Shinji Kaneko
Last Updated :2025/03/26
- Affiliations, Positions
- International Office, Executive Vice President
- E-mail
- kshinji{at}
Basic Information
Educational Backgrounds
- Kyushu University, Graduate School, Division of Engineering, Japan, 1996/04, 1999/02
- Kyushu University, Graduate School, Division of Engineering, Japan, 1994/04, 1996/03
- Kyushu University, Faculty of Engineering, Japan, 1989/04, 1994/03
Academic Degrees
- Dr. of Engineering, Kyushu University
- Master of Engineering, Kyushu University
Research Fields
- Environmental science;Sustainable and environmental system development;Environmental policy and social systems
- Engineering;Civil engineering;Civil and environmental engineering
Research Keywords
- Development and Environment
- Poverty and Environment
- Environmental Economics
- Environmental Policy
- Climate Policy
- Urbanization and Environment
- Renewable Energy
Affiliated Academic Societies
- American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA)
- Environmental Policy and Governance
- START, 2005
- Japan Society of Civil Engnieers
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Study Tour Abroad for Realization and Transformation A
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Study Tour Abroad for Realization and Transformation A
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Study Tour Abroad for Realization and Transformation B
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Study Tour Abroad for Realization and Transformation B
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Study Tour Abroad for Realization and Transformation C
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Study Tour Abroad for Realization and Transformation C
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Invitation to Integrated Global Studies II
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Young Professionals Preparing for Careers in International Organizations A
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Introduction to Overseas Dispatch and Study Abroad
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Introduction to Overseas Dispatch and Study Abroad
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Collaborative Online International Seminar A
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Collaborative Online International Seminar A
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Collaborative Online International Seminar B
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Collaborative Online International Seminar B
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Is there a causal relation between ethanol innovation and the market characteristics of fuels in Brazil?, ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, 74, 161-168, 201202
- Causality between pillars of sustainable development: Global stylized facts or regional phenomena?, ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 14(1), 197-201, 201203
- Are firms' voluntary environmental management activities beneficial for the environment and business? An empirical study focusing on Japanese manufacturing firms, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 105, 121-130, 20120830
- Impacts of urbanization on national transport and road energy use: Evidence from low, middle and high income countries, ENERGY POLICY, 46, 268-277, 201207
- Estimating the value of economic benefits associated with adaptation to climate change in a developing country: A case study of improvements in tropical cyclone warning services, ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, 86, 117-128, 201302
- CO2 Emission and Energy Policy Effect in China: a Provincial Level Analysis, Proceedings of the 14th Annual conference The Japan Society for International Development, 193-198, 20021101
- Long-term Perspective on Population and Food Supply and Demand in Asia Based on Empirical Equations and BaU Scenarios,, Journal of Global Environmental Engineering, 3, 99-119, 19970401
- Study on the Water Demand and Supply in China Based on Business as Usual Scenarios,, Journal of Global Environmental Engineering, 5, 139-154, 19990401
- An Analysis on Driving Factors for CO2 Emissions from Energy Use in Tokyo and Seoul by Factor Decomposition Method, Environmental Systems Research, 30, 295-304, 20020401
- CO2 emission from energy use in East Asia mega-cities: driving factors, challenges and strategies, Proceedings of International Workshops on Policy Integration Towards Sustainable Urban Energy Use for Cities in Asia, 55-78, 20030401
- Analysis of Industrialization, Urbanization and Land-use Change in East Asia According to the DPSER Framework, Proceedings of 1999 NIES Workshop on Information Bases and Modeling for Land-use and Land-cover Changes in East Asia, 19990401
- CO2 emission and policy effect in China: a provincial level analysis, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of Japan Society for International Development, 20020401
- Is there any turning point in the EKCs for CO2 emission? Empirical econometric analysis and east-Asian countries and mega-cities trajectories, Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Conference of the Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 20020401
- Comparative study on indirect energy demand, supply and corresponding CO2 emissions of Asian Mega-cities, Proceedings of International Workshops on Policy Integration Towards Sustainable Urban Energy Use for Cities in Asia, 193-203, 20030401
- Leptogenesis and low energy CP violation, a link, Journal of Physics G: Nucl. Part. Phys., 29(8), 1877-1880, 20030701
- Fur Mites induce dermatitis associated with IgE hyperproduction in an inbred strain of Mice, NC/Kuj., J.Dermatolo.Sci, 19, 37-43, 19990401
- Collocational Analysis of Life Science English (2) - Lists of common collocates of carry, confer, contribute, detect, elucidate, give, know, obtain, raise, understand -, 39, 55-88, 20050401
- Collocational analysis of life science English (1) - Lists of common collocates of possibility, probability, implication, involvement, abscence, presence, evidence -, Studia Humana et Naturalia, 38, 19-53, 20040401
- Life Science Dictionary: a versatile electronic database of medical and biological terms, 20030401
- Depelopment of a genre-specific electronic dictionary and automatic gloss-embedding system, 20030401
- CP violation of neutrino oscillation and leptogenesis, Physical Review Letters, 89, 231601-1-231601-4, 20020401
- Productivity of market and environmental abatement in China, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 459-470, 20060401
- Technology choice and CDM projects in China: case study of a small steel company in Shandong Province, Energy Policy, 1139-1151, 20060401
- Dynamics of energy-related CO2 emissions in China during 1980 to 2002: The relative importance of energy supply-side and demand-side effects, Energy Policy, 3549-3572, 20060401
- Coverage and reliability of Chinese statistics regarding sulfur dioxide emissions during the late-1990s, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 415-434, 20060401
- Economic growth and the environment in China: an empirical analysis of productivity, Int. J. Gloval Environmental Issues, 89-133, 20060401
- Analysis of International Interdependence between China and Japan from the Perspective of Interregional Economic and Environmental Interactions, International Association of Energy Economists (IAEE) 30th Conference, 20070218
- An analysis on driving factors for CO2 emissions from energy use in Tokyo and Seoul by factor decomposition method, Environmental Systems Research, 30, 295-304, 20021001
- CO2 emissions from energy use in East Asian mega-cities: Driving factors and their contributions, Environmental Systems Research, 31, 209-216, 20031001
- Environmental productivity in China, Economics Bulletin, 17(2), 1-10, 20040401
- ""Driving forces behind the stagnancy of China's energy-related CO2 emissions from 1996 to 1999: the relative importance of structural change, intensity change and scale change"", Energy Policy, 33(3), 319-335, 20050201
- Technology choice and CDM projects in China: case study of a small steel company in Shandong Province, Energy Policy, 34(10), 1139-1151, 20060701
- Dynamics of energy-related CO2 emissions in China during 1980 to 2002: The relative importance of energy supply-side and demand-side effects, Energy Policy, 34(18), 3549-3572, 20061201
- Income Inequality Changes during periods of Economic Recovery in Indonesia, The Empirical Economics Letters, 6(4), 307-313, 20070701
- Location optimization algorithm for emergency signs in public facilities and its application to a single-floor supermarket, Fire Safety Journal, 44(1), 113-120, 20090101
- External dependency of water supply system in Beijing: an application of water mileage, Headwaters to the Ocean, Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management, 445-449, 20081001
- Urbanization and water use situation in Beijing, China - an evidence from water production and supply sector, Headwaters to the Ocean, Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management, 451-457, 20081001
- Long-term urban growth and water demand in Asian mega-cities, Headwaters to the Ocean, Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management, 483-489, 20081001
- A comparative study on history of sewage works construction between Bangkok and Tokyo, Headwaters to the Ocean, Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management, 583-589, 20081001
- Estimation of historical/ spatial changes in subsurface material stock related to the construction sector of urban areas in Japan, Headwaters to the Ocean, Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management, 591-597, 20081001
- Enabling sustainability transitions in Asia: the importance of vertical and horizontal linkages, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 76(2), 255-266, 20090201
- Environmental Performance and Return to Pollution Abatement in China, Ecological Economics, 68(6), 1643-1651, 20090401
- Urbanization and subsurface environmental issues: An attempt at DPSIR model application in Asian cities, Science of The Total Environment, 407(9), 3089-3104, 20090401
- Anthropogenic effects on the subsurface thermal and groundwater environments in Osaka, Japan and Bangkok, Thailand, Science of The Total Environment, 407(9), 3153-3164, 20090101
- Operational Performance of the Bangladesh Rural Electrification Program and its Determinants with a Focus on Political Interference, Energy Policy, 37(6), 2433-2439, 20090601
- Assessing the Herding Behavior Through Multi-Agent Model and its impact Assessment of Pastureland Degradation in Mongolia, Environmental Systems Research, 37, 227-235, 20091001
- Economic Evaluation for the Benefits of a Bamboo Forest Management in Satoyama: Case Study on Kagamiyama Area in Higashihiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, 23, 61-66, 20091101
- Are micro-benefits negligible? The implications of the rapid expansion of Solar Home Systems (SHS) in rural Bangladesh for sustainable development, Energy Policy, 39(7), 4022-4031, 20110701
- Ethanol demand under the flex-fuel technology regime in Brazil., Energy Economics, 33(6), 1146-1154, 20111101
- Does urbanization lead to less energy use and lower CO2 emissions? A cross-country analysis., Ecological Economics, 70(2), 434-444, 20101201
- Determining the effectiveness of the Danish packaging tax and policy:The case of paper and paperbord packaging imports., Resources,Conservation and Recycling, 55(9-10), 836-841, 20110801
- Nonincome Factors Behind the Purchase Decisions of Solar Home Systems in Rural Bangladesh., Energy for Sustainable Development, 15(3), 284-292, 20110901
- Citizens' perception of past environmental damage and liability in countries with transition: Evidence from Kemerovo, Russia., Transition Studies Review, 17(4), 763-776, 20101201
- Why are environmentally aware citizens unwilling to support drinking water quality improvements? Evidence from Kemerovo, Russia., Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 17(1), 1-16, 20110101
- Economic Evaluation of Drinking Water Supply in Countries in Transition: Case Study of the Russian Federation, Journal of Institute of World Economy and International Relations, 56, 245-261, 20091201
- Benefit Transfers with Latent Class Models: Air Pollution Risk Management of Power Plants in China, Kobe University Graduate School of Economics, Discussion Paper Series, 1003, 20100501
- Firms' reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and economic performance: analyzing effects through demand and productivity, Hiroshima University Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Development Policy Discussion Paper Series, 1-1, 20110801
- Allocating Costs of Environmental Management among Generations: A Case of Environmental Liabilities in Transition Economies, Hiroshima University Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Development Policy Discussion Paper Series, 1-7, 20111201
- Economy-wide impacts of consumer responses to environmental information disclosure in Tokyo and the other parts of Japan, Hiroshima University Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Development Policy Discussion Paper Series, 2-1, 20120101
- Residential preferences for stable electricity supply and a reduction in air pollution risk: A benefit transfer study using choice modeling in China, Hiroshima University Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Development Policy Discussion Paper Series, 2-12, 20120601
- A Study on Characteristics of Household Electricity Un-subscribers in Indonesia., Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 18(1), 45-54, 20111201
- Identifying household Residential Electricity Un-subscribers under Two Electricity., Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 18(1), 31-44, 20111201
- Operational Performance of Regional Electricity in Indonesia., Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 18(1), 23-30, 20111201
- Current status of the Brazilian ethanol program :Report on Hiroshima University-IDEC's mission to Brazil., Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 18(1), 111-122, 20111201
- Effects of the reduction of pollution emissions on the economic performance of firms: an empirical analysis focusing on demand and productivity., Journal of Cleaner Production, 19(17-18), 1956-1964, 20111101
- Decline in heavy metal contamination in marine sediments in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia due to increasing environmental regulations., Etsuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 92(2), 297-306, 20110401
- Ethanol demand in Brazil: Regional approach., Energy Policy, 39(5), 2289-2298, 20110501
- Decomposition of CO2 emissions change from energy consumption in Brazil: challenges and policy implications., Energy Policy, 39(3), 1495-1504, 20110301
- Decomposing the decoupling CO2 emissions and economic growth in Brazil., Ecological Economics, 70(8), 1459-1504, 20110601
- Dynamic sustainability assessment of countries at the macro level: A principal component., Ecological Indicators, 11(3), 811-823, 20110301
- Financial allocation strategy for the regional pollution abatement cost of reducing sulfur dioxide emissions in the thermal power sector in China., Energy Policy, 38(5), 2131-2141, 20100501
- Nonincome factors behind the purchase decisions of solar home systems in rural Bangladesh, Energy for Sustainable Development, 15(3), 284-292, 20110901
- Allocating Costs of Environmental Management among Generations: A Case of Environmental Liabilities in Transition Economies, Transition Studies Review, 19(2), 225-243, 20121001
- A comparative study on history of sewage works construction between Bangkok and Tokyo., Headwaters to the Ocean, 583-589, 20081001
- A water resource efficiency analysis of the Chinese industrial sector, Environmental Economics, 3(3), 82-92, 20121001
- Effects of Internal Migration on Residential Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions in Hanoi, Hiroshima University Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Development Policy Discussion Paper Series, 2(17), 20121101
- Does Urbanization Matter for Developing Long-term Climate Scenario?, Global Environmental Research, 17(1), 20130101
- Driving forces behind the stagnancy of China's energy-related CO2 emissions from 1996 to 1999: the relative importance of structural change, intensity change and scale change, ENERGY POLICY, 33(3), 319-335, 200502
- Technology choice and CDM projects in China: case study of a small steel company in Shandong Province, ENERGY POLICY, 34(10), 1139-1151, 200607
- Dynamics of energy-related CO2 emissions in China during 1980 to 2002: The relative importance of energy supply-side and demand-side effects, ENERGY POLICY, 34(18), 3549-3572, 200612
- Enabling sustainability transitions in Asia: The importance of vertical and horizontal linkages, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, 76(2), 255-266, 200902
- Location optimization algorithm for emergency signs in public facilities and its application to a single-floor supermarket, FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL, 44(1), 113-120, 200901
- Environmental performance and returns to pollution abatement in China, ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, 68(6), 1643-1651, 20090415
- Urbanization and subsurface environmental issues: An attempt at DPSIR model application in Asian cities, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 407(9), 3089-3104, 20090415
- Anthropogenic effects on the subsurface thermal and groundwater environments in Osaka, Japan and Bangkok, Thailand, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 407(9), 3153-3164, 20090415
- Operational performance of the Bangladesh rural electrification program and its determinants with a focus on political interference, ENERGY POLICY, 37(6), 2433-2439, 200906
- Financial allocation strategy for the regional pollution abatement cost of reducing sulfur dioxide emissions in the thermal power sector in China, ENERGY POLICY, 38(5), 2131-2141, 201005
- Nonincome factors behind the purchase decisions of solar home systems in rural Bangladesh, ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, 15(3), 284-292, 201109
- Changes in environmentally sensitive productivity and technological modernization in China's iron and steel industry in the 1990s, ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS, 15, 485-504, 201008
- Does urbanization lead to less energy use and lower CO2 emissions? A cross-country analysis, ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, 70(2), 434-444, 20101215
- Dynamic sustainability assessment of countries at the macro level: A principal component analysis, ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 11(3), 811-823, 201105
- Decomposition of CO2 emissions change from energy consumption in Brazil: Challenges and policy implications, ENERGY POLICY, 39(3), 1495-1504, 201103
- Decline in heavy metal contamination in marine sediments in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia due to increasing environmental regulations, ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE, 92(2), 297-306, 20110410
- Ethanol demand in Brazil: Regional approach, ENERGY POLICY, 39(5), 2289-2298, 201105
- Decomposing the decoupling of CO2 emissions and economic growth in Brazil, ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, 70(8), 1459-1469, 20110615
- Are micro-benefits negligible? The implications of the rapid expansion of Solar Home Systems (SHS) in rural Bangladesh for sustainable development, ENERGY POLICY, 39(7), 4022-4031, 201107
- Determining the effectiveness of the Danish packaging tax policy: The case of paper and paperboard packaging imports, RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING, 55(9-10), 836-841, 2011
- Effects of the reduction of pollution emissions on the economic performance of firms: an empirical analysis focusing on demand and productivity, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 19(17-18), 1956-1964, 2011
- Ethanol demand under the flex-fuel technology regime in Brazil, ENERGY ECONOMICS, 33(6), 1146-1154, 201111
- Can environmental quality spread through institutions?, ENERGY POLICY, 56, 312-321, 201305
- Corporate Environmental and Economic Performance of Japanese Manufacturing Firms: Empirical Study for Sustainable Development, BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, 22(3), 187-201, 201303
- Understanding the Implications of Environmental taxes: The Case of the Danish Weight Based Packaging Product Charge, ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND GOVERNANCE, 23(4), 274-282, 201307
- Decomposition analysis of air pollution abatement in China: empirical study for ten industrial sectors from 1998 to 2009, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 59, 22-31, 20131115
- Determinants of user satisfaction with solar home systems in rural Bangladesh, ENERGY, 61, 52-58, 20131101
- The effects of internal migration on residential energy consumption and CO2 emissions: A case study in Hanoi, ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, 17(6), 572-580, 201312
- How does a firm's management of greenhouse gas emissions influence its economic performance? Analyzing effects through demand and productivity in Japanese manufacturing firms, JOURNAL OF PRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS, 42(3), 355-366, 201412
- The moderating effects of urbanization on carbon dioxide emissions: A latent class modeling approach, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, 90, 302-317, 201501
- Do forest permits cause deforestation in Indonesia?, INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY REVIEW, 17(2), 165-181, 201506
- Attribute non-attendance in discrete choice experiments: A case study in a developing country, ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND POLICY, 47, 22-33, 201509
- Evaluating households' preferences regarding reducing power outages in rural areas: cases in the Ganges Floodplain in Bangladesh, ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY, 18(1), 73-94, 201602
- Examining ordering effects in discrete choice experiments: A case study in Vietnam, ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND POLICY, 45, 39-57, 201503
- Does Institutional Failure Undermine the Physical Design Performance of Solar Water Pumping Systems in Rural Nepal?, SUSTAINABILITY, 8(8), 201608
- On the discrepancy in the social efficiency measures between parametric and non-parametric production technology identification, JOURNAL OF AIR TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT, 58, 9-14, 201701
- Do exogenous shocks better leverage the benefits of technological change in the staged elimination of differential environmental regulations? Evidence from China's cement industry before and after the 2008 Great Sichuan Earthquake, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 164, 1167-1179, 20171015
- Does corporate environmental performance enhance financial performance? An empirical study of indonesian firms, ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, 23, 10-21, 201709
- Decision-making governance for purchases of solar photovoltaic systems in Japan, ENERGY POLICY, 111, 75-84, 201712
- Dynamic sustainability assessment of countries at the macro level: A principal component analysis, ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 11(3), 811-823, 2011
- Decomposition of CO2 emissions change from energy consumption in Brazil: Challenges and policy implications, ENERGY POLICY, 39(3), 1495-1504, 2011
- Decomposing the decoupling of CO2 emissions and economic growth in Brazil, ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, 70(8), 1459-1469, 2011
- Are micro-benefits negligible? The implications of the rapid expansion of Solar Home Systems (SHS) in rural Bangladesh for sustainable development, ENERGY POLICY, 39(7), 4022-4031, 2011
- Effects of the reduction of pollution emissions on the economic performance of firms: an empirical analysis focusing on demand and productivity, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 19(17-18), 1956-1964, 2011
- Causality between pillars of sustainable development: Global stylized facts or regional phenomena?, ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 14(1), 197-201, 2012
- Is there a causal relation between ethanol innovation and the market characteristics of fuels in Brazil?, ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, 74, 161-168, 2012
- Are firms' voluntary environmental management activities beneficial for the environment and business? An empirical study focusing on Japanese manufacturing firms, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 105, 121-130, 2012
- Impacts of urbanization on national transport and road energy use: Evidence from low, middle and high income countries, ENERGY POLICY, 46, 268-277, 2012
- Can environmental quality spread through institutions?, ENERGY POLICY, 56, 312-321, 2013
- Estimating the value of economic benefits associated with adaptation to climate change in a developing country: A case study of improvements in tropical cyclone warning services, ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, 86, 117-128, 2013
- Decomposition analysis of air pollution abatement in China: empirical study for ten industrial sectors from 1998 to 2009, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 59, 22-31, 2013
- Determinants of user satisfaction with solar home systems in rural Bangladesh, ENERGY, 61, 52-58, 2013
- The effects of internal migration on residential energy consumption and CO2 emissions: A case study in Hanoi, ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, 17(6), 572-580, 2013
Publications such as books
- 2001, Urbanization and Urban Environmental Management , Towards a Sustainable Asia and the Pacific= Report of ECO ASIA Long-term Perspective Project Phase II= Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, 2001, Report, Cocompilation, 13
- 2001, A Comparative Study on Urban Transportation and Air Pollution in Four Asian Mega-cities: The Cases of Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing and Shanghai , Urban Environmental Challenges in Asia -Current Situations and Management Strategies-= Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, 2001, Report, Cocompilation, 29
- 2012/03, Climate Change Mitigation and International Development Cooperation, Routledge, 2012, 03, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation, 248
- 2010/09, Does Organizational Capacity Matter for Climate Change Adaptation?: -an Empirical Study in South West Bangladesh, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2010, 09, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 104
- 2009/12, Chinese Economic Development and the Environment, EdwardElgar Publishing Ltd., 2009, 12, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 352
- 2016, Basic Studies in Environmental Knowledge, Technology, Evaluation, and Strategy, Springer, 2016, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 286