Hideki Hanada
Last Updated :2025/02/03
- Affiliations, Positions
- Amphibian Research Center, Assistant Professor
- E-mail
- hanada
Basic Information
Major Professional Backgrounds
- 1990/04/01, 2000/03/31, Hiroshima University, Faculty of Science, Institute for Amphibian Biology, -
- 2000/04/01, 2007/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Science, Institute for Amphibian Biology, -
- 2007/04/01, 2016/09/30, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Science, Institute for Amphibian Biology, Assistant Professor
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science, Okayama University
- Master of Education, Fukuoka University of Education
Research Fields
- Biology;Basic biology;Genetics / Chromosome dynamics
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 3Term, The life science of amphibians
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Endocrinology・Immunology
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Seminar for Amphibian Biology
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Practice for Fundamental Biology I
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Practice for Fundamental Biology II
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Practice for Fundamental Biology III
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Practice for Fundamental Biology IV
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Natural History Sciences
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Amiodarone bioconcentration and suppression of metamorphosis in Xenopus., Aquatic Toxicology, 228(228), 105623, 2020
- ★, Long-term Xenopus laevis tadpole-heart-organ-culture: Physiological changes in cholinergic and adrenergic sensitivities of tadpole heart with thyroxine-treatment., Current Research in Physiology, 6, 100100, 2023
- Dl-a-tocopherol enhances the herbicide 1,1 '-dimetyl-4,4 '-bipyridium dichloride (paraquat, PQ) genotoxicity in cultured anuran leukocytes, HEREDITAS, 148(4-5), 118-124, 201111
- Strong expression of the calreticulin gene in the liver of Rana rugosa tadpoles, but not adult frogs, Journal of Experimental Zoology, 275(4), 431-443, 19960401
- Alteration of the sex determining system resulting from structural change of the sex chromosomes in the frog Rana rugosa., Journal of Experimental Zoology, 286(3), 313-319, 20000201
- Comparison of catalase in diploid and haploid Rana rugosa using heat and chemical inactivation techniques, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, B118(3), 499-503, 19970401
- Evidence for two successive pericentric inversions in sex lampbrush chromosomes of Rana rugosa (Anura: Ranidae), Chromosoma, 106, 178-182, 19970401
- Thyroxine enhancement and the role of reactive oxygen species in tadpole tail apoptosis, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 26, 1001-1009, 19990401
- Reactive oxygen species and the mechanism for tail apoptosis in Rana rugosa and Rana japonica, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology part A, 1, 51-66, 20000401
- Do reactive oxygen species underlie the mechanism of apoptosis in the tadpole tail?, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 23(2), 294-301, 19970401
- Inhibitor and temperature effect on catalase in the liver of adult diploid and haploid Rana rugosa, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, B119, 235-239, 19970401
- Structural differences between XX and ZW sex lampbrush chromosomes in Rana rugosa females (Anura: Ranidae), Chromosoma, 105(4), 237-241, 19960401
- Four kinds of sex chromosomes in Rana rugosa, Scientific Report of the Laboratory for Amphibian Biology= Hiroshima University, 13, 1-34, 19940401
- Sex of reciprocal hybrids between the Hamakita (XX-XY type) population and the Murakami (ZW- ZZ type) population in Rana rugosa, Scientific Report of the Laboratory for Amphibian Biology, Hiroshima University, 13, 35-50, 19940101
- G and C banding show structural differences between the Z and W chromosomes in the frog Buergeria buergeri, Hereditas, 136, 151-154, 20020401
- An investigation into the role of reactive oxygen species in tadpole tail apoptosis by means of thyroxine enhancement, IBC's Fifth Annual Conference on Apoptosis, International Business Communications, 281, 19980401
- Evidence for heteromorphic sex chromosomes in males of Rana tagoi and Rana sakuraii in Nishitama district of Tokyo (Anura: Ranidae), Chromosome Research, 7, 31-42, 19990401
- Effects of high gravity on amphibian development, Biological Sciences in Space, 17, 215-216, 20030401
- Anti-thyroid hormonal activity of tetrabrmobisphenol A, a flame retardant, and related compounds: affinity to the mammalian thyroid hormone receptor, and effect on tadpole metamorphosis, Life Science, 76, 1589-1601, 20050401
- Development of metamorphosis assay using Silurana tropicalis for the detection of thyroid system-disrupting chemicals, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 64, 281-287, 20060401
- Xenopus tropicalis: An Ideal Experimental Animal in Amphibia, Experimental Animals, 59(4), 395, 20100701
- Alteration of the sex determining system resulting from structural change of the sex chromosomes in the frog Rana rugosa, JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY, 286(3), 313-319, 20000215
- Cyclosporin A inhibits thyroid hormone-induced shortening of the tadpole tail through membrane permeability transition, COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY B-BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 135(3), 473-483, 200307
- Anti-thyroid hormonal activity of tetrabromobisphenol A, a flame retardant, and related compounds: Affinity to the mammalian thyroid hormone receptor, and effect on tadpole metamorphosis, LIFE SCIENCES, 76(14), 1589-1601, 20050218
- Development of metamorphosis assay using Silurana tropicalis for the detection of thyroid system-disrupting chemicals, ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, 64(3), 281-287, 200607
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on amphibian metamorphosis and mitochondrial membrane permeability transition, JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE, 54(3), 273-280, 200806
- Disruption of Thyroid Hormone Function by Environmental Pollutants, JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE, 55(2), 147-160, 200904
- Xenopus tropicalis: An Ideal Experimental Animal in Amphibia, EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS, 59(4), 395-405, 201007
- Phenolic antioxidant 2,6-di-tert-butyl-p-cresol (vitamin E synthetic analogue) does not inhibit 1,1 '-dimetyl-4,4 '-bipyridium dichloride (paraquat)-induced structural chromosomal damage in cultured leukocytes of the dark-spotted-frog Pelophylax (Rana) nigromaculatus, HEREDITAS, 149(5), 173-177, 201210
- Acetyl-L-carnitine suppresses thyroid hormone-induced and spontaneous anuran tadpole tail shortening, HEREDITAS, 150(1), 1-9, 201302
- Xenopus tropicalis: An Ideal Experimental Animal in Amphibia, Proceedings of The Japanese Society of Animal Models for Human Diseases, 59(4), 395-405, 2010
- Anti-thyroid hormonal activity of tetrabromobisphenol A, a flame retardant, and related compounds: Affinity to the mammalian thyroid hormone receptor, and effect on tadpole metamorphosis., Anti-thyroid hormonal activity of tetrabromobisphenol A, a flame retardant, and related compounds: Affinity to the mammalian thyroid hormone receptor, and effect on tadpole metamorphosis., 76(14), 2005
- Xenopus tropicalis: an ideal experimental animal in amphibia., Xenopus tropicalis: an ideal experimental animal in amphibia., 59(4), 2010
- Dl-α-tocopherol enhances the herbicide 1,1'-dimetyl-4,4'-bipyridium dichloride (paraquat, PQ) genotoxicity in cultured anuran leukocytes., Dl-α-tocopherol enhances the herbicide 1,1'-dimetyl-4,4'-bipyridium dichloride (paraquat, PQ) genotoxicity in cultured anuran leukocytes., 148(4-5), 2011
- G and C banding show structural differences between the Z and W chromosomes in the frog Buergeria buergeri., G and C banding show structural differences between the Z and W chromosomes in the frog Buergeria buergeri., 136(2), 2002
- Anti-thyroid hormonal activity of tetrabromobisphenol A, a flame retardant, and related compounds: Affinity to the mammalian thyroid hormone receptor, and effect on tadpole metamorphosis., Anti-thyroid hormonal activity of tetrabromobisphenol A, a flame retardant, and related compounds: Affinity to the mammalian thyroid hormone receptor, and effect on tadpole metamorphosis., 76(14), 2005
- Effects of high gravity on amphibian development., Effects of high gravity on amphibian development., 17(3), 2003
- Xenopus tropicalis: an ideal experimental animal in amphibia., Xenopus tropicalis: an ideal experimental animal in amphibia., 59(4), 2010
- Phenolic antioxidant 2,6-di-tert-butyl-p-cresol (vitamin E synthetic analogue) does not inhibit 1,1'-dimetyl-4,4'-bipyridium dichloride (paraquat)-induced structural chromosomal damage in cultured leukocytes of the dark-spotted-frog Pelophylax (Rana) nigromaculatus., Phenolic antioxidant 2,6-di-tert-butyl-p-cresol (vitamin E synthetic analogue) does not inhibit 1,1'-dimetyl-4,4'-bipyridium dichloride (paraquat)-induced structural chromosomal damage in cultured leukocytes of the dark-spotted-frog Pelophylax (Rana) nigromaculatus., 149(5), 2012
- Xenopus tropicalis: an ideal experimental animal in amphibia., Xenopus tropicalis: an ideal experimental animal in amphibia., 59(4), 2010
Publications such as books
- 1998, An investigation into the role of reactive oxygen species in tadpole tail apoptosis by means of thyroxine enhancement , IBC’s Fifth Annual Conference on Apoptosis, 1998, Report
- 1998, 生命誕生と生物の生存戦略 , 1998, Scholarly Book