Akimasa Fujiwara
Last Updated :2024/09/02
- Affiliations, Positions
- The IDEC Institute, Professor
- E-mail
- afujiwhiroshima-u.ac.jp
- Other Contact Details
- 1-5-1,Kagamiyama,Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
TEL : (+81)82-424-6921 FAX : (+81)82-424-6921
- Self-introduction
- Refer to the official web-site of Hiroshima University
Basic Information
Major Professional Backgrounds
- 1994/06/01, 2002/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Associate Professor.
- 1985/04/01, 1993/04/30, Kure National College of Technology, Research Associate
- 2002/04/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Professor
- 1993/05/01, 1994/05/31, Hiroshima University, Faculty of Eng., Research Associate
Educational Backgrounds
- Hiroshima University, Graduate School, Division of Engineering, Japan, 1983/04, 1985/03
- Hiroshima University, Faculty of Engineering, Japan, 1979/04, 1983/03
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of engineering, Hiroshima University
- Master of Engineering, Hiroshima University
Educational Activity
- [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Engineering : Cluster 4(Civil Engineering and Architecture) : Program of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- [Master's Program] Graduate School of Innovation and Practice for Smart Society
- [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Civil and Environmental Engineering Program
- [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program
- [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Innovation and Practice for Smart Society
- [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Civil and Environmental Engineering Program
- [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program
In Charge of Primary Major Programs
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Fields
- Engineering;Civil engineering;Civil engineering project / Traffic engineering
Research Keywords
- transport survey
- land use and transport
- policy evaluation
- demand forecasting
- air quality
- transport policies
- transportation planning
- sustainable development
Affiliated Academic Societies
- Transportation Research Board
- International Association for Travel Behaviour Research
- World Conference on Transport Research Society
- Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
- Japan Society of Civil Engineering, 1983
- The City Planning Institute of Japan, 1985
- Japan Society of Traffic Engineers, 1985
- Japan Research Center for Transport Policy
- The Japan Society for International Development
- Japanese Society for Engineering Education
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, New Technology and Ethics: Global Perspectives
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Introduction to International Cooperation
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Natural Disasters and Society I
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Natural Disasters and Society II
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Engineer's Ethics
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Transportation System Engineering
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Design of Infrastructures
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Introduction of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Year, Graduation Thesis
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering(April 2024 Master's Students)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering(October 2024 Master's Students)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering(April 2024 Doctoral Students)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering(October 2024 Doctoral Students)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Exercises of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering A
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Exercises of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program Common Subjects 1 (Smart Development)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Environmental Management
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Developing Designing Ability
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, International Environmental Cooperation Studies
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Transportation Engineering
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Workshop Training
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Workshop Training
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Intensive, Idea Mining Workshop
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, International Co-creation Workshop
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- 3-221 Intensive Class for Improving Engineering Students' English Presentation Skill, 17, 294-295, 20050909
- 11-223 Role of Host Corporations in an Asia Internship-based Program and Evaluation to the Students Joined, 17, 578-579, 20050909
- Effects of in-vehicle warning information on drivers' decelerating and accelerating behaviors near an arch-shaped intersection, ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION, 41(5), 948-958, 200909
- Effectiveness of the Mode Choice Models Based on Stated Preference Data, Traffic Engineering, 24(5), 21-30, 19890401
- Analysis of the Temporal Variation of Stated Preference for the New Transit System Using Panel Data, Papers on City Planing, 397-402, 19920401
- Dynamic Analysis of Stated Preference for Travel Modes Using Panel Data, Infrastructure Planning Review, 31-38, 19920401
- The Reliability of Mode Choice Model Based on Stated Preference Data, Infrastructure Planning Review, 49-56, 19900401
- The Stability and Reliability of Stated Preference Data, PAPERS on CITY PLANNING, 103-108, 19900401
- Effectiveness of the Activity Diary as a Travel Survey Instrument, PAPERS on CITY PLANNING, 409-415, 19880401
- Temporal and Regional Stability of Individual Travel Behaviour, PAPERS on CITY PLANNING, 151-156, 19860401
- Effectiveness of Sdio-economic Characteristics on Individual Travel Behovior, Infrastructure Planning Review, 105-112, 19860401
- A Two-Period Panel Analysis of Stated Preference for Mode Choiee, PAPERS on CITY PLANNING, 79-84, 19930401
- A Correcting Method of Attrition Bias in Stated Preference Panel Data, Infrastructure Planning Review, 311-318, 19930401
- Modification of Stated Preference Mode Choice Models to Improve the Extoruel Validity, Proceedings of 7th World Conference on Transport Research, 797-809, 19930401
- Modification of stated Preference Mode choice Models to Improve to the External Velidity, Selected Proceedings of the 6th World Conference on Transport Research, 797-807, 19930401
- Development of Travel Demand Models Using Repeated Cross-sectional Data, Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management, IV-29(524), 93-104, 19950401
- Correcting Attrition and Response Biases in Stated Preference Mode choice Models by Using Mass Point Approadc, Infrastructure Planning Review, 587-594, 19960401
- Prediction Accuracy of Mode Choice Models Based on SP Panel Data, Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management, IV-37(576), 11-22, 19970401
- Analysis of Attending behavior to Park-and-Ride Experimental Scheme Using Duration Model, Infrastructure Planning Review, 671-678, 19970401
- Time Series Analysis of Commuting Behaviour After Introducing Flexible Time System, 165-168, 19980401
- Chances in Commuting Travel Behavior After Introducing Flextime System, Infrastructure Planning Review, 655-662, 19980401
- Duration Models Predicting Public Acceptance of Travel Demand Management Polices, Proceedings of Civil Engineering Seminar-Advanced Technology in Civil Engineering for South-East Asia Region, 394-404, 19980401
- A Correcting Method of Non-response biases in Trauel Diavy Data, Infrastructure Planning Review, 121-128, 19990401
- Analysis of Commuting Time Choice Behaciour under Flexible Time System, Infrastructure Planning Review, 941-947, 19990401
- Commuter’s Departure Time choice under Flexible Time systems by considering Household Constraincts, 117-120, 19990401
- Influences of Categorizing Alternatives in Time Choice Models on Similarity and Non-identity Among Alternatives, Infrastructure Planning Review, 599-604, 20000401
- Analysis of the Impact of Providing Multi-Modal Information on Travel Behavior, Proceedings of World Congress on ITS, 20000401
- An Evaluation Method of Traffic Calming Measures in Central Commercial District, 109-112, 20000401
- Evaluation of Low-Floor Light Rail Vehicle Based on Contingent Valuation Method, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4(6), 191-198, 20011001
- Dynamic Travel Demand Models Based on Longitudinal Person-trip Data, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4(3), 129-144, 20011024
- Travel Behavior Analysis under Uncertainties by Using Latent Class Model, Proc. of 4th EASTS Conf., 261-269, 20011001
- Model in Consideration of Similarity and Its Application, Proc. of 2nd ICTTS, 412-417, 20010701
- Evidence for Ionic Interaction between Cationic Surfactant and Anionic Intermediate Generated in Cathodic Reduction of Acetophenone, Chem. Lett., 240-241, 20010301
- Analysis of Commuting Time Choice Behavior under Flexible Time System, Infrastructure Planning Review, 16, 941-947, 19990901
- Correcting Attrition Bias in Stated Preference Mode Choice Models, Proceedings of ICTTS, 778-785, 20020401
- Survival Analysis of Public Participation in Experiment Scheme to Determine Travel Demand Management Policy, Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the International Association of Travel Behaviour Research, 19970401
- Dynamic Travel Demand Models incorporating unobserved heterogeneity and first-order serial correlation, Proceedings of 8th World Conference on Transport Research, 19980401
- Dynamic discrete choice models considering unobserved heterogeneity with mass point approach (Outstanding Paper Prize), Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 3(5), 245-260, 19990915
- A Mode Choice Model Separating Taste Variation and Stated Preference Reporting Bias (Outstanding Paper Prize), Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4(3), 23-38, 20011024
- A Weekend Shopping Activity Participation Model Dependent on Weekday Shopping Behavior, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Sciences, 10, 335-343, 20030401
- A Hybrid Discrete Choice Model with Fuzziness, Proceedings of European Transport Conference 2003, CD-ROM, 20030401
- Analysis of Mode Choice Behaviours based on Latent Class Models, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research= International Association for Travel Behaviour Research, CD-ROM, 20030401
- Measurement of Willingness to Pay of Street Environment Improvement Based on Uncertainty, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4, 1356-1365, 20030401
- Transport Survey and Marketing Methods in Urban Public Transport by Using Boarding Records Collected by Integrated Stored Fare Card System, Selected Paper for International Symposium on City Planning, 270-279, 20030401
- Development of travel demand models using repeated cross-sectional data, Journal of Infrastracture Planning and Management, IV-29(524), 93-104, 19950401
- A mode choice model separating taste variation and stated preference reporting error, 15, 609-617, 19980401
- Transport Survey and Marketing Methods in Urban Public Transport by Using Boarding Records Collected by Integrated Stored Fare Card System, Proceedings of International Symposium on City Planning 2004, 270-279, 20030801
- A Weekend Shopping Activity Participation Model Dependent on Weekday Shopping Behavior, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Sciences, 10(6), 335-343, 20031001
- A Hybrid Discrete Choice Model with Fuzziness, Proceedings of European Transport Conference 2003, 20030401
- Analysis of Mode Choice Behaviours based on Latent Class Models, International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, 20030401
- A sequential method for combining random utility model and fuzzy inference model, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics= Fuji Technology Press Ltd., 7(2), 200-206, 20030401
- Evaluation of Low-Floor Light Rail Vehicle Based on Contingent Valuation Method, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4(6), 191-198, 20011001
- Evaluation of Light Rail Transit Based on Contingent Valuation Method, PAPERS on CITY PLANNING, 577-582, 20000401
- Influence of Road Improvement on Touring Behavior, Infrastructure Plannnig Review, 699-705, 19990401
- An Application of Paired Combinatorial Logit Models to Time Choice Behaciour Analysis, 117-120, 19990401
- A mode choice model separating taste variation and stated preference reporting error, 609-617, 19980401
- Route choice behavior model using fuzzy inference, Elsevier, 20030401
- Evaluating the effects of multi-modal travel information based on a discrete choice model with unequal and asymmetric structure, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM, 20041101
- Development of methodology for analyzing travel patterns in the context of developing countries, Traffic and Transportation Studies= Proceedings of ICTTS 2004 (International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies)= Mao= B.= Tian= Z. and Sun= Q. (eds.)= Science Press= Beijing., 222-234, 20040401
- A dynamic bi-ordered-probit model system to evaluate the effects of introducing flexible working hour system, Selected Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, CD-ROM, 20040701
- Representing travel choice behavior dynamics based on cross-sectional and longitudinal heterogeneity, Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management= Japan Society of Civil Engineers, IV-64(765), 3-15, 20040701
- Urban sprawl, energy use and CO2 emissions in Japanese cities, CD-ROM, 20040401
- Development of a fuzzy contingent valuation method to assess amenity improvement of a neighborhood street, Selected Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, CD-ROM, 20040701
- Evaluating the effects of multi-modal travel information based on the principle of relative utility maximization, Selected Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, CD-ROM, 20040701
- Development of mode choice behavior models with incomplete sample data, Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, CD-ROM, 20040401
- Hybrid choice behavior model considering uncertainty of subjective data, Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management= Japan Society of Civil Engineers, IV-64(765), 17-28, 20040701
- A demand prediction model of transit services for the elderly in mountainous areas, Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management= Japan Society of Civil Engineers, IV-67(786), 39-51, 20050401
- Applicability of household time allocation model with heterogeneous intra-household interaction to the analysis of the elderly transportation policies, Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management= Japan Society of Civil Engineers, IV-67(786), 53-65, 20050401
- Finding behavioral rules of urban public transport passengers by using boarding records of integrated stored fare card system, Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, CD-ROM, 20040401
- Influence of urban form on transportation energy consumption: Propositions for livable, environmentally-friendly cities, 20030401
- Effectiveness of EM-based imputation methods on correcting item non-response biases in travel diaries., Selected Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Transport Research, 9, 20030401
- Measurement of Willingness to Pay of Street Environment Improvement Based on Uncertainty, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4, 1356-1365, 20030401
- Transport Survey and Marketing Methods in Urban Public Transport by Using Boarding Records Collected by Integrated Stored Fare Card System, Selected Paper for International Symposium on City Planning, 270-279, 20030401
- Basic Study on Evaluation of Living Environments and Analysis of Household Residential Attitude Considering Intra-Household Interaction, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 39(3), 619-624, 20040401
- Society capacity evaluation for urban air quality management in the context of urban and transportation planning, Invited paper at the 9th National Convention on Civil Engineering= Thailand, 20040501
- Development of mode choice behavior models with incomplete sample data, Selected Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, CD-ROM, 20040701
- A dynamic bi-ordered-probit model system to evaluate the effects of introducing flexible working hour system, Selected Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, 20040401
- Development of methodology for analyzing travel patterns in the context of developing countries, Traffic and Transportation Studies, 222-234, 20040401
- Evaluating the effects of multi-modal travel information based on a discrete choice model with unequal and asymmetric structure, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, 20040401
- Finding behavioral rules of urban public transport passengers by using boarding records of integrated stored fare card system, Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, 20040401
- Development of mode choice behavior models with incomplete sample data, Selected Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, 20040401
- Evaluating the effects of multi-modal travel information based on the principle of relative utility maximization, Selected Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, 20040401
- Society capacity evaluation for urban air quality management in the context of urban and transportation planning, Invited Paper at the 9th National Convention on Civil Engineering, 20040401
- An empirical comparison of alternative models of household time allocation, Progress in Activity-Based Analysis= Timmermans= H. (ed.)= Elsevier, 259-283, 20050401
- A new discrete choice model with endogenous generation of choice set based on the principle of relative utility maximization, Paper accepted by the 84th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, 20050401
- Representing household time allocation behavior by endogenously incorporating diverse intra-household interactions: A case study in the context of elderly couples, Transportation Research C, 40(1), 54-74, 20060101
- A weekend shopping activity participation model dependent on weekday shopping behavior, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services= Pergamon, 10(6), 335-343, 20030401
- Development of a travel frequency forecasting system for bus service in depopulated areas, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 5, 1576-1590, 20030401
- Dynamic analysis and modeling of stated preference for travel modes, International Journal of Urban Sciences, 8(1), 13-27, 20040401
- Developing a New Activity-Trip Scheduling Model based on Utility of Timing Incorporating Timing Constraints, Censored Timing and Sequential Correlation, Proceedings of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, CD-ROM, 20050101
- A New Discrete Choice Model with Endogenous Generation of Choice Set Based on the Principle of Relative Utility Maximization, Proceedings of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, CD-ROM, 20050101
- Social Capacity Indicators for Environmental Management: A Case Study in Transport Sector Using Macro-Level data, Journal of International Development and Cooperation., 11(2), 51-65, 20050301
- Measuring Capacity Indicators of Civil Society for Environmental Management in Beijing based on an Attitudinal Survey, Journal of International Development and Cooperation., 11(2), 67-86, 20050301
- Dyanmic Process Model of Social Capacity for Environmental Management, Journal of International Development and Cooperation., 11(2), 31-49, 20050301
- Evaluating the Effects of a New Vehicle Emission Standard on Urban Air Quality in Jakarta City, Journal of International Development and Cooperation., 11(2), 11-30, 20050301
- An empirical comparison of alternative models of household time allocation, Progress in Activity-Based Analysis= Timmermans= H. (ed.)= Elsevier, Chapter 12, 259-283, 20050401
- An analysis of activity-travel patterns in a developing country: The case of Metro Manila, Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, CD-ROM, 20040701
- A cellular automata model of urban development with discrete choice, Selected Proceedings of the 2nd COE Expert Meeting on Social Capacity for Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and Development Process Modeling -, 2, 219-230, 20050101
- Methodology of developing social capacity indicators for environmental management: State-of-art and future directions, Selected Proceedings of the 2nd COE Expert Meeting on Social Capacity for Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and Development Process Modeling -, 2, 5-56, 20050101
- Measuring social capacity indicators for environmental management of transport sectors in the world cities, Selected Proceedings of the 2nd COE Expert Meeting on Social Capacity for Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and Development Process Modeling -, 2, 87-100, 20050101
- Development of social capacity indicators for environmental management in Beijing: A case study of citizen capacity indicator, Selected Proceedings of the 2nd COE Expert Meeting on Social Capacity for Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and Development Process Modeling -, 2, 163-180, 20050101
- Analysis of sustainable urban form in Jakarta, Indonesia, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management and International Cooperation in Developing Countries, 1, 69-76, 20040101
- Development of social capacity evaluation model for urban air quality management in the context of urban and transportation planning, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management and International Cooperation in Developing Countries, 1, 57-68, 20040101
- A model of land use evolution based on cellular automata, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management and International Cooperation in Developing Countries, 1, 103-114, 20040101
- Comparative analysis of travel patterns in the developing cities based on a hybrid model, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 4333-4348, 20050401
- Evaluating sustainability of urban development in developing countries incorporating dynamic cause-effect relationships over time (YASOSHIMA PRIZE: Best Paper Prize), Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 4349-4364, 20050401
- Residential and travel mode choices in the developing world: A comparative study of eleven developing cities, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 5, 2463-2469, 20050401
- Development of a choice model for evaluating sustainable urban form in a developing city, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 5, 2164-2178, 20050401
- Analysis of travel behavior array pattern by lifestyle incorporating sequential dependencies in a day, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 91-106, 20050401
- Development of non-monetary indicators to evaluate public transport services in rural areas, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 423-434, 20050401
- Effects of flextime system on arrival and departure times to and from work, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 1956-1970, 20050401
- Multi-dimensional timing decisions: A case study in tourism behavior analysis, Tourism Analysis, forthcoming, 20060401
- Empirical analysis of pedestrian route choice and activity participation behavior at a city center on weekends, Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on RECENT ADVANCES IN RETAILING AND SERVICES SCIENCE= EIRASS= Orlando= Florida= USA= July 21-24, 20050401
- Car ownership and use model with intra-household interaction, Paper presented at the International Workshop of International Workshop on Advanced Transportation Studies (IWATS-2005)= Higashi-Hiroshima= March 31, 20050401
- Household activity-travel scheduling model, Paper presented at the International Workshop of International Workshop on Advanced Transportation Studies (IWATS-2005)= Higashi-Hiroshima= March 31, 20050401
- Tourist travel demand analysis based on scheduling model, Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Retailing and Service Science= Portland= U.S.A.= August 7-10., 20050401
- Air Quality Improvement Analysis by New Emission Standards of Vehicles, Better Air Quality Workshop 2004= Agra-India= December, 20040401
- Evaluation of urban service quality in a local city considering intra-household gap, Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Retailing and Service Science= Prague= August 10-13., 20040401
- Comparative analysis of travel patterns in the developing cities based on a hybrid model, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 4333-4348, 20050401
- Evaluating sustainability of urban development in developing countries incorporating dynamic cause-effect relationships over time, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 4349-4364, 20050401
- Analysis of travel behavior array pattern by lifestyle incorporating sequential dependencies in a day, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 91-106, 20050401
- Development of non-monetary indicators to evaluate public transport services in rural areas, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 423-434, 20050401
- An integrated process model of social capacity development for environmental management, Journal of International Development and Cooperation., 11(2), 31-49, 20050401
- Social capacity indicators for environmental management: A case study in transport sector using macro-level data, Journal of International Development and Cooperation., 11(2), 51-65, 20050401
- Measuring capacity indicators of civil society for environmental management in Beijing based on an attitudinal survey, Journal of International Development and Cooperation., 11(2), 67-86, 20050401
- Residential and travel mode choices in the developing world: A comparative study of 11 developing cities, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 5, 2463-2469, 20050401
- Development of a choice model for evaluating sustainable urban form in a developing city, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 5, 2164-2178, 20050401
- Effects of a flextime system on arrival and departure times to and from work, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 1956-1970, 20050401
- Using Stated Preference Approach as a Tool of Transportation Planning and Policy Analysis: Theory and Applications, The 5th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals= (North America Chinese Transportation Association (NACOTA)=, forthcoming, 20050601
- A Comparative Analysis of Surface Ozone Patterns at Different Land Use Types in Jakarta City based on a Structural Equation Model with Latent Variables, Proceedings of the 85th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, CD-ROM, 20060101
- Analysis of Roadside Air Quality in Jakarta City : A Structural Equation Approach, JSME (Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers) International Journal, forthcoming, 20060401
- A Traffic Demand Prediction Model with Feedback for Jabodetabek Metropolitan Area, Indonesia, The Fifth International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, 535-546, 20060801
- Modeling Pollutant Concentration based on the Technique of Artificial Neural Network, The Fifth International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, 299-309, 20060801
- Choice of Travel Patterns: Theory and Application, The Fifth International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, 207-216, 20060401
- Evaluating efficiency of household vehicle use, The Fifth International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, 4, 268-277, 20060801
- A household time allocation model with behavioral interdependency between weekday and weekend, Paper accepted by the 11th World Conference on Transport Research, FORTHCOMING, 20070601
- Multi-dimensional timing decision model of household activity-travel behavior with endogenous coupling constraints, International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, CD-ROM, 20060401
- Bayesian analysis of group choice behavior in the context of household car ownership, The 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, CD-ROM, 20060801
- A generalized multi-state hidden Markov extension model for multi-state activity episode durations, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human-Animal Interactions= Prague= Czech Republi, CD-ROM, 20060801
- Evaluation of Multi-Modal Travel Information Website Based on Virtual Accessibility, 31(CD-ROM), 20050601
- Analysis of Pedestrian Excursion Route Choice at City Center on Weekends, 31 (CD-ROM), 20050601
- Evaluation of Urban Governance in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Urban Air Quality Management in Beijing, 31 (CD-ROM), 20050601
- Analysis of Household Time Allocation Behavior Based on a Large-Scale Time Use Data, 31 (CD-ROM), 20050601
- Comparative Analysis of Transport Accessibility in Developing Cities From the Perspective of Social Inequity, 31 (CD-ROM), 20050601
- Evaluation of Urban Service from the Perspectives of Citizens and Firms, 31 (CD-ROM), 20050601
- Empirical Analysis of Pedestrian Route Choice and Activity Participation Behavior in a City Center, Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Retailing and Service Science= Portland= U.S.A.= August 7-10., 20050701
- Household Activity-Travel Scheduling Model, International Workshop on Advanced Transportation Studies (IWATS)= 2005, 20050301
- A Study on User’s Evaluation of Multiple Information Systems, 32 (CD-ROM), 20051101
- Representing Discrete Choice Behavior based on the Generalized Relative Utility, 28(CD-ROM), 20031101
- The Characteristics of Mode Choice Models Based on Stated Preference Data, Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering= Hiroshima University, 11(1), 19910401
- Dynamic analysis and modeling of stated preference for travel models, International Journal of Urban Sciences, 8(1), 13-27, 20040401
- Contributions of Regional ITS to Vitalizing Local Regions. - A Case Study of Shimanami Information System, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, 20040401
- Development of GIS-aid Planning system for Bus Services in Depopulated Areas, Proceedings of ICIT=Beijing, 20020401
- A Study on Regional ITS for Sustainable Systems.- A Case Study of "YUKINAMI Net System", Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, 20030401
- Nested Paired Combinatorial LogitModel to Analyse Recreational Touring Behaviour, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Travel Behaviour(CD-ROM), 20000401
- Prediction Accouracy of Dynamic SP Mdels, Proceedings of 8th World Conference on Transport Research, 13, 19990401
- Dynamic Travel Demand Models incorporating unobserved heterogeneity and first-order serial correlation, Presented at 8th WCTR= Antwerp., 19980401
- Survival Analysis of Public Participation in Experiment Scheme to Determine Travel Demand Management Policy,Worksyop on Response to New Transport Altanatives and Policies, presented at 8th Meeting of the IATBR(International Association of Travel Behaviour Research)=Austin=Texas=U.S.A, 19970401
- Demand Analysis of Access Travel Mode to New Hiroshima Airport Based on Stated Preference Data, Proceedings of International Symposium on City Planning 2004, 19950401
- Panel Analysis of Stated Preference Data, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Travel Behaviour= Quebec= pp.98-113., 19910401
- Dynamic Analysisof Stated Preferance for Travel Modes Using Panel Date, 19980401
- Transportation issues and future directions in Tokyo, Jakarta, Manila and Hiroshima, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 5, 2391-2404, 20050401
- Urban travel behavior characteristics of 13 cities based on household interview survey data, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 23-38, 20050401
- A study on feasibility and effects evaluation method of introduction of packaged TDM measures, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 2378-2393, 20050401
- A model of household task allocation and time use, Transportation Research Part B, 39, 81-95, 20050401
- Modeling traveler choice behavior using the concepts of relative utility and relative interest, Transportation Research Part B, 38(3), 215-234, 20040401
- Analysis of Car Ownership Behavior in Local Japanese Cities from the Environmental Perspective, 95-102, 20040101
- Analysis of Ownership Behavior of Low-Emission Passenger cars in Local Japanese Cities, Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 5, 1379-1393, 20050901
- Development of a new discrete choice model incorporating group decision-making mechanisms, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 259-268, 20051001
- Efficiency Diagnostics of Household Car Use in Suburbs of Local City, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 41(2), 157-162, 20061001
- Capacity development for sustainable urban transport in developing countries, Environmental Management, in press, 20060401
- Progress of group behavior research in Japan in the context of travel behavior analysis, International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, CD-ROM, 20060801
- Measuring social capacity for environmental management in transport sector in Beijing based on an attitudinal survey from the perspective of civil society, Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, CD-ROM, 20060401
- Tourist travel demand analysis based on scheduling model, Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Retailing and Service Science= Portland= U.S.A.= August 7-10., 20030801
- Methodology for Modeling Household Time Allocation Behavior, Proceedings of the Conference on Activity-based Analysis, CD-ROM, 20040501
- A model of land use based on cellular automata, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management and International Cooperation in Developing Countries, 103-114, 20040101
- Methodology of developing social capacity indicators for environmental management: State-of-art and future directions, Selected Proceedings of the 2nd COE Expert Meeting on Social Capacity for Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and Development Process Modeling -, 5-55, 20041101
- Comparative analysis of interaction between land use and transportation in developing countries, Proceedings of the IX INTECOL (The International Association for Ecology) International Congress of Ecology, CD-ROM, 20050801
- The application of structural equation model to analyze urban roadside air pollution in Jakarta city, Paper presented at the 16th Regional Conference of Clean Air and Environment in Asia Pacific Area 2005= Kogakuin University= Japan= August 2-4, 20050801
- Representing heterogeneous intra-household interaction in the context of time allocation, Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, CD-ROM, 20040101
- Analysis of energy consumption efficiency in transport sector using a multiple-output stochastic frontier model with flexible cause-effect structure, Paper accepted by the 11th World Conference on Transport Research, forthcoming, 20070601
- An latent class competing risks model incorporating heterogeneity of activity scheduling decisions, Paper accepted by the 11th World Conference on Transport Research, FORTHCOMING, 20070601
- A multi-agent model for supporting CBD regeneration based on pedestrian distributions: Framework and numerical simulations, Paper accepted by the 11th World Conference on Transport Research, FORTHCOMING, 20070601
- Testing spatial stability of travel time expenditures in the developing world, Paper accepted by the 11th World Conference on Transport Research, FORTHCOMING, 20070601
- Comparative analysis of bilateral tourism behavior mechanisms between Japan and Korea along Asian Highway, Presented at the International Conference on Tourism and the New Asia: Implications for Research= Policy and Practice= Beijing= August 9-12., 20060701
- International tourism behavior along the Asian Highway: A comparison of Korean and Japanese travelers, Presented at the 2nd Japan/China Joint Seminar on Urban Development and Intelligent Transport Systems for the Future of Asian Cities= Harbin= China= July 30., 20060801
- Comparison Analysis of tourism behavior between Japan and Korea, Paper presented at the 3rd Japan-Korea Joint Seminar= IKSAN= Korea= July 4., 20050701
- Dynamic Analysis of Energy Efficiency of Urban Transportation Systems Using an Incomplete Panel Data, Presented at SAKURA Meeting= Japan-France Integrated Action Program= Paris= September 26., 20050901
- Representing heterogeneous ownership behavior of low-emission passenger cars in local Japanese cities, Paper presented at SAKURA Meeting= Japan-France Integrated Action Program= Kyoto= December 14., 20041201
- Development of Car Ownership and Use Model Considering Intra-household Interaction, Paper presented at SAKURA Meeting= Japan-France Integrated Action Program= INERTS= Paris= July 2., 20040702
- Analyzing vehicular pollutant concentration using neural network, 33(CD-ROM), 20060601
- A travel demand prediction model with feedback of transportation networks influence for Beijing, 33(CD-ROM), 20060601
- Urban land use models for sustainable futures, 33(CD-ROM), 20060601
- Measuring social capacity indicators for urban air pollution from transportation in Jakarta city based on an attitudinal survey, 32(CD-ROM), 20051101
- Telecommunications and transportation interactions: A review, 29(CD-ROM), 20040601
- Survey and Model Development of Household Residential Choice Behavior with Group Decision-Making Mechanisms, 41(2), 97-102, 20061101
- Positron Annihilation in Nearly Perfect Crystals of Aluminum during Slow Cooling, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 55(2), 683-689, 19860201
- Expression of Na+, K+-ATPase alpha-subunit in animalized and vegetalized embryos of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, Development= Growth and Differentiation, 34, 677-684, 19920401
- Inhibition of 45Ca2+ uptake in the eggs and embryos of the sea urchin, Anthocidaris crassispina, by several calcium antagonists, anion transport inhibitor and chloride transport inhibitors, Journal of Experimental Zoology, 235, 281-288, 19850401
- Stage specific effects on sea urchin embryogenesis of Zn2+, Li+, several inhibitors of cAMP-phosphodiestrase and inhibitors of protein synthesis., Development= Growth and Differentiation, 25, 249-260, 19830401
- Changes in the activities of H+,K+-ATPase and Na+,K+- ATPase in cultured cells derived from micromeres of sea urchin embryos with special reference to their roles in spicule rod formation, Development= Growth and Differentiation, 31, 171-178, 19890401
- Change in the activity of Na+,K+-ATPase in embryos of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, during early development, Development= Growth and Differentiation, 34, 379-385, 19920401
- Expression of Na+,K+-ATPase alpha-subunit in animalized and vegetalized embryos of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, Development= Growth and Differentiation, 34, 677-684, 19920401
- Analysis of Inter-personal and Intra-personal Similarities of Activity-Travel Patterns in a Depopulated Area of Japan, Proceedings of International Symposium on City Planning 2008, 949-958, 20080821
- Effects of an in-vehicle warning information system on drivers' behavior when they approach a large-scale crest-shaped intersection, Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, 20080114
- Effects of an in-vehicle warning information system on drivers' behavior when they approach a large-scale crest-shaped intersection, Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 20080114
- Analysis of stopping behavior at urban signalized intersections: An empirical study in Korea, Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 20080115
- Exploring environmentally sustainable urban forms for Beijing based on an integrated transport demand model with feedback, Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies, 20080806
- Applying expectation maximization method to impute item non-responses in person-trip survey for an aggregate travel mode choice model in developing countries, Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies, 20080806
- Analysis of stopping behavior at urban signalized intersections: An empirical study in Korea, Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 20080115
- Exploring environmentally sustainable urban forms for Beijing based on an integrated transport demand model with feedback, Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies, 20080806
- Travel demand analysis of public transportation systems in Lanzhou city based on prospect theory, Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies, 20080807
- Influence of dynamic warning traffic information on driving behavior at an intersection nearby a bridge, 133-136, 20071114
- Study on travel pattern classification in local cities, 27, 189-192, 20071115
- Time allocation model incorporating self-selection biases of activity choice and inter-activity interactions, 42(3), 553-558, 20071118
- Spatial analysis of driving behavior at an intersection nearby a bridge and effects of in-vehicle warning information, 6, 20071206
- Development of household vehicle holding duration model with multiple-peak distributions and application to policy analysis, 42(3), 571-576, 20071117
- Environmental efficiency analysis of urban transportation systems using a multi-output stochastic frontier model with flexible cause-effect structure, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 20070901
- Modeling the level of environmentally efficient car ownership, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 20070901
- Evaluating environmentally sustainable urban and transport policies for a developing city based on a travel demand model with feedback mechanisms, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 20070901
- Representing household vehicle holding duration with heterogeneous distributions based on latent class approach, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 20070901
- Bivariate probit model of on-road emission measurement of passenger cars in Jakarta city, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 20070901
- The interaction between pedestrians and facilities in central business districts: An explorative case study, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 20070901
- Motorization in Asia: 14 Countries and Three Metropolitan Areas, IATTS (International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences) Research, 31(1), 46-58, 20070201
- Child effect on household non-commute trips, In CD-ROM of Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 20080101
- Modeling group decision-making mechanisms in household travel behavior: Theories and an application, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (in press), 20070901
- A discrete choice model with dynamic social interaction: framework and application to household choice of vehicle type, Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research (CD-ROM), 20070601
- Urban governance of packaging environmentally sustainable transport policies: indicator development and application, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (CD-ROM), 20070901
- A model of household time allocation behavior with endogenously determined balance of power, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 235-244, 20071201
- Modeling household time allocation behavior: cComparative analysis using a large-scale data from survey on time use and leisure activities in Japan, Paper accepted by the IATUR (International Association for Time Use Research) 29th Annual Conference, Washington DC, 20071017
- Household preferences for sustainable urban forms in Jabotabek metropolitan area, Indonesia: Survey, model and evaluation, Paper presented at the 13th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, 20070610
- Multi-dimensional timing decision model of household activity-travel behavior with endogenous coupling constraints, Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Kyoto, Japan, 20060816
- Progress of group behavior research in Japan in the context of travel behavior analysis, roceedings of the 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Kyoto, 20060816
- Multidimensional Timing Decisions: a Case Study in Tourism Behavior Analysis, Tourism Analysis, VOL. 11, 20060401
- Representing household time allocation behavior by endogenously incorporating diverse intra-household interactions: A case study in the context of elderly couples, Transportation Research Part B, 40, 54-74, 20060401
- Modeling the Level of Environmentally Sustainable Car Ownership, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, VOL.7, 20060401
- Environmental Efficiency Analysis of Urban Transportation Systems Using a Multi-Output Stochastic Fronter Model With Flexible Cause-Effect Structure, ournal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, VOL.7, 20060401
- Analyzing Vehicular Pollutant Concentration Using Neural Network, Presentation in the Spring Conference of JSCE, 20060601
- An Evolutionary Neural Network Approach for Estimation of Pollutant Concentration, Proceedings of the International Conference of ISCS&SIS'2006, 20060901
- Analysis of Energy Consumption Efficiency in Transport Sector Using a Multiple-Output Stochastic Frontier Model with Flexible Cause-Effect Structure, International Conference of 11th WCTR, Berkeley, USA, 20070301
- A Feedback Prediction Model with Applications in the JABODETABEK Metropolitan Area of Indonesia, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 20060401
- A Travel Demand Prediction MODEL with Feedback of Transportation Networks Influence for Beijing, Presentation in the Spring Conference of JSCE, 20060601
- A Travel Demand Prediction Model with Feedback for Jabodetabek Metropolitan Area, Indonesia, 535-546, 20060802
- Analysis Bivariate Probit Model of On-road Emission Measurement of Passenger Cars in Major Roads of Jakarta City, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 20060401
- In-use Gasoline Vehicle Emission Measurement for Jakarta: An analysis of the 2005 bylaw on Air Pollution Control, 15th Indonesian Scientific Conference in Japan Proceedings, 20060401
- Analysis of Roadside Surface Ozone based on a Structural Equation Model with State Dependence and Serial Correlation in Jakarta City, 11th World Conference on Transportation Research, 20060624
- Analysis of feedback to obtain steady-state solutions in four-step modeling, Transportmetrica, 20090219
- Adding a new step with special autocorrelation to improve the four-step travel demand model with feedback for a developing country, IATTS (International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences) Research, 20090401
- Representing intra-household interaction in transit-oriented residential choice behavior using stated preference approach, Transportation Research Record, 20090111
- Formation, influence of traffic signal location on driver braking maneuver at urban signalized intersections: Lessons from a Korean case, the 88th Annual Meeting the Transportation Research Board, 20090111
- Exploring variation properties of departure time choice behavior using multilevel analysis approach, Transportation Research Record, 20090111
- Modeling household discrete choice behavior incorporating heterogeneous group decision-making mechanisms, Transportation Research Part B, 230-250, 20090401
- Analysis of stopping behavior at urban signalized intersections: An empirical study in Korea, 84-91, 20080401
- Urbanization and subsurface environmental issues: An attempt at DPSIR model application in Asian cities, Science of Total Environment (STOTEN), 407(9), 3089-3104, 20090401
- Exploring sustainable development of a developing city based on a new integrated model, Intelligent Transportation System and Information Technology, 20080401
- An integrated modeling framework for environmentally efficient car ownership and trip balance, IATTS (International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences) Research, 32(2), 95-108, 20070401
- Modeling group decision-making mechanisms in household travel behavior: Theories and an application, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 654-669, 20070401
- Motorization in Asia: 14 Countries and Three Metropolitan Areas, IATTS (International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences) Research, 31(1), 46-58, 20070401
- The interaction between pedestrians and facilities in central business districts: An explorative case study, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 1870-1885, 20070401
- Bivariate probit model of on-road emission measurement of passenger cars in Jakarta city, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 1377-1388, 20070401
- Representing household vehicle holding duration with heterogeneous distributions based on latent class approach, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 782-794, 20070401
- Analysis and application for urban inhabitant travel demand models, Intelligent Transportation System and Information Technology, 7(6), 80-84, 20070401
- Evaluating environmentally sustainable urban and transport policies for a developing city based on a travel demand model with feedback mechanisms, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 751-761, 20070401
- Environmental efficiency analysis of urban transportation systems using a multi-output stochastic frontier model with flexible cause-effect structure, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 1475-1489, 20070401
- Modeling the level of environmentally efficient car ownership, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 1490-1505, 20070401
- Representing household time allocation behavior by endogenously incorporating diverse intra-household interactions;A case study in the context of elderly couples, Transportation Research Part B, 54-74, 20060401
- Multi-Dimensional Timing Decisions: A Case Study in Tourism Behavior Analysis, Tourism Analysis, 319-330, 20060401
- Analysis of roadside air quality in Jakarta city: A structural equation approach, JSME (Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers) International Journal Series B, 8-18, 20060401
- Comparative analysis of travel patterns in the developing cities based on a hybrid model, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4333-4348, 20050401
- Social capacity indicators for environmental management: A case study in transport sector using macro-level data, Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 11(2), 51-65, 20050401
- Measuring capacity indicators of civil society for environmental management in Beijing based on an attitudinal survey, Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 11(2), 67-86, 20050401
- Analysis of travel behavior array pattern by lifestyle incorporating sequential dependencies in a day, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 91-106, 20050401
- The effects of a flextime system on arrival and departure times to and from work, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 1956-1970, 20050401
- Evaluating the effects of a new vehicle emission standard on urban air quality in Jakarta city, Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 11(2), 11-30, 20050401
- Development of non-monetary indicators to evaluate public transport services in rural areas, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 423-439, 20050401
- Development of car tourists' scheduling model for one-day tour, Transportation Research Record, 100-111, 20050401
- Evaluating sustainability of urban development in developing countries incorporating dynamic cause-effect relationships over time, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4349-4364, 20050401
- A weekend shopping activity participation model dependent on weekday shopping behavior, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 10(6), 335-343, 20030401
- Development of a travel frequency forecasting system for bus service in depopulated areas, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 1576-1590, 20031029
- A mode choice model separating taste variation and stated preference reporting bias, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4(3), 23-38, 20010401
- Dynamic travel demand models based on longitudinal person-trip data, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4(3), 129-144, 20010401
- Modeling of touring behavior along the Asian Highway incorporating inter-alternative similarities: A comparative analysis between Japanese and Korean tourists, 783-792, 20080401
- Estimation of household car traveling distances using hazard-based duration model, 623-631, 20081101
- Development of household car type choice model incorporating multi decision marking rules, 24(3), 499-507, 20071010
- Influences of city compactness on travel behavior patterns in a local city: Analysis using an aggregate-type discrete choice model incorporating inter-alternative similarities, 42(3), 595-600, 20071117
- Driving characteristics and the effects of warning traffic information provision at a road section with frequent occurrence of traffic accidents, 887-894, 20070401
- Comparative Analyses of Group Discrete Choice Models: A Case Study in the Context of Household Choice of Vehicle Type, 41(2), 97-102, 20060401
- Survey and model development of household residential choice behavior with group decision-making mechanisms, 41(2), 97-102, 20060401
- Efficiency diagnostics of household car use in suburbs of local city, 41(2), 157-162, 20060401
- An evaluation method for local city policy-making focusing on travel behavior patterns and its application, 137-140, 20060401
- Applicability of household time allocation model with heterogeneous intra-household interaction to the analysis of transportation policies for the elderly, IV-67,53-65, 20050401
- A demand prediction model of transit services for the elderly in rural depopulated areas, IV-67,39-51, 20050401
- Analysis of seamless transit system services in depopulated areas, 659-666, 20050401
- Smart-2 Miles Hiroshima Project: A Comprehensive Application of ITS technologies to Enhance Traffic Safety at Successive Intersections, 20050401
- Evaluation of effects of social capacity for environmental management on sustainable development in developing cities, 214-217, 20040401
- Representing travel choice behavior dynamics based on cross-sectional and longitudinal heterogeneity, IV-64,3-15, 20040401
- Basic study on evaluation of living environments and analysis of household residential attitude considering intra-household interaction, 619-624, 20040401
- Hybrid discrete choice model incorporating fuzziness of subjective evaluation data, IV-64,17-28, 20040401
- Effects of multi-modal travel information considering unequal evaluation structure of choice alternatives, 213-216, 20030401
- Evaluation of neighborhood street improvements based on “fuzzy contingent valuation method, 505-510, 20030401
- Influence of flextime system on departure time from and arrival time to workplace, 383-390, 20020401
- Analysis of SP panel data for mode choice based on the concept of relative utility, 19(3), 365-374, 20020401
- Effects of pre-trip travel information based on r_MNL model and r_NL model, 289-292, 20010401
- Influence of road improvement on touring behavior, 699-705, 19990401
- A mode choice model separating taste variation and stated preference reporting error, 609-617, 19980401
- A weekend shopping trip frequency model, 629-637, 19980401
- Analysis of attending behavior to part-and-ride experimental scheme using duration model, 671-678, 19970401
- A dynamic mode choice model considering unobserved heterogeneity based on mass point approach, 623-632, 19960401
- To correct panel attrition and reporting biases in travel mode choice model based on mass point approach, 587-594, 19960401
- Structural analysis of travel mode choice model with individual heterogeneity, 425-434, 19950401
- Development of travel demand models using repeated cross-sectional data, 93-104, 19950401
- A multinomial travel mode choice model with mass point considering unobserved heterogeneity, 217-220, 19950401
- Development of a travel demand prediction model considering time series elements: Using a longitudinal person-trip data, 43(1), 77-78, 19940401
- Development of travel demand predicting models using longitudinal person-trip data, 173-176, 19940401
- A Comparative modeling analysis of household time allocation behavior using a large-scale national time use data in Japan, the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 20090111
- A Comparison of transportation network optimization with different equity measures using bi-level programming approach, the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 20090111
- Household time allocation and Interaction: A comparison of households with and without young children, the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 20090111
- The influence of socioeconomic characteristics and spatial environments on travel behavior in Dhaka city, the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 20090101
- Models of household activity and travel behaviors with group decision-making mechanisms in Japan, he 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, 20060816
- Modeling heterogeneous dynamics in departure time choice behavior during a social experiment of discounting the tolls of the Hanshin expressway, International Symposium on City Planning 2008, 443-452, 20080821
- Child effect on household non-commute trips, the 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 20080113
- Applying expectation maximization method to impute item non-responses in person-trip survey for an aggregate travel mode choice model in developing countries, the 6th International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies, 155-164, 20080805
- Impact of in-vehicle real-time traffic safety warning information on driving stability at limited signal visibility approaches: Use of an ordered probit model, the 11th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20081012
- Travel choice analysis of stochastic transfer in urban public transport systems: Theory and application, the 6th International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies, 20080805
- Evaluation of the effects of a warning information system on reducing traffic accidents based on a social experiment in Hiroshima, the 6th International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies, 20080805
- A comparative evaluation on different equity measures for transportation system: sensitivity analysis on road network design, International Symposium on City Planning 2008, 927-936, 20080821
- Analysis of school participation in Dhaka city of Bangladesh based on a time allocation model with endogenous activity generation,, International Symposium on City Planning 2008, 620-629, 20080821
- Urban governance of packaging environmentally sustainable transport policies: indicator development and application, the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 167-184, 20070401
- A household time allocation model with behavioral interdependency between weekday and weekend, the 11th World Conference on Transport Research, 20070401
- A model of household time allocation behavior with endogenously determined balance of power, the 12th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 235-244, 20070401
- Testing spatial stability of travel time expenditures in the developing world, the 11th World Conference on Transport Research, 20070401
- A multi-agent model for supporting CBD regeneration based on pedestrian distributions: Framework and numerical simulations, the 11th World Conference on Transport Research, 20070401
- An latent class competing risks model incorporating heterogeneity of activity scheduling decisions, the 11th World Conference on Transport Research, 20070401
- A discrete choice model with dynamic social interaction: framework and application to household choice of vehicle type, the 11th World Conference on Transport Research, 20070401
- Analysis of energy consumption efficiency in transport sector using a multiple-output stochastic frontier model with flexible cause-effect structure, the 11th World Conference on Transport Research, 20070401
- Measuring social capacity for environmental management in transport sector in Beijing based on an attitudinal survey from the perspective of civil society, the 12th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, 20060406
- Multi-dimensional timing decision model of household activity-travel behavior with endogenous coupling constraints, Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, 20060816
- Bayesian analysis of group choice behaviour in the context of household car ownership, the 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, 20060816
- Choice of travel patterns: Cause-effect analysis, the 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, 20060802
- A Comparative analysis of surface ozone patterns at different land use types in Jakarta city based on a structural equation model with latent variables, the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 20060122
- A generalized multi-state hidden Markov extension model for multi-state activity episode durations, the 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, 20060122
- Evaluating efficiency of household vehicle use, the 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, 20060802
- An evolutionary neural network approach for estimation of pollutant concentration, Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems, 20060901
- Modeling pollutant concentration based on the technique of artificial neural network, the 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, 20060802
- A travel demand prediction model with feedback for Jabodetabek metropolitan area, Indonesia, the 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, 20060802
- Using Stated Preference Approach as a Tool of Transportation Planning and Policy Analysis: Theory and Applications, the 5th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals, 401-427, 20050625
- Developing a new activity-trip scheduling model based on utility of timing incorporating timing constraints, censored timing and sequential correlation, the 84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 20050109
- A new discrete choice model with endogenous generation of choice set based on the principle of relative utility maximization, the 84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 20050109
- Development of a choice model for evaluating sustainable urban form in a developing city, the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 20050401
- Residential and travel mode choices in the developing world: A comparative study of 11 developing cities, the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2463-2469, 20050401
- Analysis of ownership behavior of low-emission passenger cars in local Japanese cities, the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 20050401
- Time series forecasts of international travel demand from Japan to Korea, Annual Summer Conference of Korean Society of Transportation, 123-128, 20050401
- Evaluating the effects of multi-modal travel information based on a discrete choice model with unequal and asymmetric structure, the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, 20041018
- Representing heterogeneous intra-household interaction in the context of time allocation, the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 20040111
- Development of methodology for analyzing travel patterns in the context of developing countries, Traffic and Transportation Studies, Proceedings of ICTTS 2004, 222-234, 20040401
- A dynamic bi-ordered-probit model system to evaluate the effects of introducing flexible working hour system, the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, 20040704
- Finding behavioral rules of urban public transport passengers by using boarding records of integrated stored fare card system, the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, 20040704
- An analysis of activity-travel patterns in a developing country: The case of Metro Manila, the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, 20040704
- Development of mode choice behavior models with incomplete sample data, the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, 20040704
- Society capacity evaluation for urban air quality management in the context of urban and transportation planning, the 9th National Convention on Civil Engineering, 20040519
- Development of a fuzzy contingent valuation method to assess amenity improvement of a neighborhood street, the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, 20040704
- Evaluating the effects of multi-modal travel information based on the principle of relative utility maximization, the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, 20040704
- Capturing people's mode choice preferences under changes in travel and social-economic environments in Yangon city based on stated preference survey, the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, 20040704
- Transport Survey and Marketing Methods in Urban Public Transport by Using Boarding Records Collected by Integrated Stored Fare Card System, International Symposium on City Planning, 20030401
- Analysis of Mode Choice Behaviours based on Latent Class Models, the 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, 20030401
- Measurement of Willingness to Pay of Street Environment Improvement Based on Uncertainty, the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 1356-1365, 20030401
- A Hybrid Discrete Choice Model with Fuzziness, European Transport Conference, 20030401
- A Survey and Analysis Method to Evaluate Influence of Pre-trip Information on Commuter's Travel Choice Behaviour, 2nd International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, 754-761, 20000401
- Dynamic Travel Demand Models incorporating unobserved heterogeneity and first-order serial correlation, the 8th World Conference on Transport Research, 19980401
- Survival Analysis of Public Participation in Experiment Scheme to Determine Travel Demand Management Policy, the 8th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, 19970401
- Modeling household time allocation behavior: Comparative analysis using a large-scale data from survey on time use and leisure activities in Japan, the IATUR 29th Annual Conference, 20071017
- Household preferences for sustainable urban forms in Jabotabek metropolitan area, Indonesia: Survey, model and evaluation, the 13th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, 20070610
- A feedback prediction model with applications in the Jabodetabek Metropolitan Area of Indonesia, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 329-337, 20060401
- Evaluating Inefficiency of Household Car Use Behavior based on a Stochastic Frontier Model, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 20060401
- A multi-agent tool to support the process of generating alternative land-use plans, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 207-216, 20060401
- Comparative analysis of interaction between land use and transportation in developing countries, the IX INTECOL (The International Association for Ecology) International Congress of Ecology, 20050807
- Development of a new discrete choice model incorporating group decision-making mechanisms, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 259-268, 20050401
- Causes of energy efficiency in urban transport sector, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 249-258, 20050401
- User evaluations of regional intelligent transport systems based on a demonstrative experiment, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 365-370, 20050401
- The application of structural equation model to analyze urban roadside air pollution in Jakarta city, the 16th Regional Conference of Clean Air and Environment in Asia Pacific Area 2005, 20050802
- Air quality improvement analysis by new emission standards of vehicles, the Better Air Quality Workshop 2004, 20041206
- Methodology of developing social capacity indicators for environmental management: State-of-art and future directions, the 2nd COE Expert Meeting on Social Capacity for Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and Development Process Modeling, 5-55, 20041102
- Modeling development process of social capacity for environmental management, the 2nd COE Expert Meeting on Social Capacity for Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and Development Process Modeling, 57-73, 20041102
- Measuring social capacity indicators for environmental management of transport sectors in the world cities, the 2nd COE Expert Meeting on Social Capacity for Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and Development Process Modeling -, 87-100, 20041102
- Development of social capacity indicators for environmental management in Beijing: A case study of citizen capacity indicator, the 2nd COE Expert Meeting on Social Capacity for Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and Development Process Modeling, 20041102
- A cellular automata model of urban development with discrete choice, the 2nd COE Expert Meeting on Social Capacity for Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and Development Process Modeling, 20041102
- Urban sprawl, energy use and CO2 emissions in Japanese cities, 20040128
- Development of social capacity evaluation model for urban air quality management in the context of urban and transportation planning, 57-68, 20040113
- Analysis of sustainable urban form in the Jabodetabek region, 69-76, 20040113
- Analysis of car ownership behavior in local Japanese cities from environmental perspective, 95-102, 20040113
- A model of land use based on cellular automata, 103-114, 20040113
- Influence of urban form on transportation energy consumption: Propositions for livable, environmentally-friendly cities, 115-125, 20040113
- Urban sprawl, energy use and CO2 emissions in Japanese cities, 126-141, 20040113
- Using a dynamic structural equation model to evaluate the sustainability of urban development, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 189-198, 20040401
- The influence of tax policies on the ownership of low-emission vehicles in local Japanese cities, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 275-280, 20040401
- Development of a choice model for evaluating sustainable urban form, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 219-227, 20040401
- Using stated preference approach to estimate mode choice behavior under changes in travel and socio-economic environments in Myanmar, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 207-216, 20030401
- Living environment preferences of residents in a developing country and their possible implications for environmentally-friendly development, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 217-222, 20030401
- Cause-effect structure analysis of influential factors related to affective experience of using transit systems based on day reconstruction method, 20090401
- A participatory self-declaring survey method: Applicability and issues, 20090401
- Analysis of on-road emissions measurement under the inspection and maintenance program for passenger cars and motorcycles in Jabodetabek, Indonesia, 20090401
- Analysis of energy consumption efficiency in transport sector and carbon dioxide emissions in selected 85 countries of the world, 20090401
- The Stated Participation Behavior to a Participatory Self-Declaring Survey System for Sustainable Urban Planning, 20090401
- Value of Information Provision under Automatic Guidance System of Multi-Modal Information, 20090509
- A method of activity classification based on behavioral similarity, 20080401
- Modeling heterogeneous dynamics in the stated and revealed travel mode choice behaviors with panel data, 20080401
- A simultaneous-equation model of car ownership duration and travel distance, 20080401
- Development of discrete choice model incorporating intra-household interaction at attribute level, 20080401
- Evaluation of public transportation system users’ affective experiences based on the day reconstruction method, 20080401
- Change of driving behavior after the provision of in-vehicle traffic warning information, 20080401
- Multilevel analysis of variations of activity patterns using a six-week travel diary data, 20080401
- Capturing the long-term changes in time use behavior based on time allocation model, 20080401
- Basic analysis of activity patterns in depopulated areas, 13-16, 20080401
- Analysis of household residential choice behavior in a developing city based on relative utility model, 20080401
- Continuous effects of in-vehicle traffic warning information along a road section with successive intersections, 20080401
- Factor analysis of traffic accidents in expressways by integrating probe-vehicle data and existing statistical data, 20080401
- Influence of delivery/pick-up behavior on the out-of-home activity participation of the people providing delivery/pick-up, 20080401
- Analysis of environmental governance in transport sector at national level, 20080401
- Modeling of tourists’ excursion behavior along the Asian Highway incorporating inter-alternative similarities: comparative analysis between Japanese and Korean tourists, 20070401
- Analysis of permanent residence attitude and planned duration based on a discrete-continuous model, 305-306, 20070401
- Development of vehicle holding duration with household heterogeneity, 323-324, 20070401
- To measure the effects of in-vehicle traffic warning information based on a probe-vehicle survey,, 20070401
- Development of tourism behavior model considering inter-alternative similarities, 321-322, 20070401
- Effects of mobility management in Hiroshima city, 20070401
- Development of a bus use frequency prediction model incorporating asymmetric evaluation of service levels, 319-320, 20070401
- Development of household time allocation model incorporating weekday-weekend interdependence, 307-308, 20070401
- Assessment and prediction of surface ozone concentration using artificial neural network multilayer perceptron in Jakarta city,, 20070401
- Time use, timing and value of time: methodologies and implications to policy analysis, 20060401
- Evaluation of urban governance at a local city from the perspective of administrative perspective, 20060401
- Efficiency analysis of household car use behavior based on frontier analysis approach, 13-16, 20060401
- Development of group discrete choice model with multiple decision-making rules, 20060401
- Influence of traffic warning information on driving behavior at an intersection focusing on drivers’ characteristics, 20060401
- Study on traffic conflict survey and evaluation method at a road section with successive intersections, 20060401
- Analysis of residential choice behavior based on group discrete choice model, 333-334, 20060401
- Analysis of latent bus demand in depopulated areas, 363-364, 20060401
- Examination of sampling attrition during the process of TFR (travel feedback program) communication, 20060401
- Analysis of energy consumption efficiency of urban transportation system, 343-344, 20060401
- Influences of regional ITS on tourism behavior, 20060401
- A travel demand prediction model with feedback of transportation networks influence for Beijing, 20060401
- Analyzing vehicular pollutant concentration using neural network, 20060401
- Urban land use models for sustainable futures, 20060401
- Analysis of household choice behavior of vehicle type based on group discrete choice model, 20050401
- Evaluation of urban service quality based on a gap model, 27-30, 20050401
- Evaluation of urban governance in developing countries: A case study of urban air quality in Beijing, 20050401
- A comparative analysis of transport accessibilities across developing citie4s from the perspective of social equity, 20050401
- Analysis of pedestrian walking route choice behavior at a city center on weekend, 20050401
- Analysis of car use and allocation mechanisms among household members, 20050401
- Analysis of household time allocation behavior model using a large-scaled time use data, 20050401
- Evaluation of urban services from the perspectives of citizens and firms, 20050401
- Analysis of activity-travel characteristics of visitors to city center on weekend, 355-356, 20050401
- Basic study on users’ evaluations about a multi-source travel information system, 20050401
- A comparative analysis of travel behavior characteristics in developing cities, 353-354, 20050401
- Evaluation of a travel information website based on the concept of virtual accessibility, 20050401
- Measuring social capacity indicators for urban air pollution from transportation in Jakarta city based on an attitudinal survey, 20050401
- Evaluating energy efficiency of urban transportation systems in developing cities using a four-wave panel data, 20050401
- Development of a activity-travel scheduling model incorporating timing utility, 20040401
- Development of a new discrete choice model with endogenous generation of choice set and application to the analysis of pedestrian walking behavior at a city center, 20040401
- Relationship between parking choice behavior and vitalization of central urban area, 20040401
- Analysis of regional tourism behavior in Chogoku, Shikoku and Kyusyu regions, 20040401
- Development of a discrete choice model with inter-agent interaction and application to household car ownership behavior analysis, 20040401
- Analysis of low-emission vehicle ownership behavior in local Japanese cities, 20040401
- Evaluation of urban service quality incorporating the gap between satisfaction and expectation, 20040401
- Basic study on urban service quality, 409-410, 20040401
- Relationship between visiting behavior to city center on weekend and parking behavior, 363-364, 20040401
- Analysis of touring behavior in Chogoku, Shikoku and Kyusyu regions, 364-368, 20040401
- A survey of car ownership behavior in local Japanese cities, 365-366, 20040401
- Development of a dynamic evaluation model of urban sustainability, 20040401
- Analysis of seamless transit services on depopulated regions, 20040401
- Telecommunications and transportation interactions: A review, 20040401
- To represent discrete choice behavior based on the concept of generalized relative utility, 20030401
- Development of household time allocation model based on iso-elastic social welfare function, 20030401
- A basic analysis of urban public transportation marketing by using a data mining approach, 20030401
- Analysis of travel mode choice model considering the acquisition behavior of multi-modal travel information, 20030401
- Development of a fuzzy-CVM (contingent valuation method) for the evaluation of street improvement within a community, 20030401
- Analysis of collision traffic accidents in case of car-following at an intersection nearby a bridge, 435-436, 20030401
- Analysis of travel information acquisition patterns by using access log data of website, 20030401
- Analysis of travel information acquisition patterns by using access log data of website, 431-432, 20030401
- Analysis of mode choice preferences under changes in travel and socio-economic environments in Yangon city based on stated preference survey, 20030401
- Development of a evaluation model for car-sharing system, 20020401
- Development of a evaluation model for car-sharing system, 20020401
- A new travel mode choice model with attitude, 584-585, 19980401
- A model to represent the change of commuter’s departure time from home under pre-trip travel information provision, 48-49, 19960401
- Basic study on determining survey interval for stated preference panel survey, 795-798, 19960401
- Discussion about evaluation methods of evaluating the effects of transportation demand management policies, 634-635, 19960401
- Issues of mass point modeling approach, 787-790, 19960401
- Analysis of attending behavior to park-and-ride experimental scheme based on a duration model, 849-852, 19960401
- A fixed-effect travel mode choice model considering individual unobserved heterogeneity, 168-169, 19950401
- A longitudinal aggregate stated preference model with serial correlation, 166-167, 19950401
- Structural analysis of travel mode choice model with individual heterogeneity, 427-429, 19950401
- A dynamic travel mode choice model with unobserved heterogeneity based on mass point approach, 725-728, 19950401
- Analysis of stated preference panel data with refreshment samples, 68-71, 19950401
- Development of an activity-travel chaining model incorporating timing utility and recursivity of daily activity participation, Working Paper, Hiroshima University, 20080401
- Development of the DPSIR+C Framework for Measuring the Social Capacity of Environmental Management, 20080401
- An enhanced user equilibrium traffic assignment model incorporating both travel time and fuel consumption, Working Paper, Hiroshima University, 20080401
- Bivariate probit analysis of inspection and maintenance program in Jakarta city, Working Paper, Hiroshima University, 20080401
- Capacity development for sustainable urban transport in developing countries, Working Paper, Hiroshima University, 20070401
- A household activity-travel timing decision model with endogenous coupling constraints, Working Paper, Hiroshima University, 20070401
- What can we do to decrease private car ownership and its usage in developing countries: A capacity development approach for Jabotabek MA (Indonesia), 20070401
- Development of group discrete choice model and application to household car ownership behavior analysis, Working Paper, Hiroshima University, 20060401
- To evaluate quality of life based on household time allocation model in the framework of group decision-making theory, Working Paper, Hiroshima University, 20060401
- Motorcycle Ownership and Use in Jabotabek (Indonesia) Metropolitan Area, 20060401
- Land Use Effects on Travel Behavior in Jabotabek (Indonesia) Metropolitan Area, 20060401
- Capacity Development for Sustainable Urban Transport in Developing Countries, 20060401
- Social Capacity Development for Urban Air Quality Management the Context of Urban Transportation Planning, 20040401
- An integrated process model of social capacity development for environmental management, Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 31-49, 20050401
- Effects of traffic information provision on dangerous driving behavior and drivers’ attitudes, 9-12, 20060401
- Urban travel behavior characteristics of 13 cities based on household interview survey data, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 23-38, 20050401
- A study on feasibility and effects evaluation method of introduction of packaged TDM measures, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies2005/04/01, 6, 2378-2393, 20050401
- Dynamic analysis and modeling of stated preference for travel models, International Journal of Urban Sciences, 8(1), 13-27, 20040401
- A sequential method for combining random utility model and fuzzy inference model, Journal of Advanced Computing Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 7(2), 200-206, 20030401
- The effectiveness of non-IIA models on time choice behavior analysis, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4(2), 305-318, 20011024
- Evaluation of low-floor light rail vehicle based on contingent valuation method, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4(6), 191-198, 20011024
- The characteristics of mode choice models based on stated preference data, Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, 11(1), 31-42, 19910401
- Development of time allocation model with endogenous threshold of activity participation in a depopulated region, 43(3), 835-840, 20080401
- An impact assessment method of packaged TDM measures in commuting hour,, 21(2), 485-491, 20050401
- Development of GIS-aid planning system for public transportation in rural depopulated areas, 21(3), 759-768, 20050401
- Scheduling behavior models of air travel considering uncertainties, 20(3), 509-514, 20030401
- Development of indices evaluating service levels of public transportation in depopulated areas, 38(3), 475-480, 20030401
- A trial of new engineering education program based on internship and its evaluation, 51(5), 11-17, 20030401
- Influence of flextime system on departure time from and arrival time to workplace, 51(5), 11-17, 20030401
- Influences of urban form on transportation energy consumption in Hiroshima Metropolitan Area, 37, 151-156, 20020401
- Data characteristics of integrated stored fare card system in urban public transport, 19(1), 29-36, 20020401
- Relationship between level of travel service and quality of life for the aged in depopulated communities, 19(4), 725-732, 20020401
- Development of a planning tool for bus operation in depopulated areas using GIS data base of communities, 22, 261-264, 20020401
- Demand analysis of public transportation based on integrated stored fare card data, 22, 261-264, 20020401
- Effects of Providing Travel Time Information on Individual Utility of Mode Choice, 18(4), 595-602, 20010401
- Relationship between traffic accidents and sight distance to signal at signalized intersection with downhill, 18(5), 803-808, 20010401
- Influence of providing information concerning facilities for physically handicapped people on their intention to visit tourist sites, 18(5), 957-962, 20010401
- Analysis of the Attitude for Developing Traffic Calming Roads, 18(4), 699-704, 20010401
- Influences of categorizing alternatives in time choice models on similarity and non-identity among alternatives, 17, 599-604, 20000401
- Evaluation of light rail transit based on contingent valuation method, 35, 577-582, 20000401
- An evaluation method of traffic calming measures in CBD, 20, 185-188, 20000401
- Departure time choice under flexible working hour system by considering household structure, 19, 121-124, 19990401
- An application of paired combinatorial logit model to analyze time choice behavior, 19, 117-120, 19990401
- A correction method of non-response biases in travel diary data, 16, 121-128, 19990401
- An analysis of departure time choice behavior under flextime system, 16, 941-947, 19990401
- Analysis of stated preference data collected at two different points in time, 20(1), 62-68, 19990401
- Time series analysis of departure time choice behavior after introducing flextime system, 18, 165-168, 19980401
- Temporal change of commuting behavior under flextime system, 15, 655-662, 19980401
- Prediction accuracy of mode choice model based on SP panel data, 576(IV-37), 11-22, 19970401
- Post evaluation of community roads in Hiroshima City, 16, 133-136, 19960401
- Influences of pre-trip information provided at home on commuting mode choice intentions, 15, 81-84, 19950401
- Mode choice models based on stated preference panel data including refreshed samples, 1(1), 105-116, 19950401
- Correcting attrition biases latently existing in SP panel data, 11, 311-318, 19930401
- Panel analysis of stated preference for travel mode choice, 28, 79-84, 19930401
- Effectiveness of SP survey based on laptop computer, 42(1), 21-28, 19930401
- Analysis of temporal changes in stated preference on new transit mode by using panel data, 27, 397-402, 19920401
- Reliability of mode choice models based on stated preference data, 8, 49-56, 19900401
- Stability and reliability of stated preference data, 25, 103-108, 19900401
- A fundamental study on effective use of urban facilities - Part 1: An application of SP approach to demand forecasting of new transit system in Hiroshima, 25(2), 41-52, 19900401
- Effectiveness of mode choice models based on stated preference data, 24(5), 21-30, 19900401
- Effectiveness of travel survey based on activity diary, 24(5), 21-30, 19890401
- Effects of socio-demographic characteristics on individual daily travel behavior,, 3, 105-112, 19860401
- Temporal and special stability of characteristics of individual travel behavior, 21, 151-156, 19860401
- Contributions of regional ITS to vitalizing local regions: A case study of Shimanami Information System, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, 20040401
- Urban transportation system in Jobodetabek and social capacity for environmental management, 71-82, 20030401
- Temporal Stability of Stated Preference Data, Understanding Travel Behaviour in an Era of Change, 257-277, 19970401
- Analysis of influential factors causing long-term changes in time use behaviour based on a time allocation model, Paper accepted by the IATUR (International Association for Time Use Research) 30th Annual Conference, 20081201
- Analysis of household residential choice behavior in a developing city based on relative utility model, 20080401
- Results of questionnaire survey on ethics related problems faced by civil engineers (No.2), 20060401
- The second survey on current ethics education at university, 47-48, 20060401
- Ethics education across the curriculum in civil engineering, 49-50, 20060401
- Change of ethics education for civil engineers and problems, 20060401
- An intensive training of English presentation for Engineering students, 294-295, 20050401
- Responsibility of enterprises and evaluation of students in international internship-based education, 578-579, 20050401
- Practice and effects of internship-based education - students learn from students, 580-581, 20050401
- A trial to develop debating skill for engineers in cooperation with enterprises, 582-583, 20050401
- Expectations to traffic simulation: A prefatory note, 39(2), 1-2, 20040401
- Region-wide recreational tour and transportation, 35-44, 20000401
- Marketing science approach in the field of transportation planning, 52-57, 19930401
- An Effective Algorithm to Detect the Similarities of A ctivity-Travel Patterns Incorporating Activity Sequence and its Duration, The 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, 20090401
- Decomposing variations and co-variations in discrete travel choice behavior with multilevel cross-classified logit model, Proceedings of IABTR2009, 20091213
- An analysis of the long-term changes of cross-sectional variations in japanese time use behavior using multilevel multiple discrete-continuous extreme value model, Proceedings of IABTR2009, 20091213
- An Effective Algorithm to Detect the Similarities of Activity-Travel Patterns Incorporating Activity Sequence and its Duration, 20091213
- Joint modeling of household vehicle holding duration and usage with a copula-based multivariate survival model, Proceeding of IABTR2009, 20091213
- How to Aggregate Individual Preferences into Group Choice? - A Series of Modeling Comparisons Based on Stated Preference Survey -, Proceeding of IABTR2009, 20091213
- Is Trip-Making Utility Positive or Negative? - A Preliminary Examination Based on Day Reconstruction Method -, Proceeding of IABTR2009, 20091213
- Analysis of out-of-home touring behavior at the car dependent area considering joint-trips, 403-409, 20090101
- -A Method of Activity Classification based on Behavioral Similarity and its Accuracy Verification - A Case Study of Activity Start Time, 44(3), 481-486, 20091101
- Properties of Variations in Travel Behavior Using a Six-Week Travel Diary Data: A Case Study of Activity Generation and Departure Time, 26, 447-455, 20090601
- A Statistical Analysis of Structural Changes of Traffic Demand Caused by Variation of Gasoline Prices, 52(8), 21-29, 20090401
- Representing tourists' context-sensitive time use and expenditure behavior, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA), 20090701
- Is trip-making utility positive or negative? - A preliminary examination based on day reconstruction method -, Paper presented at The 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, 20091201
- How to aggregate individual preferences into group choice? - A series of modeling comparisons based on stated preference survey -, Paper presented at The 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, 20091201
- A Comparative modeling analysis of household time allocation behavior using a large-scale national time use data in Japan,, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 20090101
- A model of heterogeneously nested structure of tourists' destination and travel party choices, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA), 20090701
- Evaluating the effects of dynamic travel information on driver's stated departure time and route choice behaviors in Beijing, China, Proceedings of International Symposium on Urban Planning 2009, 20090801
- An effective algorithm to detect the similarities of activity-travel patterns incorporating activity sequence and its duration, The 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, 20091201
- The influence of socioeconomic characteristics and spatial environments on travel behavior in Dhaka city, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 20090101
- oint modeling of household vehicle holding duration and usage with a copula-based multivariate survival model, The 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, 20091201
- Effects of in-vehicle real-time traffic safety warning information: an evaluation based on drivers' short-term memory and driving experience, The 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, 20090101
- A Comparison of transportation network optimization with different equity measures using bi-level programming approach, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 20090101
- An analysis of the long-term changes of cross-sectional variations in Japanese time use behavior using multilevel multiple discrete-continuous extreme value model, The 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, 20091201
- Does Urbanization Matter for Developing Long-term Climate Scenario?, Global Environmental Research, 17(1), 20130101
- Representing household time allocation behavior by endogenously incorporating diverse intra-household interactions: A case study in the context of elderly couples, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL, 40(1), 54-74, 20060101
- Development of a scheduling model for car tourists' 1-day tours, TRAVEL DEMAND 2005, 100-111, 20050101
- Analysis of roadside air quality in Jakarta city: A structural equation approach, JSME INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL SERIES B-FLUIDS AND THERMAL ENGINEERING, 49(1), 8-18, 20060201
- Analysis of Stopping Behavior at Urban Signalized Intersections Empirical Study in South Korea, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 84-91, 20080101
- Modeling household discrete choice behavior incorporating heterogeneous group decision-making mechanisms, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL, 43(2), 230-250, 20090201
- Urbanization and subsurface environmental issues: An attempt at DPSIR model application in Asian cities, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 407(9), 3089-3104, 20090415
- Intrahousehold Interaction in Transit-Oriented Residential Choice Behavior Represented in Stated Preference Approach, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 73-81, 20090101
- Analysis of feedback to obtain steady-state solutions in four-step modelling, TRANSPORTMETRICA, 5(3), 215-227, 20090101
- Exploring Variation Properties of Departure Time Choice Behavior by Using Multilevel Analysis Approach, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 10-20, 20090101
- An integrated model system and policy evaluation tool for maximizing mobility under environmental capacity constraints: A case study in Dalian City, China, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT, 15(5), 263-274, 20100601
- Evaluation of an existing bus network using a transit network optimisation model: a case study of the Hiroshima City Bus network, TRANSPORTATION, 37(5), 801-823, 20100901
- Spatiotemporal Changes of Traffic Demand Price Elasticities in Japan Throughout 2008 Bayesian Approach, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 81-92, 20100101
- Exploring Variation Properties of Time Use Behavior on the Basis of, a Multilevel Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value Model, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 101-110, 20100101
- Environmental Efficiency Model Based on Data Envelopment Analysis and Its Application to Environmentally Sustainable Transport Policies, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 112-123, 20100101
- An empirical analysis of the impact of a bus rapid transit system on the concentration of secondary pollutants in the roadside areas of the TransJakarta corridors - A structural equation model and artificial neural network approach, STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT, 25(5), 655-669, 20110701
- Improved feedback modeling of transport in enlarging urban areas of developing countries, FRONTIERS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE IN CHINA, 4(1), 112-122, 20100301
- Representing in-home and out-of-home energy consumption behavior in Beijing, ENERGY POLICY, 39(7), 4168-4177, 20110701
- Representing tourists' heterogeneous choices of destination and travel party with an integrated latent class and nested logit model, TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 32(6), 1407-1413, 20111201
- Changes in Variations of Travel Time Expenditure Some Methodological Considerations and Empirical Results from German Mobility Panel, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 121-131, 20110101
- Developing an integrated scobit-based activity participation and time allocation model to explore influence of childcare on women's time use behaviour, TRANSPORTATION, 39(1), 125-149, 20120101
- Identifying variations and co-variations in discrete choice models, TRANSPORTATION, 38(6), 993-1016, 20111101
- Dynamic Discrete Choice Model for Multiple Social Interactions, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 68-75, 20110101
- A Tourist's Multi-Destination Choice Model with Future Dependency, ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH, 17(2), 121-132, 20120101
- Effects of nursing care on time use behaviour: a comparative analysis in Japan, TRANSPORTMETRICA, 8(3), 181-208, 20120101
- Analysis of the residential location choice and household energy consumption behavior by incorporating multiple self-selection effects, ENERGY POLICY, 46, 319-334, 20120701
- Dynamic Analysis of Japanese Tourists' Three Stage Choices Tourism Participation, Destination Choice, and Travel Mode Choice, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 91-101, 20120101
- A household time-use and energy-consumption model with multiple behavioral interactions and zero consumption, ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-PLANNING & DESIGN, 40(2), 330-349, 20130101
- Evaluating the direct and indirect rebound effects in household energy consumption behavior: A case study of Beijing, ENERGY POLICY, 57, 441-453, 20130701
- Rebound effects caused by the improvement of vehicle energy efficiency: An analysis based on a SP-off-RP survey, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT, 24, 62-68, 20131001
- The moderating effects of urbanization on carbon dioxide emissions: A latent class modeling approach, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, 90, 302-317, 20150101
- Transportation, 47(4), 39-44, 19981009
- Transportation, 47(4), 39-44, 19981009
- Transportation, 47(4), 39-44, 19981009
- Evaluation of Light Rail Transit Based on Contingent Valuation Method, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 35, 577-582, 20001013
- Evaluation of Light Rail Transit Based on Contingent Valuation Method, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 35, 577-582, 20001013
- Evaluation of Light Rail Transit Based on Contingent Valuation Method, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 35, 577-582, 20001013
- Development of Evaluation Indices for Public Transport Services in Depopulated Areas, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 38(3), 475-480, 20031025
- Development of Evaluation Indices for Public Transport Services in Depopulated Areas, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 38(3), 475-480, 20031025
- Development of Evaluation Indices for Public Transport Services in Depopulated Areas, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 38(3), 475-480, 20031025
- MOTORIZATION IN ASIA : 14 Countries and Three Metropolitan Areas, 31(1), 46-58, 20070501
- MOTORIZATION IN ASIA : 14 Countries and Three Metropolitan Areas, 31(1), 46-58, 20070501
- MOTORIZATION IN ASIA : 14 Countries and Three Metropolitan Areas, 31(1), 46-58, 20070501
- Time Allocation Model Incorporating Self-selection Biases of Activity Choice and Inter-activity Interactions, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 42(3), 553-558, 20071025
- Time Allocation Model Incorporating Self-selection Biases of Activity Choice and Inter-activity Interactions, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 42(3), 553-558, 20071025
- Time Allocation Model Incorporating Self-selection Biases of Activity Choice and Inter-activity Interactions, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 42(3), 553-558, 20071025
- Development of household vehicle holding duration model incorporating multiple-peak distributions and application to policy analysis, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 42(3), 571-576, 20071025
- Development of household vehicle holding duration model incorporating multiple-peak distributions and application to policy analysis, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 42(3), 571-576, 20071025
- Development of household vehicle holding duration model incorporating multiple-peak distributions and application to policy analysis, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 42(3), 571-576, 20071025
- Influences of city compactness on travel behavior patterns in a local city : Analysis using an aggregate-type discrete choice models incorporating inter-alternative similarities, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 42(3), 595-600, 20071025
- Influences of city compactness on travel behavior patterns in a local city : Analysis using an aggregate-type discrete choice models incorporating inter-alternative similarities, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 42(3), 595-600, 20071025
- Influences of city compactness on travel behavior patterns in a local city : Analysis using an aggregate-type discrete choice models incorporating inter-alternative similarities, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 42(3), 595-600, 20071025
- Global Environmental Leaders Education Program for Designing a Low-Carbon Society, Journal of environmental conservation engineering, 38(10), 687-694, 20091020
- Global Environmental Leaders Education Program for Designing a Low-Carbon Society, Journal of environmental conservation engineering, 38(10), 687-694, 20091020
- Global Environmental Leaders Education Program for Designing a Low-Carbon Society, Journal of environmental conservation engineering, 38(10), 687-694, 20091020
- Possibility of Low-Carbon Community Development and Regional Revitalization Applying Combination of Green-Community Voucher and Mobility Management, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 45(3), 463-468, 20101025
- Possibility of Low-Carbon Community Development and Regional Revitalization Applying Combination of Green-Community Voucher and Mobility Management, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 45(3), 463-468, 20101025
- Possibility of Low-Carbon Community Development and Regional Revitalization Applying Combination of Green-Community Voucher and Mobility Management, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 45(3), 463-468, 20101025
- On the Effective Use of Urban Facilities Case1 Applicability of Stated Preference Data to Travel Demand Estimation of the New Transit System in Hiroshima, Memoirs of the Kure Technical College, 25(2), 41-52, 199002
- On the Effective Use of Urban Facilities Case1 Applicability of Stated Preference Data to Travel Demand Estimation of the New Transit System in Hiroshima, Memoirs of the Kure Technical College, 25(2), 41-52, 199002
- On the Effective Use of Urban Facilities Case1 Applicability of Stated Preference Data to Travel Demand Estimation of the New Transit System in Hiroshima, Memoirs of the Kure Technical College, 25(2), 41-52, 199002
- On the Effective Use of Urban Facilities : Case 2:The Mechanism of Fluctuation on Nitrogens in Shallow Rivers, Memoirs of the Kure Technical College, 26(1), 101-113, 199008
- On the Effective Use of Urban Facilities : Case 2:The Mechanism of Fluctuation on Nitrogens in Shallow Rivers, Memoirs of the Kure Technical College, 26(1), 101-113, 199008
- On the Effective Use of Urban Facilities : Case 2:The Mechanism of Fluctuation on Nitrogens in Shallow Rivers, Memoirs of the Kure Technical College, 26(1), 101-113, 199008
- Updating Procedures of Stated Preference Models, Memoirs of the Kure Technical College, 28(1), 141-152, 199208
- Updating Procedures of Stated Preference Models, Memoirs of the Kure Technical College, 28(1), 141-152, 199208
- Updating Procedures of Stated Preference Models, Memoirs of the Kure Technical College, 28(1), 141-152, 199208
- Mode Choice Models Based on Stated Preference Panel Data Including Refreshed Samples, Journal of international development and cooperation, 1(1), 105-116, 19950330
- Mode Choice Models Based on Stated Preference Panel Data Including Refreshed Samples, Journal of international development and cooperation, 1(1), 105-116, 19950330
- Mode Choice Models Based on Stated Preference Panel Data Including Refreshed Samples, Journal of international development and cooperation, 1(1), 105-116, 19950330
- A report of current organization and roles of transport administration in Great Britain, Journal of international development and cooperation, 4(1), 197-209, 19980301
- A report of current organization and roles of transport administration in Great Britain, Journal of international development and cooperation, 4(1), 197-209, 19980301
- A report of current organization and roles of transport administration in Great Britain, Journal of international development and cooperation, 4(1), 197-209, 19980301
Publications such as books
- 2010/01, Development within A Low Carbon World: Preparing Professionals for Post-Kyoto Climate Negotiations and Sustainable Growth Policies, Final Report of the International Workshop (Summer Course), 2010, 01, Report, Supervisor, 389
- 2010/03, JSPS Exchange Program for East Asian Young Researchers, The Short-term Research Fellow Course FY2009, 2010, 03, Report, Supervisor, 174
- 2010/03, The Short-term Education Program Environmental Leader Training for Sustainable Asia, JASSO/JENESYS program 2009/10, 2010, 03, Report, Supervisor, 132
- 2010/03, グローバルインターンシップ推進拠点の形成 最終報告書, 2010, 03, Report, Supervisor, 75
- 1997/01, Temporal Stability of Stated Preference Data , Understanding Travel Behaviour in an Era of Change, 1997
- 2005/01, An Empirical Comparison of Altaernative Models of Household Time Allocation , Progress in Activity-Based Analysis=Timmermans=H.(ed)=Elsevier, 2005, Scholarly Book, Joint work
- 2005/01, Multi-dimensional timing decisions: A case study in tourism behavior analysis, , Consumer Psychology of Tourism= Hospitality and Leisure= Volume 4= Mazanec= J.A.= Crouch= G.I.= Brent Ritchie= J.R. and Woodside= A.G. (eds.) (forthcoming)., 2005, Scholarly Book, Joint work
- 2009/07/12, Best Paper Award of the 15th Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Tourism Association, Asia Pacific Tourism Association Director of Paper Review Committee, Representing tourists’ context-sensitive time use and expenditure behavior
- 2010/01/23, Best Paper Award of the 1st International Conference on the Future of Human Mobility, Thai Society for Transportation and Traffic Studies, Exploring Sustainable Urban Forms: A Case Study in Jabotabek Metropolitan Area
- 2011/05/27, Outstanding Paper Award 2010, City Planning Institute of Japan, Possibility of low-carbon community development and regional revitalization applying combination of Green-community voucher and Mobility Management
- 2001/10, Outstanding Paper Award of The Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, A Mode Choice Model Separating Taste Variation and Stated Preference Reporting Bias
- 2007/05, Best Paper Award of the 5th APac-CHRIE and the 13th APTA Joint Conference, APac-CHRIE and APTA, Exploring Japanese Tourists’ Choice Behaviors of Tour Plans along the Asian Highway based on a Paired Combinatorial Logit Model with Stated Preference Data
- 2010/04, Best Paper Award of Expressways and Automobiles, Express Highway Research Foundation of Japan, Statistical Analysis of Structural Changes of Traffic Demand Due to Variations of Gasoline Price
- 1999/09, Outstanding Paper Award of The Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Dynamic Discrete Choice Models Considering Unobserved Heterogeneity with Mass Point Approach
- 2005/09, Best Paper Prize of 6th EASTS Conference, "Shigeru Morichi, The President of EASTS", Evaluating Sustainability of Urban Development in Developing Countries Incorporating Dynamic Cause-effectRelationships over Time
- 2014/09/11, 2014 ITS World Congress Best Paper Award, Chair, 21st ITS World Congress Program Committee. President and CEO, ITS America. President and CEO, ITS Japan. CEO, ERITICO-ITS Europe.
Social Activities
Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.
- 1999/03
- 2000/06
- 2000/10
- 2001/07
- 1998/10