Last Updated :2025/03/03

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor

Basic Information

Educational Backgrounds

  • Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Education , Japan, 2015/04, 2018/03
  • Seoul National University of Education, Korea, 2009/03, 2012/02
  • Seoul National University of Education, Korea, 2003/03, 2008/02

Academic Degrees

  • Seoul National University
  • Hiroshima University

Research Fields

  • Social sciences;Education;Education on school subjects and activities

Research Keywords

  • Jugyou Kenkyuu / Lesson Study
  • Research Methodology
  • Education for Mutual Understanding and Peace Education
  • Teacher Education
  • Social Studies Education

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Social Studies Education
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Curriculum Design of Geography & History Education
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Graduation Thesis
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Seminar of Social Studies Education
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Pedagogy of War and Peace I
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Pedagogy of War and Peace II
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Methodology on Period for Integrated Studies
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Methodology on Period for Integrated Studies
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Practical Seminar for the Teaching Profession
  10. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Practical Seminar for the Teaching Profession
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Study in Social Studies Education (Social Studies, Geography and History) B
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Study in Social Studies Education (Social Studies, Geography and History) B
  13. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Basic Study in Instruction and Evaluation Method Design
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Advanced Study in Instruction and Evaluation Method Design
  15. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Special Study
  16. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Special Study

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. How Do "Modern and Contemporary History" Textbooks Reflect Qualities and Abilities Theory?: Pursuing Co-Existence and Its Synergistic Effect Between Social Studies Education and Qualities and Abilities Theory, Hiroshima Journal of School Education, 29, 33-41, 2023
  2. Exploring the Educational Value of "Difficult History", 3(9), 52-60, 2022
  3. No More Wars: Friedenserziehung in Japan ("No More Wars": Peace Education in Japan), Wissenschaft & Frieden (Science and Peace), 2021(3), 28-31, 2021
  4. Educating teachers as designers: The potentials of Kyouzai Kenkyuu in social science teacher education, Journal of Social Science Education, 20(3), 174-195, 2021
  5. Democratic Characteristics of Social Studies Lesson Study: A Case Study in Japan, 현장수업연구 (Journal of Field-based Lesson Studies), 2(1), 23-46, 2021
  6. Developing high school world history units focusing on "the liquidity of culture": A case of European and American culture in 19 century, Hiroshima Journal of School Education, 27, 57-64, 2021
  7. How did Japanese teachers deal with COVID-19 in their lessons?: The case studies of two teachers, Hiroshima Journal of School Education, 27, 49-56, 2021
  8. Two students' journey of thinking about the notions of peace through the tragedy of Hiroshima: A comparative case study of the effect of students' historical backgrounds on peace education, 2020
  9. How do Japanese and Korean social studies textbooks describe the same historical event? A comparative analysis of the descriptions of the treaty on basic relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea in high school social studies textbooks, Hiroshima Journal of School Education, 26, 29-36
  10. ★, How Do Civics Teachers in Austria Understand Political Neutrality and Practice it? Implication for Re-politicizing Japanese Social Studies Education, Journal of Educational Research on Social Studies, 92, 1-12
  11. ★, Educating Citizens Who Are Open to the Discourse of Others: "The Last 10 Feet" Project and the "Making a Better Hiroshima Textbook" Project, Studies in the Philosophy of Education, 121, 19-24
  12. The Designs of Concept-based Social Studies Lesson for "History, Social Studies and Political Education" in Austria: Focusing on the Functions of the Concept in Citizenship Education, Journal of Educational Research on Social Studies, 8(2), 81-97, 2020
  13. New possibilities to utilize food as a them in a social studies lesson: From educating wise "consumer to educating "human being" who pursues mutual agreement in a society, Hiroshima Journal of School Education, 25, 77-84, 2019
  14. The significance and possibility of collaboration between social studies education and history: A self-study of improving a lesson by two graduate students, The Bulletin of Japanese Curriculum Research and Development, 40(4), 13-24
  15. Developing a unit to find "Global" in "Our region": A case of Okubo Korean town, Global Studies Education, 4(1), 101-116, 2012
  16. The implication and possibilities of globalizing human rights education: Through analyzing the project "Foreigner" at Fuji elementary school, Global Studies Education, 7(2), 81-101, 2015
  17. How and when can pre-service teachers develop their lesson planning skills in social studies?, Theory and Research for Developing Learning Systems, 1, 33-48, 2015
  18. How can social studies teachers reflect on their lessons based on visualization?: The methodology of "Lesson Map", The Journal of Social Studies Lesson Study, 3(2), 23-42, 2015
  19. ★, The challenge for "Communication-Based" international education: A case for "Making a Better Textbook" with South Korean and Japanese students as the main agents, Journal of Educational Research on Social Studies, 84, 49-60, 2016
  20. A Quantitative Analysis of Moral Exemplars Presented in Moral Education Textbooks in Korea and Japan, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 38, 62-72, 2018
  21. The principal of inquiry-based social studies curriculum for developing children's competency and its example units: A case of "The College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework" by NCSS, Hiroshima Journal of School Education, 24, 157-166, 2018
  22. Research on teacher's role in "Living Environment Study" lesson design and its practice: A case study of a teacher's gatekeeping on the unit Village Explore", Curriculum studies on elementary education, 6, 41-50, 2018
  23. Searching for the meaning of a lesson study community in social studies education: Focus on the methodology of the "Lesson Map", Research in Social Studies Education, 24(1), 31-43, 2017
  24. Global citizenship education that starts from students' everyday lives: Re-evaluation "Living Environment Study" based on the perspective of global citizenship education, Global Studies Education, 9(2), 115-138, 2017
  25. ★, Teaching history of Japan-Korea relations based on "Authentic Communication" between the self and others: A case for "Making a Better History Textbook as relates to the Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War" by Japanese and Korean students, The Journal of Social Studies, 130, 1-12, 2017
  26. Development and evaluation of the programs supporting for social studies class improvement: Structure of the online and handbook programs applied to pre-in-service teachers, Hiroshima Journal of School Education, 23, 93-102, 2017
  27. Research on the impact of professional graduate school of education in South Korea: A case of elementary social studies education major at Seoul National University of Education, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University, Part II (Arts and Science Education, 65, 63-71, 2015
  28. Research on the impact of the expanding communities approach in South Korea: Focused on elementary social studies curriculum, The Journal of Social Studies Education, 4, 67-86, 2015
  29. A framework for controversial issue gatekeeping within socialstudies education: The case of Japan, The Journal of Social Studies Education in Asia, 7, 65-76, 2018
  30. How do the history textbooks of South Korea and Japan describe the Korea-Japanese History? Pursuing a social studies lesson that is open to another nation's discourses, Journal of social studies lesson study, 6(2), 39-59, 2018

Publications such as books

  1. 2020, Social studies education in East Asian contexts, "This is a matter of survival": The collaboration between education for disaster prevention and social studies education in Japan, Routledge, 2020, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 英語, 193978-0-367-14771-6, 193, 115-124
  2. 2020, Social studies education in East Asian contexts, Beyond the pendulum?: Social studies curriculum in Japan, Routledge, 2020, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 英語, 193978-0-367-14771-6, 193, 19-35
  3. 2020, Inquiry-Based Global Learning in the K–12 Social Studies Classroom, What Is the Lasting Impact of the Use of Nuclear Weapons During WWII in Japan?, Routledge, 2020, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 英語, 31978-0-367-35455-8, 280
  4. Social Studies Education in Middle School and Geography and History Education in High School, 2020, Scholarly Book, Compilation, 日本語, 22978-4-7806-0680-5, 192
  5. 2020/04/01, Social Studies Education in Middle School and Civic Education in High School, 2020, Scholarly Book, Compilation, 日本語, 978-4-7806-0681-2, 163, 10
  6. 2019, Design Research in Social Studies Education: Critical Lessons from an Emerging Field, Routledge, 2019, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation, 英語, 18978-0-367-11025-3, 268
  7. 2021, Early career teachers: International narratives of transitions within higher education, A Korean stranger in a Japanese classroom: Developing as a teacher in a foreign country, Bloomsbury, Scholarly Book, Single work, 英語, 9781350129344, 248, 17-26
  8. 2021, Lesson Study-based Teacher Education: The Potential of the Japanese Approach in Global Settings, Lesson Study-based Teacher Education: The Potential of the Japanese Approach in Global Settings, Routledge, 2021, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation, 英語, 978-100039124-4, 363, xvii-xix; 9-28; 199-214

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Teaching HIROSHIMA as Difficult History: Creating a Public Sphere for Deconstructing and Reconstructing Narratives, Jongsung Kim, The 11th International Symposium on Social Studies Education, 2023/10/23, With Invitation, English, Social Studies Educators Association in Turkey, Fırat University
  2. History education in Korea, Jongsung Kim, 2023 EAST ASIAN SOCIAL STUDIES SYMPOSIUM, 2023/06/18, Without Invitation, English, 2023 EAST ASIAN SOCIAL STUDIES SYMPOSIUM
  3. Peace Education in Japan, Jongsung Kim and Kazuhiro Kusahara, The 1st International Academic Exchange on Education Between Hiroshima University and University of Sao Paulo, 2023/08/30, Without Invitation, English, Hiroshima University and University of Sao Paulo, University of Sao Paulo
  4. Comparative Study on Teaching WWII of Asian Context in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, Jongsung Kim, Hiromi Kawaguchi, and Yu-Han Hung, Comparative and International Education Scoeity East Asia SIG, 2023/04/25, With Invitation, English, Comparative and International Education Society East Asia SIG, Online
  5. Lesson Study in Japan: A Mirror to Reflect on Lesson Study in the Netherlands, Jongsung Kim, Lesson Study Seminar at the University of Groningen, 2023/01/20, With Invitation, English, University of Groningen, University of Groningen
  6. Localizing Lesson Study: Referring Jugyou Kenkyuu, Reflecting on Context, and Creating Lesson Study Culture, Jongsung Kim, Lesson Study Seminar at Utrecht University, 2023/01/18, With Invitation, English, Utrecht University, Utrecht
  7. Exploration of Teachers' Teaching WWII of Asian Context in Taiwan, Korea, and Japan, Yu-Han Hung, Jongsung Kim and Hiromi Kawaguchi, Yu-Han Hung, Jongsung Kim and Hiromi Kawaguchi, American Educational Research Association 2023 Annual Meeting, 2023/04/14, Without Invitation, English, American Educational Research Association, Chicago
  8. Teaching Difficult Histories: Why and How?, Jongsung Kim, Teaching Difficult Histories in Secondary Classrooms, 2023/03/08, Without Invitation, English, Hunter College and Hiroshima University, Hunter College, City University of New York
  9. "Dialogue of Difficult Histories" project between Korean and Japanese social studies pre-service teachers: A design-based action research, Jongsung Kim, Kazuhiro Kusahara, and Boeun Cha, Jongsung Kim, Kazuhiro Kusahara, and Boeun Cha, 102th NCSS International Assembly Conference, 2022/12/02, Without Invitation, English, NCSS International Assembly, Philadelphia
  10. Exploration of pre-service history teacher education in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, Hiromi Kawaguchi, Jongsung Kim, and Yu-Han Hung, Hiromi Kawaguchi, Jongsung Kim, and Yu-Han Hung, 102th NCSS International Assembly Conference, 2022/12/02, Without Invitation, English, 102th NCSS International Assembly, Philadelphia
  11. Exploration of teachers' teaching WWII of Asian context in Korea, Taiwan, and Japan, Yu-Han Hung, Jongsung Kim, and Hiromi Kawaguchi, Yu-Han Hung, Jongsung Kim, and Hiromi Kawaguchi, 102th NCSS CUFA Conference, 2022/11/30, Without Invitation, English, NCSS CUFA, Philadelphia
  12. Doing lesson study about lesson study: Four teacher educators' collaboration to improve the performance of knowledgeable others in a Japanese in-service lesson study, Jongsung Kim, Nariakira Yoshida, Shotaro Iwata, and Hiromi, Kawaguchi, Jongsung Kim, Nariakira Yoshida, Shotaro Iwata, and Hiromi, Kawaguchi, World Association of Lesson Studies 2022 Conference, 2022/09/20, Without Invitation, English, World Association of Lesson Studies, Kuala Lumpr
  13. The Possibilities and Challenges of History Education for Historical Reconciliation: Teaching WWII in East Asia, Jongsung Kim, Yu-Han Hung, & Hiromi Kawaguchi, 2022 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, 2022/04/25, Without Invitation, English, American Educational Research Association, San Diego (Virtual)
  14. Teacher Educators' Involvements in School-based Lesson Study: A Case of Japan, Jongsung Kim, Nariakira Yoshida, Shotaro Iwata, Hiromi Kawaguchi, and Christine Lee, World Association of Lesson Studies 2021 Conference, 2021/11/29, Without Invitation, English, Macao and Hongkong (Zoom)
  15. Teaching WWII in East Asia: History Education and Historical Reconciliation, Jongsung Kim, Yu-Han Hung, and Hiromi Kawaguchi, 101st NCSS International Assembly Conference, 2021/11/19, Without Invitation, English, Minneapolis (Zoom)
  16. Challenges of National/International Contexts (Early Career Teachers in Higher Education: experiences, challenges and strategies), Jongsung Kim, Mandeep Gill-Sagoo and Clarissa Carden & Diti Bhattacharya, Learning, Teaching and Assessment Network of Society for Research into Higher Education, 2021/10/20, Without Invitation, English, London (Zoom)
  17. Subject Pedagogy: Possibilities and Challenges, Norio Ikeno, Jongsung Kim, 2021/07/20, Without Invitation, English
  18. Korean and Japanese Pre-service Teachers "Make a Better Hiroshima Textbook", 2020 East Asian Social Studies Education Symposium (Part II), 2021/02/27, With Invitation, Japanese
  19. Teaching WWII in Asia: History Education and Historical Reconciliation, 2020 East Asian Social Studies Education Symposium (Part I), 2021/02/27, With Invitation, English
  20. Creating transnational public sphere: South Korean and Japanese students "Make a Better Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War textbook", 2021International Conference of the Elementary Education Research Institute at Seoul National University of Education, 2021/05/15, With Invitation, other
  21. 75 Years Since: Confronting memories of WWII in East Asia, The EU-Russia Civil Society Forum, 2020/09/02, With Invitation, English
  22. What is the Lasting Impact of the Use of Nuclear Weapons During World War II in Japan? A Project of Redesigning the Last Ten Feet of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, the 100th NCSS International Assembly Conference, 2020/12, Without Invitation, English, Washington D.C. (Zoom), USA
  23. Exploring Students' Historical Significance on the Use of the Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima During World War II: Students in Japan and U.S. Make a "Better Hiroshima Textbook", the 100th NCSS International Assembly Conference, 2020/12, Without Invitation, English, Washington D.C. (Zoom), USA
  24. Design research in social studies: Critical lessons from an emerging field, the 99th NCSS CUFA Conference, 2019/11, Without Invitation, English, Austin, USA
  25. The power of teacher agency: Purposeful, constructive, transformational professional learning, the 99th NCSS Conference, 2019/11, Without Invitation, English, Austin, USA
  26. Creating cross-cultural discourses: Korean and Japanese pre-service teachers "Make a Better Hiroshima Textbook", the Conflict and Identity Conference 2019, 2019/10, Without Invitation, English, Oxford, UK
  27. "It is important...but": A case study of Japanese social studies pre-service teachers' struggling for teaching controversial issues, to the 10th WERA conference, 2019/08, Without Invitation, English, Tokyo, Japan
  28. Beyond national context in peace education: Rethinking Hiroshima with multiple perspective, the 98th NCSS International Assembly Conference, 2018/11, Without Invitation, English, Chicago, USA
  29. Two students' journeys of thinking about the notions of peace through the tragedy of Hiroshima: A comparative case study of the effect of students' historical backgrounds on peace education, the 20th CiCea Conference, 2018/05, Without Invitation, English, Warsaw, Poland
  30. How and When Can Pre-service Teachers Develop Their Lesson Planning Skills in Social Studies?, Osaka, Y., Watanabe, T., Kim, J., & Kusahara, K., Osaka, Y., Watanabe, T., Kim, J., & Kusahara, K., the 9th East Asia International Symposium on Teacher Education, 2014/11, Without Invitation, English, East Asia International Symposium on Teacher Education, Yuseong, South Korea
  31. Let "Our" country see "Other" country anew based on relational and rational recognition!: A case of relation between South Korea and Japan, Kim, J., & Kusahara, K., Kim, J., & Kusahara, K., the 11th International CitizED Conference, 2015/05, Without Invitation, English, International CitizED Conference, Singapore
  32. Mutual understanding based on other's view: The project "Suggesting a New Textbook and Its Acceptance" between South Korea and Japan, Kim, J., & Kusahara, K., Kim, J., & Kusahara, K., the 95th NCSS International Assembly, 2015/11, Without Invitation, English, NCSS International Assembly, New Orleans, USA
  33. How can social studies teachers reflect on their lessons?, the 55th CCSS conference, 2016/03, Without Invitation, English, California Council of Social Studies, Orange County, USA
  34. Teaching historical events that related Korea and Japan through the communication between "Others" and "Us": The project "Making a Better Textbook of Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War" by South Korean and Japanese elementary school students, Kim, J., the 12th International CitizED Conference, 2016/07, Without Invitation, English, International CitizED Conference, Birmingham, UK
  35. Teaching Japanese-Korean history through "Authentic Communication": The project "Suggesting a Better Textbook and Its Acceptance", Kim, J., the 96th NCSS International Assembly, 2016/12, Without Invitation, English, NCSS International Assembly, Washington D.C, USA
  36. Deconstructing notions of peace: Rethinking Hiroshima with the C3 Framework, Kim, J., the 56th CCSS conference, 2017/03, Without Invitation, English, California Council of Social Studies, Sacramento, USA
  37. Finding and bridging the gap between Korean and Japanese history textbooks: A case of Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War, Kim, J., the 61th CIES conference, 2017/03, Without Invitation, English, Comparative & International Education Society, Atlanta, USA
  38. How to cross the border with history teachers, Kim, J., Teachers College ITS Class, 2017/03, With Invitation, English, Teachers College ITS Class, New York, USA
  39. Teaching Japanese-Korean history through "Authentic Communication": The project "Suggesting a Better Textbook and Its Acceptance", Kim, J., Brown Bag Seminar of Graduate School of Education at Rutgers University, 2016/10, With Invitation, English, Graduate School of Education at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA
  40. Lesson study as democratic professional development, Kim, J., & Kusahara, K., Kim, J., & Kusahara, K., the IDEC Educational Development Symposium: Lesson Study in Asia and Africa, 2017/04, Without Invitation, English, IDEC of Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan
  41. Making controversial space through "Authentic Communication": Deconstructing and reconstructing Takeshima/Dokdo discourse between South Korean and Japanese students, Kim, J., the 96th NCSS CUFA, 2017/11, Without Invitation, English, NCSS CUFA, San Francisco, USA

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. 2020 Collaborative Research Project (Faculty of Education), Creating a platform for international collaborative research on Lesson Study-based teacher education (1), 2020/07/16, 2021/03/31
  2. 2015/10, 2015/09

Social Activities

Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.

  1. 102th NCSS International Assembly Conference, International Assembly Program Chair, 2022/12, 2022/12

History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers

  1. 2020, Research in Social Studies Education, Others, 1
  2. 2020, Journal of Social Studies Lesson Study, Others, 1
  3. 2019, Journal of Social Studies Lesson Study, Others, 2
  4. 2018, Journal of Social Studies Lesson Study, Others, 2
  5. Global Studies Education, Others, 1
  6. 2018, Global Studies Education, Others, 3
  7. 2020, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Editor, Associate Editor, 8