Last Updated :2025/02/03

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Associate Professor
Web Site

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2012/04/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Institute of Engineering, Assistant Professor

Educational Backgrounds

  • The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical System Engineering, Japan, 2003/04, 2007/03
  • The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical System Engineering, Japan, 2007/04, 2009/03
  • The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical System Engineering, Japan, 2009/04, 2012/03

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
  • Master of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

Research Fields

  • Engineering;Process / Chemical engineering;Reaction engineering / Process system

Research Keywords

  • Material Processing
  • Nanomaterials
  • Porous Materials
  • Aerosol
  • Adsorption

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • The Society of Chemical Engineering, Japan
  • Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology
  • The Japan Society on Adsorption Society, 2015

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Introduction to Applied Chemistry, Chemical Engineering,and Biotechnology
  2. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Experimental Chemical Engineering
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Chemical Engineering Exercise II
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Chemical Engineering Exercise III
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Year, Graduation Thesis
  7. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Special Exercises on Chemical Engineering B
  8. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Special Exercises on Chemical Engineering B
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Special Exercises on Chemical Engineering B
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Special Exercises on Chemical Engineering B
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study on Chemical Engineering

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Activity of Ag-Loaded TiO2 Nanoparticulate Thin Film Fabricated via PECVD-PVD Method, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN, 57(1), 20241231
  2. Pb2+Adsorption of Spray-Dried Na-FAU Zeolite, KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU, 50(2), 49-56, 2024
  3. Gas-Phase Fabrication and Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2 and TiO2-CuO Nanoparticulate Thin Films, MATERIALS, 17(5), 202403
  4. Insights into the Spray Synthesis of UiO-66 and UiO-66-NH2 Metal-Organic Frameworks: Effect of Zirconium Precursors and Process Parameters, CRYSTALS, 14(2), 202402
  5. Spray synthesis of hierarchical porous metal-organic framework HKUST-1 with soft templates and methylene blue adsorption performance, ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 35(1), 202401
  6. Enhancement of Hydrogen Adsorption on Spray-Synthesized HKUST-1 via Lithium Doping and Defect Creation, MATERIALS, 16(15), 202308
  7. Synthesis of Monodispersed Hollow Mesoporous Organosilica and Silica Nanoparticles with Controllable Shell Thickness Using Soft and Hard Templates, LANGMUIR, 39(13), 4571-4582, 20230404
  8. Pulmonary toxicity of tungsten trioxide nanoparticles in an inhalation study and an intratracheal instillation study, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, 64(1), 202201
  9. ★, Spray synthesis of Pd nanoparticle incorporated HKUST-1, and its catalytic activity for 4-nitrophenol reduction, ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 33(8), 20220628
  10. Preparation of TiO2-CNT-Ag Ternary Composite Film with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity via Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition, CATALYSTS, 12(5), 20220430
  11. Ag-Doped TiO2 Composite Films Prepared Using Aerosol-Assisted, Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition, CATALYSTS, 12(4), 20220324
  12. Effect of Heating Rate on the Photocatalytic Activity of Ag-TiO2 Nanocomposites by One-Step Process via Aerosol Routes, CATALYSTS, 12(1), 20211224
  13. One-step Synthesis of Gold@Silica Yolk-shell Nanoparticles with Catalytic Activity, CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 50(8), 1475-1478, 20210828
  14. ★, Improvement of production efficiency of spray-synthesized HKUST-1, ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 32(7), 2370-2378, 20210724
  15. ★, Facile fabrication of HKUST-1 thin films and free-standing MWCNT/HKUST-1 film using a spray-assisted method, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 312, 20210121
  16. Effect of Ag loading content on morphology and photocatalytic activity of Ag-TiO2 nanoparticulate films prepared via simultaneous plasma-enhanced chemical and physical vapor deposition, MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS, 7(11), 202011
  17. Assessment of Cytokine-Induced Neutrophil Chemoattractants as Biomarkers for Prediction of Pulmonary Toxicity of Nanomaterials, NANOMATERIALS, 10(8), 202008
  18. Bioinspired One-Step Synthesis of Pomegranate-like Silica@Gold Nanoparticles with Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Activity, LANGMUIR, 36(10), 2553-2562, 20200317
  19. Fabrication of Hollow TiO2 Nanotubes via a Simple Gas-Phase Process Using In-Flight Coating Followed by Heat Treatment, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN, 53(1), 45-48, 202001
  20. ★, Facile fabrication of HKUST-1 nanocomposites incorporating Fe3O4 and TiO2 nanoparticles by a spray-assisted synthetic process and their dye adsorption performances, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 280, 227-235, 20190515
  21. Usefulness of myeloperoxidase as a biomarker for the ranking of pulmonary toxicity of nanomaterials, PARTICLE AND FIBRE TOXICOLOGY, 15, 20181023
  22. Effect of annealing temperature on the photocatalytic activity of Ag-TiO2 nanocomposite films by one-step gas-phase deposition, MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 97, 497-505, 201801
  23. Biopersistence of NiO and TiO2 Nanoparticles Following Intratracheal Instillation and Inhalation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 18(12), 201712
  24. Preparation of nanoparticle-embedded thin films by simultaneous feeding of gaseous and solid raw materials in plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition process, THIN SOLID FILMS, 632, 55-65, 20170630
  25. Evaluation of the parameters utilized for the aerosol-assisted synthesis of HKUST-1, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 245, 126-132, 201706
  26. Fabrication of TiO2-Ag nanocomposite thin films via one-step gas-phase deposition, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 43(6), 5351-5355, 20170415
  27. Evaluation of Pulmonary Toxicity of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Following Inhalation and Intratracheal Instillation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 17(8), 201608
  28. Fabrication of a metal oxide layer on a multi-walled carbon nanotube surface by in-flight coating using gas-phase deposition, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 42(7), 9162-9169, 20160515
  29. Comparison of the Pulmonary Oxidative Stress Caused by Intratracheal Instillation and Inhalation of NiO Nanoparticles when Equivalent Amounts of NiO Are Retained in the Lung, ANTIOXIDANTS, 5(1), 201603
  30. Comparison of pulmonary inflammatory responses following intratracheal instillation and inhalation of nanoparticles, NANOTOXICOLOGY, 10(5), 607-618, 20160527
  31. Comparison between whole-body inhalation and nose-only inhalation on the deposition and health effects of nanoparticles, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, 21(1), 42-48, 201601
  32. Pulmonary toxicity of well-dispersed cerium oxide nanoparticles following intratracheal instillation and inhalation, JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH, 17(11), 20151113
  33. In-flight coating of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Materials Letters, 155, 114-117, 20150504
  34. ★, Effects of Annealing on the Morphology and Porosity of Porous TiO2 Films Fabricated by Deposition of Aerosol Nanoparticles, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN, 48(4), 292-299, 201504
  35. Aerosol Generation by a Spray-Drying Technique Under Coulomb Explosion and Rapid Evaporation for the Preparation of Aerosol Particles for Inhalation Tests, AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 48(7), 698-705, 20140522
  36. Cryogenic Hydrogen Adsorption onto H-, Li-, Na-Exchanged Zeolites with Various Si/Al Ratios, ADSORPTION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 32(5), 413-423, 20140503
  37. Facile Synthesis of Hydroxy-Modified MOF-5 for Improving the Adsorption Capacity of Hydrogen by Lithium Doping, Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 8(11), 2801-2806, 2013
  38. ★, Evaluation of the factors that influence the fabrication of porous thin films by deposition of aerosol nanoparticles, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 232, 221-227, 201310
  39. Effect of Organic Groups on Hydrogen Adsorption Properties of Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas Organosilica, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,, 147(1), 194-199, 2012
  40. Effect of Lithium Doping into MIL-53(Al) through Thermal Decomposition of Anion Species on Hydrogen Adsorption, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(18), 10260-10265, 2012
  41. Investigation on Specific Adsorption of Hydrogen on Lithium-Doped Mesoporous Silica, Adsorption, 17(1), 211-218, 2011
  42. Porous Siloxane–Organic Hybrid with Ultrahigh Surface Area through Simultaneous Polymerization–Destruction of Functionalized Cubic Siloxane Cages, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133(35), 13832-13835, 2011
  43. Oriented Films of Porous Coordination Polymer Prepared by Repeated in situ Crystallization, Chemistry of Materials, 20(20), 2887-2889, 2008

Publications such as books

  1. 2019/09/03, In Vivo Inhalation Toxicity Screening Methods for Manufactured Nanomaterials, Chapter 5 Comparison of Responses in Rat Lung Following Inhalation and Intratracheal Administration of Nanoparticles, Springer, 2019, 09, Scholarly Book, Joint work, English, Yukiko Yoshiura, Yuri Fujisawa, Taisuke Tomonaga, Hiroto Izumi, Takako Oyabu, Toshihiko Myojo, Masaru Kubo, Manabu Shimada, and Yasuo Morimoto, 978-981-13-8433-2, 223, 11
  2. 2014/07/31, 注射剤・経口製剤に代わる新しい薬剤投与デバイスの開発 第4章 薬剤の経肺デリバリーのメカニズムとデバイス開発 第2節 経肺デバイス/吸入療法の性能評価及び安全性 [4]吸入試験のための粒子分散法, 技術情報協会, 2014, 7, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 日本語, 4

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Spray-Synthesis of Hierarchical Porous HKUST-1 using Soft-template, Masaru Kubo, Tomohiro Kitano, and Manabu Shimada, Asian Aerosol Conference 2024, 2024/11/05, Without Invitation, English
  2. Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance of TiO2 and TiO2-CuO Nanoparticulate Thin Films Fabricated via Gas-Phase Method, Hudandini M, Kusdianto K, Kubo M, Shimada M, Asian Aerosol Conference 2024, 2024/11/05, Without Invitation, English
  3. One-step gas-phase fabrication of visible-light-activated TiO2 nanoparticulate thin films, Meditha Hudandini, Dianping Jiang, K Kusdianto, Masaru Kubo, and Manabu Shimada, 11th International Aerosol Conference IAC2022, 2022/09/06, Without Invitation, English
  4. Spray synthesis of Pd/HKUST-1 nanocomposite and its catalytic activity, Masaru Kubo, Tomoki Matsumoto, Manabu Shimada, 11th International Aerosol Conference IAC2022, 2022/09/05, Without Invitation, English
  5. Fabrication of TiO2-copper oxide nanoparticulate thin films through the PECVD-PVD method, Meditha Hudandini, Dianping Jiang, Masaru Kubo, and Manabu Shimada, European Aerosol Conference 2021, 2021/08/30, Without Invitation, English
  6. Photocatalytic activity and preparation of TiO2-CNT-Ag ternary thin films via aerosol-assisted and plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition, Jiang Hua Lang, Kazuma Takahashi, Masaru Kubo, and Manabu Shimada, European Aerosol Conference 2021, 2021/08/30, Without Invitation, English
  7. Spray-assisted fabrication of HKUST-1 thin films and free-standing MWCNT/HKUST-1 film, Masaru Kubo, International Chemical Engineering Symposia 2021, 2021/03/22, With Invitation, English
  8. Development of polymer nanocoating process for CNTs using in-flight PECVD, Lakshmipura R. Hemanth, Yoshihiko Fukumoto, Masaru Kubo, and Manabu Shimada, 2019/03/13, Without Invitation, English
  9. Facile Synthesis of Magnetic Metal-Organic Framework Nanocomposites by Spray-Assisted Synthesis, Masaru Kubo and Manabu Shimada, Xth International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2018), 2018/09/03, Without Invitation, English
  10. Effect of Loading Concentration on the Photocatalytic Activity of Ag-TiO2 Nanocomposite Films Fabricated by One-Step Gas-Phase Deposition, Dianping Jiang, K. Kusdianto, Masaru Kubo and Manabu Shimada, Xth International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2018), 2018/09/02, Without Invitation, English
  11. Synthesis of Nanoparticle-embedded Composite Films by Plasma-enhanced CVD Process Using Gaseous and Particulate Raw Materials, Manabu Shimada, Masaru Kubo, Yuki Shigematsu, and Izumo Shimada, Xth International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2018), 2018/09/02, Without Invitation, English
  12. Polymer and Metal Oxides Coating of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes by Spray-Assisted Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition, Lakshmipura R. Hemanth, Keita Nishihara, Masaru Kubo, Manabu Shimada, and K. Kusdianto, Xth International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2018), 2018/09/02, Without Invitation, English
  13. Synthesis of Polymer Coated Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes by Spray-Assisted Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition, Lakshmipura R. Hemanth, Keita Nishihara, Masaru Kubo, and Manabu Shimada, International Workshop on Nanodevice Technologies 2018, 2018/03/02, Without Invitation, Japanese
  14. Preparation and Evaluation of Photocatalytic Ag-TiO2 Nanoparticulate Films, Dianping Jiang, K. Kusdianto, Masaru Kubo, and Manabu Shimada, International Workshop on Nanodevice Technologies 2018, 2018/03/02, Without Invitation, English
  15. "Facile preparation of metal-organic frameworks by spray-assisted synthesis, Masaru Kubo, Motoyoshi Ishimura, Yuusuke Miyoshi, and Manabu Shimada, International Workshop on Nanodevice Technologies 2018, 2018/03/02, Without Invitation, English
  16. Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2-Ag Nanocomposite Films Prepared via One-step Gas-phase Deposition by Heat Treatment, Dianping Jiang, K. Kusdianto, Masaru Kubo and Manabu Shimada, Asian Aerosol Conference 2017, 2017/07/04, Without Invitation, English
  17. Continuous Synthesis of Metal-Organic Framework HKUST-1 by Spray-Drying, Masaru Kubo, Teruaki Saito, Manabu Shimada, Asian Aerosol Conference 2017, 2017/07/03, Without Invitation, English
  18. Controlling the Structure of Metal Oxide Layers Grown on Carbon Nanotubes Surface by In-Flight Coating, K. Kusdianto, Manabu Shimada, Masaru Kubo and Hidetaka Masuda, Asian Aerosol Conference 2017, 2017/07/03, Without Invitation, English
  19. Fabrication of Ag-TiO2 nanocomposite films via one-step gas-phase deposition and their characterizations after heat treatment processes, Kusdianto K, Jiang Dianping, Kubo Masaru, Shimada Manabu, 2017/03/08, Without Invitation, English
  20. Preparation of photocatalytic TiO2-Ag nanocomposite thin films by one-step gas-phase deposition, Dianping Jiang, K. Kusdianto, Masaru Kubo, and Manabu Shimada, International Workshop on Nanodevice Technologies 2017, 2017/03/02, Without Invitation, English
  21. Preparation of Metal Oxide Layer on Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes by in-flight coating, Masaru Kubo, K. Kusdianto, Hidetaka Masuda, and Manabu Shimada, International Workshop on Nanodevice Technologies 2017, 2017/03/02, Without Invitation, English
  22. Surface coating of carbon nanotubes by aerosol process with plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, Manabu Shimada, Masaru Kubo, and Kusdianto K.,, 2017/03/07, Without Invitation, English
  23. Continuous Synthesis of HKUST-1 by Spray-Drying Process—Investigation of Synthetic Conditions, Masaru Kubo, Teruaki Saito and Manabu Shimada, 5th International Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks & Open Framework Compounds (MOF 2016), 2016/09/12, Without Invitation, English
  24. Effect of heat treatments on the photocatalytic activity of Ag-TiO2 nanocomposite films prepared by a one-step gas-phase deposition process, Kusdianto K, Jiang Dianping, Kubo Masaru, Shimada Manabu, 2016/09/07, Without Invitation, English
  25. Preparation of SiOx layer on carbon nanotubes by in-flight coating, Masaru Kubo, Hirofumi Kadomura, Manabu Shimada, , 9th Asian Aerosol Conference, 2015/07, Without Invitation, Kanazawa
  26. Fabrication and annealing of porous TiO2 films consisting of nanoparticles deposited in gas-phase, Manabu Shimada, Masaru Kubo, Yuki Mantani, Hidetaka Masuda, , 9th Asian Aerosol Conference, 2015/07, Without Invitation, Kanazawa
  27. Comparison of biopersistences of NiO nanoparticles between in inhalation and intratracheal instillation studies, Takako Oyabu, Yasuo Morimoto, Hiroto Izumi, Taisuke Tomonaga, Yukiko Yoshiura, Manabu Shimada, Masaru Kubo and Toshihiko Myojo, , 9th Asian Aerosol Conference, 2015/07, Without Invitation, Kanazawa
  28. In-flight Coating of Carbon Nanotubes with Metal-oxide films by PECVD, Masaru Kubo, Hirofumi Kadomura, and Manabu Shimada, , International Workshop on Nanodevice Technologies 2015, 2015/03, Without Invitation, Higashi-Hiroshima
  29. Biopersistence of nanoparticle in inhalation and intratracheal instillation study for hazard assessment, Takako Oyabu, Yasuo Morimoto, Byeong-Woo Lee, Takami Okada, Hiroto Izumi, Yukiko Yoshiura, Manabu Shimada, Masaru Kubo and Toshihiko Myojo, , ERS International Congress, 2014/09, Without Invitation, Munich
  30. Comparison of pulmonary inflammatory responses between intratracheal instillation and inhalation of nanoparticles, Hiroto Izumi, Yasuo Morimoto, Masanori Horie, Yukiko Yoshiura, Taisuke Tomonaga, Masanori Horie, Byeong-Woo Lee, Takami Okada, Takako Oyabu, Toshihiko Myojo, Manabu Shimada, Masaru Kubo, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, , ERS International Congress, 2014/09, Without Invitation, Munich
  31. Preparation of Aerosol Particles for Inhalation Tests by Spray-drying Combined with Droplet Breakup, Manabu Shimada, Masaru Kubo, Masanori Horie, Yasuo Morimoto, and Takeshi Sasaki, , 2014 International Aerosol Conference, 2014/08, Without Invitation, Korea
  32. In-flight TiO2 Coating of Carbon Nanotubes by PECVD, Masaru Kubo, Hirofumi Kadomura, Manabu Shimada, , 2014 International Aerosol Conference, 2014/08, Without Invitation, Korea
  33. Spray-drying Technique with Droplet Breakup for Preparing Test Aerosol Particles for Inhalation Experiments, Manabu Shimada, Masaru Kubo, Masanori Horie, Yasuo Morimoto, and Takeshi Sasaki, , 8th Asian Aerosol Conference, 2013/12, Without Invitation, Australia
  34. Fabrication of Porous TiO2 Films by Nanoparticle Deposition in Gas-phase, Masaru Kubo, Yuki Mantani, Yu Ishihara, and Manabu Shimada, , 8th Asian Aerosol Conference, 2013/12, Without Invitation, Australia
  35. Preparation of nano-sized aerosol particles by a spray-drying technique with breaking up of droplets, Masaru Kubo, Manabu Shimada, Masanori Horie, Yasuo Morimoto, and Takeshi Sasaki, , The 6th International Symposium on Nanotechnology Occupational and Environmental Health (NanOEH), 2013/10, Without Invitation, Nagoya
  36. Coincidental study of inhalation and intratracheal instillation for hazard assessment of nanoparticles, Takako Oyabu, Yayuo Morimoto, Masanori Horie, Yukiko Yoshiura, Manabu Shimada, Masaru Kubo, Byeong-Woo Lee, Takami Okada and Toshihiko Myojo, , The 2013 European Aerosol Conference, 2013/09, Without Invitation, Czech Republic
  37. Porous Film Fabrication by Nanoparticle Deposition in Gas-phase, Masaru Kubo, Yu Ishihara, Yuki Mantani, and Manabu Shimada, , International Workshop on Nanodevice Technologies 2013, 2013/03, Without Invitation, Higashi-Hiroshima
  38. Synthesis of Ferrierite with Different Si/Al Ratios and their Hydrophilic-hydrophobic Properties, Yoshihiro Kamimura, Kenji Yamanaka, Kenta Iyoki, Riichiro Kimura, Masaru Kubo, Keiji Itabashi, Marie Shimomura, Akira Endo, Tatsuya Okubo, , ZMPC2012, 2012/07, Without Invitation, Hiroshima
  39. Hybrid Porous Materials by Covalent Linking of Siloxane Cages with Diols, Yuko Wada, Kenta Iyoki, Masaru Kubo, Tatsuya Okubo, Atsushi Shimojima, , ZMPC2012, 2012/07, Without Invitation, Hiroshima
  40. Facile synthesis of hydroxy-modified MOF-5 for improving hydrogen adsorption properties by lithium doping, Masaru Kubo, Tatsuya Okubo, , ZMPC2012, 2012/07, Without Invitation, Hiroshima
  41. Synthesis of Li-Doped MIL-53(Al) and Its Hydrogen Adsorption Property, Masaru Kubo, Atsushi Shimojima, and Tatsuya Okubo, , 2010 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2010/11, Without Invitation, Salt Lake City
  42. Hydrogen adsorption properties of periodic mesoporous organosilica, Masaru Kubo, Keisuke Ishiyama, Atsushi Shimojima, and Tatsuya Okubo, , JSPS A3 Foresight Seminar Present Status and Future Prospects of Mesoporous Materials, 2010/09, Without Invitation, Tokyo
  43. Enhancement of Hydrogen Uptake on MIL-53(Al) by Li-doping, Masaru Kubo, Atsushi Shimojima, and Tatsuya Okubo, , The Second Symposium on Future Challenges for Carbon-Based Nanoporous Materials: Adsorption and Energy (CBNM-2), 2010/09, Without Invitation, Nagano
  44. Effect of Lithium Doping into Porous Materials on Hydrogen Adsorption Properties, Masaru Kubo, Keisuke Ishiyama, Hiroshi Ushiyama, Atsushi Shimojima, and Tatsuya Okubo, , 10th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption, 2010/05, Without Invitation, Hyogo
  45. Mechanism of Specific Hydrogen Adsorption on Lithium-Doped Mesoporous Silica, Masaru Kubo, Hiroshi Ushiyama, Atsushi Shimojima, and Tatsuya Okubo, , 2009 MRS Fall Meeting, 2009/12, Without Invitation, Boston
  46. Mechanism of Specific Hydrogen Adsorption on Lithium-Doped Mesoporous Silica, Masaru Kubo, Hiroshi Ushiyama, Atsushi Shimojima, and Tatsuya Okubo, , ZMPC 2009, 2009/08, Without Invitation, Tokyo
  47. Repeated in situ Crystallization: a Facile Route to Oriented Films of Metal-Organic Framework, Masaru Kubo, Watcharop Chaikittisilp, Tatsuya Okubo, , 2008 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2008/11, Without Invitation, Philadelphia
  48. Preparation of Porous Coordination Polymer Films by Repeated in situ Crystallization , Masaru Kubo, Watcharop Chaikittisilp, Tatsuya Okubo, , 8th Japan-Korea Symposium on Materials & Interfaces, 2008/11, Without Invitation, Hokkaido


  1. 2022/06/16, 2nd Place Winner Student Oral Competition, Chair of AAC 2022, Visible-Light Photocatalytic Performance of Cuxo Loaded Anatase- Or Rutile-Tio2 Fabricated By Gas Phase Method
  2. 2022/12/06, APT Distinguished Paper Award, President of The Society of Powder Technology, Japan, Improvement of production efficiency of spray-synthesized HKUST-1
  3. 2016/03/22, Outstanding Paper Award of 2015, 公益社団法人化学工学会化学工学会論文誌編集委員会委員長
  4. 2013/12/05, AAC2013 Poster Prize Award(2nd Place), AAC2013 Conference Chair, Fabrication of Porous TiO2 Films by Nanoparticle Deposition in Gas-phase

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. KAKENHI, 2016, 2019
  2. KAKENHI, 2014, 2015
  3. KAKENHI, 2012, 2014
  4. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)), 2020, 2022