Last Updated :2025/02/03

大学院先進理工系科学研究科 准教授



  • 東京大学, 大学院工学系研究科, 土木工学専攻, 日本, 1998年10月, 2001年09月
  • Tarbiat Modares University, School of Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, イラン, 1995年09月, 1998年05月
  • University of Tehran, School of Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, イラン, 1990年09月, 1995年04月


  • Master(Science) (Tarbiat Modares University)
  • 博士(工学) (東京大学)


  • 【学士課程】 工学部 : 第四類(建設・環境系) : 社会基盤環境工学プログラム
  • 【博士課程前期】 先進理工系科学研究科 : 先進理工系科学専攻 : 社会基盤環境工学プログラム
  • 【博士課程後期】 先進理工系科学研究科 : 先進理工系科学専攻 : 社会基盤環境工学プログラム


  • 複合領域 / 社会・安全システム科学 / 自然災害科学・防災学
  • 情報学 / 人間情報学 / ソフトコンピューティング
  • 情報学 / 計算基盤 / 高性能計算



  1. 2024年, 学部専門, 2ターム, 土木数学
  2. 2024年, 学部専門, 3ターム, 構造力学
  3. 2024年, 学部専門, 集中, 計算アルゴリズム演習
  4. 2024年, 学部専門, 1ターム, エネルギー原理と構造解析
  5. 2024年, 学部専門, 3ターム, 橋梁と耐震
  6. 2024年, 学部専門, 3ターム, 社会基盤環境デザイン
  7. 2024年, 学部専門, 通年, 卒業論文
  8. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 1ターム, 社会基盤環境工学特別演習A
  9. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 2ターム, 社会基盤環境工学特別演習A
  10. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 3ターム, 社会基盤環境工学特別演習A
  11. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 4ターム, 社会基盤環境工学特別演習A
  12. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 3ターム, 社会基盤環境工学特別演習B
  13. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 4ターム, 社会基盤環境工学特別演習B
  14. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 年度, 社会基盤環境工学特別研究
  15. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 年度, 社会基盤環境工学特別研究
  16. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 2ターム, 構造力学特論
  17. 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 4ターム, Management of Natural Disasters
  18. 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, 年度, 社会基盤環境工学特別研究
  19. 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, 年度, 社会基盤環境工学特別研究



  1. Seismic time-dependent resilience assessment of aging highway bridges incorporating the effect of retrofitting, STRUCTURES, 63巻, 202405
  2. Detection of irregular flaws in 2D domains using extended finite element method and metaheuristics algorithms, GA and GWO (in Persian), Modares Civil Engineering Journal, 23巻, 6号, pp. 131-142, 2024
  3. An unsplit-field viscoelastic complex-frequency-shifted perfectly matched layer for analysis of transient waves in heterogeneous media based on an efficient voxel element method, SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING, 177巻, 2024
  4. A total life-cycle cost-resilience optimization framework for infrastructures management using different retrofit strategies, SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT INFRASTRUCTURE, 8巻, 6号, pp. 675-698, 2023
  5. Response of rigid circular plate in a functionally graded transversely isotropic, half-space under horizontal steady-state excitation, MECHANICS BASED DESIGN OF STRUCTURES AND MACHINES, 52巻, 1号, pp. 102-125, 2024
  6. Dynamic Analysis of a Vertically Loaded Rigid Disc in a Functionally Graded Transversely Isotropic Half-Space, TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE GEOTECHNOLOGY, 10巻, 4号, pp. 660-684, 2023
  7. Seismic Resilience Assessment of Curved Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers through Seismic Fragility Curves Considering Short- and Long-Period Earthquakes, SUSTAINABILITY, 15巻, 10号, 2023
  8. Deep convolutional generative adversarial networks for the generation of numerous artificial spectrum-compatible earthquake accelerograms using a limited number of ground motion records, COMPUTER-AIDED CIVIL AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING, 38巻, 2号, pp. 225-240, 2023
  9. Displacement pattern in a functionally graded transversely isotropic, half-space due to dislocation, Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering, 7巻, 2号, pp. 42-49, 202204
  10. A new algorithm for shape parameter optimization in the multiquadric method for bending beam and elastic plane BVPs, ARCHIVE OF APPLIED MECHANICS, 92巻, 11号, pp. 3109-3125, 202211
  11. Torsion vibration of foundation in a functionally graded transversely isotropic, linearly elastic half-space, Forces in Mechanics, 7巻, pp. 100082, 202205
  12. A multi-objective optimization framework for seismic resilience enhancement of typical existing RC buildings, Journal of Building Engineering, 52巻, pp. 104361, 202207
  13. Wave propagation analysis of micropolar elastic beams using a novel micropolar wave finite element method, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 28巻, pp. 551-567, 202103
  14. Impedance functions of rigid rectangular foundations bonded on layered transversely isotropic elastic/poroelastic half-space, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 138巻, pp. 423-438, 202205
  15. A unified approach for stress wave propagation in transversely isotropic elastic and poroelastic layered media, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 157巻, pp. 107152, 202207
  16. ダミー, 202004
  17. An efficient method for dam-reservoir seismic interaction analysis, Engineering Journal of Amirkabir, 13巻, 50号, pp. 86-94, 200205
  18. Split-node technique for modeling of discontinuities in a continuum body (in Persian), Journal of Modares Technical and Engineering, 15巻, 1号, pp. 37-49, 200405
  19. A new method for numerical modeling of crustal deformations, part one: theory (in Persian), Journal of Modares Technical and Engineering, 19巻, 1号, pp. 13-30, 200505
  20. A new method for numerical modeling of crustal deformations, part two: application (in Persian), Journal of Modares Technical and Engineering, 19巻, 1号, pp. 31-51, 200505
  21. An inverse method for dynamic properties identification of 2D- and 3D-shear frames (in Persian), Research Bulletin of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 9巻, 3号, pp. 2-15, 200611
  22. Analysis of topographic amplification effects on canyon sites using 3D boundary element method, Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 9巻, 1号, pp. 25-37, 200705
  23. Evaluation of wave-diffraction forces on a submerged sphere using a hybrid BE-FE method (in Persian), Journal of Hydraulics, 4巻, 1号, pp. 23-37, 200802
  24. Damage detection of truss bridge joints using artificial neural networks, Expert Systems with Applications, 35巻, 3号, pp. 1122-1131, 200810
  25. A coupled BE–FE study for evaluation of seismically isolated cylindrical liquid storage tanks considering fluid-structure interaction, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 25巻, 3号, pp. 567-585, 200904
  26. Use of Ritz method for damage detection of reinforced and post-tensioned concrete beams, Construction and Building Materials, 23巻, 6号, pp. 2167-2176, 200906
  27. Modeling transient elastodynamic problems using spectral element method, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 10巻, 4号, pp. 361-380, 200908
  28. Closed-form solutions for crack detection problem of Timoshenko beams with various boundary conditions, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 51巻, 9-10号, pp. 667-681, 200909
  29. Soil-structure interaction (SSI) analysis using a hybrid spectral element/finite element (SE/FE) approach, Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 11巻, 2号, pp. 83-95, 200909
  30. Seismic rehabilitation of masonry arch bridges using post-tensioning method (in Persian), Journal of Transportation Engineering, 1巻, 2号, pp. 1-19, 201002
  31. Green's function operator matrix of intraplate faults (in Persian), Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, 36巻, 1号, pp. 59-69, 201004
  32. On the seismic behavior of cylindrical base-isolated liquid storage tanks excited by long-period ground motions, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 30巻, 10号, pp. 968-980, 201010
  33. System identification of concrete gravity dams using artificial neural networks based on a hybrid FE-BE approach, Engineering Structures, 32巻, 11号, pp. 3583-3591, 201011
  34. Health monitoring of cracked cantilever beams using artificial neural networks considering nonlinear crack behavior (in Persian), Modares Civil Engineering Journal, 10巻, 3号, pp. 105-118, 201011
  35. A dual reciprocity BEM approach using new Fourier radial basis functions applied to 2D elastodynamic transient analysis, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 35巻, 1号, pp. 85-95, 201101
  36. Model updating of multistory shear buildings for simultaneous identification of mass, stiffness and damping matrices using two different soft-computing methods, Expert Systems with Applications, 38巻, 5号, pp. 5320-5329, 201105
  37. First kind Bessel function (J-Bessel) as radial basis function for plane dynamic analysis using dual reciprocity boundary element method, Acta Mechanica, 218巻, 3-4号, pp. 247-258, 201105
  38. A new semi-analytical method with diagonal coefficient matrices for potential problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 35巻, 6号, pp. 845-854, 201106
  39. Analytical solutions for free and forced vibrations of a multiple cracked Timoshenko beam subject to a concentrated moving load, Acta Mechanica, 221巻, 1-2号, pp. 79-97, 201109
  40. A hybrid distinct element–boundary element approach for seismic analysis of cracked concrete gravity dam–reservoir systems, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 31巻, 10号, pp. 1347-1356, 201110
  41. Analysis of elastostatic problems using a semi-analytical method with diagonal coefficient matrices, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 35巻, 12号, pp. 1288-1296, 201112
  42. A new bond-slip model for adhesive in CFRP-steel composite systems, Engineering Structures, 34巻, 1号, pp. 447-454, 201201
  43. Simulation of strong ground motion in northern Iran using the specific barrier model, Geophysical Journal International, 188巻, 2号, pp. 645-679, 201202
  44. Modeling transient elastodynamic problems using a novel semi-analytical method yielding decoupled partial differential equations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 213巻, 1号, pp. 183-195, 201203
  45. Detection of a through-thickness crack based on elastic wave scattering in plates, Part I: Forward Solution, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 13巻, 3号, pp. 301-318, 201206
  46. Detection of a through-thickness crack based on elastic wave scattering in plates, Part II: Inverse Solution, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 13巻, 4号, pp. 433-454, 201208
  47. Seismic analysis of baffled liquid storage tanks using boundary element method (in Persian), Modares Civil Engineering Journal, 12巻, 2号, pp. 11-22, 201208
  48. A semi-analytical method with a system of decoupled ordinary differential equations for three-dimensional elastostatic problems, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49巻, 18号, pp. 2528-2546, 201209
  49. Application of genetic algorithm in crack detection of beam-like structures using a new cracked Euler–Bernoulli beam element, Applied Soft Computing, 13巻, 2号, pp. 867-880, 201302
  50. New complex Fourier shape functions for the analysis of two-dimensional potential problems using boundary element method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 37巻, 2号, pp. 260-272, 201302
  51. Evaluation of canyon site effects on seismic waves (in Persian), Modares Civil Engineering Journal, 13巻, 1号, pp. 53-66, 201305
  52. Frequency domain analysis of elastic bounded domains using a new semi-analytical method, Acta Mechanica, 224巻, 7号, pp. 1555-1570, 201307
  53. Analysis of free and forced vibrations problems using the dual reciprocity boundary element method based on inverse multiquadric radial basis functions (in Persian), Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering, 32巻, 1号, pp. 51-64, 201308
  54. Parameter estimation in hysteretic systems based on adaptive least-squares, Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication, 1巻, 4号, pp. 217-221, 201310
  55. Decoupled equations method for solving two-dimensional elastodynamic problems in the frequency domain (in Persian), Sharif Journal of Civil Engineering, 30巻, 3号, pp. 65-74, 201411
  56. Cavity/inclusion detection in plane linear elastic bodies using linear sampling method, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 33巻, 1号, pp. 93-103, 201403
  57. Crack detection in a beam with an arbitrary number of transverse cracks using genetic algorithms, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 28巻, 3号, pp. 823-836, 201403
  58. New Timoshenko-cracked beam element and crack detection in beam-like structures using genetic algorithm, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 22巻, 3号, pp. 359-382, 201405
  59. Simulation of two-dimensional elastodynamic problems using a new adaptive physics-based method, Meccanica, 49巻, 6号, pp. 1353-1366, 201406
  60. Dynamic analysis of plane elasticity with new complex Fourier radial basis functions in the dual reciprocity boundary element method, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38巻, 14号, pp. 3641-3651, 201407
  61. Cavity detection in a heat conductor using linear sampling method, Heat and Mass Transfer, 50巻, 7号, pp. 973-984, 201407
  62. Seismic analysis of rectangular alluvial valleys subjected to incident SV waves by using the spectral finite element method, International Journal of Civil Engineering, 12巻, 3号, pp. 439-451, 201407
  63. Wave propagation in semi-infinite media with topographical irregularities using Decoupled Equations Method, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 65巻, 1号, pp. 102-112, 201410
  64. New damage indices and algorithm based on square time-frequency distribution for damage detection in concrete piers of railroad bridges, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 22巻, 1号, pp. 91-106, 201501
  65. Identification of linear and non-linear physical parameters of multistory shear buildings using artificial neural network, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 23巻, 4号, pp. 670-687, 201505
  66. Time domain linear sampling method for qualitative identification of buried cavities from elastodynamic over-determined boundary data, Computers and Structures, 153巻, 1号, pp. 36-48, 201506
  67. Development of decoupled equations methods for calculating hydrodynamic pressures on concrete gravity dams (in Persian), Modares Civil Engineering Journal, 15巻, 1号, pp. 41-52, 201508
  68. Development of decoupled equations method to calculate J-integral in linear elastic fracture mechanics problems (in Persian), Modares Mechanical Engineering, 15巻, 9号, pp. 59-68, 201511
  69. Development and application of a semi-analytical method with diagonal coefficient matrices for analysis of wave diffraction around vertical cylinders of arbitrary cross-sections, Ocean Engineering, 110巻, 1号, pp. 292-302, 201512
  70. An adaptive physics-based method for the solution of one-dimensional wave motion problems, Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal, 48巻, 2号, pp. 217-234, 201512
  71. Damage identification of cracks in structures via extended finite element method and particle swarm optimization (in Persian), Modares Civil Engineering Journal, 16巻, 5号, pp. 177-189, 201602
  72. A new global nonreflecting boundary condition with diagonal coefficient matrices for analysis of unbounded media, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40巻, 4号, pp. 2845-2874, 201602
  73. Determination of stress intensity factors of 2D fracture mechanics problems through a new semi-analytical method, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 39巻, 4号, pp. 467-478, 201604
  74. A novel stochastic-spectral finite element method for analysis of elastodynamic problems in the time domain, Meccanica, 51巻, 4号, pp. 893-920, 201604
  75. Determination of critical excitation for MDOF systems based on displacement target function and energy constraint (in Persian), Bulletin of Earthquake Science and Engineering, 3巻, 1号, pp. 17-28, 201605
  76. Vibration-based damage identification of masonry walls using distinct element modeling (in Persian), Modares Civil Engineering Journal, 17巻, 1号, pp. 203-215, 201606
  77. Seismic response of base-isolated high-rise buildings under long-period ground motions (in Persian), Modares Civil Engineering Journal, 16巻, 2号, pp. 41-52, 201607
  78. Determination of slippage field of strike-slip faults using inverse solution methods (in Persian), Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, 42巻, 2号, pp. 233-245, 201608
  79. Adaptive dynamic surface control of Bouc–Wen hysteretic systems, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Transactions of the ASME, 138巻, 9号, pp. 091007-(7 pages), 201609
  80. Development of higher-order stochastic spectral finite element method for uncertainty analysis of 2D continua (in Persian), Modares Mechanical Engineering, 16巻, 7号, pp. 51-60, 201610
  81. Spectral finite element simulation of seismic wave propagation and fault dislocation in elastic media, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 17巻, 8号, pp. 1189-1213, 201612
  82. Development of a new semi-analytical method in fracture mechanics problems based on energy release rate, Acta Mechanica, 227巻, 12号, pp. 3529-3547, 201612
  83. Graph theoretical methods for efficient stochastic finite element analysis of regular structures, Computers and Structures, 178巻, 1号, pp. 29-46, 201701
  84. An analytical method for crack detection of Timoshenko beams with multiple open cracks using a test mass, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 21巻, 1号, pp. 24-41, 201701
  85. Stress wave propagation modelling in one-dimensional micropolar rods using a new Wave Finite Element Method (in Persian), Modares Mechanical Engineering, 17巻, 5号, pp. 405-412, 201708
  86. Estimation of coefficients of Williams' series in LEFM problems using decoupled equations method (in Persian), Sharif Journal of Civil Engineering, 33巻, 2号, pp. 87-97, 201708
  87. A Monte Carlo adapted finite element method for dislocation simulation of faults with uncertain geometry, Journal of Earth System Science, 126巻, 7号, pp. 1-22, 201710
  88. Application of scaled boundary finite element method in topographic effects on seismic waves (in Persian), Journal of Modeling in Engineering, 15巻, 1号, pp. 161-174, 201707
  89. Uncertainty analysis of elastostatic problems incorporating a new hybrid stochastic-spectral finite element method, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 24巻, 12号, pp. 1030-1042, 201712
  90. Modification of specific barrier model using new time functions for inclined fault, Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 19巻, 3号, pp. 189-205, 201707
  91. Identification of multiple flaws in 2D structures using dynamic extended spectral finite element method with a universally enhanced meta-heuristic optimizer, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 57巻, 2号, pp. 605-623, 201802
  92. Stress wave propagation analysis in one-dimensional micropolar rods with variable cross-section using Micropolar Wave Finite Element Method, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 10巻, 4号, pp. 1850039-(28 pages), 201805
  93. Modification of specific barrier model for faulting modeling by using of new time functions based on site position and fault geometry (in Persian), Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, 44巻, 1号, pp. 21-38, 201805
  94. Development of a new semi-analytical approach for 2D analysis of crack propagation problems, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 41巻, 6号, pp. 1344-1363, 201806
  95. Simulation of Laquila earthquake using specific barrier model (in Persian), Modares Civil Engineering Journal, 18巻, 2号, pp. 101-112, 201807
  96. An analytical method for crack detection of beams with uncertain boundary conditions by a concentrated test mass, Civil Engineering Journal, 4巻, 7号, pp. 1629-1645, 201807
  97. Complex Fourier element shape functions for analysis of 2D static and transient dynamic problems using dual reciprocity boundary element method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 95巻, 1号, pp. 222-237, 201810
  98. A stochastic spectral finite element method for wave propagation analyses with medium uncertainties, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 63巻, 1号, pp. 84-108, 201811
  99. A new approach for determination of threshold parameter in the spectral decomposition regularization method (in Persian), Bulletin of Earthquake Science and Engineering, 6巻, 1号, pp. 13-22, 201904
  100. A stochastic spectral finite element method for solution of faulting-induced wave propagation in materially random continua without explicitly modeled discontinuities, Computational Mechanics, 64巻, pp. 1017-1048, 2019
  101. Generation of synthetic accelerograms using a probabilistic critical excitation method based on energy constraint, Earthquakes and Structures, 18巻, pp. 45-56, 2020
  102. An adaptive cellular automata approach with the use of radial basis functions for the simulation of elastic wave propagation, Acta Mechanica, 231巻, pp. 2723-2740, 2020
  103. Decoupled scaled boundary finite element method for analysing dam-reservoir dynamic interaction, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 97巻, pp. 1725-1743, 2020
  104. Rocking forced displacement of a rigid disc embedded in a functionally graded transversely isotropic half-space, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 26巻, pp. 1029-1052, 202107
  105. A modified specific barrier model based on new time functions and approach for cracks location on the fault plane: application to the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi earthquake, Geophysical Journal International, 227巻, pp. 76-98, 20211001
  106. Analysis of elastic pulse dispersion in periodically layered composite rods using Wave Finite Element Method, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 13巻, pp. 2150050, 20210601
  107. An anisotropic multi-scale method for slipping dislocations, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY, 148巻, 202201


  1. 2019年, Principles of Engineering Seismology and Seismic Hazard Analysis, 3rd Edition, Tarbiat Modares University Press, Tehran, Iran, 2019年, 教科書, 単著, Persian, N. Khaji, 978-600-5394-82-5, 295
  2. 2017年, Principles of Engineering Seismology and Seismic Hazard Analysis, 2nd Edition, Tarbiat Modares University Press, Tehran, Iran, 2017年, 教科書, 単著, Persian, N. Khaji, 978-600-5394-82-5, 295
  3. 2013年, Principles of Engineering Seismology and Seismic Hazard Analysis, Tarbiat Modares University Press, Tehran, Iran, 2013年, 教科書, 単著, Persian, N. Khaji, 978-600-5394-82-5, 295


  1. A multi-criteria framework for sustainable infrastructure management, Khaji N, Omidian P, 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Structures (ICSUST2), 2023年, 招待, 英語, Nanjing Forestry University, China
  2. The necessity of civil engineering title replacement to infrastructure engineering (in Persian), Yazdani M, Hassani N, Khaji N, 8th International Conference of Engineering Education Association, 2023年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  3. Seismic vulnerability assessment of isolated elevated liquid storage tanks under the effect of long-period earthquakes (in Persian), Mohammadi M, Farajollahi S, Khaji N, 13th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2023年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  4. Proposing a probabilistic seismic time-dependent resilience assessment framework of aging bridges considering retrofitting, Omidian P, Khaji N, Aghakouchak AA, 13th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2023年, 通常, 英語, Tehran, Iran
  5. Proposing a simplified friction pendulum system optimization method for multi-span bridges, Hamzehpour M, Khaji N, 13th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2023年, 通常, 英語, Tehran, Iran
  6. Generalized high-order nonlinear frame elements, Mora Martinez ED, Khaji N, The JSCE Annual Conference, 2023年, 通常, 英語, 広島, 日本
  7. 改良衝突体最適化(ECBO)アルゴリズムを用いた平面フレーム構造の損傷同定, 牧野 朋之, Khaji Naser, The JSCE Annual Conference, 2023年, 通常, 日本語, 広島, 日本
  8. Complexity adaptation strategy for order-adaptive elements, Mora ED, Khaji N, 17th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, 2023年, 通常, 英語, Edinburgh, UK
  9. Developing a resilience-based optimization framework for life-cycle costing infrastructure management, Omidian P, Khaji N, Aghakouchak AA, 7th International Conference on Reliability and Safety Engineering, 2023年, 通常, 英語, Tehran, Iran
  10. Seismic vulnerability mitigation strategies for buildings in urban areas: a case study of Tehran, Iran, Khaji N, 75th Anniversary of Civil Engineering Bachelor Program “Civil Engineering in the Face of Catastrophic Phenomena due to Climate Change”, 2022年, 招待, 英語, University of Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico
  11. A multi-occurrence seismic hazard life-cycle cost retrofit optimization framework for RC refinery infrastructures, Omidian, Pedran; Khaji, Naser, 6th International Reliability and Safety Engineering Conference, 2021年, 通常, 英語, Shiraz, Iran
  12. Displacement of a rigid disc embedded in a functionally graded transversely isotropic half-space, Kalantari M, Khaji N, Eskandari-Ghadi M, 7th International Conference on Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Sciences, 2020年, 通常, 英語, Berlin, Germany
  13. An anisotropic multi-scale method for modeling wave propagation, Forghani S, Khaji N, 12th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2020年, 招待, 英語, Tabriz, Iran
  14. Retrofit optimization for resilience enhancement of office buildings in the refinery sites under seismic scenarios, Omidian P, Khaji N, 12th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2020年, 通常, 英語, Tabriz, Iran
  15. Prediction of remaining fatigue life of steel bridges along with a time-schedule for the fatigue damage inspection (in Persian), Dehghan M, Rahai A, Khaji N, 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Structural Engineering and Construction Management, 2019年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  16. A stochastic model for generating artificial accelerograms of long-period earthquakes (in Persian), Eslambolchi S, Khaji N, 11th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2019年, 通常, その他外国語, Shiraz, Iran
  17. A semi-analytical method for solving the inverse problem of determination of fault plane’s dislocation (in Persian), Kalantari M, Khaji N, 11th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2019年, 通常, その他外国語, Shiraz, Iran
  18. Evaluation of seismic isolator’s parameters on the behavior of isolated elevated liquid storage tanks (in Persian), Farajollahi S, Khaji N, 9th National and 3rd International Conference of Steel & Structure, 2018年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  19. On the effect of staging stiffness on the seismic behavior of isolated elevated liquid storage tanks (in Persian), Farajollahi S, Khaji N, International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Management in Iran, 2018年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  20. Development of fragility curves of base-isolated liquid storage tanks subjected to long-period earthquakes (in Persian), Saei Nezami E, Khaji N, Alembagheri M, 11th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2018年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  21. A numerical strategy for solution of wave propagation in random media, Zakian P, Khaji N, 11th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2018年, 通常, 英語, Tehran, Iran
  22. A modified specific barrier model for simulation of strong ground motion caused by seismic wave propagation of active inclined faults (in Persian), Rezaei MH, Khaji N, 11th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2018年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  23. A modified specific barrier model for simulation of strong ground motion caused by seismic wave propagation of active faults (in Persian), Rezaei MH, Khaji N, 10th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2017年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  24. Vibration behavior analysis of base-isolated liquid storage tanks subjected to long-period earthquakes using critical excitation method (in Persian), Ahmadi A, Khaji N, 10th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2017年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  25. Evaluation of modal pushover analysis with updating load pattern for irregular bridges subjected to long-period earthquakes (in Persian), Abbasi A, Khaji N, 10th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2017年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  26. Seismic analysis of high-rise steel moment frames with setbacks subjected to near-fault earthquakes (in Persian), Hakimi M, Khaji N, 10th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2017年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  27. Monte-Carlo simulation of finite element analysis of fault dislocation with random length (in Persian), Zakian P, Khaji N, 10th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2017年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  28. A new approach for stochastic analysis of cyclically symmetric structures, Zakian P, Khaji N, 3rd International Conference on Structural Engineering, 2017年, 通常, 英語, Tehran, Iran
  29. Determination of slippage field of Mw7.1 Hector-mine 1999 earthquake using Green’s function spectral decomposition method (in Persian), Torkanloo E, Khaji N, 9th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2016年, 通常, その他外国語, Mashhad, Iran
  30. A new nonreflecting open boundary condition for circular cavities in unbounded domain, Mirzajani M, Khaji N, 9th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2016年, 通常, 英語, Mashhad, Iran
  31. A feasibility study on prediction of the source location of future earthquakes using the inverse solution of interseismic data (in Persian), Torkanloo E, Khaji N, 9th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2016年, 通常, その他外国語, Mashhad, Iran
  32. Seismic hazard analysis of Sanandaj city using a probabilistic approach (in Persian), Khaji N, Yazdani M, 3rd International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture, and Urban development, 2015年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  33. Application of discrete element method for modeling nonlinear behavior of masonry materials, Maddahi M, Khaji N, International Conference on New Researches in Civil, Architectural and Urban Engineering, 2015年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  34. A comparison between singular values decomposition and spectral decomposition methods for solving inverse problems of fault movements prediction (in Persian), Torkanloo E, Khaji N, 2nd Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering of Alborz Province, 2015年, 通常, その他外国語, Karaj, Iran
  35. Dynamic analysis of dam-foundation interaction using the decoupled equations method (in Persian), Ghazanfari-Tehran A, Khaji N, 7th International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 2015年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  36. Critical excitation for input seismic energy (in Persian), Bazrafshan A, Khaji N, 7th International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 2015年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  37. A stochastic-spectral finite element method for analysis of elasto-dynamic problems, Zakian P, Khaji N, 7th International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 2015年, 通常, 英語, Tehran, Iran
  38. A stochastic-spectral finite element applied to the analysis of stochastic structural mechanics problems, Zakian P, Khaji N, 10th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2015年, 通常, 英語, Tabriz, Iran
  39. Vibration based damage identification of masonry structures, Maddahi N, Khaji N, 10th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2015年, 通常, 英語, Tabriz, Iran
  40. Determination of unknown boundary conditions of cracked beams using a stationary concentrated mass (in Persian), Mohtasebi SM, Khaji N, 10th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2015年, 通常, その他外国語, Tabriz, Iran
  41. Development of decoupled equations method to calculate stress intensity factors in 2D problems, Yazdani M, Khaji N, 10th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2015年, 通常, 英語, Tabriz, Iran
  42. Vibration-based health monitoring of masonry structures using artificial neural networks (in Persian), Maddahi N, Khaji N, 6th Conference on National Building Regulations, 2014年, 通常, その他外国語, Shiraz, Iran
  43. Numerical simulation of faults for calculation of Greens function operator matrix using the split node technique (in Persian), Mirashrafi SR, Khaji N, 8th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2014年, 通常, その他外国語, Babol, Iran
  44. Development of decoupled equations method for solving the Helmholtz equation by direct application of boundary conditions (in Persian), Babaee R, Khaji N, Mirzajani M, 8th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2014年, 通常, その他外国語, Babol, Iran
  45. Development and application of decoupled equations method for analysis of wave diffraction around vertical cylinders of circular cross-section (in Persian), Moghadaszadeh SO, Khaji N, 12th Iranian Hydraulics Conference, 2013年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  46. Current numerical methods for modeling seismic waves propagation (in Persian), Khaji N, 7th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2013年, 招待, その他外国語, Zahedan, Iran
  47. A new diagonal dynamic stiffness matrix for analysis of an unbounded medium in the frequency domain (in Persian), Mirzajani M, Khaji N, Khodakarami MI, 7th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2013年, 通常, その他外国語, Zahedan, Iran
  48. Development of decoupled equations method for solving 2D elastodynamic problems with support excitation in the frequency domain (in Persian), Babaee R, Khaji N, 3rd International Conference on Acoustic and Vibration, 2013年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  49. Parameter estimation in hysteretic systems using the least-squares based estimation methods (in Persian), Peimani M, Yazdanpanah MJ, Khaji N, 21st Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2013年, 通常, その他外国語, Mashad, Iran
  50. Inverse Multiquadric (IMQ) function as radial basis function for plane dynamic analysis using dual reciprocity boundary element method, Hamzehei Javaran S, Khaji N, 15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, 2012年, 通常, 英語, Lisbon, Portugal
  51. An adaptive physics-based method for the solution of wave motion problem in two dimensions, Shafiei M, Khaji N, 15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, 2012年, 通常, 英語, Lisbon, Portugal
  52. A linear sampling method for inverse scattering elastodynamics problems in the time domain, Dehghan Manshadi SH, Khaji N, 15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, 2012年, 通常, 英語, Lisbon, Portugal
  53. Site response analysis of wave propagation in half-planes with topography irregularities based on a novel semi-analytical simulation approach, Khodakarami MI, Khaji N, 15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, 2012年, 通常, 英語, Lisbon, Portugal
  54. Application of scaled boundary finite element method in the study of topographic effects on seismic waves (in Persian), Mousivand H, Khaji N, 9th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2012年, 通常, その他外国語, Isfahan, Iran
  55. A novel three-dimensional semi-analytical method with diagonal coefficient matrices for potential problems, Khodakarami MI, Khaji N, 9th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2012年, 通常, 英語, Isfahan, Iran
  56. Boundary conditions identification of beam-like structural elements using a test mass, Fekrazadeh S, Khaji N, 9th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2012年, 通常, 英語, Isfahan, Iran
  57. An adaptive physics-based method for solution of wave motion problem in one dimension, Shafiei M, Khaji N, 9th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2012年, 通常, 英語, Isfahan, Iran
  58. Identification of unknown boundary conditions for steel cracked deep beam using a concentrated mass in an arbitrary location (in Persian), Fekrazadeh S, Khaji N, 2nd National Conference of Steel and Structure, 2011年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  59. Studies in seismic wave propagation in Iran, Khaji N, 8th UNESCO Workshop on Reduction of Earthquake Losses in South-Asia Region, 2011年, 招待, 英語, Tehran, Iran
  60. A novel semi-analytical method with diagonal coefficient matrices for the analysis of elastostatic problems, Khodakarami MI, Khaji N, International Conference on Boundary Element and Meshless Techniques XII, 2011年, 通常, 英語, Brasilia, Brazil
  61. Simulation of strong ground motion in northern Iran using specific barriers model (in Persian), Soghrat MR, Khaji N, Zafarani H, 6th International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 2011年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  62. Accurate boundary conditions for finite element modeling of movement field within Iran tectonic plate, Hamidi M, Khaji N, 6th International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 2011年, 通常, 英語, Tehran, Iran
  63. Stiffness matrix of a new cracked beam finite element using the conjugated beam method and Betti's law, Mehrjoo M, Khaji N, 6th International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 2011年, 通常, 英語, Tehran, Iran
  64. Application of spectral finite element method in analysis of transient elastodynamic problems, Kazemi Noureini H, Khaji N, 6th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2011年, 通常, 英語, Semnan, Iran
  65. An analytical method for crack detection of a simply supported deep beam using a test mass (in Persian), Fekrazadeh S, Khaji N, Shafiei M, 6th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2011年, 通常, その他外国語, Semnan, Iran
  66. A study on site effects in northern Iran using empirical H/V method (in Persian), Soghrat MR, Khaji N, Zafarani H, 6th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2011年, 通常, その他外国語, Semnan, Iran
  67. Application of Cellular Automata method for solving in-plane elastic wave propagation problem (in Persian), Shafiei M, Khaji N, 6th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2011年, 通常, その他外国語, Semnan, Iran
  68. Analytical evaluation of natural frequencies for steel cracked deep beam using a concentrated mass in an arbitrary location (in Persian), Fekrazadeh S, Khaji N, Shafiei M, 1st National Conference of Steel and Structure, 2010年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  69. A new method for optimization of concrete gravity dams considering dynamic fluid-structure interaction (in Persian), Pedroud K, Khaji N, 9th Iranian Hydraulics Conference, 2010年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  70. Seismic analysis of baffled liquid storage tanks using the boundary element method (in Persian), Arab MH, Khaji N, 9th Iranian Hydraulics Conference, 2010年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  71. Analytical solutions for free and forced vibrations of a cracked cantilever deep beam subjected to a concentrated moving load (in Persian), Shafiee M, Khaji N, 5th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2010年, 通常, その他外国語, Mashhad, Iran
  72. Analysis of topographical effects on seismic waves using the boundary element method and Neumann series expansion (in Persian), Amini M, Khaji N, 5th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2010年, 通常, その他外国語, Mashhad, Iran
  73. Application of higher-order elements in scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM) to improve its accuracy and efficiency, Khodakarami MI, Khaji N, 5th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2010年, 通常, 英語, Mashhad, Iran
  74. System identification of concrete gravity dams using artificial neural networks, Karimi I, Khaji N, 2nd International Conference of Long Term Behavior of Dams, 2009年, 通常, 英語, Graz, Austria
  75. An analytical solution for the problem of crack detection of cantilever deep beam (in Persian), Shafiei M, Khaji N, 8th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2009年, 通常, その他外国語, Shiraz, Iran
  76. Effects of far-field boundary on hydrodynamic pressure distribution on concrete gravity dams (in Persian), Mirzayee M, Khaji N, 8th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2009年, 通常, その他外国語, Shiraz, Iran
  77. Soil-structure interaction analysis using a hybrid spectral element-finite element method (in Persian), Mirhashemian P, Khaji N, 8th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2009年, 通常, その他外国語, Shiraz, Iran
  78. Application of Legendre and Chebyshev spectral elements for solving impact wave propagation problems in elastic domains (in Persian), Jalalpour M, Hamzeh Javaran S, Khaji N, 8th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2009年, 通常, その他外国語, Shiraz, Iran
  79. Structural identification of mass, stiffness and damping matrices using the results of forced vibration tests (in Persian), Khanmirza E, Khaji N, 4th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2008年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  80. A study on the effects of seismic isolators on liquid storage tanks (in Persian), Shekari MR, Khaji N, 4th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2008年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  81. An analytical solution for free vibration analysis of cracked Timoshenko beam (in Persian), Jalalpour M, Khaji N, 4th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2008年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  82. Application of hard- and soft-computing techniques in structural identification (in Persian), Jalalpour M, Khaji N, 4th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2008年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  83. Rehabilitation of masonry arch bridges using anchorage reinforcement (in Persian), Khaji N, Ahmadvand Sh, 3rd National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2007年, 通常, その他外国語, Tabriz, Iran
  84. Application of artificial neural networks for determination of cracking severity of cantilevered beams (in Persian), Khaji N, Joharzadeh M, 3rd National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2007年, 通常, その他外国語, Tabriz, Iran
  85. Numerical calculation of Greens function operator matrix, a case study of Tehran north fault (in Persian), Khaji N, Bahrany AH, 5th International Conference of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 2007年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  86. Application of spectral finite element method for solving wave propagation problems in continuous elastic domains (in Persian), Khaji N, Habibi M, 5th International Conference of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 2007年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  87. Damage detection of truss bridges joints from static data using artificial neural networks (in Persian), Khaji N, Mehrjoo M, 3rd National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2007年, 通常, その他外国語, Tabriz, Iran
  88. Damage detection of bridge structures from dynamic responses using neural networks (in Persian), Khaji N, Mehrjoo M, 5th International Conference of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 2007年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  89. FE-BE modeling of a spherical submersible body (in Persian), Khaji N, Shafieefar M, Hafizi R, 7th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2006年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  90. Inverse methods for structural damage detection (in Persian), Khaji N, Mehrjoo M, 7th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2006年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  91. A singular value decomposition method for the identification of dynamic properties of structures (in Persian), Choupani K, Khaji N, 1st National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2004年, 通常, その他外国語, Tehran, Iran
  92. On the location determining of coming Tokai earthquake, Central Japan, Khaji N, 4th International Conference of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 2003年, 通常, 英語, Tehran, Iran



  1. 編集長, 2022年07月, 2025年12月, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami (World Scientific Publishing Company c/o Juritsusha)
  2. 編集長, 2022年07月, 2025年12月, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami (World Scientific Publishing Company c/o Juritsusha)
  3. 合同理論応用力学分科会IUTAM・国際連携小委員会委員, 2021年05月, 2023年09月, 日本学術会議


  1. 構造解析II, 剛性の方法, ガララ大学, 2023年/05月/02日, 2023年/05月/09日, エジプト(オンライン), 講師, 講演会, 大学生
  2. Civil Engineering in the Face of Catastrophic Phenomena due to Climate Change, Seismic vulnerability mitigation strategies for buildings in urban areas: a case study of Tehran, Iran, University of Guanajuato, 75th Anniversary of Civil Engineering Bachelor Program, 2022年/11月/16日, 2022年/11月/19日, University of Guanajuato, Mexico, セミナー・ワークショップ, 研究者
  3. 構造解析I, 移動荷重(影響線), ガララ大学, 2022年/01月/01日, 2022年/01月/30日, エジプト(オンライン), 講師, 講演会, 大学生