA, and Takamichi SATO., 978-4-623-09060-0, 356, pp. 261-278
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- “Double Bias in Adopting Burke's Aesthetics:The Meiji Constitution and its
Influence”, Hideki KUWAJIMA, The 15th International Congress of Aesthetics, 2001, 2001/08/29, Without Invitation, English, Internatinal Association for Aesthetics, The University of Tokyo, Kanda University of International Studies, Makuhari, Japan
- “Edmund Burke's Aesthetics as Anti-Ocularcentrism:A Connection between Sublime and Grace in Terms of the Tactile Sensation”, Hideki KUWAJIMA, Conference on Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art, supported by British Society of Aesthetics and Mind Association, (Warwick, UK, May 10-11, 2002), 2002/05/11, Without Invitation, English, British Society of Aesthetics and Mind Association, The University of Warwick, UK
- “Aesthetics of Geology in Modern Painters: Ruskin reading the Mountain Landscapes”, Hideki KUWAJIMA, The 3rd International Conference of Eastern Aesthetics, 2004/02/23, Without Invitation, English, The Korean University of Arts(KNUA) , Seoul, Korea, The Korean University of Arts(KNUA) , Seoul, Korea
- " The Possibility of Nostalgic Homeland Aesthetics and Its Limits ", Hideki KUWAJIMA, The 12th Japan-Korea Society for Aesthetics, Hiroshima 2004 , at Hiroshima University, August 6-11, 2004, 2004/08/07, Without Invitation, Japanese, Joosik MIN and others, Hiroshima University
- “Landscape Aesthetics on the Sacred Island “Miyajima” in Hiroshima: In Terms of the Sublime, Grace, and Picturesque", Hideki KUWAJIMA, Seminar of the Institute of Irish Japan Studies, University College Cork., 2012/03/08, With Invitation, English, Graham Parkes, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
- “A Catholic Painter James Barry and the Portrait of the Wounded Ireland in the 18th Century: the Colonial or ‘Celtic’ Sublime”, Hideki KUWAJIMA, The 7th International Conference of Eastern Aesthetics, 2014/07/08, Without Invitation, English, Yeungnam University, Korea, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan, Korea
- " Edmund Burke and His Patron Porcelain Manufacturer of the 1770s in Bristol: Richard Champion and the "Burke Service" ", Hideki KUWAJIMA, The 20th International Congress of Aesthetics, 2016, 2016/07/25, Without Invitation, English, International Association for Aesthetics), The Korean Society of Aesthetics , Seoul National University, Seoul National University,Seoul, Korea
- "Lafcadio Hearn's 'Celtic Lullaby' and Irish Metamorphosis Aesthetics", Hideki KUWAJIMA, Hiroshima Philosophy Forum #2, 2017/08/04, Without Invitation, English, The Setouchi Society of Philosophy (Organizer: Kengo MIYAZONO), Hiroshima University (HIgashi-hiroshima Campus)
- ” Lafcadio Hearn's 'Celtic Lullaby' and the Resonance of Irish Aesthetics: From his Essay "By the Japanese Sea" ", Hideki KUWAJIMA, UCD HI Seminar Series (celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Ireland), organized by Japan Group at Humanities Institute, University College Dublin (supported by Embassy of Japan in Ireland), 2017/09/14, With Invitation, English, University College Dublin(UCD), Japan Group (supported by Embassy of Japan in Ireland), Univeristy College Dublin (Belfield Campus), Ireland.
- "The Invented Images of Edmund Burke: Cover-up/Deletion/Exaggeration in His Biographies and Portraits", Hideki KUWAJIMA, Symposium "Re-inventing Ireland"(Fuyuji TAMIGAWA, Tadashi YAMAMOTO, Hideki KUWAJIMA, and Toru SATO), 2018/11/25, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan-Ireland Society, Aoyamagakuin University, Tokyo
- Special Lecture: The Sensibility of the 'Marginal' Insular Country relating to Okinawa/Ryukyu: In Reference to the Irish Aesthetics, Hideki KUWAJIMA, Special Lecture 2019 at Art Studies Major, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts, 2019/12/20, With Invitation, Japanese, Art Studies Major, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts (Organizer: Moriya KIYATAKE), Shuri-Tonokura Campus, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts (Naha City)
- Special Lecture: On Supervising the Articles "Trans-Art Virtual Museum at Hiroshima University": In Terms of KANSEI-affective Aesthetics" in Offcial PR Magazine, HU-plus, Vol. 11, January 2020., Hideki KUWAJIMA, Liberal Arts 3: Seminar of Practical Arts A, 2020/06/11, With Invitation, Japanese, Faculty of Letters, Chuo University: Class managed by Emiko NAKASAKA and Saki YOKOYAMA, Tama Campus, Chuo University: Online Live Lecture
- Special Guest Talk, Hideki KUWAJIMA, Kazumasa YAMADA, Shigeru SOMEYA, Kazushi MOGI, Masae TSUNODA, Mari SUDA, Memorial Symposium of The Exhibition SHINREI no MNABI-YA ni sodatta SAKKA-TACHI for the 20th Anniversary of Shibukawa City Art Museum and the 100th Anniversary of Gumma Prefectural Shibukawa High School, at Shubukawa City Civic Center, November 8, 2020., 2020/11/08, With Invitation, Japanese, Chief of the Exhibition Committee: Satoshi KANAI, Shibukawa City Civic Center
- Research Talk No.2: Beauty and Design: History, Future, Diversity, organized by URA office, Hiroshima University: Facilitator: Hideki KUWAJIMA, Panelists: Kentaro YAGI, Takiko TATARA, and Yuichi KURITA. February 3, 2021, at Hiroshima University (Higashihiroshima Campus: Online)., Facilitator: Hideki KUWAJIMA, Panelists: Kentaro YAGI, Takiko TATARA, and Yuichi KURITA., 2021/02/03, With Invitation, Japanese, URA, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima University (Higashihiroshima Campus)
- The Sensibility, or Aesthetics of Far West and Far East: Ryotaro SHIBA's Ireland and Ancient Japan., Hideki KUWAJIMA, University for Citizen in Habikino, Academic Year 2020 (at LIC Habikino, Osaka), March 29, 2021., 2021/03/29, With Invitation, Japanese, President Atsuro KAWAUCHI, Habikino Shimin Daigaku (University for Citizen in Habikino), Habikino City, Osaka
- Public-Opened Lecture(Online Seminar) : Ireland and Ryotaro SHIBA, Hideki KUWAJIMA, Public Lecture in Kansai(ZOOM Online), organized by Japna-Ireland Society, 2021/10/16, With Invitation, Japanese, Japan-Ireland Society, Online Seminar, in corporation with Osaka University of Economics
- Symposium Chair's Introductory Talk: Beginning with Human Body, the Feminine, and the Barbarous in Burke's Aesthetics and Its Limits., Hideki KUWAJIMA, Symposium: "The View of the World, Civilization, and Humanity by Edmund Burke as An Irish in the 18th Century and Its Limits"(Organizer and Chair: Hideki KUWAJIMA; Panel: Ryuta NUKI, Chihiro KARIYA, and Hiroko GOTO; Special Commentator: Kiyoshi Tachikawa), the 28th Annual Conference of Irish Studies, Japan-Ireland Society, at Seijo University, November 28, 2021., 2021/11/28, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan-Ireland Society, Tokyo: Seijo University
- Symposium: "The Collaboration of Art Museum, Hiroshima University, and Artist: How to Create the Citizen and Cityscape in the Future by Aesthetics"., Hideki KUWAJIMA, Panel: Aya FUJIOA, Hiroshi MATSUDA, Special Commentator: Toshihisa ASANO., A Memorial Seminar of the Institution of Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, No. 1., 2021/12/11, With Invitation, Japanese, Integrated Arts and Sciences Program, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences.(Organizer: Hideki KUWAJIMA), Mirai Crea, Higashi-hiroshima Campus, Hiroshima Univeraity: Online-Seminar
- Symposium Panel Presentation: Possibility of Applying the Sublime by Edmund Burke into the Contemporary Context of the Age of After Covid-19, The 46th Annual Conference of The Japanese Society for British Philosophy, March 20, 2022., Hideki KUWAJIMA, The 46th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for British Philosophy(March 19-20, 2022, Zoom Online/Nihon University)., 2022/03/20, With Invitation, Japanese, The Japanese Society for British Philosophy, Zoom Online/Tokyo: Nihon University.
- Workshop: Approach to Peace: Co-creation between Theory and Practice., Mari KATAYANAGI, Osamu YOSHIDA, Kyoko OKUMOTO, Masako YONEKAWA, and others., 2022/03/22, With Invitation, Japanese, SSI, Osaka University., Zoom Online/Osaka University
- "Cultural Design of Inversion Aesthetics from the Negative to the Positive: Based on Edmund Burke and Lafcadio Hearn " (Paper Contribution: November 17, 2022)., Hideki KUWAJIMA (Paper Contribution), Internatinal Design Trend Symposium and Forum, Internatinal Design Exhibition2022: Public Brand, from Macro to Micro: November 17-20, 2022, at Kyung Hee University, Korea., 2022/11/17, With Invitation, Japanese, Internatinal Design Trend Symposium and Forum, Kyung Hee University, Korea
- Special Talk (November 19, 2022 at Higashihiroshima City Museum of Art): Hirato NAMBA, a Painter and Hideki KUWAJIMA, a Aesthetician., Hirato NAMBA (Painter / Emeritus Professor of Art Education, at Hiroishima University), Hideki KUWAJIMA (Professor of Aesthetics and Art Philosophy at Hiroshima University)., Event No. 4, relating to the Special Exhibition "HIRATO NAMBA: Painting the Soul of World Villages and Ruined Dwellings"(October 12-December 4, 2022) at Higashihiroshima City Museum of Art., 2022/11/19, With Invitation, Japanese, Higashihiroshima City Museum of Art, The Chugoku Shimbun Newspaper Company., Artspace at Higashihiroshima City Museum of Art (Face-to-face Meeting: 40 participants)
- Special Talk Celebrated St. Patrick's Day 2023 in Hiroshima: Human Beings, Nature, and Art in the Cinema "The Banshees of Inisherin"(2022) directed by Martin McDonagh. (Supported by Johakyu Ltd. and Hiroshima-Ireland Fellow Association), Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2023/03/17, With Invitation, Japanese, Johakyu Ltd., Hiroshima, Salon Cinema 1 and 2, Hachoubori, Hiroshima City.
- Art Gallery Talk: The Persian Remains Mound and Material Culture: Its Exploration and Expression: The Celebrated 50th Anniversary of the Hiroshima University Archaeological Academic Reasearch Teams in Iran. April 29, 2023, at Art Gallery G, Hiroshima City., Hisashi NOJIMA, Kiyohide FURUSE, Yui ARIMATSU, and Hideki KUWAJIMA, Special Exhibition: The Celebrated 50th Anniversary of the Hiroshima University Archaeological Academic Reasearch Teams in Iran, April 25-30, 2023., 2023/04/29, With Invitation, Japanese, Archaeology Course, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences., Art Gallery G, Hiroshima City.
- Academic Lecture(at Toyama University): Lafcadio Hearn's Eye and Ear, or Aesthetical Power of the Inversion of the Negative to the Positive by Him., Hideki KUWAJIMA, Academic Lecture, supported by JSPS KAKEN-HI:22K00483(Toshie NAKAJIMA, Toyama University), 2023/07/07, With Invitation, Japanese, Toshie NAKAJIMA, Toyama University., Faculty of Humanities, Toyama University (Gofuku Campus)
- Academic Lecture: Ryotaro SHIBA's View of Ireland, or the "Celtic" Characters: The Method and Perspective of his Airurando-kikou (Travel Essay to Ireland), organized by The Celtic Society of Japan (Keiko YAMAMOTO)., Hideki KUWAJIMA, The Celtic Seminar Series in 2023, organized by the Celtic Society of Japan, 2023/10/01, With Invitation, Japanese, The Celtic Society of Japan (Fukuoka: Keiko YAMAMOTO), and Fukuoka City etc., Airefu Hall, Fukuoka city
- Open Lecture (managed by Japan-Ireland Society): The Irish Civil War and Cinema: Analysis on Martin McDonagh's film, "The Banshees of Inisherin"(2022)., Hideki KUWAJIMA, Open-Lecture 2023 in Kansai district, organized by the Japan-Ireland Society., 2023/10/07, With Invitation, Japanese, The Japan-Ireland Society, Osaka University of Economics(Osumi Campus, Osaka city)
- Poster Presentation: Why are we fascinated by a wild landscape or a melancholy tale: the Cultural Power of 'Aesthetics of the Pain-Inversion'., Hideki KUWAJIMA, Organizer: Naoki MIYANO (Kyoto University / IIAS, Kyoto, JAPAN), Blind Poster Presentation: 3QUESTIONS (March 3-6, at the SENDA LAB, Higashi-ssenda Campus, Hiroshima University), 2024/03/04, With Invitation, Japanese, International Institute for Advanced Studies (Kyoto, Japan), co-hosted by Hiroshima University etc., Sponsored by Nikkei Shimbun., SENDA Lab (Building L, 5F), Higashi-senda Campus, Hiroshima University.
- Various Faces of Edmund Burke as a 18th-century Irish Who Moved to London: In Terms of the Bond of Catholicism and Quakerism by Him., Hideki KUWAJIMA, The 48th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for British Philosophy, March 23-24,2024 at University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus)., 2024/03/23, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Japanese Society for British Philosophy, University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus, managed by Kazuyoshi OHISHI.
- Academic Lecture(in English): Sublime Aesthetics, or the Cultural and Mythical Inversion Power of Negativity: From Edmund Burke's Ireland to Lafcadio Hearn's Izumo in Hidden Japan, Interdisciplinary Japan Studies Seminar(Japan Seminar Series), organized by UCD Centre for Japanese Studies[Naonori Kodate] and UCD Centre for Asia-Pacific Research, University College Dublin(D101 Newman Building at Belfield Campus, held on March 27, 2024, facilitated by Mary Gallagher)., Hideki KUWAJIMA, Interdisciplinary Japan Studies Seminar (Japan Seminar Series), organized by UCD Centre for Japanese Studies and UCD Centre for Asia-Pacific Research, University College Dublin., 2024/03/27, With Invitation, English, UCD Centre for Japanese Studies and UCD Centre for Asia-Pacific Research, University College Dublin, Ireland., Dublin(The Repblic of Ireland): UCD
- Book Review Session (Commentator 2: Hideki KUWAJIMA): Special Session of the Eastern Branch, the Japanese Society for Aesthetics: Yoko IOKU, Introduction to Modern Aesthetics, Tokyo: Chikuma shobo, 2023.(Organizer and Facilitator: Mami Aota, the Other Commentator: Tanehisa OTABE)., Hideki KUWAJIMA, Mami Aota, Yoko IOKU, and Tanehisa OTABE., Special Session of the Eastern Branch, the Japanese Society for Aesthetics, 2024/04/19, With Invitation, Japanese, The Japanese Society for Aesthetics, Zoom Online, Participants: about 135 persons
- Internatinal Symposium Presentation: "The Sublime, Ornamental Design, and Yasushi INOUE and Ryotaro SHIBA: 3 Key-Points for Internatinal Collaborative Research between Zhenzhou University and Hiroshima University in Humanities and Social Sciences". Proceedings: Internatinal Symposium Reports: "Yellow River 'Heng-Hu' Civilization and East Asia", edited by School of Foreign Languages and International Relations at Zhengzhou University (responsible: Jiyong GE), May 15, 2024., Hideki KUWAJIMA, Yasushi ARAMI, Naoe KAWAMOTO, Makoto WATANABE, and Jiyong GE (Keiyu KATSU) etc., Internatinal Symposium: "The Yellow River 'Heng-Hu' Civilization and East Asia: A Retrospective and Prospective on the 5th Anniversary of Academic and Educational Exchange between Zhengzhou University and Hiroshima University" (Hiroshima University 75th Anniversary Project), Co-hosted by: Zhengzhou University and Hiroshima University, Managed by: School of Foreign Languages and International Relations at Zhengzhou University (responsible person: Jiyong GE)., 2024/05/26, Without Invitation, Japanese, Zhengzhou University, Henan Province, China
- Special Talk of Irish Cinema: "Song of the Sea"(directed by Tomm Moore, 2014), celebrated 10th Anniversary by Filmarks (managed by the Jo-ha-kyu Company, in Salon Cinema, Hiroshima, June 30, 2024)., Hideki KUWAJIMA, Special Talk of the Irish Cinema in Hiroshima, No. 2, 2024/06/30, With Invitation, Japanese, Jo-ha-kyu Company (Theatre Manager: Kentaro KURAMOTO), Hachobori, Hiroshima City
- Lecture on Irish Cinema:Young Plato, (director and cinematographer: Neasa Ni Chianain, 2021), managed by Hiroshima Film Circle Council, supported by the Hiroshima City Cultural Foundation, October 6, 2024, YUIPOTO: Hiroshima City Gender Equality Promotion Center, Takanobashi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima City., Hideki KUWAJIMA, Lecture on Irish Cinema: Young Plato (2021) for Special Screening, organized by the Hiroshima Film Circle Council., 2024/10/06, With Invitation, Japanese, The Hiroishima Film Circle Council, supported by the Hiroshima City Cultural Council, YUIOPOTO: Hiroshima City Gender Equality Center
- 2011/06, Prize (Honorable Mentions), The 2nd Japan-EU English Haiku Contest, EU and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan
- 2017/04/22, The 14th Award of the Society for Ethno-Arts (Shigenobu KIMURA Award), The Society for Ethno-Arts, Academic Prize for Publishing a Book
Works, etc.
- (映画批評)斎藤久志監督『はいかぶり姫物語』(16ミリ, カラー100分, 1985年/第2回ぴあフィルムフェスティバル・スカラシップ作品)。『シネマディクト主催映画祭〈1996・夏・湘南《斎藤久志監督作品》レトロスペクティブ〉特装パンフレット』, pp. 12-13。, 1996/06
- (翻訳:展覧会図録・解説)アルマン・ド・トランティニヤン「カタログ解説」(前田茂・桑島秀樹・池田葉子・村上敬 共訳:原文フランス語), 富山県立近代美術館ほか編 展覧会図録『ジャン・デュビュッフェ展』1997年, pp.24-164。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, Shigeru MAEDA, Yoko IKEDA, and Takashi MURAKAMI., 1997/05, 1997/05, The Others
- (書評)Michael B. Prince, Philosophical Dialogue in the British Enlightenment:Theology, Aesthetics and the Novel (Cambridge University Press, 1996). 日本18世紀学会編『日本18世紀学会年報』第14号, pp. 29-30。, 1999/07
- (書評)安西信一『イギリス風景式庭園の美学―〈開かれた庭〉のパラドックス』東京大学出版会, 2000年。日本イギリス哲学会編『イギリス哲学研究』第25号, pp. 97-99。, 2002/03
- (造形芸術批評)「夢幻へと誘うリアルさ―興福寺東金堂〈維摩居士坐像〉―」(連載記事「関西美術探訪」その4),『大阪日日新聞』(朝刊)第9面, 平成14年8月28日付。, 2002/08, Artistic Activity
- (学会・講演会記録)「作家・高見広春氏講演会をめぐる覚書:ユニバーサル・ルールとしてのハードボイルド―〈どんな時代でも、わかってる奴にはわかってる〉」, 文芸学研究会編『文芸学研究』第7号, pp. 121-135。, 2003/03
- (造形芸術批評)「時空を超えた〈巨大さ〉堪能―「弘法大師入唐1200年記念 空海と高野山」―」(連載記事「関西美術探訪」その40),『大阪日日新聞』(朝刊)第9面, 平成15年5月14日付。, 2003/05, Artistic Activity
- (書評)神尾美津雄『アルパイン・フラヌール―イギリス自然意識の原像―』鷹書房弓プレス, 2001年。日本18世紀学会編『日本18世紀学会年報』第18号, pp. 63-65。, 2003/06
- (学会・講演会記録)安西信一『イギリス風景式庭園の美学―〈開かれた庭〉のパラドックス』(東京大学出版会, 2000年)」をめぐる「総括」及び「コメント」(第53回美学会全国大会ワークショップ第4室), 青木孝夫ほか監修『第53回美学会全国大会当番校企画報告書』広島大学, pp. 40-42(総括), pp. 45-47(コメント)。, 2003/12
- (学会研究報告要旨)「若きバーク像の再検証―誕生から幼少年期までのアイルランド時代をめぐる伝記的考察から―」(単著), 日本イギリス哲学会第28回関西部会, 平成15年7月5日発表(於 京大会館)。日本イギリス哲学会編『イギリス哲学研究』第27号, pp. 104-105。, 2004/03
- (造形芸術批評)「飛鳥寺に想う日朝交流史―〈移民〉と〈クレオール〉の島、ニッポン―」, in:Missing Essays in What is Art History to Me (エッセイ集『美術史と私』): A Commemorative Publication for Professor YU Joonyoung, 閔周植ほか監修『第11回韓日美学研究会報告書』嶺南大学, pp. 177-187。, 2004/05, Artistic Activity
- (翻訳:都市論・論文)ジャレ・エルツェン「トルコの近代化と芸術・文字・都市」(単訳:原文英語),『デザイン・ディスコース』創刊準備号(Vol. 0):『アイディア』第304号(2004. 5)別冊付録, 誠文堂新光社, pp. 38-51。, 2004/05
- (書評:フォーラム)神尾美津雄, 桑島秀樹「『アルパイン・フラヌール―イギリス自然意識の原像―』への本誌書評をめぐって」, 日本18世紀学会編『日本18世紀学会年報』第19号, pp. 51-53。, 2004/06
- (学会・講演会記録)「長迫英倫『伊藤仁斎における詩の位置』をめぐって」(広島芸術学会第18回大会報告・研究発表②)。広島芸術学会編『広島芸術学会報』第79号, pp. 2-4。, 2004/10
- (書評)佐々木和貴編『演劇都市はパンドラの匣を開けるか』(初期近代イギリス表象文化アーカイヴ2)ありな書房, 2002年。甲南大学人間科学研究所編『心の危機と臨床の知』第6号, pp. 129-131。_x000D_
_x000D_, 2005/02
- (博士学位論文要旨)「初期バークにおける美学思想の全貌―18世紀ロンドンに渡ったアイリッシュの詩魂―」(単著),『大阪大学大学院文学研究科 紀要』第45巻, pp. 80-81。, 2005/03
- (学会研究報告要旨)「エドマンド・バーク美学揺籃の地としての〈母なる山〉ネーグル―18世紀コーク州ブラックウォター谷における二つの家族の出会いから―」(単著), 日本アイルランド協会編『エール(アイルランド研究)』第25号, pp. 196-198。, 2005/12
- (書評)Peter de Bolla, Art Matters(Harvard University Press, 2001). 甲南大学人間科学研究所編『心の危機と臨床の知』第8号, pp.139-143。, 2007/02
- (展覧会パネル展示)「崇高の美学―宮島風景美学」(単独パネル2枚):パネル1「宮島風景美学―崇高な山岳と優美な社殿、大鳥居からのピクチャレスクな眺め―」+パネル2(回転パネル)「ヒロシマ《崇高》天地反転図 :広島二大世界遺産、あるいは、反転する二つの「崇高」―厳島神社と原爆ドーム―」, 広島大学総合博物館第二回企画展《世界遺産 宮島の魅力―発進!!広大の宮島学―》, 会期:平成20年7月18日-8月7日(於 広島大学学士会館レセプションホール, ほか巡回)_x000D_, 2008/07
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論/E・バーク論)「〈崇高〉の聖地――愛蘭土紀行(1)ゴールウェイ」(巻頭エッセイ),『誠信プレビュー(seishin Preview)』第103号, pp.3-6, 誠信書房。, 2009/01
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論/E・バーク論)「コーク生まれのカトリック画家 ジェイムズ・バリーの出帆 ―1764年、同郷の政治家バークに見初められて―」, 日本アイルランド協会編『アイルランド協会会報』第73号, p. 7。, 2009/04
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論/E・バーク論)「バークの肖像(その1)―ブリストル陶器と自由と妻ジェーン―」, 広島芸術学会編『広島芸術学会報』第102号, p. 3。, 2009/04
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論/E・バーク論)「〈崇高〉の聖地――愛蘭土紀行(2)コーク州ブラックウォーター渓谷」(巻頭エッセイ),『誠信プレビュー(seishin Preview)』第105号, pp.3-6, 誠信書房。, 2009/07
- (シンポジウム・パネル報告要旨)「ヒロシマと〈不在の身体〉―喪のアート化としての演劇的身ぶり―」(単著:平成21年8月27日ゲスト報告:シンポジウムB「〈広島〉と身体文化―ローカリティの哲学の試み」), 日本体育学会編『日本体育学会第60回記念大会 予稿集』広島大学(会期:平成21年8月26日-28日), pp. 31-32。, 2009/08
- (研究エッセイ:宮本常一論)「〈美学〉と交差する手法」(「宮本常一『忘れられた日本人』発表50年」特集 寄稿記事),『中国新聞』(朝刊)第24面(解説・総合面), 平成21年9月6日付。_x000D_
_x000D_, 2009/09
- (研究エッセイ:故郷論/群馬論/原爆ヒロシマ論/アイルランド論など)「美学者、野を歩く ①~⑧」(文化面「緑地帯」コーナー連載・全8回),『中国新聞』(朝刊), 平成22年9月8日―17日(①:8日, 第13面, ②:9日, 第10面, ③:10日, 第13面, ④:11日, 第17面, ⑤:14日, 第9面, ⑥:15日, 第13面, ⑦:16日, 第13面, ⑧:17日, 第13面)。, 2010/09
- (シンポジウム・パネル報告要旨)「山を描く、石を拾う ―大地の肌理を読む美学―」(単著:_x000D_
平成21年10月10日報告:パネルA「環境の美学―自然・都市・日常―」), 美学会編『第60回美学会全国大会 プログラム・発表要旨』東京大学(会期:平成21年10月10日-12日), p. 61。, 2009/10
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論/E・バーク論)「〈崇高〉の聖地――愛蘭土紀行(3)キャッシェル」(巻頭エッセイ),『誠信プレビュー(seishin Preview)』第106号, pp.3-6, 誠信書房。, 2009/11
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論/E・バーク論)「バークの肖像(その2)―カトラス・チェアと刑罰法と従姉ナノ・ネーグル―」, 広島芸術学会編『広島芸術学会報』第105号, p. 6。, 2009/11
- (学会・講演会記録)「谷藤史彦『マキアイオーリ後期における浮世絵版画の影響 ―1870年代以降のイタリア絵画空間と葛飾北斎〈三つわりの法〉―』をめぐって」(広島芸術学会第89回例会報告・研究発表②), 広島芸術学会編『広島芸術学会報』第106号, p. 3。, 2010/01
- (シンポジム・パネル報告要旨)「花を愛で山に叫ぶ人間、あるいは抽象に遊ぶ現代芸術を考える―〈美〉と〈崇高〉のエステティクス―」(単著:平成22年5月29日ゲスト報告:大会企画シンポジウム「新たな感動研究に向けて―他領域から心理学への示唆―」), 日本感情心理学会編『日本感情心理学会第18回大会―プログラム・予稿集―』広島大学(会期:平成22年5月29・30日), pp. 15-16。, 2010/05
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論/E・バーク論)「精霊と現代アイリッシュ・ホラー」, コラム「あいるらんどの小窓(その1)」(P・トレメイン『アイルランド幻想』甲斐萬里江訳, 光文社文庫, 平成17年8月の紹介), 広島・アイルランド交流会編『広島・アイルランド交流会会報』創刊号, 第2面。, 2010/07
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論/E・バーク論)「バーク、キルデアの夢 ―クエーカー学校とシャクルトン父子―(前篇)」(巻頭エッセイ), 日本アイルランド協会編『アイルランド協会会報』第78号, p. 1 。, 2010/07
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論/E・バーク論)「バーク、キルデアの夢 ―クエーカー学校とシャクルトン父子―(後篇)」(巻頭エッセイ), 日本アイルランド協会編『アイルランド協会会報』第79号, p. 1 。, 2010/10
- (書評)Sean Patrick Donlan (ed.), Edmund Burke's Irish Identities (Irish Academic Press, 2006). 日本イギリス哲学会編『イギリス哲学研究』第34号, pp.83-85。, 2011/03
- (English Haiku Work/英語俳句・Prize受賞): The 2nd Japan-EU English Haiku Contest(by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan and EU), May 2011., Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2011/05, Artistic Activity
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論/E・バーク論)「ダブリン、あるいはリフィの女神像」, コラム「あいるらんどの小窓(その2)」, 広島・アイルランド交流会編『広島・アイルランド交流会会報』第2号, 第2面。, 2011/07
- (シンポジウム・パネル報告要旨)「十八世紀アイルランド人画家ジェイムズ・バリー ―カトリック刑罰法と〈ケルト的崇高〉―」(単著), 広島芸術学会編『広島芸術学会報』第118号, p. 4(広島芸術学会第26回大会・シンポジウム「芸術と地域」, 会期:平成24年7月21日 於ひろしま美術館講堂)。, 2012/06, The Others
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論/バーク論)「奇跡の緑野の聖メアリ」, コラム「あいるらんどの小窓(その3), 広島・アイルランド交流会編『広島・アイルランド交流会会報』第3号, 第2面。, 2012/07
- (上演芸術批評)「広島現代舞踊の未来形―国本文平新作『Anima!』―」(寄稿記事), 『中国新聞』(朝刊)第12面(文化面), 平成24年9月11日。, 2012/09, Artistic Activity
- (学会・講演会記録)在愛写真家・藤田需子女史講演会「ダブリン・チャペリゾッドに生き、文豪ジョイスを撮る―その生活と芸術を語る―」(広島・アイルランド交流会第7回例会報告), 広島・アイルランド交流会編『広島・アイルランド交流会会報』第4号, 第1面―第2面。, 2013/08
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論/バーク論)「〈メタモルフォーゼ〉するアイルランド的想像力と〈映画〉の美学」, コラム「あいるらんどの小窓(その4), 広島・アイルランド交流会編『広島・アイルランド交流会会報』第4号, 第2面。, 2013/08
- (学会・講演会記録)「上野仁『裂開-亀裂-逃走としての芸術作品―ハイデッガー・アドルノ・ドゥルーズ=ガタリにおける思考しえないものの生成力』をめぐって」(広島芸術学会第27回大会研究発表報告・研究発表①), 広島芸術学会編『広島芸術学会報』 第124号, pp. 2-3, 2013年8月。, 2013/08, 2013/08, The Others
- (シンポジウム・パネル報告要旨)「第1回関東部会 有江大介編『ヴィクトリア時代の思潮とJ. S. ミル』三和書房、2013年をめぐって コメント概要(1)」, 経済学史学会編『経済学史学会ニュース』第43号, 2014年1月20日発行, pp. 14-15。, 2014/01
- (学会研究報告要旨)「渡英以前、ダブリン・トリニティ・カレッジ期のバークの〈交遊〉と〈感性〉-『改革者(The Reformer)』刊行に至るまでの精神的遍歴―」(単著), 日本イギリス哲学会第48回関西部会, 2013年7月20日(於 キャンパスプラザ京都)発表, 日本イギリス哲学会編『イギリス哲学研究』第37号, pp. 187-188。, 2014/03
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論)「童話絵本のなかのアイルランド―せなけいこ『メロウ』から―」:コラム「あいるらんどの小窓」(その5), 広島・アイルランド交流会編『広島・アイルランド交流会会報』第5号, 第2面, 2014年7月。, 2014/07, 2014/07, The Others
- (研究発表・シンポジウム報告要旨) A Catholic Painter James Barry and the Wounded Ireland: the Colonial or 'Celtic' Sublime(平成26年7月8日、於 韓国・嶺南大学), The Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Eastern Aesthetics (第7回国際東方美学会議要旨集:平成26年7月7日ー11日開催) , pp. 54-55, 2014年7月。, 2014/07, 2014/07, The Others
- (学会・講演会記録)「山下寿水『建築写真のモダニティー、あるいは新即物主義のリアリズムについて』をめぐって」(広島芸術学会・第109回例会報告・研究発表②), 広島芸術学会編『広島芸術学会報』第131号, p. 3, 2015年2月。, 2015/02, 2015/02, The Others
- (対談・座談会記録)「芸術文化の展望(対談/平岡議員、西本議員が聞く)」, 東広島市議会・広報広聴会編『市議会だより(2015年3月号)』, pp. 1-3, 2015年3月。, 2015/03, 2015/03, The Others
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論)「古層を刻むクライストチャーチの丘――ダブリン・アースダイバー」:コラム「あいるらんどの小窓」(その6), 広島・アイルランド交流会編『広島・アイルランド交流会会報』第6号, 第2面, 2015年7月。, 2015/07, 2015/07, The Others
- (教養教育における環境教育)「人間・歴史・風景の感性哲学」, 広島大学環境マネジメント委員会・環境報告書作成専門委員会編『Environmental Report 2015 環境報告書』, p. 8, 2015年9月。, 2015/09, 2015/09, The Others
- (研究発表・シンポジウム報告要旨) 「E・バークの週刊新聞『改革者』に読む一八世紀アイルランド社会変革論―良き〈趣味〉により〈無気力の帝国〉を打ち破れ―」(西洋史部会、平成27年11月15日、於東京大学・本郷キャンパス),公益財団法人・史学会編『2015史学会第113回大会プログラム』山川出版社, pp. 59-60, 2015年11月。, 2015/11, 2015/11, The Others
- (学会・講演会記録)「上倉庸敬氏講演会『アイルランドの光と影―ジョン・フォードの場合、映画『静かなる男』をとおして』」, 広島・アイルランド交流会編『広島・アイルランド交流会 会報』第7号, 第2面, 2016年7月。, 2016/07, 2016/07, The Others
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論)「島国アイルランドの島めぐり―スケリグ・マイケルほか―」:コラム「あいるらんどの小窓」(その7), 広島・アイルランド交流会編『広島・アイルランド交流会 会報』第7号, 第2面, 2016年7月。, 2016/07, 2016/07, The Others
- (研究エッセイ)「小括・美学と人生―崇高・アイルランド・女たち―(巻頭言)」, 広島芸術学会編『広島芸術学会報』 第139)号, p. 1, 2016年8月。, 2016/08, 2016/08, The Others
- (研究発表・シンポジウム報告要旨) Edmund Burke and His Patron Porcelain Manufacturer of the 1770s in Bristol: Richard Champion and the "Burke Service", Abstract Book "Aesthetics and Mass Culture": 2016 20th International Congress of Aesthetics(published by 2016 ICA Secretariat, Department of Aesthetics, Seoul National University) , p. 254, 2016年7月。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2016/07, 2016/07, The Others
- (インタビュー記事)「今までの美術館、これからの美術館」, 『広報 東広島』( 東広島市企画部市政情報課編集・発行), No. 511, pp. 6-7, 2016年11月。, 2016/11, 2016/11, The Others
- (学会活動報告)「広島・アイルランド交流会(英名:Hiroshima-Ireland Fellowship)」, 日本アイルランド協会編『エール(アイルランド研究)』特別号(日本アイルランド協会50年史), pp. 258-260, 2017年3月。, 2017/03, 2017/03, The Others
- (研究エッセイ/インタビュー記事)「アイルランドの肌理を読む―人生との共鳴―(取材・まとめ:廣野元昭)」, 日本アイルランド協会編『エール(アイルランド研究)』特別号(日本アイルランド協会50年史), pp. 272-273, 2017年3月。, 2017/03, 2017/03, The Others
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論)「〈保守主義の父〉バークの読み直し―アイリッシュ・コネクションから―」:コラム「あいるらんどの小窓」(その8), 広島・アイルランド交流会編『広島・アイルランド交流会会報』第8号, 第2面, 2017年7月。, 桑島 秀樹, 2017/07, 2017/07, The Others
- (研究エッセイ:活動便り)「はてしなきアイルランド巡礼、ふたたび」(「民族藝術の四つ辻」コーナー), 民族芸術学会編『民族藝術学会会報』 第92号, pp. 4-5, 2018年3月。, 2018/03, 2018/03, The Others
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論)「保守的カトリック大国の変貌?―〈人工中絶〉と〈同性婚〉をめぐる国民投票より―」:コラム「あいるらんどの小窓」(その9), 広島・アイルランド交流会編『広島・アイルランド交流会 会報』第9号, 第2面, 2018年7月。, 2018/07, 2018/07, The Others
- (書評)Sora Sato, Edmund Burke as Historian: War, Order and Civilisation (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.), 日本18世紀学会編『日本18世紀学会年報』第34号, 2019年6月, pp. 95-96。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2019/06, 2019/06, The Others
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論)「ボールズブリッジの王立ダブリン協会(RDS)―18世紀の産業振興―」:コラム「あいるらんどの小窓」(その10), 広島・アイルランド交流会編『広島・アイルランド交流会 会報』第10号, 第2面, 2019年7月。, HIdeki Kuwajima, 2019/07, 2019/07, The Others
- (「アート/感性」関連記事の監修・執筆) 「(特集) 感性でつなぐ、広大アート」, 広島大学広報誌『HU-plus (エイチユー・プラス)』 vol. 11 (2020年1月号), pp. 7-9。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2019/12, 2019/12, The Others
- (書評への応答)「中澤信彦・桑島秀樹編『バーク読本:〈保守主義の父〉再考のために』に対する後藤浩子氏書評への編者からの応答」、日本アイルランド協会編『エール(アイルランド研究)』第39号、2020年3月、pp. 101-105。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2020/03/31, 2020/03, The Others
- (シンポジウム・パネル報告要旨)「創られたバーク・イメージの群れー伝記と肖像における隠蔽・抹消・誇張―」(シンポジウム「アイルランドの再創成」:司会・構成:谷川冬二)、日本アイルランド協会編『エール(アイルランド研究)』第39号、2020年3月、pp. 137-140。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2020/03/31, 2020/03, The Others
- (エッセイ[電子版]:自著出版に関連して)「『司馬遼太郎 旅する感性』 博学な作家に学ぶ知と想像力の旅」、「じんぶん堂」(歴史・社会:2020.03.26)」朝日新聞社「好書好日」×出版社、2020年3月26日掲載。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2020/03/26, 2020/03, Web Service
- (書籍紹介記事[電子版]:「ブックキュレーター」として)「“「感性の旅人」たちの本”」(沢木耕太郎『旅する力』、エリアス・カネッテイ『マラケシュの声』、宮本常一『辺境を歩いた人々』、栩木 伸明『アイルランドモノ語り』、桑島秀樹『司馬遼太郎 旅する感性』)、「honto ブックツリー」ハイブリッド型総合書店honto、2020年4月9日掲載。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2020/04/09, 2020/04, Web Service
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論)「クロムウェル軍のキャノンボール発見——島西部クレア州バリーカー村」、広島・アイルランド交流会編『広島・アイルランド交流会 会報』第11号(「あいるらんどの小窓(その11)」)、2020年7月1日、第二面。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, Essay: On Discovery of Cromwellian Cannonball in Ballycar, Co. Clare, June 2020., 2020/07, 2020/07, Annual Report of the Hiroshima-Ireland Fellowship, No. 11, July 2020, p. 2., The Others
- (研究エッセイ:都市風景論/アイルランド論)「ダブリン都市風景の未来―TCDの「生物多様性(biodiversity)推進に寄せて―」、日本アイルランド協会編『日本アイルランド協会 会報』第106号、2020年8月5日、p. 3。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2020/08/05, 2020/08, The Others
- (書評)田中祐子『公共的知識人の誕生:スウィフトとその時代』(昭和堂、2019年3月), Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2021/03/31, 2021/03, eire (Irish Studies), No. 40, edited by Japan-Ireland Society, pp. 105-110., The Others
- (研究エッセイ:司馬遼太郎論/アイルランド論)「司馬遼太郎『街道をゆく―—愛蘭土紀行』再読」(コラム「あいるらんどの小窓(その12)」)、広島・アイルランド交流会編『広島・アイルランド交流会 会報』第12号、2021年7月1日、第2面, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2021/07/01, 2021/07, The Others
- (学会開催報告)「報告・2021年度第28回アイルランド研究年次大会―コロナ禍のはざまに知的交わりの歓びを再確認―」、日本アイルランド協会編『日本アイルランド協会 会報』第110号、pp. 1-2。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2022/03/01, 2022/03, The Others
- (寄稿記事:電子版)『あの人も渋高だった―』No.7 (桑島秀樹)、渋川高校東京同窓会HP(群馬県立渋川高等学校/旧制渋川中学校), Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2022/05/10, 2022/05, The Others
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論/ダブリン都市文化論)「ジョイスで歩く1904年のダブリンー『ユリシーズ』刊行100周年」(コラム「あいるらんどの小窓(その13)」)、広島・アイルランド交流会編『広島・アイルランド交流会 会報』第13号、2022年7月1日発行、第2面。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2022/07/01, 2022/07, The Others
- (舞台公演の推薦文:電子版)「三島作品上演『アポロの杯』初公開の餞けとして」、三島由紀夫戯曲作品上演集団「アポロの杯」(主宰:木澤譲)による『船の挨拶』『灯台』公演(於 座・高円寺2、2023年1月27日・28日)に寄せて。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2023/01, 2023/01, The Others
- (映画批評)桑島秀樹「アイルランドの絶景、描かれる狂気の友情」(Review 2:マーティン・マクドナー監督・脚本作品『イニシェリン島の精霊(The Banshees of Inisherin)』、英、カラー/スコープサイズ/4K/PG12、116分、2022年)、『キネマ旬報』2023年2月上旬号(No. 1913)、キネマ旬報社、2023年1月、pp. 55-57。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, Movie Review: Martin McDonagh(Writer and Director), "The Banshees of Inisherin", UK, 2022., 2023/02, 2023/02, The Others
- (シンポジウム・パネル報告要旨)桑島秀樹「E・バークの崇高美学をコロナ以後の時代にひらく――新たな〈危機の時代〉への応用可能性――」、日本イギリス哲学会第46回研究大会・シンポジウムⅡ「雑談・孤独・崇高:コロナ禍以後に向けたイギリス哲学・思想の射程」第3報告(企画・司会:奥田太郎、竹澤祐丈、第1報告:林誓雄、第2報告:望月由紀)、日本イギリス哲学会編『イギリス哲学研究』第46号、2023年3月、pp. 97-99。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2023/03, 2023/03, The Japanese Society for British Philosophy, The Others
- (シンポジウム企画・報告要旨)桑島秀樹「趣旨説明と提題報告:バーク美学から見た人間身体・女性的なるもの・野蛮」、2021年度アイルランド研究年次大会・大会シンポジウム「18世紀アイルランド人エドマンド・バークの世界観/人間観/文明観とその限界」(構成・司会:桑島秀樹、第1報告:貫龍太、第2報告:苅谷千尋、第3報告:後藤浩子、指定コメント:立川潔)、日本アイルランド協会編『エール(アイルランド研究)』第42号、2023年3月、pp. 74-77。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2023/03, 2023/03, Japan-Ireland Society, The Others
- (展覧会批評)「おばあちゃんの手仕事絵、あるいはノスタルジーと民藝」(評論:特別展「生誕160年記念 グランマ・モーゼス展―素敵な100年人生」)、民族藝術学会誌 arts/ 』vol. 39 (民族藝術学会編)、2023年3月31日、pp. 163-165。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2023/03, 2023/03, arts/ : Journal of the Society for Arts and Anthropology, vol. 39., The Others
- (講演会報告)金田晉(広島大学名誉教授・美学)氏による講演「4月は残酷な月?―『アイルランドの少女』をめぐって」、広島・アイルランド交流会編『広島・アイルランド交流会 会報』第14号、2023年7月1日発行、第2面。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2023/07/01, 2023/07, Hiroshima-Ireland Fellowship Association (Hiroshima City), The Others
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論/平和と美学)「美学者は〈戦争〉や〈平和〉を語れないのか?―アイルランド的〈痛苦反転〉思考の潜在力」(コラム「あいるらんどの小窓(その14)」)、広島・アイルランド交流会編『広島・アイルランド交流会 会報』第14号、2023年7月1日発行、第2面。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2023/07/01, 2023/07, Hiroshima-Ireland Fellowship Association (Hiroshima City), The Others
- (取材記事)「美学の思考から持続可能な街づくりを目指す」(未来を創る大学の実践:広島大学)、『東洋経済ACADEMIC』特別号:SDGsに取り組む大学特集、Vol. 5、東洋経済新報社、p. 53。, Hideki KUWAJIMA (Interviewee), 2023/08/03, 2023/08, The Others
- (新聞取材記事/論説)オピニオン/考える(論説主幹・岩崎誠)「生誕100年の司馬遼太郎 :「原爆」なぜ書かなかったか」(「歩く 聞く 考える」シリーズ)、『中國新聞』朝刊、2023年8月17日(木)、第5面。, Makoto IWASAKI (Interviewer and Writer, Chugoku Shimbun), Hideki KUWAJIMA (Interviewee), 2023/08/17, 2023/08, Chugoku Shimbun Newspaper Company (Hiroshima City), The Others
- (取材記事)「美しいアイルランド風景と光、内戦―人間の本質を描く映画を考察」(Global 特集:HIRODAI GLOCALコーナー)、『HU-plus』Vol. 22(2023年8月号)、広島大学・広報室編集・発行、p. 17。, Hideki KUWAJIMA (Interviewee), 2023/08, 2023/08, Hiroshima University (Higashihiroshima City), The Others
- (書評)岩井淳・道重一郎 編著『複合国家イギリスの地域と紐帯』(刀水書房、2022年) 日本イギリス哲学会編『イギリス哲学研究』第47号、2024年3月、pp. 80-83。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2024/03, 2024, The Others
- (展覧会評)「瀬戸内の多島美と光、あるいは女性目線のコレクションー新設・下瀬美術館とガレ展に想う」(企画展「エミール・ガレーアールヌーヴォ―の花器と家具」下瀬美術館(広島県大竹市)2023年5月14日―9月24日)、民族藝術学会編『民族藝術学会誌 arts/ 』第40号、松本工房、pp. 152-155。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2024/03, 2024/03, The Others
- (国際シンポジウム:予稿集報告稿)「崇高・装飾デザイン・井上靖&司馬遼太郎—大黄河畔・鄭州に想う国際共同研究のための3つの論点—」 国際研討会論文集『黄河文明と東アジア(中国・鄭州:2024. 05.26)』鄭州大学外国語与国際関係学院(責任編集:葛継勇)、2024年5月15日、pp. 76-87(鄭州大学による中国語訳: pp. 66-75)。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2024/05, 2024/05, Zhengzhou University, China, The Others
- (研究エッセイ:アイルランド論/国際交流・研究連携)「ダブリンで国際交流の〈社交〉を愉しむ:アイルランドの諸大学とミュージアム、そして在アイルランド日本国大使公邸の2024年春の訪問から(コラム/あいるらんどの小窓(その15)」、『広島・アイルランド交流会 会報』第15号、広島・アイルランド交流会編、2024年7月10日発行、第1・2面。, Hideki KUWAJIMA, 2024/07, 2024/07, The Others
External Funds
Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds
- KAKENHI, 2001/04, 2004/03
- KAKENHI, 2001/04, 2003/03
- KAKENHI, 2001/04, 2002/03
- KAKENHI, On the significance of'Geidoh'or traditional Japanese view of artistic practice in the contemporary context, especially in the case of Japan, 2003, 2006
- KAKENHI, Logic and technique for affarming the world-integrative international research from the position of clinical philosophy and comparative philosophy, 2004, 2007
- KAKENHI, A Speculative Fieldwork on the Edmund Burke's Aesthetics of the Sublime in Relation to the Cultural Climate in Ireland, 2006, 2008
- KAKENHI, 2012, 2014
- KAKENHI, 2015/04, 2018/03
- Research Grants, 2016: Grant for Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2016/06, 2017/05
- Research Grants, 2017: Grant for Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2017/06, 2018/05
- KAKENHI, 2019/04, 2023/03
- 2019/06, 2020/03
- KAKENHI, 2023/04, 2027/03
Social Activities
History as Committee Members
- Executive Committee Member (Founding Member), 2009/03, Hiroshima-Ireland Fellowship Association
- Election Commision Board Member, 2009/12, 2010/10, The Japanese Society for Aesthetics
- Executive Committee Member (Editorial Board Member), 2010/04, 2012/03, The Japnese Society for British Philosophy
- Election Commision Board Member (Chief of Western Branch), 2013/04, 2013/10, The Japanese Society for Aesthetics
- Secretary for the Western Branch Conference, 2014/12, 2015/12, The Japanese Society for Aesthetics
- Member of the Counsil of Higashihiroshima City Museum of Art, 2015/04, 2020/03, Board of Education of Higashihiroshima City
- The Municipal Cultural Forum, Chairman of the Forum, 2015/05, 2016/03, Board of Education of Higashihiroshima City
- Grant Reviewer of the KAKENHI Committee 2015 (2nd Stage: Philosophy), 2015/01, 2015/12, JSPS
- Grant Reviewer of the KAKENHI Committee 2016 (2nd Stage: Philosophy), 2016/01, 2016/12, JSPS
- Election Commision Board Member, Chairman of the Commision Bord, 2016/01, 2016/10, The Japanese Society for Aesthetics
- a Commissioner of the Proposal Judge on the New Art Museum Building in Higashi-hiroshima City, 2016/05, 2017/03, The Board of Education in Higashi-hiroshima City
- Member of Editorial Board, 2017/04, 2022/03, The Japan Ireland Society
- Committee Member of Editorial Board, 2017/06, 2019/06, The Japanese Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (JSECS)
- Executive Committee Member (Editorial Board Member: Academic Journal and Newsletters), 2018/04, 2026/03, The Japan Ireland Society
- Executive Committee Member (Editorial Board Member), 2018/04, 2026/03, The Jaoanese Society for British Philosophy
- Member of the Council of Hisgashihiroshima City Museum of Art, 2019/04, 2021/09, Board of Education of Higashihiroshima City
- Council of the Higashihiroshima City Museum of Art, Chairman of the Council, 2020/10, 2024/10, Board of Education of Higashihiroshima City
- Member of the Exective Committee, 2022/10, 2025/10, The Japanese Society for Aesthetics
- Committee Member of the Social Education Board in Higashihiroshima City, 2023/05/01, The Bord of the Education in Higashihiroshima City
- JSPS Specialist for the Review Committee of Research Fellowships and Related Positions, 2023/07, 2024/06, Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS)
- Stage: "Fadeout"(Hiroshima), Member of the Executive Committee, 2023/10, 2023/12, Hiroshima Performance Executive Committee(Yoshie KUBOTA and MTC project: Yu MASUDA etc.)
- The 16th Selection Committee Member of the Academic Encouragement Award in the Japanese Society for British Philosophy, 2023/04/01, 2024/03/31, The Japanese Society for British Philosophy
- Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Japanese Society for British Philosophy: Studies in British Philosophy, 2024/04/01, 2026/03/31, The Japanese Society for British Philosophy
- Executive Committee Member, 2024/04, 2027/03, Society for Arts and Anthropology (previous: The Japanese Society of Ethno-Arts)
- Vice Chief-in-Editor for the Journal of the Japan-Ireland Society: eire: Irish Studies., 2024/04, The Japan-Ireland Society
Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.
- 2004/08, 2004/08
- 2006/06, 2006/06
- 2010/02, 2010/02
- 2014/02, 2014/02
- 2015/03, 2015/03
- 2016/03, 2016/03
- 2016/07, 2016/07
- (日本)美学会, 2018/03, 2018/03
- 2018/03, 2018/03
- 2019/03, 2019/03
- The 71st Conference of the Society for Japanese Aesthetics, Member of the Executive Committee, 2019/11, 2020/10
- 2021/03, 2021/03
- 2018/03, 2018/03
- The Symposium "Joint Performance by Hiroshima University, Art Museum, and Artist in Higashihiroshima City": As a Session of the Memorial Seminar Series concerning the Establishment of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, No. 1., Chief of the Symposium Arrangement and its Facilitator, 2021/12, 2021/12
- 2023/04, 2023/04
- The 70th Conference of the Society for the Science of Literary Art, Hiroshima Conference Management Committee, Chairman of the Conference, 2024/02, 2024/02
History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers
- 2013, Aesthetics (Japanese Society for Aesthetics ed.), Others, Referee, 1
- 2018, Annual Bulletin of the Japanese Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol. 34., Editor
- 2019, Studies in British Philosophy, No. 43, edited by the Japanese Society for British Philosophy, Editor, Member of Editorial Board
- 2020, Studies in British Philosophy, No. 44, edited by the Japanese Society for British Philosophy, Editor, Member of Editorilal Board
- 2020, eire (Irish Studies), No. 40, edited by the Japan-Ireland Society, Editor, Member of Editorial Board
- 2021, Studies in British Philosophy, No. 45, edited by the Japanese Society for British Philosophy, Editor, Member of Editorial Board
- 2021, eire (Irish Studies), No. 41, edited by the Japan-Ireland Society, Editor, Member of Editorial Board
- 2022, Studies in British Philosophy, No. 46, edited by the Japanese Society for British Philosophy, Editor, Member of Editorial Board
- 2023, Studies in British Philosophy, No. 47, edited by the Japanese Society for British Philosophy, Editor, Member of Editorial Board
- 2022, eire (Irish Studies), No. 42, edited by the Japan-Ireland Society, Editor, Member of Editorial Board
- 2023, eire (Irish Studies), No. 43, edited by the Japan-Ireland Society, Editor, Member of Editorial Board