Kazunori Umeo

Last Updated :2025/03/03

Affiliations, Positions
Natural Science Center for Basic Research and Development, Associate Professor
Other Contact Details
TEL : (+81)82-424-6276 FAX : (+81)82-424-6276

Basic Information

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Science, Hiroshima University
  • Master of Engineering, Kyushu University

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Science : Physics : Physics
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Quantum Matter Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Quantum Matter Program

In Charge of Primary Major Programs

  • Physics

Research Fields

  • Mathematical and physical sciences;Physics;Condensed matter physics II

Research Keywords

  • Heavy Fermion System
  • High Pressure
  • Low Temperature

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • The Physical Society of Japan
  • The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, 1997
  • The Japan Society of High Pressure Science and Technology

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Ethics and regulations in natural science research
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Advanced Physics
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Laboratory in PhysicsI
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Laboratory in PhysicsII
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Experimental Methods in Physics
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Special Study for Graduation A
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Special Study for Graduation B
  8. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Seminar on Basic Sciences of Matter A
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Seminar on Basic Sciences of Matter B
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Academic Presentation in Basic Sciences of Matter
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Exercises in Basic Sciences of Matter A
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Exercises in Basic Sciences of Matter A
  13. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Exercises in Basic Sciences of Matter B
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Exercises in Basic Sciences of Matter B
  15. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Advanced Study in Quantum Matter
  16. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Advanced Study in Quantum Matter

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Pressure effects on the first order transition in MnFe(P,As) and MnFe(P,Ge), JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, 310(2), 1826-1828, 200703
  2. Cage-size control of guest vibration and thermal conductivity in Sr8Ga16Si30-xGex, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 75(19), 200705
  3. Ba(8)Ga(16)Sn(30) with type-I clathrate structure: Drastic suppression of heat conduction, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 92(4), 20080128
  4. Easy-plane magnetocrystalline anisotropy in the multistep metamagnet CeIr(3)Si(2), PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 76(18), 200711
  5. A kondo lattice antiferromagnet CePd5Al2, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 76(12), 200712
  6. Pressure-induced release of magnetic frustration in a quasi-kagome antiferromagnet YbAgGe, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 77(2), 2008
  7. Simultaneous structure and carrier tuning of dimorphic clathrate Ba8Ga16Sn30, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 77(23), 200806
  8. Giant uniaxial anisotropy in the magnetic and transport properties of CePd5Al2, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 77(7), 200807
  9. Off-Center Guest Vibrations and Their Effect on Lattice Thermal Conductivity in n- and p-Type beta-Ba8Ga16Sn30, JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, 38(7), 1516-1520, 200907
  10. Sudden Disappearance of the First-Order Transition in beta-Pyrochlore KOs2O6 under Low Pressure, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 78(12), 200912
  11. Superconductivity and Structural Phase Transitions in Caged Compounds RT2Zn20 (R = La, Pr, T = Ru, Ir), JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 79(3), 201003
  12. Geometrical frustration versus magnetic order in the heavy-fermion antiferromagnet YbAgGe under high pressure, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 81(12), 201003
  13. Pressure-induced quantum critical phenomena in YbNiGe3, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, 247(3), 751-753, 201003
  14. Structural modification and metamagnetic anomaly in the ordered state of CeOs2Al10, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 81(21), 20100602
  15. Multiple Magnetic Transitions in a Frustrated Heavy-Fermion Antiferromagnet YbAgGe under Magnetic Field and Pressure, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 79(6), 201006
  16. Antiferroquadrupolar Ordering in a Pr-Based Superconductor PrIr2Zn20, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 106(17), 20110429
  17. ★, Pressure Effect on the Anomalous Phase Transition in CeOs2Al10, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 80(6), 201106
  18. Large thermoelectric power in several metallic compounds of cerium and uranium, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1-6, 20000401
  19. Uniaxial pressure apparus for magnetization measurements, Sci. Technol. High Pressure, 1113-1114, 20000401
  20. ★, Pressure-Induced Magnetic Instability in Ce_2_Rh_3_Ge_5_, Physical Review B, 64(14), 144412, 20010901
  21. Electrical resistivity and thermoelectric power study of the heavy-fermion compounds (Ce_x_La_1-x_)_7_Ni_3_, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 315, 11-15, 20010401
  22. Muon-spin-rotation-study of Ce_7_Ni_3_ : muon-related and intrinsic properties in the paramagnetic phase, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 13, 4277-4290, 20010401
  23. Neutron Scattering Study of Heavy Fermion Antiferromagnet Ce_7_Ni_3_ under Pressure, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 226-230, 85-86, 20010401
  24. Thermoelectric Properties of the Kondo Semiconductor: Yb_1-x_Lu_x_B_12_, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 226-230, 137-138, 20010401
  25. Competing Interactions and Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Layered CeTe_2_, Physical Review B, 62(17), 11609-11613, 20001101
  26. Antiferromagnetic Transitions in the Kondo Lattice System Ce_2_Ni_3_Ge_5_, Physical Review B, 62(13), 8950-8953, 20001001
  27. Incommensurate Magnetic Structure of the Heavy Fermion Antiferromagnet Ce_7_Ni_3_, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 69(7), 2269-2279, 20000701
  28. Magnetic Ordering in Single Crystal CeNi_0.82_Cu_0.18_Sn, Solid State Communications, 115, 587-591, 20000401
  29. Transport and Thermodynamic Properties of CeBiPt, Physica B, 281&282, 745-746, 20000401
  30. Uniaxial Pressure Apparatus for Magnetization Measurements, Sci. Technol. High Pressure, 2, 1113-1114, 20000401
  31. ★, Uniaxial-Stress Induced Magnetic Order in CeNiSn, Physical Review B, 60(10), R6957?R6960, 19990901
  32. Superconductivity and Magnetoresistance in a Single-Crystal LaNiSn, Solid State Communications, 111, 153-157, 19990401
  33. Magnetic Instability in Ce_7_Ni_3_ Studied by Low-Temperature Specific Heat and Magnetic Susceptibility, Physica B, 259-261, 407-408, 19990401
  34. ★, Low-Temperature Specific Heat and Magnetic Susceptibility near the Pressure-induced Quantum Phase Transition in Ce_7_Ni_3_, Physical Review B, 58(18), 12095-12099, 19981101
  35. Magnetic and Electrical Properties of R_7_Pd_3_ (R=La, Ce, Pr, Nd and Sm), Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 189, 335-340, 19980401
  36. Transport Properties of Heavy Fermion Compound Ce_7_Ni_3_, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 188, 213-218, 19980401
  37. ★, Pressure-Induced Non-Fermi-liquid Behavior in a Heavy-fermion Compound Ce_7_Ni_3_ around the Antiferromagnetic Instability, Physical Review B, 55(2), R692?R695, 19970101
  38. ★, Non-Fermi-liquid Behaviour at the Pressure-induced Antiferromagnetic to Nonmagnetic Transition in a Heavy-fermion Compound, Ce_7_Ni_3_, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 8, 9743-9757, 19961101
  39. Transition from Magnetic to Nonmagnetic Ground State in a Heavy-Fermion Compound Ce_7_Ni_3_ under Pressure, Physical Review B, 54(2), 1194-1198, 19960701
  40. Pressure Effect on the Low Temperature Specific Heat and Magnetic Susceptibility of Heavy Fermion Compound Ce_7_Ni_3_, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 148, 409-412, 19950401
  41. Electrical Resistivity of Ce_7_Ni_3_ under High Pressure, Solid State Communications, 90(5), 321-324, 19940401
  42. External Pressure Enhancement of the Dense Kondo Effect in a PdCe Intermetallic Compound, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 54(1), 131-134, 19930401
  43. Variations in Lattice Parameters with Annealing Temperature for L-Pd_5_Ce, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 181, 61-68, 19920401
  44. Transport and Magnetic Properties of a Low-Density Carrier System SmBiPt, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 3650-3653, 20011201
  45. Antiferromagnetic Kondo-lattice systems Ce2Rh3Ge5 and Ce2Ir3Ge5 with moderately heavy-fermion behavior, Physical Review B, 60, 10383-10387, 19991001
  46. Field-induced magnetic transitions and pressure-induced magnetic instability in CePdAl, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 63, 1159-1163, 20020401
  47. Electrical resistivity of CeNiSn under uniaxial and hydrostatic pressures, J. Phys.:Cond. Matter, 14, 5145-5152, 20020401
  48. Nom-Fermi liquid behavior in Ce2Rh3Ge5 above the critical pressure of the antiferromagnetic instability, Physica B, 312&313, 403-405, 20020401
  49. muSR studies of the Heavy fermion compound Ce_7_Ni_3_, Physica B, 312-313, 469-471, 20020401
  50. Transport and Magnetic Properties of a Low-Density Carrier System SmBiPt, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 70(12), 3650-3653, 20010401
  51. Successive phase transition and energy-gap formation in CeRhAs, Physical Review B, 66, 041103(R), 20020401
  52. On the magnetic phase diagram of Ce_7_Ni_3_ in the H-T plane, Physica B, 326, 394-397, 20020401
  53. Ce site substitution effects on the multipolar interactions in CeB_6_, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 71, Suppl. 52-55, 20020401
  54. Magnetic and Thermoelectric Properties of Ce2NiB10-d(d~0.3) a Ni-incorporated Variant of CeB6, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 72(9), 2344-2349, 20030901
  55. Anisotropic transport and magnetic properties of frustrated CeRhSn, Physica B, 329-333, 524-525, 20030401
  56. Thermoelectric properties of Ce-based Kondo semimetals and semiconductors, Physica B, 328, 53-57, 20030401
  57. Anisotropic thermoelectric properties of CeRhAs with superstructures, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B, 34, 1303-1308, 20030401
  58. Field-induced magnetic transition in the heavy-fermion antiferromagnet Ce7Ni3, Phys. Rev. B, 67, 144408(1-6), 20030401
  59. The field-induced magnetic phase in a heavy-fermion antiferromagnet, Ce7Ni3, J. Phys.:Cond. Matter, 15, S2159-S2162, 20030401
  60. Low-temperature anomalies in the magnetic, transport, and thermal properties of single-crystal CeRhSn with valence fluctuations, Phys. Rev. B, 68, 054416(1-7), 20030401
  61. Non-Fermi-liquid behavior in the magnetic, transport, and thermal properties of single-crystal CeRhSn with valence fluctuations, Physical Review B, 68, 054416, 20030401
  62. Structural and electronic interplay in the gap formation in CeRhAs1-xSbx (0
  63. Divalent state in YbGaGe: magnetic, thermal, transport and structural studies, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 73(6), 1450-1452, 20040601
  64. Successive Magnetic Transitions in a Frustrated Compounds YbAgGe, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 73, 537-540, 20040401
  65. Heavy-fermion weak-ferromagnet YbRhSb, Physical Review B, 69(2), 020401/1-4, 20040101
  66. Pressure effects on the phase transition and energy gap in CeRhAs, Phys. Rev. B, 71, 064110 (1-7), 20050401
  67. Pressure effect on successive magnetic transition in a frustrated compound YbAgGe, Physica B, 359-361, 130-132, 20050401
  68. Anisotropic 4f-spin dynamics across the B-T phase diagram of Ce7Ni3, J. Phys.:Cond. Matter, 18, 1955-1962,, 20060101
  69. Pressure- and field-induced magnetic instabilities in a heavy-fermion antiferromagnet Ce7Ni3, J. Alloys Comp., 408-412, 43-46, 20060101
  70. Reduced thermal conductivity and strong electron-phonon interaction in enhanced Pauli paramagnets AOs4Sb12 (A = Sr, Ba), J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 014602 (1-5), 20060101
  71. Double phase transition in the heavy-fermion system Ce4Ni3Pb4, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 75, 033701 (1-4), 20060301
  72. Effects of magnetic field and pressure on the weak ferromagnetism of YbRhSb, Physica B, 359-361, 124-126, 20050401
  73. Non-Fermi-liquid behavior in CeRhBi and valence-fluctuating behavior in CeIrSb, Physica B, 359-361, 111-114, 20050401
  74. ★, Probing Glasslike Excitations in Single Crystalline Sr8Ga16Ge30 by Specific Heat and Thermal Conductivity, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 74, 2145-2148, 20050401
  75. Carrier-tuning of single-crystalline Ba8Ga16Ge30, Physica B, 383, 124-125, 20060401
  76. Temperature- and Field-Induced First-Order Ferromagnetic Transitions in MnFe(P1-xGex), J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 75, 113707, 20060401
  77. Roles of spin fluctuations and rattling in magnetic and thermoelectric properties of AT4Sb12 (A=Ca, Sr, Ba, La; T=Fe, Ru, Os), Physica B, 383, 93-102, 20060401
  78. Glasslike versus crystalline thermal conductivity in carrier-tuned Ba8Ga16X30 clathrates (X=Ge, Sn), Phys. Rev. B, 74, 125109 (1-8), 20060901
  79. Pressure- and field-induced non-Fermi-liquid behaviors in a heavy-fermion antiferromagnet Ce7Ni3, J. Low Tem. Phys., 147, 199-214, 20070301
  80. Pressure-induced magnetic phase transitions in Yb-based heavy-fermion compounds, 76, 74-77, 20070401
  81. Specific-heat measurement above 3 GPa using a Bridgman anvil cell, 76, 221-222, 20070401
  82. Field-induced magnetic transitions and pressure-induced magnetic instability in CePdAl, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS, 63(6-8), 1159-1163, 2002
  83. Unusual pressure dependence of the multipolar interactions in CexLa1-xB6, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, 310(2), E163-E165, 200703
  84. Interplay between crystal electric field and magnetic exchange anisotropies in the heavy-fermion antiferromagnet YbRhSb under pressure, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 85(2), 20120112
  85. Nonmagnetic ground states and phase transitions in the caged compounds PrT2Zn20 (T=Ru, Rh and Ir), JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 24(29), 20120725
  86. Ferromagnetic instability in a doped band gap semiconductor FeGa3, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 86(14), 20121031
  87. Simultaneous superconducting and antiferroquadrupolar transitions in PrRh2Zn20, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 86(18), 20121121
  88. Magnetic and transport properties of a new caged compound PrOs2Zn20, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, 62(12), 2143-2145, 201307
  89. Change of magnetic ground state by light electron doping in CeOs2Al10, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 88(6), 20130813
  90. Pressure-induced valence change of YbNiGe3 investigated by resonant x-ray emission spectroscopy at the Yb L-3 edge, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 89(4), 20140110
  91. Suppression of antiferromagnetic order and hybridization gap by electron and hole doping in the Kondo semiconductor CeOs2Al10, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 89(9), 20140305
  92. Simultaneous Pressure-Induced Magnetic and Valence Transitions in Type-I Clathrate Eu8Ga16Ge30, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 83(1), 201401
  93. Anomalous Magnetic Phase Diagram of CeTe under High Pressure, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 84(4), 20150415
  94. Magnetic Properties of the Heavy-Fermion Antiferromagnet Ce_7Ni_3, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 66(7), 2133-2137, 19970715
  95. Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior and Spin Fluctuations in a Heavy-Fermion Compound Ce_7Ni_3 under High Pressure, 52(7), 531-534, 19970705
  96. Pressure-Induced Quantum Phase Transition in Ce_7Ni_3, JJAP series, 11, 154-156, 19990208
  97. Superconductivity in magnetically ordered CeTe1.82, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 67(21), 212504-1-212504-4, 20030612
  98. Mesurements of Mixed Valences of Ce by L3-XANES Analysis, Engineering sciences reports, Kyushu University, 11(2), 195-200, 19890901
  99. Influence of Disordering upon Concentrated Kondo Effect for Pd7Ce Alloys, Engineering sciences reports, Kyushu University, 13(2), 157-162, 19910901
  100. Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior and Spin Fluctuations in a Heavy-Fermion Compound Ce7Ni3 under High Pressure., Tokyo Sugaku Kaisya Zasshi, 52(7), 531-534, 1997
  101. Magnetic Properties of the Heavy-Fermion Antiferromagnet Ce7Ni3, Report,Research Center for Materials Science at Extreme Conditions,Osaka University, 375-379, 199803
  102. Laboratory Guide : Improved AC-calorimeter for measuring the absolute value of specific heat up to 10 GPa, 49(11), 637-644, 201411
  103. p-14 Uni-axial pressure-induced magnetic transition in CeNiSn, Bussei Kenkyu, 71(3), 19981220
  104. Effect of La Substitution in PrIr2Zn20 on the Superconductivity and Antiferro-Quadrupole Order, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 84(6), 20150615
  105. Glasslike versus Crystalline Thermophysical Properties of the Cu-S based Minerals: Tetrahedrite and Colusite, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 84(10), 20151015
  106. Metal-Semiconductor Transition Concomitant with a Structural Transformation in Tetrahedrite Cu12Sb4S13, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 85(1), 20160115
  107. Alternating current calorimeter for specific heat capacity measurements at temperatures below 10 K and pressures up to 10 GPa, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 87(6), 201606
  108. Quadrupole-driven non-Fermi-liquid and magnetic-field-induced heavy fermion states in a non-Kramers doublet system, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 94(7), 20160816
  109. Structural, Magnetic, and Superconducting Properties of Caged Compounds ROs2Zn20 ( R = La, Ce, Pr, and Nd), JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 86(3), 20170315
  110. Temperature- and field-induced first-order ferromagnetic transitions in MnFe(P1-xGex), JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 75(11), 2006
  111. A kondo lattice antiferromagnet CePd5Al2, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 76(12), 2007
  112. Giant uniaxial anisotropy in the magnetic and transport properties of CePd5Al2, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 77(7), 2008
  113. Superconductivity and Structural Phase Transitions in Caged Compounds RT2Zn20 (R = La, Pr, T = Ru, Ir), JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 79(3), 2010
  114. Competing Magnetic Interactions in the Kramers Doublet System NdIr2Zn20, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 86(5), 20170515
  115. Pressure Induced Magnetic-nonmagnetic Transition in Rare earth Compounds, CHEMICL INDUSTRY, 66(9), 653-661, 20150901
  116. Quantum criticality and development of antiferromagnetic order in the quasikagome Kondo lattice CeRh1-xPdxSn, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 96(4), 20170726
  117. Anisotropic dependence of the magnetic transition on uniaxial pressure in the Kondo semiconductors CeT2Al10 (T = Ru and Os), PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 96(24), 20171221
  118. Structural and magnetic properties of a novel ternary intermetallic compound CePd3Sn2, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 739, 518-521, 20180330
  119. Effect of Zn-site substitution with Ga on non-Fermi liquid behavior in PrIr2Zn20, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 536, 34-36, 20180501
  120. Impurity quadrupole Kondo ground state in a dilute Pr system Y1-xPrxIr2Zn20, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 536, 40-42, 20180501
  121. Ferromagnetism in a hexagonal PrRh3 with 4f(2) configuration, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 536, 439-441, 20180501
  122. Different Variations of Neel Temperature T-N and Kondo Temperature T-K in the Alloy System Ce(Ru1-xOsx)(2)Al-10 under Uniaxial Pressure, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 87(5), 20180515
  123. Pressure-induced quantum critical behavior and magnetic order in YbNi3Ga9 with a chiral crystal structure: ac calorimetric measurements up to 12 GPa, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 98(2), 20180723
  124. Single-Site Non-Fermi-Liquid Behaviors in a Diluted 4f(2) System Y1-xPrxIr2Zn20, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 121(7), 20180817
  125. Metamagnetic crossover in the quasikagome Ising Kondo-lattice compound CeIrSn, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 98(15), 20181029
  126. Magnetic field effects on the specific heat of a diluted Pr system Y1-xPrxIr2Zn20, AIP ADVANCES, 8(10), 201810
  127. Sinusoidally modulated magnetic structure of Kramers local moments in CePd5Al2, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 31(12), 20190327
  128. Anisotropic phase diagram of ferroquadrupolar ordering in the trigonal chiral compound DyNi3Ga9, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 99(7), 20190226
  129. Antiferromagnetic Order of NdT2Zn20(T = Co and Rh) with the Kramers Gamma(6) Doublet Ground State, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 88(4), 20190415
  130. Effects of Ga and Cd Substitutions for Zn in PrIr2Zn20 on the Quadrupole-Driven Non-Fermi Liquid Behaviors, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 88(5), 20190515
  131. Hindered Quadrupole Order in PrMgNi4 with a Nonmagnetic Doublet Ground State, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 88(8), 20190815
  132. Interplay between hybridisation gaps and unusual magnetic orders in Kondo semiconductors CeT2Al10 (T = Ru and Os), PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE, 99(23), 2984-2999, 20191202
  133. Pressure Effect on the Chiral Helimagnetic Order in YbNi3Al9, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 89(4), 20200415
  134. Fragile superheavy Fermi liquid in YbCo2Zn20, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 101(24), 20200601
  135. Quantum Phase Transitions in an Yb-based Semiconductor YbCuS2 with an Effective Spin-1/2 Zigzag Chain, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 89(9), 20200915
  136. Heavy-Fermion Behavior in a Honeycomb Kondo Lattice CePt6Al3, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 89(10), 20201015
  137. Uniaxial-Pressure-Induced Release of Magnetic Frustration in a Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet YbCuGe, METALS, 11(1), 202101
  138. Pressure-induced quenching of planar rattling in Cu10Zn2Sb4S13 studied by specific heat and x-ray diffraction measurements, Phys. Rev. B, 102, 100302-1-100302-6, 20200814