Last Updated :2025/01/08
- 所属・職名
- 大学院先進理工系科学研究科 教授
- 自己紹介
- インフラがどう社会を編んでいくのかに主な関心を持っています.
- 2010年04月01日, 2010年04月30日, 広島大学, 大学院国際協力研究科, 研究員
- 2010年05月01日, 2012年03月31日, 広島大学, 大学院国際協力研究科, 特任助教
- 2014年01月01日, 2017年03月31日, 広島大学, 大学院国際協力研究科, 特任准教授
- 2012年04月01日, 2013年12月31日, 東京大学, 大学院工学系研究科都市工学専攻, 日本学術振興会特別研究員PD
- 2012年08月, 2012年07月, カーネギーメロン大学, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, 客員研究員
- 2017年03月, アジア工科大学, School of Engineering and Technology, 客員准教授
- 2017年04月01日, 2020年03月31日, 広島大学, 国際協力研究科, 准教授
- 博士(工学) (広島大学)
- 修士(工学) (広島大学)
- 2024年, 学部専門, セメスター(前期), アジャイル・ワークショップ短期研修
- 2024年, 学部専門, 3ターム, 環境リスク管理
- 2024年, 学部専門, 4ターム, Natural Disasters and Society I (自然災害と社会 I)
- 2024年, 学部専門, 4ターム, Natural Disasters and Society II (自然災害と社会 II)
- 2024年, 学部専門, 2ターム, 科学技術英語演習
- 2024年, 学部専門, 3ターム, 社会基盤環境デザイン
- 2024年, 学部専門, 通年, 卒業論文
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 年度, 理工学融合特別研究(2024年4月博士課程前期入学生用)
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 年度, 理工学融合特別研究(2024年10月博士課程前期入学生用)
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, セメスター(前期), 理工学融合特別演習A
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, セメスター(後期), 理工学融合特別演習B
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 3ターム, 理工学融合共通科目3:レジリエントな発展
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 2ターム, Environmental Management
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 1ターム, International Environmental Cooperation Studies
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 2ターム, Transportation Planning
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 4ターム, Fundamentals of Survey Methodology
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, セメスター(後期), Special Seminar for Linkage Program I
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 4ターム, Data Analytics for Sustainable Development
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, 年度, Seminar on Doctoral Dissertation
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, 年度, Seminar on Master Thesis
- Representing the influence of multiple social interactions on monthly tourism participation behavior, TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 36巻, pp. 480-489, 2013
- Environmental sustainability or equity in welfare? Analysing passenger flows of a mass rapid transit system with heterogeneous demand, RESEARCH IN TRANSPORTATION ECONOMICS, 97巻, 202303
- Sustaining self-restraint until the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic in Tokyo, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12巻, 1号, 20221202
- Activity detection with google maps location history data: Factors affecting joint activity detection probability and its potential application on real social networks, TRAVEL BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIETY, 30巻, pp. 344-357, 202301
- Exploring Natural and Social Factors Affecting Road Disruption Patterns and the Duration of Recovery: A Case from Hiroshima, Japan, SUSTAINABILITY, 14巻, 18号, 202209
- On the empirical association between spatial agglomeration of commercial facilities and transportation systems in Japan: A nationwide analysis, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND LAND USE, 15巻, 1号, pp. 463-480, 2022
- Exploring the impacts of online food delivery service on facility distribution: A case of Jakarta, Indonesia, Asian Transport Studies, 2022
- Impact of Transport Network Disruption on Travel Demand: A Case Study of July 2018 Heavy Rain Disaster, Japan, Asian Transport Studies, 8巻, pp. 100057, 2022
- Empirical models of consumer and merchant behavior in the two-sided market of local currency, Asian Transport Studies, 8巻, pp. 100051, 2022
- The Architecture of Complexity in the Relationships Between Information and Communication Technologies and Travel: A Review of Empirical Studies, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 11巻, pp. 100432, 2021
- Autonomous Bus Pilot Project Testing and Demonstration using Light Rail Transit Track, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH, 20巻, 2号, pp. 359-378, 202208
- Entropy Tucker model: Mining latent mobility patterns with simultaneous estimation of travel impedance parameters, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, 137巻, 202204
- Joint analysis of mode and travel-based multitasking choices in Mumbai, India, TRAVEL BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIETY, 27巻, pp. 148-161, 202204
- Analysis of post-disaster population movement by using mobile spatial statistics, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION, 54巻, 20210215
- Unified closed-form expression of logit and weibit and its extension to a transportation network equilibrium assignment, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL, 81巻, pp. 672-685, 2015
- Exploring spillover effects of Mobility Management: A case study on changes in electricity consumptions by the Great East Japan Earthquake, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 3巻, 2号, pp. 111-119, 20140902
- A joint analysis of residential location, work location and commuting mode choices in Hanoi, Vietnam, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 54巻, pp. 181-193, 201606
- Discrete choice models with q-product random utilities, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL, 93巻, pp. 576-595, 2016
- Time use of urban poor and rural poor on activity and travel in Gujarat, India: Similarities and differences, Asian Transport Studies, 4巻, 1号, pp. 19-36, 2016
- Influences of tour complexity and trip flexibility on stated commuting mode: A case of mass rapid transit in Ho Chi Minh City, Asian Transport Studies, 4巻, 3号, pp. 536-549, 2017
- Elderly’s heterogeneous responses to topographical factors in travel mode choice within a hilly neighborhood: An analysis based on combined GPS and paper-based surveys, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 17巻, 3号, pp. 411-424, 2017
- Elderly's heterogeneous responses to topographical factors in travel mode choice within a hilly neighborhood: An analysis based on combined GPS and paper-based surveys, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE RESEARCH, 17巻, 3号, pp. 411-424, 20171222
- Exploring Variation Properties of Departure Time Choice Behavior by Using Multilevel Analysis Approach, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 2134号, pp. 10-20, 2009
- Spatiotemporal Changes of Traffic Demand Price Elasticities in Japan Throughout 2008 Bayesian Approach, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 2156号, pp. 81-92, 2010
- Exploring Variation Properties of Time Use Behavior on the Basis of, a Multilevel Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value Model, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 2156号, pp. 101-110, 2010
- Identifying variations and co-variations in discrete choice models, TRANSPORTATION, 38巻, 6号, pp. 993-1016, 2011
- Changes in Variations of Travel Time Expenditure Some Methodological Considerations and Empirical Results from German Mobility Panel, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 2230号, pp. 121-131, 2011
- Effects of nursing care on time use behaviour: a comparative analysis in Japan, TRANSPORTMETRICA, 8巻, 3号, pp. 181-208, 2012
- A Unified Closed-form Expression of Logit and Weibit and its Application to a Transportation Network Equilibrium Assignment, Transportation Research Procedia, 7巻, pp. 59-74, 20150101
- Elderly’s heterogeneous responses to topographical factors in travel mode choice within a hilly neighborhood: An analysis based on combined GPS and paper-based surveys, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 17巻, 3号, pp. 411-424, 20170101
- Effects of a GPS-enabled smart phone App with functions of driving safety diagnosis and warning information provision on over-speeding violation behavior on expressways, Transportation Research Procedia, 25巻, pp. 1820-1828, 20170101
- Mediation effects of income on travel mode choice: Analysis of short-distance trips based on path analysis with multiple discrete outcomes, Transportation Research Record, In press巻
- Public Acceptance of Designated Driver Service for Alcohol-Drinking Drivers in Hanoi, Asian Transport Studies, In press巻
- Influences of pick-up/drop-off trips for children at school on parents' commuting mode choice in Ho Chi Minh City: A stated preference approach, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, In press巻
- Exploring the Influence of Social Capital at Different Levels on Trip Generation and Destination Choice for Discretionary Activities, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
- A framework to analyze capability and travel in formal and informal urban settings: A case from Mumbai, Journal of Transport Geography
- A framework to analyze capability and travel in formal and informal urban settings: A case from Mumbai, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 65巻, pp. 101-110, 201712
- Vibration Sensing of a Bridge Model Using a Multithread Active Vision System, IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, 23巻, 1号, pp. 179-189, 201802
- Mediation Effects of Income on Travel Mode Choice Analysis of Short-Distance Trips Based on Path Analysis with Multiple Discrete Outcomes, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 2664号, pp. 23-30, 2017
- Exploring variation properties of departure time choice behavior by using multilevel analysis approach, Transportation Research Record, 2134号, pp. 10-20, 20091201
- Spatiotemporal changes of traffic demand price elasticities in Japan throughout 2008: Bayesian approach, Transportation Research Record, 2156号, pp. 81-92, 20100112
- Exploring variation properties of time use behavior on the basis of a multilevel multiple discrete-continuous extreme value model, Transportation Research Record, 2156号, pp. 101-110, 20100112
- Identifying variations and co-variations in discrete choice models, Transportation, 38巻, 6号, pp. 993-1016, 20111101
- Changes in variations of travel time expenditure: Some methodological considerations and empirical results from German mobility panel, Transportation Research Record, 2230号, pp. 121-131, 20111201
- Effects of nursing care on time use behaviour: A comparative analysis in Japan, Transportmetrica, 8巻, 3号, pp. 181-208, 20120501
- Exploring spillover effects of Mobility Management: A case study on changes in electricity consumptions by the Great East Japan Earthquake, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 3巻, 2号, pp. 111-119, 20150101
- Unified closed-form expression of logit and weibit and its extension to a transportation network equilibrium assignment, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 81巻, pp. 672-685, 20151101
- A joint analysis of residential location, work location and commuting mode choices in Hanoi, Vietnam, Journal of Transport Geography, 54巻, pp. 181-193, 20160601
- Discrete choice models with q-product random utilities, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 93巻, pp. 576-595, 20161101
- Vision-Based Modal Analysis Using Multiple Vibration Distribution Synthesis to Inspect Large-Scale Structures, JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 141巻, 3号, 201903
- Representing the influence of multiple social interactions on monthly tourism participation behavior, TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 36巻, pp. 480-489, 2013
- Interdependences between household residential and car ownership behavior: a life history analysis, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 34巻, pp. 165-174, 2014
- On the effect of the built environment and preferences on non-work travel: Evidence from Japan, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE RESEARCH, 15巻, 1号, pp. 51-65, 2015
- The moderating effects of urbanization on carbon dioxide emissions: A latent class modeling approach, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, 90巻, pp. 302-317, 2015
- Exploring spillover effects of Mobility Management: A case study on changes in electricity consumptions by the Great East Japan Earthquake, CASE STUDIES ON TRANSPORT POLICY, 3巻, 2号, pp. 111-119, 2015
- A joint analysis of residential location, work location and commuting mode choices in Hanoi, Vietnam, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 54巻, pp. 181-193, 2016
- Elderly's heterogeneous responses to topographical factors in travel mode choice within a hilly neighborhood: An analysis based on combined GPS and paper-based surveys, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE RESEARCH, 17巻, 3号, pp. 411-424, 2017
- A framework to analyze capability and travel in formal and informal urban settings: A case from Mumbai, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 65巻, pp. 101-110, 2017
- Vibration Sensing of a Bridge Model Using a Multithread Active Vision System, IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, 23巻, 1号, pp. 179-189, 2018
- Mediation Effects of Income on Travel Mode Choice Analysis of Short-Distance Trips Based on Path Analysis with Multiple Discrete Outcomes, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 2664号, pp. 23-30, 2017
- Decisions on truck parking place and time on expressways: an analysis using digital tachograph data, Transportation, pp. 1-29, 201806
- ★, 大規模小売店舗の出店が既存小売店舗の撤退及び売上げに与えた影響, 土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学), 74巻, 4号, pp. 243-269, 2018
- ★, 社会的相互作用に着目したエビデンスベース研究の展開と土木計画への応用可能性, 土木学会論文集D3 (土木計画学), 74巻, 5号, pp. I_715-I_734, 2018
- 車種及び距離帯を考慮した貨物車経路選択行動のモデル分析, 土木学会論文集D3 (土木計画学), 74巻, 5号, pp. I_657-I_666, 2018
- Decisions on truck parking place and time on expressways: an analysis using digital tachograph data, TRANSPORTATION, 47巻, 2号, pp. 555-583, 202004
- Spatial unconditional quantile regression: application to Japanese parking price data, ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, 65巻, 2号, pp. 351-402, 202010
- Overview of LHD experiments, NUCLEAR FUSION, 41巻, 10号, pp. 1355-1367, 2001
- Overview of LHD experiments, NUCLEAR FUSION, 41巻, 10号, pp. 1355-1367, 2001
- Overview of LHD experiments, NUCLEAR FUSION, 41巻, 10号, pp. 1355-1367, 2001
- Organic hydrogen-carbon isotope signatures of terrestrial higher plants during biosynthesis for distinctive photosynthetic pathways, GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 35巻, 6号, pp. 451-458, 2001
- Organic hydrogen-carbon isotope signatures of terrestrial higher plants during biosynthesis for distinctive photosynthetic pathways, GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 35巻, 6号, pp. 451-458, 2001
- Organic hydrogen-carbon isotope signatures of terrestrial higher plants during biosynthesis for distinctive photosynthetic pathways, GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 35巻, 6号, pp. 451-458, 2001
- Stabilization of power system for large-scaled experimental fusion facility, FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 58-59巻, pp. 35-39, 2001
- Stabilization of power system for large-scaled experimental fusion facility, FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 58-59巻, pp. 35-39, 2001
- Stabilization of power system for large-scaled experimental fusion facility, FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 58-59巻, pp. 35-39, 2001
- Compound-specific delta D-delta C-13 analyses of n-alkanes extracted from terrestrial and aquatic plants, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 63巻, 3号, pp. 361-371, 2003
- Compound-specific delta D-delta C-13 analyses of n-alkanes extracted from terrestrial and aquatic plants, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 63巻, 3号, pp. 361-371, 2003
- Compound-specific delta D-delta C-13 analyses of n-alkanes extracted from terrestrial and aquatic plants, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 63巻, 3号, pp. 361-371, 2003
- Carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionations during lipid biosyntheses in higher plants, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 67巻, 18号, pp. A64-A64, 2003
- Carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionations during lipid biosyntheses in higher plants, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 67巻, 18号, pp. A64-A64, 2003
- Carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionations during lipid biosyntheses in higher plants, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 67巻, 18号, pp. A64-A64, 2003
- Carbon isotope fractionation of monoaromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated ethylenes during oxidation by Fenton's reagent, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 67巻, 18号, pp. A382-A382, 2003
- Carbon isotope fractionation of monoaromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated ethylenes during oxidation by Fenton's reagent, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 67巻, 18号, pp. A382-A382, 2003
- Carbon isotope fractionation of monoaromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated ethylenes during oxidation by Fenton's reagent, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 67巻, 18号, pp. A382-A382, 2003
- Preparation of platinum(II) complexes with L-serine using KI. X-ray crystal structure, HPLC and Pt-195 NMR spectra, JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY, 97巻, 2号, pp. 240-248, 2003
- Preparation of platinum(II) complexes with L-serine using KI. X-ray crystal structure, HPLC and Pt-195 NMR spectra, JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY, 97巻, 2号, pp. 240-248, 2003
- Preparation of platinum(II) complexes with L-serine using KI. X-ray crystal structure, HPLC and Pt-195 NMR spectra, JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY, 97巻, 2号, pp. 240-248, 2003
- Carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionation during lipid biosynthesis in a higher plant (Cryptomeria japonica), PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65巻, 3号, pp. 323-330, 2004
- Carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionation during lipid biosynthesis in a higher plant (Cryptomeria japonica), PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65巻, 3号, pp. 323-330, 2004
- Carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionation during lipid biosynthesis in a higher plant (Cryptomeria japonica), PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65巻, 3号, pp. 323-330, 2004
- Carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of sterols in riverine-marine sediments, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 68巻, 11号, pp. A338-A338, 2004
- Carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of sterols in riverine-marine sediments, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 68巻, 11号, pp. A338-A338, 2004
- Carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of sterols in riverine-marine sediments, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 68巻, 11号, pp. A338-A338, 2004
- Hydrogen and carbon isotopic fractionations of lipid biosynthesis among terrestrial (C3, C4 and CAM) and aquatic plants, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65巻, 10号, pp. 1369-1381, 2004
- Hydrogen and carbon isotopic fractionations of lipid biosynthesis among terrestrial (C3, C4 and CAM) and aquatic plants, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65巻, 10号, pp. 1369-1381, 2004
- Hydrogen and carbon isotopic fractionations of lipid biosynthesis among terrestrial (C3, C4 and CAM) and aquatic plants, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65巻, 10号, pp. 1369-1381, 2004
- Basic study on conductive characteristics of SiC power device for its application to AC/DC converter, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, 14巻, 2号, pp. 690-692, 2004
- Basic study on conductive characteristics of SiC power device for its application to AC/DC converter, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, 14巻, 2号, pp. 690-692, 2004
- Basic study on conductive characteristics of SiC power device for its application to AC/DC converter, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, 14巻, 2号, pp. 690-692, 2004
- Hydrogen isotopic fractionations during desaturation and elongation associated with polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in marine macroalgae, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65巻, 15号, pp. 2293-2300, 2004
- Hydrogen isotopic fractionations during desaturation and elongation associated with polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in marine macroalgae, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65巻, 15号, pp. 2293-2300, 2004
- Hydrogen isotopic fractionations during desaturation and elongation associated with polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in marine macroalgae, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65巻, 15号, pp. 2293-2300, 2004
- Ultrasonic tissue characterization using integrated backscatter is a non-invasive predictor of the effectiveness of beta-blocker therapy in chronic heart failure, JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE, 10巻, 5号, pp. S169-S169, 2004
- Ultrasonic tissue characterization using integrated backscatter is a non-invasive predictor of the effectiveness of beta-blocker therapy in chronic heart failure, JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE, 10巻, 5号, pp. S169-S169, 2004
- Ultrasonic tissue characterization using integrated backscatter is a non-invasive predictor of the effectiveness of beta-blocker therapy in chronic heart failure, JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE, 10巻, 5号, pp. S169-S169, 2004
- A new self-assembling capsule via metal coordination, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 18号, pp. 2321-2323, 2005
- A new self-assembling capsule via metal coordination, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 18号, pp. 2321-2323, 2005
- A new self-assembling capsule via metal coordination, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 18号, pp. 2321-2323, 2005
- A novel method to control the balance of skin microflora - Part 2. A study to assess the effect of a cream containing farnesol and xylitol on atopic dry skin, JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 38巻, 3号, pp. 207-213, 2005
- A novel method to control the balance of skin microflora - Part 2. A study to assess the effect of a cream containing farnesol and xylitol on atopic dry skin, JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 38巻, 3号, pp. 207-213, 2005
- A novel method to control the balance of skin microflora - Part 2. A study to assess the effect of a cream containing farnesol and xylitol on atopic dry skin, JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 38巻, 3号, pp. 207-213, 2005
- delta C-13 and delta D identification of sources of lipid biomarkers in sediments of Lake Haruna (Japan), GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 69巻, 13号, pp. 3285-3297, 2005
- delta C-13 and delta D identification of sources of lipid biomarkers in sediments of Lake Haruna (Japan), GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 69巻, 13号, pp. 3285-3297, 2005
- delta C-13 and delta D identification of sources of lipid biomarkers in sediments of Lake Haruna (Japan), GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 69巻, 13号, pp. 3285-3297, 2005
- Headache of foramen magnum syndrome, CEPHALALGIA, 25巻, 10号, pp. 1017-1018, 2005
- Headache of foramen magnum syndrome, CEPHALALGIA, 25巻, 10号, pp. 1017-1018, 2005
- Headache of foramen magnum syndrome, CEPHALALGIA, 25巻, 10号, pp. 1017-1018, 2005
- A novel method to control the balance of skin microflora Part 2. A study to assess the effect of a cream containing farnesol and xylitol on atopic dry skin (vol 38, pg 207, 2005), JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 39巻, 3号, pp. 197-197, 2005
- A novel method to control the balance of skin microflora Part 2. A study to assess the effect of a cream containing farnesol and xylitol on atopic dry skin (vol 38, pg 207, 2005), JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 39巻, 3号, pp. 197-197, 2005
- A novel method to control the balance of skin microflora Part 2. A study to assess the effect of a cream containing farnesol and xylitol on atopic dry skin (vol 38, pg 207, 2005), JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 39巻, 3号, pp. 197-197, 2005
- Carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of sterols from riverine and marine sediments, LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY, 50巻, 6号, pp. 1763-1770, 2005
- Carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of sterols from riverine and marine sediments, LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY, 50巻, 6号, pp. 1763-1770, 2005
- Carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of sterols from riverine and marine sediments, LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY, 50巻, 6号, pp. 1763-1770, 2005
- Representing the influence of multiple social interactions on monthly tourism participation behavior, TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 36巻, pp. 480-489, 2013
- Interdependences between household residential and car ownership behavior: a life history analysis, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 34巻, pp. 165-174, 2014
- On the effect of the built environment and preferences on non-work travel: Evidence from Japan, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE RESEARCH, 15巻, 1号, pp. 51-65, 2015
- Representing the influence of multiple social interactions on monthly tourism participation behavior, TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 36巻, pp. 480-489, 2013
- Interdependences between household residential and car ownership behavior: a life history analysis, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 34巻, pp. 165-174, 2014
- On the effect of the built environment and preferences on non-work travel: Evidence from Japan, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE RESEARCH, 15巻, 1号, pp. 51-65, 2015
- The moderating effects of urbanization on carbon dioxide emissions: A latent class modeling approach, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, 90巻, pp. 302-317, 2015
- A framework to analyze capability and travel in formal and informal urban settings: A case from Mumbai, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 65巻, pp. 101-110, 2017
- Mediation Effects of Income on Travel Mode Choice Analysis of Short-Distance Trips Based on Path Analysis with Multiple Discrete Outcomes, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 2664号, pp. 23-30, 2017
- Analysis of Travel-Time Use in Crowded Trains using Discrete-Continuous Choices of Commuters in Tokyo, Japan, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 2674巻, 10号, pp. 189-198, 202010
- On the possibility of short-term traffic prediction during disaster with machine learning approaches: An exploratory analysis, TRANSPORT POLICY, 98巻, pp. 91-104, 202011
- Risk perception and social acceptability of autonomous vehicles: A case study in Hiroshima, Japan, TRANSPORT POLICY, 98巻, pp. 105-115, 202011
- How different are daily fluctuations and weekly rhythms in time-use behavior across urban settings? A case in two Japanese cities, TRAVEL BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIETY, 22巻, pp. 146-154, 202101
- Road network vulnerability and city-level characteristics: A nationwide comparative analysis of Japanese cities, ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-URBAN ANALYTICS AND CITY SCIENCE, 48巻, 5号, pp. 1091-1107, 202106
- Integrated Framework for Risk and Impact Assessment of Sediment Hazard on a Road Network, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 2675巻, 7号, pp. 602-615, 202107
- Doubly generalized logit: A closed-form discrete choice model system with multivariate generalized extreme value distributed utilities, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, 132巻, 202111
- 2015年, 市民生活行動学, 土木学, 土木学会土木計画学研究委員会市民生活行動研究小委員会編集, 9784810608502
- 2011年, 定点観測データを用いた交通需要構造変化の簡易モニタリング, 日本交通政策研究, 力石真著
- 2016年, オールド・ニュータウンにおけるコミュニティ主体のPM共同利用サービスの住民受容性, 交通工学研究発表会論文集, 倉橋 一将;力石 真;藤原 章正
- 2013年, 海外通信 米国における交通関連オープンデータの現状と活用, 運輸政策研究 / 運輸政策研究機構 [編], 力石 真
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- 2015年06月, 地方の交通まちづくりと交通政策基本法 : 都市計画とモビリティ政策のアンチノミー解消に向けて, 運輸と経済, 藤原 章正;力石 真
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- 2022年06月05日, 令和4年度 土木学会土木計画学研究発表会優秀ポスター賞, 公益社団法人土木学会土木計画学研究委員会委員長, コロナ禍における公共交通の混雑費用の推定と利用促進策のシミュレーション分析
- 2021年10月04日, 道路政策の質の向上に資する技術研究開発 優秀技術研究開発賞, 新道路技術会議委員長, AI技術に基づく短期交通予測手法と総合的な交通需要マネジメントの研究開発
- 2021年09月14日, EASTS2021 Yasoshima Yoshinosuke Prize, Chairperson of ATS/Awarding sub-committee of EASTS, Impact of Transport Network Disruption on Travel Demand:A Case Study of July 2018 Heavy Rain Disaster, Japan
- 2021年09月14日, EASTS2021 Best Paper Award for "Discovering interesting facts", Chairperson of ATS/Awarding sub-committee of EASTS, Empirical Models of Consumer and Merchant Behavior in the Two-Sided Market of Local Currency
- 2020年06月01日, 令和2年度中国情報通信懇談会表彰, 中国情報通信懇談会会長
- 2019年07月19日, 2019年度日本モビリティ会議 プロジェクト賞, JCOMM実行委員会代表理事
- 2010年11月26日, 第6回米谷・佐佐木賞「学位論文部門」, (社)システム科学研究所「米谷・佐佐木賞選考委員会」
- 2010年05月26日, 道路と交通論文賞, 財団法人高速道路調査会交通論文賞選考委員会経済・社会部門
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- 科学研究費助成事業(若手研究(B)), マクロ構造へのフィードバックを考慮した生活行動シミュレーションモデルの開発と適用, 2014年, 2016年
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- 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A)), 市民生活行動学の構築による部門横断型まちづくりのための政策意思決定方法論の開発, 2010年, 2013年
- 科学研究費助成事業(研究活動スタート支援), 交通行動調査の最適設計に向けた変動・変化の構造化手法の開発及びその適用, 2010年, 2011年
- 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A)), 地方都市への若者の移住・定住促進策に関する学融合研究, 2015年, 2019年
- 科学研究費助成事業(若手研究(A)), 社会環境と行為の共進化による自律分散的な都市・交通システム創発現象のモデル分析, 2017年, 2020年
- 科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的研究(萌芽)), 次世代モビリティ導入を想定した交通・土地利用モデルの開発とその不確実性分析, 2017年, 2019年
- 科学研究費助成事業(若手研究(A)), 社会環境と行為の共進化による自律分散的な都市・交通システム創発現象のモデル分析, 2017年, 2020年
- 科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的研究(萌芽)), 次世代モビリティ導入を想定した交通・土地利用モデルの開発とその不確実性分析, 2017年, 2019年
- 道路政策の質向上に資する技術研究開発, AI技術に基づく短期交通予測手法と総合的な交通需要マネジメントの研究開発, 2018年, 2020年
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