谷本 圭司Keiji Tanimoto
Last Updated :2025/01/07
- 所属・職名
- 原爆放射線医科学研究所 准教授
- メールアドレス
- ktanimohiroshima-u.ac.jp
- 自己紹介
- 分子生物学(低酸素応答機構,遺伝子発現機構など)および分子腫瘍学
- 2007年04月01日, 2020年03月31日, 広島大学, 原爆放射線医科学研究所, 助教
- 1996年04月01日, 1997年09月30日, 埼玉県立がんセンター研究所, 研究生
- 2001年04月01日, 2007年03月31日, 広島大学, 原爆放射線医科学研究所, 助手
- 2000年01月01日, 2001年03月31日, 日本学術振興会, 特別研究員(PD)
- 1998年07月01日, 1999年12月31日, スウェーデン王立カロリンスカ研究所, 細胞分子生物学部, 訪問研究員
- 2020年04月01日, 広島大学, 原爆放射線医科学研究所, 准教授
- 広島大学, 歯学研究科, 歯学臨床系, 日本, 1994年04月, 1998年03月
- 広島大学, 歯学部, 歯学, 日本, 1988年04月, 1994年03月
- 【学士課程】 医学部 : 医学科 : 医学プログラム
- 【博士課程前期】 医系科学研究科 : 総合健康科学専攻 : 生命医療科学プログラム
- 【博士課程後期】 医系科学研究科 : 総合健康科学専攻 : 生命医療科学プログラム
- 【博士課程】 医系科学研究科 : 医歯薬学専攻 : 放射線医科学専門プログラム
- 医歯薬学 / 歯学 / 機能系基礎歯科学
- 医歯薬学 / 基礎医学 / 病態医化学
- 生物学 / 生物科学 / 細胞生物学
- 生物学 / 生物科学 / 分子生物学
- 総合生物 / ゲノム科学 / ゲノム医科学
- 総合生物 / 腫瘍学 / 腫瘍生物学
- 医歯薬学 / 基礎医学 / 医化学一般
- 医歯薬学 / 歯学 / 外科系歯学
- がんゲノム
- がん分子標的治療
- 遺伝子
- 転写因子
- 転写制御
- 低酸素
- 個別化療法
- ゲノム薬理学
- 米国癌学会
- がんとハイポキシア研究会
- がん分子標的治療学会
- 放射線影響学会
- 日本分子生物学会
- 日本口腔外科学会
- 日本歯科基礎医学会
- 日本癌学会
- 日本癌治療学会
- 日本薬理学会
- 2024年, 学部専門, 集中, 医学研究実習
- 2024年, 修士課程・博士課程前期, セメスター(前期), 分子生物学と放射線防護
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, 1ターム, 研究方法論B
- 2024年, 博士課程・博士課程後期, セメスター(後期), 放射線生物学入門
- Resveratrol exhibits diverse anti-cancer activities through epigenetic regulation of E-cadherin and p21 in triple-negative breast cancer cells., Breast Cancer, 20230511
- Bovine lactoferrin inhibits tumor angiogenesis through NF-KB pathway inhibition by binding to TRAF6., Pharmaceutics, 20230103
- p53 status modifies cytotoxic activity of lactoferrin under hypoxic conditions., Frontiers in Pharmacology, 20220901
- Low-Dose-Rate Irradiation Suppresses the Expression of Cell Cycle-Related Genes, Resulting in Modification of Sensitivity to Anti-Cancer Drugs, CELLS, 11巻, 3号, 202202
- Biphasic Functions of Sodium Fluoride (NaF) in Soft and in Hard Periodontal Tissues, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 23巻, 2号, 202201
- IL-1 beta-mediated up-regulation of DEC1 in human gingiva cells via the Akt pathway, JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY, 113巻, 10号, pp. 3246-3253, 201210
- Regulation of estragen receptar alpha gene mediated by prometer B responsible for its enhanced expression in human breast cancer, Nucleic Acids Research, 27巻, 3号, pp. 903-909, 19990401
- ★, Mechanism of Regulation of Hypoxia-inducible Factor-1a by von Hippel-Lindan Tumor suppressor protein, EMBO Journal, 19巻, 16号, pp. 4298-4309, 20000805
- Distinct mechanisms of loss of estrogen receptor α gene expression in human breast cancer : methylation of the gene and alteration of trans-acting factor, Carcinogenesis, 21巻, pp. 2193-2201, 20000401
- Polymorphisms of the CYP1A1 and GSTM1 gene involved in oral squamous cell carcinoma in association with a cigarette dose., Oral Oncology, 35巻, pp. 191-196, 19990401
- Abnormal FHIT transcripts found in both lung cancer and normal lung tissue., Genes Chromosomes and Cancer, 24巻, pp. 105-111, 19990401
- Abnormal FHIT Transcripts in Human Breast Carcinomas: A Clinicopathological and Epidemiological Analysis of 61 Japanese Case., Cancer Research, 57巻, pp. 1981-1985, 19970401
- Antitumor Effect of Carboplatin Conbined with Radiation on Tumors in Mice., Anticancer Research, 17巻, pp. 2535-2538, 19970401
- ★, Identification of Residues Critical for Regulation of Protein Stability and the Transactivation Function of the Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1a by the von Hippel-Lindau Tumor Suppresor Gene Product, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278巻, pp. 6816-6823, 20030401
- Targeted gene delivery to human osteosarcoma cells with magnetic liposomes under a magnetic field, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY, 22巻, pp. 1065-1071, 20030401
- The expression and function of estrogen receptor a and b in human breast cancer and its clinical application., Endocrine- Related Cancer, 10巻, pp. 193-202, 20030401
- ★, Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1a Polymorphisms Associated with Enhanced Transactivation Capacity, Implying Clinical Significance., Carcinogenesis, 24巻, 20030401
- Mutation of the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) gene in human colorectal carcinoma: Association with cytoplasmic accumulation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1a, Cancer Science, 95巻, pp. 149-153, 20040401
- Aberrant Methylation of Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase Gene (DPYD) Promoter, DPYD Expression, and Cellular Sensitivity to 5-fluorouracil in Cancer Cells, Clinical Cancer Research, 10巻, pp. 7100-7107, 20040401
- Activator Protein Accelerates Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase Gene Transcription in Cancer Cells, Cancer Research, 65巻, pp. 1055-1062, 20050401
- 特集:呼吸器のpharmacogenomics 肺癌のpharmacogenomics, THE LUNG perspectives, 12巻, 3号, pp. 20-26, 20040701
- cDNAマイクロアレイにより選択した関連遺伝子群の発現解析による抗癌剤効果予測システム, 癌の臨床, 50巻, 1号, pp. 15-20, 20040201
- High-flow arteriovenous malformation of the mandible: treatment and 7-year follow-up, British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 41巻, pp. 348-350, 20030401
- 口腔癌患者における薬物代謝酵素遺伝子多型と発癌感受性に関する研究, 広島大学歯学雑誌, 30巻, 1号, 19980401
- 低酸素と遺伝子不安定性, 癌治療と宿主, 15巻, pp. 233-238, 20030401
- Differential gene expressions during immortalization of normal human fibroblasts and endothelial cells transfected with human telomerase reverse transcriptase gene., Int J Oncol, 24巻, pp. 1435-1442, 20041201
- Prediction of individual response to platinum/paclitaxel combination using novel marker genes in ovarian cancers, Mol Cancer Ther, 5巻, 3号, pp. 767-775, 20060301
- Chemosensitivity prediction in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: Novel marker genes and efficacy-prediction formulae using their expression data, Int J Oncol, 28巻, pp. 1153-1162, 20060501
- EGFR activating aberration occurs independently of other genetic aberrations or telomerase activation in adenocarcinoma of the lung, Oncology Reports, 17巻, pp. 1405-1411, 20070601
- 分子情報に基づく癌化学療法の治療効果予測, 放射線生物研究, 40巻, 2号, pp. 202-213, 20050601
- Exploration of the genes responsible for unlimited proliferation of immortalized lung fibroblasts., Exp Lung Res, 34巻, 7号, pp. 373-390, 20080901
- EMP3 as a tumor suppressor gene for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma., Cancer Letters, 274巻, 2009号, pp. 25-32, 20090201
- 肺癌とテロメア・テロメラーゼ,肺癌-基礎・臨床研究のアップデート-,疫学・基礎研究Ⅱ., 分子生物学, 66巻, 6号, pp. 59-64, 20080801
- 肺癌の分子生物学①-carcinogenesisとはなにか-.特集「肺癌のUp-To-Date」., THE LUNG perspectives, 16巻, 4号, pp. 503-507, 20081001
- 日本における遺伝子診療・研究の現状., 腫瘍内科, 2巻, 5号, pp. 433-439, 20081001
- 分子標的治療法開発にむけた低酸素研究., 日本癌病態治療研究会誌, 20080601
- 癌と低酸素., 医学のあゆみ, 20080601
- EMP3 as a candidate tumor suppressor gene for solid tumors., Expert Opin. Ther. Targets., 13巻, 7号, pp. 811-822, 20090701
- Basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor DEC1 negatively regulates CyclinD1, Journal of Pathology, 224巻, 3号, pp. 420-429, 20110701
- HIF-1a polymorphisms associate with genetic aberrations in lung cancer, Respirology, 16巻, 5号, pp. 796-802, 20110701
- Genetic variations in detoxification enzymes and HIF-1α in Japanese patients with COPD, Clinical Respiratory Journal, 20110601
- Carcinogenesis and cellular immortalization without persistent inactivation of p16/Rb pathway in lung cancer, International Journal of Oncology, 36巻, 5号, pp. 1217-1227, 20100501
- 固形癌の治療抵抗性に関わる低酸素応答分子機構, 癌の臨床, 54巻, 2号, pp. 91-96, 20080201
- 固形癌の治療抵抗性に関わる低酸素応答分子機構, 放射線生物研究, 43巻, 1号, pp. 54-67, 20080101
- Differentially expressed genes throughout the cellular immortalization processes are quite different between normal human fibroblasts and endothelial cells, International Journal of Oncology, 27号, pp. 87-95, 20050701
- Single nucleotide polymorphism in the hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha gene in colorectal carcinoma, Oncology Reports, 12号, pp. 1033-1037, 20041101
- Concise prediction models of anticancer efficacy of 8 drugs using expression data from 12 selected genes, International Journal of Cancer, 111巻, 4号, pp. 617-626, 20040901
- Repression of PML Nuclear Body-Associated Transcription by Oxidative Stress-Activated Bach2, Molecular and Cellular Biology, 24巻, 8号, pp. 3473-3484, 20040401
- Personalized Medicine, and Our Recent Approaches, Annals of Cancer Research and Therapy, 11巻, pp. 61-72, 20031001
- Bcl-2 in cancer and normal tissue cells as a prediction marker of response to 5-fluorouracil, International Journal of Oncology, 22巻, 1号, pp. 181-186, 20030101
- Identification of Functional Hypoxia Response Elements in Promoter Region of the DEC1 and DEC2 Gene, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277巻, 49号, pp. 47014-47021, 20021201
- O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) as a determinant of resistance to camptothecin derivatives, Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, 93巻, 1号, pp. 93-102, 20020101
- Unique action determinants of double acting topoisomerase inhibitor, TAS-103, International Journal of Oncology, 19巻, 5号, pp. 921-927, 20011101
- Cellular sensitivity determinants to docetaxel in human gastrointestinal cancers, International Journal of Oncology, 20巻, 2号, pp. 333-338, 20010201
- Interactive effects of cell therapy and rehabilitation realize the full potential of neurogenesis in brain injury model, Neurosci Lett, 555巻, 25号, pp. 73-78, 20131001
- 食道癌における新規癌抑制遺伝子EMP3の同定と放射線感受性因子としての検討, 広島医学, 63巻, 4号, pp. 307-310, 20100401
- Targeted gene delivery to human osteosarcoma cells with magnetic cationic liposomes under a magnetic field, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY, 22巻, 5号, pp. 1065-1071, 200305
- Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha polymorphisms associated with enhanced transactivation capacity, implying clinical significance, CARCINOGENESIS, 24巻, 11号, pp. 1779-1783, 200311
- High-flow arteriovenous malformation of the mandible: treatment and 7-year follow-up, BRITISH JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, 41巻, 5号, pp. 348-350, 200310
- Concise prediction models of anticancer efficacy of 8 drugs using expression data from 12 selected genes, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER, 111巻, 4号, pp. 617-626, 20040910
- Aberrant methylation of DPYD promoter, DPYD expression, and cellular sensitivity to 5-fluorouracil in cancer cells, CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, 10巻, 20号, pp. 7100-7107, 20041015
- Single nucleotide polymorphism in the hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha gene in colorectal carcinoma, ONCOLOGY REPORTS, 12巻, 5号, pp. 1033-1037, 200411
- Prediction of individual response to platinum/paclitaxel combination using novel marker genes in ovarian cancers, MOLECULAR CANCER THERAPEUTICS, 5巻, 3号, pp. 767-775, 200603
- Chemosensitivity prediction in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: Novel marker genes and efficacy-prediction formulae using their expression data, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY, 28巻, 5号, pp. 1153-1162, 200605
- EGFR activating aberration occurs independently of other genetic aberrations or telomerase activation in adenocarcinoma of the lung, ONCOLOGY REPORTS, 17巻, 6号, pp. 1405-1411, 200706
- Human carboxylesterase 1A2 expressed from carboxylesterase 1A1 and 1A2 genes is a potent predictor of CPT-11 cytotoxicity in vitro, PHARMACOGENETICS AND GENOMICS, 17巻, 1号, pp. 1-10, 200701
- Differential regulation of DEC2 among hypoxia-inducible genes in endometrial carcinomas, ONCOLOGY REPORTS, 17巻, 4号, pp. 871-878, 200704
- Hypoxia inducible factor-1 influences sensitivity to paclitaxel of human lung cancer cell lines under normoxic conditions, CANCER SCIENCE, 98巻, 9号, pp. 1394-1401, 200709
- Selection of a novel drug-response predictor in esophageal cancer: A novel screening method using microarray and identification of IFITM1 as a potent marker gene of CDDP response, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY, 32巻, 2号, pp. 413-423, 200802
- Human mismatch repair gene, MLH1, is transcriptionally repressed by the hypoxia-inducible transcription factors, DEC1 and DEC2, ONCOGENE, 27巻, 30号, pp. 4200-4209, 200807
- Exploration of the genes responsible for unlimited proliferation of immortalized lung fibroblasts, EXPERIMENTAL LUNG RESEARCH, 34巻, 7号, pp. 373-390, 2008
- Mitochondria are required for ATM activation by extranuclear oxidative stress in cultured human hepatoblastoma cell line Hep G2 cells, BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 443巻, 4号, pp. 1286-1290, 20140124
- Association of EPAS1 Gene rs4953354 Polymorphism with Susceptibility to Lung Adenocarcinoma in Female Japanese Non-Smokers, JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY, 9巻, 11号, pp. 1709-1713, 201411
- UCHL1 provides diagnostic and antimetastatic strategies due to its deubiquitinating effect on HIF-1 alpha, Nature Communications, 6巻, 201501
- ★, The A Allele at rs13419896 of EPAS1 Is Associated with Enhanced Expression and Poor Prognosis for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, PLOS ONE, 10巻, 8号, 20150811
- Human carboxylesterase 1A2 expressed from carboxylesterase 1A1 and 1A2 genes is a potent predictor of CPT-11 cytotoxicity in vitro, PHARMACOGENETICS AND GENOMICS, 17巻, 1号, pp. 1-10, 2007
- Differential regulation of DEC2 among hypoxia-inducible genes in endometrial carcinomas, ONCOLOGY REPORTS, 17巻, 4号, pp. 871-878, 2007
- EGFR activating aberration occurs independently of other genetic aberrations or telomerase activation in adenocarcinoma of the lung, ONCOLOGY REPORTS, 17巻, 6号, pp. 1405-1411, 2007
- Hypoxia inducible factor-1 influences sensitivity to paclitaxel of human lung cancer cell lines under normoxic conditions, CANCER SCIENCE, 98巻, 9号, pp. 1394-1401, 2007
- Activation of the hypoxia-inducible factor-1 in overloaded temporomandibular joint, and induction of osteoclastogenesis, BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 393巻, 4号, pp. 800-805, 2010
- Human carboxylesterase 1A2 expressed from carboxylesterase 1A1 and 1A2 genes is a potent predictor of CPT-11 cytotoxicity in vitro, PHARMACOGENETICS AND GENOMICS, 17巻, 1号, pp. 1-10, 2007
- OASIS modulates hypoxia pathway activity to regulate bone angiogenesis, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 5巻, 20151112
- The transcribed-ultraconserved regions in prostate and gastric cancer: DNA hypermethylation and microRNA-associated regulation, ONCOGENE, 35巻, 27号, pp. 3598-3606, 20160707
- The Krüppel-like zinc finger transcription factor, GLI-similar 1, is regulated by hypoxia-inducible factors via non-canonical mechanisms., Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 441巻, 2号, pp. 499-506, 2013
- An association study between Hypoxia inducible Factor-1alpha (HIF-1) polymorphisms and osteonecrosis, PLOS ONE, 8巻, 11号, pp. e79647, 2013
- Electrical stimulation accelerates neuromuscular junction formation through ADAM19/neuregulin/ErbB signaling in vitro, Neuroscience Letters, 545巻, pp. 29-34, 2013
- ★, Development of lymphoproliferative diseases by hypoxia-inducible factor-1α is associated with prolonged lymphocyte survival, PLOS ONE, 8巻, 4号, pp. e57833, 2013
- A Chemical Modulator of p53 Transactivation that Acts as a Radioprotective Agonist, MOLECULAR CANCER THERAPEUTICS, 17巻, 2号, pp. 432-442, 201802
- Differentiated embryo chondrocyte plays a crucial role in DNA damage response via transcriptional regulation under hypoxic conditions, PLOS ONE, 13巻, 2号, 20180221
- Genetics of the hypoxia-inducible factors in human cancers, EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH, 356巻, 2号, pp. 166-172, 20170715
- Simulated microgravity attenuates myogenic differentiation via epigenetic regulations, NPJ MICROGRAVITY, 4巻, 20180523
- Simulated microgravity enhances CDDP-induced apoptosis signal via p53-independent mechanisms in cancer cells, PLOS ONE, 14巻, 7号, pp. e0219363, 20190719
- GLIS1, a novel hypoxia-inducible transcription factor, promotes breast cancer cell motility via activation of WNT5A., Carcinogenesis, 41巻, 9号, pp. 1184-1194, 202009
- A step forward into respiratory genetics: overview contribution of genetics in respiratory diseases, ASIAN BIOMEDICINE, 6巻, 5号, pp. 639-651, 2012
- Development of Lymphoproliferative Diseases by Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1alpha Is Associated with Prolonged Lymphocyte Survival, PLOS ONE, 8巻, 4号, 2013
- The Kruppel-like zinc finger transcription factor, GLI-similar 1, is regulated by hypoxia-inducible factors via non-canonical mechanisms, BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 441巻, 2号, pp. 499-506, 2013
- Association of EPAS1 Gene rs4953354 Polymorphism with Susceptibility to Lung Adenocarcinoma in Female Japanese Non-Smokers, JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY, 9巻, 11号, pp. 1709-1713, 2014
- ヒト乳癌細胞におけるエストロゲンレセプター遺伝子の転写調節機構, 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・講演要旨集, 19巻, 19960801
- 口腔癌患者における薬物代謝酵素遺伝子多型と発癌感受性に関する研究, 広島大学歯学雑誌, 30巻, 1号, pp. 115-128, 19980601
- Tamoxifen resistance alters sensitivity to 5-fluorouracil in a subset of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer, PLOS ONE, 16巻, 6号, 20210608
- ★, Inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro by suppressing its receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, via aryl-hydrocarbon receptor signal, Scientific Reports, 11巻, 1号, pp. 16629, 20210817
- UCHL1 provides diagnostic and antimetastatic strategies due to its deubiquitinating effect on HIF-1 alpha, Nature Communications, 6巻, 2015
- 0073 CDDP新規効果規定因子としてのIFITM1遺伝子の有用性(食道化学療法,一般演題,第61回日本消化器外科学会定期学術総会), 日本消化器外科学会雑誌, 39巻, 7号, 20060701
- 分子情報に基づく癌化学療法の治療効果予測, 放射線生物研究, 40巻, 2号, pp. 202-213, 200506
- The Potential Roles of Dec1 and Dec2 in Periodontal Inflammation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 22巻, 19号, 202110
- The roles of Y-box-binding protein (YB)-1 and C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 14 (CXCL14) in the progression of prostate cancer via extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling, BIOENGINEERED, 12巻, 2号, pp. 9128-9139, 20211220
- 肝芽腫におけるがん遺伝子ADAM32の発現制御機構解明, 深澤 賢宏, 谷本 圭司,金輪 真佐美,廣橋 伸之,檜山 英三, 第45回日本分子生物学会年会, 2022年11月30日, 通常, 日本語
- タバコと新型コロナ感染症の意外な関係, 谷本圭司, 谷本 圭司, 第23回タバコと健康・広島フォーラム, 2023年06月08日, 招待, 日本語
- 低酸素誘導性EFEMP2によるがん細胞形質の制御, 米ヶ田 賢吾, 谷本 圭司, 青木 大智, 深澤 賢宏, 廣橋 伸之, 第44回日本分子生物学会年会, 2021年12月01日, 通常, 日本語
- Resveratrol enhances hypoxia-induced p53 protein stabilization resulting in increase of apoptosis in breast cancer cells, Takako Sakamoto, Keiji Tanimoto, Hidetaka Eguchi, Sahoko Ichihara, 第44回日本分子生物学会年会, 2021年12月01日, 通常, 日本語
- 低線量率放射線のがん化学放射線療法における意義, 島袋紀一,谷本圭司,廣橋伸之,柿本直也, 第61回日本歯科放射線学会, 2021年05月22日, 通常, 日本語, 那覇
- 低線量率放射線および低酸素刺激により変動する遺伝子群, 島袋紀一,谷本圭司,柿本直也,廣橋伸之, 第45回中国放射線影響研究会, 2020年08月07日, 通常, 日本語, 広島
- The effects of low-dose irradiation on the hypoxic cells., Kiichi Shimabukuro, Keiji Tanimoto, Naoya Kakimoto, Nobuyuki Hirohashi, The 4th International Symposium of the Network-type Joint Usage/Research Center for Radiation Disaster Medical Science, 2020年02月12日, 通常, 英語, Hiroshima