Basic Information
Major Professional Backgrounds
- 2000/04/01, 2003/01/31, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Research Associate
- 1998/01/01, 2003/01/31, Okazaki National Research Institutes, Research Associate
- 2003/02/01, 2008/01/31, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Researcher
- 2016/08/01, Cologne University, Physics Institute I, Visiting Researcher
- 2008/02/01, RIKEN, Visiting Researcher
- 2008/02/01, 2020/03/31, 化学専攻, Associate Professor
Educational Backgrounds
- The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of General Culture, Japan, 1993/04, 1996/03
- The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Japan, 1987/04, 1991/03
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D., The University of Tokyo
- Master of Science, The University of Tokyo
Educational Activity
- [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Science : Chemistry : Chemistry
- [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Chemistry Program
- [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Chemistry Program
In Charge of Primary Major Programs
- Chemistry
Research Fields
- Chemistry;Basic chemistry;Physical chemistry
Research Keywords
- Molecular Spectroscopy of Free Radicals
Affiliated Academic Societies
- The Atomic Collision Society of Japan
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Modern Chemistry
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Advanced Chemistry
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Physical Chemistry IIA
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Physical Chemistry IIB
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Special Study for Graduation
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Special Study for Graduation
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Chemical Experiments I
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Chemical Experiments II
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Reaction Dynamics
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Introduction to Physical Chemistry
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Exercises in Chemistry A
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Exercises in Chemistry B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Master's Thesis in Chemistry
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Doctoral Thesis in Chemistry
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Rate coefficients for the CH(X2?)+CHX3 (X = Cl and Br) reactions and the propensity of the reactions of CH with halomethanes, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 804, 202210
- Imaging studies of the CH3 fragments formed in the ultraviolet photodissociation of dimethylamine: Role of the parent 3s and 3p Rydberg states, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 800, 202208
Complete rotational assignment of the (0,0) vibrational band of the A(1)?-(XS+)-S-1 transition of carbon monosulfide
, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 789, 202202Overall and state-to-state quenching of atomic oxygen O(2p(3)3p P-3(J)) by collisions with He and N-2
, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 797, 20220616Detection of atomic bromine (4p(5) P-2(J); J=1/2, 3/2) by two-photon laser-induced vacuum ultraviolet emission
, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 787, 202201- Kinetic study of vibrational energy transfer from a wide range of vibrational levels of O-2(X-3 Sigma(-)(g), v=6-12) to CF4, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 112(39), 9290-9295, 20081002
- Direct determination of the rate coefficient for the reaction of O(D-1) with OCS, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 483(1-3), 16-20, 20091124
- Nascent Vibrational Energy Distributions of O-2(X-3 Sigma(-)(g), v=6-13) Generated in the Photolysis of O-3 at 266 nm, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 114(2), 735-740, 20100121
- Acceleration of the Reaction OH plus CO -> H CO2 by Vibrational Excitation of OH, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 115(19), 4867-4873, 20110519
- Vibrational Relaxation of O-2(X-3 Sigma(-)(g), v=6-8) by Collisions with O-2(X-3 Sigma(-)(g), v=0): Solution of the Problems in the Integrated Profiles Method, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 116(30), 7791-7796, 20120802
- Photodissociation dynamics of nitromethane at 213 nm studied by ion-imaging, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 556, 49-54, 20130129
- Rate Coefficients for Vibrational Relaxation of OH(X-2 Pi, v=1-4) by He, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 117(16), 3253-3259, 20130425
- Super-Resolution Photoelectron Imaging with Real-Time Subpixelation by Field Programmable Gate Array and Its Application to NO and Benzene Photoionization, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 113(52), 14536-14544, 20091231
- Time-resolved photoelectron imaging using a femtosecond UV laser and a VUV free-electron laser, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 81(3), 201003
- He I Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Benzene and Pyridine in Supersonic Molecular Beams Using Photoelectron Imaging, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 115(14), 2953-2965, 20110414
- Fourier-transform microwave spectroscopy and determination of the three dimensional potential energy surface for Ar-CS, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 140(10), 20140314
- Photodissociation dynamics of C3H5I in the near-ultraviolet region, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 141(10), 20140914
- Kinetics and Dynamics on the Formation of S-2(X-3 Sigma(-)(g),a(1)Delta(g)) in the S(D-1) + OCS Reaction, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 118(40), 9330-9337, 20141009
- Spin-orbit conserving and changing transitions in inelastic scattering of NO((2)Pi)+Ar, PHYSICA SCRIPTA, T110, 312-318, 2004
- Collision energy dependence of the O(D-1)+HCl -> OH+Cl(P-2) reaction studied by crossed beam scattering and quasiclassical trajectory calculations on ab initio potential energy surfaces, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 112(5), 818-825, 2008
- Reaction mechanism duality in O(D-1(2)) + CD4 -> OD + CD3 identified from scattering distributions of rotationally state selected CD3, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 10(48), 7222-7225, 20081107
- Photodissociation of nitrous oxide starting from excited bending levels, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 125(13), 2006
- Rovibrational state specific scattering distributions of the O(D-1) + CD4 -> OD + CD3 (v1, v2, N) reaction, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 13(18), 8371-8378, 20110210
- Deuterium isotope effects in the polyatomic reaction of O(D-1(2)) + CH4 -> OH + CH3, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 15(31), 12946-12957, 20130701
- Electronic spectroscopy of the HCCN radical, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 138(16), 20130423
- Enhancement of the NH2 + NO -> OH + H + N-2 reaction by vibrational excitation of NH2, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 638, 227-232, 20151001
- Multiple product pathways in photodissociation of nitromethane at 213 nm, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 144(6), 20160214
- Vibrational relaxation of S-2(a(1) Delta(g), nu=1-9) by collisions with He, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 657, 95-101, 20160716
- Multistep Intersystem Crossing Pathways in Cinnamate-Based UV-B Sunscreens, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 7(19), 4001-4007, 20161006
- Detection of the Excited-State NH2 ((A)over-tilde (2)A(1)) in the Ultraviolet Photodissociation of Methylamine, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 120(43), 8584-8589, 20161103
- Internal and translational energy partitioning of the NO product in the S-2 photodissociation of methyl nitrite, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 674, 58-63, 20170416
- Vibrational relaxation of S-2(a(1)Delta(g)) by collisions with SF6 and CF4, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 684, 171-176, 20170916
- Direct Detection of S(P-3) and S(D-1) Generated in the O(D-1) + OCS Reaction: Mechanism of the Formation of S-2(X-3 Sigma(-)(g) and a(1)Delta(g)), JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 122(8), 1948-1953, 20180301
- High-resolution infrared spectroscopy of O2H+ in a cryogenic ion trap, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 148(14), 20180414
- Unravelling the Electronic State of NO2 Product in Ultrafast Photodissociation of Nitromethane, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 9(2), 270-273, 20180118
- Different photoisomerization routes found in the structural isomers of hydroxy methylcinnamate, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 20(26), 17583-17598, 20180714
- Detection of direct NO loss in the ultraviolet photodissociation of Co(CO)3NO, Chemical Physics Letters, 707, 150-153, 201807
- Detection of atomic oxygen O(3PJ) with vacuum ultraviolet emission subsequent to two-photon absorption, Chemical Physics Letters, 710, 96-99, 201809
- Double Resonance Rotational Spectroscopy of Weakly Bound Ionic Complexes: The rotational spectrum of floppy CH3+—He, Physical Review Letters, 121, 143001, 201809
- Detection of atomic oxygen O(P-3(J)) with vacuum ultraviolet emission subsequent to two-photon absorption, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 710, 96-99, 20181016
- Double Resonance Rotational Spectroscopy of Weakly Bound Ionic Complexes: The Case of Floppy CH3+-He, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 121(14), 20181001
- A crossed molecular beam imaging study of the O(1D2) + HCl -> OH + Cl(2PJ=3/2, 1/2) reaction, ChemPhysChem, 7, 1250-1257, 2006
- Fully state-resolved differential cross sections for the inelastic scattering of the open-shell NO molecule by Ar, Science, 294, 832-834, 20011026
- State-to-state Rotational Inelastic Scattering of Free Radicals, Annual Report of Progress of Chemistry, part C, 98, 421-449, 20020703
- Double Resonance Rotational Spectroscopy of HCO+—He, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20180823
- Photoelectron imaging on time-dependent molecular alignment created by a femtosecond laser pulse, Physical Review Letters, 86(20), 4500-4503, 200105
- Laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy of the A3i-X3- transition of the CCS radical, 114(14), 6142-6150, 2001
- Femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron imaging, Faraday Discussions, 113, 37-46, 1999
- Femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron imaging on ultrafast electronic dephasing in an isolated molecule, Journal of Chemical Physics (Communication), 111, 4859-4861, 1999
- A crossed molecular beam apparatus using high-resolution ion imaging, Review of Scientific Instruments, 70, 3265-3270, 1999
- Determination of the proton tunneling splitting of tropolone in the ground state by microwave spectroscopy, Journal of Chemical Physics, 110, 1969-1978, 1999
- Laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy of the C4H and C4D radicals in a supersonic jet, Journal of Chemical Physics, 108, 3465-3478, 1998
- Laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy of the C2+-A21/2 band system of jet- cooled CCN radical, Journal of Chemical Physics, 106, 5429-5438, 1997
- Formation of metastable triplet acetylene produced by intersystem crossing from the excited A1Au state, Journal of Chemical Physics, 106, 5292-5295, 1997
- Laser-induced fluorescence spectra and the observation quantum beats in the A2Pi-X2Pi transition of the HCCS radical, 254, 397-402, 1996
- PDN-FTMW Spectroscopy of Open-Shell Complexes, 97, 341-350, 1994
- Pulsed-Discharge Nozzle Fourier-Transform Microwave Spectroscopy of the HC4O Radical, 101, 6463-6469, 1991
- Pulsed-Nozzle Fourier-Transform Microwave Spectroscopy of the Benzene-N152 Complex, 184, 21-21, 1991
- Energy Dependence of Photodissociation Dynamics of Trimethylamine over the S2 and S1 Excited States, Chemical Physics Letters, 716, 28-34, 201902
- Infrared photodissociation of cold CH3+-He-2 complexes, MOLECULAR PHYSICS, 117(9-12), 1481-1485, 20190618
- The direct observation of the doorway (1)n pi* state of methylcinnamate and hydrogen-bonding effects on the photochemistry of cinnamate-based sunscreens, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 21(36), 19755-19763, 20190928
- Overall and state-specific electronic quenching of atomic sulfur S(3p(3)4p P-3(J)) by collisions with He, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 739, 202001
- Electronic State and Photophysics of 2-Ethylhexyl-4-methoxycinnamate as UV-B Sunscreen under Jet-Cooled Condition, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 124(7), 1272-1278, 20200220
- Branching ratios of electronic quenching of atomic sulfur S(3p(34)p P-3(J)) by collisions with N-2, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 754, 202009
- Spectroscopic signatures of HHe2+ and HHe3+, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 22(40), 22885-22888, 20201028
- Primary and Secondary Loss of CO and NO Ligands in the Ultraviolet Photodissociation of the Heteroleptic Co(CO)(3)NO Complex, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 124(51), 10694-10704, 20201224
- Pure Rotational Spectrum of CCl+, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 910(1), 202103
- Improvement and determination of higher-order centrifugal distortion constants of the A(2)Sigma(+)-X-2 Pi electronic transition of NO, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, 378, 202104
- Nascent vibrational distributions of S-2(X-3 Sigma(-)(g)) generated in the S(D-1) + OCS reaction and vibrational relaxation by collisions with He and CF4, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 779, 20210916
- Generation of Highly Vibrationally Excited CO in Sequential Photodissociation of Iron Carbonyl Complexes, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 126(2), 306-313, 20220120
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- State-Resolved Reaction Dynamics Study for Multi-dimension/Multi-surface Systems, Hiroshi Kohguchi, 2023/09/12, With Invitation, Japanese
- Reactivity with NH3 of S(1D) and the yield of HS(X2PI), Mayuu Kanesaki, Hiroshi Kohguchi, and Katsuyoshi Yamasaki, 36th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, 2021/06, Without Invitation, English
- Rate coefficient for quenching of electronically excited Br(4p45p) by collisions with He, Yusuke Ogino, Shogo Tendo, Ayaka Nishimura, Hiroshi Kohguchi, and Katsuyoshi Yamasaki, 36th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, 2021/06, Without Invitation, English
- N–CH3 and N–H dissociation pathways from 3p Rydberg state of dimethylamine, P. Wangchingchai, K. Yamasaki, H. Kohguchi, 36th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, 2021/06, Without Invitation, English
- Correlation between the vibronic state of methyl nitrite and the vibrational state of NO products in the S1 photodissociation, Y.Unemi, K.Inoue, K.Yamasaki, H.Kohguchi, 36th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, 2021/06, Without Invitation, English
- Development of Guided Ion Beam Apparatus to Measure Ion Rotational and Vibrational Effects in NO+ + Hydrocarbon Systems, T. Mochizuki, K. Yamasaki, H. Kohguchi T. Mochizuki, K. Yamasaki, H. Kohguchi, 36th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, 2021/06, Without Invitation, English
- Development of ion-molecule reaction apparatus with control of the quantum states, 2020/12, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Atomic Collision Society of Japan
- Rate coefficients and branching ratio for quenching of O(2p33p 3PJ) by collisions with He, Yuki Tanimoto, Takumi Daijyogon, Shogo Tendo, Hiroshi Kohguchi, Katsuyoshi Yamasaki, The 17th Nano Bio Info Chemistry Symposium, 2020/12, Without Invitation, English, The Chemical Society of Nano Bio Info
- Measurement of femtosecond time delay using frequency- and time-domain interferometry, T. Kaneyasu, Y. Hikosaka, M. Fujimoto, Y. Iwayama, M. Katoh, E. Nakamura, H. Kohguchi, H. Hosaka, S. Wada, UVSOR SymPo 2020, 2020/01/09, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Energy-Dependence of Photoelectron Circular Dichroism of Chiral Molecules, Hiroshi Kohguchi, Tatsuo Kaneyasu, Yasumasa Hikosaka, Shin-ichi Wada, Masahiro Katoh, Masaki Fujimoto and Yoshi-ichi Suzuki, UVSOR SymPo 2020, 2020/01/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, UVSOR Sympo 2020
- The Electron-Donationg Effect of h5-C5H5 Ligand on Photoelimination Reaction of Transition Metal Complex, Haze Misato, Nakata Hiroyuki, Nagamori Keigo, Matsugi Takeru, Mizuta Tsutomu, Yamasaki Katsuyoshi, Kohguchi Hiroshi, 2020/09, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Chemical Dynamics Studies by State-Resolved Particle Imaging: - Photochemistry of Transition-Metal Complexes and Amines -, Hiroshi Kohguchi, RIKEN Seminar, 2018/11/16, With Invitation, English
- Probing the Effective Reaction Coordinates of Ligand Elimination in Photodissociation of Co(CO)3NO, Hiroshi Kohguchi, The 22nd East Asian Workshop on Chemical Dynamics, 2018/10/01, With Invitation, English
- "High-Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of O2H+ in a Cold Trap the Collisions of O(3p 3P)", "Hiroshi Kohguchi, Koichi M. Yamada,Pavol Jusko、Stephan Schlemmer、Oskar Asvay ", Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science (2018), 2018/09, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Development of a Method for Detection of Atomic Oxygen O(2p 3P) with Vacuum Ultraviolet Fluorescence Subsequent to Two-Photon Excitation and Its Application to the Study on the Elementary Processes of the Collisions of O(3p 3P), Shogo Tendo, Hiroshi Kohguchi, Katsuyoshi Yamasaki, 2018/09, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Excitation energy dependence in the multi-branched pathways of the photoexcited trimethylamine, Y. Onitsuka, Y. Kadowaki, Y. Yamasaki, H. Kohguchi, 2018/09, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Dynamics of N-CHO and N-CH3 bonds cleavage in the photodissociation of N,N-Dimethylformamide, K. Inoue, Y. Onitsuka, K. Yamasaki, H. Kohguchi, 2018/09, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Radiative lifetime and the rate coefficient for quenching of electronically excited state S(4p 3P), Daigo Kawabata, Shogo Tendo, Haruka Tanimoto, Hiroshi Kohguchi, Katsuyoshi Yamasaki, 34th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, 2018/06, Without Invitation, English
- Rate coefficients and mechanisms of CH + CHX3 (X = Cl, Br) reactions, Atumi Yoshiki, Rintaro Fukami, Shogo Tendo, Hiroshi Kohguchi, Katsuyoshi Yamasaki, 34th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, 2018/06, Without Invitation, English
- Detection of Cl(2P) and Br(2P) with vacuum ultraviolet emission subsequent to two-photon absorption, Ayaka Nishimura, Shogo Tendo, Atumi Yoshiki, Hiroshi Kohguchi, Katsuyoshi Yamasaki, 34th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, 2018/06, Without Invitation, English
- Nascent vibrational distributions and relaxation of S2(X3Σg-) generated in the S(1D) + OCS reaction, Shogo Tendo, Haruka Tanimoto, Hiroshi Kohguchi, Katsuyoshi Yamasaki, 34th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, 2018/06, Without Invitation, English
- Photoreaction Chemistry of Transition-Metal Carbonyls in the gas phase, K. Nagamori, H. Nakata, K. Yamasaki, H. Kohguchi, 34th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, 2018/06, Without Invitation, English
- Probing the effective reaction coordinates of ligand elimination in photodissociation of the Co(CO)3NO complex, H. Nakata, K. Nagamori, K. Yamasaki, H. Kohguchi, 34th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, 2018/06, Without Invitation, English
- Photodissociation and Electronic Relaxation in the S2 and S1 Excited States of Trimethylamine, Y. Onitsuka, Y. Kadowaki, Y. Yamasaki, H. Kohguchi, 34th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, 2018/06, Without Invitation, English
- High-Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of O2H+ in a Cold Trap, "Hiroshi Kohguchi、Koich M.T. Yamada、Pavol Jusko、Stephan Schlemmer、Oskar Asvany ", 2018/03, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Ion-Imaging Study: State-Resolved Scattering of Photodissociation in Transition Metal Complexes, Kassel Workshop in Molecular Physics, 2018/01, With Invitation, English, Kassel University, Germany
- Photoelimination Dynamics Study of Tricarbonylnitrosylcobalt by Analyzing the Motion of Eliminated Ligands, H. Nakata, K. Nagamori, K. Yamasaki, H. Kohguchi, The 14th Nano Bio Info Chemistry Symposium, 2017/12, Without Invitation, English
- Mechanism of Generation of S2 (X3Σg− , a1Δg) in the O(1D) + OCS Reaction System, Haruka Tanimoto, Shogo Tendo, Kenichi Orimi, Hiroki Goto, Hiroshi Kohguchi, Katsuyoshi Yamasaki, The 14th Nano Bio Info Chemistry Symposium, 2017/12, Without Invitation, English
- Generation of CH and H as the Photoproducts of Trihalomethanes and Chemical Reactions of CH with the Precursors, Atsumi Yoshiki, Yuta Sugino, Shogo Tendo, Hiroshi Kohguchi, Katsuyoshi Yamasaki, The 14th Nano Bio Info Chemistry Symposium, 2017/12, Without Invitation, English
- Detection of Atomic Oxygen O(3P) with Vacuum Ultraviolet Emission Subsequent to Two-Photon Excitation, Shogo Tendo, Hiroshi Kohguchi, Katsuyoshi Yamasaki, The 14th Nano Bio Info Chemistry Symposium, 2017/12, Without Invitation, English
- Detection of Electronically Excited NH2 product in the Ultraviolet Photodissociation of Methylamine, Yuuki Onitsuka, Shogo Tendo, Hiroki Goto, Katsuyoshi Yamasaki, Hiroshi Kohguchi, The 14th Nano Bio Info Chemistry Symposium, 2017/12, Without Invitation, English
- Non-adiabatic Dynamics around the Conical Intersection of Ammonia-derivative Species, Yuuki Onitsuka, Katsuyoshi Yamasaki, Hiroshi Kohguchi, 2017/11, With Invitation, Japanese
- State-Resolved Scattering Study of Ligand-Photoelimination of Transition Metal Complexes in the Gas Phase, Hiroshi KOHGUCHI, IRAP Seminar, 2017/11, With Invitation, English, Institute for Research for AptroPhysics, Toulouse, France
- Examination of the photodissociation mechanism following the excited state dynamics of trimethylamine, Y. Kadowaki, Y.Onitsuka, K. Yamasaki, H. Kohguchi, 2017/09, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Photodissociation study of transition metal carbonyls by analyzing the motion of ligands, H. Nakata, K. Yamasaki, H. Kohguchi, 2017/09, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Detection of Excited-State NH2 in the Ultraviolet Photodissociation of Methylamine, Y. Onitsuka, K. Yamasaki, H. Goto, H. Kohguchi, 2017/09, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Study of the nonradiative process of cinnamic acid derivatives as sunscreen agents, S. Nakayama, Y. Inokuchi, H. Kohguchi, Y. Onitsuka, S. Kinoshita, T. Ebata, 2017/09, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Substitution Position Dependent Nonradiative Decay Pathways of Hydroxy Methylcinnamate Based Sunscreens, K. Yamazaki, S. Kinoshita, Y. Miyazaki, M. Sumida, Y. Onitsuka, H. Kohguchi, Y. Inokuchi, N. Akai, T. Shiraogawa, M. Ehara, Y. Harabuchi, S. Maeda, T. Taketsugu, T. Ebata, 2017/09, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Study of nonradiative decay process and trans → cis isomarization of para-, meta-, ortho- hydroxy methylcinnamate, S. Kinoshita, Y. Miyazaki, Y. Inokuchi, T. Ebata, M. Sumida, Y. Onitsuka, H. Kohguchi, N. Akai, T. Shiraogawa, M. Ehara, K. Yamazaki, Y. Harabuchi, S. Maeda, T. Taketsugu, 2017/09, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Photodissociation Studies in an Ion-Imaging Experiment, Hiroshi KOHGUCHI, 2017/09, With Invitation, English, Organization committee of Horizons in Cold Cluster Spectroscopy, Leipzig, Germany
- "Internal and translational energy partitioning of the NO product in the S2 photodissociation of methyl nitrite ", M. Sumida, S. Masumoto, M. Kato, K. Yamasaki, and H. Kohguchi, 34th International Symposium on Free Radicals, 2017/09, Without Invitation, English
- Detection of the Excited State NH2(A2A1) in the Ultraviolet photodissociation of methylamine, Yuuki Onitsuka, Katsuyoshi Yamasaki, Hiroki Goto, Hiroshi Kohguchi, International Symposium on "Diversity of Chemical Reaction Dynamics", 2017/07, Without Invitation, English, The organizers of Himeji symposium, Himeji, Hyogo
- Structural dynamics of photoexcited transition metal carbonyls - Approach from the motion of photoeliminated ligands -, H. Nakata, K. Yamasaki, H. Kohguchi, International Symposium on "Diversity of Chemical Reaction Dynamics", 2017/07, Without Invitation, English, The organizers of Himeji symposium, Himeji, Hyogo
- Kinetic study on the vibrational relaxation of S2(a1Δg) by collisions with CF4, Shogo Tendo, Haruka Tanimoto, Hiroki Goto, Hiroshi Kohguchi, Kastuyoshi Yamasaki, International Symposium on "Diversity of Chemical Reaction Dynamics", 2017/07, Without Invitation, English, The organizers of Himeji symposium, Himeji, Hyogo
- Generation of CH(X2Π) and H in the UV two-photon dissociation of CHX3(X = Cl, Br), Atsumi Yoshiki, Yuta Sugino, Shogo Tendo, Hiroshi Kohguchi, Katsuyoshi Yamasaki, International Symposium on "Diversity of Chemical Reaction Dynamics", 2017/07, Without Invitation, English, The organizers of Himeji symposium
- Vibrational Spectroscopy of He-O2H+ and O2H+, Hiroshi Kohguchi, Koichi Yamada, Pavol Jusko,Stephan Schlemmer, Oskar Asvany, 73rd International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy,Urbana-Champaign, June 2017, 2017/06, Without Invitation, English, Organization committee of 34th ISMS, Urbana-Champaign, USA
- Probing photochemical reaction of pentacarbonyliron(0) in the MLCT state by using REMPI spectroscopy and ion imaging, H. Nakata, K. Yamasaki, H. Kohguchi, 33rd Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, 2017/06, Without Invitation, English
- Kinetic study on the vibrational relaxation of S2(a1Δg) by collisions with CF4, Shogo Tendo, Haruka Tanimoto, Hiroki Goto, Hiroshi Kohguchi, Kastuyoshi Yamasaki, 33rd Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, Without Invitation, English
- Relation between the Product and the Counter-Product in Polyatomic Photodissociation, Hiroshi Kohguchi, International Asian Symposium, 2016/03/26, With Invitation, English, Chemical Society of Japan, Kyoto, Japan
- Mechanism of the generation of S2(a1Δg) in the O(1D) + OCS reaction system, 33rd Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, 2017/06, Without Invitation, English
- Generation of CH(X2Π) and H in the UV two-photon dissociation of CHX3(X = Cl, Br), Atsumi Yoshiki, Yuta Sugino, Shogo Tendo, Hiroshi Kohguchi, Katsuyoshi Yamasaki, 33rd Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, 2017/06, Without Invitation, English
- Relation between the Product and the Counter-Product in Polyatomic Photodissociation, Hiroshi Kohguchi, International Asian Symposium, 2016/03, With Invitation, English
- Photodissociation of isomers: CH3NO2 and CH3ONO -Significance of Electronic Dynamics Prior to Photodissociation-, Hiroshi Kohguchi, Seminar on Physical Chemistry in Kyoto University, 2016/03/25, With Invitation, English, Physical Chemistry Laboratory in Kyoto University, Kyoto University
- Dependence of the Product Pathways in the Photodissociation of Methylamine on the Available Energy, Y. Onitsuka, T. Yanaidani, K. Yamasaki, and H. Kohguchi, The 30th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, 2015/06/02, Without Invitation, English
- Competition of Step-wise and Concerted Bond Cleavage of Polyatomic Photodissociation, Hiroshi Kohguchi, The 20th East Asian Workshop on Chemical Dynamics(EAWCD20), 2015/10/04, With Invitation, English, Gold Coast, Australia
- Observation of the photodissociation dynamics of methylamine showing the specific final state distribution, Yuuki Onitsuka, Takuma Yanaidani, Katsuyoshi Yamasaki, Hiroshi Kohguchi, Recent Progress in Molecular Science of Korea and Japan, 2015/07/30, Without Invitation, English
- Dynamics study of the photodissociation of nitromethane following the p* ←p? excitation, M. Sumida, K. Yamasaki and H. Kohguchi, Symposium on Advanced Molecular Spectroscopy, 2015/07/18, Without Invitation, English, Tokyo University, Komaba Campus
- Site-selective photochemistry observed for allyl iodide, M. Sumida, T. Hanada, K. Yamasaki, and H. Kohguchi, Symposium on Advanced Molecular Spectroscopy, 2015/07/18, Without Invitation, English, Tokyo University, Komaba Campus
- Dynamics study of the photodissociation of nitromethane following the p* ← p excitation, SUMIDA Masataka, YAMASAKI Katsuyoshi, KOHGUCHI Hiroshi, The 30th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, 2015/06/02, Without Invitation, English, Sapporo, Japan
External Funds
Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds
- 2020, 2023
- 2019/04, 2021/03
- 2016/08/01, 2017/01/31
- KAKENHI, 2015, 2018
- 2013
- 2012, 2012
- KAKENHI, Chemical Dynamics Study on Ion-Molecule Reactions as Microscopic Organic Reactions, 2009, 2011
- 2009, 2011
- KAKENHI, 2008, 2009
- KAKENHI, 2007, 2007
- KAKENHI, 2003, 2005
- KAKENHI, 2001, 2003
- KAKENHI, 2001, 2002
- KAKENHI, Studies on structure and dynamics of transient molecules by ultrafast molecular structure determination method, 1999, 2000
- KAKENHI, 1999, 2001
- KAKENHI, Elucidation of Molecular Origin of Ozone Deficit, 1997, 1998
- KAKENHI, Development of the Apparatus for Visualizing Stratospheric Chemical Reactions, 1996, 1997
Social Activities
Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.
- 35th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, 2019/06, 2019/06
- The 22nd East Asian Workshop on Chemical Dynamics, 2018/09, 2018/09
- International Symposium on "Diversity of Chemical Reaction Dynamics, 2017/, 2017/
- 34th International Symposium on Free Radicals, Local Comitte, 2015/04, 2017/09
- Symposium on Advanced Molecular Spectroscopy, Organizing Comitte, 2014/12, 2015/07