Last Updated :2025/01/08

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Professor
My research interest is in how infrastructure organizes society.

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2010/04/01, 2010/04/30, Hiroshima University, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Researcher
  • 2010/05/01, 2012/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Assistant Professor (Special Appointment)
  • 2014/01/01, 2017/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Associate Professor (Special Appointment)
  • 2012/04/01, 2013/12/31, The University of Tokyo, Department of Urban Engineering, JSPS Research Fellow
  • 2012/08, 2012/07, Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Visiting Scholar
  • 2017/03, Asian Institute of Technology, School of Engineering and Technology, Visiting Faculty
  • 2017/04/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Associate Professor

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Engineering, Hiroshima University
  • Master of Engineering, Hiroshima University

Research Fields

  • Engineering;Civil engineering;Civil engineering project / Traffic engineering

Research Keywords

  • Urban planning; Transportation planning; Risk analysis

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Agile workshop short term training
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Environmental Risk Management
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Natural Disasters and Society I
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Natural Disasters and Society II
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Exercise of Technical English
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Design of Infrastructures
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Year, Graduation Thesis
  8. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering(April 2024 Master's Students)
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering(October 2024 Master's Students)
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Exercises of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering A
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Exercises of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering B
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program Common Subjects 3 (Resilient Development)
  13. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Environmental Management
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, International Environmental Cooperation Studies
  15. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Transportation Planning
  16. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Fundamentals of Survey Methodology
  17. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Seminar for Linkage Program I
  18. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Data Analytics for Sustainable Development
  19. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Seminar on Doctoral Dissertation
  20. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Seminar on Master Thesis

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Representing the influence of multiple social interactions on monthly tourism participation behavior, TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 36, 480-489, 2013
  2. Environmental sustainability or equity in welfare? Analysing passenger flows of a mass rapid transit system with heterogeneous demand, RESEARCH IN TRANSPORTATION ECONOMICS, 97, 202303
  3. Sustaining self-restraint until the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic in Tokyo, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12(1), 20221202
  4. Activity detection with google maps location history data: Factors affecting joint activity detection probability and its potential application on real social networks, TRAVEL BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIETY, 30, 344-357, 202301
  5. Exploring Natural and Social Factors Affecting Road Disruption Patterns and the Duration of Recovery: A Case from Hiroshima, Japan, SUSTAINABILITY, 14(18), 202209
  6. On the empirical association between spatial agglomeration of commercial facilities and transportation systems in Japan: A nationwide analysis, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND LAND USE, 15(1), 463-480, 2022
  7. Exploring the impacts of online food delivery service on facility distribution: A case of Jakarta, Indonesia, Asian Transport Studies, 2022
  8. Impact of Transport Network Disruption on Travel Demand: A Case Study of July 2018 Heavy Rain Disaster, Japan, Asian Transport Studies, 8, 100057, 2022
  9. Empirical models of consumer and merchant behavior in the two-sided market of local currency, Asian Transport Studies, 8, 100051, 2022
  10. The Architecture of Complexity in the Relationships Between Information and Communication Technologies and Travel: A Review of Empirical Studies, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 11, 100432, 2021
  11. Autonomous Bus Pilot Project Testing and Demonstration using Light Rail Transit Track, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH, 20(2), 359-378, 202208
  12. Entropy Tucker model: Mining latent mobility patterns with simultaneous estimation of travel impedance parameters, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, 137, 202204
  13. Joint analysis of mode and travel-based multitasking choices in Mumbai, India, TRAVEL BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIETY, 27, 148-161, 202204
  14. Analysis of post-disaster population movement by using mobile spatial statistics, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION, 54, 20210215
  15. Unified closed-form expression of logit and weibit and its extension to a transportation network equilibrium assignment, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL, 81, 672-685, 2015
  16. Exploring spillover effects of Mobility Management: A case study on changes in electricity consumptions by the Great East Japan Earthquake, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 3(2), 111-119, 20140902
  18. A joint analysis of residential location, work location and commuting mode choices in Hanoi, Vietnam, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 54, 181-193, 201606
  19. Discrete choice models with q-product random utilities, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL, 93, 576-595, 2016
  20. Time use of urban poor and rural poor on activity and travel in Gujarat, India: Similarities and differences, Asian Transport Studies, 4(1), 19-36, 2016
  21. Influences of tour complexity and trip flexibility on stated commuting mode: A case of mass rapid transit in Ho Chi Minh City, Asian Transport Studies, 4(3), 536-549, 2017
  22. Elderly’s heterogeneous responses to topographical factors in travel mode choice within a hilly neighborhood: An analysis based on combined GPS and paper-based surveys, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 17(3), 411-424, 2017
  23. Elderly's heterogeneous responses to topographical factors in travel mode choice within a hilly neighborhood: An analysis based on combined GPS and paper-based surveys, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE RESEARCH, 17(3), 411-424, 20171222
  24. Exploring Variation Properties of Departure Time Choice Behavior by Using Multilevel Analysis Approach, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 10-20, 2009
  25. Spatiotemporal Changes of Traffic Demand Price Elasticities in Japan Throughout 2008 Bayesian Approach, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 81-92, 2010
  26. Exploring Variation Properties of Time Use Behavior on the Basis of, a Multilevel Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value Model, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 101-110, 2010
  27. Identifying variations and co-variations in discrete choice models, TRANSPORTATION, 38(6), 993-1016, 2011
  28. Changes in Variations of Travel Time Expenditure Some Methodological Considerations and Empirical Results from German Mobility Panel, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 121-131, 2011
  29. Effects of nursing care on time use behaviour: a comparative analysis in Japan, TRANSPORTMETRICA, 8(3), 181-208, 2012
  30. A Unified Closed-form Expression of Logit and Weibit and its Application to a Transportation Network Equilibrium Assignment, Transportation Research Procedia, 7, 59-74, 20150101
  31. Elderly’s heterogeneous responses to topographical factors in travel mode choice within a hilly neighborhood: An analysis based on combined GPS and paper-based surveys, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 17(3), 411-424, 20170101
  32. Effects of a GPS-enabled smart phone App with functions of driving safety diagnosis and warning information provision on over-speeding violation behavior on expressways, Transportation Research Procedia, 25, 1820-1828, 20170101
  33. Mediation effects of income on travel mode choice: Analysis of short-distance trips based on path analysis with multiple discrete outcomes, Transportation Research Record, In press
  34. Public Acceptance of Designated Driver Service for Alcohol-Drinking Drivers in Hanoi, Asian Transport Studies, In press
  35. Influences of pick-up/drop-off trips for children at school on parents' commuting mode choice in Ho Chi Minh City: A stated preference approach, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, In press
  36. Exploring the Influence of Social Capital at Different Levels on Trip Generation and Destination Choice for Discretionary Activities, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
  37. A framework to analyze capability and travel in formal and informal urban settings: A case from Mumbai, Journal of Transport Geography
  38. A framework to analyze capability and travel in formal and informal urban settings: A case from Mumbai, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 65, 101-110, 201712
  39. Vibration Sensing of a Bridge Model Using a Multithread Active Vision System, IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, 23(1), 179-189, 201802
  40. Mediation Effects of Income on Travel Mode Choice Analysis of Short-Distance Trips Based on Path Analysis with Multiple Discrete Outcomes, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 23-30, 2017
  41. Exploring variation properties of departure time choice behavior by using multilevel analysis approach, Transportation Research Record, 10-20, 20091201
  42. Spatiotemporal changes of traffic demand price elasticities in Japan throughout 2008: Bayesian approach, Transportation Research Record, 81-92, 20100112
  43. Exploring variation properties of time use behavior on the basis of a multilevel multiple discrete-continuous extreme value model, Transportation Research Record, 101-110, 20100112
  44. Identifying variations and co-variations in discrete choice models, Transportation, 38(6), 993-1016, 20111101
  45. Changes in variations of travel time expenditure: Some methodological considerations and empirical results from German mobility panel, Transportation Research Record, 121-131, 20111201
  46. Effects of nursing care on time use behaviour: A comparative analysis in Japan, Transportmetrica, 8(3), 181-208, 20120501
  47. Exploring spillover effects of Mobility Management: A case study on changes in electricity consumptions by the Great East Japan Earthquake, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 3(2), 111-119, 20150101
  48. Unified closed-form expression of logit and weibit and its extension to a transportation network equilibrium assignment, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 81, 672-685, 20151101
  49. A joint analysis of residential location, work location and commuting mode choices in Hanoi, Vietnam, Journal of Transport Geography, 54, 181-193, 20160601
  50. Discrete choice models with q-product random utilities, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 93, 576-595, 20161101
  51. Vision-Based Modal Analysis Using Multiple Vibration Distribution Synthesis to Inspect Large-Scale Structures, JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 141(3), 201903
  52. Representing the influence of multiple social interactions on monthly tourism participation behavior, TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 36, 480-489, 2013
  53. Interdependences between household residential and car ownership behavior: a life history analysis, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 34, 165-174, 2014
  54. On the effect of the built environment and preferences on non-work travel: Evidence from Japan, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE RESEARCH, 15(1), 51-65, 2015
  55. The moderating effects of urbanization on carbon dioxide emissions: A latent class modeling approach, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, 90, 302-317, 2015
  56. Exploring spillover effects of Mobility Management: A case study on changes in electricity consumptions by the Great East Japan Earthquake, CASE STUDIES ON TRANSPORT POLICY, 3(2), 111-119, 2015
  57. A joint analysis of residential location, work location and commuting mode choices in Hanoi, Vietnam, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 54, 181-193, 2016
  58. Elderly's heterogeneous responses to topographical factors in travel mode choice within a hilly neighborhood: An analysis based on combined GPS and paper-based surveys, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE RESEARCH, 17(3), 411-424, 2017
  59. A framework to analyze capability and travel in formal and informal urban settings: A case from Mumbai, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 65, 101-110, 2017
  60. Vibration Sensing of a Bridge Model Using a Multithread Active Vision System, IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, 23(1), 179-189, 2018
  61. Mediation Effects of Income on Travel Mode Choice Analysis of Short-Distance Trips Based on Path Analysis with Multiple Discrete Outcomes, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 23-30, 2017
  62. Decisions on truck parking place and time on expressways: an analysis using digital tachograph data, Transportation, 1-29, 201806
  63. Decisions on truck parking place and time on expressways: an analysis using digital tachograph data, TRANSPORTATION, 47(2), 555-583, 202004
  64. Spatial unconditional quantile regression: application to Japanese parking price data, ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, 65(2), 351-402, 202010
  65. Overview of LHD experiments, NUCLEAR FUSION, 41(10), 1355-1367, 2001
  66. Overview of LHD experiments, NUCLEAR FUSION, 41(10), 1355-1367, 2001
  67. Overview of LHD experiments, NUCLEAR FUSION, 41(10), 1355-1367, 2001
  68. Organic hydrogen-carbon isotope signatures of terrestrial higher plants during biosynthesis for distinctive photosynthetic pathways, GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 35(6), 451-458, 2001
  69. Organic hydrogen-carbon isotope signatures of terrestrial higher plants during biosynthesis for distinctive photosynthetic pathways, GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 35(6), 451-458, 2001
  70. Organic hydrogen-carbon isotope signatures of terrestrial higher plants during biosynthesis for distinctive photosynthetic pathways, GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 35(6), 451-458, 2001
  71. Stabilization of power system for large-scaled experimental fusion facility, FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 58-59, 35-39, 2001
  72. Stabilization of power system for large-scaled experimental fusion facility, FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 58-59, 35-39, 2001
  73. Stabilization of power system for large-scaled experimental fusion facility, FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 58-59, 35-39, 2001
  74. Compound-specific delta D-delta C-13 analyses of n-alkanes extracted from terrestrial and aquatic plants, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 63(3), 361-371, 2003
  75. Compound-specific delta D-delta C-13 analyses of n-alkanes extracted from terrestrial and aquatic plants, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 63(3), 361-371, 2003
  76. Compound-specific delta D-delta C-13 analyses of n-alkanes extracted from terrestrial and aquatic plants, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 63(3), 361-371, 2003
  77. Carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionations during lipid biosyntheses in higher plants, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 67(18), A64-A64, 2003
  78. Carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionations during lipid biosyntheses in higher plants, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 67(18), A64-A64, 2003
  79. Carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionations during lipid biosyntheses in higher plants, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 67(18), A64-A64, 2003
  80. Carbon isotope fractionation of monoaromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated ethylenes during oxidation by Fenton's reagent, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 67(18), A382-A382, 2003
  81. Carbon isotope fractionation of monoaromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated ethylenes during oxidation by Fenton's reagent, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 67(18), A382-A382, 2003
  82. Carbon isotope fractionation of monoaromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated ethylenes during oxidation by Fenton's reagent, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 67(18), A382-A382, 2003
  83. Preparation of platinum(II) complexes with L-serine using KI. X-ray crystal structure, HPLC and Pt-195 NMR spectra, JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY, 97(2), 240-248, 2003
  84. Preparation of platinum(II) complexes with L-serine using KI. X-ray crystal structure, HPLC and Pt-195 NMR spectra, JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY, 97(2), 240-248, 2003
  85. Preparation of platinum(II) complexes with L-serine using KI. X-ray crystal structure, HPLC and Pt-195 NMR spectra, JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY, 97(2), 240-248, 2003
  86. Carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionation during lipid biosynthesis in a higher plant (Cryptomeria japonica), PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65(3), 323-330, 2004
  87. Carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionation during lipid biosynthesis in a higher plant (Cryptomeria japonica), PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65(3), 323-330, 2004
  88. Carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionation during lipid biosynthesis in a higher plant (Cryptomeria japonica), PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65(3), 323-330, 2004
  89. Carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of sterols in riverine-marine sediments, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 68(11), A338-A338, 2004
  90. Carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of sterols in riverine-marine sediments, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 68(11), A338-A338, 2004
  91. Carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of sterols in riverine-marine sediments, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 68(11), A338-A338, 2004
  92. Hydrogen and carbon isotopic fractionations of lipid biosynthesis among terrestrial (C3, C4 and CAM) and aquatic plants, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65(10), 1369-1381, 2004
  93. Hydrogen and carbon isotopic fractionations of lipid biosynthesis among terrestrial (C3, C4 and CAM) and aquatic plants, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65(10), 1369-1381, 2004
  94. Hydrogen and carbon isotopic fractionations of lipid biosynthesis among terrestrial (C3, C4 and CAM) and aquatic plants, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65(10), 1369-1381, 2004
  95. Basic study on conductive characteristics of SiC power device for its application to AC/DC converter, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, 14(2), 690-692, 2004
  96. Basic study on conductive characteristics of SiC power device for its application to AC/DC converter, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, 14(2), 690-692, 2004
  97. Basic study on conductive characteristics of SiC power device for its application to AC/DC converter, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, 14(2), 690-692, 2004
  98. Hydrogen isotopic fractionations during desaturation and elongation associated with polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in marine macroalgae, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65(15), 2293-2300, 2004
  99. Hydrogen isotopic fractionations during desaturation and elongation associated with polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in marine macroalgae, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65(15), 2293-2300, 2004
  100. Hydrogen isotopic fractionations during desaturation and elongation associated with polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in marine macroalgae, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65(15), 2293-2300, 2004
  101. Ultrasonic tissue characterization using integrated backscatter is a non-invasive predictor of the effectiveness of beta-blocker therapy in chronic heart failure, JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE, 10(5), S169-S169, 2004
  102. Ultrasonic tissue characterization using integrated backscatter is a non-invasive predictor of the effectiveness of beta-blocker therapy in chronic heart failure, JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE, 10(5), S169-S169, 2004
  103. Ultrasonic tissue characterization using integrated backscatter is a non-invasive predictor of the effectiveness of beta-blocker therapy in chronic heart failure, JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE, 10(5), S169-S169, 2004
  104. A new self-assembling capsule via metal coordination, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 2321-2323, 2005
  105. A new self-assembling capsule via metal coordination, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 2321-2323, 2005
  106. A new self-assembling capsule via metal coordination, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 2321-2323, 2005
  107. A novel method to control the balance of skin microflora - Part 2. A study to assess the effect of a cream containing farnesol and xylitol on atopic dry skin, JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 38(3), 207-213, 2005
  108. A novel method to control the balance of skin microflora - Part 2. A study to assess the effect of a cream containing farnesol and xylitol on atopic dry skin, JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 38(3), 207-213, 2005
  109. A novel method to control the balance of skin microflora - Part 2. A study to assess the effect of a cream containing farnesol and xylitol on atopic dry skin, JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 38(3), 207-213, 2005
  110. delta C-13 and delta D identification of sources of lipid biomarkers in sediments of Lake Haruna (Japan), GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 69(13), 3285-3297, 2005
  111. delta C-13 and delta D identification of sources of lipid biomarkers in sediments of Lake Haruna (Japan), GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 69(13), 3285-3297, 2005
  112. delta C-13 and delta D identification of sources of lipid biomarkers in sediments of Lake Haruna (Japan), GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 69(13), 3285-3297, 2005
  113. Headache of foramen magnum syndrome, CEPHALALGIA, 25(10), 1017-1018, 2005
  114. Headache of foramen magnum syndrome, CEPHALALGIA, 25(10), 1017-1018, 2005
  115. Headache of foramen magnum syndrome, CEPHALALGIA, 25(10), 1017-1018, 2005
  116. A novel method to control the balance of skin microflora Part 2. A study to assess the effect of a cream containing farnesol and xylitol on atopic dry skin (vol 38, pg 207, 2005), JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 39(3), 197-197, 2005
  117. A novel method to control the balance of skin microflora Part 2. A study to assess the effect of a cream containing farnesol and xylitol on atopic dry skin (vol 38, pg 207, 2005), JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 39(3), 197-197, 2005
  118. A novel method to control the balance of skin microflora Part 2. A study to assess the effect of a cream containing farnesol and xylitol on atopic dry skin (vol 38, pg 207, 2005), JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 39(3), 197-197, 2005
  119. Carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of sterols from riverine and marine sediments, LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY, 50(6), 1763-1770, 2005
  120. Carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of sterols from riverine and marine sediments, LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY, 50(6), 1763-1770, 2005
  121. Carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of sterols from riverine and marine sediments, LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY, 50(6), 1763-1770, 2005
  122. Representing the influence of multiple social interactions on monthly tourism participation behavior, TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 36, 480-489, 2013
  123. Interdependences between household residential and car ownership behavior: a life history analysis, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 34, 165-174, 2014
  124. On the effect of the built environment and preferences on non-work travel: Evidence from Japan, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE RESEARCH, 15(1), 51-65, 2015
  125. Representing the influence of multiple social interactions on monthly tourism participation behavior, TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 36, 480-489, 2013
  126. Interdependences between household residential and car ownership behavior: a life history analysis, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 34, 165-174, 2014
  127. On the effect of the built environment and preferences on non-work travel: Evidence from Japan, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE RESEARCH, 15(1), 51-65, 2015
  128. The moderating effects of urbanization on carbon dioxide emissions: A latent class modeling approach, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, 90, 302-317, 2015
  129. A framework to analyze capability and travel in formal and informal urban settings: A case from Mumbai, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 65, 101-110, 2017
  130. Mediation Effects of Income on Travel Mode Choice Analysis of Short-Distance Trips Based on Path Analysis with Multiple Discrete Outcomes, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 23-30, 2017
  131. Analysis of Travel-Time Use in Crowded Trains using Discrete-Continuous Choices of Commuters in Tokyo, Japan, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 2674(10), 189-198, 202010
  132. On the possibility of short-term traffic prediction during disaster with machine learning approaches: An exploratory analysis, TRANSPORT POLICY, 98, 91-104, 202011
  133. Risk perception and social acceptability of autonomous vehicles: A case study in Hiroshima, Japan, TRANSPORT POLICY, 98, 105-115, 202011
  134. How different are daily fluctuations and weekly rhythms in time-use behavior across urban settings? A case in two Japanese cities, TRAVEL BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIETY, 22, 146-154, 202101
  135. Road network vulnerability and city-level characteristics: A nationwide comparative analysis of Japanese cities, ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-URBAN ANALYTICS AND CITY SCIENCE, 48(5), 1091-1107, 202106
  136. Integrated Framework for Risk and Impact Assessment of Sediment Hazard on a Road Network, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 2675(7), 602-615, 202107
  137. Doubly generalized logit: A closed-form discrete choice model system with multivariate generalized extreme value distributed utilities, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, 132, 202111

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)), 2021, 2023
  2. KAKENHI, 2014, 2016
  3. KAKENHI, A new neghborhood transoprtation planning in "old newtowns", 2011, 2013
  4. KAKENHI, Development of Cross-sectoral Urban Planning and Management Methods Based on Life-oriented Behavioral Studies, 2010, 2013
  5. KAKENHI, Structuring behavioral variations and changes towards optimal survey designs for travel diary survey, 2010, 2011
  6. KAKENHI, 2015, 2019
  7. KAKENHI, 2017, 2020
  8. KAKENHI, 2017, 2019
  9. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A)), 2017, 2020
  10. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)), 2017, 2019
  11. 2018, 2020

Social Activities

Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.

  1. The 3rd International Workshop on Advanced Transport Studies: International workshop on context and social interactions in activity and travel decisions, 2015/03, 2015/03