Last Updated :2025/02/05

Affiliations, Positions
Hiroshima University, Associate Professor
I am a professional environmental scientist interested in the water environment with a broad perspective-spring water, river water, seawater, waste water treatment, restoration of coastal sediment etc. on the basis of my analytical chemistry background. My specialty fields and skills are as follows: (1) Development of adsorbents to remove nutrients and heavy metals from wastewater, (2) Coastal environment restoration using industrial recycled materials, (3) Development of analytical methods to evaluate and monitor aquatic environment.

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2009/04/01, 2011/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Science, Researcher
  • 2011/04/01, 2011/06/30, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Special Postdoctoral Researcher
  • 2011/04/01, 2012/03/31, Kinki University, Faculty of Engineering, Part-time lecturer
  • 2011/07/01, 2012/05/02, Hiroshima University, Environmental Research and Management Center, Researcher
  • 2012/05/03, 2013/03/31, Kobe University, Research Center for Inland Seas, Assistant Professor
  • 2013/04/01, 2013/09/30, Kobe University, Research Center for Inland Seas, Postdoctoral fellow
  • 2013/10/01, 2020/09/30, Kobe University, Research Center for Inland Seas, Assistant professor
  • 2020/10/01, 2021/02/28, Kobe University, Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Part-time Lecturer
  • 2020/10/01, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Associate Professor

Educational Backgrounds

  • Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Biosphere Science , Japan, 2006/04, 2009/03
  • Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan, 2004/04, 2006/03

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Applied Biological Science : Department of Applied Biological Science : Integrative Hydrospheric Science Program
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life : Division of Integrated Sciences for Life : Program of Bioresource Science
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life : Division of Integrated Sciences for Life : Program of Bioresource Science

In Charge of Primary Major Programs

  • Integrative Hydrospheric Science Program

Research Fields

  • Agricultural sciences;Applied aquatic science;Aquatic bioproduction science
  • Environmental science;Environmental conservation;Modeling and technologies for environmental conservation and remediation
  • Environmental science;Environmental conservation;Environmental conscious materials and recycle

Research Keywords

  • Aquaculture
  • Sediment
  • Water Environment
  • Recycle
  • Enclosed water bodies
  • Coastal Seas
  • Environmental Analytical Chemistry
  • Adsorption
  • Environmental Remediation
  • nutrients

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • Japan Society on Water Environment
  • The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Human and Ecological Systems in Transition
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Introduction to Applied Biological Science I
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Research Front of Bioresource Science
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Laboratory Work in Hydrospheric BiologyI
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Aquatic Biogeochemical Cycles
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Exercises in Integrative Hydrospheric ScienceII
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Graduation Thesis I
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Graduation Thesis II
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Graduation Thesis III
  10. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Practice on Primary Production (Plankton and Benthos) in the Marine Ecosystem
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Exercises in Bioresource Science A
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Exercises in Bioresource Science A
  13. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Exercises in Bioresource ScienceB
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Exercises in Bioresource ScienceB
  15. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Research for Academic Degree Dissertation in Bioresource Science
  16. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Fisheries Oceanography I
  17. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Fisheries Oceanography II

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Adsorptive removal of phosphate from aqueous solutions using iron–lanthanum-doped foam glass adsorbent, Water Environment Research, 97(2), e70025, 202502
  2. ★, Identification of sulfur species in coastal marine sediments collected from the Seto Inland Sea, Japan in summer, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 313, 109130, 202502
  3. Carbonization mechanisms on the surface of steel-making slags, Report of SR Center Ritsumeikan University in 2023, 6, 7-9, 20240601
  4. Enhanced growth of benthic microalgae by tablet from liquid dairy cattle manure-based anaerobic digestate, Chemosphere, 363, 142943, 20240901
  5. Effect of chemical composition of coal ash used to prepare granulated coal ash on the removal of hydrogen sulfide from water, WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH, 95(8), 202308
  6. ★, Sustained release properties of cement-bonded composites with organic waste based anaerobic digestate as nutrient carriers for marine microalgae, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, 30, 56343-56352, 20230514
  7. ★, Spatial and temporal distribution of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur species in coastal marine sediments collected from Osaka Bay, Japan, MARINE CHEMISTRY, 251, 20230420
  8. Changes in physical and chemical characteristics and reactivity to hydrogen sulfide of calcined oyster shells, FISHERIES SCIENCE, 88(5), 609-616, 202209
  9. ★, Throughfall and stemflow chemical dynamics of Satoyama, a traditional secondary forest system under threat in Japan, JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH, 33(3), 813-826, 202206
  10. Temporal distribution of primary and secondary production estimated from water quality data in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Ecological Indicators, 124, 107405, 20210501
  11. ★, Terrestrial anaerobic digestate composite for fertilization of oligotrophic coastal seas, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 293, 20210901
  12. A Conflict between the legacy of eutrophication and cultural oligotrophication in Hiroshima Bay, Oceans, 2(3), 546-565, 20210816
  13. ★, Adsorption of phosphate onto lanthanum-doped coal fly ash—blast furnace cement composite, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 406, 124780, 20210301
  14. Removal of hydrogen sulfide gas using coal fly ash – blast furnace cement composite, Journal of Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Development, 11(5), 824-830, 20210901
  15. Estimation of spatial distribution of coastal ocean primary production in Hiroshima Bay, Japan, with a geostationary ocean color satellite, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 244, 106897-106897, 202010
  16. Organic matter degradation characteristics of coastal marine sediments collected from the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Marine Chemistry, 225, 103854-103854, 202009
  17. Annual dynamics of benthic primary production by macrophytes on a sand flat in the eutrophic Hiroshima Bay, Japan, REGIONAL STUDIES IN MARINE SCIENCE, 34, 101000, 202002
  18. Spatial Distribution of Perfluorinated Organic Compounds in Surface Marine Sediments from the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 18(4), 226-237, 2020
  19. Distribution and source estimation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in coastal sediments from Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Environmental Chemistry, 2020
  20. Spatial distribution of dissolved inorganic carbon in Yamato river and its effect on carbon dynamics in the coastal estuarine waters, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 76(2), I931-I936, 20201101
  21. Persistent organic pollutants are still present in surface marine sediments from the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 149, 110543, 201912
  22. Identifying sulfur species adsorbed on particulate matters in exhaust gas emitted from various vessels, CHEMOSPHERE, 223, 399-405, 201905
  23. Biological productivity evaluation at lower trophic levels with intensive Pacific oyster farming of Crassostrea gigas in Hiroshima Bay, Japan, Aquaculture, 495, 311-319, 20181001
  24. Spatial distribution of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur species in coastal marine sediments Hiroshima Bay, Japan, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 133, 891-899, 20180801
  25. Removal of hydrogen sulfide with granulated coal ash under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 6(4), 4665-4670, 201808
  26. Historical changes in primary production in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, after implementing regulations to control the pollutant loads, Water Policy, 20, wp2018093, 201803
  27. Quantitative measurement on removal mechanisms of phosphate by class-F fly ash, Inter. J. Coal Prepare. Utilize., 38(2), 1-12, 201801
  28. Optimum reaction ratio of coal fly ash to blast furnace cement for effective removal of hydrogen sulfide, Chemosphere, 168, 384-389, 201701
  29. A pilot study on remediation of muddy tidal flat using porous pile, MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 114(2), 837-842, 201701
  30. The influence of seawater properties on toxicity of copper pyrithione and its degradation product to brine shrimp Artemia salina, Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., 147, 132-138, 201708
  31. Capillary zone electrophoresis determination of aniline and pyridine in sewage samples using transient isotachophoresis with a system-induced terminator, JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A, 1511, 132-137, 201708
  32. Preliminary study for determining principal-component ions in salts using capillary zone electrophoresis, Bull. Soc. Sea Water Sci. Jpn, 71, 296-297, 201708
  33. Numerical evaluation of the use of granulated coal ash to reduce an oxygen-deficient water mass, MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 107(1), 188-205, 201606
  34. Mechanisms of solidification and subsequent embrittlement of dephosphorization slag used in a subtidal zone as an alternative to sea sand and prevention of solidification by adding dredged soil, CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY, 18(4), 1167-1176, 201604
  35. Enhancement of Marine Phytoplankton Growth by Steel-making Slag as a Promising Component for the Development of Algal Biofuels, ISIJ INTERNATIONAL, 56(4), 708-713, 2016
  36. Evaluation of steelmaking slag as basal media for coastal primary producers, MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 100(1), 240-248, 201511
  37. Estimation of hydrogen sulfide removal efficiency with granulated coal ash applied to eutrophic marine sediment using a simplified simulation model, MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 94(1-2), 55-61, 201505
  38. A membrane extraction method for trace level phosphate analysis, ANALYTICAL METHODS, 7(21), 9268-9273, 2015
  39. Regeneration of manganese oxide as adsorption sites for hydrogen sulfide on granulated coal ash, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 254, 531-537, 201410
  40. Chemical behavior of sand alternatives in the marine environment, CHEMOSPHERE, 111, 164-168, 201409
  41. An online solid phase extraction method for the determination of ultratrace level phosphate in water with a high performance liquid chromatograph, CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, 380, 41-47, 201407
  42. Growth Inhibition of Microcystis aeruginosa by Allelopathic Compounds Originally Isolated from Myriophyllum spicatum: Temperature and Light Effects and Evidence of Possible Major Mechanisms, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN, 47(6), 488-493, 201406
  43. Removal of hydrogen sulfide with steelmaking slag by concurrent reactions of sulfide mineralization and oxidation, ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 63, 122-126, 201402
  44. Mechanism of Suppression of Sulfide Ion in Seawater Using Steelmaking Slag, ISIJ INTERNATIONAL, 54(7), 1741-1748, 2014
  45. Removal of hydrogen sulfide using carbonated steel slag, Chemical Engineering Journal, 228, 843-849, 20130705
  46. Effect of Carbonated Steelmaking Slag on the Growth of Benthic Microalgae, TETSU TO HAGANE-JOURNAL OF THE IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN, 99(3), 260-266, 201303
  47. Impact of the Allelopathic Effect of a Submerged Macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum on the Competition between the Cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa and the Green Alga Scenedesmus obliquus, Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, 36(3), 85-90, 201303
  48. Determination Method for Maximum Calcium Releasing Potential from Steel Slags, Marine Sands Alternatives in Seawater, ISIJ INTERNATIONAL, 53(10), 1888-1893, 2013
  49. Comparison of antimony and arsenic behavior in an Ichinokawa River water-sediment system, CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, 334, 1-8, 201212
  50. Mechanism of Suppression of Sulfide Ion in Seawater Using Steelmaking Slag, TETSU TO HAGANE-JOURNAL OF THE IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN, 98(11), 618-625, 201211
  51. Recovery and Separation of Rare Earth Elements Using Columns Loaded with DNA-filter Hybrid, ANALYTICAL SCIENCES, 28(10), 985-992, 201210
  52. Mechanisms of Hydrogen Sulfide Removal with Steel Making Slag, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 46(18), 10169-10174, 201209
  53. Growth and uptake kinetics of phosphate by benthic microalga Nitzschia sp isolated from Hiroshima Bay, Japan, PHYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 60(3), 223-228, 201207
  54. Combined adsorption and oxidation mechanisms of hydrogen sulfide on granulated coal ash, JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 377(1), 284-290, 201207
  55. Solidification Behavior and Control of Steel Slag in Marine Environment, J. Solid Waste Technol. Manage., 27, 1180-1188, 201203
  56. Long Term Physical and Chemical Behaviors of Steel Slags in Sea Water and Sediment, J. Solid Waste Technol. Manage., 27, 1314-1323, 201203
  57. Development of an on-site simplified determination method for hydrogen sulfide in marine sediment pore water using a shipboard ion electrode with consideration of hydrogen sulfide oxidation rate, Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry—Environmental Pollution and Ecotoxicology, 6, 345-352, 2012
  58. Environmental Remediation for Enclosed Water Bodies Using Hot Air Dried Crushed Oyster Shells, Journal of Water and Waste, 53(5), 371-378, 201105
  59. Phosphorus Mass Balance in a Highly Eutrophic Semi-Enclosed Inlet Near a Big Metropolis: A Small Inlet can Contribute towards Particulate Organic Matter Production, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 63(5), 237-242, 2011
  60. Preconcentration Method of Antimony Using Modified Thiol Cotton Fiber for Isotopic Analyses of Antimony in Natural Samples, ANALYTICAL SCIENCES, 27(1), 25-28, 201101
  61. Determination of natural isotopic variation in antimony using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for an uncertainty estimation of the standard atomic weight of antimony, GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 45(1), 27-32, 2011
  62. Crushed oyster shell addition is effective in suppressing hydrogen sulfide build-up in anoxic marine sediments, Techno-Ocean 2010, CD-ROM, 201010
  63. Characteristics of phosphate adsorption onto granulated coal ash in seawater, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60(8), 1188-1192, 201008
  64. Blast furnace slag can effectively remediate coastal marine sediments affected by organic enrichment, MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 60(4), 573-578, 201004
  65. Remediation of coastal marine sediments using granulated coal ash, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 172(1), 92-98, 200912
  66. Removal of hydrogen sulfide using crushed oyster shell from pore water to remediate organically enriched coastal marine sediments, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 100(18), 4127-4132, 200909
  67. Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide Using Granulated Coal Ash, Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, 32(7), 363-368, 200907
  68. Effects of Guranulated Coal Ash as a Sediment Amendment on Benthic Microalgae and Microbial Communities in the Sediment, Journal of Water and Waste, 51(3), 237-244, 200903
  69. Remediation of Organically Rich Sediment with Granulated Coal Ash, Journal of Water and Waste, 51(2), 157-163, 200902
  70. Removal of manganese from natural and seawater using magnesium oxide, Philippine Scientist, 46, 65-77, 2009
  71. A Preliminary Study of Coastal Sediment Amendment with Granulated Coal Ash - Nutrient Elution Test and Experiment on Skeletonema costatum Growth -, Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, 31(8), 455-462, 200808
  72. A Preliminary Study of Development for Coastal Sediment Amendment with Granulated Stone Powder - Nutrient Elution Test and Growth Experiment of Skeletonema costatum -, Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, 31(2), 93-99, 200802
  73. The quality of river water and spring water along Ise-Ji in the world heritage Kumano Kodo in 2004, Japanese Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 79(1), 27-36, 200802
  74. Adsorption characteristics of ammonium and phosphate in food industrial wastewater onto aluminosilicate, Japanese Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 77(5), 533-539, 200610
  75. Effects of the application of aluminosilicate adsorbed nutrients on plants growth, Japanese Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 77(5), 583-585, 200610
  76. Seawater desalination and heavy metal adsorption characteristics of Akadama soil - inorganic adsorbent mixtures, Japanese Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 77(2), 179-184, 200604
  77. Desalination of seawater by Akadama soil and Akadama soil - inorganic adsorbent mixtures, Japanese Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 77(1), 33-39, 200602
  78. A spot test for ammonium ion by the color band formation method, TALANTA, 72(3), 1100-1105, 200705
  79. Source and Decomposition of Organic Matter in the Estuary of Yodo River, Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, 43(4), 87-96, 202005
  80. Detection tube method for trace level arsenic, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 3(1), 40-45, 2015
  81. Effect of sediment on the aquatic fate of copper pyrithione antifouling agent, 環境化学, 23(2), 65-72, 201306
  82. Suppression of phosphate release from coastal sediments using granulated coal ash, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 116, 41-49, 20130101
  83. Remediation of muddy tidal flat sediments using hot air-dried crushed oyster shells, MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 64(11), 2428-2434, 201211
  84. Activity for restoration of the muddy tidal flat at the innermost Hiroshima Bay, Techno-Ocean 2010, CD-ROM, 201010
  85. The water quality along Ise-Ji, Kumano Kodo in the first year of inscribing on the world heritage, Journal of Water and Waste, 50(3), 194-201, 200803

Publications such as books

  1. 2022/11/10, Science Connecting Cultivating and Eating, Kouseisha-kouseikaku, 2022, Dictionary/Encyclopedia, Contributor, J, Yoshihiro SANBONGI, Yoshiaki NAKAMURA, Mei MATSUZAKI, Yoichi SAKAI, AIRA, SEO, Makoto HIRAYAMA, Soutarou FUJII, Yoshinari YAMAMOTO, Kaori WAKABAYASHI, Satoshi ASAOKA, Akihiro UEDA, Takashi UMEHARA, Shinji OHTA, Hisashi OOMURA, Aki KATO, Koichiro KAWAI, Yuzou KUROKAWA, Haruhiko KOZUMI, Masayuki SHIMADA, Toshihisa SUGINO, Wakana TANAKA, Yosuke CHOMEI, Masaki Tsuduki, Takeshi TOMIYAMA, Tatsuya NAKAYAMA, Takahiro NII, Masahide NISHIBORI, Koutichi FUNATO, Hiroyuki HORIUCHI, Noriyuki YANAKA, 476991685X, 130
  2. 2012/06, Realities and Ideals of Coastal Management, Fisheries and Coasts, Ota River-Hiroshima Bay Basin, Realities and Ideals of Coastal Management, Fisheries and Coasts, Ota River-Hiroshima Bay Basin, Kyoto University Press, 2012/06, jpn, Tamiji YAMAMOTO; Yuuki YAMAMOTO; Satoshi ASAOKA

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Environmental remediation strategies for coastal seas using recycled materials, Satoshi ASAOKA, The 7th Research meeting on biomass village, 2024/10/17, Without Invitation, Japanese
  2. Development of environmental remediation materials for coastal seas using recycled materials, Satoshi ASAOKA, The 3rd Research Symposium, The Nippon Foundation, 2024/11/01, With Invitation, Japanese
  3. Energy production through the integration of next generation anaerobic digestion and oil-producing microalgae, Satoshi ASAOKA, Fusion Oriented Resaech for distruptive Science and Technology (FOREST), Research exchange events by FOREST researchers, The 3nd Place for Fusion, Fusion Oriented Resaech for distruptive Science and Technology (FOREST), Research exchange events by FOREST researchers, The 3nd Place for Fusion, 2024/07/19, Without Invitation, Japanese
  4. Carbonization mechanisms on the surface of steel-making slags, Satshi, ASAOKA, Wataru Nishijima, Yasuhiro INADA, Annual meeting of Ritsumeikan SR center in 2024, 2024/06/22, Without Invitation, Japanese
  5. Energy production through the integration of next generation anaerobic digestion and oil-producing microalgae, Satoshi ASAOKA, Research exchange events by FOREST researchers, the 6th meeting of Ishizuka panel, 2024/06/11, Without Invitation, Japanese
  6. Evaluation of nutrient dissolution behavior and algal growth characteristics using anaerobic digestate pellets for fertilization of coastal seas, Takuma KAWAI, Gen YOSHIDA, Ikko IHARA, Satoshi ASAOKA, The 34th annual conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2023/09/11, Without Invitation, Japanese
  7. Growth experiment of marine algae by anaerobic digestate tablet, Satoshi ASAOKA, Mkinori MATSUMURA, Gen YOSHIDA, Ikko IHARA, The 26th symposium of Japan Society on Water Environment, 2023/09/21, Without Invitation, Japanese
  8. Spatial and temporal distribution of sulfur species in surface sediments collected from Osaka Bay, Japan, Satoshi ASAOKA, Toru ENDO, The 72th Meeting of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry, 2023/09/13, Without Invitation, Japanese
  9. Energy production through the integration of next generation anaerobic digestion and oil-producing microalgae, Satoshi ASAOKA, Fusion Oriented Resaech for distruptive Science and Technology (FOREST), Research exchange events by FOREST researchers, the 5th meeting of Ishizuka panel., 2023/05/13, Without Invitation, Japanese
  10. Energy production through the integration of next generation anaerobic digestion and oil-producing microalgae, Satoshi ASAOKA, Fusion Oriented Resaech for distruptive Science and Technology (FOREST), Research exchange events by FOREST researchers, The 2nd Place for Fusion, 2023/07/29, Without Invitation, Japanese
  11. Identification of chromium species in foam glass by XAFS, Yuzu KATSUURA, Satoshi ASAOKA, Yasuhiro INADA, Annual meeting of Ritsumeikan SR center in 2023, 2023/06/17, Without Invitation, Japanese
  12. Analysis on redox states of coastal marine sediment by XAFS, Satshi, ASAOKA, Misaki KATAYAMA, Yasuhiro INADA, Annual meeting of Ritsumeikan SR center in 2023, 2023/06/17, Without Invitation, Japanese
  13. Evaluation of photochemical leaching of low-molecular-weight organic compounds from marine plastics and its impact on primaly production., Kazuhiko TAKEDA, Hisashi OOMURA, Yasuhiro ISHIHARA, Satoshi ASAOKA, Yoko IWAMOTO, Research exchange meeting of graduate school of integrated sciences for life, Hiroshima University, 2023/03/24, Without Invitation, Japanese, other
  14. Fertilization of coastal areas using anaerobic digestate tablets, Satoshi ASAOKA, Gen YOSHIDA, Ikko IHARA, Research exchange meeting of graduate school of integrated sciences for life, Hiroshima University, 2023/03/24, Without Invitation, Japanese, other
  15. Creating a new nutrients cycle and creating a material cyacle society which food waste are transformed into seafood and energy., Satoshi ASAOKA, Publication Symposium Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Faculty of Bioproduction, 2022/11/05, With Invitation, Japanese, other
  16. Distribution and mass balance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Seto Inland Sea and surrounding are, Hiroaki Tsuji, Yudai Akiyoshi, Daichi Asagawa, Satoshi Asaoka, Shinya Nakashita, Yoko Iwamoto,Hiroshi Sakugawa, Kazuhiko Takeda, Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan in 2020, 2020/11/12, Without Invitation, Japanese
  17. Preliminary study on developing an anaerobic digestate pellet for fertilizing oligotrophic seas, Takuma KAWAI, Gen YOSHIDA, Ikko IHARA, Satoshi ASAOKA, The 147th meeting of Kansai Society of Agricultural Machinery and Food Engineers, 2022/03/02, Without Invitation, Japanese
  18. Estimation of Spatial Distribution of Coastal Ocean Primary Production in Hiroshima Bay, Japan, with a Geostationary Ocean Color Satellite, Satoshi ASAOKA, Satoshi NAKADA, Akira UMEHARA, Joji ISHIZAKA, Wataru NISHIJIMA, The 56th annual conference of Japan Society on Water Environment, 2022/03/18, Without Invitation, Japanese
  19. Transition of aquatic environment of the Seto Inland Sea and environmental remediation technology, Satoshi ASAOKA, Central Electric Club, 2021/12/03, With Invitation, Japanese, Central Electric Club
  20. Identifying sulfur species in particulate matter derived from various ships using XAFS analyses, Satoshi ASAOKA; Yasuhiro USHIHARA; Akira UMEHARA; Kazuhiko TAKEDA; Hiroshi SAKUGAWA; Shinjiro HAYAKAWA, The 22th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation, 2018/03, Hiroshima University
  21. Biological productivity on lower trophic levels in inter-tidal and sub-tidal areas in Hiroshima Bay, Japan, Akira UMEHARA; Satoshi ASAOKA; Sosuke OTANI; Naoki FUJII; Haruka MIYAGAWA; Satoshi NAKAI; Tetsuji OKUDA; Masaki OHNO; Wataru NISHIJIMA, The Third Asian Marine Biology Symposium, 2017/11, Prefectural University, Kumamoto, Japan
  22. Environmental remediation for enclosed water bodies using granurated coal ash, Satoshi ASAOKA; Tamiji YAMAMOTO; Shinjiro HAYAKAWA; Tomoko INOUE, The Ceramic Society of Japan, The 30th Fall Meeting, 2017/09, Kobe University
  23. Organic matter degradation characteristics of marine sediments collected from the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Satoshi ASAOKA, Yusaku YAMAMOTO, Misaki KATAYAMA, Annual meeting of Ritsumeikan SR center, 2021/06/26, Without Invitation, Japanese
  24. Algae growth experiments using an anaerobic digestate pellet, Satoshi ASAOKA, The Hyogo Eco-town Promotion Conference of Hyogo Prefecture, 2021/06/16, Without Invitation, Japanese
  25. Remediation of coastal marine sediments using granulated coal ash, Satoshi ASAOKA, 8th national and 4th international marine and fisheries, 2021/06/06, With Invitation, English
  26. Sulfur species in sediments from Hiroshima Bay, Japan, Satoshi ASAOKA, The Japan society for analytical chemistry, Chugoku-Shikoku Branch, 2021/03/26, With Invitation, Japanese
  27. Environmental Restoration Technologies for Eutrophic or Oligotrophic Seas, Satoshi ASAOKA, Biodiversity of coastal seas and restoring environment ~New problems and the latest monitoring methods~, 2020/02/20
  28. Sulfur species in marine sediment accumulated in enclosed water bodies, and remediation of marine sediment using granulated coal ash, Satoshi ASAOKA, Annual meeting of the SR center, Ritsumeikan University in the fiscal 2019, 2019/06, Ritsumeikan University
  29. Remediation of eutrophic sediments using granulated coal ash derived from coal-fired generation, Satoshi ASAOKA; Takahito OIKAWA; Hideaki NOHARA, 4th Green & sustainable Chemistry Conference, 2019/05, Dresden, Germany
  30. Comparison between assemblages of diatom fossil and biomarkers in surface sediments from Seto Inland Sea, Kotaro HIROSE; Hideto NAKAMURA; Takuro ANDO; Satoshi ASAOKA; Ken SAWADA, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, 2019/05, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan
  31. The interactive effect of salts and copper pyrithione on a brine shrimp survival, Vesna LAVTIZAR; Daisuke KIMURA; Satoshi ASAOKA; Hideo OKAMURA, International Conference on Emerging Trends In Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control, 2017/03, Beijing, China
  32. Oxidation mechanism of hydrogen sulfide on the surface of mixture of granulated coal ash and metal oxides, Waqar Azeem JADOON; Satoshi ASAOKA; Kenji NAKAMOTO; Kadutoshi HINO; Ayaka TAMURA; Shinjiro HAYAKAWA, The 21th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation, 2017/03, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
  33. Identifying sulfur species in particulate matter derived from various ships using XAFS analyses, Satoshi ASAOKA; Waqar Azeem JADOON; Tomoshisa DAN; Hideo OKAMURA; Kadumitsu NAKAGUCHI; Mitsuru KUBOTA; Ayaka TAMURA; Shinjiro HAYAKAWA, International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation, 2017/03, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
  34. Transfer efficiency from primary producers to Ruditapes philippinarum on an intertidal flat in Hiroshima Bay, Japan, Sosuke OOTANI; Akira UMEHARA; Haruka MIYAGAWA; Satoshi ASAOKA; Naoki FUJII; Tetsuji OKUDA; Satoshi NAKAI; Wataru NISHIJIMA, EMECS’11, 2016/08, St Petersburg, Russia
  35. Phosphorus mass balance in a highly eutrophic semi-enclosed inlet near a big metropolis: A small inlet can contribute towards particulate organic matter production, Satoshi ASAOKA; Tamiji YAMAMOTO, 6th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology
  36. Identifying sulfur species for revealing adsorption mechanisms of hydrogen sulfide onto granulated coal ash by XAFS analysis, Satoshi ASAOKA; Shinjiro HAYAKAWA; Tamiji YAMAMOTO; Shunsuke KONDO, The 14th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation
  37. The Center for Restoration of Basin Ecosystem and Environment (CeRBEE), activity center for integrated coastal management, established in Hiroshima University, Japan., Tamiji YAMAMOTO; Satoshi ASAOKA; Hironori YAMAMOTO, International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Management for Marine Biodiversity in Asia
  38. Fate of silts and clay from river and its contribution to transparency, Tetsuji OKUDA; Satoshi SEKITOU; Akira UMEHARA; Satoshi ASAOKA; Satoshi NAKAI; Wataru NISHIJIMA, EMECS’11, 2016/08, St Petersburg, Russia
  39. Energy transfer efficiencies on lower trophic levels with intensive oyster farming in Hiroshima Bay, Japan, Akira UMEHARA; Satoshi ASAOKA; Naoki FUJII; Sousuke OTANI; Hironori YAMAMOTO; Satoshi NAKAI; Tetsuji OKUDA; Wataru NISHIJIMA, EMECS’11, 2016/08, St Petersburg, Russia
  40. Identifying sulfur species in marine sediments collected from Osaka Bay using XAFS, Satoshi ASAOKA; Hideo OKAMURA; Yasuhiro USHIHARA; Toru ENDO; Ayaka TAMURA; Shinjiro HAYAKAWA, The 20th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation, 2016/03, Higashi Hiroshima, Japan
  41. Remediation of eutrophic coastal marine sediments using granulated coal ash, a by-product from coal electric power plants, Satoshi ASAOKA; Hideo OKAMURA; Kenji NAKAMOTO; Kazutoshi HINO, International Conference Sustainable Materials Science and Technology 2015, 2015/07, Paris, France
  42. Development pf a coal fly ash and cement mixture for optimum removal of hydrogen sulfide from water, Satoshi ASAOKA; Hideo OKAMURA; Shinjiro HAYAKAWA, The 19th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation, 2015/03, Higashi Hiroshima, Japan
  43. Dissolved copper concentartions in seawater at a habor in Osaka Bay, Japan, Guoxin Li; Hideo OKAMURA; Satoshi ASAOKA, 10th International Symposium on Marine Engineering, 2014/09, Harbin China
  44. Development of coal fly ash and cement mixtures adsorbent with different mixture ratios to remove hydrogen sulfide, Satoshi ASAOKA; Hideo OKAMURA; Katsuyoshi NAKANO; Kenji NAKAMOTO; Kazutoshi HINO; Misaki KATAYAMA; Yasuhiro INADA, 立命館大学SRセンター研究成果報告会, 2014/06, 立命館大学びわこ・くさつキャンパス
  45. Coal ash and cement mixture can remove hydrogen sulfide from marine sediments in enclosed water bodies, Satoshi ASAOKA; Hideo OKAMURA; Katsuyoshi NAKANO; Kenji NAKAMOTO; Kazutoshi HINO, ECSA54, 2014/05, Sesimbra Portugal
  46. Identification of sulfur species adsorbed on particulate matters from ship exhaust gas using XAFS analyses, Satoshi ASAOKA; Hideo OKAMURA; Tomohisa DAN; Hisayo OKAMOTO; Shinjiro HAYAKAWA, The 18th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation, 2014/03, Higashi Hiroshima
  47. Environmental remediation of enclosed water bodies: Removal of hydrogen sulfide using a granulated coal ash and cement mixture, Satoshi ASAOKA, JSE発 新技術説明会, 2014/01, JST東京別館ホール
  48. 閉鎖性水域における環境改善材料のXAFSによる性能評価, ASAOKA SATOSHI; 岡村秀雄; 与儀千尋; 太田敏明; 片山真祥; 稲田康宏; 早川慎二郎, 立命館大学SRセンター研究成果報告会, 2013/06, 立命館大学
  49. Oxidation mechanisms of hydrogen sulfide on the surface of manganese oxside in granulated coal ash, Satoshi ASAOKA; Shinjiro HAYAKAWA; Hideo OKAMURA; Tadashi SAITO, 17th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation, 2013/03, Hiroshima University
  50. 産業系リサイクル材料各種による閉鎖性水域の環境改善効果の比較, ASAOKA SATOSHI; 岡村秀雄; 山本民次; 早川慎二郎; 竹田一彦; 片山真祥, 日本分析化学会広島地区分析技術講演会, 2013/02, 広島大学
  51. Removal of hydrogen sulfide using steelmaking slag, Keisuke OKADA; Tetsuya WATANABE; Tamiji YAMAMOTO; Kyung-Hoi KIM; Satoshi ASAOKA; Akio HAYASHI; Shinjiro HAYAKAWA; Kazuhiko TAKEDA; Yasuhito MIYATA, 4th IWA Young Water Professional Conference 2012, 2012/12, Tokyo
  52. Remediation of eutrophic sediments using industrial byproducts, Satoshi ASAOKA; Tamiji YAMAMOTO; Hideo OKAMURA, 4th IWA Young Water Professional Conference 2012, 2012/12, Tokyo
  53. The use of dredged soil as additives to leverage steel slags for restoring sea grass beds and tidal flats, Hitomi YANO; Satoshi ASAOKA; Tetsuji OKUDA; Satoshi NAKAI; Wataru NISHIJIMA; Yoshihiro AKIYAMA, SETAC Asia/Pacific 2012, 2012/09, Kumamoto
  54. Evaluation of Steel Slag as an Alternative Material of Sand for Coastal Ecosystem Creation, Wataru NISHIJIMA; Hitomi YANO; Satoshi ASAOKA; Tetsuji OKUDA; Satoshi NAKAI; Mitsumasa OKADA, 2012 ISWA World Solid Waste, 2012/09, Florence, Italy
  55. Solidification Behavior and Control of Steel Slag in Marine Environment, Wataru NISHIJIMA; Satoshi ASAOKA; Tetsuji OKUDA; Hitomi YANO; Satoshi NAKAi; Mitsumasa OKADA, 27th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management
  56. Long Term Physical and Chemical Behaviors of Steel Slags in Sea Water and Sediment, Satoshi ASAOKA; Tetsuji OKUDA; Hitomi YANO; Koji YOSHITSUGU; Satoshi NAKAI; Wataru NISHIJIMA; Kenji SUGIMOTO; Daijiro MATSUNAMI; Yorihide ASAOKA; Mitsumasa OKADA, 27th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management
  57. Evaluation on leaching potential of calcium from steel slags under marine environment, Tetsuji OKUDA; Satoshi ASAOKA; Koji YOSHITSUGU; Satoshi NAKAI; Wataru NISHIJIMA, The 10th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Island
  58. Physicochemical and biological properties of steel slag bed mixed with dredged material, Hitomi YANO; Satoshi ASAOKA; Tetsuji OKUDA; Satoshi NAKAI; Wataru NISHIJIMA, Water and Environment Technology Conference 2012, 2012, Tokyo
  59. Field experiments on removing hydrogen sulfide in coastal marine sediments using granulated coal ash, Tamiji YAMAMOTO; Kyung Hoi KIM; Keita Shirono; Satoshi ASAOKA; Ichiro YOSHIOKA; Kazutoshi HINO, ECSA 50 and Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 2012, Venice, Italy
  60. Estimation of phosphorus content in the sea bottom sediment of Hiroshima Bay, Japan, Tamiji YAMAMOTO; Kyung Hoi KIM; Satoshi ASAOKA; Hironori YAMAMOTO, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) aquatic sciences meeting, 2012, Shiga, Japan
  61. Determination method for maximum calcium dissolving potential of steel slags, Satoshi ASAOKA; Hitomi YANO; Tetsuji OKUDA; Satoshi NAKAI; Mitsumasa OKADA, ECSA 50 - Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 2012, Venice, Italy
  62. Characteristics changes of by-products origin sand-alternatives in sea water and sediment, Tetsuji OKUDA; Satoshi ASAOKA; Hitomi YANO; Kenji SUGIMOTO; Daijirou MATSUNAMI; Yorihide ASAOKA; Satoshi NAKAI; Wataru NISHIJIMA; Mitsumasa OKADA, The 6th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology 2012, 2012, Houston, Texas, USA
  63. Remediation of muddy tidal flat sediments using hot air dried crushed oyster shells, Tamiji YAMAMOTO; Sunsuke KONDO; Kyunghoi KIM; Satoshi ASAOKA; Hironori YAMAMOTO, The 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition
  64. Suppression of Phosphate Release from Coastal Sediments using Granulated Coal Ash, Tamiji YAMAMOTO; Keita HARADA; K.H. KIM; Satoshi ASAOKA; Ichiro YOSHIOKA, The 9th International Conference on the Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas (EMECS9)
  65. Granulated coal ash can effectively adsorb hydrogen sulfide, Satoshi ASAOKA; Tamiji YAMAMOTO; Shinjiro HAYAKAWA; K.H. KIM; Hironori YAMAMOTO, The 9th International Conference on the Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas (EMECS9)
  66. Hydrogen sulfide concentration in pore water of Hiroshima Bay and its suppression technology for maintaining healthy aquaculture activities, Satoshi ASAOKA; Tamiji YAMAMOTO; Kyunghoi KIM; Hironori YAMAMOTO; Kaori ORIMOTO, Global COE Program, Ehime University, International Symposium on Advanced Studies by Young Scientists on Environmental Pollution and Ecotoxicology
  67. XAFS analysis of calcium peroxide on the surface of peroxized oyster shell, Satoshi ASAOKA; Tamiji YAMAMOTO; Yoshihiro MOGI; Shinjiro HAYAKAWA, The 15th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation
  68. Crushed oyster shell addition is effective in suppressing hydrogen sulfide build-up in anoxic marine sediments, Satoshi ASAOKA; Tamiji YAMAMOTO; Shunsuke KONDO; Shinjiro HAYAKAWA, Techno-Ocean 2010
  69. Activity for restoration of the muddy tidal flat at the innermost Hiroshima Bay, Tamiji YAMAMOTO; Shunsuke KONDO; Satoshi ASAOKA; Hironori YAMAMOTO; Tadashi HIBINO; Makoto TOKUOKA; Yoshifumi YASUMITSU, Techno-Ocean 2010
  70. Antimony isotope study in the Kamo-Ichinokawa river system near the Ichinokawa Sb mine in Southwest Japan, Satoshi ASAOKA; Yusuke ARAKI; MAsaharu TANIMIZU; Yoshio TAKAHASHI, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting 2009
  71. Adsorption mechanisms of hydrogen sulfide onto Granulated Coal Ash, Satoshi ASAOKA; Tamiji YAMAMOTO; Shinjiro HAYAKAWA, The 13th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation
  72. Adsorption mechanism of hydrogen sulfide onto Crushed Oyster Shell, Shunsuke KONDO; Satoshi ASAOKA; Tamiji YAMAMOTO; Shinjro HAYAKAWA, The 13th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation
  73. Remediation of organically enriched sediment in enclosed water bodies using Granulated Coal Ash, Satoshi ASAOKA, Academic Forum, Holly Name University, 2009/03
  74. Deterioration of sediment quality in Hiroshima Bay: Comparison with the neighboring area, Suo Nada, Tamiji YAMAMOTO; Toshiya HASHIMOTO; Osamu MATSUDA; Osamu KAWAGUCHI; Jutarat KITTIWANICH; Jahanggir Mohamed SARKER; Koichi HARAGUCHI; Satoshi ASAOKA, 5th World Fisheries Congress


  1. 2022/05/16, Civil Enginnering Environment Prize, Japan Society of Civil Enginners, Project of remediation for aquatic and benthic environment using granulated coal ash
  2. 2018/04, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Development Category, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
  3. 2007, 第10回日本水環境学会シンポジウム博士研究奨励賞(オルガノ賞), 日本水環境学会
  4. 2005, 第66回分析化学討論会新人賞, 日本分析化学会


  1. Patent, 7174967, 2022/11/10, Phosphate adsorbent
  2. Patent, MY-205152-A, 2024/10/09, Phosphate adsorbent
  3. JP6721920, 2020/06/23
  4. JP6202589, 水質改良材及びその製造方法並びに水質改良方法
  5. JP5713390, 2015/03/20
  6. JP5257928, 2013/05/02
  7. JP5099773, 2012/10/05

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research-KAKENHI(Challenging Research, Exploratory), Formation mechanism of metal-humic complex in coastal seas and estimation of carbon storage, 2024, 2026
  2. Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research-KAKENHI(Scientific Research C), Tracking Marine Plastics: Analysis of PET/Polyester Dynamics Using Terephthalic Acid as a tracer, 2024, 2026
  3. Fusion Oriented Resaech for distruptive Science and Technology (FOREST), Energy production through the integration of next generation anaerobic digestion and oil-producing microalgae, 2023, 2026
  4. Environment Research and Technology Development Fund, Development of evaluation methods for nutrient management in coastal seas, 2022, 2025
  5. Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research-KAKENHI (Scientific Research B), Fertilization method for oligotrophic seas using anaerobic digestate pellets with connecting land and sea, 2021, 2023
  6. 2016/04, 2020/03
  7. 2015/04, 2016/03
  8. 2013/04, 2016/03
  9. 2016
  10. 2013/04, 2015/03
  11. 2013
  12. 2012
  13. 2009/04, 2011/03
  14. 2007/04, 2008/03

Social Activities

History as Committee Members

  1. Establishing the Recycling-Based Society, Hiroshima, 2021/06, 2022/06, Establishing the Recycling-Based Society, Hiroshima
  2. Establishing the Recycling-Based Society, Hiroshima, 2023/06, 2024/06, Establishing the Recycling-Based Society, Hiroshima
  3. The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry, Chugoku-Shikoku Branch, 2021/04, The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
  4. Establishing the Recycling-Based Society, Hiroshima, 2021/06, 2022/06, Establishing the Recycling-Based Society, Hiroshima
  5. commissioner, 2020/10, 2021/03, Hyogo Eco-town Promotion Conference of Hyogo Prefecture
  6. commissioner, 2019/04/01, 2020/03/31, Hyogo Eco-town Promotion Conference of Hyogo Prefecture
  7. commissioner, 2018/04/01, 2019/03/31, Hyogo Eco-town Promotion Conference of Hyogo Prefecture

History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers

  1. 2022, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 1
  2. 2022, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Others, 1
  3. 2015, Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, Others, 1
  4. 2015, Chemical Engineering Journal, Others, 2
  5. 2014, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Others, 1
  6. 2014, Chemosphere, Others, 1
  7. 2014, Chemical Engineering Journal, Others, 1
  8. 2014, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Others, 1
  9. 2013, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Others, 1
  10. 2014, PLOS ONE, Others, 1
  11. 2012, Desalination and water Treatment, Others, 1
  12. 2010, Journal of Environmental Chemistry, Others, 1
  13. 2010, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Others, 1