Last Updated :2024/12/02
- 所属・職名
- 病院(医) 講師
- メールアドレス
- r-nacamurahiroshima-u.ac.jp
- 自己紹介
- 手術中の自律神経機能を測定し、それによって手術中に患者さんが”痛がっているか?”、”鎮痛薬が足りているか?”を判断するシステムの開発を行っています。
- 2024年, 学部専門, 通年, 全身性疾患制御学
- 2024年, 学部専門, 集中, 臨床実習I
- 2024年, 学部専門, 集中, 臨床実習II
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, セメスター(前期), 麻酔蘇生学特別演習
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, セメスター(後期), 麻酔蘇生学特別演習
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, セメスター(前期), 麻酔蘇生学特別研究
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, セメスター(後期), 麻酔蘇生学特別研究
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, セメスター(前期), がん緩和医療演習
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, セメスター(後期), がん緩和医療演習
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, セメスター(前期), 緩和ケアカンファレンス
- 日本麻酔科医学会ソフトウェアコンテスト優秀賞受賞, 日本麻酔学会
- Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences 第9回優秀論文賞, 広仁会
- 第45回日本人間工学会中国・四国支部大会優秀論文賞, 日本人間工学会中国・四国支部
- Transient symptomatic worsening by atropine in opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome, PEDIATRICS INTERNATIONAL, 59巻, 1号, pp. 97-98, 2017
- Paravertebral block catheter breakage by electrocautery during thoracic surgery, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 31巻, 3号, pp. 463-466, 2017
- Alteration of Arterial Mechanical Impedance Greater than that of Photoplethysmogram and Laser Doppler Flowmetry during Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy, JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 37巻, 6号, pp. 820-825, 2017
- Quantitative Evaluation of Pain during Electrocutaneous Stimulation using a Log-Linearized Peripheral Arterial Viscoelastic Model, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 8巻, 2018
- A new arterial mechanical property indicator reflecting differences in invasive stimulus intensity induced by alteration of remifentanil concentration during laryngoscopy, MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, 84巻, 3号, pp. 311-318, 2018
- Assessment of Lower-limb Vascular Endothelial Function Based on Enclosed Zone Flow-mediated Dilation, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 8巻, 2018
- Postoperative thoracic and low back pain following endovascular aortic repair associated with stenting location, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 33巻, 1号, pp. 75-79, 2019
- Estimation of Arterial Viscosity Based on an Oscillometric Method and Its Application in Evaluating the Vascular Endothelial Function, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 9巻, 2019
- Unconstrained Vital Sign Monitoring System Using an Aortic Pulse Wave Sensor, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 9巻, 2019
- Effects of intravenous injection of indocyanine green on the oxygen reserve index (ORi (TM)), JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 34巻, 3号, pp. 338-341, 2020
- Branched-chain amino acids-induced cardiac protection against ischemia/reperfusion injury, LIFE SCIENCES, 245巻, 2020
- Recurrent probabilistic neural network-based short-term prediction for acute hypotension and ventricular fibrillation, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 10巻, 1号, 2020
- Neurokinin-1 receptor antagonists for postoperative nausea and vomiting: a systematic review and meta-analysis, REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ANESTESIOLOGIA, 70巻, 5号, pp. 508-519, 2020
- Pharmacokinetics of intraperitoneal and subcutaneous levobupivacaine in anesthetized rats, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 35巻, 2号, pp. 168-174, 2021
- Peripheral arterial stiffness during electrocutaneous stimulation is positively correlated with pain-related brain activity and subjective pain intensity: an fMRI study, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11巻, 1号, 2021
- Cardiorespiratory synchronisation and systolic blood pressure correlation of peripheral arterial stiffness during endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11巻, 1号, 2021
- Prediction of blood pressure change during surgical incision under opioid analgesia using sympathetic response evoking threshold, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11巻, 1号, 2021
- Impact of fentanyl on acute and chronic pain and its side effects when used with epidural analgesia after thoracic surgery in multimodal analgesia: a retrospective cohort study, ANNALS OF PALLIATIVE MEDICINE, 10巻, 5号, pp. 5119-5127, 2021
- The effects of dantrolene in the presence or absence of ryanodine receptor type 1 variants in individuals predisposed to malignant hyperthermia, ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE, 50巻, 4号, pp. 312-319, 2022
- Age-Specific Clinical Features of Pediatric Malignant Hyperthermia: A Review of 187 Cases Over 60 Years in Japan, ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA, 135巻, 1号, pp. 128-135, 2022
- Incidence and laryngoscopic grade of adult patients with Mallampati class zero airway, MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, 82巻, 3号, pp. 372-373, 2016
- Frequency Domain Analysis of Heart Rate Variability in the Early Phase of Hemorrhage: Its Relation to Development of Shock, CIRCULATION, 120巻, 18号, pp. S1491-S1491, 2009
- A novel online method to monitor autonomic nervous activity based on arterial wall impedance and heart rate variability, MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING, 48巻, 4号, pp. 351-359, 2010
- A case of coronary artery spasm caused by manipulation of the neck: heart rate variability analysis, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 26巻, 6号, pp. 905-909, 2012
- Distinctive spontaneous regional neural activity in patients with somatoform pain disorder: A preliminary resting-state fMRI study, PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH-NEUROIMAGING, 221巻, 3号, pp. 246-248, 2014
- Asystole following skull clamp to Chiari malformation, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 29巻, 2号, pp. 317-317, 2015
- Model-Based Evaluation of Reactive Hyperemia Using Strain-Gauge Plethysmography and Log-Linearized Viscoelastic Indices, JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS AND TISSUE ENGINEERING, 5巻, 4号, pp. 334-341, 2015
- Factors related to accidental dural puncture in epidural anesthesia patients, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ANESTHESIA, 27巻, 8号, pp. 665-667, 2015
- Shoulder pain after hepatectomy occurs more frequently on the right side A retrospective observational analysis, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY, 32巻, 10号, pp. 744-745, 2015
- Effectiveness of group cognitive behavioral therapy for somatoform pain disorder patients in Japan: A preliminary non-case-control study, PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES, 69巻, 12号, pp. 763-772, 2015
- Several Ryanodine Receptor Type 1 Gene Mutations of p.Arg2508 Are Potential Sources of Malignant Hyperthermia, ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA, 121巻, 4号, pp. 994-1000, 2015
- A Case of Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus During Transsphenoidal Pituitary Adenomectomy, JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGICAL ANESTHESIOLOGY, 28巻, 1号, pp. 79-80, 2016
- A novel online method to monitor autonomic nervous activity based on arterial wall impedance and heart rate variability, MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING, 48巻, 4号, pp. 351-359, 201004
- A case of coronary artery spasm caused by manipulation of the neck: heart rate variability analysis, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 26巻, 6号, pp. 905-909, 201212
- Distinctive spontaneous regional neural activity in patients with somatoform pain disorder: A preliminary resting-state fMRI study, PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH-NEUROIMAGING, 221巻, 3号, pp. 246-248, 20140330
- エアウェイスコープでダブルルーメン気管支チューブを挿入するための特殊イントロックの開発と有用性の検討, 麻酔, 56巻, 7号, pp. 817-819, 20070701
- エアウェイスコープで抜管前の声門視認が可能か?, 日本集中治療医学会雑誌, 16巻, 1号, pp. 77-78, 20090101
- 流量変化に対するVigilanceTMのSTATモードにおける連続心拍出量値の変化に要する時間の検討, 麻酔, 55巻, 5号, pp. 630-634, 20060501
- ★, Arterial Mechanical Impedance is a Sensitive Stress Response Monitor During General Anesthesia., Hiroshima J Med Sci, 58巻, 4号, pp. 75-82, 20091201
- 【慢性心不全患者の麻酔】 拡張型心筋症合併患者の全身麻酔による下肢血行再建, LiSA, 16巻, 3号, pp. 254-258, 20090501
- コンパクトデジタルカメラを用いた携帯型ビデオ気管支ファイバースコープシステムの試作, 麻酔と蘇生, 46巻, 3号, pp. 39-43, 20100901
- ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery)について, 臨床麻酔, 34巻, 1号, pp. 77-82, 20100101
- 携帯電話機を使った麻酔薬のオフライン血中濃度シミュレーターの開発と評価, 第26回日本麻酔・集中治療テクノロジー学会抄録, 20091201
- 周術期の血管緊張度モニタリング:血管内圧の影響, 第26回日本麻酔・集中治療テクノロジー学会抄録, 20091201
- パルスオキシメータ., 麻酔科学レクチャー, 1巻, 2号, pp. 299-305, 20090701
- 拡張型心筋症合併患者の全身麻酔による下肢血行再建, LiSA, 16巻, 3号, pp. 254-258, 20090301
- エアウエイスコープでダブルルーメン気管支チューブを挿入するための特殊イントロックの開発と有用性の検討, 麻酔, 56巻, 7号, pp. 817-819, 20070701
- Alteration of Arterial Mechanical Impedance Greater than that of Photoplethysmogram and Laser Doppler Flowmetry during Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy, JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 37巻, 6号, pp. 820-825, 201712
- Quantitative Evaluation of Pain during Electrocutaneous Stimulation using a Log-Linearized Peripheral Arterial Viscoelastic Model, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 8巻, 20180215
- ★, A new arterial mechanical property indicator reflecting differences in invasive stimulus intensity induced by alteration of remifentanil concentration during laryngoscopy, MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, 84巻, 3号, pp. 311-318, 201803
- Assessment of Lower-limb Vascular Endothelial Function Based on Enclosed Zone Flow-mediated Dilation, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 8巻, 20180618