Last Updated :2025/01/07
- 所属・職名
- 大学院医系科学研究科(医) 講師
- メールアドレス
- mf547hiroshima-u.ac.jp
- 【学士課程】 医学部 : 医学科 : 医学プログラム
- 【博士課程前期】 医系科学研究科 : 総合健康科学専攻
- 【博士課程】 医系科学研究科 : 医歯薬学専攻 : 医学専門プログラム
- 2024年, 学部専門, 通年, 脳神経医学III
- 2024年, 学部専門, 集中, 臨床実習I
- 2024年, 学部専門, 1ターム, 精神科学
- 2024年, 学部専門, 1ターム, 精神科学
- The potential of SLC6A4 gene methylation analysis for the diagnosis and treatment of major depression, JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH, 53巻, pp. 47-53, 201406
- Blood diagnostic biomarkers for major depressive disorder using multiplex DNA methylation profiles: discovery and validation, EPIGENETICS, 10巻, 2号, pp. 135-141, 201502
- うつ病の新たなメカニズム : エピジェネティクス, 精神神經學雜誌 = Psychiatria et neurologia Japonica, 112巻, 10号, pp. 986-991, 20101025
- Sodium Butyrate の抗うつ効果とラット海馬における遺伝子発現に与える影響, 日本神経精神薬理学雑誌 = Japanese journal of psychopharmacology, 31巻, 2号, pp. 81-83, 20110425
- うつ病発症感受性と養育環境(シンポジウム:脳科学による心身症の解明,2008年,第49回日本心身医学会総会(札幌)), 心身医学, 49巻, 4号, pp. 285-289, 20090401
- Effects of single prolonged stress and D-cycloserine on contextual fear extinction and hippocampal NMDA receptor expression in a rat model of PTSD, Neuropsychopharmacology, 33巻, 9号, pp. 2108-2116, 2008
- Maternal postpartum learned helplessness (LH) affects maternal care by dams and responses to the LH test in adolescent offspring, Hormones and Behavior, 56巻, 1号, pp. 112-120, 2009
- DNA Methylation Profiles of the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Gene as a Potent Diagnostic Biomarker in Major Depression, PLoS ONE, 6巻, 8号, 2011
- LithiumとCyclosporinの併用療法中に,lithium投与中止を余儀なくされた,強皮症を伴った双極性障害の1例, 精神医学, 48巻, 11号, pp. 1233-1236, 200611
- ヒストンアセチル化 (精神科領域の用語解説(第22回)), 分子精神医学, 8巻, 2号, pp. 147-149, 200804
- エピジェネティクスから見る向精神薬--既存向精神薬と新規治療薬に関して (特集 精神疾患のエピジェネティクス), 分子精神医学, 11巻, 2号, pp. 107-111, 201104
- ストレスとマイクロRNA (特集 精神疾患とマイクロRNA), 分子精神医学, 11巻, 3号, pp. 197-201, 201107
- BDNF遺伝子のメチル化を用いたうつ病バイオマーカーの開発 (第1土曜特集 うつ病 : 治療・研究の最前線) -- (バイオマーカー), 医学のあゆみ, 244巻, 5号, pp. 508-511, 20130202
- 症例 抗生剤治療によって精神症状が可逆的であった神経梅毒の1例, 精神科, 25巻, 3号, pp. 356-362, 201409
- Prior neonatal isolation reduces induction of NGF mRNA and decreases GDNF mRNA in the hippocampus of juvenile and adult rodents subjected to immobilization stress. , Synapse, 2008
- Single immobilization stress differentially alters the expression profile of transcripts of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene and histone acetylation at its promoters in the rat hippocampus., The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology., 2009
- Single prolonged stress: toward an animal model of posttraumatic stress disorder. , Depression and Anxiety., 2009
- Epigenetic regulation of BDNF gene in response to stress. , Psychiatry investigation., 2010
- Enhanced hippocampal BDNF/TrkB signaling in response to fear conditioning in an animal model of posttraumatic stress disorder. , Journal of Psychiatric Research. , 2011
- Antidepressant-like Effect of Sodium Butyrate (HDAC Inhibitor) and its Molecular Mechanism of Action in the Rat Hippocampus. , The world journal of biological psychiatry. , 2012
- Vorinostat, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, facilitates fear extinction and enhances expression of the hippocampal NR2B-containing NMDA receptor gene., Journal of Psychiatric Research. , 2012
- Electroconvulsive seizure, but not imipramine, rapidly up-regulates pro-BDNF and t-PA, leading to mature BDNF production, in the rat hippocampus., International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology., 2013
- GSK-3 Inhibition Potentiates the Synaptogenic and Antidepressant-Like Effects of Subthreshold Doses of Ketamine. , Neuropsychopharmacology. , 2013
- BDNF release is required for the behavioral actions of ketamine., The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. , 2014
- Optogenetic stimulation of infralimbic PFC reproduces ketamine's rapid and sustained antidepressant actions. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America., 2015
- Rapid antidepressant actions of scopolamine: Role of medial prefrontal cortex and M1-subtype muscarinic acetylcholine receptors., Neurobiology of Disease., 2015
- Influence of early adverse experience on BDNF signaling, NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH, 68巻, pp. E48-E48, 2010
- The potential use of histone deacetylase inhibitors in the treatment of depression, PROGRESS IN NEURO-PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY & BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, 64巻, pp. 320-324, 2016
- Prior neonatal isolation reduces induction of NGF mRNA and decreases GDNF mRNA in the hippocampus of juvenile and adult rodents subjected to immobilization stress, SYNAPSE, 62巻, 4号, pp. 259-267, 2008
- Single immobilization stress differentially alters the expression profile of transcripts of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene and histone acetylation at its promoters in the rat hippocampus, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 12巻, 1号, pp. 73-82, 2009
- Epigenetic Regulation of BDNF Gene in Response to Stress, PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION, 7巻, 4号, pp. 251-256, 2010
- Enhanced hippocampal BDNF/TrkB signaling in response to fear conditioning in an animal model of posttraumatic stress disorder, JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH, 45巻, 4号, pp. 460-468, 2011
- Biological mechanism in antidepressant-like effect of sodium butyrate (HDAC inhibitor), JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 118巻, pp. 68P-68P, 2012
- Vorinostat, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, facilitates fear extinction and enhances expression of the hippocampal NR2B-containing NMDA receptor gene, JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH, 46巻, 5号, pp. 635-643, 2012
- Antidepressant-like effect of sodium butyrate (HDAC inhibitor) and its molecular mechanism of action in the rat hippocampus, WORLD JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, 13巻, 6号, pp. 458-467, 2012
- Electroconvulsive seizure, but not imipramine, rapidly up-regulates pro-BDNF and t-PA, leading to mature BDNF production, in the rat hippocampus, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 16巻, 2号, pp. 339-350, 2013
- GSK-3 Inhibition Potentiates the Synaptogenic and Antidepressant-Like Effects of Subthreshold Doses of Ketamine, NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 38巻, 11号, pp. 2268-2277, 2013
- The influence of aging on the methylation status of brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene in blood, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY, 33巻, 10号, pp. 1312-1318, 201810
- Combined brain-derived neurotrophic factor with extinction training alleviate impaired fear extinction in an animal model of post-traumatic stress disorder, GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, 18巻, 7号, 201909
- The role of glucocorticoid receptors in the induction and prevention of hippocampal abnormalities in an animal model of posttraumatic stress disorder, PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 237巻, 7号, pp. 2125-2137, 202007
- Kynurenic acid is a potential overlapped biomarker between diagnosis and treatment response for depression from metabolome analysis, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 10巻, 1号, 20201008
- Chemogenetic activation of the mPFC alleviates impaired fear memory extinction in an animal model of PTSD, PROGRESS IN NEURO-PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY & BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, 108巻, 20210608
- Alterations in DNA methylation rates of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in patients with schizophrenia, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, 35巻, 2号, pp. 67-74, 2021
- Optimized protocol for the extraction of RNA and DNA from frozen whole blood sample stored in a single EDTA tube, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11巻, 1号, 20210823
- 特許権, 5828407, 2015年10月30日, 精神疾患の検査方法および精神疾患用の検査キット