Last Updated :2025/03/03
- Affiliations, Positions
- Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor
- Web Site
- E-mail
- kusahara
- Other Contact Details
TEL : (+81)82-424-6800 FAX : (+81)
- Self-introduction
- Dr. Kusahara is a professor of social studies education at Hiroshima University, Japan. Most of his scholarly writing concerns the curricular-instructional gatekeeping in Social Studies teachers, and the rationale of citizenship education. He is currently writing books on the teaching territorial issues and the research methodology. Dr. Kusahara has taken office as secretary general of Japanese Educational Association for the Social Studies. He is also active in the social studies profession. For example he has consulted with the public schools in Hiroshima for professional development (lesson study), and acted as member of advisory board on national curriculum revision (Geography).
Basic Information
Major Professional Backgrounds
- 1997/04/01, 2001/03/31, Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Research Associate
- 2001/04/01, 2004/03/31, Naruto University of Education, Lecturer
- 2004/04/01, 2009/03/31, Naruto University of Education, Associate Professor・Associate Professor
- 2009/04/01, 2014/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Education, Associate Professor
- 2014/04/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Education, Professor
- 2017/04/01, 2020/03/31, Graduate School of Education, Vice Dean
- 2017/07/31, 2022/03/31, Educational Vision Research Institute, Director
- 2020/04/01, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor
- 2023/04/01, Hiroshima University, Deputy Executive Directors
Educational Backgrounds
- Hiroshima University, Graduate School, Division of Education, Japan, 1995/04, 1997/03
- Hiroshima University, Faculty of Education, Japan, 1989/04, 1993/03
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D., Hiroshima University
- Master, Hiroshima University
Educational Activity
- [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Education : Science, Technology and Society Education : Secondary School Social Studies/Geography/History/Civic Education
- [Master's Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Educational Sciences : Educational Design for Teacher Educators Program
- [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Educational Sciences : Educational Design for Teacher Educators Program
In Charge of Primary Major Programs
- Secondary School Social Studies/Geography/History/Civic Education
Research Fields
- Social sciences;Education;Education on school subjects and activities
Research Keywords
- Citizenship Education|
- Curriculum Studies
- Research Methodology
- Social Studies Education
- Geography Education
- instructional design, Decision making of Practice
- Teacher Education, Professional Development
Affiliated Academic Societies
- NCSS(National Council for the Social Studies)
- Japanese Educational Research Association
- National Association for the Study of Educational Methods
- Japanese Society for Curriculum Studies
- Japan Curriculum Research and Development Association
- Japanese Educational Research Association for the Social Studies
- Japanese Association of the Social Studies
- Education in the Social Studies Department Research Association
- The Geographic Education Society of Japan
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Research Tutorial IIB
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Education for Social Studies
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Graduation Thesis
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Seminar of Social Studies Education
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Pedagogy of War and Peace I
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Pedagogy of War and Peace II
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Practical Seminar for the Teaching Profession
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Practical Seminar for the Teaching Profession
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 1Term, Research into Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Social Studies Education)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Social Studies Education)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 3Term, Research into Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Social Studies Education)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Social Studies Education)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Research Methods and Ethics for Educational Sciences(Japanese Class) Students enrolled before AY 2023
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Research Methods and Ethics for Educational Sciences(Japanese Class)Students enrolling in AY 2024 or later
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Educational Sciences and Society(Japanese Class) Students enrolled before AY 2023
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Educational Sciences and Society(Japanese Class)Students enrolling in AY 2024 or later
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Study in Social Studies Education (Social Studies, Geography and History) B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Study in Social Studies Education (Social Studies, Geography and History) B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Basic Study in Curriculum Design of Teaching Course and In-service Teachers' Training
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Advanced Study in Curriculum Design of Teaching Course and In-service Teachers' Training
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Special Study
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Special Study
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Book Review: Curriculum for justice and harmony: deliberation, knowledge, and action in social and civic education, Multicultural Education Review, 15(4), 310-312, 20240229
- No More Wars, Friedenserziehung in Japan, Wissenschaft & Frieden, 3, 28-31, 20210501
- Democratic Characteristics of Social Studies Lesson Study: A Case Study in Japan, Journal of Field-based Lesson Studie, 2(1), 23-46, 20210501
- Two students journeys of thinking about the notions of peace through the tragedy of Hiroshima: A comparative case study of the effect of students historical backgrounds on peace education, Citizenship at a Crossroads: Rights, Identity, and Education, 813-826, 20201001
- A heuristic for controversial issue gatekeeping within social studies education, Journal of Social Studies Education In Asia, 7, 65-76, 20180331
- What Japanese High School Teachers Say about Social Studies?, Journal of Social Studies Education, 6, 97-112, 20170331
- How can Textbooks Be Used for Citizenship Education? Alternative Gatekeeping for Social Studies Teachers, Proceedings; The International Seminar on Social Studies and History Education, Promoting Justice Equal World, 7-12, 20161006
- The Improvement of the Curriculum Analysis Ability and its Effect Attained by the Pre-Service Teachers : A Case Study on the Students Who Take the Class of "Curriculum Design of Geography and History Education", 49-58, 20141231
- Research Philosophies and Methodologies of Japanese Social Studies Education Researchers : Why and how they do research, The bulletin of Japanese curriculum research and development, 37(1), 63-74, 20140630
- American Researchers' Perceptions of the Purposes and Methods of Social Studies Education Research, The bulletin of Japanese curriculum research and development, 37(1), 85-94, 20140630
- Disciplinary Perspectives and Methodologies of Japanese Social Studies Researchers, The journal of social studies education, 3, 17-36, 20140331
- The Possibility of the Curriculum Designs implemented by the Social Studies Teachers : A Case Study on the Development and Application of the History Resource Book, 20, 91-102, 20140331
- The qualitative difference and its factor in the social studies teaching plans designed by pre-service teachers : Implications for improving of the abilities of the social studies teacher, 20, 125-139, 20140321
- Research Philosophies and Methodologies of Japanese Social Studies Educational Scholars, 48, 56-75, 20140228
- A Study on the Improvement of the Lesson Analysis Ability and its Effects by the Pre-service Teachers : A Case Study of the Students Who Take the Class of "Teaching Method of Geography and History Education", 61-70, 20131231
- Characteristics of Research Methods on Social Studies Education in Japan : Focusing on Similarities and Differences between J. P. Shaver's and T. Moriwake's Views, 48, 97-108, 20120301
- A study on lesson plan to develop critical thinking skills of social studies of high school, The Annals of educational research, 285-290, 20100331
- Web Video Archive System for Facilitating Pre-service Teacher Reflective Learning of Teaching Practices, Proceedings of E-Learn 2007: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education, 7108-7111, 20071015
- Teacher Training of Social Studies in the Course of "Comparative Study on Lesson Planning", 20040910
- Development and Analysis of Sosial Studies Lesson for Promoting Chirdren's Interest and Volition VII: In the Case of "Way of Life in Kaizu Lowland" in the 4th Grade, 11, 39-51, 19990131
Publications such as books
- 2021/05, Teacher Educators and their Professional Development; Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future, Teacher educators professional development in Japan, 2021, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 英語, Kazuhiro Kusahara, Shotaro Iwata, 216, 82-91
- 2021/01, Research on Global Citizenship Education in Asia, Conceptions, Perceptions, and Practice, Information Age Publishing, 2021, 01, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 英語, Kazuhiro Kusahara, 242, 143-160
- 2020/06, Inquiry-Based Global Learning Based on the C3 Framework in the K-12 Social Studies Classroom, What is the Lasting Impact of the Use of Nuclear Weapons During WWII in Japan?, Routledge, 2020, 06, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 英語, Jongsung Kim, Kazuhiro Kusahara, 280, 139-154
- 2011/01, Citizenship Education in Japan, Geographical Education as an Issue in Citizenship Education, 2011, 01, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- Dialogue of Difficult Histories Project Between Korean and Japanese Social Studies Pre-Service Teachers: A Design-Based Action Research, Jongsung Kim, Boeun Cha, Kazuhiro Kusahara, International Assembly Annual Meeting, NCSS(National Council for the Social Studies), 2022/12/02, Without Invitation, English, Philadelphia,
- What Is the Lasting Impact of the Use of Nuclear Weapon during WWII in Japan?: A Project of Redesigning the Last 10 Feet of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Jongsung Kim and Kazuhiro Kusahara, 2020 International Assembly Conference, National Council for the Social Studies, 2020/12/04, Without Invitation, English, National Council for the Social Studies, Online: US
- How Do GSPB Educators in Austria Practice the Civic Education for Politicized Classroom?, Kazuhiro Kusahara, The 2nd Symposium for the partnership between Vienna-Graz University and Hiroshima University, 2020/11/26, With Invitation, English, Graz University and Hiroshima University, Vienna, Austria
- Teachers as Instructional Gatekeepers Teaching Global Citizenship in Japan's National Geography Curriculum, Kazuhiro Kusahara, 99th NCSS International Assembly, 2019/11/22, Without Invitation, Japanese, National Council for the Social Studies, Austin, USA
- Creating cross-cultural discourses: Korean and Japanese pre-service teachers "Make a Better Hiroshima Textbook", Jongsung Kim, Kazuhiro Kusahara, & Hoyeop Nam, Conflict and Identity Conference 2019, 2019/10/17, Without Invitation, English, Oxford, UK
- Lesson Study-based Training of Teacher Educator: Case Study on Self-Study and Cooperative Lesson Study, Nariakira Yoshida, Yasushi Maruyama, Mitsuru Matsuda, Kazuhiro Kusahara, Shigeo Mase, Kazuya Kageyama, Shotaro Iwata, Yuichiro Sato, Miyuki Okamura, Maho Yodozawa, Yuichi Miyamoto, Aiko Hamamoto, Asuka Matsuura, Yu Yamamoto, Seigi Naganuma, Mayumi Kawamura, WALS(The World Association of Lesson Studies) Conference 2019, 2019/09/03, Without Invitation, English, WALS(The World Association of Lesson Studies) Conference 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Teacher Education in HU & Japan, Kazuhiro Kusahara, The 3rd Symposium for the international exchange between Leipzig University and Hiroshima University, 2019/08/30, With Invitation, English, Leipzig University and Hiroshima University, Leipzig, Germany
- History Curriculum for Deconstruction and Reconstruction of the Discourse in History Textbook, Kazuhiro Kusahara, Korean Social Studies Association 2019 Annual Conference, 2019/08/23, With Invitation, English, Korean Social Studies Association, Yeosu, South Korea
- Beyond national context in peace education: Rethinking Hiroshima with multiple perspective, Jongsung Kim, Kazuhiro Kusahara, Hiromi Kawaguchi, and Mariko Komatsu, Jongsung Kim, Kazuhiro Kusahara, Hiromi Kawaguchi, and Mariko Komatsu, The 98th NCSS Conference, 2018/11/31, Without Invitation, English, International Assembly, Chicago: USA
- How have the modern geography textbooks in Japan represented the world regions for building the Japanese citizen?, Kazuhiro Kusahara, The Center of Japanese Studies, Cairo University International Symposium, 2018/09/22, With Invitation, Japanese, Cairo University, Cairo: Egypt
- Two students’ journeys of thinking about the notions of peace through the tragedy of Hiroshima: A comparative case study of the effect of students’ historical backgrounds on peace education, Kim, J., Kusahara, K. Kawaguchi, H., & Komatsu, M., Presentation to the 20th CiCea Conference, 2018/05/12, Without Invitation, English, CiCea(Children's Identity & Citizenship European Association), Warsaw, Poland.
- The Mission, Vision and Strategy of EVRI for International Collaboration., Kazuhiro Kusahara, The First Joint Symposium on Education by
Hong Kong Baptist University and Hiroshima University, 2018/03/17, With Invitation, English, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
- Deconstructing Notions of Peace: Rethinking Hiroshima with the C3 Framework, Jongsung Kim, Kazuhiro Kusahara, 56TH ANNUAL CCSS CONFERENCE at Sacramento, 2017/03/03, Without Invitation, English, California Council for the Social Studies, Sacramento
- How and when can pre-service teachers develop their lesson planning skills in Social Studies?, Yu Osaka, Takumi Watanabe, Jongsung Kim, Kazuhiro Kusahara, The 9th East Asia International Symposium on Teacher Education, 2014/11, Without Invitation, English, International Consortium for Universities of Education in East Asia, Yuseong, South Korea
- Realities in Classrooms: Japanese Social Studies Teachers’ Teaching and Perceptions, Hiromi Kawaguchi; Kazuhiro Kusahara, 2013/07, Without Invitation, English
- What Japanese School Teachers Say about Social Studies?, Hiromi Kawaguchi,Kazuhiro Kusahara;Masato Ogawa, CUFA (College and University Faculty Assembly), NCSS 92th Annual Conference, 2012/11, Without Invitation, English, NCSS, Seattle
- What Japanese social studies teachers say about Citizenship Education?, 2012/05, Without Invitation, English, 8th CitizED Conference, Washington DC
- A Comparative Study of Social Studies Research in Japan and the United States, CUFA (College and University Faculty Assembly), NCSS 91th Annual Conference, 2011/11, Without Invitation, Japanese, CUFA (College and University Faculty Assembly), NCSS, Washington DC
- What Japanese Young Adolescents Know and Think about Citizenship and Civic Engagement: An Analysis from the 2007-09 National Citizenship Study, 7th CitizED International Conference, 2011/05, Without Invitation, English, Emory University, Atlanta
- Illuminated REalities; Examinations of English, Japanese, and U.S. Social Studies Textbook, Ogawa Masato; Kazuhiro Kusahara, AERA (American Educational Research Association), 2011 Annual Meeting, 2011/04, Without Invitation, English, AERA (American Educational Research Association), New Orleans
- Citizenship Education in Japan: Past, Present, and Future, CUFA (College and University Faculty Assembly), NCSS 90th Annual Conference, 2010/11, Without Invitation, English, CUFA (College and University Faculty Assembly), NCSS, Denver
- 2007/10, Young Investigator Award of JSSRA, Japan Social Studies Research Association, The Emerging Geogarphy Curriculum As Citizienship Education
External Funds
Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds
- Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program, 2023/10/01, 2024/03/31
- Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program, 2024/04/01, 2025/03/31
- KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)), 2022, 2024
- 2018, 2021
- KAKENHI, 2018, 2021
- 2017, 2019
- 2017, 2020
- 2015, 2018
- KAKENHI, 2015, 2018
- KAKENHI, 2014, 2016
- KAKENHI, 2011, 2013
- KAKENHI, 2011, 2014
- KAKENHI, 2011, 2014
- KAKENHI, A Joint Development of "Research Handbook" for the Social Studies Researcher and Practitioner by the Japanese and US educators, 2010, 2012
- KAKENHI, 2010, 2013
- KAKENHI, International Comparative Study of Textbooks and the Unification of Teaching and Evaluation in Citizenship Related Subjects, 2010, 2012
- KAKENHI, The Citizenship of Japanese Youth from the viewpoint of International Standards, 2007, 2009
- KAKENHI, A Strategy for the Improvement of Social Studies Class, 2007, 2009
- KAKENHI, Theory and Practice of Citizenship Education in Social Studies in case of the United States of America, 2006, 2008
- KAKENHI, 2003, 2005
- KAKENHI, 2000, 2001
- KAKENHI, 1998, 1999
Social Activities
Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.
- 2024/03, 2024/03
- 2023/03, 2023/03
- 2023/02
- 2022/02
- 2021/12, 2021/12
- 2021/10, 2021/10
- 2021/08, 2021/08
- 2021/04, 3031/04
- 2021/03, 2021/03
- 2021/03, 2021/03
- 2021/02, 2021/02
- 2021/01, 2021/01
- 2020/12, 2020/12
- 2020/11, 2020/11
- 2020/10, 2020/10
- 2020/09, 2020/09
- 2020/06, 2020/06
- 2020/02, 2020/02
- 2020/01, 2020/01
- 2019/12, 2019/12
- 2019/09, 2019/09
- 2019/09, 2019/09
- 2019/06, 2019/06
- 2019/05, 2019/05
- 2019/05, 2019/05
- 2019/02, 2019/02
- 2019/02, 2019/02
- "Teacher Educators' Identity and their development in Europe and Japan", 2018/12, 2018/12
- 2018/12, 2018/12
- 2018/09, 2018/09
- "Developing spaces for better access to information and cultures in Sweden.", 2018/07, 2018/07
- "Education in Asia and Oceania: Why are these contexts so intriguing for a U.S. researcher?", 2018/06, 2018/06
- 2018/05, 2018/05
- 2018/04, 2018/04
- 2018/03
- 2018/01
- 2017/03, 2017/03
- 2017/03, 2017/03
- 2017/02, 2017/02
- 2016/03
- 2016/02
- 2016/01
- 2015/11
- 2015/04, 2015/10
- 2014/10
- 9th CitiZED International Conference in Tokyo, 2013/07
- 2012/10
History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers
- 2023, Human Rights Education Review, 1
- 2022, Human Rights Education Review, 1
- 2023, Asia Pacific Journal of Educatio, 2
- 2019, Human Rights Education Review, Editor, 1
- 2018, Journal of International Social Studies(International Assembly,National Council for the Social Studies), Others, 1
- 2014, Journal of International Social Studies, Editor
- 2008, 韓国地理環境教育学会, Editor
- 2007, 韓国地理環境教育学会, Editor
- 2006, 韓国地理環境教育学会, Editor