Last Updated :2025/02/03

Affiliations, Positions
Global Career Design Center, Assistant Professor

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2019/04/01, 2021/09/30, Hiroshima University, Center for the Study of International Cooperation in Education,, Researcher

Educational Backgrounds

  • Kobe University, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation , Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Japan, 2016/04, 2019/03
  • Kobe University, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation , Master of Economics, Japan, 2014/04, 2016/03
  • Nihon University, School of Economics, Japan, 2010/04, 2014/03

Academic Degrees

  • Kobe University
  • Kobe University

Research Keywords

  • Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skill Education
  • Vocational Education
  • Skill Development
  • Internal Rate of Return to Education
  • Labor Market Outcomes
  • Education Development

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • The Education and Development Forum (UKFIET), 2018/08
  • Comparative & International Education Society, 2018/06
  • International Education Development Forum, 2017/08
  • The Japan Society For International Development, 2016/04

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 3Term, Career Management
  2. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Career Management
  3. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Social Action Project through Service-Learning
  4. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, First Semester, Career Management
  5. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Intensive, Long-term internship
  6. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Intensive, Long-term internship
  7. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 1Term, Career Management Seminar
  8. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 2Term, Career Management Seminar[On-Demand]
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 3Term, Career Management Seminar

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. ★, Secondary vocational education and decent work in Indonesia: differences between urban and rural areas, International Journal of Training Research, 20230612
  2. ★, Upper secondary vocational education and decent work in Indonesia: A gender comparison, International Journal of Educational Development, 20230612
  3. Enhancing non-cognitive skills by applying lesson study in lower secondary education: A project in Vietnam, COGENT EDUCATION, 9(1), 20221231
  4. ★, The impact of education levels and paths on labor market outcomes in South Korea: Focusing on vocational high school graduates, Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 4(1), 20210421
  5. Impact of Family Background and individual Characteristics on Vocational High School Enrollment in South Korea: A Gender Analysis, Journal of Technical Education and Training, 202012
  6. Secondary vocational education in labor market outcomes from the perspective of human capital theory: Empirical analysis based on Indonesian household life survey data, Journal of International Cooperation in Education, 202010
  7. The Determinants of the Transition from Vocational High School to Higher Education Choice: A Gender Analysis of South Korea, International Journal of Higher Education, 202004
  8. Effects of Vocational Education on Wage: Case of Philippines, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 201606
  9. Urban/rural disparities in the wage effect of additional vocational education after formal education: the case of the Philippines, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRAINING RESEARCH, 19(3), 229-241, 20210902

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Effect of secondary vocational education on wages: the case of Indonesia using the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS), The 12th Biennial Conference of Comparative Education Society of Asia (CESA), 2021/09/25, Without Invitation, English
  2. Urban/Rural Disparities in the Wage Effect of Additional TVET After Formal Education: The Case of the Philippines, 2019/11/17, With Invitation, English
  3. Impact of School Choice on Labor Market Outcomes in the Republic of Korea: Focusing on Vocational Education Path, 2018/11/23, Without Invitation, English
  4. Impact of School Choice on Labor Market Outcomes in the Republic of Korea: Focusing on Vocational Education Path, 2018/11/16, With Invitation, English
  5. Vocational education as a path to enhance labor market outcomes: Evidence from South Korean Education and Employment Panel (KEEP), Comparative and International Education Society, 62nd Annual Conference, 2018/03/26, Without Invitation, English
  6. Impact of Education Paths Selectiveness in Secondary and Tertiary Education on Labor Market Performance in South Korea; Focusing on TVET High School Graduates, 2017/11/25, With Invitation, English
  7. The High School Choices as a Determinant of Labor Market Outcomes in South Korea, International Educational Development Forum 2017, 2017/11/03, Without Invitation, English
  8. Impact of High School Choices on Labor Market Performance in South Korea: Focusing on Vocational Education Paths, The 17th International Conference on Education Research, 2017/10/18, With Invitation, Japanese
  9. An Analysis of Labor Market Outcomes of Vocational Education Graduates in Republic of Korea: Focused on Private Tutoring Expenditure, The 53rd JAPAN COMPARATIVE EDUCATION SOCIETY, 2017/06/23, With Invitation, English
  10. Effects of Vocational Education on Wage: Case of the Philippines, The 16th International Conference on Education Research, 2016/10/12, With Invitation, English
  11. Rate of Return of Vocational Education on Wage: Case of the Philippines, JSPS core to core program: Asia-Africa Science Platforms, 2016/07/12, Without Invitation, English


  1. 2017/11/25, The JASID Poster-Presentation Awards, The Japan Society For International Development

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists, Impact of cognitive and socio-emotional skills on agricultural workers' performance in developing countries, 2021/04, 2024/03
  2. Female Researchers Joint Research Grant, An empirical study of the effect of vocational education on female labor participation and job quality in Indonesia, 2021/08, 2022/03
  3. Female Researchers Joint Research Grant, Multilevel model analysis of the employment and education factors that cause in a gender wage gap in Indonesia, 2020/10, 2021/03
  4. Female Researchers Joint Research Grant, The contribution of vocational education to reducing the gender wage gap in Vietnam's labor market, 2019/10, 2021/03
  5. Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Activity Start-up, Effect of vocational education on skills development in NEXT11 countries: A focus on Southeast Asian models, 2019/08, 2021/03

Social Activities

History as Committee Members

  1. Treasurer, 2020/04, 2021/09, Comparative and International Education Society New Scholars Committee
  2. Research fellow, 2019/09, SKILLMAN
  3. Research fellow, 2016/04, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training

History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers

  1. 2022, Singapore Economic Review, Reviewer
  2. 2021, Sustainability Science, Reviewer