Last Updated :2025/02/03
- Affiliations, Positions
- Global Career Design Center, Assistant Professor
- E-mail
- skchoi
Basic Information
Major Professional Backgrounds
- 2019/04/01, 2021/09/30, Hiroshima University, Center for the Study of International Cooperation in Education,, Researcher
Educational Backgrounds
- Kobe University, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation , Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Japan, 2016/04, 2019/03
- Kobe University, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation , Master of Economics, Japan, 2014/04, 2016/03
- Nihon University, School of Economics, Japan, 2010/04, 2014/03
Academic Degrees
- Kobe University
- Kobe University
Research Keywords
- Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skill Education
- Vocational Education
- Skill Development
- Internal Rate of Return to Education
- Labor Market Outcomes
- Education Development
Affiliated Academic Societies
- The Education and Development Forum (UKFIET), 2018/08
- Comparative & International Education Society, 2018/06
- International Education Development Forum, 2017/08
- The Japan Society For International Development, 2016/04
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 3Term, Career Management
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Career Management
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Social Action Project through Service-Learning
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, First Semester, Career Management
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Intensive, Long-term internship
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Intensive, Long-term internship
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 1Term, Career Management Seminar
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 2Term, Career Management Seminar[On-Demand]
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 3Term, Career Management Seminar
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- ★, Secondary vocational education and decent work in Indonesia: differences between urban and rural areas, International Journal of Training Research, 20230612
- ★, Upper secondary vocational education and decent work in Indonesia: A gender comparison, International Journal of Educational Development, 20230612
- Enhancing non-cognitive skills by applying lesson study in lower secondary education: A project in Vietnam, COGENT EDUCATION, 9(1), 20221231
- ★, The impact of education levels and paths on labor market outcomes in South Korea: Focusing on vocational high school graduates, Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 4(1), 20210421
- Impact of Family Background and individual Characteristics on Vocational High School Enrollment in South Korea: A Gender Analysis, Journal of Technical Education and Training, 202012
- Secondary vocational education in labor market outcomes from the perspective of human capital theory: Empirical analysis based on Indonesian household life survey data, Journal of International Cooperation in Education, 202010
- The Determinants of the Transition from Vocational High School to Higher Education Choice: A Gender Analysis of South Korea, International Journal of Higher Education, 202004
- Effects of Vocational Education on Wage: Case of Philippines, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 201606
- Urban/rural disparities in the wage effect of additional vocational education after formal education: the case of the Philippines, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRAINING RESEARCH, 19(3), 229-241, 20210902
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- Effect of secondary vocational education on wages: the case of Indonesia using the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS), The 12th Biennial Conference of Comparative Education Society of Asia (CESA), 2021/09/25, Without Invitation, English
- Urban/Rural Disparities in the Wage Effect of Additional TVET After Formal Education: The Case of the Philippines, 2019/11/17, With Invitation, English
- Impact of School Choice on Labor Market Outcomes in the Republic of Korea: Focusing on Vocational Education Path, 2018/11/23, Without Invitation, English
- Impact of School Choice on Labor Market Outcomes in the Republic of Korea: Focusing on Vocational Education Path, 2018/11/16, With Invitation, English
- Vocational education as a path to enhance labor market outcomes: Evidence from South Korean Education and Employment Panel (KEEP), Comparative and International Education Society, 62nd Annual Conference, 2018/03/26, Without Invitation, English
- Impact of Education Paths Selectiveness in Secondary and Tertiary Education on Labor Market Performance in South Korea; Focusing on TVET High School Graduates, 2017/11/25, With Invitation, English
- The High School Choices as a Determinant of Labor Market Outcomes in South Korea, International Educational Development Forum 2017, 2017/11/03, Without Invitation, English
- Impact of High School Choices on Labor Market Performance in South Korea: Focusing on Vocational Education Paths, The 17th International Conference on Education Research, 2017/10/18, With Invitation, Japanese
- An Analysis of Labor Market Outcomes of Vocational Education Graduates in Republic of Korea: Focused on Private Tutoring Expenditure, The 53rd JAPAN COMPARATIVE EDUCATION SOCIETY, 2017/06/23, With Invitation, English
- Effects of Vocational Education on Wage: Case of the Philippines, The 16th International Conference on Education Research, 2016/10/12, With Invitation, English
- Rate of Return of Vocational Education on Wage: Case of the Philippines, JSPS core to core program: Asia-Africa Science Platforms, 2016/07/12, Without Invitation, English
- 2017/11/25, The JASID Poster-Presentation Awards, The Japan Society For International Development
External Funds
Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds
- Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists, Impact of cognitive and socio-emotional skills on agricultural workers' performance in developing countries, 2021/04, 2024/03
- Female Researchers Joint Research Grant, An empirical study of the effect of vocational education on female labor participation and job quality in Indonesia, 2021/08, 2022/03
- Female Researchers Joint Research Grant, Multilevel model analysis of the employment and education factors that cause in a gender wage gap in Indonesia, 2020/10, 2021/03
- Female Researchers Joint Research Grant, The contribution of vocational education to reducing the gender wage gap in Vietnam's labor market, 2019/10, 2021/03
- Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Activity Start-up, Effect of vocational education on skills development in NEXT11 countries: A focus on Southeast Asian models, 2019/08, 2021/03
Social Activities
History as Committee Members
- Treasurer, 2020/04, 2021/09, Comparative and International Education Society New Scholars Committee
- Research fellow, 2019/09, SKILLMAN
- Research fellow, 2016/04, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training
History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers
- 2022, Singapore Economic Review, Reviewer
- 2021, Sustainability Science, Reviewer