Last Updated :2025/03/03

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Associate Professor
Soft Materials Physics. Crystal growth. Polymer physics. Oils and fats. Experimental physics. X-ray scattering. Light scattering. Optical microscopy. Electronic microscopy. Kodokan-JUDO third dan level. Kyoto University Judo Club OB (former head coach). Currently a coach of the Hiroshima University Judo Club.

Basic Information

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Science, Kyoto University
  • Master of Science, Kyoto University

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Integrated Arts and Sciences : Department of Integrated Arts and Sciences : Integrated Arts and Sciences
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Physics Program
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Physics Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program

Research Fields

  • Mathematical and physical sciences;Physics;Condensed matter physics I

Research Keywords

  • pattern formation
  • crystal growth
  • polymer physics

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 3Term, Experimental Methods and Laboratory Work in Physics I
  2. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Experimental Methods and Laboratory Work in Physics I
  3. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 4Term, Experimental Methods and Laboratory Work in Physics II
  4. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Experimental Methods and Laboratory Work in Physics II
  5. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, General Mechanics I
  6. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 4Term, General Mechanics II
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Laboratory Work in Natural Sciences
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Practical Methods in Natural Sciences
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Introduction to Physical Sciences
  10. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Seminar in Physical Sciences II
  11. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Laboratory Work in Material Sciences C
  12. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Experimental Methods for Materials Sciencs C
  13. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Physics of Complex Liquids and Soft Matters
  14. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Frontiers of Material Science
  15. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering
  16. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Exercises of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering A
  17. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Exercises of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering B
  18. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program Common Subjects 3 (Resilient Development)
  19. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Complex Materials Science

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Phase transitions and dynamics in ionic liquid crystals confined in nanopores, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 160(4), 044902, 20240128
  2. Formation mechanisms of molecular compound in saturated-unsaturated mixed-acid triacylglycerols mixture systems and its edible applications, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 101(1), 79-93, 20231111
  3. Crystallization and Transformation Behavior of Triacylglycerol Binary Mixtures Forming Molecular Compounds of POP/OPO, POP/rac-PPO, and POP/sn-PPO, Crystal Growth & Design, 23, 20230315
  4. Crystallization with Nodular Aggregation near the Glass Transition Temperature for Syndiotactic Polypropylene, ACS Macro Lett., 12(2), 208-214, 20230125
  5. Instability-Driven Branching of Lamellar Crystals in Polyethylene Spherulites, MACROMOLECULES, 41(20), 7505-7512, 20081028
  6. Branching and Higher Order Structure in Banded Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Spherulites, POLYMER JOURNAL, 40(9), 905-909, 2008
  7. Microbeam X-ray diffraction of non-banded polymer spherulites of it-polystyrene and it-poly(butene-1), POLYMER, 51(8), 1837-1844, 20100406
  8. Morphology and Crystallization Kinetics of it-Polystyrene Spherulites, MACROMOLECULES, 43(8), 3837-3843, 20100427
  9. Molecular weight dependence of growth and morphology of it-poly(butene-1) spherulites, POLYMER, 52(9), 2051-2058, 20110419
  10. Cellular Crystallization in Thin Melt Film of it-Poly(butene-1): An Implication to Spherulitic Growth from Bulk Melt, MACROMOLECULES, 44(23), 9239-9246, 20111213
  11. Structure Evolution in Directional Crystallization of Polymers under Temperature Gradient, MACROMOLECULES, 45(2), 852-861, 20120124
  12. Growth of banded spherulites of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) from the blends: An examination of the modeling of spherulitic growth, POLYMER, 53(8), 1765-1771, 20120403
  13. Melting kinetics of it-polypropylene crystals over wide heating rates, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, 113(3), 1231-1237, 201309
  14. Crystal Growth of Isotactic Polystyrene in Ultrathin Films: Thickness and Temperature Dependence, Journal of Macromolecular Science A27, B45, 1141-1147, 20061130
  15. Dynamic Light Scattering Studies on Crystallization of Isotactic Polystyrene from Dilute Solutions at High Supercoolings, Journal of Macromolecular Science A27, B45, 1149-1157, 20061130
  16. Screw dislocation lines in lysozyme crystals observed by Laue topography using synchrotron radiation, Journal of Crystal Growth, 155-158, 19991001
  17. Crystal growth of polystyrene in ultrathin films, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 174-PMSE, 19990822
  18. ★, Growth shape of isotactic polystyrene crystals in thin films, Polymer, 42(17), 7443-7447, 20010801
  19. Crystal Growth of Isotactic Polystyrene in Ultrathin Films: Film Thickness Dependence, Journal of Macromolecular Science, B41(4-6), 1033-1042, 20030301
  20. MORPHOLOGY, GROWTH RATE AND LAMELLAR THICKNESS OF POLYMER CRYSTALS, Journal of Macromolecular Science, B42(3&4), 867-874, 20030301
  21. ★, Undulation of Lamellar Crystals of Polymers by Surface Stresses, Macromolecules, 36(4), 5208-5213, 20030701
  22. Growth and morphology phase diagram of isotactic polystyrene crystals in ultrathin films, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 228, U499-U499, 20040822
  23. Kinetics of phase separation and coarsening in dilute surfactantpentaethylene glycol monododecyl ether solutions, Journal of Chemical Physics, 20111101
  24. Kinetics of phase separation and coarsening in dilute surfactant pentaethylene glycol monododecyl ether solutions, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 135(23), 20111221
  25. Melting behaviors of polyethylene crystals: An application of fast-scan DSC, POLYMER, 55(14), 3186-3194, 20140619
  26. Branching and Higher Order Structure in Banded Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Spherulites, POLYMER JOURNAL, 40(9), 905-909, 2008
  27. Growth of banded spherulites of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) from the blends: An examination of the modeling of spherulitic growth, POLYMER, 53(8), 1765-1771, 2012
  28. Branching and Higher Order Structure in Banded Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Spherulites, Polymer journal, 40(9), 905-909, 20080915
  29. Retardation Mechanism of Crystallization of Diacylglycerols Resulting from the Addition of Polyglycerol Fatty Acid Esters, Crystal Growth & Design, 17(9), 4749-4756, 20170821
  30. Kinetics of "Melting" of Sucrose Crystals, CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 18(4), 2602-2608, 201804
  31. Superheated Melting Kinetics of Metastable Chain-Folded Polymer Crystals, CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 18(6), 3637-3643, 201806
  32. Gibbs-Thomson, Thermal Gibbs-Thomson, and Hoffman-Weeks Plots of Polyethylene Crystals Examined by Fast-Scan Calorimetry and Small-Angle X-ray Scattering, CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 19(4), 2493-2502, 201904
  33. Crystallization and melting behaviors of poly(vinylidene fluoride) examined by fast-scan calorimetry: Hoffman-Weeks, Gibbs-Thomson and thermal Gibbs-Thomson plots, POLYMER, 169, 11-20, 20190415
  34. Fast limiting behavior of the melting kinetics of polyethylene crystals examined by fast-scan calorimetry, THERMOCHIMICA ACTA, 677, 211-216, 201907
  35. ★, Molecular Weight Dependence of Crystal Growth in Isotactic Polystyrene Ultrathin Films, ACS Macro Lett., 8, 1227-1232, 20190913
  36. Kinetic Study on Alpha-Form Crystallization of Mixed-Acid Triacylglycerols POP, PPO, and Their Mixture, Molecules, 26(1), 220, 20210104

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Effect of Electric Field on CB Crystallization, Yuka Nakao, Haruhiko Koizumi, Ken Taguchi, Satoru Ueno, 19th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo., 2023/09/18, Without Invitation, English, Euro Fed Lipid, Poznań, Poland
  2. Crystallization Kinetics in Non-isothermal Process of Polypropylene II, Shuhei Yasuda, Tsuguhisa Miyamoto, Ken Taguchi, Akihiko Toda, 2023/06/21, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Japan Society of Polymer Processing, Chiba, Crystallization kinetics during molding process requires evaluation under a non-constant high-speed cooling of several tens of ℃/s. In this study, crystallization behavior under high-speed cooling conditions was evaluated by using fast scanning chip calorimetry. In addition, we proposed the equations predicting the absolute crystallinity attained under general conditions including non-isothermal processes. The numerical results of the model well reproduced the experimental results, indicating the applicability of the model.
  3. Crystallization Kinetics in Non-isothermal Process of Polypropylene, Shuhei Yasuda, Tsuguhisa Miyamoto, Ken Taguchi, Akihiko Toda, 2022/11/28, Without Invitation, Japanese, the Japan Society of Polymer Processing, Kyoto, In this study, the crystallization behavior under high-speed cooling conditions was evaluated by a reinterpreted Ozawa plot using Fast Scanning Calorimetry. In addition, an evaluation model that predicts the absolute crystallinity of the non-isothermal process was presented, and the simulation results by these models were found to be in good agreement with the experimental results, demonstrating the applicability of the model.
  4. Crystallization and melting behavior of polypropylene random copolymers, K. Taguchi, A. TodaA, K. Yamada, JPS 77th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan, 2022/09/14, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Physical Society of Japan, Tokyo
  5. Effect of Molecular Compound on Crystallization Behavior of TAG Ternary Mixture Systems, Kazuki Kimura, Ken Taguchi, Haruhiko Koizumi, Shimpei Watanabe, Shinichi Yoshikawa, JCCG-52, 2023/12/04, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japanese Association for Crystal Growth, Nagoya, It was reported that mixing molecular compound (MC) formed by SOS/OSO = 1/1 with LLL promotes the polymorphic transition of LLL from β' form to β form. However, this has only been investigated under limited conditions. In this study, we investigated the effects of MC on the polymorphic transition of LLL under a variety of conditions, with the aim of elucidating the mechanism.
  6. Crystallization and melting behavior of polypropylene random copolymers, K. Taguchi, A. Toda, K. Yamada, 2022 Annual (77th) Meeting, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Physical Society of Japan, Tokyo
  7. Formation of isotactic polypropylene alpha form crystals with different order and their melting and recrystallization behaviors, Koji Yamada, Takahiro Miyoshi, Misako Inagaki, Koji Nozaki, Ken Taguchi, Akihiko Toda, 71st SPSJ Annual Meeting, 2022/05/25, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, On-line
  8. Melting and reorganization behavior of propylene random copolymer containing polymorphic crystals, Ken TAGUCHI, Akihiko TODA, Ken-ichi FUNAKI, Kouji YAMADA, 71st SPSJ Annual Meeting, 2022/05/25, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, On-line, We examined the melting and reorganization behavior of propylene-ethylene random copolymer focusing on the polymorphism, γ and α form, using in-situ WAXS-SAXS measurement. The WAXS results showed that γ form melts at lower temperatures than α but the equilibrium melting temperatures are almost the same for each form. The SAXS analysis tells that lamellar thickness of each form are almost the same, although the long period of α lamellar layer is larger. We discuss the relation between the melting behavior and the polymorphic growth mechanism of lamellar crystal structure.
  9. Spherulite growth of polypropylene random copolymer with mixed polymorphs, Ken TAGUCHI, Akihiko TODA, Koji YAMADA, The Physical Society of Japan 2022 (77th) Annual Meeting, 2022/03/16, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Physical Society of Japan, On-line
  10. Polymorphic crystal growth mechanism of polypropylene random copolymer, Ken TAGUCHI , Akihiko TODA , Koji YAMADA, The Physical Society of Japan, 2021 Autumn Meeting, 2021/09/20, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Physical Society of Japan, On-line
  11. Melting behavior and polymorphism of propylene-ethylene random copolymer, Ken TAGUCHI, Akihiko TODA, Toru IMAI, Ken-ichi FUNAKI, Koji YAMADA, 70th SPSJ Annual Meeting, 2021/05/28, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, On-line, We examined the melting behavior of propylene-ethylene random copolymer focusing on the polymorphism, γ and α phase, using DSC and X-ray diffraction measurement. We found that the equilibrium melting temperatures of γ and &alpha crystals are almost the same through the Hoffman-Weeks plots of each phase, although the melting behavior of each polymorph is different. We discuss the correlation between the melting behavior and the lamellar crystal structure of each polymorph.
  12. Polymorphic transition kinetics of triacylglyceride crystallization accompanied by melting, Ken TAGUCHI, Akihiko Toda, Hironori Hondoh, Satoru Ueno, Kiyotaka Sato, JCCG-49, 2020/11/11, Without Invitation, Japanese, the Japanese Association for Crystal Growth, On-line, For the isothermal melt growth of the 1:1 triacylglycerol mixture of POP and OPP, we have found that needle-like metastable alpha form crystals grow at first and after that beta’ spherulite crystals grow slowly at later stage with accompanying the melting of the alpha form crystals near the melting temperature of alpha form. This polymorphic transition kinetics indicates that the alpha form crystals growing at first is that of pure OPP and the beta’ spherulite at later stage is of molecular compound of POP-OPP.
  13. Melting behavior and polymorphism of propylene-ethylene random copolymer, TAGUCHI, Ken, TODA, Akihiko; IMAI, Toru; FUNAKI, Kenichi; YAMADA, Koji, 69th SPSJ Annual Meeting, 2020/05/27, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, Fukuoka, We investigated the isothermal crystallization and melting behavior of propylene-ethylene random copolymer focusing on the polymorphism, γ and α phase, using the time-resolved X-ray diffraction measurements. We found that the equilibrium melting temperatures of γ and &alpha crystals are almost the same using the Hoffman-Weeks plots of each phase, i.e. the dependence of melting temperatures on the growth temperatures. We discuss the growth mechanism and melting behavior of each phase in terms of the lamellar crystal structure.
  14. Growth mechanism of polymorphic crystals in the spherulite of propylene-ethylene random copolymer, Ken TAGUCHI, Akihiko TODA, Toru IMAI, Kenichi FUNAKI, Koji YAMADA, The 68th Symposium on Macromolecules, 2019/09/25, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, Bunkyo Campus, UNIVERSITY OF FUKUI, We investigated the formation process of the spherulites of propylene-ethylene random copolymer focusing on the growth mechanism of crystal polymorphs, γ and α phase, using the time-resolved X-ray diffraction and microbeam X-ray diffraction measurements. We found that the fraction of γ phase gradually increases during the isothermal crystallization and also the fraction is relatively high in the inner part of the spherulite. We discuss the time-development and spatial distributions of the γ phase in the spherulites in terms of the growth mechanism of γ and α crystals.
  15. Microbeam X-ray Diffraction analysis of spherulites of propylene-ethylene random copolymer, Ken TAGUCHI, Akihiko TODA, Kenichi FUNAKI, Toru IMAI, Koji YAMADA, The 68th SPSJ Annual Meeting, 2019/05/31, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, OSAKA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTER, We investigated the spatial distribution of the crystal polymorphs, γ-phase and α-phase, of propylene-ethylene random copolymer, (P-E)RCP, in the spherulites using synchrotron microbeam X-ray diffraction. We discuss the formation mechanisim of the γ-crystal in the (P-E)RCP spherulites from the spatial distributions on the γ-phase and the dependence on the growth temperatures, the γ-contents of the smaples.
  16. Crystal growth Kinetics and polymorphs of binary system of triacylglyceride molecules, Ken TAGUCHI, Akihiko TODA, Hironori HONDOU, Satoru UENO, Kiyotaka SATO, The Physical Society of Japan, 2019 Annual (74th) Meeting, 2019/03/15, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Physical Society of Japan,, Kyushu Univ. Ito Campus (Fukuoka City)
  17. Growth mechanism of isotactic polypropylene crystal grown from ultrathin films, Ken TAGUCHI, Yohei NODA, Akihiko TODA, 67th SPSJ Symposium on Macromolecules, 2018/09/13, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, Sappro, Hokkaido, The thickness dependence of crystal growth of isotactic polypropylene from ultrathin film has been investigated in detail in terms of morphology and growth rate. It was observed that morphology changes and the growth rate decreases with decreasing film thickness regardless of the thin film forming conditions and growth temperature as observed for other polymer ultrathin films. The crystal growth mechanism in ultrathin films are discussed in terms of morphology, kinetics and polymorphism.
  18. Crystal growth kinetics of metastable polymorph of triacylglyceride molecular compound system, Ken TAGUCHI, Akihiko TODA, Hironori HONDOU, Satoru UENO, Kiyotaka SATO, The Physical Society of Japan, Autumn Meeting 2018, 2018/09/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Physical Society of Japan, Doshisha Univ. Kyotanabe Campus
  19. Morphology and polymorphism of propylene-ethylene random copolymer crystals grown in thin films, Ken TAGUCHI, Akihiko TODA, Toru IMAI, Koji YAMADA, 67th SPSJ Annual Meeting, 2018/05/23, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, Nagoya Congress Center, We investigated the morphology, polymorphism, and growth mechanism of the crystals grown in thin films of propylene-ethylene random copolymer, (P-E)RCP, using TEM and synchrotron microbeam X-ray diffraction. Two types of morphology are observed in ultrathin films of the (P-E)RCP, the lozenge and the curved cross-hatching morphology, which consists of S-shape needle-like crystals. The electron diffraction and microbeam X-ray diffraction revealed that the lozenge crystal consists of γ-phase needle-like crystals and the cross-hatching structure S-shape curved α edge-on crystals. We discuss the origin of S-shaped morphology in terms of chain tilting in the the edge-on lamellar crystals.
  20. Time resolved X-ray Diffraction Study on early-stage of melt-crystallizaion of triacylglyceride, Ken TAGUCHI, Akihiko TODA, Hironori HONDOU, Satoru UENO, Kiyotaka SATO, The Physical Society of Japan, 73rd Annual Meeting, 2018/03/23, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Physical Society of Japan, Tokyo University of Science, Noda Campus
  21. Polymer crystallization and chain dynamics in ultrathin films, Ken TAGUCHI, Yohei NODA, Akihiko TODA, Yoshihisa MIYAMOTO, 66th Symposium on Macromolecules, 2017/09/21, With Invitation, Japanese, The Physical Society of Japan, Matsuyama, Ehime, The growth rate of polymer crystals grown in ultrathin films generally reduces and the morphology of those crystals changes with decreasing film thickness. Molecular weight dependence of polymer crystal growth in ultrathin films can reveal the chain dynamics in ultrathin films on the substrate. We discuss some features of the polymer crystallization from ultrathin films and the effectiveness for the study of polymer crystallization.
  22. Melt-crystallization kinetics of molecular compound system of triacylglycerols, K. Taguchi, R. Ikoma, A. Toda, H. Hondo, S. Ueno, and K. Sato, 2017/08/30, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Japanese Association for Crystal Growth, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
  23. Lamellar morphology and polymorphism of propylene-ethylene random copolymer crystals, Ken Taguchi, Akihiko TODA, Toru IMAI, Koji YAMADA, 66th SPSJ Annual Meeting, 2017/05/31, Without Invitation, Japanese, Tne Society of Polymer Science, Japan, Chiba, We investigated the lamellar stacking morphology of propylene-ethylene random copolymer (Mw = 260k, ethylene content 4.7 mol %) using SAXD, TEM and AFM. The γ-phase of the polypropylene crystal appears at growth temperatures from ca. 70 ℃ to 120 ℃ in the bulk sample and has a maximum fraction of almost 90 % around 107 ℃. We report the growth temperature and hence γ-phase fraction dependence of lamellar morphology and discuss the relationship between SAXD profile and lamellar stacking structure observed by AFM and TEM in the copolymer samples.
  24. Crystal growth of isotactic polypropylene in ultrathin films, Youhei NODA, Akihiko TODA, Ken TAGUCHI, 66th SPSJ Annual Meeting, 2017/05/31, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Society of Polymer Science of Japan, Chiba, Japan, Polymer crystallization shows interesting growth behaviors when crystallized in ultrathin films that have thickness equivalent to the radius of gyration of polymer molecules. Some articles about crystallization in ultrathin films tell the changes in morphology and growth rate reduction with film thickness. In this study, we investigated the crystallization of isotactic polypropylene in ultrathin films by a differential interference contrast optical microscope and an atomic force microscope. As a result, the decrease in growth rate and changes in morphology have appeared for isotactic polypropylene in a similar way as other polymers that have been previously studied in ultrathin films.
  25. Microbeam X-ray diffraction study of spherulites of triacylglyceride molecular compound system, K. Taguchi, R. Ikoma, A. Toda, H. Hondo, S. Ueno, and K. Sato, 2017 Annual (72nd) Meeting, 2017/03/19, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Physical Society of Japan, Toyonaka, Osaka
  26. Temperature dependece of crystallization kinetics of triacylglyceride molecular compound system, Ryuichi IKOMA, Ken TAGUCHI, Akihiko TODA, Satoru UENO, Kiyotaka SATO, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) , 2016 Autumn Meeting, 2016/09/15, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), Kanazawa City
  27. Polymorphism and morphology of propylene-ethylene random copolymer crystals, Ken TAGUCHI, Akinori FUJIKAWA, Akihiko TODA, Toru IMAI, Koji YAMADA, 65th Symposium on Macromolecules, 2016/09/14, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, Yokohama City
  28. Polarizing microscope observation of the precursor formation in the melt crystallization of triacylglyceride molecular compound system, R. Ikoma, K. Taguchi, A. Toda, S. Ueno, K. Sato, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) , 2016 Annual (71st) Meeting, 2016/03/21, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), Sendai
  29. Morphology and growth of propylene-ethylene random copolymer crystals in thin films, Ken Taguchi, Akinori Fujikawa, Akihiko Toda, Toru Imai, Koji Yamada, THE INTERNATIONAL CHEMICAL CONGRESS O FPACIFIC BASIN SOCIETIES 2015 (Pacifichem 2015), 2015/12/19, Without Invitation, English, Pacifichem, Inc., Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
  30. Structure formation in the early stage of crystallization of triacylglyceride molecular compound from the melt, Ken Taguchi,Ryuichi Ikoma,Akihiko Toda,Satoshi Ueno,Kiyotaka Sato, NCCG-45, 2015/10/19, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Japanese Association for Crystal Growth, Sapporo, Japan
  31. Structure formation in the early stage of crystallization of triacylglyceride molecular compound systems from the melt, R. Ikoma, K. Taguchi, A. Toda, S. Ueno, K. Sato, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) , 2015 Autumn Meeting, 2015/09/17, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), Kansai University
  32. Morphology and growth of propylene-ethylene random copolymer crystals in thin films, Akinori FUJIKAWA, Ken TAGUCHI, Akihiko TODA, Toru IMAI, Koji YAMADA, 64th Symposium on Macromolecules, 2015/09/16, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ), Sendai, Japan, We investigate the crystal growth in thin films of high molecular weight propylene-ethylene random copolymer (Mw = 260k, ethylene 4.7 mol%), which in bulk state crystallizes mostly into γ-phase in slow-cooling process. In thin films crystallization, two types of crystal morphology are observed; elongated lozenge shape and curved crosshatch structure. We report the temperature dependence of these two types of morphology and discuss the relevance to the crystal polymorphism and in particular to the γ-phase fraction in the bulk samples.
  33. Edge-on crystals grow faster than flat-on in ultrathin P4MP1 films, Ken Taguchi, ICR Symposium on Polymer Crystals 2014, 2014/10/03, With Invitation, English, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Koyoto, Japan, preprint

Social Activities

Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.

  1. International Discussion Meeting on Polymer Crystallization 2024 (IDMPC 2024), Local Committee, 2024/09, 2024/09

History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers

  1. 2024, Polymer, Others, Reviewer, 1
  2. 2024, Nanoscale Advances, Others, Reviewer, 2
  3. 2024, Physical Review E, Others, Reviewer, 1
  4. 2023, Polymer, Others, Reviewer, 1
  5. 2023, Polymer Journal, Others, Reviewer, 1
  6. 2023, Crystal Growth & Design, Others, Reviewer, 1
  7. 2022, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Others, Reviewer, 1
  8. 2022, Polymer, Others, Reviewer, 1
  9. 2022, Polymer Journal, Others, Reviewer, 1
  10. 2021, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, Others, Reviewer, 1
  11. 2021, Polymer Journal, Others, Reviewer, 2
  12. 2021, Food Chemistry, Others, Reviewer, 1
  13. 2013, Macromolecules, Others, reviewer, 1
  14. 2014, Polymer Journal, Others, reviewer, 1
  15. 2014, Polymer Degradation and Stability, Others, reviewer, 1
  16. 2012, Chemistry Letters, Others, reviewer, 1
  17. 2012, Physical Review Letters, Others, reviewer, 1
  18. 2015, Physical Review Letters, Others, reviewer, 1
  19. 2015, Polymer Journal, Others, reviewer, 1
  20. 2015, Polymer Degradation and Stability, Others, reviewer, 1
  21. 2016, Polymer Degradation and Stability, Others, Reviewer, 1
  22. 2016, Physical Review E, Others, Reviewer, 1
  23. 2016, Polymer, Others, Reviewer, 1
  24. 2017, Polymer Degradation and Stability, Others, Reviewer, 1
  25. 2017, European Polymer Journal, Others, Reviewer, 1
  26. 2017, Polymer Degradation and Stability, Others, Reviewer, 1
  27. 2018, Physical Review E, Others, Reviewer, 1
  28. 2018, Physical Review Letters, Others, Reviewer, 2
  29. 2018, Polymer Degradation and Stability, Others, Reviewer, 1
  30. 2019, Polymer Degradation and Stability, Others, Reviewer, 1